Lining calculator: procedure and fundamental principles of calculation

Lining is a universal material, used mainly for interior work. The cost of this building material varies depending on its quality. Before you begin installing the lining, you should make the necessary calculations of its quantity, for which you can use an online calculator, or know how to calculate the lining yourself.

A convenient and simple calculator for calculating the amount of lining:

General parameters of lining, production technology

Several types of wood are used to produce lining; in particular, manufacturers have mastered the production of lining from oak, birch, cedar, and larch.
The following technology is used in production. The log is cut into edged boards, after which the finished boards are sent to the oven, where they are dried. The optimal humidity is determined by the type of wood. After drying, the boards are sent for mechanical processing, where, using specialized machines, grooves and tenons are formed on the surface of the board, with the help of which the boards will be assembled into a single sheet. The lining can be produced in different sizes. By the way, in addition to size, carriage boards can be classified according to the species and type of wood, profile and its dimensions.

Carriage boards are produced in several grades, each of which has its own requirements for surface quality, shape and size. The quality of the product can be determined as follows: on the surface of the highest quality lining there should be no cracks, knots, resin leaks or other surface defects. In addition, the core of the log should not extend into the body of the carriage board.

Why does lining attract consumers?

Lining (car board) is one of the most popular materials used for interior and exterior decoration of premises and buildings. In order to calculate the lining, the calculator can be installed on the websites of companies that supply this material.

First of all, the fact that natural wood is used for its production. Secondly, the use of lining in the lining of rooms gives the room a unique appearance, in addition, the room acquires an atmosphere of comfort and warmth.

Instructions for the calculator

In order to make the calculation, you need to fill out the “Initial Data”.

Type 1

Total length of walls (L) – refers to the length of one or the sum of the lengths of several walls.

Note: to avoid confusion, it is advisable to count the internal and external wall cladding separately, since the length of the boards on one side of the wall is not equal to the length of the boards on the other. For example, if you want to calculate all the external cladding for all walls at once, then L=L1+L2+L3+L4+L5+L6. Therefore Lext > Lint.

Also note how the lengths are specified in the figure. Wall height (H) – when calculating several walls at once, it is assumed that their height is the same

Wall height (H) – when calculating several walls at once, it is assumed that their height is the same.

Area of ​​openings (S) – refers to the sum of all wall openings involved in the calculation. For example, if you are going to calculate one wall of length L1, then S=S1+S2 (in the figure). If you want to know the number of boards on one side along all walls, then S=S1+S2+S3+S4+S5.

Length (A), width (B) and height of the board (F) are the dimensions of the board, where the sheathing area of ​​the board is equal to AxB.

Price for 1 m3 or 1 m2 - depending on how lumber is sold in cubes or square meters. You can specify one of the prices or both at once (for comparison).

Margin % - it often happens that the length of the board is greater than the length of the wall. Therefore, in order for the boards to become the size of the wall, they are sawed. Further, the fate of the cuttings can develop according to two scenarios.

The first scenario assumes that the wall will have no vertical seams and therefore the sawings are thrown away or used elsewhere. In this case, in the “Stock” column, enter the percentage by which you expect the area of ​​the boards to exceed the area of ​​the wall(s).

Let's consider several options for which number you can put:

  • “0%” – if the length of the board coincides with the length of the wall with horizontal cladding and if the length of the board is equal to the height of the wall with vertical installation of boards;
  • “19%” – with wall dimensions HxL = 5x5m and board size AxB = 6000x200mm. Since, if sawings were used, 21 boards would be required, and if not, then 25 boards.
  • “47%” – with wall dimensions HxL = 5x4m and boards of the same size. In the case when the board is nailed horizontally. Since here only 17 boards would be required using saw cuts compared to 25.
  • “67%” - with the same wall height and length L = 3.5 m, 15 boards would be required versus 25.

To summarize, we can say that the difference between the length of the board and the length of the wall with each meter gives +4 boards.

The second scenario is for thrifty people. Here the cuttings are not thrown away, but are used in the cladding (see picture). Therefore, you can put 0 in this column.

Type 2

Here, unlike type 1, only one wall can be calculated. To do this, you need to set all the same parameters as described above.

Type 3

The main difference between this calculation and the previous two is that here two lengths (L1 and L2) and two pediment heights (H1 and H2) are specified.

What else do you need to know about lining boards?

The board, called lining, differs not only in its size, it can be made from different types of wood. Thus, larch perfectly withstands high temperatures and high humidity, which is why lining made from this wood is used in steam rooms and saunas.

