Can pregnant women swim and sunbathe? Rest rules for expectant mothers

“My husband and I want to go on vacation to the sea, but I’m worried. The fact is that I am pregnant, and I read that women in my position are not recommended to swim and sunbathe. Is it so? And where should I relax this summer? Tamara, 28 years old

There is still a stereotype that says that expectant mothers should take care of themselves and avoid sunbathing and swimming. But it should be remembered that pregnancy is not a disease, and women during this period should do everything that will be useful for themselves and for the baby.

The first rule is moderation!

Nature is a faithful assistant for those who care about their health. The most important thing is to remember that any medicine is useful only when the dosage is observed. So, one tablet will be your assistant, but if you take the entire package at once, the consequences can be unpredictable.

The same can be said about relaxing in the summer sun and swimming. Even if you are not pregnant, you should not spend the whole day under the scorching rays. And expectant mothers should treat their rest regime with even greater attention.

However, there is nothing complicated about it. And by following the rules mentioned in this article, you can have a pleasant and productive holiday.

Tanning is not the enemy of pregnant women

Sunbathing is an excellent way to strengthen the body. Heliotherapy (that is, sun treatment) is the key to a good mood, which is important for the expectant mother and her baby.

But the sun's rays also have other benefits. For example, they help speed up metabolism, increase immunity, and improve the functioning of internal organs and glands.

Sunbathing also increases the production of vitamin D3. It is he who is responsible for the body’s absorption of calcium, which is necessary for pregnant women. Some of the most common problems that expectant mothers face are hair loss, splitting nails and, of course, dental problems.

It is for this reason that the doctor prescribes calcium-containing medications for pregnant women, and sunbathing will be an excellent help in taking them. And that’s not all: vitamin D3 is the key to ensuring that the child does not develop rickets, and that the bones of his skeleton are formed properly. Therefore, go out into the sun!


Unfortunately, not all women have good health during pregnancy. Depending on medical indicators, the expectant mother may be recommended certain rules and restrictions on life activity, which in some cases include a ban on visiting the steam room. If even one of the contraindications is present, going to the bathhouse can lead to a pathological outcome of pregnancy. These include:

  • the presence of severe toxicosis;
  • threat of spontaneous miscarriage (blood discharge, nagging pain in the lower abdomen, uterine hypertonicity);
  • high blood pressure;
  • the presence of inflammatory diseases with increased body temperature;
  • oncological diseases;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • bronchial asthma.

Before undergoing bath procedures, a pregnant woman should consult with her doctor.

How to sunbathe correctly and profitably during pregnancy

The body of a pregnant woman is exposed to sunlight much more than during other periods. The fact is that hormonal levels change, and this factor enhances the formation of melanin, the pigment that gives the skin a beautiful tan. Instead, the expectant mother may develop pigment spots on open areas of the skin.

However, this is by no means the most terrible consequence of prolonged exposure to the sun. Much worse is overheating. The fetus has not yet developed the mechanisms of thermoregulation, and therefore the mother’s passion for sunbathing can cause problems in the functioning of the nervous system and brain of the unborn child. To prevent this from happening, you must follow a number of recommendations.

Tanning rules for pregnant women

  • Forget the solarium. Your friend is the sun.
  • Direct sunlight is dangerous for pregnant women. On the beach it is better to hide under an umbrella; in nature, sit in the shade of trees. Don't worry about tanning: to get a beautiful chocolate skin tone, you don't have to fry in the sun.
  • The best time for sunbathing is in the morning, before 11 o'clock, and in the evening, after 15 o'clock. During the day, when the sun is most active, it is better to stay indoors.
  • If the temperature rises above 30 degrees, it is recommended to avoid going to the beach. On such days, sunbathing can be taken during leisurely walks.
  • On the beach, sit on a sun lounger: the pebbles and sand warm up to 60 degrees and above, which threatens overheating. In addition, a lounge chair allows you to keep your head elevated, which is beneficial.
  • Choose the right clothes: they should be spacious and breathable. Don’t forget about a hat (a wide-brimmed hat is best, because you need to hide your face from the rays and avoid age spots) and sunglasses, and chapstick will save your lips from drying out. And, of course, don't go out in the sun without applying sunscreen.
  • Drink plenty - at least 2-3 liters per day. Make sure you always have water with you (not sweet and carbonated drinks, but plain water). This way you will avoid dehydration.

We all want to be beautiful, but expectant mothers should not forget: sunbathing for them is not a means to achieve a chocolate skin tone, but a procedure useful for an unborn child. This means you need to sunbathe correctly and not for too long.

Sauna: possible or not

Is it possible for pregnant women to go to the bathhouse, or should ladies who are expecting a baby refrain from similar procedures for now? Experts recommend that pregnant women be as careful as possible, avoid increased exercise and going to the gym, and eliminate any harmful influences and stressful situations. In this case, bath procedures act as a stress factor, because high-temperature conditions are typical for a sauna. Overheating during pregnancy is fraught with dire consequences, so there are some restrictions for such activities.

Each case is individual, one mother can safely go to the steam room, but for another, for various reasons, these procedures may be contraindicated. Before such an event, it is recommended to consult a doctor for advice. Only an obstetrician-gynecologist who monitors the course of pregnancy will be able to accurately determine whether it is possible to go to the sauna. If the patient has any difficulties with pregnancy, it is better to cancel visits to bathhouses and not go to the steam room.

Pregnant women and water: can you swim?

Swimming is a great sport. It trains all types of muscles (including abdominal muscles, which will help during childbirth) and breathing, relieves fatigue and swelling. In the water, the expectant mother will again be able to feel lightness throughout her body.

