Bath rules. How to spend time in a steam room without harming your health

Everyone knows that baths and saunas are the best means not only for relaxation and rest. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the general health of the human body: it cleanses of toxins, strengthens the immune system, and has a beneficial effect on the skin and internal organs. The rules of behavior in the bathhouse are quite simple; if you follow them and regularly visit the steam room, you can normalize the immune and nervous systems, activate metabolic processes, improve your general condition and get a boost of energy and vigor. In order for trips to the sauna and bathhouse to have the desired result, you need to prepare in advance.

The benefits of visiting a bathhouse and sauna

For deep cleansing of the skin, bath procedures are best suited: a dry bath (sauna) or a wet bath (steam room). The heat opens the pores well, dead scales are quickly rejected, excess fat, which is removed by the sebaceous glands, is removed. A visit to a Russian bathhouse also has a beneficial effect on internal processes: blood circulation is activated, the skin is better supplied with blood, and acquires a pink tint. The kidneys begin to work more actively, peristalsis improves, harmful substances are eliminated faster, waste and toxins leave the body.

Rules of behavior in the sauna and steam bath indicate that overheating of the body should be reasonable. In this case, the immune system begins to strengthen. But if the runny nose or cold has already been overcome, the steam room is unlikely to help at the stage of the disease.

By alternating heating/cooling, the blood vessels get a good workout. The body tolerates heat more easily in summer and does not feel lethargic and weak.

In the bathhouse, the air in the steam room warms up to 60 degrees, but the humidity reaches 90 percent. In such conditions, a person sweats less than in a dry sauna. The cleansing effect is enhanced by droplets of condensation that settle on the skin.

How to choose “your” bathhouse

Each nation has its own bath culture, which was formed under the influence of territorial and ethnic factors. Bath establishments differ in the degree of air heating and humidity:

  • Russian bath. The steam room is the main part, without which a Russian bath simply would not exist. The steam room combines well-heated air (45-700C) and humidity up to 65%. In the steam room, water condenses on the surface of the skin, warming and moisturizing the entire body. Heating is provided by a heater, onto which water, herbal infusions and even kvass are poured to increase humidity. A broom is always used in the steam room; with its help, the steam actively moves around the body, producing hot waves. The broom saturates the hot air with pleasant and healing aromas.

The steam room is the main part, without which a Russian bath simply would not exist

  • Finnish sauna. With low humidity up to 20%, the air temperature reaches 1100C. How often to visit a Finnish-type sauna depends on your health condition. Dry air does not conduct heat as actively as humid air, and the healing effect is achieved by increasing the air temperature, and not everyone can withstand this. Brooms are not used in the Finnish sauna - this will lead to thermal burns. Many bath establishments offer visitors an infrared sauna, where the air is heated using infrared emitters.

Brooms are not used in the Finnish sauna - this will lead to thermal burns

  • Hammam or Turkish bath. 100% humidity is combined with low air temperature up to 450C. According to tradition, the hammam room is decorated with marble slabs, creating a feeling of coolness. The air space of the bathhouse is heated by hot water circulating through pipes under the floor. The specificity of the hammam is absolute humidity, which not everyone can tolerate well, but the microclimate is extremely favorable for various cosmetic procedures and massages. Roman baths are similar to hammam, they are heated in a similar way, but the air temperature in them does not exceed the temperature of the human body. They must have two pools with hot and warm water for swimming. Modern baths do not quite live up to their name, since the ancient Roman pools used natural mineralized thermal water from hot springs.

The specificity of the hamam is absolute humidity

  • Furo or Japanese bath. Humidity 100%, air temperature up to 600C. How often you can visit a Japanese-style bathhouse depends on your health condition. After all, a furo is a heated barrel or a pool of hot water. Sitting in water, a person sweats a lot, but his skin does not breathe.

Japanese bath
Important! To get maximum pleasure and benefit, you need to choose the appropriate type of bath. In our culture, preference is traditionally given to the Russian bath, which helps get rid of many diseases, has a healing effect on the entire body, and helps relieve nervous tension.