Good oak is used for interior cladding of a private house. This material will not rot or lose color over time. Spruce and other coniferous wood can “take root” in dressing rooms and other auxiliary rooms. This material is cheaper, but less resistant to external influences compared to the above options.

Let's look at what types of wood there are.

Types of wood

There are four main types of wood that can influence such an indicator as cost:

  • Category No. 1, “Extra” is the highest class of wood, which does not have knots, cracks or other defects on its surface.
  • Category No. 2, “A” is assigned to wood that may have 1-2 knots per linear meter of board.
  • Category No. 2, “B” assumes that there are dark-colored defects on the wood surface, up to 1 cm in diameter.
  • Category No. 3, “C” is assigned to low-quality wood from which the lining is made, and the price of such material corresponds to the quality.

It is not difficult to calculate the required amount of material. If difficulties arise, a building materials dealer can always come to the rescue

It is important that all calculations are carried out on time, before the transaction is completed. This helps save money and prevent a situation where a lot of scraps remain after repair work.

Of course, there should be a supply of lining, but within reasonable limits. As a rule, experts advise adding 10 to 15% to the calculated value.

Please note that when choosing lining it is important to take into account the functional purpose of the room where finishing work will take place

What units are used to sell lining?

As you can see, the dimensions of the material will take into account the thickness indicator. If the lining is sold individually, then the thickness indicator will not have any meaning, and is also not used when making calculations. But when selling material in certain units of volume, the thickness parameter will have a noticeable impact on the final result when calculating the required number of linings.

Studying types of wood

Each type of wood is represented by several varieties, which are responsible for the attractive appearance of the cladding, its functional characteristics and cost.

There are 4 main types of wood:

When choosing lining, it is very important to take into account the purpose of the room that will be finished with this material. Calculations for calculating the finishing consumption can be done independently, but there is a risk of getting a lot of excess material at the output and wasting money. Therefore, it makes sense to seek help from a specialist when purchasing material.

What to consider before starting installation

If the material and all the required tools have been purchased, you must:

  • place the eurolining in a dry room, where there is no direct sunlight or a sharp drop in temperature;
  • at least two days must pass from storage to the start of work;
  • You should take into account the air humidity (up to 60%) and indoor temperature (from +5 degrees).

Fastening process

If the walls are smooth and without obvious defects, then the eurolining is installed directly on the wall. Otherwise, you will need to install wooden or metal sheathing. Depending on the characteristics of the room, the installation of eurolining can be horizontal or vertical. Today, herringbone styling is in fashion.

Eurolining is fastened using clamps. The advantage of this type of fastening is that the fasteners are not noticeable from the outside. Fasteners for installing eurolining are made of durable galvanized steel. Nails and screws are sold complete with clamps. The first and last panels need to be strengthened especially firmly.

Becoming a home handyman is not that difficult. Eurolining has one undeniable advantage - simple installation. That is why a person with minimal skills can safely take on the job.

Calculation of lining for the attic

For such a room in a house as an attic, you should use a fairly simple and practical formula:

The components of this formula are as follows:

But we should not forget that the attic can be built with additional bulkheads, the parameters of which should also be included in the formula:

S = 2AB + 2b (4A2-b2)/4 + Ph

This formula is practically no different from the previous one, with the exception of two components:

Intermediate approach: adjustment for finishing

It is important to understand here that the actual square footage of the final cladding surfaces will be noticeably smaller than that obtained if the lining is calculated based on the areas from the general plan of load-bearing structures in Scheme 1. The size values ​​will especially decrease if the bathhouse is completely insulated from the inside

But in any case, the steam room will require additional internal lining with a thermal and vapor barrier cake.

Calculate the final dimensions

Let's assume that this is exactly the case - our building already has sufficient thermal efficiency. We only insulate the steam room using an auxiliary layer of thermal insulation 50 mm thick. The result of changing the final dimensions of the premises is indicated in Diagram 2.

Scheme 2

How did these numbers come about? In this case, the calculation of the lining for the bathhouse takes into account the following values:

  • thermal insulation with lathing – 50 mm;
  • cranial block for fastening the lining and creating a ventilated space behind it - 30 mm;
  • facing lamellas - 12.5 mm (one of the popular sizes).

