Impregnation for the inside of a bath: features of protection of various surfaces and compositions used

There is a lot of information on our website, it is scattered under certain headings, but sometimes the content overlaps, and then we invite you to follow the link and get acquainted with more voluminous material on a given topic. This article is devoted to the questions of how to paint or treat the inside of a steam room in a bathhouse. Here you will find a brief summary of the matter, and details in the article on interior coatings for baths.

Criterias of choice

For all its advantages, wood is susceptible to moisture. Over time, it dries out, darkens and begins to rot. Mold and microorganisms may appear on it. All this is true for normal external conditions. And in the steam room the conditions are extreme. Even in the dressing room there are no such impacts on the walls and floor. The influence of sudden changes in temperature and humidity in the steam room accelerates the destruction of wood. When exposed to high temperatures, conventional protective coatings can release harmful substances.

In addition, a steam room is not just a room in which a person is located. He remains there naked, his body in contact with wooden surfaces. And on some it even lies. This means that for shelves and benches you need to choose wood protection that will not be unpleasant upon contact.

Most often in the steam room they try to preserve the natural color of the wood, selecting species that look beautiful. But if you want to paint part of the steam room, then you need to take this into account when choosing an impregnation. Not every impregnation is suitable for subsequent painting.

Wood color after different impregnations Source

It is clear that it will not be possible to find the same impregnation for a bathhouse outside and inside. Even different parts of the steam room may require different protective equipment. Wood treatment in a steam room should be carried out with compounds adapted to its conditions. And the choice must be based on the following criteria:

  • Which part of the steam room is the product intended for?
  • Will it be primary impregnation of wood, or re-coating of a previously protected surface?
  • Method of applying a protective substance to a wooden surface - with a brush, roller or spray
  • Are there plans to further paint the impregnated wood?

Precautionary measures

Many products require human protection when working, for this you need to wear gloves and safety glasses, and contact of materials with the skin should be avoided. They must be stored out of the reach of children.

Many products require human protection when working; for this you need to wear gloves and safety glasses.

The article described in detail how you can varnish a bathhouse. Choosing a quality product will ensure a beautiful and reliable coating that will highlight the grain of the wood itself, without harming human health. And the structure itself will last longer.


Perhaps the least requirements are placed on this part of the steam room. It is exposed only to the temperature effects of steam. Water almost never reaches it. Therefore, it can simply be coated with a specialized bath varnish.

The ceiling in the bathhouse must be reliably protected from dampness and temperature Source

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in paints and varnishes.


Unlike the ceiling, all the water that is used in the steam room ends up on the floor. Therefore, the anti-water protection for floor boards must be very good. In addition to antibacterial and anti-water impregnation, it is advisable to cover the floor with a protective layer of varnish. But not every varnish is suitable for the floor. The protective layer should not be slippery. This is a must to protect the floor. Of course, the soles of your feet should not stick to the floor. Do not think that repeatedly coating the floor with varnish increases its safety. The thick layer of varnish cracks and water reaches the wood. In addition, the wood cannot “breathe” through such a coating and will still deteriorate.

When building a bathhouse, do not forget about impregnating the logs on which the floor boards are laid. This, of course, is not the inside of the bathhouse, and there are no special protection requirements for them. But if water gets to them, then sooner or later the floor inside the bathhouse itself will suffer, no matter how well it is protected.


Most of the impregnation for the bathhouse inside is spent on protecting the lining, which is usually used to line the walls. Therefore, you should not use impregnations and varnishes that, when heated, can release strong-smelling substances. And do not cover it with a protective layer that does not allow the wood to “breathe.”

Improper use of protective compounds can lead to the regular appearance of condensation on the walls of the bath Source

Shelves and benches

The shelves are the main part of the entire steam room, for which it is, in fact, built. Lying on it should be comfortable, pleasant and safe for health. Wood is a poor heat conductor, so even at high temperatures you won’t get burned by it. It’s another matter if it is covered with a protective film, which can cause a burn if touched. Therefore, it is not recommended to use paints or varnishes for it. It is better to apply a special impregnation for the bath. Often such impregnations are wax-based.

The requirements for the safety and convenience of the surface of shelves and benches are so high that there are bathhouse lovers who believe that wood should be natural for them and not covered with anything at all. But this is still suitable for small bathhouses, where simple shelves can be replaced. And when real furniture masterpieces are built, it is better to find a high-quality composition and ensure their durability.

It’s not enough to create beauty – you also need to protect it Source

Safety regulations

Despite the fact that it would seem that there may be threats with the usual coating of a surface with varnish, they still exist.

