The bathhouse is famous for its unforgettable combination of smells. This is a birch or linden broom with hot air. And what do hot coals or a linden, oak log house smell like? At the same time, a fabulous atmosphere of warmth and comfort is created in the bathhouse itself. But what to do if the bathhouse is already quite old. And during the construction, not a linden or oak frame was used, but, for example, spruce or a collection of various woods.

Everything is very simple here. To create a fabulous atmosphere and create an unforgettable bath smell, fragrances are used. You can learn more about them in this article.

How smells affect a person

Since ancient times, people have known that aromas affect the functionality of the entire body. Some aromas promote productivity, while others, on the contrary, turn a person into a lazy person. Lavender is used in churches. It calms, pacifies, and puts you in a working mood. In addition, it creates an unusual divine atmosphere.

The bath itself with its smells also has a strong effect on the body. Changes emotional state. In addition, thanks to it the body rejuvenates. For a long time, people in the bathhouse treated various colds, ailments of the joints, spine and others. When exposed to moisture, the skin is cleansed. At high temperatures, intestinal function improves, which leads to accelerated metabolism. What promotes weight loss. After visiting the sauna, a person feels a surge of strength. He looks young and rested.

And if you use different flavors in the steam room, you can get twice as many positive emotions. Different oils have different effects on the body. They not only need to be chosen correctly, but also used.

For therapeutic and cosmetic effect

An indication for the use of essential oil does not necessarily have to be any disease. There are oils that have disinfectant properties. Not only do they have a positive effect on humans, but also the wood, which is used to make furniture and wall cladding, also removes unpleasant odors. Such remedies include chamomile, eucalyptus, mint, and oregano.

Cosmetic properties of esters

Table. Cosmetic properties of essential oils

ProblemWhat to use
Dandruff, dullness, brittleness, hair loss and other problems associated with hair and scalp of rosemary, santhal, lemon balm, and patchouli effectively combat the listed problems
Swelling, itching after insect bites lemon balm and eucalyptus oil
Acne, malfunction of the sebaceous glandsLavender, lemon, and sage oil will help
Aging skinRose and juniper oils have rejuvenating properties.
Dry skinThe problem will be solved by orange, jasmine, and patchouli oil .
General fatigue, pain syndromeEucalyptus, lemon balm, fir, juniper, basil, rosemary.

rosemary essential oil

The following oils are used in aromatherapy:

  1. Natural aphrodisiacs - jasmine, rosemary, sandalwood, vanilla, bergamot create a romantic mood.
  2. Using rosemary and geranium , they stimulate brain activity, memory and ability to work.
  3. Grapefruit oil will help restore strength and vitality and get rid of nervous tension .
  4. Fir and cedar oil will help you get out of depression and cope with neuroses
  5. Jasmine helps you fall asleep gently , and orange .
  6. Lavender oil helps get rid of irritability .

Note! You can mix several oils to create different compositions to achieve the desired effect.

Essential oils can be mixed

What is flavoring

For baths and saunas, you can purchase essential oils or ready-made flavors.

Bath fragrance is a substance containing essential oils and water. Sometimes the composition includes an emulsifier. You can often find a product that does not contain an emulsifier. They are sold in large bottles, ready for use.

Everything is clear with oils. They are sold in small bottles. There are a lot of them at the moment. They are produced by distillation or pressing of various plants that have specific aromas. Mostly colorless, but they are characterized by an oil base and a persistent odor.

Obtaining essential oil

Photo by cottonbro: Pexels
Remember when you enjoyed the smell of a rose or spruce, these are essential oils. That is, it is a mixture of substances that give the plant its smell.

Oils have one important chemical property - volatility. It is thanks to this volatility that it can be widely used in baths and saunas. In tandem with steam, they increase the healing effect

The main effects of oils in the bath:

  • Warming
  • Antiseptic
  • Inhalation
  • Relaxing
  • Skin toning and cleansing

Aroma oils have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, immunity, clear the nasopharynx and improve breathing. As you understand, the range of application of oils is very wide. Therefore, visiting a bathhouse is very useful, but bathing procedures are not suitable for everyone. Contraindications:

  • Intolerance to any components of oils (if you are allergic to the plant from which this or that oil is obtained, then you cannot use it).
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Oncological diseases
  • Pregnancy, lactation.
  • Children's age (visit only with the permission of the pediatrician).
  • Epilepsy.