Naturally, the adjustment of dimensions in the washroom and rest room is influenced only by the cranial sheathing and the padded decorative strips. Additionally, the example given is for a horizontally oriented board. If the arrangement of the elements is planned vertically, then the installation of a counter-lattice batten will also be required, the thickness of which should also be taken into account.

Next, we calculate using a simplified method

Using the simplified method already given above, you can calculate the lining according to the adjusted final dimensions and find out that now the area of ​​all ceilings is 19.79 m2 (was 21.6 m2).

To calculate the area of ​​the walls, you must first find the reduction in the height of the premises due to the installation of floor coverings (the lathing frame will be mounted on top of the finished floor), as well as the thickness of the ceiling cladding. How much the floor will rise will depend on its structure included in the detailed design of the bathhouse. You may just need a leveling screed, a tile or plank covering, or a full multi-layer structure with heat and waterproofing materials. Therefore, to make it easier to understand how to calculate the lining, for the sake of clarity of the example, let’s assume that we have already assembled the finished floor. All that remains is to take into account the structures of the ceilings, which we assemble in the steam room, like the walls, with additional insulation, and in the remaining rooms without internal insulation. Then the height in the steam room is 2407.5 mm, and in the washing room and rest room 2557.5 mm.

The perimeter of the steam room walls is now 9.06 m, therefore their area is:

9.06*2.4075=21.81 m2.

The total perimeter of the walls of the washing room and rest room is 21.72 m, area:

21.72*2.5575=55.55 m2.

Quadrature of the surface of all walls of the building:

21.81+55.55=77.36 m2.

Let's summarize the amount of cladding, including ceilings, excluding infill openings and keeping in mind the safety factor:

(77.36+19.79-9)*1.15=101.37 m2.

If we compare with the previous result, which showed the calculation of the lining using a simplified method - 107.065 m2, then their difference is obvious.

What's the best way to calculate?

When finalizing the design of your bathhouse building from the point of view of determining the material consumption of interior decoration, you can rely on a simplified calculation method (by area) or approach the solution of the problem in more depth, and also choose some intermediate approach. The operation of most relevant online services is based on the simplified calculation algorithm, or preliminary quick estimates are made manually. This method gives an understanding of the required approximate budget to bring the building to a residential condition. Calculating the lining by area allows you not to delve into the intricacies of the problem, which will save you time, but purchases based on it will require additional expenditure on the supply of boards for trimming.

If you are used to doing everything thoroughly, then you will have to go deeper into the issue, spending a lot of mental energy in search of the optimal option. With this approach, the material is already selected element by element, taking into account the nuances of its placement, as well as the parameters of the selected specific products. At the installation stage, this will save you from many unpleasant surprises and help you save a significant amount of hard-earned money.

Let's look at how to calculate the lining for a bathhouse using the example of a one-story project 6 * 6 m, assembled from wall materials 200 mm thick (cinder block, aerated concrete, logs, etc.), covered at a height of 2.5 m with a beam structure made of wooden beams.


The correctness and correctness of calculations is significantly influenced by the dimensions of the lining itself. There are many different tables containing the necessary data. But we will present the main parameters that you cannot do without.

According to GOST, the width of wooden lumber is forty-five to one hundred twenty, and the thickness is in the range of thirteen to sixteen millimeters. For these parameters, small deviations are allowed - no more than one millimeter.

The standard does not regulate the length of wooden lining, but this figure ranges from two to six meters, which allows everyone to choose the material according to their needs.

If you decide to cover your house with MDF panels - boards consisting of medium-density shavings and sawdust, decide on the choice of manufacturer.

This is an important point, since each company offers its own standards for these plates.

  • The standard length of MDF from the Polish company Kronospan is 260 centimeters. The width varies from 20 to 15.3, and the thickness from 14 to 7 cm.
  • The German company HDM offers panels with lengths of 130 and 260 centimeters, but their width and thickness are fixed - 19.8 centimeters and 600 millimeters.
  • Domestic supplies the market with goods with the same dimensions: length - 260, width - 23.8 and thickness - 0.7 centimeters.

The most popular size of PVC lining is ten by two hundred and fifty millimeters. At the same time, there is no clear standard for plastic finishing materials; their length ranges from three to six meters, thickness - 5-10 and width 100-250 mm.

Eurolining also does not have a specific standard. So, its length should not be less than 120 and more than 400 centimeters, but a number of manufacturers produce sheathing up to six meters long. The size of the profile width of eurolining ranges from 10 to 12 centimeters, and the length of the tenons reaches eight to nine millimeters.

