Operating and maintenance instructions for the barrel sauna

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Barrel baths

Operation of a cedar barrel sauna

What kind of foundation is needed for a barrel sauna?

Before purchasing and installing a barrel sauna on a site, you need to take care of the foundation or site where the structure will subsequently be installed. All manufacturers of mobile products claim that a full foundation is not required. In fact, this is true, but it is still necessary to prepare a level area. We recommend paying attention to several options for lightweight foundations:

1) The barrel can be installed in a place paved with paving slabs or filled with gravel.

2) If this option does not suit you, then you can prepare a concrete foundation for the building. 3) Also, one of the fastest options for a mobile barrel can be considered a columnar foundation. To make it, you will need to pour 2-3 pillars under each support of the structure. Pillars can be made of concrete, brick, concrete blocks, stone. It is not recommended to make supports from wood due to rapid rotting. Even if wood is treated with an antiseptic, over the years it will still lose its properties.

The main thing in any foundation is to maintain the level and the correct technology! A good foundation is the basis for the longevity of any bathhouse! It will protect the structure from the excessively moist environment of the earth, and therefore will not allow the wood to rot.

What needs to be done after installing the barrel sauna?

1) The barrel-shaped steam room should be installed at a distance of 5-6 meters from the nearest buildings.8) Most owners of mobile baths install them very close (1-3 meters) to houses and other buildings. In this case, none of the manufacturers will provide a guarantee for the safety of the buildings. 2) Any cedar product is supplied to the client with detailed operating instructions. Accordingly, it is necessary to familiarize yourself in detail with all the recommendations from the manufacturer before commissioning the steam room. 3) After installation, you must also carefully read the operating instructions for the stove from the manufacturer (Termofor). 4) Next, you should heat the stove for 4 hours without stones. This can be done outside or, if the stove is already installed, then directly in the bathhouse itself. In this case, it is necessary to open the windows in the bathhouse to create conditions for ventilation during the burning of the stove. 5) During combustion, the water tank must be filled at least 2/3 full. 6) The faucet (size 3/4) for the water tank is not included in the kit; you need to buy and install it yourself. 7) The stove should be heated with dry non-coniferous wood, and also ensure that the pipe is not red and the temperature in the steam room does not exceed 110C. To avoid sudden fire, keep the oven door closed at all times.
9) The stove chimney must be cleaned once every three months. 10) After the stove has burned out, you can add firewood again and prepare the sauna for steaming, making sure that there is no unpleasant odor. 11) To increase the service life and preserve the appearance of the product, we recommend impregnating the product inside with oil and outside with special paint for wood. 12) Immediately after installation, it is necessary to loosen the hoops, allow the wood to gain moisture and increase in size. After this, the hoops can be tightened. 13) Connection to the 220V electrical network must be made by a specialist with the appropriate permit. Grounding required. It is important to remember that after installation, the first few weeks of the barrel sauna may leak at the bottom of the product, this is due to the design features. When the tree collects the necessary moisture from the environment, all leaks will stop.

Prohibited in the barrel bath:

1) Leave children and elderly people unattended.8) 2) Being drunk. 3) Leave a burning stove unattended or let children heat it. 4) Allow water to get on the glass of the stove, windows, lampshades due to the threat of glass destruction due to temperature differences. 5) Heat the stove without stones (the exception is the first start of the stove at idle, when it is necessary to burn and get rid of the unpleasant smell) 6) Use unauthorized types of fuel. 7) Leave water in the tank after taking bath procedures. Make changes to the product design!
In this case the warranty will be void! 9) In winter, leave the bathhouse premises undried. This can lead to freezing of the water inside the steam room, which will subsequently negatively affect the performance properties of the barrel. 10) Pour out unextinguished coals and ash near buildings. If you follow the rules and recommendations from the manufacturer, the product will serve you faithfully for decades! Enjoy Your Bath!

Caring for a steam room in a barrel sauna

Many owners of their own barrel saunas often do not pay due attention to the care and maintenance of order in the steam rooms. Having enjoyed the water procedures and relaxed in the company of friends and family, some safely close the bathhouse and leave it until their next visit. In this case, there is a high probability that unforeseen difficulties will ruin your mood.

