Step-by-step instructions for constructing an asphalt blind area around the house

The construction of a blind area is an important stage in the construction of any building. It is this that protects the foundation from the negative influence of moisture, plant roots, etc.
The blind area is constructed from various materials, including asphalt. It is of artificial origin and consists of organic and mineral substances that are thoroughly mixed and hardened.

Such a blind area will last for many years. How to build a blind area from asphalt, asphalt concrete and asphalt chips around the house with your own hands, read on.

What kind of coating is this?

Asphalt is a durable coating made from an asphalt or asphalt concrete mixture consisting of bitumen and mineral additives (crushed stone, sand, etc.). This material can be of artificial or natural origin .

The first type consists of two components: bitumen and crushed stone, gravel or sand. The second type is mined in natural deposits. It contains a mixture of bitumen, inorganic and organic compounds.

Asphalt is often called asphalt concrete - it is a monolithic road surface obtained by compacting and laying a special asphalt concrete mixture.

It's simple - Blind area made of paving slabs, asphalt and others || STROIM-GRAMOTNO.RU

For anyone, one of the main enemies is water: it is considered maximum on structures of wood, concrete, even stone. Therefore, at the stages of construction, waterproofing, water systems from the roof, and the foundation is important. To protect the outer part from rain flood flows, use different blind areas around

The choice depends :

  • type
  • ground heights
  • financial capabilities;
  • use the blind area as a surrounding walking path.

blind area around

To drain water from or the base, use the most types of structures. can be classified on different grounds. So, the blind area can be:

  1. Simple complex design Complex ones have three layers, deepening and are part of the sewerage system of the building area around
  2. With artificial, all rolled, and waterproofing or without. In some cases, with practically soil, both one of the layers can be equipped.
  3. With (hard blind area) absence of (soft) layer . the insulation is reliable and at the same time financial and costly.
  4. With types of exterior finishing . number of options: tiles, concrete asphalt, porcelain tiles, stone and so on.
  5. Hidden open . it is necessary that there is at the same time a path around it, it must be completely hidden by a layer of turf, its presence

When choosing the type of blind area at home, you need not only the aspect of the issue, but also reliability and aesthetics.

Of all types, concrete ones are considered the most justified, repairable and durable. At the same time, making the design very

You will have to go through the following steps :

  1. a trench 30 centimeters deep. The width is chosen so that water flows into the ground and enters the system, which is in the blind area. provide a slope of less than 5° in the direction from for drainage
  2. We line the bottom with geotextile film, bulk materials go into
  3. The bottom must be sprinkled with gravel or a medium module with a layer thickness of 3–5 cm.
  4. You should put a 7-10 centimeter layer of wet sand and compact it thoroughly.
  5. there is a layer that should not only but also cover part of the building.
  6. The walls of the pit are supported - created for the future from concrete.
  7. wall of the building material for expansion joints is about 2.5 You can use boards or vinyl based. Not about the deformation between the house and the blind area.
  8. We make a screed, you can use a horizontal screed. Near the house, the screed should be higher than the edges, approximately 10 centimeters, to create a slope for the water flow.
  9. Waterproof the resulting seams on the surface.

This type of work around the house is the most labor-intensive and requires certain skills.

For pouring around the house, use grades M250–400 with frost resistance and the proportion of concrete grade M300 cement grade is mixed with dry cement and crushed stone of the following proportion. Next, add to make 40 liters for pouring

What to cover

The outer layer can be made in any way.

You can divide the materials for the following :

  • low crushed stone, sand, and so on
  • medium: asphalt, bare concrete with a waterproofing layer;
  • tiles, porcelain stoneware, stone.

In fact, an asphalt blind area is no different from a concrete one, except that it is so durable and somewhat cheaper. for these two it's rarely complicated. She is one of the following :

  • sandy clay substrate, poured into the trench (made with a slope away from
  • curb stones to the outer perimeter
  • compacted crushed stone brick, gravel, etc.);
  • (don't forget the expansion joints).

Carrying out waterproofing can be considered one of the most types of blind areas of the house as complete.

blind area

A blind area in which the materials and subsurface are not filled in is filled up is called a blind area. The outside can be made of stone, crushed stone, and other materials. If it is done shallowly, most often it happens), then take into account several :

  • carefully choose a waterproofing material - it will be strong and durable;
  • do not place the edge on the foundation
  • take into account that similar species around the house are made from scrap materials, so that they are washed away into layers, there is good geotextile;
  • layers need to be compacted.