But don’t rush into the first body of water you come across. First make sure it is clean. Experts do not recommend swimming in stagnant water, that is, in ponds and lakes. The immune system of expectant mothers is weakened, and therefore various infections caused by microorganisms from these bodies of water are most destructive for pregnant women. But visiting the pool will be completely safe.

You should not swim if the water temperature does not exceed 20 degrees. Hypothermia is no less dangerous than overheating.

You should not swim for a long time. As soon as you feel the first signs of fatigue, go ashore and take a break. Try not to swim far, because the likelihood of cramps during pregnancy increases significantly.

Warm up before entering the water. Rub your feet and calves, straighten and bend your legs, stand on your toes. This way you will avoid cramps.

It is useful not only to swim, but also to do simple physical exercises in the water: turns, bends, raising and lowering your arms and legs. But you should forget about diving and diving for a while.

And most importantly: ultraviolet rays affect you even in water. Therefore, add up the time spent on the beach and the time you spend swimming, so as not to stay in the sun for too long.

Is it possible to take a contrast shower?

Contrast showers are contraindicated for pregnant women in the first trimester.
This can cause bleeding and even miscarriage. In the middle of the term, taking such a shower is allowed. You need to start small. The water should be warm to moderately cool. Over the course of several sessions, the temperature can be reduced by a couple of degrees, but under no circumstances should it become icy.

A huge plus of a contrast shower is that it serves as a prevention of stretch marks and cellulite, so it is better to direct the stream to problem areas: thighs, buttocks or stomach.

Main advantages:

  • preparing the skin for stress;
  • improves skin elasticity;
  • hardening method;
  • eliminate swelling;
  • has a positive effect on blood vessels;
  • relieves stress.

Only healthy women with a normal pregnancy can take a contrast shower.

The procedure is contraindicated for women in labor:

  1. During pregnancy with complications.
  2. Feeling unwell.
  3. Having unstable blood pressure.
  4. For uterine tone and other problems.

Sea, sea... Is it possible for pregnant women to go there?

Not only is it possible, but it is necessary! Sea water contains a lot of microelements and salts that strengthen and tone the body.

What should you pay attention to during a boat trip?

  • Abrupt climate change is your enemy. It is best to choose places with a mild maritime climate. In Russia, a great option could be a vacation in the Kaliningrad region on the Baltic Sea or on the Black Sea at the beginning or at the end of the holiday season.
  • You should not relax on popular crowded beaches. The weakened immunity of pregnant women requires privacy, not crowds.
  • Often the seabed is rocky, and even more dangerous are corals that can cut your feet. Take special rubber slippers with you that will protect your feet from wounds.
  • It is also necessary to protect yourself from possible genital infections. Gels and creams for intimate hygiene will help you with this.

The sea is good not only for the body, but also for the soul (or, if you like, the psyche). Contemplating the surf calms you down and sets you up for positive thoughts - what else does a pregnant woman need?..

Doctor's recommendations

Visiting such establishments during pregnancy should be done with caution, which obstetrician-gynecologists warn all mothers about. The sauna helps to train the respiratory and cardiovascular structures, which are subject to serious stress during pregnancy. Such training helps prevent varicose veins and headaches, toxic and gestational conditions. Competent visits to bathing establishments help protect the body from the development of colds, as they strengthen the immune status.

It is believed that if the patient regularly attended such events during pregnancy, then delivery will be easier for her, because the steam room helps to increase the elasticity of the muscular-ligamentous apparatus and skin. But one should not forget about the probable danger of such procedures, especially in the early gestational stages and shortly before delivery.

Baths and saunas will help strengthen and heal the body, strengthen the immune defense and make pregnancy easier. If you follow medical recommendations and exclude contraindications, then such events will be extremely useful for mothers. The main thing is to be as careful as possible before 12 weeks and after 34 weeks, then the bath will not harm.

Every pregnancy is individual

And finally, we’ll tell you where to start. More precisely, what you need to do first when planning a vacation. Of course, we are talking about going to the doctor.

Only a specialist, having weighed all the pros and cons, will tell you whether you can sunbathe and swim, whether you should go to the sea, and if so, what type of transport.

SMC Best Clinic doctors will responsibly give recommendations on how a pregnant woman should structure her vacation. Follow their advice, follow the rules of staying in the sun and in the water, and then your summer holiday will become not only enjoyable, but also useful and safe.

Is it possible to steam?

You can steam, but it is not advisable. It all depends on the general condition of the expectant mother.

Steaming is prohibited until twelve weeks of pregnancy!

Such procedures cannot be carried out in case of difficult pregnancy, varicose veins and other health problems. You need to listen to your body; if something interferes or causes even slight discomfort, then you should refuse to visit the steam room.

With the consent of the doctor, you can take a steam bath for bath procedures and if the mother in labor is feeling stable, but you must not forget about the recommendations:

  1. The temperature should not be higher than 70 degrees.
  2. Residence time is two to three minutes.
  3. You cannot take contrasting procedures, for example, from a steam room to an ice pool, etc. Cooling in the waiting room is acceptable.
  4. When drinking herbal teas, you need to carefully study the composition. Some herbs are prohibited during pregnancy.
  5. Be sure to be with someone else. Pregnant women are sometimes clumsy due to their shifted center of gravity.
  6. You need to steam in moderation, not too much.
  7. A first aid kit with first aid supplies should always be ready.

If a pregnant woman feels unwell while visiting the steam room, she should immediately stop the procedure, leave the bathhouse or sauna and get help.

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