Finns are sure that the steam room is the heart of the sauna. And for this heart to work without interruption, it needs appropriate regular care. It's no secret that unpleasant odors, such as mold and dampness, can ruin even the most optimistic mood and ruin the atmosphere. In order to avoid their appearance, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse all the rooms of the barrel bath and, of course, ventilate them.

First of all, immediately after using the steam room, you need to spray the walls and floor with very hot water, which will remove the small leaves of bath brooms stuck to them. In conditions of high humidity, these seemingly insignificant contaminants will instantly cause mold to form. A standard barrel sauna is usually equipped with a wooden steamer for brooms. Don't forget to change the water in it. After treating the walls and floor with water, it is recommended to go over them with a special scraper, the use of which will preserve the original appearance of the walls of the barrel bath. Washing the floors in the steam room should also not be neglected; the best and, most importantly, fastest results can be achieved using a hose. A powerful jet will wash away even the smallest particles of dirt in hard-to-reach places.

After cleaning, the question arises of how to properly dry the steam room. Do not leave it to dry naturally, because this way you will guarantee the appearance of an unpleasant odor. The best option for any barrel bath would be to wipe the surfaces dry with a clean cloth and then ventilate. To do this, you need to open all windows and doors. An important nuance: do not leave (if possible) the steam room doors tightly closed, even with regular ventilation and proper care. As practice shows, the air in a small steam room quickly becomes stale. Therefore, a constant supply of fresh air is needed.

Having purchased a barrel sauna and starting water procedures, prepare the premises by ensuring free air circulation. To do this, open the windows and be sure to open the door for 20 minutes, this will be quite enough. Please note that ventilating through one window is time-consuming and ineffective.

It is better to give the waiting process to washing the ceiling, walls and floor with hot water. Make sure that the hose is connected to warm water, since by pouring cold water over the wood, you will add 40 minutes, or even a whole hour, to the warming up time. Many barrel baths that can be bought in Moscow are equipped with a heater; if it is installed in a steam room, we recommend pouring a couple of ladlefuls of hot water onto it before each use of the steam room. The steam released after this will remove all odors remaining after cleaning. After waiting a few minutes, you can invite people with confidence that no unpleasant little things will spoil your holiday.


Lighting up the oven

Those lucky people who have a brick stove can take good care of their bathhouse. A heated brick accumulates heat and stores it for a long time after the room has cooled. Soft “residual” heating of the room together with cross-ventilation helps get rid of excess moisture without any tricks. I can’t boast of such a thing, so I make do with other drying methods.

My steam room has a standard Finnish stove.

It cools down quickly.
To achieve the brick oven effect, you need to put in extra effort. After entering the steam room, I throw firewood into the stove and open the ash pan. To keep the warm, dry air “concentrated,” I close the windows and doors. You can open them after the wood has completely burned out.

Why do you need to wash the inside of the bathhouse?

Every time after visiting the bathhouse, dirt remains in the room. The drain becomes clogged with debris and bath leaves, and soapy water spreads over the surfaces, forming an unsightly residue. Germs and bacteria multiply, resulting in an unpleasant odor.

And this is only after a couple of visits to the steam room. But what should the owners of purchased bathhouses do, who are wondering: how to clean the inside of the bathhouse after the old owners?

Over time, the ceiling becomes smoky and the walls require cleaning. Soot, soot and moisture accumulate in the chimney, which can lead to a fire hazard or carbon monoxide poisoning.

Scale accumulates on the bottom and walls inside the tank. Its cause is hard tap water.

In the steam room, particles of used brooms, aromatic herbs, and steams poured on stones settle on the shelves and walls. Wooden surfaces lose their natural color and darken.

If you do not systematically clean all the elements of the interior of the bathhouse, mold will grow in it, the wooden coverings will become deformed, and ultimately you will have to do major repairs. But knowing what to clean the bathhouse with, you can only get by with general cleaning.

A sauna stove will speed up drying of the room

The sauna stove not only provides good steam, but also helps to quickly overcome humidity in the sauna room.

When the bathhouse is equipped with a brick stove, drying the room is quite quick and easy. The heated brick heats the air in the room for a long time, which promotes the evaporation of moisture. Additionally, you need to create cross-ventilation of the room using windows and doors.

