Sauna stove with fireplace: design and operating features

  • Brands
  • Harvia
  • META
  • Birch
  • Teplodar
  • Narvi
  • What to consider before choosing a fireplace stove for a bath
  • Let's sum it up
  • One of the elements that determines the quality of a bathhouse is the stove. This structure is designed to warm up the room, and therefore affects the benefits of the procedure as a whole. There are many types of equipment that have their own advantages and disadvantages. A novelty in recent years has been a stove-fireplace for a bathhouse, which allows you to combine the properties of a stove, as well as a fireplace with a portal. What is this design, and what opportunities does it give the owner?

    Rice. 1. Classic stove-fireplace for a bath


    The fireplace stove is endowed with all the qualities of a sauna stove, so the same requirements are imposed on it. Compliance of the equipment ensures the comfort of operation of the structure, its reliability and durability.

    Requirements for a fireplace stove.

    1. Safety during work. This is expressed in the fire-fighting mechanisms used.
    2. User protection. The operation of the structure must eliminate any risks, including burns, exhaust gases entering the room, and smoke.
    3. Adjustable temperature. Necessary to maintain comfortable conditions in the steam room.
    4. Compliance of dimensions and power with the parameters of the room.
    5. Easy to use with minimal action.
    6. High warm-up speed.
    7. Possibility of planning the amount of fuel consumed and the frequency of laying. This determines the cost-effectiveness of the installation.
    8. Long service life.
    9. Aesthetic appearance that allows the equipment to fit into the design of the room.

    Rice. 2. Installation of a fireplace for a bath

    The body of the product must have sufficiently reliable walls that can withstand regular exposure to high temperatures.

    The functions of the fireplace expand the list of requirements with the convenience of viewing the fire in the firebox. For these purposes, a viewing window made of heat-resistant glass with thermal insulation functions is designed.


    So, when a stove for a sauna is chosen, it’s time to think about buying quality stones that produce thick steam. The most important requirement for the material is its zero radioactivity. You need to choose dense cobblestones with a uniform structure. When they heat up, the heat is distributed evenly, gradually entering the steam room.

    It is unacceptable to use stones with chips and cracks. To test the strength of cobblestones, you need to hit them against each other: good dense material will not crack, and no defects will appear on its surface.

    To ensure good air circulation, large stones are placed on the bottom, medium ones on top, and the smallest ones on top. It is better to buy them in specialized stores.

    The following types of stones are considered the most popular:

    • vulcanite;
    • basalt;
    • jade.

    Installation of a stove-fireplace for a bath

    The finished equipment, manufactured at the factory, is a housing made of cast iron or high-quality heat-resistant stainless steel. Inside the structure there is a heat exchanger, which has a zigzag shape to increase heat transfer. The labyrinth structure allows you to increase the area of ​​the heated surface in contact with the stones. The final element of the firebox is a hole for connecting the chimney, through which combustion products are discharged to the street.

    Rice. 3. Design diagram of a stove-fireplace for a bath

    Components of the structure:

    • ash pan and pull-out ash drawer (for wood-burning models);
    • grate;
    • portal;
    • firebox;
    • zigzag heat exchanger;
    • heater;
    • chimney connection.

    The door of the sauna stove-fireplace with viewing glass performs a protective function, preventing the ignition of surrounding objects from heat or sparks. This element also increases the tightness of the firebox, reducing fuel consumption, increasing the temperature and efficiency of the installation.

    Stove with fireplace for steam room:

    • aesthetics;
    • spectacular appearance;
    • additional relaxation from contemplating fire;
    • versatility (there are solutions for any type of bath or sauna);
    • ease of flame and temperature control;
    • compactness;
    • relatively light weight;
    • ease of installation;
    • efficiency;
    • advanced functionality.

    During fuel combustion, a layer of soot and soot forms on the viewing window. The only drawback over a regular heater is the need to periodically clean the glass from dirt.

    Rice. 4. Types of stoves for baths or saunas

    Design and construction

    The design of a sauna stove-fireplace is not relevant for purchased fireplaces, which mostly already have cladding; the portals are presented in the form of a cast iron or steel structure. If you assembled a brick sauna stove with your own hands, it can be lined and decorated with any materials that need to be renewed as they wear out.

