What is a phyto-barrel? Indications and contraindications for use

Hello, dear friends!
Tired? Has your health deteriorated? Not in the mood? Don't enjoy life? Doesn't your reflection in the mirror excite you? So, we need to do something about it. Shouldn't you go to a spa salon where a heavenly atmosphere reigns, pampering you with blissful notes of peace, serenity and tranquility?

What? Not enough time and money? Believe me, there is an amazing procedure, distinguished by a reasonable price, speed and divine results, which will bring great benefits and true pleasure.

Its name is “Barrel Bath” (please do not confuse it with this one). In other words, this is a “Cedar phyto sauna”. A small device made of cedar, most often a cylindrical structure designed for one person. It is equipped with a small but comfortable bench for sitting, a door for entry, a lid with a hole for the head, a steam generator powered by electricity, into which a fragrant decoction of herbs is poured before the procedure, and fragrant essential oils are added.

It would seem like another useless thing. Just think, you climbed into it, took a steam bath, so what? The fact is that cedar wood, herbs, essential oils, steam, when combined, have an incredibly powerful effect on all systems of the body.

The phyto-barrel will reward you with eternal youth, wondrous beauty and priceless health. Indications and contraindications, recommendations for use, the device, as well as the DIY manufacturing process will be discussed in this article. Go…

What is it and how does steaming in a phyto-barrel differ from a traditional Russian bath?

The effect of a Russian bath on the body is, of course, beneficial. But a cedar barrel is different. Invented in the 70s of the last century, it acts more gently, but also more effectively. The main differences are as follows:

  • The temperature is lower. If in the traditional version it is 60-70-100 degrees, then here 43-45 is enough. This factor does not affect the effectiveness; the procedure simply becomes less traumatic. Organs and systems have the opportunity to more smoothly enter the desired state. Humidity at 100% is a guarantee of the quality of the session.
  • The steamer's head is outside the container, which means that the blood vessels of the brain experience less stress. Risk is reduced.
  • Preparation time is reduced. The steam generator heats air and water in 10-15 minutes. In salons, this is exactly what is needed to prepare for an appointment. The stove requires longer heating.

In addition, the walls of the phyto-barrel are wiped with special disinfectant solutions. This is more hygienic than shelves in a bathhouse or sauna. At least in a herbal barrel, it is immediately clear in which part the sirloin of the previous steamer was located (on the bench). There's a towel there.

  • It is possible to select an individual program and add the necessary medicinal herbs directly to the steam. Open pores will see this as a gift. Natural impact. Thus, a cedar barrel can rightfully be considered one of the most harmonious methods of healing. A sort of explosive mixture of official medicine and folk medicine...

If we compare it with existing options for steam rooms, then the cedar barrel is closest to the Turkish hammam. Only, in addition to it, it allows the body to absorb useful substances. Phytoncides contained in cedar complement the healing effect. And if after that you apply a scrub, wrap or mask with essential oils...

How does a phytosauna session work?

Inside the phyto-barrel there is a sealed space where the client is seated on a wooden seat with armrests. First, the specialist lays a protective cloth there so that the heated wood does not burn the human skin. When the client is comfortable and sealed up to the neck, the master begins the procedure.

The session will take 15-20 minutes. The sauna creates a temperature of about 50 degrees Celsius and a high percentage of humidity using a special steam generator, which is included in the phyto-barrel device. The specialist adds herbal infusions and essential oils to the steam generator tank. The device heats up to full power and supplies steam to the phyto-barrel.

Before visiting the phytosauna, experts recommend preparing the body for the procedure yourself, using a scrub. It would be good to complement the procedure with a massage or algae-based wrap.

Benefit: what is good about a cedar barrel

It is almost impossible to list all the beneficial effects of regular sessions: the list will be endlessly long. But we will try anyway.

Imagine: a person comes from the cold to a warm stove. Warming up. Entirely. The same principle is here - a complex effect on every nook and cranny of our body, a complex therapeutic effect. So, the benefit for the patient from regularly attending sessions in a phyto-barrel can be expressed in the following effects.

Stress relief

Stress levels decrease. The relaxation procedure often has a very calming effect. Neuroses and depression gradually disappear from your life. Nervous fatigue is on the same list. If you get your own mini-steam room or look for a spa center nearby, you can quickly relieve the tension that has accumulated during the day.

In health centers this way even relieves chronic fatigue. In severe cases, a phyto-barrel will be an excellent auxiliary resource to achieve the desired result.