If there is a stove in the bathhouse made of a different material, then it will have to be allowed to work a little more after the bathing procedures. To do this, you need to additionally throw a few firewood into the stove, open the ashpit, while simultaneously closing the windows and the front door. When the firewood has successfully burned out, you need to ventilate the room well, creating a draft.

Impregnation for a bath inside - how to choose and varieties

Hygienic procedures rarely become the main purpose of building a bathhouse. Most homeowners build a building for rest and relaxation, and logically choose wood as a building material. Only natural wood can create the right mood in a room designed to improve health and find peace of mind.

The technical characteristics of lumber are in many ways superior to those of plastic, brick or masonry, but in order to preserve its natural qualities for a long time, the raw materials must undergo special processing.

Optimal tree protection scheme

The need to impregnate wood

Natural origin provides wood with not only environmental properties, natural beauty and easy processing. High hygroscopicity allows wood to quickly absorb moisture; loose tissue becomes favorable soil for the appearance of microorganisms.

Damage to wood by mold Dangerous fungal infection - blue stain Scheme of wood damage by mold White mold has been added to the blue stain

The nutrient medium is used by a number of insects, whose colonies multiply and destroy the woody structure. In conditions with an optimal level of humidity, tannins and resins serve as a natural defense against fungal infections and wood-boring beetle larvae, but even in this case, treatment with special preparations is necessary. The humidity in the bathhouse is at an extreme level, significantly increasing the prospect of wooden structures being subject to rot, mold and parasites.

Untreated wood will rot quickly

Special antiseptic preparations minimize the risk of bacterial infection and provide lasting protection against all types of wood-destroying pests.

Modern means for impregnating wood are highly effective and have the ability to give products and structures an aesthetic appearance.

The process of applying impregnation to a wooden bath wall

Video - How to cover lining and shelves in a steam room

Basic principles for choosing impregnation

Modern antiseptic impregnations are presented in the construction market in numerous varieties, and when choosing a product, you should clearly determine the purpose of using the drug, which can be indicated by several points:

rental of apartments in Vyazma for a long term Impregnation for wood for a bath supi-saunasuoya Senezh sauna Teknos for a sauna Belinka Sauna Interier One of the main qualities that impregnation should have is the ability to provide reliable protection to wood, but not reduce the breathability of the material. The unconditional environmental friendliness of the product is especially important for indoor spaces with high air temperatures, which provoke the release of drug components. Impregnation for the floor should not lead to the formation of a sliding effect, and substances for treating the most used surfaces (shelves, tabletops, benches) should be purchased taking into account their resistance to regular wet cleaning. There are specially developed products for shelves that absorb as much as possible into the wood structure. The substances do not form a film, which at high air temperatures can lead to skin burns.

There are special requirements for impregnations. There should be no film left on the wood, and when heated, the antiseptic should not release toxic substances from the surface

Main types of wood impregnations

Impregnations for wood processing are divided into types depending on the component composition, properties and methods of application to the surface. Preparations can have different consistencies and are available in the form of:

Impregnation for wood - varieties

Impregnations for wood processing are made on an organic or chemical basis. All varieties have water-repellent properties. Modern preparations rarely have only one function and are produced for universal use, allowing simultaneous protection of wooden structures from the effects of high temperature and humidity, infection by fungal life forms and colonies of harmful insects. Depending on the composition, preparations are divided into water-soluble and oil-soluble. There are combined products in the form of varnishes and paints with the effects of moisture protection and protection against microorganisms. Most drugs have additional properties in the form of fire resistance and dirt-repellent function.

Impregnations increase wood resistance to fire and high humidity

All types of antiseptic impregnations are aggressive chemicals and contain toxic substances. Work must be carried out using protective equipment and in accordance with the instructions.

Features of water-soluble and oil-based wood impregnations

Water-soluble antiseptics are produced on an acrylate base and have a complex effect on wood in the form of protection from moisture, pollution and biological damage.

The desired shade of color is given to colorless compositions by the introduction of a colorant selected from the catalog provided by the manufacturer. The main disadvantage of the preparations is the gradual leaching from the wood structure and the need to repeat the treatment somewhat more often compared to other means.