    Finishing can be done in one of the following ways:

    • Traditional and ancient fireplace cladding using the peasant method involves applying a mortar containing whitewash, lime and clay to the brickwork and surface. After the solution has completely dried, such a surface can be painted, but this option requires artistic skills, which is why it is used quite rarely;
    • Another option is to cover the fireplace with decorative bricks, which are affordable and allow you to imitate any surface;
    • To finish the brick surface of the fireplace stove, you can use such heat-resistant ceramics as: porcelain stoneware, majolica or terracotta;
    • Tiled fireplaces are very popular, on the surface of which such voluminous, massive and quite heavy tiles are fixed, having a unique color and style.

    Today, you can assemble a brick sauna stove with your own hands even without the proper skills, but for these purposes you will need a competent diagram or order, for example, from a master like Kuznetsova; the gases produced in such heating units flow naturally, and not due to the existing hood.

    Kuznetsov furnaces have the following advantages:

    1. The oven heats up completely and gradually, starting from the bottom and slowly moving to the top;
    2. Due to their design features, the masonry of such stoves is not prone to destruction, deformation and cracks;
    3. Such units are capable of operating both the stove and fireplace separately, and together;
    4. Gases escaping from the firebox additionally heat the side walls of the fireplace stove;
    5. Soot and soot are formed in minimal quantities during equipment operation, which greatly facilitates cleaning and maintenance.

    Without a stove, there will be no point in having a bathhouse, be it Russian, Finnish or any other, since it is this structural element that is responsible for heating and the atmosphere in the steam room, and even modern electric infrared fireboxes cannot compare with traditional wood-burning sauna stoves.

    You can install a sauna stove with light weight and dimensions not only on the first, but also on the second floor of the house, however, during any construction with your own hands, you need to carry out a thorough and detailed design, draw up a project order, calculate and select the right materials, learn how to use a trowel , masonry mortar, level, grater, determine the most suitable place and method of placing the stove in the room.

    Since brick sauna stoves have a lot of weight, more than 400 kilograms, before construction, it is necessary to pour a high-quality base or, in other words, a foundation under them. The depth of the pit will be about half a meter, after which crushed stone is laid on the bottom, which, if necessary, can be replaced with construction waste, filled with cement and supplemented with reinforcement - this will create a strong and solid foundation.

    You can start building a sauna stove only after the foundation is completely dry; this will take up to 20 days; in order not to waste time, you can purchase all the materials, tools and fittings necessary for construction in a few weeks.

    After the foundation has completely dried, two sheets of roofing material are laid on it and pressed with a layer of cement. Further, if you are going to install a purchased fireplace, you can decorate this area with stone or tiles, but if you are building a brick unit, you will not need decor and you can immediately begin installation.

    For masonry, you need to choose a stove-fired refractory brick, and also observe the thickness of the seams between the bricks and rows, which ideally will be 3-4 millimeters. Each row is first laid out dry, and after laying on the mortar, the evenness is checked with a building level and plumb line, which will allow you to build a brick sauna stove with your own hands and in a short time.

    How to choose a fireplace stove for a bath

    It is much easier to install equipment manufactured at the factory. The product contains instructions with directions that describe in detail the installation and operation features. In this case, there are guarantees that the fireplace stove will function properly, delighting with reliability and service life. Of course, if we are talking about certified equipment from trusted manufacturers.

    Creating a fireplace stove yourself has many nuances, so you should entrust the planning and arrangement to an experienced professional who knows his business well. This solution is more economical, but even a good master cannot guarantee the same reliability as factory models.

    Equipment characteristics that you need to pay attention to when choosing:

    • power;
    • fuel type;
    • transparency of the portal glass;
    • door opening type;
    • dimensions;
    • chimney diameter;
    • colors.

    The steam room is a small room, so it is important to consider the practicality of the device, as well as the ability to save space.

    Rice. 5. Stove-fireplace for a wood-burning sauna

    How to calculate the power of a fireplace stove for a bath

    Correct calculation of equipment power guarantees high quality of the procedure. This characteristic directly affects the temperature of the steam room and the steam itself, which affects the sensations of the procedure.

    Lack of power leads to temperature fluctuations during operation. It will be necessary to regularly add firewood and use the fireplace stove at full power, which negatively affects the durability of the device. Rapid wear means the need for repairs, otherwise each time it will be quite expensive due to the large volume of work. It is impossible to have fun in a steam room with a low-power device, and temperature control will not allow you to relax.

    Excessive power also negatively affects a trip to the steam room, turning the procedure into a real test of strength. In this case, the steam cannot be called “light”. Controlling the temperature will also not be easy even if gas equipment is installed, but it is not as difficult as in the case of a lack of power.