Strengthening the immune system

It has been scientifically proven that sessions help reduce the incidence of colds and train the patient’s immunity. The body becomes less susceptible to harmful environmental influences.

Moreover, both an adult and a child’s body can be healed. According to the doctor’s indications, even infants can soar, but “really” can be used from 3 years of age (since age under 3 years and late pregnancy are contraindications). This way you can solve the problem of frequent illness when entering kindergarten, traditional ARVI in the fall and spring.

Skin tightening, cellulite removal

In the first 10 minutes, the pores open completely, and impurities and toxins come out along with sweat. Skin is the largest organ of our body. He is very sensitive to a series of such “hardening”. Even after one procedure in a phyto-barrel, the skin becomes velvety. After 10-15 - noticeably tightens up. Cellulite decreases by 15% with each visit.

In addition, the upper layer of the epidermis changes. Inflammations dry out, acne and diathesis magically disappear. Even psoriasis and eczema are susceptible.

Benefits for weight loss

After one procedure, the body loses 300-600 grams of weight (!). At first, it is almost completely water. But, as the cumulative effect increases, the fat layer also “gives in”. Usually the doctor prescribes cedar barrel in courses. Of course, without following a diet and minimal physical activity, weight loss will not happen. But as an auxiliary measure it is difficult to find anything more effective. Thanks to heating, even extreme degrees of obesity are treated. But, in most cases, a phyto-barrel simply helps maintain weight at a level that is comfortable for the patient.

Kidneys and genitourinary system

When heated, the body begins to sweat and secrete fluid not through the kidneys. This reduces the burden on them. In addition, blood flow to these organs increases. They begin to cope better with their main function. The oxygen supply increases. Pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, glomerulonephritis, and renal failure are successfully treated.

Cystitis, inflammatory infertility and many other diseases are successfully treated.

Heart, cardiovascular system

As the body heats up, blood circulation is stimulated. The number of capillaries in all organs increases. The heart is trained and strengthened. This is especially true after 40, after suffering from heart disease. Contraindication for use will be only the first six months after a stroke.

The effect of treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia is especially powerful. Patients note a dramatic improvement in their well-being.

Blood sugar

There is a noticeable decrease in blood sugar levels in diabetics. In addition, of course, they should adhere to a special diet and the recommendations of their doctor. A cedar barrel will be a wonderful aid that improves overall well-being.


We are talking about accompanying measures in the treatment of arthrosis, arthritis, and rheumatism. Patients emphasize that the pain goes away and their well-being after the herbal barrel improves significantly. Its benefit is to improve blood circulation, due to which, in most cases, it is possible to relieve swelling around the joint. This applies to both the lumbar region and all others. Complex impact.

Respiratory system

The lungs are able to grow more of their tissue. Breathing becomes easier, more oxygen enters the blood. The inhalation effect of the herbal barrel is also observed: vapors of medicinal herbs are inhaled and also act from the inside.

Muscles, bones and ligaments

Since blood circulation improves, bones heal faster after fractures, and ligament tissues are also restored.

Lactic acid is removed from muscles more effectively. This is why a phyto-barrel is often placed in sports institutions: after training, you dive into it and the next morning your muscles will not hurt. And this is not a miracle, but a completely physiologically explainable phenomenon. Endurance and muscle strength also steadily increase.

The list of systems and organs is far from complete.


Is it possible to install a cedar phytobarrel in an apartment?

The barrel can be installed in any room where space allows. Steam does not escape from it and does not have a negative impact on the microclimate.

What chemicals can be used to disinfect a barrel?

The barrel must not be treated with any chemicals. Cedar will lose all its healing properties if exposed to aggressive substances. Disposable napkins or a towel are placed under the legs and buttocks. There is no need for additional disinfection, since the inside is constantly being self-treated with phytoncides and hot steam. If you use the barrel for commercial purposes, at the end of the working day you can put a quartz lamp inside for 10-15 minutes.

Can children use the phyto-barrel?

Yes. If there are no contraindications, children over 3 years old can use the phyto-barrel under adult supervision.

Which barrel shape is more convenient: square or round?

There is no difference in the shape of the barrel. The parameters are selected depending on the location. A round barrel of large diameter cannot be carried through standard doors, so it is better to purchase an oval one, with a smaller diameter of 70 - 80 cm, and a larger one - 100 - 110 cm.

Do I need to connect the barrel to the sewer?

You can if you wish, but it is not necessary. The drainage volume is minimal, so it is enough to install a container to collect water.