When using water-soluble impregnation, treatment will have to be carried out more often

For longer-term operation, it is advisable to make an additional coating in the form of a thin layer of waterproofing made from a film-forming substance containing resin. The advantages of water-soluble impregnation are the absence of an unpleasant odor and the ability not to affect the original color and external texture of the wood. The product can be sold in the form of a solution or a dry mixture that requires dissolution with water.

An example of mixing wood antiseptic

Oil-based impregnations are deeply absorbed into wood and retain their properties for a long time even with frequent moistening. The disadvantage is the strong unpleasant odor resulting from the presence of a solvent in the composition.

Oil impregnation for hard, non-porous wood

High toxicity makes most drugs unsuitable for use indoors, but subject to safety precautions, some types of products can be used to treat wooden surfaces in a bathhouse. Wood preservatives based on oil and wax impregnate and compact the material, preserving the natural qualities of the raw material for a long time and ensuring wear resistance and strength of structures.

Video - Impregnating the sauna with oil

Video - Oil impregnation for steam baths

A good effect is produced by alkyd-oil-based impregnation , which preserves the hygroscopicity of the material, prevents deformation and cracking of products, and gives the wood good decorative qualities.

PINOTEKS BASE is an alkyd-based antiseptic primer for wood processing. Is a colorless, well-absorbing primer

Regular ventilation of the bathhouse reduces the level of humidity in the room and greatly extends the durability of the protective layer and wooden structures.

General recommendations for processing wooden surfaces

The recommended frequency of protective wood treatment for bathhouses and saunas is once every 2 years. The optimal time for work is considered to be autumn. The spring movement of tree sap provokes the formation of rot, and timely preparation of the material for the thaw will help maintain the integrity of the structure. Antiseptics are applied only to a new wooden surface before the first use of the bathhouse.

Applying impregnation with a brush

Applying impregnation with a sprayer Soaking wood in antiseptic

Previously used wood is freed from old layers of paint or varnish, thoroughly sanded before applying the product, and cleaned of dust and dirt. The composition is applied with a roller or a wide soft brush, paying special attention to the ends of the timber and boards. You can use objects and the room only after the composition has completely dried.

You need to move the roller or brush along the board

A competent choice and correct use of preparations will preserve the natural beauty of natural wood for a long time and ensure trouble-free and long-term use of the bathhouse.

Table. Oil wax Anta BATH SAUNA - impregnation

CompositionChemical analysisPhysical properties

Natural beeswax, highly purified linseed oil, natural ethers of coniferous wood, natural wood resins of various types of wood according to the specified modification in the product line. DOES NOT CONTAIN DRICKS A mixture of natural natural ingredients without the use of chemical additives and artificial synthesized components. 100% natural beeswax composition. Medium-viscous paste-like consistency of honey color with a slight smell of fir oil, honey and propolis.
ApplicationDrying timeConsumption
Moisture-proof, vapor-permeable impregnation is an antiseptic to protect wood from mold, mildew, moisture and UV.Depending on the thickness of the applied layer and climatic conditions: - from 12 to 24 hours for each layerDepending on the absorbency of the coating: - approximately 80 g but not more than 100 g/m2, when applied with a brush or felt on 1 layer for a planed or sanded surface of a log, depending on the humidity and structure of the wood. 50-70g per 15-30 sq./m. when covering in the second layer. Increased air temperature, incl. both artificially created and sunlight significantly reduce the drying time of the composition. SUBSEQUENT preventive layers of re-treatment are recommended to be repeated approximately once every few years, depending on operating conditions, applying the composition in a very thin layer at the rate of approximately 1 liter per 30 sq./m. onto a surface free of dust and dirt.

