I went to the village bathhouse alone and returned with my husband

We used to wash together

If for modern residents of Russia, when visiting a public bathhouse, the main taboo is that you cannot enter the section where members of the opposite sex wash, then for residents of Rus' such a ban simply did not exist. As indicated in the book “Bath. Essays on ethnography and medicine" (St. Petersburg publishing house, 2015) researcher of Russian antiquity Andrei Dachnik, foreign travelers were extremely embarrassed that men and women were almost not embarrassed by their nudity while washing. Stiff Catholics and Protestants paid particular attention to this fact. For example, the ambassador of the Roman Emperor Augustine Mayerberg wrote in 1661: “In public baths there are also women of ordinary rank in large numbers... mingling with men and not at all considering it important to expose their nudity to their impudent glances, which arouses lust.” Although none of the numerous sources says that washing men and women together in Russian baths led to debauchery. Foreigners note that people calmly accepted other people's nudity, only allowing themselves jokes on this topic. In villages, families often washed together, primarily for reasons of economy: the bathhouse cools down quickly in winter, and if you heat it twice, you won’t have enough firewood. However, religious leaders, and then the secular authorities, sought to eradicate this custom, which seemed immoral to them. The corresponding ban is contained in a collection of decisions of the Council of the Russian Orthodox Church in 1551, called “Stoglav”. But ordinary people almost did not comply with this instruction of the holy fathers, so in 1782, Empress Catherine II signed the “Charter of Deanery,” prohibiting men and women from washing together. By the beginning of the 19th century, according to historian Andrei Dachnik, a clear gender division had already occurred in Russian steam rooms.

How to have sex in a bathhouse

For a long time, the family and his wife took a steam bath in a simple Russian bathhouse. Traditions are being revived - just don’t confuse them with a brothel in a sauna. Candidate of Medical Sciences, sex therapist of the LDC “Medicine and Reproduction” Valery Petrovsky translated these traditions into a modern way, creating a kind of instruction on safe bath sex:


Of course, for intimacy it is better to be in the bathhouse together, so that no one interferes. The ideal option is your own village or country bathhouse. By undressing first, the man can help the woman undress. But this should not be a passionate tearing of clothes followed by a sexual attack. The bathhouse does not tolerate fuss! Don’t rush your partner, let her wrap herself in a sheet if she wants - the moment will come when she herself will feel that it’s time to shed all her covers.


Don't rush into touching either. The good thing about the bathhouse is that it encourages visual communication. You can finally get a good look at each other - much better than in bed. So take advantage of the moment! This process will inevitably cause an erection in a man, which should not be embarrassed. Seeing how much you want her, the woman will also become aroused.

There is no need to heat the steam room above 100 degrees. Too much heat will not arouse your partner, but rather will shock her. 80 degrees is enough for the skin to “breathe”, the tension is relieved and the whole body tunes into a lyrical mood.

First touch

Not with your hands, but with a broom! Oak, birch, or better yet, eucalyptus (has a tonic aroma). Just don’t immediately whip the girl on the bottom, demonstrating strength and prowess. Be gentle. After splashing the infusion on the stones, disperse the steam by gradually bringing the broom closer to her body, lightly touching her back with stroking movements. Let her get used to the touches, after which you can move on to light strokes.

Coming out of the steam room, you dive into a cold pool - if, of course, there is one. This is the time to let go a little and play with a friend in the water. But you can’t play enough in cold water for a long time. Let's consider this the beginning of the preliminary games.


You don't have to be a professional massage therapist. All you need is massage oil with the addition of cinnamon, rosemary, coriander and clove extracts, which have a strong erotic effect. Having collected the oil in your palm, begin vigorously rubbing it into her body, not forgetting the most secluded tubercles and depressions. Here you can no longer be shy. The main objects of massage are the neck, chest, back, inner thighs, buttocks, and perineum.

There is contact!

And now both of you are excited enough to move directly to intimacy. Choose the scenario of sexual contact, methods and positions yourself - there are no restrictions here. But there are restrictions in choosing a place.

The steam room is the most inappropriate room for carnal pleasures. Firstly, you can easily touch the sirloin to a hot heater and get a burn instead of an orgasm. Secondly, too high an ambient temperature is not conducive to a stable erection. Even if it has arisen, it may suddenly weaken at the most crucial moment. And third, and most importantly, is overstrain of the entire body, which has a detrimental effect on the cardiovascular system.