    The optimal indicator is one that provides comfortable conditions in the steam room with minimal actions on the part of the user. To calculate the desired characteristics, it is necessary to take into account the volume of the room, the quality of thermal insulation, the type of walls, the presence of glass and other characteristics.

    You can make approximate calculations by multiplying 1 sq. m of room volume per 1 kW of power, to which is added the area of ​​areas without thermal insulation, multiplied by a factor of 1.2. If there is a glass door, the result increases by half. A small power reserve of 10-20% is allowed, but no more. To obtain accurate parameters, consultation with an expert is necessary.

    Rice. 6. Cast iron fireplace stove for steam room

    Material and its features

    If you do not take into account home-made brick structures, then there are 2 options - cast iron and steel. When choosing a stove with a fireplace for a bath, you need to determine the most advantageous material from the point of view of operation.

    Cast iron models are less popular, but this does not mean that they are much inferior to steel ones. The main disadvantages of the products are weight and high cost; do not forget about the fragility of the material, which complicates the transportation and installation process.

    Advantages of cast iron fireplace stoves:

    • heat capacity;
    • good heat dissipation;
    • ease of maintenance;
    • safety;
    • service life of several decades;
    • no deformation during regular use.

    Rice. 7. Turned off metal stove-fireplace for a bath

    Models with a steel body are supplied ready-made: just connect the chimney and you can start the equipment. The best option is chrome steel, which, in addition to improved protection from aggressive environments, does not burn oxygen. These products are in greatest demand among those who want to create their own steam room.

    Advantages of steel fireplace stoves for baths:

    • simple installation;
    • minimum weight;
    • compactness;
    • ease of operation;
    • functionality;
    • quick heating of the room.


    • rapid cooling of the structure;
    • the need for constant temperature monitoring;
    • low heat transfer.

    Prefabricated steel stoves are suitable for small to medium-sized spaces due to their medium power. By choosing products from reliable manufacturers, you do not have to worry about the safety and durability of the device.

    Rice. 8. Types of solid fuel for the fireplace

    Fuel type of sauna stove-fireplace

    Another important parameter that affects the efficiency of the device. Each type of fuel has its own characteristics, which means advantages and disadvantages. Which option is better in a particular case directly depends on the specifics of the room and the location of the steam room.

    Fuel for a fireplace stove can be:

    • firewood;
    • gas;
    • combined models.

    A wood-burning firebox is a classic bathhouse. The autonomy of the structure makes it the most attractive and widespread option. Creating firewood reserves is much easier and cheaper than organizing the connection of a gas installation. There are no interruptions in the fuel supply, so nothing will prevent you from enjoying your relaxation in the steam room at any time.

    Rice. 9. Variety of stove-fireplace models

    Advantages of fireplace stoves for wood-fired saunas:

    • no costs for connecting to communication lines;
    • harvesting benefits;
    • autonomy;
    • large selection of models;
    • special woody aroma;
    • possibility of installing a steam room in remote areas.


    • the complexity of arranging a chimney system;
    • the need to clean the chimney and ash pan;
    • warm-up duration;
    • the need to periodically add firewood.

    An alternative fuel option is gas. This can be natural gas from the main line, as well as propane-butane from a cylinder or gas holder. Such equipment has a more complex design, a protection system and the ability to maintain the specified mode without the participation of the owner. In general, the solution is more practical, which affects the comfort of relaxation.

    Rice. 10. Stove-fireplace for saunas and baths with stone and wood trim

    Advantages of gas stoves with a fireplace module:

    • compactness;
    • maintaining the set temperature using a thermostat;
    • fast heating and cooling;
    • simplified chimney design;
    • ease of operation and cleaning;
    • automation.

    In expensive models, the safety of the equipment is ensured by a whole system of sensors. If the indicators deviate from the norm, the operation of the device is automatically corrected. In case of critical situations (flame extinguishment, interruptions in fuel supply), the unit turns off and informs the user about this through indicators. The functionality of such equipment can be quite extensive.


    • the need to lay a gas supply line or install cylinders;
    • obtaining permission to install;
    • creation and maintenance of fire safety of equipment and cylinder storage areas;
    • Some models require electrical wiring.

    Rice. 11. Stove-heater for saunas and baths

    There is another option for a steam room - an electric stove, but when studying the options for choosing stoves with a fireplace for a bath, this variety is not considered due to the lack of fire, which can be viewed through the viewing window.