Table. How to apply impregnation to a wooden surface

CleaningThoroughly clean the surface to be treated from dirt, dust, old coating, and remove dust (you can use a vacuum cleaner)
SandingIf necessary, sand and dry
Mixing the impregnationMix the composition thoroughly before use.
Checking the temperature in the bathThe maximum effect is achieved when applying the composition at an air temperature above +15C.
Application of impregnationApply one thin coat of OIL WAX with a brush or short, stiff bristle brush. You can use a piece of tow or jute. OIL WAX consumption per 1 m2 of surface SHOULD NOT EXCEED 100 g/m2 (except for Oil Wax for Ends – 120-150 g/m2). If necessary, a second coat can be applied after 24 hours, but only after the surface has completely dried and the Oil Wax has been absorbed into the wood.
Removing excessRemove excess product with a lint-free cloth after 7 – 10 minutes
PolishingAfter drying for up to 24 hours or earlier, to increase the protection effect and quality of processing, it is recommended to polish the treated surface. If the composition is completely absorbed, the surface should be easily polished with a soft cotton cloth or felt until it is completely tack-free. If, when applying the first thin layer, a day after application, there are still unabsorbed residues, it means that the humidity of the wood or the surrounding air is increased, or the ambient temperature is decreased, or all these factors are present at the same time. In this case, the second layer when applied (if you decide to apply it) should be even thinner than the first layer, or the air temperature should be increased to speed up absorption. It is advisable to repeat the treatment 2 times with an interval of 3 weeks to 6 months, depending on the location of application of the Oil Wax and the environmental conditions and use of the surface

a sick pigeon flew to the balcony - omen

Main mistakes when choosing and using impregnations

Even if you are fully confident that you have the necessary information for the correct purchase of protective equipment, you should not neglect the advice of a specialist. An experienced seller has the necessary knowledge about the characteristic properties of drugs and the features of their use. Not all types of impregnations are suitable for use in interior spaces, and the use of a toxic product for external treatment can cause serious harm to health.

Elcon Sauna silicone impregnation is designed for comprehensive protection of wood inside baths and saunas. The composition protects wood from rot, mold, and wood-boring insects under conditions of high temperatures and abundant cyclic moisture. Sauna impregnation penetrates deeply into the wood, forming a transparent vapor-moisture resistant coating on its surface. Impregnation is absolutely environmentally friendly - it does not emit toxic fumes after drying. Impregnation for saunas protects walls, doors, benches and other wooden surfaces from premature aging and destructive factors. Bath impregnation preserves the wood texture, protects against UV radiation, and creates an elastic coating that prevents cracking when the linear dimensions of the wood fluctuate.

Buying a product with a low moisture-resistant effect will not give a positive result in a humid bathhouse atmosphere and will only lead to unnecessary costs for duplicating the process. If painting or varnishing is planned for decorative purposes, the protective impregnation must be fully compatible with paint and varnish materials.

Neomid 200 – Antiseptic for baths and saunas

Video - Antiseptic “Neomid 200” for baths

Video - Antiseptic "Neomid 430" non-washable

What will you need to clean the inside of the bathhouse?

Before starting work, it is necessary to equip yourself with all the devices and means for cleaning and washing the working surfaces of the bathhouse. It is not recommended to use chemicals to avoid damage to wooden products.

Among household products for combating pollution, liquid cleaning solution for stoves, antiseptic, chimney cleaning liquid, and essential oils for impregnation are useful.

In anticipation of the procedure, you should wear a respirator, safety glasses and rubber gloves.

Correct operation

After installing the cedar barrel, you can begin spa treatments. However, with each use it is worth remembering the basic rules of operation, which will extend the life of the structure. In particular:

Also, do not leave the doors or lid open. If you do not plan to use the barrel in the near future, it is better to cover it with cloth or thick cloth and place a small container of water inside (to maintain the optimal humidity level). This will protect the structure from external factors and extend its “life.”

Processing Tips

To extend the service life of wood, it is recommended to treat surfaces with protective impregnation at least once every two years. It is better to plan these works for the autumn. You need to choose the impregnation that is marked that it is intended for use in bath conditions (appropriate temperature, humidity).

An antiseptic for a bath should be applied exclusively to a cleaned surface. From the wood, you first need to clean off the old varnish, paint (if there was any), damaged layers, sweep away the dust, and then apply the product only with a soft and wide brush. To prepare the surface, it is most convenient to use a grinding machine.

To add a tint to the protective impregnation, you can add a little dye. The lower crown of the bathhouse frame is best treated with a bitumen-based composition; it perfectly protects against rotting.

