Barrel sauna: features and advantages. Instructions for building a barrel sauna with your own hands

The Russian people love to steam and can come up with everything in such a way that they save money, and the building does not take up much space on the site, and so that you can transport it with you. We are talking about a barrel sauna, which is gaining more and more popularity due to its characteristics and design. According to many owners, this design is convenient, economical, beautiful and mobile. There is only one caveat - a ready-made bathhouse on the market can be bought for 200–250 thousand rubles. The price is decent, but all costs can be reduced, because such a structure is built easier and faster than buildings of a similar purpose made of cinder block or brick . You only need to spend money on the material and the stove. If you are a non-specialist, this article will help you learn how to build such an unusual structure.

How does a barrel sauna work?

Bath structure

What is such a bathhouse like? Most likely, you imagined an ordinary wooden barrel. And you'd be right, because the design looks like a barrel lying on its side. Its height, and therefore its diameter, ranges from 2 to 3 m, depending on the wishes of the developer. The length is also selected according to your needs. If you have a large family, or you want to steam with your friends, the length can reach 6 m. And when 2-4 people need to steam, 3 or 4 m will be enough.

Such a bathhouse can consist of more than just a steam room. It is often equipped with a washroom, shower, rest room, veranda or locker room. These sections will not be visible from the outside; the division of the structure occurs inside, due to additional partitions. If there is a washing department, it is necessary to provide water supply and sewerage.

The material from which such baths are made is wood. But not every type of wood is suitable for such work. To ensure comfort, it is important to decide right away which wood to choose and how to build with it. After all, if an ordinary bathhouse can be made from anything, and the inside can be lined with wood or other environmentally friendly material, then such a design will have the same material both inside and outside. For example, coniferous trees cannot be used. The resin that is inside the tree will actively release when heated. Heated resin can even burn your skin.

The only type of conifer that is suitable for construction is cedar. Its healing and aromatherapy properties have a beneficial effect on human health. In addition, cedar is resistant to moisture and various microorganisms, does not deform, does not shrink or crack under the influence of temperatures. And the variety of textured patterns and shades is important for the aesthetic design of the structure.

Often when choosing a tree, they choose oak, which is known for its strength and hardness of structure. Such a bath will serve you for many years. Linden is another species that is often used. Linden vapor has a beneficial effect on the skin, rejuvenating it, and the building itself will quickly warm up and keep warm.

A budget option can be called building from aspen. Its properties are very similar to those of linden, only aspen produces a bitter odor and is less durable.

Material selection

A smart and prudent builder will make a barrel sauna from such types of wood as:

  • oak is a tree that is undeniably strong and resistant to dampness, and also has a beautiful pattern when cut;
  • linden, famous for its healing properties and excellent ability to retain heat, but quickly deteriorates when exposed to moisture;
  • aspen, comparable in strength to linden, is impervious to dampness and does not change its shape.

A bathhouse made from quality material will last longer

Pine needles are definitely not suitable for making a barrel bath. This type of wood is enriched with resins, which scatter through the air at high temperatures. In extreme cases, only the skeleton of a non-standard bathhouse can be built from coniferous trees.

The only coniferous tree that will not make you regret building a room for water treatments is cedar. The structure of the material created from this wood is dense and therefore does not change under the influence of hot steam.

The barrel sauna, for the construction of which cedar planks served as raw materials, does not decrease in size and is not affected by moisture.

It is not entirely advisable to use metal when constructing a barrel sauna, since under the influence of heat it becomes heated and can burn the skin. But it is not prohibited to use metal parts for the construction of a non-standard bathhouse. We are talking about corners, rims and other elements responsible for the reliability of the structure.

Why a barrel sauna?

Sauna on wheels

This question may arise immediately. After all, you can make an ordinary bathhouse out of wood or brick, like everyone else does. But this design has a number of advantages, thanks to which it is very popular.