    As for devices with the ability to combine fuel types, there are various configurations. The unit can operate with bottled and main gas, firewood and any type of gas (with minor modifications), as well as other types of fuel. It is necessary to clarify information about the possibility of using alternative fuel, which is explained by different heat transfer and composition of exhaust gases. Use of unspecified fuels (such as coal) may damage the equipment and create a hazardous situation.

    Rice. 12. Fireplace stove trimmed with red brick

    Briefly about other classifications

    Equipment manufacturers annually expand the list of models and technologies used that increase reliability and operating comfort. A large assortment of fireplace stoves for a bath can play a cruel joke, complicating the choice of device due to the wide variety.

    According to the type of operation of the sauna stove, they can be divided into the following groups.

    1. Intermittent or continuous heating. Periodic heating involves preheating the stones, after which they slowly release heat. Equipment with a constant temperature maintains a certain mode without changes.
    2. Cold or hot. We are talking about the walls of the structure. For “cold” models, the temperature reaches +45-50°C, and it is impossible to get burned on them, but they also take longer to warm up. Hot fireplace stoves heat up quickly and are excellent for use in the cold season, but their safety is lower.
    3. Type of heater. The presence of a lid allows you to regulate the humidity in the room. This solution is suitable for small steam rooms, because the open heater in them dries out the air. If we are talking about a spacious room, then you can choose a model without a lid.
    4. With or without a steam generator. It is not always possible to obtain steam of the required quality, especially when there is not enough experience in operating a sauna stove with a fireplace. In this case, you need to take a closer look at models with a steam generator. They are more expensive, but can significantly improve the feeling of the procedure.

    Rice. 13. Extravagant stove stove model for saunas and baths

    It is worth paying attention to the functionality of the device and the availability of additional useful options. A sauna stove with a fireplace can be used for heating a steam room and adjacent rooms. The built-in water tank easily provides hot water for multiple users. Some models have a water circuit (heat exchanger), which allows you to heat non-adjacent rooms.

    An original installation solution is to move the portal with the fireplace through the wall. Thus, the stove body is located in the steam room itself, and the view of the fire through the door is available in another room. Of course, the possibility of installing a device with an extended firebox depends on the thickness of the walls, thermal insulation and other factors.

    Rice. 14. Varieties of stove design


    What the equipment looks like is not always considered when choosing a stove based on the practicality of a particular shape. In this case, you need to know that round and cylindrical cases take up less space and look more attractive, but they often have the problem of uneven heating. Temperature changes can affect the longevity of the equipment. Another problem with this shape is the deformation of the walls, which is more noticeable than with rectangular or shaped models.

    The following options are used for finishing the fireplace stove:

    • decorative heat-resistant brick;
    • ceramic materials;
    • stone;
    • tiles;
    • clay treated with lime.

    The equipment provides enormous room for maneuver, but do not forget about the use of exclusively heat-resistant materials that do not emit harmful substances when heated.

    Separately, I would like to say about the designer fireplace stoves, which are made to order. The project is developed based on the characteristics of the steam room and the site as a whole, so it is possible to create a structure that is ideal for a bathhouse. The aesthetic appearance is complemented by comfortable operation with the desired set of functions.

    Rice. 15. Option for placing a fireplace stove in the interior of a bathhouse

    Fuel types

    It is necessary to pay attention to what flammable substance is used to fire the device. This affects both the price of the unit and its appearance. Depending on the energy source, bath heating devices are of the following types:

    1. Wood-burning . The wood burning stove is a classic. This type of fuel was used several centuries ago, and to this day timber products do not lose their relevance. This method of heating a bathhouse is quite functional, because the room warms up very quickly - within an hour. A wood stove consumes little energy, but provides heating for a room with an area of ​​4 to 50 m². The disadvantage of the unit is the need for constant cleaning of accumulated coal and ash.
    2. Gas. These are convenient and economical devices. They do not require constant fueling and cleaning, since their design provides automated control. This type of stove also allows you to enjoy a burning fireplace, creating the effect of a real flame. But it is not always possible to install such a device in a bathhouse, since it requires from 1.5 to 4.5 m² of gas per hour. It is difficult to provide such a volume without a central gas supply system. This is especially true for country houses and dachas. The stove can be powered by a gas cylinder, which is unsafe, so it is recommended to choose a different device model.
    3. Electrical. Such a stove is considered a relatively expensive pleasure. Electricity consumption due to the increased load is quite high - up to 5 kW/hour to heat the air in a room of 50 m². However, this type of oven has certain advantages: convenience and safety of operation. At the same time, for the correct functioning of the device, you will need reliable wiring and a separate electrical panel.


