Massage in the bathhouse: learning the skill (review of the 6 best massage techniques)

Time spent in a real Russian steam room is a luxurious relaxation for body and soul. And also - not only the good old tradition, but also the opportunity to create a real SPA salon in the conditions of one small “hut”: with aromatherapy, massage and pleasant procedures. Why not try everything? Let's take a closer look at the most difficult element - massage in a bathhouse and the techniques for performing it.

What happens to the body during a bath massage? Under the influence of heat, blood vessels expand, blood begins to circulate faster, and more waste products come out through open pores. During one procedure alone, a person produces up to 2 liters of sweat. Now let's look at the features of the massage itself from the brilliant doctor Avicenna (Abu Ali Ibn Sina), who greatly developed this trend in Europe:

  • A weak, gentle massage relieves tension and soothes.
  • Moderate – harmonizes.
  • Preparatory - warms up well.
  • Restorative – helps the body get rid of unpleasant sensations after physical stress.
  • Strong – strengthens and activates.
  • Long-term - helps to recover from many diseases, including excess weight.

Which one is right for you? Depends on your physiology and goals.

  • 2 Samurai massage - the path to longevity!
  • 3 Foam massage – oriental cleanliness!
  • 4 Sports massage: restoring strength
  • 5 Healing massage: we use oils and scrubs!
  • 6 Self-massage - spend time usefully!

Massage in Russian - take a broom in your hands!

Massage with a bath broom is a truly Russian art. So, here's how to properly massage with a bath broom in a real Russian bath:

  • Step 1. The person lies down on the shelf, arms extended along the body. With two brooms you begin to stroke your feet, buttocks, calves, back and arms. At lumbar level, the brooms should be lowered and pressed against the body of the person being massaged for 5 seconds.
  • Step 2: Lightly stretch your back, lower back, buttocks, thighs, calves, and feet for a minute. This is followed by a more noticeable stroking.
  • Step 3. Turn the person being massaged onto his back, place one hand on his heart, the other on the groin area. Now continue to lightly pat your chest, stomach, arms, thighs, legs and feet with a broom.
  • Step 4. The person being massaged turns over onto his stomach again. Whip it with a broom already with a “compress”: lift it higher and capture hot air with it. Next, lightly lash the back 2-3 times, and sharply press the brooms to the body for 2-3 seconds. Repeat the same with the shoulder blades, spine, lower back, neck, buttocks, feet, hips and legs. But you should not touch the skin under the knees - it is too tender there.
  • Step 5. Finish the massage by rubbing. In one hand, hold a broom applied to the body of the person being massaged, and place the other on its leafy part - now rub in different directions.

Well, one more thing - listen to what your *client* says - it’s very easy to overdo it with the temperature.


Bath and massage are procedures that organically complement each other. The body, warmed up in the steam room, perceives all massage effects in the best possible way, so it is worth taking the moment to achieve the effect. Almost everyone can master the technique of working with brooms or the basic techniques of classical massage, so we are guaranteed health improvement when visiting a steam room.

The video in this article contains additional information on this topic, so we recommend that you study it carefully first if you decide to take up massage yourself.

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Samurai massage is the path to longevity!

Bamboo in eastern countries is a symbol of grace and longevity. The plant itself is endowed with healing and antibacterial properties, which is why it is used to this day by a variety of healers and chiropractors.

Bath massage with a bamboo broom is a very pleasant procedure. The whole body relaxes, the nervous system calms down, and after the bath an unusual surge of strength comes. Samurai massage helps eliminate minor skin defects, even out skin and even get rid of small wrinkles. Blood circulation increases, pores open and all toxins come out - that’s why the skin looks so much better after all this.

If you are interested in learning about bath masks, we recommend reading the article /banshikam/maski-dlya-bani.html

If samurai massage is performed regularly, combined with the hot steam of a real Russian bath, soon all pain in the joints and spine will go away, and the cardiovascular system will work more calmly. In addition, a massage with a bamboo broom in a bathhouse is an excellent skin peeling, even without the use of any exfoliating particles.

And one last thing. There are many techniques of samurai massage, and each master has his own technique. But there are general principles:

  1. The massage does not use the broom itself, but the tips of its bamboo rods.
  2. The broom should be held vertically during the massage, carefully acting on the desired points.

And in any massage with a bamboo broom there are main stages: “free fall”, “then crossing”, “tapping” and “stroking”, followed by “patting” and “fan”. If you massage after a bath, when the skin is no longer steamed, you will need essential oils. They need to lubricate the skin well so as not to scratch it.

How to choose bath oils is described in the article /banshikam/efirnye-masla-dlya-bani.html

General rules

A bathhouse is a whole ritual that does not tolerate haste, fuss and violation of traditions. During the procedures, an atmosphere of peace and tranquility should reign. Therefore, to visit the bathhouse you need to set aside unlimited time in order to not only have time to wash, but also have a good steam bath, and also relax after this process.