Advantages of this option:

  1. Compactness. Thanks to its design, such an engineering creation can be placed in almost any area. After all, often the average bathhouse occupies only 8–10 m2, which is useful for owners of small plots. But with all this, the internal space is used to the maximum, and six people can fit in such a steam room.
  2. Mobility. If you need to move, or are selling your summer cottage or house, just take it with you. It can be easily transported to another location in a truck, and if it is small, a car trailer can be adapted to transport it. And all due to the fact that it does not have a rigid connection with the foundation, but is simply installed on its surface. You can also make such a bathhouse on wheels.
  3. Room heating rate. Since the design has no corners, it warms up quickly. Many experts agree that 20% of the total time is spent on warming up the corners. With a barrel there will be no such loss of time. In summer, you can heat up to 100ºC in 30–40 minutes, in winter in 1 hour.
  4. Economical. To build a regular bathhouse, you need much more money, while this one will cost you much less, but you should keep in mind that its capacity is from 3 to 6 people.
  5. There is no need to construct a capital foundation, since due to its low weight, it is simply not needed.
  6. Unusual and modern design. The shape and appearance of the structure attract attention. In addition, psychologists have proven that rounded shapes promote relaxation.
  7. Easy maintenance. Dirt does not accumulate in the corners, simply because there are none, and the area is small, so you will have to clean less.
  8. Thermos effect. It is ensured by thoughtful thermal insulation and shape. Thanks to this, you can save on fuel and electricity. According to experts, the round shape helps to consume 23% less resources than a simple bathhouse.

As you can see, there are enough advantages. Therefore, analyzing them and their capabilities, most developers choose this option. If you are reading this article, then you are also convinced of the practicality of this form.

Why choose us?

We sell turnkey barrel baths with showers at prices without intermediary markups and guarantee high quality products. In addition, pay attention to the following advantages of purchasing from us:

  • You can take a steam bath on the day of delivery. We will bring a ready-made mobile building or a “construction set”, the assembly of which will take several hours.
  • We process cedar grown in environmentally friendly areas of Siberia, saw it and dry it using proven technology. To treat internal surfaces, safe compounds based on beeswax and carnauba wax are used.
  • The baths are designed for year-round use. The good heat-insulating properties of wood allow you to achieve the optimal temperature for vaping both in summer and in winter frosts.
  • Within 5-7 days we will produce any model from those shown in the photo in the catalog. Our craftsmen are also ready to implement an individual project according to the customer’s sketch.

You can see the production products with your own eyes in branded showrooms, which are located in some cities of Russia. The full list is on this page. Our managers will be happy to provide you with consultations on all issues using the phone numbers listed on the website.

Calculate “Barrel bath calculator”Your discount: 10,000 ₽

Materials and components

Blanks for building a bathhouse

The first step is to decide on the material from which to make the bathhouse, as well as its design. To have an idea of ​​the future construction, you can look at various drawings and plans to choose the one you like. It must indicate all the data: length, width, diameter, etc. Then, based on the dimensions, you need to prepare the following material:

  • Tongue and groove boards 90 mm wide and 45 mm thick. The length is selected depending on the size of the structure. Do not take boards with a larger width, as in the future when laying them it will be difficult to join on a round surface.
  • Edged boards 200 mm wide and 50 mm thick.
  • Window and wooden blocks.
  • Canopy.
  • Tightening metal hoops.
  • Wood-burning, electric or heater stove.

Before carrying out work, all wooden elements must be coated with an antiseptic so that the wood does not rot and microorganisms, mold and mildew do not grow in it.

Due to the round shape of the bathhouse, the wood needs to be prepared and cut. And the boards will be connected to each other using a tongue and groove method. If you do not have the appropriate equipment to do this, it is better to order such processing from specialists. Just show them the drawings with the dimensions so they can cut everything just right. And to save material, time and effort, you can purchase a ready-made set of materials, which you only have to assemble and install, but it will cost much more. When you have prepared everything, you can proceed to construction.

Stage 1 - preparing the base

Creating the base of a barrel sauna

As already mentioned, there is no need to dig a pit and pour a foundation. It is enough to install it on a flat surface so as to prevent contact of the tree with the soil. Preparing such a site is quite simple if you compact and level the area and fill it with gravel or crushed stone.

The base for such a bath can be made from floor slabs.