Preparing for a trip to the bathhouse

If you decide to heal your body by going to the bathhouse, prepare for the procedures in advance so that they bring maximum effect during your visits. Prepare your body in advance. What does that require:

  • The doctor's consultation. Visit your doctor and listen to his recommendations. It will help you understand the contraindications.
  • Eating. Before visiting the sauna or bathhouse, you must eat 2-3 hours before visiting. The menu should include only light dishes. During bath procedures, you should not load your stomach with food, since under the influence of high temperatures the digestion process slows down significantly.
  • Sport. Immediately before visiting the bathhouse, do not overload your body with intense physical activity.
  • Liquids. On the day of going to the bathhouse, drink as much water as possible, up to three liters. This will avoid dehydration, which has a detrimental effect on the condition of the body as a whole. Replenish your fluid supply during breaks between sauna visits. Alcoholic drinks are excluded.
  • Personal hygiene. Before going to the steam room, remove all makeup from your skin. Sweating should not be interfered with by any foreign substances. Do not use products that dry out the skin too much. Follow the rules of behavior in the bathhouse, and the procedures will only bring you pleasure.

Before the bath

Don't sweat when you're hungry or right after a big meal. It is better to eat moderately no later than 2 hours before visiting the steam room.

Avoid smoking, drinking alcohol, coffee, strong tea, energy drinks, and most medications (check with your doctor for details).

Try to finish physical work and rest for at least 20–30 minutes beforehand.

Question answer

How often can you go to the bathhouse?

Before you go to steam, take a warm shower and wash with soap. Then dry yourself thoroughly: you need to enter the steam room with dry skin. You should not smear your skin with greasy cream - this will block sweating and can lead to overheating in the steam room.

For untrained steamers, it is useful to take a warm foot bath for 5 minutes. It will help prepare the body for heat stress.

5-10 minutes before visiting the steam room, drink 2 glasses (400 ml) of low-mineralized, still water or clean water. But lemonade, kvass, juices, etc. can be consumed only half an hour after the complete completion of the bath procedure.

Remove metal jewelry, glasses, and contact lenses. It is advisable to steam without clothes, including without wrapping yourself in sheets and towels. If necessary, use only lightweight natural cotton fabrics.

Massage in the steam room. How to make a bath broom correctly? More details


Before entering the steam room or sauna, drink more liquid, relax and rest a little. After taking a shower, dry yourself well with a towel. You should not get your head wet, otherwise it will quickly overheat in the steam room. It is recommended to take warm foot baths. When your feet are warm, your body immediately begins to sweat better. When you enter the steam room, first sit on the lower tiers and gradually move to the upper ones. This is recommended in all rules of behavior in the bathhouse. This way the body gradually gets used to high temperatures, and the removal of toxins will occur gradually. The time spent in the steam room depends on the body’s endurance; it can last up to 10 minutes. The intervals between visits should be at least 15 minutes. In total, it is recommended to make no more than three visits to the steam room in one session.

What should you take with you to the steam room?

To make your trip to the steam room comfortable, prepare your bath accessories in advance. You must have with you:

  • Naturally, a broom
  • Soap, shampoo, body gel, etc., as well as a comb
  • Mittens or mittens, for massage and to make it more convenient to use a broom
  • Flip-flops
  • A small towel that you will use as a bedding in the steam room
  • A bell hat, preferably made of felt, to prevent your head from overheating
  • A sheet to wrap yourself in between visits to the steam room, and a terry robe
  • Pedicure accessories (pumice stone, scissors, etc.)
  • Optional: herbal infusions, honey, sea salt, etc., for wellness treatments
  • Clean linen

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How to behave in a steam room?

Before visiting the bathhouse, steam the selected broom. Place it in a basin or bucket of water, warm and under no circumstances hot. Keep it there for 5-7 minutes, then pour boiling water over it.

To make the broom soft, you can splash a little vodka into the water. Such preparation will make it elastic and especially pleasant for your body.

When going to the steam room, do not wash with soap, as this will remove the fatty lubricant from the skin, which effectively protects them from the burning sensation during steaming. The best option is to simply stand in the shower, wipe your body dry and then start steaming.

An important point about how to steam in a bathhouse: when lying on the shelves, raise your legs so that they are slightly higher than head level. To do this, equip your paired compartment on the shelves with special footrests.

If you have the opportunity to warm up the body gradually, this will only be beneficial. There are two methods for this.