How does aroma affect a person?

Any odors affect the human body. It is important to be extremely careful when choosing oils and flavorings. Nowadays you can often find fakes on sale. Therefore, purchase the product in specialized stores and on the official websites of companies. But not in the first store you come across at a low price.

Natural flavors have a therapeutic, rejuvenating, and preventive effect on humans. In order to purchase oil correctly, you need to know their influence.

For relaxation, use mint, orange, and tangerine oils. Also ylang-ylang.

Extracts of geranium, jasmine, lime, and grapefruit have a tonic effect.

The aromas of thyme, chamomile, eucalyptus, and juniper have disinfecting properties.

But ginger, marjoram, anise, and dill scents help fight coughs. They have expectorant properties.

Grape seed oil helps in the fight against cellulite. It penetrates deeply into the muscle layer, thereby destroying subcutaneous fat.

Substances containing almonds give elasticity to the skin. They also increase its tone.

The aromas of coniferous trees cope well with any respiratory disease. It is interesting that in ancient times, it was in winter that people often used spruce branches in the steam room.

The benefits of essential oils in baths and saunas

The bathhouse has long outgrown its original purpose; now it is not just a house for washing the body. Here you relax, heal your body and spirit, and gain strength. To maximize the benefits of this procedure, you can use essential oils. Volatile substances contained in oils heat up and actively penetrate through steamed skin and the respiratory tract into the body. The choice of esters is very diverse. Each person can find wonderful aromas to suit their taste, depending on the goals they are pursuing. Some of them will help get rid of diseases and strengthen the immune system, others will help you lose weight, and others will give you vitality.

How to choose and store essential oils correctly

You should buy essential oils in pharmacies or specialized stores. You need to purchase only natural esters, preferably from well-known manufacturers, but it is better to avoid synthetic substitutes. The production of esters is a labor-intensive process, so they are not cheap. They must be stored away from sunlight in a cool place, since under the influence of ultraviolet radiation many components of the esters are destroyed. Therefore, they should be brought into the sauna during bath procedures; they should not be stored there.

Contraindications for use

Before you go to the steam room, armed with the treasured bottle, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications; each oil always comes with instructions with a list of diseases for which you should not use it. The general restrictions always remain the following:

  • body reactions to ether such as itching, sneezing, allergies or odor intolerance are reasons to refuse its use;
  • many oils are contraindicated for hypertension, as they can aggravate the situation, which is especially important in conditions of high temperature and humidity;
  • oils should not be abused during pregnancy. In general, during this period it is better to refrain from experiments on the body;
  • infectious diseases in acute form;
  • epilepsy;
  • inflammatory processes of internal organs.

Table: effect of essential oils on the human body

PurposeEssential oilsAction
Medical purposeJuniper, dill, aniseThey will help with a cough that does not go away for a long time, as they have pronounced anti-inflammatory and mucolytic effects: they liquefy mucus and remove it from the lungs.
Eucalyptus, mint, fir, lemon balm, tea tree, neroli, bergamot, patchouli, basil, rosemary, lemon.Antiseptic effect, perfect for the prevention and treatment of colds, as well as diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
Geranium, lemon verbena, basil, jasmineThey have an antispasmodic effect, will help normalize blood pressure and get rid of headaches.
Wormwood, rosemary, Chinese lemongrassThey will help with loss of strength, cope with stress and nervousness.
Pine, sea buckthorn, geranium, yarrow, sage, chamomile, celandine and valerianActively fight skin diseases such as psoriasis, dermatitis, irritation, peeling, including those caused by frostbite.
Spruce, pine, fir, cedarAnti-inflammatory, regenerating and antibacterial effects. An ideal combination for healing various skin damage.
Lemon, juniper, sandalwoodPromotes increased sweating and removal of waste and toxins from the body
CypressHelps ease the symptoms of menopause
MintImproves blood circulation
SageStimulates immunity
Cosmetological purposeLemon, grapefruit, orange, rosemary or juniperEffective for weight loss, have a fat-burning effect, give skin elasticity
Rosemary, Santal, Patchouli, MelissaHave a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair, fight dandruff
Melissa, eucalyptusHelp fight swelling
Lavender, lemon, sageTo cleanse the skin and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands
Rose, juniperFor skin rejuvenation
Orange, jasmine, patchouli, neroliRelieves dry skin
AromatherapyJasmine, rosemary, vanilla, sandalwood, bergamot, ylang-ylang and spruceThey are aphrodisiacs and are used to increase sexual desire.
Rosemary, geraniumTo stimulate brain activity, increase self-confidence, improve memory and performance
GrapefruitTo restore strength and energy, combat nervous tension, increase vitality
Fir, cedarThey help overcome depression, nervousness, a negative outlook on things, increase vital activity, charge with optimism, set a positive mood, clear the mind and calm.
Orange, jasmineHelps improve mood and normalize sleep
BasilHelps clarify consciousness, facilitates decision making
LavenderCalms, relieves irritability