The best procedures after phyto-barrel

If we talk about health issues, then the most optimal continuation of steaming would be a massage.

The muscles are as relaxed as possible, the skin is steamed. Any medicinal oils applied at this moment increase their effectiveness tenfold. Why not take advantage of this?

Also, after the procedure, wraps, masks, and other skincare procedures are often performed. They all have a more significant effect. We can say that a cedar barrel is a kind of catalyst for beauty and health. After it it becomes easier, simpler, more convenient for your attending physician.

Where can I install

Any room with a normal level of humidity and no sudden temperature changes is suitable for installing a cedar barrel. It is also important to have good ventilation to preserve the wood.

For a container with standard parameters, prepare an area of ​​1.5 - 2 square meters. It is also necessary to provide space for the location of the steam generator. It is installed next to the barrel on a stand or wall. It is possible to install a steam generator in an adjacent room.

Suitable sites for barrels:


Insulated loggias


Basements with low humidity levels

Advice! Before purchasing a barrel, check the dimensions of the room where the barrel will be installed and the dimensions of the doorways through which it needs to be carried. If they are narrow, opt for a compact model or order a dismountable one for assembly on site.

Why are there contraindications?

Sessions in a cedar barrel, like any other procedures related to human health, have a number of indications, restrictions on use, and are often contraindicated. Even a therapeutic and safe procedure has both benefits and contraindications for use. No matter how much you would like to steam in a cedar phyto-barrel and get the benefits, it is important to take into account the state of your body and familiarize yourself with the list of diseases for which phyto-procedures are completely contraindicated. This way you will relieve your body of unnecessary stress and will not put it at risk.

Types of phytobarrels

According to external data, the phyto-barrel is somewhat reminiscent of a booth where only one person can fit. They come in different forms:

  • oval;
  • square;
  • round.

They are installed both horizontally and vertically , it all depends on the model. You can sit, lie or stand in the booth.

To get the maximum positive effect for yourself, it is important to understand how this model was made.

The production of phytobarrels is carried out in several ways:

  1. Dugout . It is made from the lower part of a large diameter cedar trunk. The wood is treated against parasites and mold and allowed to dry thoroughly. Then the core is hollowed out and the walls are polished, creating a semblance of a stupa. This technique is very expensive, so it is rarely used.
  2. Bondarnaya . Its production is based on ancient technologies. Planks are cut from a large cedar trunk by hand, assembled in a circle and put on rings. When assembling the structure, metal fasteners can be used, or it can be made entirely of wood. Only the rings remain metal. They are made of ferrous metal, brass or stainless steel. For rich aristocratic houses, silver and even gold were used.
  3. Prickly . Production begins with planing solid staves from a cedar trunk. Each workpiece is turned by hand, treated from insects, mold and dried. Then all the blanks are collected in a circle and covered with metal hoops. Everything is sanded, the door is cut out. The split cedar barrel is the strongest, but its price is higher than others.
  4. Carpentry . Today, the production of cedar barrels using carpentry technology is the most common. The technology involves the use of a large number of fasteners, which reduces its service life, but at the same time the product can be made and supplemented with a variety of accessories, making it beautiful and functional. Thanks to modern carpentry tools, making such a barrel does not take much time, has little waste, which reduces its price and makes it affordable for most buyers. The body is assembled using a tie on boards using the tongue-and-groove method. All parts fit tightly together, this makes the device very strong and durable.
  5. Square . This name is not entirely applicable to the “barrel”, but here the most important thing is not the form, but the effect that it gives. And they made it square in order to conveniently carry it through the doorway. It is manufactured using the modular furniture method and assembled in parts on site.
  6. Horizontal or recumbent . In this case, the model is designed specifically for those who prefer to take bath procedures while lying down. It is assembled using carpentry and can be supplemented with artistic and decorative elements.

It is probably wrong to say that one of these options stands out more than all others, because each model has its fans. The most important thing is that safe, natural materials are used in production, and that the soul and skill of the craftsman is invested. Then the phyto-barrel can bring many benefits to human health.

Processes that occur in a phyto-barrel

In order to understand whether it is possible to visit a mini-sauna, you need to find out how it works. Treatment sessions in a cedar barrel are famous for their elevated temperature (43-45 degrees) and 100% humidity. Under the influence of hot air and steam, cedar releases all its beneficial properties and substances, and the body, in turn, absorbs them.