The latter applies to those who decide to finish with clapboard made of natural wood. After all, the moisture level of lumber allows you to determine how much one cubic meter weighs - this indicator is also called volumetric weight.

So, if the wood moisture content is from ten to eighteen percent, the volumetric weight of beech, hornbeam and oak reaches 700, larch - 600, pine and alder - 500, cedar, linden and spruce - 450 kilograms per cubic meter. At a humidity of 19-23 percent, these figures increase by 50 kilograms; 24-45 percent humidity increases the volumetric weight by the same figure.

If the moisture content is more than 45 percent, the volumetric weight of beech, hornbeam and oak wood is 1000 kilograms per cubic meter. The weight of one cubic meter of larch will be 900, pine, alder, cedar, linden and spruce - 800 kilograms per cubic meter.

We calculate the amount of lining for the balcony

Calculating the material for the lining is practically no different from calculating a standard room, with the exception that the area of ​​the balcony should be divided into separate components, which will greatly simplify the process. For example, a balcony consists of a space under a window facing outside (length - 4 m, height - 1 m), a ceiling (length - 4 m, width - 2 m), a lower part on the side of the balcony door (length - 3.6 m, height - 1 m) and two side walls (length – 2 m, height – 2.5 m). We carry out calculations separately:


Determining the sheathing area

In order to cover a country house with clapboard, you must first calculate the clapboard, calculate how much material you will need for all types of work, how much it will cost and try to save money correctly. Costs can be reduced by making correct calculations.

You also need to be able to save correctly, because ardent savings can lead to poor-quality finishing, and this is no longer the ultimate goal for everyone who decided to create coziness and comfort in their home, and of high quality. This is precisely what wooden lining can provide.

Determining the area of ​​one floor

To make it clearer to you how to correctly calculate building materials, we will give an example. Today it will be a room 3 x 4 meters, we will cover the entire room including the ceiling.

So, our room has a length and width of 3x4, and a height (h-height) of 2.5 meters:

  1. In order to determine the area of ​​the wall, you need to make a very simple calculation - the height must be multiplied by the length, the total we get is 10 (2.5 * 4);
  2. The area of ​​the opposite side will be similar, that is, equal to the first calculation, which means that in total we will get - 20 (10 * 2). The next calculation will concern an already short wall;
  3. To find out the square footage of another (short) wall, you need to multiply the height by the width. We get 7.5 (2.5*3);
  4. We double the result obtained in the previous paragraph, because there are two such walls. Total: 15 (7.5*2);
  5. To determine the surface area of ​​the ceiling, you need to multiply the width by the length = 12 (4*3);
  6. All the data we obtained in previous calculations are added together, resulting in 20+15+12=47. This result will be the area of ​​​​all surfaces of the room that we are going to cover with clapboard;
  7. Since we have two such rooms on the ground floor, the total sheathing area will be 94 square meters. The calculations are very simple, you just need to be careful.

Wooden room

Determining the area of ​​the attic

Calculating the area of ​​the attic is not as simple as the area of ​​the room on the first floor, because the shape of the rooms is different. If an ordinary room is a rectangle or square, then attics have a complex geometric structure, here the process of calculating the material is a little more complicated.

With the second floor premises, the calculations are more complex

In fact, most of those who want to finish the entire attic have no idea how to calculate how much lining is needed to finish the room.

If you are one of these people, do not panic, there are no questions that cannot be answered:

  1. We determine the areas of both gables. To do this correctly, you need to make the following calculation: the length of the base is multiplied by the height, in our case we get: 6*4 = 24;
  2. The area of ​​the side planes must also be calculated. To do this, you need to multiply the length of the slope from the bottom to the ridge by the distance from the first to the second front. But this is not the final result; we must multiply the resulting calculations by two. Total: 4*5*2=40;
  3. Let's sum up all the numbers obtained as a result of previous calculations and get 24+40 = 64 square meters;
  4. Now we add the area of ​​the attic with the area of ​​the rooms on the first floor - this is our final result.

The photo shows wood panels

How to correctly calculate the lining for a bathhouse?

Any construction begins with a plan, diagram or drawing and correct calculations of the required material.
At the stage of preparation for construction, there is no need to rush, because as the famous proverb says, “It is better to measure seven times and cut once.” The situation is the same with the calculation of lining for a bathhouse; it is better to approach this issue wisely, so as not to order several times or overdo it with leftovers. First of all, calculate the surface area that needs to be covered with wooden paneling. To calculate the required number of boards, you need to know the length, width, thickness of the lining, as well as the working width of the board during assembly.