Essential oils themselves are a means of significantly enhancing the relaxation and healing effects of a bath on the human body.

How to check the quality of oils

At the moment, they have learned to counterfeit almost any thing and product. In order not to fall into the hands of dishonest people who counterfeit flavors. It is necessary to first check the oil for quality. To do this, you need to have a small piece of cotton fabric with you.

  1. First of all, we examine the bottle with the substance. There should be no drips or chips on it. The label is well glued. There is a clear note on it that can be easily read.
  2. We pay attention to the composition. It should not contain various impurities, only natural ingredients.
  3. When you open the bottle, you immediately feel the pleasant aroma of the product.
  4. Then we study the content. It has an oily consistency.
  5. Then take a drop of the contents and drop it onto the fabric. Within 20 minutes the substance should completely dissolve.
  6. There was a barely noticeable mark on the fabric. This indicates quality.
  7. If there is an oil stain on the fabric, then this product is a fake.

Advice: when choosing synthetic ester flavors, it is important to consider the temperatures at which they are used. There are substances, such as benzene and acetone, that have a negative effect on the entire body. They are formed at high temperatures.

A few simple rules

No matter how harmless the aromatherapy procedure may seem, it must also be carried out wisely and aromatic products must be used correctly.

  • Always dilute the oil with water.
  • Do not abuse the product. Start with a couple of drops, after you are sure that there is no negative reaction from the body, you can use a few drops more, according to the instructions.
  • For the first time, it is necessary to reduce the time spent in the steam room, no more than 4 minutes. If you notice positive dynamics, gradually increase your time in the room, up to 20 minutes.
  • Do not pour the product on hot stones, even diluted ones. This is flammable!
  • Place a container with diluted oil near the stove. In this case, the air will be best filled with aroma.
  • You can wipe the walls and shelves with the diluted product, this will enhance the aroma.
  • Do not visit the sauna more than once a week.
  • Since the oil is insoluble in ordinary water, prepare an emulsifier. Its role will be played by water with sea salt or honey dissolved in it. For one liter of water take 4 tablespoons of honey/salt.
  • A bath broom can also be soaked in scented water. This technique will increase the healing properties of the broom.

Attention! Before using the product, carefully read the instructions for use.

Tips for using aromatherapy in a steam room

It is important to test for possible allergic reactions before use. To do this, dilute a few drops in a spoon of water. Then lubricate the elbow joint with this solution. If no discomfort or other reactions occur on the skin within 15 minutes, then the oil can be safely used.

Flavorings are less concentrated than oils, so they need to be used in more measured doses.

  1. Remember, all fragrances are for external use only.
  2. For 30 cubic meters of steam room, take no more than 10 drops of oil. If flavoring is used, then take from 20 to 35 drops.
  3. The drugs are diluted in a ladle with water. Then the walls and shelves are watered. Can be applied to hot stones.
  4. To increase the aroma, you can place ceramic dishes containing oils. To do this, pour water at room temperature into it. Then add 6-10 drops of oil. Install it on the top shelf or in the place where the temperature is highest. Under its influence, an aroma appears.
  5. When visiting a steam room using additional odors, you need to measure the time you spend. For the first time, 4–5 drops are enough, and the residence time is no more than 3–5 minutes. Then the time can be gradually increased.
  6. All flavors and oils are flammable. Therefore, they should not be sprayed undiluted onto hot stones. This may cause a fire.
  7. It is also prohibited to apply all preparations to stones and walls undiluted. This will lead to the breakdown of molecules, the formation of impurities that will negatively affect the body.
  8. At the first feeling of discomfort, you should immediately leave the steam room.
  9. Concentrates should not get on the mucous membrane. This will lead to burns, irritation, and allergic reactions.