The main rules of bath procedures:

  1. Do not enter the bathhouse on a full stomach, if you are feeling unwell, or if you are drunk.
  2. After heavy physical activity or intense mental work, rest first.
  3. Before your first visit, take a shower, but without soap or other cosmetics. Then dry your body with a soft towel.
  4. The first time it is better to stay in the steam room for 5-7 minutes, the next time - up to 15. After each visit, you need a break of 20 - 25 minutes. Experienced bath attendants can already stay in the steam room longer, up to 30-35 minutes. The main volume of heat is accumulated in the first phase of being in the steam room, so even five to ten minutes is enough for a positive effect.
  5. Be sure to wear a headdress in the steam room - a loose woolen cap or scarf. Do not get your hair wet before entering the steam room: this can lead to heat stroke.
  6. Avoid applying fatty creams and oils to your body on the day of visiting the bathhouse. Such cosmetics disrupt heat exchange, clog pores, so the body overheats.
  7. During breaks, replenish the lack of fluid well. You need to drink hot tea, as it lowers the temperature for 15 minutes, and thirst reflexively decreases.

Physiotherapist T. Kogol claims that thirst after a steam room is not always a high need for water in the body. It can be false due to irritation of the oral mucosa. Sometimes it is enough to gargle with water to make the desire to drink a lot go away. It is also useful to drink mineral water, which helps replenish the salts removed from the body in the steam room.

Foam massage – purity in the oriental way!

Without this wonderful procedure, a Turkish hammam is not a hammam. This massage combines useful and pleasant rejuvenating procedures.

You can learn about the benefits and harms of hammam here: /bani_mira/polza-i-vred-tureckoj-bani.html

Before a Turkish soap massage, you need to warm up well so that the skin steams and the pores open. And then everything happens according to the following algorithm:

  1. The vacationer lies down and relaxes.
  2. The masseur pours warm water over the person and begins to rub the body with a special rough cloth - to completely cleanse the pores of dirt. Yes, this massage is carried out without soap - only with a special mitten made of goat hair.
  3. A large amount of soap suds is poured onto the body.
  4. Now the massage itself: pleasant and gliding, not the same as on a dry body.

After such a bath massage it is especially good to sunbathe - the color will be perfectly even, and there will be no burns even for the fairest people!

Are contrast procedures necessary?

Traditional procedures during a visit to the steam room are dousing with cold water or cooling in a pool, and in winter - in an ice hole. This is an excellent way to harden. The temperature contrast helps strengthen blood vessels, train the lungs, and stimulate metabolic processes.

However, the body must be prepared gradually for such procedures, otherwise there may be a risk of hypothermia. It is better to start with a water temperature of at least + 20 degrees, gradually increase to + 12.

Experienced bathhouse attendants also risk diving into an ice hole, but such tests are only accessible to trained organisms.

The pouring time is no more than a minute. If chills appear or the skin acquires a bluish tint, the procedure should be stopped immediately. After the steam room, you can plunge into a pool with a water temperature of + 28 - + 30 degrees.

After finishing the steam bath, it is not recommended to swim in the pool or rub yourself with snow. You can cool your body only in between runs.

Doctor Sergei Elshansky gives the following advice: “You can take a contrast shower after the steam room, but an unprepared person needs to start with warm water, gradually lowering the temperature.”

Sports massage: restoring strength

Even in the sports world, bath massage is considered almost a panacea for all health problems, and special importance is attached to it if it is necessary to relieve nervous tension, fatigue, or cure any sports injuries.

Sports massage needs to be done a little differently than regular massage. So, follow these steps:

  • Step 1. Prepare the place for massage - pour four basins of hot water over the bench.
  • Step 2. Place two brooms - one under your head, the second under your feet.
  • Step 3: Place two foam mats under your knees and under your elbows.
  • Step 4: Begin by vigorously stroking your back, progressing to deep squeezing.
  • Step 5. Now alternate squeezing with shaking, and repeat the same on the buttocks and thigh muscles. Please note that squeezing on the thighs should be done with a girth, unlike a dry massage: the hands are slightly shifted forward and back, and in the process they come closer and slightly twist the muscle. And you need to rub with the ridges of both fists so that the hand of one hand grabs the finger of the other, and at the same time the hands should not move apart. All this lasts about 2 minutes.

After preparation, we move on to a detailed massage:

  • We massage the lower back. With the heel of your palm we press from the center to the sides, to the bench, and make spiral and straight movements from the buttocks upward. Then do the same - in the transverse direction.
  • Massage along the spine. We make circular movements with the pads of our thumbs, each finger only on its own side.
  • Let's move on to the intercostal spaces. The techniques are the same as for dry massage.
  • Massage around the shoulder blades - circular rubbing with the pads of four fingers.
  • We massage the shoulder joint - the same way as around the shoulder blade.
  • Now massage the neck. It needs to be rubbed in a circular and straight line with the ridges of your fists, then with the pads of your fingers.
  • We massage the head - rub the back of the head. Those involved in wrestling, boxing, acrobatics or athletics cannot do without such a procedure.
  • Hand massage - rub the shoulder joints and shoulder muscles.
  • Massage of the pelvic area. First do vigorous squeezing and then deep rubbing. The massage should be strong and deep.
  • Foot massage. Massage your thighs by squeezing, and simply knead the games, like the berry muscles.