The first of them is specially organized air heating. The second method is much simpler. It consists in the fact that you first need to warm up the body on the lower shelf and only then lie down on the upper ones, where the temperature regime is much higher.

In the steam room, it is preferable to breathe through the nose. This circumstance will help warm up your nasopharynx, as well as cool the inhaled air passing through it.

Turn shelves regularly from side to side. This will allow the body to warm up evenly and will significantly facilitate the functioning of the cardiovascular system. There is no need to abuse your first visit to the steam room; 10 minutes is enough.

It is not recommended to rise sharply from the shelf after you have warmed up. As a result, due to the pressure difference, you may lose your balance. This circumstance can lead to falls, injuries and burns.

After you have rested, you can make two or three more visits to the steam room to warm up. The number of her visits depends on your state of health and experience as a lover of the Russian bath.

Next, a cool or cold shower is recommended, swimming in a natural pond, in extreme cases, dousing yourself with cool water from a tub, then 10-15 minutes of relaxation in the relaxation room.

When you go out, don’t sit down right away; it’s best to walk around the room for a few minutes. After sitting down, restore the body’s water-salt balance with kvass, herbal tea, or lingonberry or cranberry juice.

If the temperature regime in the steam room is not regulated, then the heat level can be increased by splashing hot liquid (water, herbal infusions, diluted beer, etc.) onto the stones in measured portions. This operation increases the vapor content in the air.

Be warned that high relative humidity levels will make it difficult for you to breathe. As a result, choose the optimal temperature and air humidity parameters for yourself.

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Leaving the sauna

It is best to end your visit to the steam room with a cool shower. But you need to take it correctly, as recommended by the rules for visiting baths and saunas: first put the right foot under the water, then the left. The stream of water should first hit the foot and gradually rise up to the thigh. After this, rinse your hands. Starting with the palms, smoothly move to the shoulders. You need to repeat this procedure three times and then get completely under the shower.

Warm green tea is very beneficial after a sauna. It helps replenish and normalize metabolism and water balance. It is recommended to apply a variety of useful masks to steamed skin; they easily penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and help cleanse.

Herbal infusions or essential oils poured over heated stones have a beneficial effect on the respiratory tract and create a cozy atmosphere. First, a few drops of oil must be dissolved in a small amount of water.

General rules for visiting the bathhouse

Regular visits to the bathhouse can be considered sessions 1-2 times a week. The best time, when the body is more active, is considered to be morning hours - from 8 to 11 and evening hours - from 16 to 20. At this time, metabolic processes in the body are more active, and procedures are more effective.

There are few general rules, but compliance with them is mandatory. Pay special attention to the rules of behavior in the bathhouse. If you ignore them, you can harm your own health.

  • Drinking alcohol and smoking are prohibited in bathhouses of any culture. By violating these prohibitions, visitors risk a hypertensive crisis (a sharp increase in blood pressure) and vasospasm.
  • On bath day, completely give up alcohol and coffee. Drink mineral water, unsweetened tea, juices.
  • In the bathhouse, take off not only all your clothes, but also your jewelry. Wear a kilt, cap and bath slippers.
  • Do not enter the steam room with wet hair. Pull your hair into a bun to prevent it from scattering all over your body.
  • Before entering the steam room, pre-warm your body under a warm shower, then wipe dry with a towel.
  • The safest position in the steam room is lying on the bottom shelf, with your head towards the entrance.
  • Pay special attention to measured, deep breathing. It allows oxygen to intensively flow to all organs and tissues.
  • You should not stay in the bathhouse for more than three hours in one session. Also adjust the time you spend in the steam room.


1. These instructions on safety measures when visiting a sauna (hereinafter referred to as instructions) establish safety requirements when visiting a sauna, the prevention and prevention of injuries, first aid in case of accidents, aimed at creating conditions for protecting health, preventing injuries, and carrying out organizational and preventive measures. ensuring the safety of visiting the sauna at the Uruchye water training complex.

2. Visitors who have been instructed in accordance with these instructions are allowed into the sauna. The instructor provides instructions before the start of the session.