The foundation must be protected with waterproofing, otherwise it will begin to rot over time. It is advisable to cover surfaces that will most often come into contact with water with several layers of impregnation. You can use the bath only after the composition used has completely dried.


Reviews about space and safety

According to buyers, barrel-shaped baths already have limited free space, which becomes even smaller after installing a heating device. You can choose it yourself. Sometimes suppliers offer bath complexes with ready-made stoves. It is also important to take into account that when operating such a structure, it will be necessary to observe increased safety measures, because the risk of a fire in a confined space increases several times. And steamers no longer have the opportunity to get burned on the hot stove walls.

How to wash walls and ceilings?

You can go over wooden surfaces with a vacuum brush or broom. It is important to remove soot and soot that has accumulated on them. The walls are then cleaned with sponges soaked in melamine to remove soot. Stock up on several pieces, since sponges instantly become dirty.

After removing traces of soot, wash the walls and ceiling 2-3 times with water and detergent. Under no circumstances should you use powders or other abrasive cleaners to avoid damaging the wood. The water is changed as it gets dirty.

Hard-to-reach places are washed with a long-handled brush.

You can wash the lining in a bathhouse from dirt with a washing solution. It is then thoroughly washed off the surface with running water. It is supplied directly from the water supply through a hose. Lining is a delicate material. If there is a large amount of moisture or poor quality thermal insulation, it turns black. In this case, the top layer of the lining is cleaned with a sanding machine. Work is carried out at a depth of 3 mm so as not to damage the wood.

Washed surfaces are wiped dry with a clean cloth.

Treat surfaces with linseed oil

The final stage of bath care is treatment with linseed oil. Everyone also knows about the miraculous “essence,” but almost no one uses it in practice. Personally, I have made it a rule to treat wooden surfaces after steaming. When the steam room dries out, I distribute the composition over the walls, benches and floor.

For your money, linseed oil is an indispensable protection against rot, cracks, darkening and traces of mold.

Of course, the product has a specific smell that not everyone will like. But with subsequent airing it disappears without a trace. The oil dries within 24 hours. After this, the bathhouse is heated again. If I see residue on the wood, I remove it manually.

Source of the article: https://zen.yandex.com/media/banya_expert/3-soveta-ot-opytnogo-banscika-kak-prosushivat-baniu-chtoby-dolgo-slujila-5f0850e77ec36d6f956cd215

How to wash shelves?

The shelves and benches in the steam room become dirty from aromatic oils, hot water and sweat, since wood absorbs liquids well. Hard-to-remove stains form on surfaces. Sometimes you can get rid of them only by cleaning the cycles. This damages the outer layer of the wood. Therefore, it is recommended to cover shelves with special protective compounds. Under no circumstances should you use varnish that, when heated, can cause burns.

A car wash is often used to clean shelves. Karcher supplies water mixed with air under pressure. This easily removes dirt from surfaces.

To whiten bath shelves that have become blackened over time, you can use an antiseptic bleach designed for baths and saunas. If you are against “chemistry,” ordinary river sand, which you carefully rub on the surface, will help.

Homemade recipes

There is a recipe for homemade wax impregnation, which includes beeswax and linseed oil, the ingredients are taken in equal proportions. The grated wax is melted in a water bath, and then it is mixed with the second component and allowed to cool.

It is recommended to use harmless protective materials to impregnate the walls of the steam room. The use of oils allows you to create a greasy film on the surface of a wooden structure and protect the wood itself from penetration deep into dirt. There is one minus here. For some time after contact with the treated surfaces, a greasy film will be felt, but soon the oil will be absorbed and partially erased, leaving only a protective film.

A good result is obtained after using melted natural wax. This impregnation is easy to do with your own hands. But the surface must first be thoroughly cleaned, degreased and only then wax applied.

Disinfection of baths, swimming pools and saunas

Disinfection in baths and saunas must be carried out regularly. Are your premises used by at least a few people a week? The likelihood that one of the visitors will bring with them unwanted microorganisms is already quite high. In bath conditions, invisible guests will be able to multiply at tremendous speed. Constant humidity, low ventilation, high temperatures - a person cannot withstand such conditions for long, but pathogenic organisms build colonies. Without timely professional disinfection, your bathhouse or sauna will turn into a carrier of fungi of the genus Candida and Trichophyton.