Prohibitions for the weaker sex

Contrary to the slightly biased attitude of Western European authors, the bathhouse has always been a sacred place for the inhabitants of Rus', a visit to which is associated with a large number of rules that must be observed. What kind of debauchery is there if, according to popular belief, everything that happens here is strictly monitored by Bannik, the mythical owner of the steam room, as well as the evil woman Obderiha, who must be appeased with a polite word or some symbolic offering. Women in Russian baths were not allowed to:

  • to wash first, before their husbands, brothers and fathers;
  • use brooms of the stronger sex;
  • to be alone;
  • wash your hair on Monday and Wednesday;
  • leave the bathhouse immediately after childbirth;
  • work as polishers (whiskers) after the 18th century.

Now let's talk about everything in order. Not all residents of Rus' took baths in families; more often, members of the rural community took turns washing: first the man, and then the women. Some sources explain this tradition by the patriarchal foundations of society. They say that the father of the family is the head of everything and the right of primacy in everything belongs only to him. In addition, the Christian tradition considers the fair sex “unclean,” and men were afraid of being “infected” with the sinfulness of women by visiting the bathhouse after them. However, there is another version of the origin of this tradition. The bathhouse in Rus' was heated very hot, and the fathers of families went to take a steam bath first, so as not to allow their wives and small children to experience unnecessary discomfort.

Features of bath procedures for women

Often, when women take a steam bath , they may experience weakness. This largely depends on the regular cycle of critical days. In this case, it is worth understanding how to steam in each specific situation. It is forbidden to walk with heavy bleeding so that girls do not suffer from negative consequences.

It is very important for a guy to perform comfortably. It is best to choose those days when you feel good. In this case, if the girls take a steam bath, they will experience a surge of strength.

It is additionally important that girls take a steam bath exclusively with their heads covered, without damaging their hair. They also definitely need a guy without jewelry, everything should be removed in advance.

Women things

The culture of Rus', starting from the most ancient times, was characterized by a clear division of household items according to gender. And bath brooms are no exception. This important attribute of the steam room could be either male or female. For representatives of the stronger sex, brooms were knitted from oak, maple, ash or elm. The weaker sex used bath products made from birch, linden, alder or willow branches. In addition, like any personal hygiene product, each person should have their own broom. Residents of Rus' feared that through this object one could become infected with diseases or symbolically “take upon oneself” all the troubles and illnesses that had been washed away by the previous visitor to the bathhouse. Only witches and fortune tellers could be alone in the bathhouse to perform their magical rituals. All other women had to take a steam bath accompanied by relatives or friends. It was believed that Bannik or Obderikha could do great harm, primarily to young girls, if the spirits were not properly appeased. Monday and Wednesday have always been considered unfavorable for washing in Rus'. Women were forbidden to wash their hair on these days of the week. According to popular beliefs, otherwise you can harm the health and beauty of your hair, and therefore miss out on your feminine happiness. Rural midwives have attended births in bathhouses from time immemorial. Happy mothers who safely gave birth to their babies could not leave the steam room for several days after this event. Some ethnographers and historians explain this limitation by caring for the health of the young mother, who cannot “catch” any infection, because the woman’s body is weakened after childbirth. Others associate the presence of a young mother in a bathhouse with her ritual, magical death in her former capacity, and, according to popular beliefs, some time is needed to return to the world of the living.

Lavender and lemon scrub for face, neck and hands

This sugar scrub is renowned for its soothing and moisturizing properties. And what a scent it has!


  • 1/2 cup coconut or almond oil;
  • 1.5 cups white (or brown) sugar;
  • 2 teaspoons lavender essential oil;
  • 10 drops of lemon essential oil;
  • 1-2 teaspoons dried lavender.


  1. Mix sugar and butter in a bowl.
  2. Add essential oils to the mixture. Mix well.
  3. Then add dried lavender and mix again.
  4. Transfer the finished scrub into a glass container with a lid. Store in a cool dry place.

When using a scrub specifically for the face and neck, it is better to use ground sugar, since its particles are smaller and less aggressive for these sensitive areas.

If during storage the essential oils have evaporated or dried out, you can simply add more of them.

Men don't float anymore

Western European travelers who visited our country in the 16th-18th centuries were also surprised by the presence of bathhouse attendants in the steam rooms, who helped both women and men cleanse themselves of dirt. These girls were called rubers or wavers because they rubbed the bodies of bathhouse visitors and waved brooms. The Dutch politician Nicolaas Witsen, who visited Moscow, Pskov and Novgorod in 1664-1665, wrote the ethnographic work “Journey to Muscovy.” It says that pretty serf girls often worked as polishers, bathing the family and guests of their landowner. At the same time, Andrei Dachnik claims that wavers also worked in public baths. A researcher of Russian antiquity did not find any reliable historical evidence that these women could provide intimate services to their clients, writes Andrei Dachnik. But after the division of these public institutions into male and female representatives of the stronger sex, exclusively strong guys - bathhouse attendants - began to soar.