Hot air triggers many processes in the human body: sweating, accelerated blood circulation, opening of pores and many others. It is believed that heat, steam and cedar have a positive effect on health. Both physical and emotional.

Let's figure out in what cases a phytosauna will be useful, and in what cases it will be harmful.

Device Features

A phyto-barrel is a reservoir made of natural wood, in which a person can completely relax under the influence of soft steam with herbal extracts. The classic phyto-barrel is made from Altai or Siberian cedar wood, which is why it is also called a cedar barrel.

During the procedure, a person sits or lies down in a container, only the head remains on the surface. The steam generator produces steam, which passes through a special tank with herbal infusions - and the steam acquires a special aroma and beneficial effect. For 15 minutes, the body is exposed to a relaxing thermal effect, and the herbs included in the mixture help in the treatment of many diseases. After this procedure, you need to take a warm shower and lie under a warm blanket to consolidate the healing effect.


If you are thinking about buying a specialized barrel or want to go to a spa, then first of all check out the list of diseases for which the use of a phytobarrel should be completely excluded:

  • Malignant tumors and oncology;
  • Serious cardiovascular diseases;
  • Thrombosis;
  • Hypertension (III degree);
  • Poor circulation;
  • Arrhythmia;
  • Cirrhosis of the liver;
  • Glaucoma;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Pathologies of the bronchi and lungs.

All these ailments are either difficult to treat or not treated at all. In order not to start the reverse process, it is better to refuse to go to the phytosauna.

Herbal treatments will not harm a healthy body, but in case of atherosclerosis, for example, such cardiac “gymnastics” is completely contraindicated.

List of ailments for which you should not spend time in a mini-sauna, as they can pass from the active phase to the passive phase:

  • Benign formations and tumors;
  • Active tuberculosis;
  • Weeping eczema, scleroderma, scabies and other skin diseases.

During exacerbation of inflammatory processes and chronic diseases, during bleeding, infections and during pregnancy, hot steam and high humidity are contraindicated, but after that, visiting a mini-bath will even be useful.

In general, we can draw the following conclusion: in case of severe chronic and incurable illnesses, the sauna is prohibited. During exacerbations of diseases, you should also not use the steam room. The main thing is that the organ of interest, in principle, works. Improving its work is a phyto-barrel.

The most compact steam room in the world

The use of phytobarrels for personal bathing procedures has now become a mass hobby. The desire to correct deficiencies in the figure, tone up or simply improve health forces people to sit motionless for 10-20 minutes, in an uncomfortable position, shrouded in a cloud of hot steam.

Experts highlight several basic advantages of the phytobarrel - steam room:

  • Very simple and safe to use and inexpensive to operate. The phyto-barrel does not require a separate room, does not require a stove, the energy consumption is the same as that of an electric kettle;
  • The heat in the phyto-barrel provides quick, uniform and sufficiently deep heating of the tissues, without the risk of heat stroke for the vessels of the head;
  • Easy to care for, minimal maintenance.

In fact, this is a simplified version of a steam room for apartment conditions for one person. According to user reviews, the most valuable thing about a phyto-barrel is that you always have your own steam room at hand.

Indications for use

Indications for use are much simpler than contraindications. The fact is that there are no “diseases” as such for which it is necessary to visit a mini-bath. It is necessary to build on the goals of treatment and the general state of health.

Doctors identify three main properties of cedar barrels that have a beneficial effect on humans:

  • High temperature and humidity (one reaches 100%);
  • Phytoncides of cedar wood (in other words, useful substances);
  • A decoction of medicinal herbs (yes, the same decoctions that we put in the steam generator).

Together, these three factors are responsible for our condition during and after herbal treatments. The first is responsible for heat and body temperature, the second for additional vitamins, the third for useful medicinal substances.

Thus, indications for use can also be divided into several groups. The first group is associated with physical problems and ailments:

  • Pain in joints, muscles, ligaments and bones;
  • Radiculitis, osteochondrosis, arthritis and others;
  • Sprains, bruises, blows, minor household injuries.

Also, barrel treatment is often prescribed to people who want to lose weight or get rid of cosmetic imperfections:

  • Obesity;
  • Cellulite;
  • Skin problems: pimples, acne, dry skin, blackheads, etc.

In case of emotional overload, it is also recommended to relax in a cedar sauna. Especially if you are suffering from the following problems:

  • Fatigue (including chronic);
  • Lack of sleep;
  • Insomnia;
  • Constant stress and tension.

Rules of care

Currently, anyone can purchase a cedar barrel to carry out healing steam procedures without leaving home.