If there is no such level area, you can make a base of concrete. To do this, remove the top layer of soil, 15–20 cm deep. Install the formwork, pour sand into the base, making a cushion of 5–10 cm, and compact it. Then lay the reinforcement and fill everything with concrete. After 3 weeks you can assemble the bath, that’s when the solution will completely strengthen.

Now you need to make a wooden base. Transverse parts will be made from edged boards 200 mm wide. If you decide to cut them yourself, then cut a rounded notch in them that follows the contours of the barrel. To ensure everything is even, use the pattern as a reference. The workpiece should be cut no more than half the width, that is, 100 mm. The number of such boards is determined by the length of the bath. As professionals advise, they need to be installed in increments of 1–1.5 m.

For reliability, the transverse parts can be connected with boards, which are screwed along the embedded boards using screws.

Finishing a custom bath

Finishing work in a barrel bath usually consists of the following:

  1. A hole is made in the floorboards to drain water, and a pipe is installed under the barrel, connecting it to the sewer outlet.
  2. A wooden grid with 1 cm gaps is created on the floor.
  3. Shelves are nailed to the walls and, if space allows, a small table is mounted.
  4. Thermal protection is created on the walls around the stove, after which a heating device, chimney and water tank are installed.
  5. Electrical wires and water supply pipes are installed in the room.

The stove must be fenced off with a protective screen

The space inside the barrel bath should be treated with a special flax compound that protects the wood from exposure to dampness and deformation.

To decorate a non-standard room, it is advisable to use linden - a material that, due to heat, releases essential oils that help get rid of inflammation and harmful bacteria.

To build a barrel sauna, you will have to work hard. Knowing the intricacies of the process, an unconventional room for water procedures can be made both of high quality and cozy.

  • Author: Ksenia Zubkova
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Stage 2 – assembly of end partitions

Assembly of end partitions

Now you need to assemble the end partitions. Their height and circumference depend on your plan. Connect the prepared boards by pressing them close to each other on a flat surface. To hold them together, use cross beams. Secure each board with screws to the cross beam. Also don't forget about openings. After all, partitions must have doors and windows in the right places. Therefore, when securing the cross beams, make sure that they do not interfere with the installation of window and door units. Once the required number of partitions have been assembled, you can proceed to the next step.

Stage 3 - frame assembly

Frame assembly

Next you should lay the embedded boards on the prepared base. All elements are connected using the tongue and groove method.

Boards pre-cut to the required size are laid on the bottom. Fasten them along the required circumference until it is sufficient to install the end partitions. The boards must be nailed to the base or screwed.

Once this height has been reached, install the end partitions in the desired places and continue assembling the structure, securing the boards around the partitions. Each board must be nailed or screwed to the end of the partition.

To simplify the task of installing partitions on the inside of the embedded boards where the partitions will be installed, you need to cut grooves whose width is equal to the width of the partition. Then installing it will be much easier and faster.

The barrel is tightened with clamps

After you have laid the last board, you need to ensure the rigidity of the structure. To do this, the barrel is tightly tied with iron hoops. To connect the ends of the hoop, use iron clamps. After a long period of use, when the wood dries out a little, the clamps need to be tightened so that the gaps are minimal.

Stage 4 - interior work

Interior decoration of the bath

It's time to start decorating the interior of your bathhouse. There is no less work here, since we still need to make the floor, shelves, install a drain, prepare a place for the stove, etc. But now everything is in order.

  1. The first step is to knock down the shelves and install them inside. It is recommended to assemble them from aspen or linden.
  2. After that, start installing the floor, which will also be made of wood. The floor should be laid at a slight angle towards the drain, then the water will not linger. To ensure air circulation, the floor can be made in the form of a wooden grid, so that the distance between the boards is at least 1 cm. Then your feet will not freeze and will be dry, since all the water will drain freely.
  3. Take care of the water drainage system. Where to take it is up to you. If the site already has a sewerage system, you need to organize the flow of water through pipes into the sewer system and install a siphon so that during bathing procedures you do not inhale an unpleasant odor. Another option is to dig a drainage hole where the water will flow.
  4. If you want to equip the bathhouse with electrical wiring, this must be done at the assembly stage. In this case, ordinary wires will not work. You need to purchase a special wire in non-flammable insulation and lamps that are designed for saunas.
  5. When you plan to steam only in the summer, you don’t need to insulate it. But if you have a great desire to steam all year round, the bathhouse needs to be insulated with rolled material. Additionally, it is necessary to lay a vapor barrier layer and finish the room.
  6. Don't forget to install doors and windows in the right places.
  7. The most important element of the interior is the stove - the key element. You need to choose which stove to buy - an electric stone stove or a small wood-burning stove. Here you can choose from your own preferences. The stove must be installed in the last section where there will be a steam room. It is important to protect the place where it will stand. The walls, floor and ceiling near the stove should be lined with fire-resistant material such as tiles or a metal screen. If your stove is wood-burning, you need to make a place in the ceiling for a chimney.