An important indicator is the width of the lining, which you need to pay special attention to; it is calculated without taking into account the ridge, and the total length takes into account the groove and ridge.

Calculation of the required amount of material

Standard lining dimensions are needed in order to correctly calculate the quantity.

How to calculate the amount of lining? First we need to know the size of the cladding material.

According to GOST, the thickness of a standard board should be 1.2-2.5 cm, length - 600 cm, and width up to 15 cm.

Panels up to 1.6 cm thick are used for interior decoration, and panels with a thickness of 1.8 cm are used for exterior work.

Knowing the width and height of the boards, we can also find out their square footage. For example, if their height is 600 cm and width is 9.5 cm, then the total area of ​​the board will be 0.52 square meters.

To find out how many units of material will be needed to cover a room, divide its total area (walls and ceiling) by the area of ​​one board.

When calculating the quantity, it is necessary to remember that during installation the width of each panel will be slightly less than the total width due to the peculiarity of the fastening - the tongue-and-groove system.

You can also contact a consultant at any building materials store for help or calculate using a special calculator on the manufacturer’s website.

It is recommended to take the material with a reserve in case of defects or breakage during installation.

Video - how to calculate the number of PVC panels (you can also calculate):

Today, the building materials market provides a fairly wide range of cladding materials, so its choice should be taken very seriously.

Do not forget about calculating the required units of material, otherwise there may simply not be enough of it or, conversely, there may be too much.

The main properties are determined based on the characteristics of the type of wood from which it is made. As a rule, wood from deciduous and coniferous trees is used to produce lining.

It is worth noting that conifers are not suitable for finishing rooms where high temperatures will be generated (for example, for baths).

The most popular types of wood:

Pine. It has become very popular due to its durability. However, such boards quickly darken if they are not treated, for example, with varnish or stain, and when painted, the color may be distributed unevenly.

Oak. This breed does not rot and has high aesthetic qualities. From a design point of view, it has a very interesting texture. The main disadvantage is its cost.

Ash. The surface of ash boards is brownish-yellow. Processing this breed is a rather labor-intensive process. But when drying, the wood does not crack. In some ways, ash is very similar to the previous material.

Linden. It is perfect for a bath or sauna due to its low thermal conductivity and the absence of resins. This breed is also not cheap, but believe me, it is worth it.

Before purchasing a lining, you should also carefully study its grades. It is this criterion that will characterize the quality and appearance of the material. There are 4 main varieties that affect the price of the product:

Read more in the article - “types of lining - description”

  • EXTRA - the highest category. The boards should be free of knots and other defects.
  • A - a small number of knots are allowed on the surface of the panels.
  • B - this class includes boards with black or brown knots with a diameter of up to 1 cm.
  • C - the lowest quality products. Their prices are appropriate.

Calculating the required amount of lining is very simple. You can do this yourself or seek help from a store consultant when purchasing cladding. This will save you from unnecessary expenses and a bag of scraps upon completion of the work. You also need to remember that it is better to take the material with a small reserve, just in case.

When choosing a type of wood, it is worth considering the main function of the room in which it will be located and the class of the product.

How to find out how much wall covering material is needed?

The complexity of the calculations lies in the way the panels are implemented. Intermediaries and manufacturers offer material in cubic meters, which implies the content of a certain number of panels, taking into account their thickness, the width of the board and the length of the lamella. For cladding, you need to know the area to be covered, which does not take into account the thickness of the material profile and its shape.

The calculation result depends on the type, type and size of the lamellas. Each product has its own methods of converting from volumetric units to area and vice versa. Below is a table for common standardized sizes of 12 cm wide canvases:

Thickness, cmArea, m2In m2, pcs.Volume, m3In m3, pcs.Covered area 1 m3, m
Length 2 m
Length 3 m
Length 6 m

According to the table, one cubic meter of different profile sections for lamellas of different lengths can contain a certain number of whole panels. You can determine how many sq. meters will cover 1 m3 of material of the selected standard size.

All calculations given were performed for lamellas with a standardized width of 12 cm.

This is necessary to facilitate ordering the quantity of material if the surface area for finishing is being calculated.