3. While visiting the sauna, visitors may be exposed to the following harmful and (or) dangerous factors:

- exposure to water that may lead to drowning;

— sharp edges, burrs and roughness on the surfaces of equipment and inventory;

- an increased voltage value of an electrical circuit, the closure of which can occur through the human body;

— increased air temperature;

— increased (decreased) humidity and air mobility;

— slippery floors and sauna (swimming pool) coating;

— faulty equipment and inventory;

- hidden painful conditions;

— unforeseen situations during restoration, health-improving and preventive measures.

4. Visitors are prohibited from visiting the sauna if they are ill (not feeling well), intoxicated, or in a state caused by the use of narcotic, psychotropic or toxic drugs.

5. Visiting the sauna must be carried out strictly under the supervision of responsible persons from among the employees of the complex.

6.The sauna is intended for common use by men and women. When visiting the sauna, you must use a towel or sheet and/or swimsuits/swimming trunks.

7. If the equipment is malfunctioning and if deficiencies affecting the safety of the procedure are identified, notify the instructor or administration.

8. To ensure fire safety in the sauna, the following is not allowed:

— operate the stove with a disconnected or faulty thermostat;

— use electric heating household appliances outside specially equipped places;

- leave the electric heater of the stove unattended when it is plugged into the mains.

9.Visitors are required to strictly follow these instructions, maintain discipline in the sauna, and follow the orders of the administration, instructor and medical staff.


10. Before entering the sauna, visitors are required to:

10.1. take a shower, trying not to get your hair wet;

10.2. when leaving the shower stall, turn off the water in the shower;

10.3. put on personal shoes: flip-flops (shales);

10.4. visit the sauna only if you have a swimsuit and/or towel/sheet;

10.5. to avoid burns, remove jewelry, piercings, watches and glasses;

10.6. Remove contact lenses from your eyes if you use them, because they are not designed for the temperature in the steam room, and in the waiting room they can sweat and irritate the membrane of the eye;

10.7. To avoid heat stroke, take a hat and bedding into the steam room.

11. It is not allowed to apply creams and ointments to the skin, or visit the sauna without washing off the decorative cosmetics.


12. While visiting the sauna, visitors are obliged to:

12.1. stay in the sauna only in personal replacement shoes;

12.2. to avoid getting burns, do not touch the stove walls, stones, doors, etc.;

12.3. look at your feet because slipping on a wet floor can cause serious bruises and injuries;

12.4. after the first warm-up (no more than 3-5 minutes), you should leave the steam room and rest (walk for 2-3 minutes);

12.5. for more uniform heating of the body, it is recommended to be in a horizontal position in the steam room;

12.6. To avoid dizziness, do not stand up suddenly after steaming. Before getting up and leaving the steam room, you need to take a sitting position and sit for 20-30 seconds;

12.7. after leaving the steam room, cool down (take a shower, plunge into the pool, pour cold water on yourself);

12.8. while in the sauna, you must monitor your well-being and not exceed the time recommended by the doctor, depending on the degree of preparedness, in the sauna (on average 10 minutes);

12.9. do not hesitate to appear weaker than others, listen to your body, it is the best adviser and will correctly tell you when to leave the steam room. Expose yourself to temperature gradually and moderately;

12.10. If you feel discomfort (increased heartbeat, dizziness, darkening of the eyes, etc.), you should immediately leave the steam room and, if necessary, contact a medical professional;

12.11. to avoid fainting or heatstroke, avoid prolonged overheating of the body;

12.12. It is recommended to rest for 15-20 minutes between visits to the steam room.

13. In the sauna it is prohibited:

13.1. independently turn on and off the heating element of the sauna, adjust its temperature on the control panel;

13.2. be alone in the steam room;

13.3. to avoid electric shock, pour water, odorous additives and other substances onto the stones;

13.4. use oils to avoid possible ignition when coming into contact with hot stones;

13.5. use glassware and containers for drinking;

13.6. dry clothes and linen, as well as leave any things and objects behind.


14. At the end of the procedure, visitors are obliged to:

14.1. upon the instructor’s command, leave the sauna in an orderly manner;

14.2. take a shower, when leaving the shower stall, turn off the water in the shower;

14.3. to avoid electric shock, use a hairdryer only with dry hands, and be especially careful and careful;

14.4. leave the locker room within 15 minutes.