If all these problems arise, water drainage will arise.

Tiles for the blind area of ​​the house

Paving slabs are excellent as a decorative blind area. You can lay a concrete base, which is optimal, or a soft blind area.

in the second case, the tile blind area will be one of the following

  • sand;
  • waterproofing;
  • or gravel;
  • one sandy
  • tile adhesive;
  • tile.

When finished, the seams must be sanded down to allow water to penetrate the lower layers.

Owners often decide the type of blind area for their home based on economic opportunities. for an inexpensive country house, soft is suitable for an elite one - solid

It is important not to make a good slope (do not overdo it, do not slide on this path in winter), and also include it in the general drainage system.

Types of material

Asphalt is ,
etc. It is classified according to various criteria, for example, depending on the composition (class 1-3), on the amount of crushed stone and sand (A-D), as well as on the grain size (fine-grained 5-15 mm, medium-grained 25 mm and coarse-grained - 40 mm ).

There are also hot and cold asphalt. The first is used for repairs and does not require special tools and vehicles. The second one requires special equipment and is used for the construction of new roads.

Asphalt can be natural or artificial. One of the latest varieties is asphalt concrete, which has the highest strength characteristics. During the production process, this material is carefully compacted, which significantly increases its quality characteristics.

Another type of asphalt is asphalt crumb . This is a secondary material that is obtained by recycling old road surfaces. Depending on the source material, asphalt crumbs vary in quality depending on the content of bitumen, sand, gravel, etc.

If asphalt concrete is used for the construction of highways, take-off sites, etc., then crumbs are used for surfaces with a low degree of load.

Laying asphalt mixture

It is most convenient to order ready-made asphalt mixture. Making it yourself is difficult and expensive. It is cheaper to buy from a company that specializes in the production of asphalt mixtures. It will meet all standards. There are two types of asphalt: coarse and fine grain. Coarse-grained grades are KZ-7 (ideal for paths) and KZ-10 (for driveways). Fine asphalt is poured on top of the coarse fraction. This way the coating will look perfect. Dirt will not settle in it. The asphalt mixture is delivered hot. When laying it, the temperature must be at least 105 degrees Celsius. If the asphalt is colder, then you need to spend more time compacting or rolling it.

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Therefore, start laying asphalt immediately after it is delivered. If the paths are narrow, throw with a shovel. And immediately compact them with a vibrating foot. If the area is large, order an asphalt paver and an asphalt roller. The roller must move smoothly and steadily across all paving strips. If the surface is inclined, then the roller moves only from bottom to top!

Don't forget these important tips:

  • First, coarse asphalt is laid. Compact. Then – fine-grained. In fine-grained asphalt mixtures, a vibrating screed can be used. If you need little asphalt - only for paths, then take completely fine-grained asphalt. It will be denser.
  • The vibrating leg, the vibrating plate, the vibrating screed and the roller - all working surfaces should be moistened with water. Otherwise, the asphalt will quickly stick and work will stall.
  • Do not leave joining seams unrolled. They occur when passing a roller and with a large vibrating plate. Immediately tamp the seams at the junction of the strips so that they do not have time to harden.
  • 1 ton of asphalt will cover 10 square meters of area well. The layer will be 10 cm thick.
  • Lay asphalt yourself in good weather. Not in frost or rain. Dry and sunny weather is best.

By following these simple technologies, you can install excellent asphalt at home. There is no need to hire contractors - you can do it yourself. Your asphalt will last a long time and look well-maintained and durable.

What functions does the structure perform?

Asphalt is a hard coating that reliably protects a building from moisture. Compared to pure concrete, this type of material does not require additional processing, which significantly saves money and time.

In addition, asphalt has a number of advantages:

  • creating a strong and durable coating;
  • simple and easy installation;
  • availability of materials;
  • ease of care;
  • possibility of reuse.

Unlike concrete pavement, asphalt pavement can be used immediately after installation.