You will have to pay close attention to some areas - this depends on your set of exercises that preceded the bath procedures.

Squeezing after the bath

This procedure has a positive effect on the skin and muscles. Below, experts presented the main methods of squeezing after a bath:

  1. Fist technique - one hand grabs the thumb of the other hand, and moves the fists in a circle.
  2. With a hand - during this procedure, the palm is placed across the muscle, the index and thumb are pressed against each other. The squeezing process occurs with the thumb.
  3. Using the edge of the palm, the muscle is squeezed across, while the palm is directed towards the lymph node located nearby.

Such actions should last about 5 minutes, but in such a short time they can increase muscle tone, strengthen them, and improve blood flow. After squeezing, you need to stroke the muscles for a couple of minutes.

Healing massage: we use oils and scrubs!

On the day you massage in a sauna, prepare water for the stones. Add aromatic or healing substances to it to make the procedure even more healing. Here are universal recipes for all occasions, just add the indicated proportion to a bowl of water:

  • 1.5 tsp honey
  • 150 g kvass
  • 1 tsp eucalyptus tincture
  • 1 tsp dry mustard
  • 1.5 tsp instant coffee
  • 1.5 pieces of sawn sugar
  • 10 mint drops

You can also massage in the bathhouse using the following products:

  • Moroccan red clay + cocoa bean oils. This massage removes toxins well and improves blood circulation in the skin.
  • Spicy aromas with cocoa as a body scrub.
  • Red wine extract + honey + sea clay. All this strengthens blood vessels, nourishes the skin and makes it elastic.
  • Cosmetic chocolate that enriches the skin with active elements and minerals, toning and nourishing.
  • Ginger + cloves + cinnamon + cardamom. This is a “female” massage.
  • Chickpea flour + turmeric + cinnamon + honey. This composition of the massage cream has an antioxidant effect, effectively slowing down the aging process of the skin. This recipe is from Ancient India.
  • Mud SPA masks for the whole body, which have a strong lifting effect.
  • Dead Sea salts + natural olive oil + spices. This peeling massage is healing.

What exactly to use is up to you!

Use of aromatic oils

To obtain an even more noticeable cosmetic or therapeutic effect, you can supplement the massage effects with various oils, scrubs and aromatic mixtures.

Massage oil can be replaced or supplemented with olive, peach or coconut oil, grape seed oil or jojoba. When using oils, it is important to install moisture-resistant doors in the bathhouse from

If you drop a few drops of aroma oil into the base, then in addition to its direct effect on the skin, you can feel the beneficial effect on the entire body. Often aromatic mixtures are used to produce healing steam - they are added to water that is poured onto stones:

  • orange – improves mood, relieves pain, normalizes sleep;
  • basil – clears consciousness, facilitates breathing, relieves spasms;
  • geranium – increases mental and physical performance, eliminates peeling and irritation of the skin, treats migraines;
  • jasmine – normalizes blood pressure, improves mood, relieves spasms;
  • lavender – relieves pain, stimulates the immune system, eliminates irritability;
  • lemon – helps with VSD;
  • juniper – effective for diseases of the respiratory system;
  • mint – improves blood circulation, relieves spasms, refreshes the skin;
  • rose – rejuvenates, improves metabolism, increases libido;
  • pine – increases determination, relieves pain, stimulates the respiratory system;
  • sage – improves immunity, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Coffee grounds, sea salt, sugar and candied honey are widely used as natural scrubs, or exfoliants.

Important! When choosing aromatic oil, consider individual tolerance. In a steam room, the effect of the oil is enhanced, and this can cause poor health.

Bath massage is interesting because it offers space for various experiments. By combining different techniques for performing it, using a variety of cosmetics, you can get a variety of results, healing and improving your body.

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Today we will tell you how to give an erotic massage to a girl so that it is unforgettable.

Still from the film “Home Video”

We seriously doubt that any girl would say “no” to her boyfriend’s offer for a massage. Yes, he may lack professionalism, but he makes up for it with gentle, attentive hands that are constantly interested in the female body. Because when a man gives a massage to his beloved, in any case it turns out to be more sensual and intimate compared to what is done in a spa or massage parlor.

But what if you want not just to slightly stretch her body, but to give her a real erotic massage as a foreplay? Whether it's an anniversary, a date, or just a Wednesday night, an erotic massage is exactly what will make her feel loved, relaxed, and then horny at the same time.

Even if you've never had a sensual massage in your life, if you follow these tips, you're guaranteed to give your girlfriend an unforgettable experience.

Don't make mistakes

A common mistake of inexperienced steamers is the desire to sit out the planned time, even if their health worsens. The body sends signals of discomfort that cannot be ignored. In this situation, there is a serious load on the vessels, and the consequences can be very negative.

The body needs time to adapt to elevated temperatures. Moreover, everyone has their own threshold for maximum acceptable indicators.

The second dangerous mistake for visitors is to drink alcohol before entering the steam room. This is severe stress for blood vessels and the heart. The consequences of libations in the bathhouse can be tragic.

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