Cedar barrels (phytobarrels): device, types, indications for use

A cedar barrel is an unusual device for taking bath procedures. Its peculiarity is that it combines natural healing properties, known since ancient times, and a modern scientific approach.

What is she? This is a voluminous, round container made of Siberian cedar, used as a mini-sauna. There is a small bench inside where a person can sit comfortably. In this case, the body is completely closed in the barrel, only the head remains outside.

Types of phytobarrels

According to external data, the phyto-barrel is somewhat reminiscent of a booth where only one person can fit. They come in different forms:

  • oval;
  • square;
  • round.

They are installed both horizontally and vertically , it all depends on the model. You can sit, lie or stand in the booth.

To get the maximum positive effect for yourself, it is important to understand how this model was made.

The production of phytobarrels is carried out in several ways:

  1. Dugout . It is made from the lower part of a large diameter cedar trunk. The wood is treated against parasites and mold and allowed to dry thoroughly. Then the core is hollowed out and the walls are polished, creating a semblance of a stupa. This technique is very expensive, so it is rarely used.
  2. Bondarnaya . Its production is based on ancient technologies. Planks are cut from a large cedar trunk by hand, assembled in a circle and put on rings. When assembling the structure, metal fasteners can be used, or it can be made entirely of wood. Only the rings remain metal. They are made of ferrous metal, brass or stainless steel. For rich aristocratic houses, silver and even gold were used.
  3. Prickly . Production begins with planing solid staves from a cedar trunk. Each workpiece is turned by hand, treated from insects, mold and dried. Then all the blanks are collected in a circle and covered with metal hoops. Everything is sanded, the door is cut out. The split cedar barrel is the strongest, but its price is higher than others.
  4. Carpentry . Today, the production of cedar barrels using carpentry technology is the most common. The technology involves the use of a large number of fasteners, which reduces its service life, but at the same time the product can be made and supplemented with a variety of accessories, making it beautiful and functional. Thanks to modern carpentry tools, making such a barrel does not take much time, has little waste, which reduces its price and makes it affordable for most buyers. The body is assembled using a tie on boards using the tongue-and-groove method. All parts fit tightly together, this makes the device very strong and durable.
  5. Square . This name is not entirely applicable to the “barrel”, but here the most important thing is not the form, but the effect that it gives. And they made it square in order to conveniently carry it through the doorway. It is manufactured using the modular furniture method and assembled in parts on site.
  6. Horizontal or recumbent . In this case, the model is designed specifically for those who prefer to take bath procedures while lying down. It is assembled using carpentry and can be supplemented with artistic and decorative elements.

It is probably wrong to say that one of these options stands out more than all others, because each model has its fans. The most important thing is that safe, natural materials are used in production, and that the soul and skill of the craftsman is invested. Then the phyto-barrel can bring many benefits to human health.

Procedure: algorithm and subtleties

You should visit the herbal barrel according to the rules, otherwise you will have to forget about the benefits.

The algorithm looks like this:

  1. Do not eat at least 2 hours before the session.
  2. It is worth taking a shower to cleanse your body of impurities and have time to dry. The body must be dry. Do not use creams or ointments before steaming, otherwise they will clog the pores and the herbal extracts will not penetrate the skin.
  3. Before locking yourself in a barrel, drink a glass of water or natural juice. This will prevent dehydration.
  4. Since the head remains outside the booth, place a towel in the gap between the hole and the neck for comfort.
  5. Once the session is over, do not rush to leave. Sit in a warm room to acclimatize. At the same time, do not forget that the clothes you put on should be made of breathable fabric.
  6. Do not shower for half an hour, otherwise the healing extracts will be washed off from the skin. Use this time wisely - drink herbal tea or do cosmetic treatments (wraps, massages, etc.).
  7. After the specified amount of time has passed, it will be ideal to take a bath with chamomile infusion added to the water.

Construction of cedar barrels: how it works

Due to its small size, the phytobarrel can be installed at home, or use the services of beauty salons. On average, it has the following parameters: height 130-150 cm, width – 80-90 cm; the volume of occupied space is about 1 m2. It is very easy to use and does not require maintenance.

The structure of a cedar barrel is divided into two main components: a wooden base (barrel) and a steam generator. When the steam generator operates, the internal space is filled with steam. Thanks to steam, the beneficial substances released by cedar wood are quickly and easily absorbed into the skin and bring a positive, healing effect to the entire body.

Inside the barrel there are:

  • bench that can be adjusted according to height;
  • armrests for convenience;
  • footrest (ladder).