How to make an asphalt concrete blind area with your own hands

After all the calculations and preparations have been made, you can proceed to creating an asphalt blind area. To do this you have to go through the following steps:

  1. First, the ground near the wall is leveled so that a level trench can be made for waterproofing.
  2. Markings are applied to the ground with pegs and ropes.
  3. Afterwards, a trench is dug to the calculated depth, taking into account waterproofing.
  4. The bottom is compacted to be level.
  5. A layer of clay or sand is placed at the bottom, carefully compacted and leveled.
  6. Hatches are installed to drain liquid, which can simply be pipes cut in half lengthwise.
  7. A curb is installed that will separate the structure from the area and create a threshold that will be created after laying the asphalt.
  8. A seam is made that should separate the wall of the house and the blind area. It can be made from roofing felt, the main thing is to attach it tightly to the wall.
  9. A new layer of sand is poured and compacted. Next you need to add a layer of crushed stone, it also needs to be compacted. It is at this moment, when laying these two waterproofing layers, that a slope is made.
  10. All that remains is to lay and level the asphalt, respecting the slope and boundaries outlined by the wall and curb.

This instruction is relevant for all blind areas made of asphalt and materials similar to it in composition and properties.

So, if an asphalt concrete blind area is required, the described technology will only need to be slightly modified to suit the characteristics of the material. More on this below.

Material requirements

The main function of the blind area is to protect the building from destruction. Therefore, the installation of any material must comply with building codes:

  1. Material homogeneity - this indicator indicates the size of the constituent particles of asphalt. The smaller they are, the higher the strength of the product and the easier the installation process.

  2. Separability - the presence of this property indicates the ability of the mixture to maintain the homogeneity of the particles during loading, shipment, transportation and stacking.
  3. Mobility means that the material can be easily laid using special equipment.
  4. Formation is the ability of a mixture, when compacted, to transform into a monolithic layer of the required thickness.

Asphalt endowed with the above characteristics is of the highest quality. Installation of the structure requires minimal energy and financial expenditure.

Let's sum it up

The blind area is a very important structure that will increase the service life of the building several times. If you do not have enough experience or knowledge to carry out all the work yourself, then in this case it is better to seek help from specialists who will do everything quickly and efficiently. You can also read about what types of blind areas exist in this article.

The blind area protects the foundation and base of the building from the negative effects of moisture. This design is made in the form of a path around the entire perimeter of the house with a thickness of 80 to 120 cm, which is closely adjacent to the foundation outside the structure. A properly made blind area will provide the residents of the house with comfort and coziness. In addition to its main functions, the structure will serve as an additional design element and act as a pedestrian path along the building.

Creation Rules

The asphalt blind area is laid along the entire perimeter of the building and consists of two layers:

  1. The underlying is the basis for further coating, which also performs a waterproofing function. For this, crushed stone, clay or sand are used. The thickness of the underlying layer should be no more than 20 cm.
  2. Covering material is a material for covering a blind area, which is selected based on the asphalt requirements described above.

The asphalt is laid on a bed of sand and crushed stone or a mixture of them, the total thickness of which must be at least 15 cm. After which you can begin installing the asphalt covering, 3 cm thick.

What does the blind area consist of?

Structurally, the blind area has two layers:

  • coating;
  • underlay pillow.

The coating is located on the surface, accepts loads, serves for drainage, and reduces water pressure on the waterproofing of the foundation.

Layer Layout

Responsible for the decorative appearance. The underlying layer provides slope, waterproofing, and drainage of groundwater. The layer protects the structure from plants, preventing them from sprouting. For aesthetics and increased strength, a border is installed along the edge. Sometimes, instead of a border, trays are laid out to drain water.

Installation technology

The durability of the structure depends on the correct installation, therefore, if you have no or insufficient skills, it is better to contact specialists.

Installation process:

  1. Install bayonets at the required distance from the foundation of the building and stretch a rope between them.
    After this, you can start digging a trench, the depth of which depends on the materials used. For example, if the soil is soft, then it can be compacted to the required depth.

  2. A layer of sand or clay is placed at the bottom so that the structure does not go underground. After this, the materials are compacted tightly. If sand is used, it should be wetted to strengthen the layer.
  3. Install hatches for liquid drainage. They are laid in an asphalt concrete base. The absence of hatches can lead to waterlogging of the soil, resulting in the destruction of the blind area and the foundation of the building. At the point where the blind area and the wall come into contact, an expansion joint 2 cm wide should be made. It can be filled with sand, but it is best to place a waterproofing material (roofing felt or bitumen) there.
  4. Installing a curb. This is necessary to separate the structure from part of the yard.
  5. After this, a 15 cm layer of crushed stone or sand is poured, compacted, and asphalt is laid.