Panels in units of measurement

Wood sellers sell lumber in different units: packages, square or cubic measures. It is necessary to understand what is indicated on one package or only sq.
meters, or cubes of material, its main dimensions. Therefore, a transition will be required from different values ​​in which finishing panels are calculated. Sometimes a certain number of pieces is required, for example, only a certain length of blade may be on sale, and the buyer wants to make a continuous cladding with 10-15% shorter lamellas than there are. Therefore, he needs to count the number of slats. They will cover the desired length of the wall, and the excess paintings will go to waste. Many varieties and types of lining differ in the length of the panels, the thickness and shape of the profile, and the width of the strip. These values ​​will be needed to determine the volume or area of ​​coverage. GOST 8242-88 standard dimensions of lumber should be taken into account. Variations are made with the length and thickness of the plank.

Types of standard lining sizes:

Dimensional parameters of eurolining:

Choosing the type of wooden lining

Since wood does not allow all linings to be produced equally, they are divided into several classes that differ in price and quality.

  • Extra. Knots, chips, resin pockets and other wood defects are not allowed in this class.
  • Class A. Small knots, resin pockets and cracks are acceptable. Of the manufacturing defects, only slight roughness is acceptable.
  • Class B. Large knots and cracks, resin pockets of no more than five centimeters, solid rot and minor manufacturing defects are acceptable.
  • Class C. In this class, everything is acceptable except for large cracks and manufacturing defects that occupy more than one-fifth of the total area of ​​the board.

The choice of a specific class is made depending on your budget and location of the lining.

Choosing a wood species

  1. Pine is very durable, but without treatment it quickly darkens. Please note that when dyeing, the color may be distributed unevenly.
  2. Oak is rot-resistant, but very expensive.
  3. Ash with a brownish-yellow surface. No cracks appear during drying.
  4. Linden – heats up extremely slowly and contains no resin, making it ideal for areas with high temperatures. The price is relatively high.

A room decorated with class B wood

  1. “Extra” is the highest class lining, there are no knots or other defects.
  2. “A” – a small number of knots is allowed.
  3. “B” – planks with brown and black knots, the size of which can be no more than 10 mm.
  4. “C” is the lowest quality wood and the cheapest.

What if you need to, say, close an area of ​​115.2 m2?

  • 115.2 m2: 5.76 m2 covered by one pack of lining = 20 packs of lining will be required.
  • 20 packs x 1267.2 rub. = 25,344 rub. required to purchase 115.2 m2 of lining.
  • 115.2 m2: 80 m2 covers 1m3 = 1.44 m3 is your purchase. You need to know this to order the required machine capacity.

It should be noted that during finishing work there is always “waste” left, which is then not used anywhere. This is primarily due to the “adjustment” of a specific profile to the walls or to the “complex” surface to be covered.

Lining width – 90mm, thickness – 18mm, length – 6 meters costs 280 rubles per 1m2, 7 pieces in a pack. It is written like this: 90x18x6000mm.
Necessary to find out:
  • how many square meters does 1 board cover?
  • how much does one board cost?
  • how many square meters (m2) does a pack of lining cover;
  • how much does a pack cost?
  • how many prof. the boards will be in one cubic meter - (1m3);
  • how much does one cubic meter cost?
The width of the board is always indicated as working 90mm - the tongue (tenon) is not included in the calculation when calculating the area, because it fits into the groove, forming a working (calculated) surface. Please check these dimensions in person, as... This is the subject of petty fraud.

The width of the board is always indicated as working 90mm

Thickness 18mm

To correctly perform the multiplication, you need to convert the working width of the board (90mm) into meters - 0.09m.

  • 0.09m (width of the lining) x 6m (length of the lining) = 0.54 m2. one board covers an area of ​​0.54 square meters.
  • 0.54 m2 x 280 rubles (cost of 1 m2) = 151.2 rubles costs one board 6 meters long.
  • 0.54m2 (area of ​​one board) x 7pcs. (number of pieces in a pack) = 3.78 m2 is covered by one pack 6 meters long.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with: What nails to nail the lining

We determine the number of profiled boards in one cubic meter as described above:

  • 1m3:0.018m (board thickness) = 55.55 m2 covers one cubic meter
  • 55.55 m2:0.54 m2 (area of ​​one board) = 102.8796 pcs. ~ 103 pcs. professional boards will be one cubic meter

because division gives an error; we check using multiplication.

0.09 m (board width) x 0.018 m (board thickness) x 6 m (board length) x 103pcs. (number of boards in 1m3) = 1.0012m3


Profiled boards (lining) come in different “widths”, different “thicknesses” and different “lengths”. Accordingly, one cubic meter – 1m3 – covers a different area in square meters – m2. In mat. When calculating the area there is a direct dependence on the thickness of the board. In other words, the thicker the board, the smaller the area it covers. This can be seen from the following tables!