    In fact, the choice of manufacturer is important, because each company offers unique solutions and technologies, proven through testing and experimentation. It is logical that popular and luxury brands pay more attention and money to the development and testing of models, so it is worth studying their proposals first. Let's talk about proven brands with a good reputation.


    The domestic manufacturer Termofor has been operating since 2001. The company specializes in the production of furnaces, boilers and other heating devices, offering a large range of devices configured for any purpose. The production uses components from Switzerland and other European countries. With high quality equipment and good technical characteristics, the manufacturer provides very affordable prices. The brand is one of the favorites in the CIS market.

    Rice. 16. Stove-heater


    The Harvia brand is one of the leaders on the international market. This Finnish company specializes in producing products for baths, saunas and spas. Year of foundation – 1950. The company has the largest enterprise for the production of heaters. A distinctive feature of the brand’s products is their design feature, which simplifies operation and increases heating efficiency. Offers include components, modules, and ready-made solutions.


    The brand is a group of enterprises that carry out the entire complex of development and production of equipment. META produces fireplaces, fireboxes, accessories and everything needed for them. The association has been operating for more than 20 years, offering customers high-quality products, reasonable prices and functionality of devices. The development of models is carried out by developers with extensive experience in the field.


    Products include stoves, stoves and fireplaces for baths and homes. The affordable prices of sauna stoves and fireplaces of this brand make it increasingly popular among buyers. The thoughtful design of the equipment is complemented by an aesthetic appearance and a creative approach to solving standard problems.

    Rice. 17. Stove-fireplace


    The equipment of this company has a special feature: very fast heating of the firebox and room with high heat transfer. The Teplodar model range provides a large selection of devices adapted for different types of baths. Useful options include: a built-in steam generator and the ability to convert the firebox to gas (instead of wood).


    Another major player on the international stage. The models are developed by experienced bath attendants, and all production from start to finish is carried out in Finland. The brand’s good reputation is ensured by the reliability and durability of the products, the capabilities of which were assessed by many government officials in the country. The company has been operating since 1937, offering first-class fireplaces, bath or sauna stoves, water heating tanks and chimney systems.

    Rice. 18. Modern sauna stove with water tank

    Distinctive characteristics of metal fireplace stoves

    A metal stove is a compact heating device that combines two types of equipment - a sauna stove and a fireplace. It is characterized by high efficiency, practicality and durability. The door of the firebox and ash compartment is made of glass ceramics.

    To ensure that metal fireplaces provide effective heat accumulation in the sauna, warm up the stones and are easy to use, they are made of heat-resistant high-alloy steel and equipped with glass protective doors.

    A steel fireplace in a bathhouse has the following advantages:

    • quick heating of rooms;
    • high conversion parameters;
    • there is no foundation;
    • simple and affordable installation;
    • strength, wear resistance and durability of the structure.

    A distinctive characteristic of the devices is the design type:

    • mounted;
    • remote;
    • built-in

    A metal fireplace stove is equipped with an expansion water tank, which is both a heating and storage device. The stainless steel tank differs in volume: from 55 to 100 liters. Depending on the design features of the unit, the container is mounted on the top or side.

    What to consider before choosing a fireplace stove for a bath

    Let's talk about some of the nuances of operating the equipment. To ensure safe use of the unit, there are some requirements for installation and preparation of the installation site.

    Installation rules.

    1. When studying the instructions, pay attention to the distance between the device and the wall. The device cannot be placed close to the wall.
    2. The surface within a radius of 1-1.5 m must be lined with non-flammable, heat-resistant material.
    3. Even if there are special legs, it is not recommended to install the equipment directly on the floor: in addition to cladding, it is often recommended to create a low pedestal.
    4. Damage to the floor must be avoided. For steel models, racks and pedestal platforms are used to evenly distribute the load over a large area. Cast iron structures require a separate foundation due to the significant weight.

    When choosing a fireplace stove for a bath, you need to pay attention to the certification of the model. Compliance with international standards ensures that you get all the benefits without the risk of fire.

    Rice. 19. Heater for baths and saunas

    Let's sum it up

    How to choose a fireplace stove for a bath or sauna? It is necessary to understand the technical characteristics, taking into account the parameters of the steam room and the desired set of functions. If you have no experience and have questions, an expert will help you find interesting offers during a free consultation, because buying expensive equipment is not always justified. Listening to the recommendations in the article will allow you to make the right choice of model, and this will guarantee the pleasure of the procedure, the safety and durability of the purchased stove with a fireplace.

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