Frequency of cleaning in the bathhouse or sauna

Fungal infections and germs grow at an alarming rate in the humid air of public baths. But it is impossible to protect yourself from every trouble. In any case, harmful microorganisms will be destroyed with the next cleaning. Question: when should it be done?

Two main factors influencing the degree of contamination of a bathhouse (or sauna):

If you follow the rules of hygiene and require guests to be careful in their bathing areas, then each visitor will carry fewer bacteria and fungal infections. The requirements are very simple. Guests must bring a large mat for sitting or lying on. This mat will absorb sweat containing a huge number of microorganisms that parasitize humans. Clean shelves are the best guarantee that a visitor who comes to get rid of ailments will go home with skin parasites. Thick terry towels are usually used as a mat.

gable roof design rules and mistakes

Prices for treatment of baths and saunas:
Up to 50 sq.m2400 rub.
From 50 sq.m to 100 sq.m3300 rub.
from 100 sq.m to 300 sq.m30 rub./sq.m
From 300 sq.m to 500 sq.m27 RUR/sq.m
From 500 sq.m to 1000 sq.m23 RUR/sq.m
From 1000 sq.m to 2500 sq.m18 RUR/sq.m
more than 2500 sq.mNegotiable

Prices for treating wooden buildings vary, because wooden products absorb more microorganisms and deeper into their structure. In the bathhouse and sauna we carry out insect repellent treatments: extermination of cockroaches, extermination of bedbugs, extermination of fleas, extermination of lice, extermination of woodlice, extermination nits, etc., destruction of rats and mice and other rodents, unpleasant odors and microorganisms and diseases caused by them, such as: mold, fungus, tuberculosis bacilli (tuberculosis), hepatitis, HIV, gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, salmonellosis, diphtheria, candidiasis, polio, pneumonia, asthma, etc.

But even if the shelves remain clean, a large number of guests per week still gives a high chance of transmitting some kind of infection to new customers. An establishment with high popularity (the same number of visits on any day, with a peak on weekends) requires general cleaning at least four times a month. At the same time, routine antimicrobial cleaning, even in baths and saunas with average or low attendance, should be carried out after each session. Only in this case can you guarantee the relative safety of visitors.

Specifics of disinfection of baths and saunas

You should limit yourself to independent disinfection procedures only if your full-time employees specialize in professional cleaning of this type of premises. But in most cases, such specialists are “raised” by cleaning companies. Finding at least one such person for your state is not an easy task.

At the same time, for a reasonable price you can order a complete disinfection of a bathhouse or sauna. The service life of the premises can be significantly extended by regularly turning to the services of professionals. The following procedures are performed:

All these procedures are labor-intensive and require compliance with many small details. Limescale, for example, changes its structure in a humid, warm room. It is almost impossible to remove it using conventional means, without additional processing. The oven must be cleaned correctly, otherwise it will turn from a source of heat into a source of germs.

It is impossible to clean the bath room with ordinary household chemicals. Under the influence of non-standard temperatures in the room, unique conditions are created for the proliferation of microorganisms. They can only be dealt with with the help of special chemistry. Cleaning products for baths and saunas will cost organizations a pretty penny. You can save a lot if you involve the Unified City Disinfection Service in the work.

Even disinfecting wood can be too difficult and dangerous a task for a beginner. The wrong choice of product can not only permanently ruin the appearance of the shelves. There is a high probability of “giving” your next visitors a chemical burn.

Procedures such as fumigation of a room or gas-steam treatment of surfaces give excellent results, but only professionals can perform them correctly. Entrust disinfection to the experts, and the sauna will last much longer.

Our specialists use modern methods, materials, equipment, general cleaning or economical cleaning, destruction of bedbugs, fleas, woodlice, cockroaches and other insects, microorganisms, mold, fungi using cold and hot fog generators - by far the most effective methods of sanitization in bath complexes, swimming pools and saunas. The drugs used (4 classes) are of minimal danger. The service carries out guaranteed and specialized work aimed at the complete destruction of pests. In addition to the quality and safety of the services we provide, we provide our clients with the opportunity to schedule the procedure at any time convenient for them.