From above, the entire structure is covered with a lid, where there is a hole for the head. The head must be positioned outside so that the pressure does not affect the blood vessels of the brain.

The phytobarrel is made from cedar wood and is a completely environmentally friendly product. The device is completely sealed, steam does not escape outside, so this equipment does not require a specialized room.

There is a side door for entry inside. It comes off easily and closes from the inside.

A steam generator operates inside, taking into account the average temperature reading of 40-45 degrees. This indicator is the most optimal. If a person wants to increase the temperature, the steam generator can be adjusted for this purpose.

Technical description:

  • All equipment is electrical and operates on a conventional 220 Volt charger.
  • The amount of energy consumed depends on the power of the steam generator, on average about 1-2 kW, which is comparable to the operation of an electric kettle.
  • You can assemble and install a phytobath at home yourself. This does not require special skills or tools. The kit includes detailed assembly instructions, which allows any buyer to handle the installation themselves.
  • No special room is required for installation; there is also no need to connect to a sewerage system or water supply. Place a tray under the barrel to collect residual moisture.

It is very important to choose the right steam generator. To achieve the maximum positive effect from steam procedures, it is better to choose a steam generator with an aroma capacity. This will allow you to use herbal remedies and essential oils during the procedure.


Phytosaunas are distinguished not only by a large list of advantages. They are easy to use. With simple steps, anyone can prepare a barrel for procedures.

First you need to prepare a liquid from essential oils. The steam generator, responsible for the supply of vapors, is equipped with a special container.

Essential oils are mixed in it for later use. You can apply the oil to the body or the inner walls of the barrel, however, the greatest effect will be felt when aromatic vapors are released.

It is recommended to cover the seat and bottom with a towel or sheet. Heating the surface will make the procedure uncomfortable.

Everyone chooses the required temperature and residence time independently. At the initial stage, it is not recommended to stay in the phyto-barrel for more than 15 minutes.

After setting the time, the steam generator starts working. Within 10-20 minutes (depending on the model), the air is actively heated. The herbal bath is ready for medical procedures.

The hole for the head can be carefully wrapped with a towel. This will avoid minor neck burns and discomfort.

What effect does

Visiting a bathhouse or sauna places an increased burden on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Frequent visits to the sauna can lead to disruption of the body's thermoregulation, resulting in fatigue, dizziness, and shortness of breath.

Due to the fact that when taking bath procedures in a phyto-barrel, the person’s head remains outside, it is not exposed to temperature stress, which significantly reduces the risk of adverse factors, and the procedure itself is much easier to tolerate.

In this case, the body receives great benefits:

  • blood flow improves ;
  • blood pressure is normalized ;
  • joint pain is relieved
  • It turns out to have a relaxing therapeutic and psychological effect ;
  • sleep is normalized , nervousness stress resistance increases ;
  • immunity is strengthened ;
  • skin elasticity increases ;
  • metabolism improves ;
  • due to improved blood flow, male and female genital organs are stimulated , which leads to normalization of hormonal levels;
  • through the open pores of the epidermis toxins and excess subcutaneous fat are quickly and easily removed , this allows you to cleanse the body and get rid of extra pounds.

The positive effect of taking bath procedures in a cedar barrel has been noticed by our ancestors for a long time. It is not surprising that today the phyto-barrel continues to be very popular among people who care about their health.

Indications for the procedure

The healing properties of the cedar barrel provide a positive effect in diseases such as arrhythmia, tachycardia, bradycardia, hypertension and hypotension, obliterating endarteritis, atherosclerosis, and also improve the general condition of patients who have suffered a heart attack and stroke (not earlier than six months after the attacks). Procedures in a phytobarrel have a healing effect on patients with joint disease. With its help, osteochondrosis, arthritis, radiculitis, arthrosis, and intervertebral hernia are treated.

Indications for the use of cedar barrels

A barrel mini-sauna provides a general healing effect. It can be recommended with other Spa procedures, as well as for a number of medical indications:

  1. Overfatigue of the muscular system , pain in the joints. With high physical activity and increased fatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome may appear. Thanks to increased blood flow and maximum expansion of the pores of the epidermis, lactic acid is quickly removed from the body, and this helps relieve pain and tension in the muscles.
  2. Nervous system disorders, depression, insomnia . Healing herbal substances are absorbed through the skin, soothe, relax, and normalize sleep.
  3. If you have skin problems . The high temperature that forms inside the barrel provokes increased sweating. Sweat removes waste, toxins and other harmful substances accumulated in the body. At the same time, the pores expand, the old epidermis peels off, and a new layer begins to actively form.
  4. Gastrointestinal disease . During the procedure, blood flow increases. This stimulates the motility and neurovegetative reactivity of the stomach, allowing the normal functioning of the digestive system.
  5. Problems with excess weight . Increased blood flow stimulates metabolic processes in the body, removing accumulated excess fat from cells.
  6. Diseases of the respiratory system . The phyto-barrel has an inhalation effect, eliminates spasms, and relaxes muscles. By adding a decoction of medicinal herbs to the steam generator and taking bath procedures in a cedar barrel, it allows you to treat many pulmonary diseases: bronchitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, pneumofibrosis, asthma, tracheitis and others.
  7. Diseases of the cardiovascular system . The cedar barrel is recommended for people with diseases such as myocarditis, decreased heart muscle function, and vegetative-vascular dystonia. It should also be used in a rehabilitation program after a heart attack.


What is unique about the cedar barrel? The fact is that the visitor, while in it, experiences severe sweating, like in a bathhouse. The body gently warms up. Ultimately, blood circulation improves, swelling disappears, and cellulite deposits decrease. Skin cells are cleansed, everything unnecessary and harmful is removed from the body - toxins and impurities. It is believed that each such procedure brings great benefits to the body as a whole and has a wonderful effect on the skin - it becomes elastic, toned, smooth. Skin health, as we know, is the key to maintaining youth and beauty.


Compared to a regular bath or sauna, a cedar barrel has significantly fewer contraindications, but they still exist, and this should be taken into account. That is why you should consult your doctor before starting any procedures.

The use of phytobarrels is not recommended in the following cases:

  • infectious skin diseases;
  • renal and liver failure;
  • confirmed malignancies;
  • with pronounced hypertension;
  • any infectious diseases in the acute phase;
  • epilepsy and Parkinson's disease;
  • fungal diseases;
  • thrombophlebitis, urolithiasis;
  • venereal diseases;
  • The use of a cedar barrel is prohibited for nursing mothers, pregnant women and children under 3 years of age.

If you actively visit a steam room or bathhouse and tolerate it well, then you will not have any problems using a cedar barrel.

The best procedures after phyto-barrel

If we talk about health issues, then the most optimal continuation of steaming would be a massage.

The muscles are as relaxed as possible, the skin is steamed. Any medicinal oils applied at this moment increase their effectiveness tenfold. Why not take advantage of this?

Also, after the procedure, wraps, masks, and other skincare procedures are often performed. They all have a more significant effect. We can say that a cedar barrel is a kind of catalyst for beauty and health. After it it becomes easier, simpler, more convenient for your attending physician.

How does the procedure work?

Before you start taking steam treatments in a herbal bath, you need to properly prepare: take a shower, cleanse your skin of cosmetics, creams and ointments. The skin should be clean and dry. You should refrain from eating 2 hours before the procedure.

  1. Before entering the herbal bath, be sure to drink a glass of water , this will prevent dehydration.
  2. When you enter the barrel , the lid closes, leaving a hole for the head. To make it more comfortable, place a towel over the hole.
  3. Turn on the steam generator , add essential oils or decoctions of medicinal herbs.
  4. After finishing the procedure, you should not take a shower immediately, otherwise all the beneficial elements will be washed off from the skin.
  5. Do not leave the room for half an hour, give your body time to restore its thermal balance. At this time, it is better to drink herbal tea and relax.
  6. After 30-40 minutes have passed, the optimal solution would be to take a bath with chamomile infusion .

The frequency of bathing procedures in a cedar barrel depends on the health of the person himself, as well as on the temperature regime. In normal health, you can use the phytobath in courses of 10-15 procedures every other day. The duration of treatment also depends on the person himself and is compiled individually. You should start with 5 minutes, with each subsequent procedure increase the duration of presence in the steam room by another 5 minutes.

With this regimen, you can easily maintain your health in good condition, acquire beautiful skin, and simply enjoy natural gifts at home every day.

How to massage in a phyto-barrel

The device is connected to the network, after which steam begins to be pumped. A person fits inside, closes the door and lid tightly. The optimal mode is selected on the control panel, which you can change yourself if necessary.

Inside each model there is a compartment designed for herbal decoctions, infusions, and oils. It is better to put a towel on the bottom and seat. This will help avoid burns. Heating is carried out at full power, which gradually decreases after a few minutes.

It’s better not to stay in a barrel for more than 20 minutes; you shouldn’t overload your body. Sometimes 5-10 minutes is enough to see and feel the first results.

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