Features of the composition

Thanks to the essential oil inside, plants are not afraid of pests, viruses, and bacteria. The aroma of essential oils is attractive to insects that pollinate flowers. Aromatic oils are extracted from roots, bark, stems, leaves and flowers. Seeds and fruits are used less frequently.

Despite the fact that pomace is called oil (due to its characteristic consistency), it is not such. This is an ether that does not contain glycerin. Essential oil differs from vegetable oil in the following qualities:

  1. It weighs less than water.
  2. The composition is water soluble.
  3. Evaporation begins at room temperature.
  4. The ether leaves no greasy stains.

The consistency of esters allows them to be added to massage oils and used in pharmaceutical and cosmetic products.

Essential oil making machine

Contraindications to the use of various odors

In addition, a bath with the use of various aroma enhancers has a beneficial effect on a person. Still, there are cases when it is not recommended to visit the steam room.

  1. People suffering from allergies.
  2. A person with low blood pressure may feel ill in a sauna with aromas. In addition, such people should not stay in the steam room for long.
  3. Acute infectious diseases can develop faster when exposed to high temperatures.
  4. People with epilepsy and bronchial asthma are not recommended to use different scents in the steam room.
  5. The steam room provokes an inflammatory reaction if there is inflammation of the internal organs.
  6. People with heart disease should rarely visit the steam room.
  7. Pregnant women should not use fragrances in the bathhouse.

Other people not included on the list should be careful about their use of fragrances. Even those accustomed to high temperatures and humidity can become ill when using aromas.

Question answer

Do all oils have a proven healing effect?

Only oils of pure therapeutic quality have a proven therapeutic effect.

How to properly store essential oils?

Oils should be stored at room temperature, avoid direct sunlight and always close the cap tightly after use.

Are there any contraindications?

Essential oils should not be used if there are allergic reactions, individual intolerance, specific diseases, high blood pressure, pregnancy (only after consultation with a doctor), epilepsy, bronchial asthma. With caution for children and elderly people.

Why do you need to mix oils with salt first when preparing aromatic water?

Because essential oils simply do not dissolve in water, its drops will float on the surface and gradually evaporate.

How to check if you are allergic to oil?

A few drops of essential oil should be mixed with vegetable oil, then apply the mixture to the inside of the elbow. The absence of skin irritation after 24 hours indicates the safety of using the selected oil.

Top cheap flavors

Bath items “Fir” 100ml

The product has an anti-inflammatory effect. Sold in a 100 ml bottle. To obtain effective results, use 15 drops of the product.

fragrance Bath things “Fir” 100ml


  • Relieves colds and runny nose;
  • Has anti-inflammatory, analgesic properties;
  • Improves vision;
  • Affordable price – 60 rubles;
  • Restores immunity.


  • Uneconomical product;
  • Causes allergic reactions.

"Pine" 250 ml

This drug costs only 78 rubles. It contains water and natural pine oil. Sold in a 250 ml bottle. Dilute 1 ml per 10 ml. water. Watering the hot stones.

flavoring “Pine” 250 ml


  • Economical packaging. It will last for several uses;
  • Natural ingredients;
  • Positively affects muscles and joints;
  • Removes toxins from the body;
  • Disinfects the room;
  • Helps relax;
  • Helps cleanse the respiratory tract.


  • Counterfeits are often sold;
  • Causes allergies;
  • The price does not match the quality



This unique preparation contains orange and pine oils. Sold in a 100 ml bottle. The flavor costs only 100 rubles.

flavoring "NORTH-SOUTH"[


  • Natural composition;
  • Helps you concentrate and solve difficult problems;
  • Clears the respiratory tract;
  • Invigorates and improves the condition.


  • Causes allergic reactions.

STEAM-ecology Amur Cedar, 200 ml

The product is sold in a 200 ml bottle. Combines the aromas of Amur cedars, which makes the product very beneficial for the body.

flavor STEAM-ecology Amur Cedar, 200 ml


  • Convenient, economical packaging;
  • Completely natural composition;
  • Tones and rejuvenates the skin;
  • Calms the nervous system;
  • The flavor costs only 190 rubles;
  • Goes well with other essential oils.