Call: +7(495)508-24-86; and entrust the destruction of pests to professionals. Specialist visits are carried out both in Moscow and in the Moscow region.

We offer you additional services from our partners:

2)Exclusive supplier of insecticidal mixtures and qualified personnel for the repair and decoration of saunas

How to wash floors?

Detergents will help thoroughly clean the floor from dirt. To prevent fungi and mold, it is recommended to use hydrogen peroxide or “Whiteness”. They will permanently relieve the wooden covering from the formation of mucus. However, after treatment with these substances, the bathhouse must be ventilated so that a specific odor does not remain.

After each visit to the washing machine, the floors are washed with water and a liquid soap solution. This will allow them to remain clean and shiny for a long time.

Darkened floorboards that are resistant to cleaning liquids are cleaned with an electric planer. After removing and drying the wood, treat its top layer from 5 to 10 mm deep. Any sharp edges that appear are sanded using a machine. The thin darkened layer of the board is sanded off with sandpaper, and the corners are passed through with a drill.

To prevent severe contamination, mold, mildew and pests, the bathhouse is constantly kept clean. After each visit, it is thoroughly washed from the inside, not forgetting about all the components. Periodically, the internal surfaces are treated with antiseptics, and protective compounds are applied to the wood. If any element becomes unusable, it must be replaced immediately. Such care will allow you to enjoy comfortable rest for many years. Additional information about the proper maintenance of bathhouses can be found in our blog banya-guru.ru.

How to light the stove for the first time?

During the construction of any bathhouse, the surface of the stove and walls are treated with heat-resistant, as well as protective impregnations against fungus and mold, so before using it, it is necessary to heat the room for 4-5 hours, opening the windows and doors so that all odors from chemical compounds disappear. In this case, the heat in the steam room should reach 60C° and above.

How to heat a sauna correctly?

It is necessary to heat the bathhouse only with dry firewood from deciduous trees. The best raw material for good and long heat in the steam room is birch. Its birch bark can easily light a stove, and the bathhouse quickly heats up.

Only adults should engage in lighting the stove; this activity is contraindicated for children.

To prevent sparks from jumping out of the oven, its doors must be tightly closed. You can carefully open them if you toss in new logs.

The most optimal temperature in the steam room should be from 60C° to 100C°. Overheating of the chimney pipe can lead to fire consequences.

Compliance with safety measures is the main task of adults who decide to steam their children, therefore, when visiting a steam room with children, it is necessary to monitor their behavior and avoid being near the stove and tank with heated water.

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Basic rules for operating a barrel bath:

Controlling the degree of tightening of the hoops is also important . Before transporting the bathhouse, it is necessary to tighten the hoops. In the autumn-winter period and rainy spring, the hoops are constantly tightened, while in the summer it is possible for them to sag, which is not a structural defect, but is associated with the loss of internal moisture in the wood. Subject to additional tightening in the summer, it is possible that they will have to be loosened in the fall, when the tree begins to gain moisture again.

Tank operation.

The supplied tank is made of stainless steel with increased heat resistance and sufficient thickness of the sheet used. Its operation should be based on the manufacturer's recommendations. Structurally, the tank is equipped with a fitting, which, by rotating the body, allows water to be directed along the entire circumference of the stove. Before starting to light the stove, it is necessary to ensure that there is at least two-thirds of the water in the container. If there is a lack of water, the tank may burn out and become damaged. Upon completion of bath procedures, the water should be drained, regardless of the season and street temperatures. It is also recommended to wash the tank two or three times annually, cleaning the walls from the inside of various deposits.

Oven operation. The stove is used based on the manufacturer's instructions. The model is equipped with draft control capabilities to optimize combustion. Control is carried out through the ash pan, the door of which is located below the firebox door. Under the influence of excessive draft, a significant increase in combustion temperature is possible with the metal glowing red-hot. This mode of operation negatively affects the service life of the product.

When igniting the stove, the optimal position for the ash pan is to open it to a quarter of its length. Next, the ash pan is closed. In the future, it is regulated as necessary to maintain the optimal temperature inside.


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