Board thickness in mm.Conversion mm. in meters Mathematical actionOne cubic meter - (1m3) covers an area in square meters - (m2)

0.01251m3 : 0.0125m80
0.0141m3 : 0.014m71.429

0.0151m3 : 0.015m66.66

0.0161m3 : 0.016m62.5
0.0171m3 : 0.017m58.824
0.0181m3 : 0.018m55.55
0.0191m3 : 0.019m52.63

0.021m3: 0.0250

Profiled board (imitation timber) - comes in different “widths”, different “thicknesses” and different “lengths”. In the mathematical calculation of area there is a direct dependence on the thickness of the board. Accordingly, one cubic meter – 1m3 – covers a different area in square meters – m2. In other words, the thicker the board, the smaller the area it covers. This can be seen from the following table!

Board thickness in mm.Conversion mm. in meters Mathematical actionOne cubic meter - (1m3) covers an area in square meters - (m2)

0.0211m3 : 0.021m47.62

0.0251m3 : 0.025m40

0.0271m3 : 0.027m37.037
0.031m3 : 0.03m33.33

0.031m3 : 0.035m28.57

0.041m3 : 0.04m25

By publishing a table for profiled boards, the block house would like to supplement it with the following circumstance. The thicker the board of a given profile (regardless of the width), the more realistic it looks after covering the walls.

Board thickness in mm.Conversion mm. in meters Mathematical actionOne cubic meter - (1m3) covers an area in square meters - (m2)

0.0261m3 : 0.026m38.463

0.0281m3 : 0.028m35.714


  • Lining 96mm wide, 12.5mm thick, 6m long, packed in packs of 10 pcs. A square meter of lining costs 220 rubles. It is written like this: 96x12.5x6000mm
  • How many square meters does one pack of lining cover and how many rubles does it cost?
  • How many square meters (m2) will cover a cubic meter (m3) with a board 12.5 mm thick.
Photo of the lining of this section. Packed in packs of 10 pcs.

The thickness of the lining is 12.5 mm. convert to meters – 0.0125m.

the width of the lining is 96mm, converted to meters – 0.096m.

  • 0.096 m (width of the lining) x 6 m. (lining length) x 10 pcs. in a pack = 5.76 m2 covered by one pack of lining
  • 5.76 m2 x 220 rub. = 1,267.2 rub. will cost one pack of lining.
  • RUB 1,267.2: 10 pcs. in a pack = 126.72 rubles. one costs 6m. clapboard board.
  • From the article “How to count m2 and convert to m3.” it follows that 1 m3 of a given lining profile covers 80 m2.

How to calculate the area of ​​the first floor

It is better to consider the algorithm for calculating the area of ​​a room using the example of a 5x8 house, where we will cover the walls and ceiling with clapboard.

Next you need to calculate the square footage of one of the rooms. Let its length (a) be 5m, width (b) 4m, and height (c) 2.5m. And then everything was as we were taught in the school geometry course.

  1. Let's start with a long wall: multiply its height by length (ac) = 5x2.5 = 12.5 m2.
  2. The opposite wall will be the same size, so we simply multiply the result by two. 12.5x2=25 sq. m.
  3. Now, using the same principle, we find the size of the smaller wall (bc) = 4x2.5 = 10 square meters. Multiply by two. 10x2=20 sq. m.
  4. We multiply the length of the room by its width and get the ceiling area (ab) = 5x4 = 20 square meters.
  5. Let's summarize the data obtained from points 2, 3 and 4. And in addition, the square footage for finishing one room is 25 + 20 + 20 = 65 square meters.

Using the same principle, we find the parameters of the remaining rooms and summarize. In this case, the second room had the same dimensions, so the area of ​​the entire first floor is: 65+65=130 square meters.

We calculate the lining per m2

If it is not possible to use an online calculator, then you should use basic knowledge of geometry and spend a little time. For example, we use a standard room with the following dimensions:

The sequence for calculating the amount of wood paneling is as follows:

Video on Youtube:

Of course, the data obtained is quite enough to purchase the required amount of lining. But the lining is sold in the form of separate boards, with certain dimensions, and a situation may arise when a hardware store needs to name the exact number of these same strips, and not the total square footage. To calculate the number of lining strips, you should find out the size of one, which is 6 m by 0.15 m. The standard thickness of one board is 2.5 cm, but this parameter is most often not used, because the area is calculated, not the volume.


