How does a phyto-barrel work and can it be placed in an apartment: a detailed review

Cedar barrel (phyto-barrel, mini-sauna) - all these are names of the same unique product. It appeared on the market relatively recently as an alternative to a traditional bathhouse in conditions of lack of free space. The phyto-barrel allows you to experience all the benefits of the effects of steam and high temperature on the body without visiting the steam room.

The main difference between the device and a classic bath is its compact size. Why is such a mini-sauna so popular and how does it work? Let’s look at it further.

Advantages of cedar barrels


. The installation will fit even in an ordinary city apartment. You can use a phyto-barrel in the country, on a personal plot, in the office of a massage therapist or cosmetologist. Installation area from 1 m².

Gentle steam room mode

. Many people do not tolerate the heat of baths and steam rooms. Overheating of the head provokes an increase in pressure and causes poor health. Inside the mini-sauna, only the body will be heated. The head remains outside in comfortable conditions.

Healing effect

. A home phytosauna made of cedar wood is a source of beneficial phytoncides and essential oils. The tree has an antimicrobial effect and can inhibit the development of viral infections. Procedures in a cedar barrel have a cleansing, healing, and restorative effect on the body.

Easy to use

. The mini-sauna operates from a 220 V household outlet. The power of most models is about 2 kW, which is comparable to the consumption of an electric kettle. The system does not require complex setup, installation, or commissioning. The device does not require drainage or connection to a water supply system to operate.

Affordable price

. The cost of the structure is several times lower than the price of a full-fledged cedar bathhouse.

Description of procedures

The operating principle of the steam barrel has not changed since its invention. In our time, only the system for supplying steam and maintaining the optimal temperature has been automated. A hose comes out into the barrel through which steam enters. The steam generator is located outside.

A person opens the door, goes inside the device, sits on a bench and closes it. A phytobarrel is usually designed for people of different sizes, because the bench can change its location.

There is only one requirement for a person inside the steam room - he must be calm, sober, adequate and relaxed. While the body is enveloped in healing steam, you need to enjoy the moment, indulge in good thoughts, but not fall asleep. Of course, the person supervising these procedures will turn off the steam supply in time, open the door and take the client out.

A person should not enter a cold barrel. Before the procedure begins, the internal space is warmed up and treated with steam. This allows the patient to immediately get into optimal temperature conditions.

The principle of operation of a phyto-barrel

A cedar barrel is a compact closed structure with a lid and door. The lid has a hole for the head. There is a seat inside the barrel, and in many models the height of the chair can be adjusted. The equipment also includes a foot ladder, armrests, a steam generator, and a drain hole. Electrical equipment is protected in accordance with safety requirements.

When connected to the network, the generator begins to produce steam with a temperature of 45-60 °C. Each user can adjust the temperature mode to suit themselves. Steam affects cedar wood from the inside, so all valuable substances also do not leave the barrel and actively saturate the body.

After 7-10 minutes of staying in the phytosauna, profuse sweating begins, the pores open, facilitating the removal of toxins. Active compounds with healing properties enter the blood through the skin, and metabolic processes are activated. Based on numerous reviews of cedar phytobarrels, we can conclude that the procedures are carried out in the most comfortable conditions and are suitable for almost any person.

Application for weight loss

Since during the procedure a person produces a lot of sweat, toxic substances are removed from the body, thereby cleansing the body. Thanks to this action, the cedar barrel is actively used for weight loss, allowing you to lose extra pounds after each session.

If the goal is to combat obesity, then in parallel with steaming procedures, it is advisable to introduce feasible physical exercises into the daily regimen - walking, swimming. A balanced diet is also being developed, excluding foods that are high in calories.

With such an integrated approach, a cedar barrel will bring noticeable benefits, provided that the herbal infusions that promote weight loss are correctly selected. There are many herbs that have a beneficial effect on cleansing the body - St. John's wort, yarrow, string. Herbal mixtures include corn silk, buckthorn bark, mint leaves, lingonberries, linden flowers, dill and flaxseed.

Indications and contraindications

A visit to a mini-sauna is often prescribed as part of a complex of health or therapeutic procedures. Independent use of the phyto-barrel is also allowed at a frequency that is comfortable for each individual.

There are a number of conditions that phytosauna really helps to cope with:

  • General weakness, fatigue, apathy not associated with diseases. The cedar barrel is recommended for people experiencing great nervous, mental, and physical stress. Steam procedures help fight chronic fatigue, insomnia, and increased fatigue by stimulating blood circulation, releasing endorphins, and natural inhalation of phytoncides.
  • Skin problems, the presence of rashes and inflammatory processes, in which contact with moisture is not prohibited. The phytosauna is visited by people with acne, infiltrates, psoriasis and other diseases. The gentle effect of steam helps to cleanse the skin and exfoliate the upper layers of the epidermis. After the procedure, it is recommended to use scrubs and creams to enhance the effect.
  • Diseases of the respiratory system. Steam and volatile essential oils contribute to the expansion of the bronchi. Phytosauna makes breathing easier for asthma, sinusitis, and bronchitis. The ability to set a minimum steam temperature allows you to carry out procedures for diseases for which intense thermal exposure is contraindicated. The cedar barrel improves sputum discharge and reduces shortness of breath.
  • Problems of the musculoskeletal system. Warming has a positive effect on the elasticity and mobility of joints and activates the renewal of cartilage tissue. After the procedures, there is a decrease in pain from radiculitis, rheumatism, and osteochondrosis.
  • General decrease in immunity. Increasing lymph flow and blood flow increases the body's protective functions.
  • Diseases of the genital organs. The phytobochka improves women's health and helps get rid of potency problems with complex treatment. Activation of metabolic processes contributes to good nutrition of tissues and restoration of their physiological functions.
  • Having excess weight. Sweating and accelerating fat burning in the subcutaneous tissue will help you say goodbye to extra pounds. Procedures in a mini-sauna are often combined with anti-cellulite wraps, massages, and exercise classes.

Contraindications to the use of equipment:

  • tuberculosis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • bleeding;
  • acute and chronic inflammation in the acute stage;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • heat;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • benign formations;
  • weeping eczema;
  • pregnancy 2nd and 3rd trimesters;
  • hypertension and others.

Before using the phyto-barrel regularly, you should consult your doctor. After a number of illnesses, it is necessary to refrain from thermal procedures for several weeks.

DIY healing device

A phytobarrel is a very simple device. It can be done with minimal cash costs. But here it is worth making a reservation: such a task is within the capabilities of those people who love to create with their own hands. It will be difficult for a city dweller to cope with “this puzzle”. Let's get started?

Materials and tools

Steam generator canister
We stock up on:

  • Nails, or better yet, self-tapping screws;
  • tongue and groove board;
  • circular saw;
  • screwdriver;
  • with an axe;
  • iron tire;
  • thermocouple with switch;
  • a metal container for storing water;
  • thermostat;
  • bars 50×50 mm;
  • hinges for the lid;
  • plastic hose;
  • container for condensate;
  • gloves;
  • safety glasses.

Manufacturing technology

To create a phyto-barrel for weight loss and health, we do the following:

  • we make a frame from bars and make a box, since it is almost impossible for beginners to make a barrel;
  • we organize a drainage groove at the bottom of the box;
  • we make the lid and seat;
  • take a tank (heat-resistant);
  • install a heating element (electric heater);
  • connect the hose;
  • We hang a thermostat on the structure.

The structure is simple, but quite acceptable for use. However, be extremely careful with a homemade steam generator and follow all safety precautions. If you are new to this business, try making only a barrel with your own hands, and buy a steam generator or order it from a craftsman, which will be cheaper. Remember, safety comes first!

How to use a phyto-barrel correctly?

Choosing a cedar phyto-barrel is not always easy. But it’s not enough to buy a reliable model; you also need to learn how to use it correctly.

Preparing a mini-sauna . Each time before use it is necessary to process the structure. To do this, the wood is washed from the inside with special disinfectants according to the instructions. Warmth and moisture are ideal conditions for the development of bacteria and fungus, so treatment is carried out regularly. Immediately before the procedure, the barrel is heated to a comfortable temperature.

Important: a phytosauna is not a steam room. Do not heat it to high temperatures. The procedures are effective already at 40-45 °C. For a healing effect, decoctions of medicinal herbs are poured into the steam generator.

Preparation for procedures . Before entering the phyto-barrel, a person must take a shower and wash thoroughly. A clean body will start to sweat faster. For washing, use regular soap without a strong aroma so that the smells of herbs and cedar wood remain undistorted.

Stay in a mini-sauna . The most popular models are seated. The person sits comfortably on the seat and puts his feet on the ladder. You can place a towel on the stool to avoid getting burned. The towel will also absorb water and sweat that will drain from your body. The human head is always outside. You can wrap a small towel around your neck to reduce the heat and make the process more comfortable. There are also horizontal structures on sale in which you can lie. When choosing a herbal barrel for your home, you need to take into account the dimensions of the model and the height of the person who will use it.

The procedure time is on average 10-15 minutes. Some people feel that it’s time to go out already 5-7 minutes after they start. In this case, you need to listen to your body.

Completing the procedure . After prolonged warming up, the body is especially vulnerable. You should not go to the shower immediately after leaving the cedar barrel. It is recommended to sit quietly and rest for a few minutes until your body cools down. Also, do not immediately douse yourself with cold water or rub yourself with snow - the whole point of visiting a mini-sauna will be lost.

Recommended procedures after phyto-barrel:

  • a relaxing and invigorating full body massage. You can additionally use essential oils and stones;
  • anti-cellulite wraps and masks;
  • drinking teas from decoctions of medicinal herbs - herbal medicine.

Criterias of choice

Phyto-barrels are manufactured mainly at full-cycle enterprises that control the process from logging to assembly of the structure. However, no-name products can also be presented on the construction markets, made extremely carelessly and unable to withstand long-term use. You can recognize a quality product by a number of signs.