Let's study the basic rules that need to be followed:

  • Protect the skin of your hands and face - such substances contain many chemical elements. When spraying varnish, a lot of toxic substances are released into the room. In case of contact with human skin, there is a risk of burns.
  • Use a respirator - toxic substances can enter the respiratory tract, which can also cause irreversible harm to a person.
  • Wear glasses - if chemical residues get on the mucous membrane of your eyes, they can cause a burn.

If paint and varnish material does end up somewhere, follow the following instructions:

  • Rinse the splashed area. If you find deep damage, immediately seek medical help from specialists.
  • If you inhale a toxic substance, you must immediately leave the room for fresh air and try to cough. Be sure to rinse your nose. If you start to feel unwell or experience pain in the lungs, dizziness and lack of oxygen, immediately call an ambulance and seek help from specialists.

Protective compounds and their properties

For the sake of order, it is necessary to mention such a remedy as drying oil, which used to cover all the insides in the bathhouse. It is still used today, but it should not be used in a steam room. It will be cheap, but cheerful. In terms of protective properties, this is yesterday, and the smell from it when heated well is not pleasant.

Water-dispersed impregnations

They are made on a water basis, so they penetrate deeply into the wood structure. They are resistant to high temperatures, do not contain active chemical components and do not emit any harmful compounds when heated. Modern water impregnations contain antibacterial components. Available both colorless and with added dyes.

The disadvantage is their fragility. Over time, under the influence of water, they are washed out of the wood, so the impregnation must be renewed every two years.

Oil impregnations and varnishes

They impregnate and protect wood well from moisture, forming a film. But their inherent smell is a significant drawback. Therefore, they must be used with caution in the steam room. They are quite suitable for external impregnation and for protecting wood in the dressing room.

The varnish preserves the appearance of the wood, giving it a mysterious shine Source

Acrylic based varnishes

Acrylic varnish for baths inside is considered safe. A modern product made from polyacrylates and organic solvents. Environmentally friendly and more durable than conventional water-dispersed products. Acrylic varnishes produced for baths and saunas necessarily contain antifungal components.

Water-based polyurethane varnish

Combines the advantages of water-dispersed and alkyd varnishes. It appeared on the market relatively recently, so it should be treated with caution, as with any new product. And its price is quite high.

Wax-based impregnations

Wax, like drying oil, has long been used to protect and add shine to wooden surfaces. Nowadays purely wax impregnations are almost never used. It is common practice to add wax to protective products based on other components.

In addition to protective products, special detergents are also produced for cleaning and bleaching wood. They are used both before applying protection and for washing dirty and darkened surfaces.

Mode of application

"Neomid" is a ready-made composition that does not require dilution. It must be mixed well before use. Apply the varnish evenly to a clean and dry wood surface using a brush, roller or spray gun in 2 or 3 layers. Work with the drug can be carried out at an air temperature of at least +5 °C. After finishing painting, the instruments must be immediately washed with water. After applying the first layer, it is recommended to sand the surface and clean it of any dust that has formed, which will improve its appearance.

The drying period for the varnish to touch is one hour (at an air temperature of +20 ° C and a relative humidity of 65%). The second layer can be applied no earlier than after 3 hours. The surface is ready for use after 3 days.

The average consumption of this product when applied in a single layer is approximately one liter per 7-10 square meters. m (depending on the surface being treated).

Protective products for baths from different manufacturers

When processing wood inside a steam room, you should not experiment too much. You need to choose varnishes and impregnations made specifically for baths and saunas. Those who produce such products take into account the conditions and requirements for such premises.

The Finnish company Tikkurila is considered the leader of such products.

  • Supi Saunasuoja – water-based impregnation with acrylic. Suitable for temperatures above 100 °C. A universal product for internal protection of steam rooms. Available in both a colorless version and a form suitable for tinting.

Impregnation Supi Saunasuoja Source

  • Supi Laudesuoja – oil impregnation suitable for covering shelves
  • Supi Saunavaha is a wax-based varnish. It is also considered universal and suitable for any bath surfaces.

Imported compounds have one drawback - the price. Domestic manufacturers provide cheaper products. Here are some designed specifically for bath conditions:

  • Senezh sauna is an acrylate-based antiseptic to protect wood in saunas. Contains antimicrobial agents but is odorless.
  • NEOMID 200 – antiseptic for wooden bath surfaces, including shelves and benches.
  • NEOMID Sauna is a translucent acrylic-based varnish. For protecting and finishing wood in rooms with high humidity.

NEOMID Sauna varnish for baths Source

Why room treatment is so important

What is any steam room made of? That's right, made of wood. This material is not only environmentally friendly and healthy, but also easy to process, does not heat up, does not melt and is not subject to a number of other negative influences. However, wood is far from ideal and also has a number of problems. For example:

  • darkening and loss of appearance;
  • fungal development and mold;
  • the appearance of cracks in wood followed by warping, etc.