When installing a blind area, you must make a slope from the building by 3-5 degrees. This is necessary so that the water does not stagnate, but goes through the hatches to drain the liquid.

The depth of the trench depends on the materials used, usually it is 30 cm. In order for water to fall on the blind area, its width must be 15-20 cm greater than the roof overhang.

From asphalt concrete

The first thing that distinguishes the process of laying asphalt from asphalt concrete is the technique used. In the first case the following applies:

  • bulldozer - with the help of which the soil is prepared for coating and a sand-crushed stone layer is applied;
  • loader – used for lifting and moving heavy loads;
  • grader - used for leveling the soil, as well as clearing the area of ​​bulk materials.

An asphalt paver is used to lay asphalt concrete pavement. The specific type of this technique depends on the volume and complexity of the work. Based on this, the machine can be heavy or light. You will also need a dump truck that delivers the asphalt mixture to the paver.

Asphalt concrete has greater strength and toughness than asphalt . When laying it, the temperature must be maintained at least 130 degrees. If you do not adhere to this rule, the mixture will begin to harden and it will be impossible to level it. Asphalt is laid at a temperature not lower than 100 degrees.

From asphalt crumbs

Asphalt chips are a material formed during the recycling of old asphalt.
To obtain good viscosity, concrete or cement is added to the asphalt crumbs. Asphalt chips are used for arranging paths and other surfaces with minimal load . To improve the strength of the material, laying should be done in two layers, each 10 cm, followed by compaction of each.

Due to the greater compactability of asphalt chips, more material will be required to obtain the required layer thickness.

Before installing a structure made of this material, the underlying soil must be profiled and leveled using a bulldozer. Unlike the general installation technique, it is necessary to lay asphalt chips using shovels, and level and compact them using special equipment.

Construction of the blind area

Construction work is carried out in accordance with SNiP, GOST, and regulatory documents. The construction turns out to be reliable. Non-compliance with standards can reduce the protective properties, increase the consumption of material and funds. Here's what you need to pay attention to during installation:

  • plinth level;
  • dimensions of the blind area;
  • slope;
  • connection to the building structure;
  • moisture removal, foundation protection;
  • using a border.

Calculation of the base level

In some buildings, a basement is constructed, less than half of which is underground. In others, it has a small height in the form of the base of the building, or part of the foundation. The height depends on the material of the blind area. When using gravel or crushed stone, it is recommended to raise the height of the plinth by 30 cm; if the material is asphalt concrete, the plinth is raised to 50 cm.

The laying of the blind area begins immediately after the facing work.

Calculation of the width of the blind area

How wide the blind area will be depends on several factors. For example, if the soil is subsiding, the minimum width will be 1 meter; on hard soils, the figure can be reduced to 60–70 cm. It is necessary to take into account the protrusion of the cornice, the blind area should be wider, at least 20 cm. Water flowing from above will not erode the soil.

Calculation scheme

When using paving or other slabs, the width depends on the size of the lining, so as not to cut. Sometimes it is assumed that the structure will be used as a pedestrian path or roadway - other rules apply.

Coverage length

An asphalt concrete covering is laid around the perimeter of the building, this determines the length of the blind area. It may be interrupted on access roads and entrances where other coverage is provided.

Height (thickness) of the blind area

SNiP does not specify the thickness of the coating. According to various sources, it can be 30-150 mm. When choosing thickness, you need to take into account the load. Some builders recommend a layer of 70 mm; the area raised above the ground should be at least 50 mm.


The next thing you need to pay attention to is the slope of the coating. The greater the slope, the better the moisture drains, however, it is more difficult to move along the surface. The slope is affected by the coating material. For example, for crushed stone and cobblestones a larger slope is needed, approximately 5–10%, for asphalt concrete 3–5% is enough.

Ratio – the ratio of length to height. For example, 3% - 3 cm of rise for each meter of length.

Definition of slope

Expansion gap

Asphalt concrete pavement is a lightweight structure and moves relative to the building over time. If you make a hard clutch, the track will crack. As it moves, it scratches the coating of the base or foundation, destroying it. To avoid this, make a compensation gap of 1–2 cm. Another problem appears - water can penetrate into the gap, and the coating will completely lose its protective properties.