In order for the device to serve for a long time and not lose its qualities, it is important to follow the rules of care and storage:

  1. The barrel is kept in a room with humidity from 50 to 70%. You should not store it in a room that is too dry, as the boards may “lead” and large cracks will appear. If conditions are too wet, the wood may begin to rot.
  2. If long-term storage without use is expected, you need to place a container of water inside.
  3. After use, the barrel is washed with baby soap or mustard solution, then ventilated in the open state.

General indications for visiting a phytosauna

List of diseases and disorders for which you should steam in a cedar barrel:

  • Deviations in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • Respiratory tract diseases - bronchitis (of any type), pharyngitis, even a common runny nose;
  • Impaired metabolism;
  • Increased cholesterol levels in the body;
  • Reduced level of immunity;
  • Acute respiratory diseases;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Asthma and others.

To summarize, let's just say that each case is individual. If you are in doubt whether you should buy a herbal bath, first consult a doctor and undergo a medical examination.

Procedures at home and in the salon: pros and cons

Expanding the range of devices for home herbal treatments allows you to install a mini-sauna at home, which will allow you to refuse a similar, but more expensive salon service.

Purchasing a homemade herbal barrel will save time on trips to the salon. The main advantages of procedures at home are the ability to regularly take the procedure and get proper rest after the steam room. Barrels made for home use have a small format, are compactly placed in the bathroom and are not inferior to salon ones in their healing properties.

The steam generator, which is the main mechanism of the phytosauna, is very economical in energy consumption. The steam from the barrel itself is not harmful to the bathroom, since the device is hermetically sealed. The barrel's lifespan is about 10 years, which is important for regular procedures.

The monetary savings obtained by purchasing your own phytosauna are obvious: a home device in a mini format will cost only 20-25 thousand rubles.

Salon services of the same quality are much more expensive. According to the average price list, the average price of the procedure is over 1 thousand rubles. This means that when taking salon treatments, the above amount can be spent in 25 sessions.


Feedback from use - 99 out of 100 - positive. Everything that patients come for, they get. Stress, cellulite and extra pounds go away, the immune system and cardiovascular system are strengthened. The benefits of phyto-barrels are obvious.

The remaining “negatives” complain mainly about negligence in carrying out a particular or insufficiently deep sleep afterwards. This phenomenon does happen and is a rare side effect. Still, each organism has individual characteristics, and it is impossible to predict how the remedy will affect one or the other. It is for this purpose that you need to familiarize yourself with the phytobarrel, the benefits and contraindications of sessions with its use.

Fragrant herbs and essential oils for the sauna barrel

Enhancing the healing properties of cedar with fragrant herbs allows you to more intensively influence the functioning of various body systems. The selection of phyto-mixtures is carried out taking into account the influence of the basic properties of plants on the human body.

Name of herbal collectionsImpact
1.Elecampane, oregano, calendula, St. John's wort, knotweed, chamomile, pine/birch buds, wild rosemary, wormwood, bird knotweed, cinquefoil, leuzeaElimination of pain in joints and spine. Restoring mobility of the musculoskeletal system
2.Geranium, grapefruit, oregano, jasmine, lavender, ylang-ylang, rosemary, peony (evading), lemon, motherwort, hopsRelieving nervous tension, relieving anxiety, combating stress
3.Chamomile, dandelion, cypress, nettle, wormwood, pine needlesReducing inflammation, vein blockage, and the appearance of spider veins on the body
4.Lemon, juniperStrengthening capillaries, whitening skin, fighting cellulite, smoothing wrinkles
5.Meadowsweet (meadowsweet)Normalization of the activity of the endocrine system, removal of toxins and waste. Increased muscle tone
6.Knotweed, fir, eucalyptus, pine, mint, sage, thyme, tea treeTreatment of ARVI, colds
7.Yarrow, wormwoodMild pain relief for muscle tissue
8.St. John's wort + mintRelieving spasm of smooth muscles of blood vessels, bronchi, digestive canal, genitourinary system
9.OreganoBoosting immunity
10.Anise, orange oil, grapefruit, jasmie, ylang-ylan, neroliRegeneration of epidermal cells, elimination of cellulite phenomena. Care for sensitive, irritable skin
11.Verbena, birch leaves, calendula, nettle, neroli, patchouli, motherwort, rosemary, chamomile, fennel, string, celandineIncreasing skin elasticity, body contouring. Elimination of dermatological problems
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