15. Failure to comply with safety requirements can lead to an accident.

16. In case of injury or deterioration of health:

- stop performing the procedure and, if necessary, help the victim leave the steam room;

- report the incident to the instructor, medical worker (administration);

- take immediate measures to assist the victim and follow the instructions of the instructor, medical worker (administration).

17. In case of heat stroke:

— report the incident to the instructor, medical worker (administration);

— first of all, it is necessary to cool the body and replenish the volume of fluid (give cool, clean water to drink);

- the victim must be moved to a cool place (shade) and provided with peace;

- if the victim feels weak and nauseous, then his body should be given a horizontal position (lying on his back with his legs raised), but if vomiting begins, then he should be turned to his side to avoid aspiration of vomit;

- cold compresses should be applied to the head (in the frontal and occipital region). If possible, it is advisable to place the victim in an air-conditioned room and wrap his entire body in a wet sheet. Rapid cooling can be achieved by rubbing with alcohol, vodka or ether. The temperature must be reduced as soon as possible to less than 39° C.;

— the victim needs to be provided with fresh air in the room for additional cooling and easier breathing. If possible, it is recommended to periodically pour cool water over the body (17-20°C), and if the general condition allows the victim to move, then you can place him in a cold bath (you can even add ice to the water);

- if confusion or loss of consciousness occurs, you need to let the ammonia vapor inhale. In case of cardiac arrest, it is necessary to immediately begin chest compressions and perform artificial respiration on the victim;

- upon arrival of a medical worker, follow his instructions.

18. In cases of fire or combustion:

— immediately leave the sauna and report the fire directly to the instructor (administration);

— leave the danger zone (building) as quickly as possible in accordance with the evacuation plan;

- in the future, follow the instructions of the instructor (administration).

Avoid mistakes

Avoid the most common mistakes that bathhouse and sauna visitors make:

  • To stay in the sauna longer, some people try to occupy the lowest cold shelf and sit there the entire time.
  • It is not recommended to douse yourself with warm water instead of cool water after a steam room.
  • It is dangerous to sit on the highest shelf when your head is near the ceiling and your legs are hanging down.
  • Drinking in the sauna, especially alcoholic beverages, is strictly prohibited.
  • If you walk in a cool room wearing clothes, the hardening effect is reduced.
  • It is unhygienic to dive into the pool immediately after the sauna without washing off the sweat.
  • You should not swim in the pool between trips to the sauna. Water pressure causes damage to dilated blood vessels.
  • It is harmful to comb your hair in a sauna; it becomes brittle.
  • In the steam room you need to completely relax, there is no place for conversations here, they will only interfere with the state of complete peace.

Contraindications for visiting the bathhouse

While having a lot of positive effects, bath procedures can also have negative consequences. The danger is associated with exposure to high temperatures and humidity; they can provoke the manifestation of some chronic diseases. Harmful effects can occur if visiting rules are not followed or contraindications to bath procedures are ignored. These include:

  • Any acute inflammatory processes occurring in the body.
  • Taking medications that affect metabolic processes.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Stones in the kidneys.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Oncology.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Pregnancy.

Of course, pregnancy is not a disease. However, the load on the female body during this period is too great, so bathing procedures are not recommended. It is possible to visit a warm bath, if the doctor allows it, he will determine the correct temperature regime. It is better not to use various essential oils and decoctions in this situation.

When is a bath contraindicated?

There are a number of diseases for which doctors strongly do not recommend even taking a very hot bath, much less visiting a sauna. Medical contraindications are an important argument, so you should not neglect them. It is very dangerous for your health to visit a bathhouse if you have:

  • heat;
  • various inflammatory processes in acute and chronic conditions;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • hepatitis;
  • menstruation, pregnancy, breastfeeding period;
  • postoperative period.

Visiting the bathhouse is contraindicated for heart and vascular diseases

Turkish bath

The Turkish bath is rightfully considered the coldest. Here the temperature ranges from 35 to 55 degrees. The rules of behavior in the bathhouse will be simpler here. The recommended time for visiting a Turkish bath is 1-1.5 hours. After visiting it, be sure to try all the services. Refusing them is simply considered incorrect.