Seam sealing method

The gap is filled with an elastic sealant, extruded polystyrene foam (EPS). You can use several layers of roofing material and pour bitumen.

Some people use sand for filling, however, it can act like sandpaper, scraping away the coating.

Installation of waterproofing, drainage

The blind area covers part of the ground, but moisture coming off it can seep down to the foundation. To completely exclude it, it would be necessary to make a covering about three meters wide. However, this is associated with large material and labor costs. It's easier to divert the water away. Two conditions must be met:

  1. Provide roof drainage to designated areas.
  2. Make drainage from the building.

If you provide the roof with drains, water will not flood the path, and it will be easier to remove the remaining moisture. Storm drainage is supplied to each drain in the form of a surface tray, or pipes are dug in. You can make a tray yourself, for example, cut a pipe lengthwise, lay it out of brick, or buy a ready-made one with a protective grille. If you dig pipes into the ground, you can use drainage pipes. They drain rainwater and collect underground water.


When laying the drainage system, it is necessary to monitor the slope. For pipes with a diameter of 160 mm, the slope must be at least 5%, for a diameter of 110 mm - 10%. The descent should be smooth, without waves. If there is drainage, you need to think about where moisture will accumulate and how to remove it?

Installation of curbs, curbs

Some people line the edges of the asphalt concrete platform with side stones (may be called a curb or curb). It is made to fence a pedestrian path from the roadway or a bicycle path. According to GOST R 52767-2007, the height from the surface is 10 cm.

A trench is dug for the stone so that after filling with crushed stone and sand, it is dug in at least 2/3 of the height. The stone is placed on its edge. On smooth turns, the joining edges are trimmed for a tighter fit. You don't need to do this on 90 degree turns. A gap of 2–3 cm is left between the sidewalk and the side stone, into which the solution is poured.

Laying asphalt concrete

Work begins after erecting the roof and cladding the building. A trench is dug along the perimeter to the width of the future blind area. The depth is 25–30 cm - the bayonet of a shovel. The last layer of soil is chosen carefully so that the bottom remains solid. Clay is poured on top, then sand and crushed stone. Each layer is carefully compacted until movement stops. The sand is watered. The total height of the pillow is 20 cm. The top layer is immediately made at the desired slope. Laying asphalt:

If a curb stone is used, it is dug in immediately, aligned with the cord. In its absence, formwork is made. A cord is pulled along the wall to mark the height of the inner edge of the blind area. The outer edge is measured with formwork. The asphalt concrete mixture is poured, leveled, and compacted. Compaction is carried out until no traces remain from the tool.

Base insulation

If, when laying the foundation, the depth was slightly less than required, the situation can be corrected by placing insulation under the blind area. You can use polystyrene foam. However, this is not a panacea. 10 cm of insulation can reduce freezing by 30–40 cm; if soil freezing is greater than this value, there will be little benefit. A properly made blind area will provide good protection to the foundation. Some tips:

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Common Mistakes

The main errors due to which the blind area does not perform its functions include:

  1. A lack of components in the asphalt mixture or an excess of water leads to the appearance of cracks in the structure and its rapid destruction.
  2. The use of lower density soil when backfilling, loam instead of clay and sand instead of sandy loam - this leads to the fact that even after compacting the layers, water still seeps and is absorbed into the soil, due to which it increases in size, and the asphalt structure is destroyed.
  3. Laying asphalt concrete directly on leveled ground, without cushion or expansion joints. This will lead to the fact that after some time the structure will become unusable, and the foundation will begin to quickly collapse under the influence of heaving soil.
  4. The absence of gutters will cause water dripping from the roof to begin to soak into the soil. Its excess will lead to the destruction of the blind area.

It is very important to follow all the rules for constructing a structure, while paying special attention to the quality of building materials. You shouldn’t skimp on them so that you don’t have to spend even more money to correct errors.

Types of blind areas around the perimeter of the house

In order to remove moisture from the base and foundation of the building, various types of blind areas are made. Such structures can be classified as follows:

  • By design;
  • According to the waterproofing layer;
  • By the presence of a concrete layer;
  • For external decoration;
  • By hidden or open type.