  • The product has no disadvantages.

"Juniper", 300 ml

The scent costs 150 rubles. It contains an emulsifier. Sold in a 300 ml bottle. It must be shaken before use. Add 20 ml to a ladle of water. You can water walls and stones.

flavoring "Juniper", 300 ml


  • Economical packaging;
  • Affordable price;
  • Removes excess fluid from the body;
  • Promotes weight loss.


  • Sometimes causes allergies;
  • Odor intolerance.

Recipes for bath mixtures

Removal of toxins:

  • 4 drops of juniper oil;
  • 4 drops of lemon oil;
  • 2 drops sandalwood oil.

Strengthening the nerves:

  • 5 drops of bergamot oil;
  • 3 drops of ylang-ylang oil;
  • 3 drops of orange oil.

For rheumatic pain:

  • 4 drops of juniper oil;
  • 4 drops of eucalyptus oil;
  • 2 drops of clove oil;
  • 2 drops of fir oil.

For muscle pain:

  • 4 drops of lavender oil;
  • 2 drops of eucalyptus oil;
  • 2 drops of mint oil;
  • 1 drop of juniper oil.

For colds and runny nose:

  • 4 drops of eucalyptus oil;
  • 3 drops of lavender oil;
  • 2 drops of fir oil;
  • 1 drop of rosemary oil.

Eucalyptus and mint oils have a strong antiseptic effect, which is also important when going to the bathhouse if you have a cold.

For cough and bronchitis:

  • 3 drops of tea tree oil;
  • 3 drops of eucalyptus oil;
  • 2 drops of fir oil;
  • 1 drop of mint oil.

In addition, essential oils of juniper, anise and dill have an expectorant effect for severe coughs.

Fight cellulite:

  • 5 drops of tangerine oil;
  • 7 drops of lemon oil;
  • 5 drops of juniper oil.

Epidermal regeneration:

  • 3 drops of lemon oil;
  • 4 drops of lavender oil;
  • 3 drops of rose oil.

For skin rejuvenation:

  • 1 drop of patchouli oil;
  • 1 drop of sage oil;
  • 3 drops of lavender oil;
  • 1 drop of lemon oil.

Bath mixture:

  • 10 drops of sandalwood oil;
  • 5 drops of lemon oil;
  • 1 drop of fir oil;
  • 2 drops of geranium oil.

4 drops of the finished mixture are mixed with a tablespoon of salt and diluted in a liter of water.

Top expensive flavors

Harvia “Eucalyptus” 500 ml

The drug is made in Finland. It costs only 790 rubles. For this price a person purchases 500 ml of a natural product. It consists only of natural substances and essential oils. Dissolves well in water. To do this, add 10 ml to a liter ladle of cold water.

Harvia flavor "Eucalyptus" 500 ml


  • Does not cause allergic reactions;
  • Completely safe product;
  • Natural composition;
  • Does not form an oil film on the surface of the water;
  • When in contact with hot stones, it does not form harmful substances;
  • Has a positive effect on the entire body.


  • This scent has no flaws.

Aromatic cones for saunas and baths Lacoform

The German scent can be purchased for 1,600 rubles. Sold in 0.25 and 1 liter bottles. Very economical fragrance. For a pleasant smell, just dilute 3 ml in a liter of water.

fragrance Aromatic con for sauna and bath Lacoform


  • Uplifting;
  • Forms an unusual orange-tangerine aroma;
  • Economical packaging.


  • Causes allergic reactions;
  • Cannot be used undiluted;
  • For hammams, baths with steam cabins are prohibited.
  • Expensive drug.

Harvia “Citrus” 500 ml

Citrus scent for only 782 rubles. Sold in 500 ml, it is used sparingly. It is enough to add 10 ml of solution to water.

Harvia “Citrus” flavor 500 ml


  • Gives an unusual atmosphere of happiness;
  • Calms;
  • Completely safe product;
  • Economical use;
  • Does not create harmful substances when heated.


  • Sometimes causes allergic reactions.

Gift set (eucalyptus, citrus, herbal) 300 ml.