  • The Turkish bath has a special room for pre-heating the body.
  • Full body massage plays a huge role here. It is carried out with special mittens with a large amount of foam.
  • Seaweed wraps are extremely popular in Turkish baths. Laminaria has a lot of cosmetic and medicinal properties. The aromas of the sea cause a relaxing effect.
  • Aromatherapy sessions take place in special rooms. Here visitors are offered delicious herbal tea.

Health benefits of baths

The benefits of visiting a bathhouse lie in stimulating metabolic processes in the body. The healing properties of a steam room concern all systems of the human body, starting with the skin and ending with the nervous system. If there are no objective reasons for refusing bath procedures, then be sure to test all their benefits for yourself.

The benefits of bath procedures for the skin

First of all, exposure to high humidity and temperature contrast helps cleanse and moisturize the skin, increases its elasticity, and also normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, which directly affects the appearance of the skin.
At the same time, the effectiveness of various cosmetic procedures, such as peeling, increases many times. For bath peeling, use melted honey mixed with sea salt. Such procedures help fight stretch marks, folds and cellulite.

The rejuvenation effect is achieved by dilating blood vessels, improving blood circulation and subsequent acceleration of metabolic processes in the body. Thus, the body loses toxins more intensively.

The benefits of visiting a sauna for the musculoskeletal system

Bath procedures can reduce joint and muscle pain, because...
the body is cleansed of lactic acid and urea salts. Some medical institutions practice their use for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, for example, osteochondrosis. In such cases, the frequency of sessions, duration and frequency of stay in the bath department are adjusted by the doctor who prescribed such procedures. Osteochondrosis is associated with degenerative processes in the body, the appearance and development of which is explained by poor blood supply to the spine. Improved blood circulation, resulting from the expansion of blood vessels and capillaries, stimulates a decrease in muscle tension and activation of restoration processes in the vertebrae and connective tissues.

Different periods of the disease are characterized by the presence of pathological changes in cartilage, muscles and ligaments. To relieve painful symptoms, follow these recommendations:

  • Visit a sauna with relatively dry air (15-20% humidity) and high temperature. The most acceptable option is a Finnish sauna.
  • Reduce the time you spend in the sauna section.
  • Occupy the bottom shelf in a lying position.
  • Don't cool yourself with ice water.
  • If the bathhouse has a qualified massage therapist, be sure to use his services. Otherwise, perform self-massage.

Visiting the bathhouse with osteochondrosis is possible only in the remission stage. Do not visit the bathhouse when osteochondrosis and radiculitis are in the acute phase. A sharp change in temperature aggravates the painful state of the body, increasing the risk of concomitant diseases.

The benefits of a bath for the respiratory system

Bath procedures strengthen the immune system.
Thanks to hardening in the bathhouse, the body’s ability to resist infectious diseases increases. The preventive properties are due to high humidity, which makes breathing easier and the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract are renewed. Often, various herbs are used in the bath, with the aroma of which healing substances enter the body. Bath inhalations using a collection of oregano, thyme, linden, and birch leaves help improve lung ventilation by expanding the airways. That is why use these plants for chronic bronchitis in remission.

Visiting a bathhouse for a cold is indicated only at the beginning of the disease, when the inflammatory process has not entered the acute phase.

The benefits of bath procedures for the nervous system

Visiting a bathhouse is associated with relaxation, mental and physical.
The relaxing properties of bath procedures will increase significantly if you use essential oils. The correct selection of aromatic oils will ensure the desired effect is achieved. People suffering from various sleep disorders are recommended to visit a bath in the evening using thyme, orange or mint oil. Steam with the aroma of pine relieves mental stress. The aroma of lavender has a maximum relaxing effect and helps the body fight stress and depression.

Public baths

While in such establishments, do not interfere with the rest of other people. To make everyone feel comfortable, it is recommended to follow five rules of behavior in the bathhouse:

  • Do not attract the attention of others, talk calmly, do not make noise.
  • To protect yourself from various infections, follow all personal hygiene requirements.
  • Place rugs on the floor in the steam room. Use a set of clothes designed specifically for the bath.
  • Do not use products that contain overly strong odors.
  • Treat your employees' work with respect.

If you follow all the rules for visiting, as well as follow the recommendations of doctors, going to the bathhouse will bring only true pleasure and will have a healing effect on the body.

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