Now let's look at it in more detail. There are two types of structures around the house. The complex design of the blind area consists of more than three layers. At the same time, having a large size and a well-thought-out storm drainage system.

Some blind areas are additionally insulated with a waterproofing layer using artificial or rolled materials. For external finishing there are asphalt concrete blind areas, clay, tiled, etc.

Some structures around the house have a concrete layer to drain water and are called hard, and without such a layer they are called soft. Concrete insulation allows you to preserve the blind area for a long time, but requires additional money and time. It is not at all necessary that the blind area serve as a pedestrian path around the building; it can be hidden under the grass, but the fact that it must be there is a fact.

Advantages and disadvantages of application

Asphalt is a hard surface that does not allow water to pass through and therefore does not require additional treatment.

In addition, the material has other advantages:

  • high strength;
  • flat surface of the blind area without joints;
  • ease of installation and subsequent maintenance;
  • availability of materials;
  • can be reused.

Unlike concrete, asphalt pavement can be used for its intended purpose immediately after compaction. The main disadvantage of the material is the release of harmful substances under the influence of sunlight, as well as the need for special equipment during the installation of the structure.

Typical mistakes when laying a blind area

In order for the blind area to last for a long time, you need to try to avoid common mistakes. The main pitfalls when laying waterproof areas are listed below.

  1. Smooth surface. Water will constantly accumulate on such a blind area. If the material is laid with a slope towards the house, weather precipitation will begin to accumulate near the wall and moisten the ground floor and foundation.
  2. Do the work last. The absence of a waterproof section will allow water falling from the roof to be absorbed in the backfill areas and gradually destroy the foundation.
  3. No drainage. If you do not install a special tray, water will begin to drain from the surface layer and moisten the ground near the edges of the blind area, which is extremely undesirable.
  4. Insufficient compaction. When the underlying layer is poorly compacted, it will quickly sag, which will lead to deformation of the upper material.
  5. The location is incorrect. The roof overhang should not exceed the width of the blind area. Water must flow onto the asphalt or concrete surface and not fall on the soil, so as not to wash away the waterproof area.

Another mistake is to ignore the preparation of deformation grooves. The work on arranging the blind area involves the use of wet compounds and therefore concrete is poured around the perimeter of the house. To avoid the formation of cracks due to various loads, the pouring area is separated by expansion joints.

Cost of materials and 1 m² of installation

The cost of building a blind area depends on many factors; the chosen design and scope of work play a big role here .
The price is also affected by the cost of the materials used, for example, the cost of asphalt per 1 m2 is from 2,500 rubles. and higher, asphalt crumb is slightly cheaper, from 1500 to 1800 rubles per 1 m2.

When arranging a turnkey blind area, the cost of the work includes preparing the area for digging a trench, marking, laying layers of structure, as well as unforeseen expenses (for example, if, due to the characteristics of the blind area or soil, it is impossible to approach it closely).

If you do not have special knowledge and equipment, it is better to hire specialists to install the asphalt blind area . For example, in St. Petersburg, the basic cost of installation of a turnkey structure varies from 1,900 rubles per 1 m2, and also in Moscow, prices are practically the same.

In Yekaterinburg, installation of an asphalt blind area without insulation will cost at least 1,600 rubles per 1 m2, and with insulation – from 2,250 rubles. Asphalting in Krasnodar ranges from 1,420 rubles and above.

In each case, the price for the work is calculated individually . What matters here is the complexity of the project, the volume and location of the object, as well as the need for insulation, waterproofing, etc.

Important and useful information about materials for the construction and finishing of blind areas around the house is presented in this section.

The process of paving sidewalk paths

The technology for laying asphalt for sidewalks and pedestrian paths is no different from asphalting a road surface. Experts use two types of asphalt concrete:

  • Hot asphalt - used to lay a new road surface.
  • Cold asphalt is most often used for repair work.

Work with cold asphalt concrete can be carried out in any weather and at any time of the year. You can purchase cold asphalt at the store and perform pothole repairs yourself.

Asphalt paving work is carried out in several stages. For the best result, the correct sequence of actions must be strictly followed.

  • Site marking;
  • Preparation of the base;
  • Installation of curbs;
  • Creation of a sand-crushed stone cushion;
  • Emulsion treatment;
  • Laying asphalt.
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