This is a set of pleasant, healthy smells. They can be purchased for 600 rubles. The box contains three bottles of 300 ml. They can be used simultaneously or separately. Each of them has a beneficial effect on the body. It contains: thyme, lemon balm, wormwood, vitamin C, menthol, grapefruit.

flavor Gift set (eucalyptus, citrus, herbal) 300 ml.


  • Destroys harmful bacteria and microorganisms;
  • Helps in the fight against viral infections;
  • Calms the nervous system;
  • Improves the functioning of the respiratory tract.


  • This product does not have them.

Camille "Needles"

For this miraculous aroma you will have to pay 1500 rubles. But you will get a lot of pleasant sensations. This is an unforgettable fresh smell of pine needles, raising your tone. After visiting the bathhouse with this remedy, you can redo all the accumulated tasks.

Camille "Needs" flavoring


  • Natural product;
  • Sets you up for full-fledged work;
  • Relieves stress and fatigue;
  • Invigorates and refreshes at the same time;
  • Economical packaging – 500 ml.


  • Only the price. For 500 ml you will have to pay 1500 rubles.

Paromax “Oregano” 5 liters

The drug contains water, 100% natural oregano essential oil and PEG 40 emulsifier. The solution is sold in a 5 liter canister at a price of 2,500 rubles.

Paromax “Oregano” flavor 5 liters


  • Necessary for increasing appetite;
  • Helps in the fight against pathogenic microbes, fungi, yeast;
  • Indispensable for diseases of the biliary tract, gastritis.


  • High price;
  • Sometimes causes allergic reactions;
  • Inconvenient packaging.

Middle price segment

Where is the best place to buy such goods? Almost all products can be ordered online. It is found in cosmetic stores and pharmacies.

Rainbow of Fragrances/Verbena

Ether is sold in dark glass jars of 10 ml, which are placed in cardboard boxes. The total weight of the product is 43 g.

The fragrance rejuvenates the skin and makes it toned. It is used not only in the bath, but also during massage to warm up muscles and improve the elasticity of problem areas. Verbena essential oil restores tissue from bruises and hematomas.

Rainbow of Fragrances/Verbena


  • pleasant aroma;
  • economical consumption;
  • Benefit for health.


  • not detected.

The bathhouse attracts everyone/"Citrus cocktail"

It contains 3 oils - grapefruit, lemon and orange. The ether tones, improves mood, relieves depression and anxiety. Thanks to the aromatized steam, skin breathing improves and pores are cleansed. The procedures provide detoxification and rejuvenation of skin cells.

The cocktail is very easy to use: add 5-7 drops of ether to a ladle of water. The mixture is used to sprinkle wooden benches and walls. The cocktail volume is 10 ml.

The bathhouse attracts everyone/"Citrus cocktail"


  • presence of 3 oils;
  • pleasant citrus aroma;
  • economical consumption.


  • not found.


This is a set of flavors. Each bottle contains 250 ml. The concentrate is presented in the form of a water-soluble white emulsion. Contains natural essential oils. The concentrate is suitable not only for baths, but also for saunas and baths.

The product can be diluted with water if desired. The product is not considered flammable, explosive or toxic. It is ideal for regular use.



  • natural composition;
  • versatility;
  • efficiency.


  • not detected.

Queen fair/"Lotus and bamboo"

The composition of aromatic oils is considered absolutely natural. It contains plant extracts that have a positive effect on the human body.

The mixture is used in the standard way, there are no additions. The dark bottle contains 10 ml, and the weight of the product with packaging is 44 g.

Queen fair/"Lotus and bamboo"


  • natural composition;
  • easy to use;
  • economical consumption.


  • none.

My Needles/Fir

Natural ether is used in various ways, including for baths. It allows you to relieve fatigue and improve activity. Fir has antiseptic, immunostimulant, and analgesic properties. It can be used for influenza, ARVI, porridge.

Bath procedures with fir are useful for pain, swelling, and radiculitis. They reduce blood pressure. It is a tonic and cleansing liquid. In a jar with it you get a healing aroma.

My Needles/Fir


  • many useful properties;
  • versatility;
  • economical consumption;
  • healing aroma.


  • No.

Which company is better to choose, everyone can decide for themselves. It is best to use the ether whose aroma you like the most.

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