Now your bathhouse is almost ready. In general, you can already exploit it. To protect against precipitation, all that remains is to make a roof.

Types (table)

Barrel sauna layout option

Ordinary Russian bathFeatures hot and humid steam. You can steam in it with brooms. Usually consists of 2 rooms: a steam room and a washing room. After sitting in the steam room for a while and sweating, you can go wash in the shower. In this design option, it is imperative to consider a water drainage system. To prevent it from stagnating, the barrel sauna is placed at a slight slope. The stove in it is installed between two rooms. It is equipped with a tank for heating water. This tank should go into the shower. In the steam room there is a net with stones on which water is poured. They are heated by the firebox. The combustion part of the furnace is located in the washing room. It is better to fence it off so as not to get burned during bath procedures. There is not much space in such a ben, so the stove should be as small as possible. The walls near the stove are insulated with fireproof material.
SaunaIt differs in that the air in it is dry. It may consist of one room. Often this design is equipped with a font into which cold water is poured. If there is little space, sometimes a bucket is used for dousing with water. It is considered a tradition to plunge into cold water after a sauna. It's easier to set up than the previous one. The room must be airtight: the doors close tightly, there are no gaps in the floor or walls. The sauna has only a small hole in the roof or wall with a special valve that can be closed partially or completely. Water is not used in the sauna, so there is no need for a drain. It has comfortable benches and a stove with a heating stove. You cannot pour water on the stones in the sauna. You can add a few drops of essential oil or tincture of medicinal herbs. Thus, therapeutic and preventive aromatherapy is created. The sauna can be installed both vertically and horizontally.
OfuroSimilar to Japanese sento. Visually it resembles a font. Heated by a built-in stove. It has no roof, but it is used all year round. They place it on a wooden floor. The inside is equipped with a wooden bench and a stove, which is fenced with a wooden partition so that no one gets burned during bath procedures. According to Japanese wisdom, the ofura bath unites all four elements: earth, fire, water and air. The earth is the wood from which it is made, the fire is the stove. And the creation of complete harmony occurs thanks to the water and air surrounding a person in this bath. In it he relaxes and becomes healthier. Visually it may resemble a simple barrel or be elongated. The stove does not have to be installed inside the structure. Sometimes they place it next to it and run pipes from it that heat the water inside. This is a safer option. True, heating requires much more time, and, consequently, fuel consumption increases. Usually they spend 10–20 minutes in it, and then the steamed body must be wiped with a hard mitten.

Stage 5 - roof installation

Roof installation

The final step to complete is to make the roof. There are several options:

  • simple rafter system with a gable roof;
  • soft roof (bitumen shingles or roofing felt).

The soft roof is attached directly from above. But before installation, the barrel must be covered with waterproofing material so that water does not penetrate the boards. After this, you can lay the roofing material. To make a rafter system, you need to prepare a wooden beam with a cross-section of 50x50 mm and make a frame, and the roofing material will be metal tiles or corrugated sheets.

The last thing to do is treat the inside and outside with linseed oil or a special bath composition. This is where all the work ends.

Barrel sauna on site

All the work will take you several days, but the barrel sauna will delight you, your family and friends for a long time. Staying in the steam room is beneficial for blood vessels, the nervous system and the respiratory tract. In addition, such treatment is not only useful, but also pleasant!

Also read:

  • How to make a broom for a bath.
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