All these troubles significantly reduce the service life of steam rooms. Therefore, if you use your sauna regularly and decide to save on high-quality varnish, the need for repairs will arise quite quickly. Just 2-3 years of intensive use will lead to the fact that all the lining in the bathhouse or sauna will have to be laid again. Although if you have the opportunity to do this or you use the room quite rarely, you can do without processing. But it’s better to spend extra money on varnish than to constantly close the steam room for repairs to replace the lining. So, we have figured out the importance of coverings for a bath or sauna, then we’ll talk about what to choose and how to make a choice.

How and with what to treat lining in a steam room - practical tips

Building a bathhouse is a complex process that includes many different tasks. The basis of the bathhouse is a log house, which is additionally lined inside. The lining most often used is lining made from alder, aspen or spruce, which have high strength and resistance to steam and moisture.

However, the natural properties of wood are not always enough. In a bathhouse, wood is exposed to moisture and hot steam, which leads to deformation of the skin. To avoid damage to the wood, it is necessary to additionally treat its surface. In this article we will tell you how to treat the lining inside a bathhouse so as not to change it every year.

How to do it yourself

You can make the impregnation for the bath yourself. To do this you will need the following ingredients:

  • 800 ml natural flaxseed oil;
  • 50 ml turpentine;
  • 150 ml natural beeswax.

The oil is poured into an enamel bowl and boiled. This is necessary in order to evaporate excess water from it, which most often remains after spinning. It is necessary to boil for at least 15 - 20 minutes.

After this, wax is introduced into the oil and gently stirred until completely dissolved. When the mixture has cooled slightly, turpentine is added to it. It is also stirred until completely dissolved.

The wax must be finely chopped before adding to the oil. Otherwise, it may not completely dissolve.

You can add additional components to the mixture that will give it a pleasant smell and prevent the appearance of bacteria and mold. The most common option is pine resin. It smells good and is an excellent antiseptic. Also, oleoresin is easy to dissolve in hot oil.

Types of coatings

The wood in the bathhouse is coated with paint to reduce exposure to moisture and high temperature.

The steam room and washing room are subject to the greatest load. However, this load is different.

  1. In a sauna, the air temperature can rise to 110°C. However, the humidity here is low. Paint for such a room must withstand heat, but may be sensitive to water.
  2. In the steam room, the humidity is much higher - from 70 to 100%, depending on the type of bath. The temperature is noticeably lower – it rarely rises above 60°C. The finishing material must be resistant to both water and steam and temperature changes.
  3. In the washing room, the temperature is not higher than a comfortable +30°C, but the humidity here can be high - 90–100%. The paint chosen is as waterproof as possible.

In practice, painting the inside of a bathhouse, especially a log house, is not a good idea. Any paint will be less resistant to the above factors than the wood itself. But if there is no other way to protect the finish, they also resort to painting.

Oil impregnations and varnishes

Effect of oil impregnation against moisture

A bathhouse is a structure used with a certain frequency. The high temperature in the steam room is maintained only during the procedure. Then the room is specially ventilated, cooling to a low temperature.

In this mode, the boards are more likely to dry out and become covered with cracks rather than mold and rot. Therefore, oil impregnations and varnishes are best suited for treating the steam room.

The oil penetrates the top layer of the wood, forming not a film, but a structure impenetrable to water. At the same time, the wood continues to expand normally and decrease in volume as the temperature changes. This way the oil prevents cracks from appearing.

Antiseptics for bath floors

The floor in the bathhouse is covered with antiseptic impregnations against rotting.

It is not enough to paint the steam room or sauna in the bathhouse - you need to take care of protection from rotting. The weak link in this room is the floor. Water flows onto it, steam is deposited, and it comes into contact with a cold concrete base or soil. To prevent the wooden floor in the bathhouse from rotting 5-6 years after construction, it must be treated with antiseptic impregnations.

Liquids based on substances that have a disinfecting effect:

  1. Acrylic-based water-based compositions. Moisture-resistant, prevent the growth of fungus, but are not very effective. More suitable for processing the dressing room.
  2. Organic – based on oils. They are better absorbed by wood and are moisture resistant.
  3. Products based on wax and urethane oils are absorbed to great depth. In addition to the water- and dirt-repellent effect, they give the timber and lining velvety and softness.
  4. Combined compositions increase both water resistance and fire safety.

It is strictly forbidden to use compounds that release toxins when drying to treat wood.

Water-dispersed impregnations

Acrylic paints reduce the harmful effects of moisture on wood

You can paint the logs inside the sauna or steam room with water-soluble paints.