When producing a barrel, only Siberian cedar or cedar pine should be used. You can distinguish cedar wood by its pinkish tint and calm grain pattern: ordinary northern pine is grayish-yellow, spruce is almost white, both have bright orange veins.

The walls of the barrel are made of dies - the so-called rivets. It is believed that split (straight-layer) dies provide the longest service life of the finished product. They absorb moisture less and, despite their considerable width (at least 12 cm), almost never crack, but they are much more expensive than ordinary planed lumber: a simple barrel made from them will cost at least 60 thousand rubles. The optimal thickness of the rivets is 40- 45 mm. Reducing the thickness reduces the cost of the product and simplifies its transportation, but at the same time leads to losses in thermal insulation and durability.


Before ordering a barrel, you need to make sure that you are comfortable using it.


If the doors are too heavy or can cause injury when opening and closing, it is better to look for another model or inquire about the possibility of modifying the design.

To avoid the appearance of gaps between the dies during drying, a tongue-and-groove connection is almost always used, and the rivets are often glued together with polyurethane glue or sealed with silicone. Alas, such a structure is afraid of changes in humidity and sometimes cracks. To prevent this from happening, manufacturers recommend always keeping the barrel closed and placing a bucket of water inside.

No protective or decorative coatings should be applied to the internal surfaces of the mini-sauna. When purchasing, make sure that there are no traces of oil, wax, or even varnish on the walls. The outside can be tinted and coated with hard wax.

Assembly method

Traditional cooperage technology is of little use for assembling a modern phyto-barrel: due to the need to install a door, the upper part of the structure is simply impossible to tighten with hoops. Therefore, manufacturers come up with other ways to fasten the dies. Most often, an internal frame is used in combination with external metal linings (imitation hoops). In this case, each rivet is fixed with dowels or screws. How reliable the design will be depends on many nuances, the main one of which is the accuracy of the fit of the parts.

"Russian Cedar"

The steam generator can be installed in a special lower compartment.

"Russian Cedar"

The design of stationary barrels, unlike prefabricated ones, provides a hole for condensate drainage, under which a small ladle is placed.

"Cedar Health"

Semicircular parts of the frame are usually cut from wide boards. Under heavy loads arising from the expansion of the rivets, these “rims” sometimes burst. However, they are not so difficult to replace or repair, strengthening them with a dowel or wooden overlay. Please note that there should be no exposed metal parts inside the barrel that could cause you to get burned.

The walls of prefabricated rectangular phytobarrels (boxes) are made from short and rather thin (no more than 30 mm thick) planks, gluing them together and tying them with a frame of bars. The design is designed for 5-6 years of operation (stationary thick-walled models in private homes last 10 years or even more).

Important operating instructions

It is prohibited to use the phyto-barrel while intoxicated. Ethanol dilates blood vessels, and heat increases blood pressure. The procedure may cause complications from the cardiovascular system.

After leaving the mini-sauna, the body recovers within several hours. Avoid drinking any drinks. You can drink after blood circulation has normalized.

You cannot eat before entering the phyto-barrel. It is best to warm up on an empty stomach to reduce the load on the heart and blood vessels. In addition, a full stomach will not allow you to relax and will cause discomfort.

It is forbidden to sit in a home sauna for a long time. Even at a temperature of 40-45 ° C you can overheat. It is best to carry out procedures 1-2 times a week for 10-15 minutes.

You can choose and order a cedar barrel in the catalog of our online store. For detailed advice, call any of the phone numbers listed on the website.

Visiting rules

It is recommended to do an allergy test before using this or that herbal mixture.

Before you begin treatment with a phytobarrel, you need to remember the main principle - the duration of the procedures should not exceed 15–20 minutes. The desired result can only be achieved through regular sessions. It is usually recommended to use the phyto-barrel for 7-10 days. After this, you should take the same break, and then resume the procedures again.

The effect occurs after the first course, and is consolidated after the second. A third course after the second break is often not necessary. However, when fighting excess weight and cellulite, it may be needed.

You need to come for treatments after taking a shower and on an empty stomach. However, it is not recommended to enter the barrel immediately after a shower - the body should be clean but dry. Do not lubricate the body with creams and ointments - they will prevent steam with droplets of herbal infusions from penetrating into the skin. After the session, you need to sit in a room where it is warm, but not hot. It is not recommended to take a shower, otherwise the entire layer of herbal extract will be washed off.

Before and after the session you need to drink a glass of mineral water or natural juice. Despite the fact that the body is enveloped in steam, the high temperature of the air causes a person to sweat. This can cause dehydration. A small amount of water taken internally will avoid moisture loss.

You can form herbal mixtures for barrels yourself or use ready-made ones. The market for steam bath sets in barrels is now well developed. If you add some ingredient that you collected yourself to the purchased mixtures, you can get interesting combinations that allow you to treat various diseases.

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