Bath scrub “Exotic rose and hibiscus”

If you're looking for a luxurious, aromatic body scrub recipe, this is it. Not only will your skin be smooth and glowing, but it will also smell divine.


  • 1/3 cup jojoba oil or coconut oil;
  • 1/3 cup almond oil;
  • 2 small cups white sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon dried rose petals;
  • 1 tablespoon hibiscus petals;
  • 15 drops of lavender essential oil;
  • 10 drops of rose essential oil.


  1. Mix almond oil with jojoba oil and sugar in a bowl.
  2. Add essential oils to the mixture. Mix well.
  3. Then add rose petals and hibiscus and mix again. The flowers should be evenly distributed in the mixture.
  4. Transfer the finished scrub into a glass container with a lid. Store in a cool dry place.

Men had their inhibitions

It may seem that men did not face various prohibitions while washing. This is wrong. The restrictions that visiting the steam room imposed on them are closely related to the habits to which only representatives of the stronger sex were subject in patriarchal Rus'. So, in the bathhouse, men were absolutely not allowed to:

  • sit on the tub, because according to the sign, such a person risks becoming an alcoholic;
  • drink alcohol;
  • go there when a woman in labor is in the steam room (this is an exclusively female sacrament); spit, especially on the stove masonry, otherwise the offended Bannik will spit boiling water in response;
  • steam with a woman's broom;
  • wash the second time, after your wife.

Russian folk tradition contains many signs and beliefs, as well as outright taboos designed to protect people from drunkenness. In addition, in a bathhouse such libations are also dangerous, because drunk people cannot boast of precise movements and clarity of mind, which means they risk getting burned or burned. It is simply impossible to imagine that women in Rus' could get together and drink in a bathhouse, as well as spit in all corners, so such prohibitions simply did not exist for them.

Sugar scrub with eucalyptus and orange essential oils

This homemade sugar scrub is perfect for tired legs and feet. The reason for choosing eucalyptus essential oil is that it has an amazing soothing effect, makes the skin cool and fresh, and also helps relieve joint pain.


  • 1/2 cup coconut or olive oil;
  • 1.5 cups brown sugar (you can use white sugar);
  • 20 drops of eucalyptus essential oil;
  • 10 drops of orange essential oil.


  1. In a bowl, combine one cup of sugar and butter, stir until a paste forms.
  2. Then you need to add 20 drops of eucalyptus essential oil and 10 drops of orange essential oil to the mixture. Mix well.
  3. To obtain a thicker scrub consistency, add the remaining sugar gradually as you stir.
  4. Transfer the finished scrub into a container with a lid and store in a cool, dry place.

Vanilla Sugar Scrub

This scrub, combined with bath procedures, has antioxidant properties. It will help your skin tone and cope with age-related changes.


  • 1/2 cup jojoba oil or olive oil;
  • 1 cup white sugar;
  • 2 teaspoons honey;
  • 8 drops of vanilla essential oil or half a teaspoon of vanilla extract.


  1. Mix all ingredients. A thick paste should be obtained by adding or reducing sugar/oil.
  2. Mix well.
  3. Transfer the finished scrub into a glass container with a lid. Store in a cool dry place.

Question answer

Can a scrub be harmful to the skin?

If there are no irritations, wounds or microcracks on the skin, using the scrub will be absolutely safe. Scrubs work great on dry, rough areas of skin on elbows, knees and heels.

Which scrub is better: sugar or salt?

Sugar grains have a less pronounced abrasive effect (due to their rounded shape), so sugar-based scrubs are softer. This allows them to be used to care for even sensitive areas of the skin.

How long can homemade scrubs be stored?

As a rule, most homemade scrubs can be stored for several months, provided that storage rules are followed. The specific timing also depends on the ingredients included in the scrub.

Can I use homemade scrubs to cleanse my face?

It’s possible, but to do this you need to choose the most gentle oil-based scrub options.

What oil is best for a sugar scrub?

Olive oil, grapeseed oil, sweet almond oil, or virgin coconut oil are good choices for sugar scrubs.

Coconut scrub with salt and sugar

This recipe is a homemade analogue of the “Coconut” scrub from VkusVill. A dry scrub with a delicate coconut aroma perfectly cleanses, moisturizes and softens the skin, and has a rejuvenating effect.


  • 15 grams of small coconut flakes;
  • 2 tablespoons salt;
  • 3 tablespoons sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil.


  1. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
  2. Use immediately on washed skin.

You can pound the coconut shavings a little in a mortar to soften the particles slightly.

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