One way or another, the price and quality of the material influence the calculations and the final cost of the work. For example, such popular wooden panels are much more expensive than their plastic counterparts. Which is no coincidence: wood is an environmentally friendly material that retains heat and maintains constant humidity in the room. The resins and oils it contains create a pleasant woody aroma and a healthy microclimate in the room, and the beautiful pattern of natural wood will become a cozy addition to the interior.

Often, rooms of a village house and country houses are lined with wooden lining to emphasize the unity of the rustic style.

In order not to be disappointed with the result, you need to know in which room this or that wooden panel should be placed.

  • Pine lining can be used for both interior and exterior finishing work, since pine is a strong and durable material. This type of cladding requires mandatory processing, otherwise it will change color.
  • Oak wood with an interesting texture is resistant to rotting. Oak-clad walls will survive several generations, but its high cost does not make it a widely available material.
  • Ash lining is very beautiful, it is not easy to process, but it is perfect for dry rooms. But if you are going to line a bathhouse with clapboard, choose linden, which takes root well in rooms with high humidity.

A-class products also have excellent quality, with acceptable defects of no more than two percent. Class B allows for small defects on the surfaces of the panels, and Class C is the cheapest wood, on which unevenness and knots are common.

Before and after installation, wooden panels should be treated with special protective compounds against fire, water, rodents and small pests. Upon completion of installation work, the wood should be painted or varnished. But even with the most careful treatment, their service life will be no more than ten years.

At all times, walls covered with natural wood should be given attention, inspecting them and, if necessary, replacing worn panels with new ones.

Plastic analogues are considered more practical because they do not require additional processing. They are easy to use and do not require special preparation of surfaces for installation; they level walls and hide their imperfections. Plastic panels are not afraid of water, so for maintenance you can simply wipe them with a damp cloth.

Today, manufacturers present a wide selection of PVC and MDF linings, from which you can choose any color to realize the most daring design ideas. In addition to all kinds of colors, there are textures that replicate the patterns of natural wood.

If you wish, you can always decorate the interior of your home with a “sample” of oak or ash, linden or cedar. Give preference to trusted manufacturers so that the cozy atmosphere of your home is not interrupted by the unpleasant smell of low-quality plastic.

To learn how to calculate the lining, see the following video.

Why is this finishing material so good?

Its key advantage is that it is highly reliable and resistant to loads. Some are sincerely mistaken that wood is highly susceptible to ultraviolet radiation, moisture and other environmental influences. But you need to understand that there are many technical liquids, after treatment with which wood greatly enhances its properties. In particular, it does not rot or become infected with harmful bacteria.

When choosing a lining, you must first decide on its use, that is, for lining a bathhouse or sauna, the best option is linden, it warms up slowly, does not contain resinous substances, that is, it is very difficult to get burned on it. This wood is quite expensive, but it is worth paying for the safety. For wall cladding, softwood paneling is used, for example pine, cedar or larch.

When decorating walls with clapboard, it can be arranged in different patterns:


Regardless of the type of work you choose, you need to count the number of linings per cube, as well as determine the number of squares per cubic meter.

In the first case, the type and type of wood or type of plastic do not play any role; it is important to calculate only the working surfaces of the panels. They are also called length and width

The calculation is performed as follows: calculate the volume of one sheet of lining, and then divide one cubic meter by the resulting number, rounding the result to whole numbers.

Quadrature allows you to understand the dimensions of the sheathed area, allowing you to calculate the number of square meters in a cube. To perform the calculation, you need to decide on the thickness of the future finishing material. The value of this indicator is from twelve to twenty millimeters, which should be converted into meters. Well, then one cubic meter is divided by the resulting value.

These calculations are valid for rooms of 20 or 15 square meters. m, and for a smaller area. Calculations can be made either independently or using an online calculator by entering the necessary data into the appropriate fields.

How to find out the exact number of slats?

The thickness of the lining does not play any role in the calculations; it helps to understand what type of finishing (exterior or interior) it should be used for. However, based on the width and height of the board, we can easily determine its quadrature. For example, if the first parameter is 9 cm and the second is 600 cm, then the total area of ​​the plank is 0.54 square meters. m.

As a result, it is not so difficult to perform simple calculations, thereby determining the total amount of material for cladding. The main thing is to carefully measure the surface and not make mistakes in mathematical calculations.

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