The floor and walls in the steam room are painted with water-dispersed acrylic paint. It is quite resistant to temperature changes and does not prevent the penetration of steam. The hiding power is usually low, but the wood can be given any color. The downside is its low durability, the paint washes out quite quickly.

Paint for a bathhouse in a washroom should be as resistant to water as possible. The best products are latex or polyurethane based. For a dressing room or rest room finished with plaster, you can use any compositions marked “for interior decoration.”

The paint forms a film coating on the surface of the wood. And oil compounds penetrate inside, so in the steam room the walls are treated with impregnations.

Wax-based impregnations

Wax paint does not allow moisture to pass through, so it is well suited for baths and saunas

Wax is offered in liquid - viscous composition, and solid. The latter is somewhat more difficult to apply without the habit, but the treatment is carried out less frequently. The product does not create a sticky film and does not attract dirt.

If you only need to protect surfaces from water and steam, wax is more suitable. It is transparent, does not hide the structure of the wood, has some antioxidant activity, and therefore prevents the darkening of the wood.

Water-based polyurethane varnish

This is a kind of resin solution, where water, ethanol, and ether are used as a solvent. For the bath, choose water-soluble varnishes. They are resistant to high temperatures and to acids, oils and salts.

Polyurethane varnish is wear-resistant. Since it is based on water, the varnish layer does not create increased tension on the surface of the wood, and therefore is not prone to cracking. And since the resins polymerize already during drying, there is no subsequent peeling.

Painting a brick oven

Preparatory stage: If there are minor defects (depressions, bumps, potholes), first plaster and level, and cover the seams with a clay solution. You can learn how to prepare a good clay solution from the corresponding article, which is on the blog...

Plaster is made from clay and crushed asbestos. The resulting mixture is carefully applied to a well-heated stove.

How to paint: The two most popular proven folk methods are lime or chalk. The third method is again heat-resistant paint, which is also used for iron sauna stoves.

Cooking and painting with chalk


  1. Pour the pieces of chalk into a container (bucket, basin), fill with slightly warm water so as to cover the surface and leave for at least one hour;
  2. In another container, mix animal glue with warm water in a ratio of 25:1. Animal glues include gelatin, casein, albumin, and bone.
  3. Mix both solutions and bring to a homogeneous consistency. “To check the quality of the solution, drop it on a piece of glass or mirror placed vertically. If the density is normal, then the droplet will slide down by 2-3 cm.”
  4. Apply two or three layers. Each subsequent one, only after the previous one has dried. “For a more “clean” whiteness, you can add a tablespoon of blue to a bucket of the finished solution. It will remove some of the yellowness.”

Cooking and painting with lime


  1. Solution proportions: 1 kg of lime / 1.5 liters of water at room temperature / 1 tbsp. spoon of drying oil / 25-30 grams of blue / 1 tbsp. spoon of salt. Mix. “The most durable whitewash is made from freshly slaked lime, and salt is added to make the lime coating less dirty.”
  2. Apply in two or three layers. Unlike whitewashing with chalk, each subsequent layer of lime whitewash is applied to the wet previous one. “If the stove in the bathhouse was previously painted with chalk, and you intend to use lime (and vice versa), the surface must be thoroughly cleaned of old paint.”

Requirements for decorative coating

When choosing paint for decorating the interior of a bathhouse, you should take into account that this material must meet the following requirements:

  • protect the wood surface from the effects of aggressive environments that occur in the steam room and dressing room;
  • withstand exposure to high air temperatures;
  • maintain the integrity of wood and extend its service life;
  • provide treated surfaces with an attractive appearance.

Remember that the time during which you can use the bathhouse without major repairs depends on what you paint the inside of the bathhouse with.

In addition, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • the type of wood used;
  • the ability to perform additional coloring;
  • surface condition before treatment.

Special materials should be used for surface treatment

For those craftsmen who have not yet decided how to paint the inside of the bathhouse, it should be noted that most often special varnishes with special properties are used for this purpose:

  1. High coefficient of vapor permeability. This allows you to avoid the appearance of mold, prevents the appearance of fungi and bacteria, and prevents the formation of condensation.
  2. The ability to apply a new layer without cleaning the surface from the previous one.
  3. The presence of pigments that emphasize and highlight the natural texture of the wood with which the steam room and dressing room are decorated.

If you are not satisfied with varnish, acrylic bath paint is an alternative: you can use water-based mixtures inside. Considering the resistance of acrylates to low temperatures, this same type of decorative finish can also be used for facade work (the instructions for use confirm this).

Photo of a steam room whose walls are varnished

The advantages of paint over varnish include a large range of colors and a long service life of the decorative coating.

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