Instructions for installing and connecting a steam generator for a sauna or hammam

Since ancient times, Turkey has been famous for its public baths, in which men and women wash and take steam baths separately. Such establishments are called hammams .
Previously, large vats filled with water were installed to create a high temperature in a Turkish bath. The boilers were constantly heated, the liquid boiled in them. As a result, steam was formed, which escaped into the room through holes in the structure of the vessel. The marble walls and floor of the ancient Turkish bath also participated in the process of steam formation. To do this, they were watered with water. In the modern world, it is no longer necessary to use marble and boilers with boiling liquid to generate steam in the hammam. The current owners of Turkish baths install the latest high-tech equipment, including high-quality steam generators.

Health effect

Even in ancient times, doctors proved the benefits of visiting the hammam. Together with steam and warm water, all ailments (asthma, bronchitis, colds) are washed away, cheerfulness appears, and the soul is filled with peace.

Many spas offer a hammam along with other treatments. After all, a steamed body more effectively perceives health-improving manipulations (massage) and the use of cosmetic techniques (peeling, masks, etc.).

Manufacturers of panels for hamam construction

If you build it as expected, then there are 5 main manufacturers of hammam panels.

-panels for hamam wedi . They specialize specifically in extruded polystyrene panels; they are the standard for all other manufacturers, and as a result, they are the most expensive in their class and in principle. They are made in Germany, so we add customs clearance and delivery to the euro exchange rate. It is worth saying that they are mainly designed for standard solutions, so they will not make a dome for a hammam or a sun lounger to order. You will still have to look for those who will make the kit separately.

— Ruspanel panels for hammam. They also specialize in wet areas, production in Moscow. Prices are lower than Vedi's due to the production location in Russia. The main emphasis is on soundproofing panels and thermal insulation of buildings. The quality is no worse than Vedi’s, but they don’t make domes and sunbeds - they also order from other manufacturers and pass them off as their own, with a premium, of course.

— panels for hamam doit. Produced in Poland. They make sun loungers and standard forms of domes for the hammam, so you will have to adjust them to the size of the hammam, or look for a custom-made dome from other manufacturers. The quality is slightly worse than “Vedi”; we were noticed several times using low-quality polystyrene, which released formaldehyde when heated above 65 degrees. It turned out to be simple, people used panels in the construction of a Finnish sauna, and at high temperatures they began to get headaches every time they visited this sauna. The scandal was hushed up, but the sediment remained. Therefore, they are bought for a hammam only if there is a very large discount and the client does not understand the materials or the construction company does not need to give guarantees, as is the case with private teams.

- panels for Listar hamam. Few people know them and that’s good. They specialize specifically in panels for hammam; in addition to all of the above, they are engaged in the production of turnkey domes and sun loungers for hammam in individual sizes. Of course, the range also includes standard solutions for panels, sun loungers and domes. The production is not large, the quality is excellent, almost like Vedi. They cost 2-3 times less than Vedi and are made from the same raw materials. For the construction of hammam, their panels are most often used; a non-standard Ruspanel project is often given to them, then they put their own label. This is one of the few high-quality manufacturers that can cover all the needs for hamam materials within one company. Basically, those who build hammams order all materials from them, since the one-window principle works. It is most convenient to order all components from one manufacturer. Some people order components immediately with installation supervision, as we usually do).

- panels for hammam termite and a-panel. Just like Ruspanel, they specialize in thermal insulation panels. Termite is located in Siberia, so if the boors need to build in Siberia, it is best to order panels from them, you will have to take a standard dome, or order a dome from Listar or from local manufacturers, if applicable. A-panel, these are dealers, each time they sell panels from small manufacturers, we won’t talk about quality or capabilities, we haven’t used them - there are a lot of risks plus questions if there is a complaint about the product.

Now that the panels are selected, we select the equipment. Everything is simple here, according to the project, from the total volume of the room we know what power of the steam generator is needed for a particular hammam, what hood to install, with or without a filter, the shape of the lamps, the kurna for the hammam and the taps for the kurna - it’s not difficult to choose, it’s a matter of taste. The main thing is not to skimp on the steam generator. I won’t go into detail about the device, but from experience, anything cheaper than 60 thousand is usually rubbish. If you choose a cheap one, it is better to take into account the option and the possibility of replacement at the design stage. Often the steam generator is barricaded and if it breaks, you have to remove the tiles, remove the panels, remove the steam generator, repair it and then in the reverse order. At best, the manufacturer will repair it for you under warranty; replacement work will have to be paid for yourself or done with your own hands. Consider whether the savings are worth such risks.

Advantages of a steam generator for a hammam

Thanks to such quality as safety, the heat exchanger has gained the sympathy of bathhouse owners. Compared to traditional stoves, the risk of getting burned on the structure body is minimized. Installing such a device in a bathhouse guarantees a comfortable and useful rest in the steam room. Facilitation of the operating conditions of the steam generator is also achieved by automating the process of washing the apparatus with descaling.

The ease of use of the device is due to the simplicity of its design and simple operating principle. The tank built into the device is filled with liquid from the water supply system. When the device is connected to a power source, electronic sensors and a solenoid valve are activated, responsible for maintaining the required water level. The liquid that fills the tank heats up evenly and releases steam, which enters the room through pipes.

Hamam project

The first thing we start with is the hamam project. To develop a hammam project, you need to know the dimensions and volume of the room. Of course, if you also draw the project yourself, you will need knowledge of the AutoCAD program - it is for designers. You can complete urgent courses and in a couple of weeks you will be able to draw something similar to a hamam project.

The hammam must have a sun lounger, a kurna, lighting, a drain, a dome for condensate drainage, a steam generator, a door and a control panel. Plus, your hammam should have room for at least two people and space for them to spread out. From experience, 60% of all hamam projects are completed at the stage of the technical dimensions of the room, namely due to the height of the ceilings, taking into account the design features when constructing a hamam using technology, the height of the black ceilings in the room should be at least 2.8 meters. If it is less, then the dome will “put pressure” on you psychologically and there will be no state of coziness and comfort. It will be very obvious that the ceiling is low, although we are talking about a difference of only 15-20cm. The hammam will work one way or another, but the state of the space with low ceilings will not work. If we have decided on this, move on.

On the project (drawing) we will place a lounger for the hammam, a place for the kurna, and depending on their position, we will calculate the position for the steam generator and the ventilation system. The technical dimensions of the qurna and the lounger can be taken from the manufacturers; the most adequate ones, based on experience, are Listar and Vedi.

The second stage of designing a hammam is adjusting the width and position of the door (if this is possible, if not, redo the first stage). When we have finished with the geometric indicators, we proceed to the utility networks.

Designing power supply and water supply with ventilation for the hammam is the third stage of design. It is already necessary to understand where water and electricity will come from. The capacity of the network and the cross-section of the wires should allow the use of heated floors, lighting and steam generators simultaneously operating and without “knocked out automatic plugs”. We also design the types of lighting in the hammam, the presence of a remote control.

When the drawing part is completed, and depending on the volume of the room, we have calculated the power of the steam generator and ventilation, selected the shape of the dome so that condensation does not drip on the head and you can sit comfortably in the lounger with your height, you can move on to the design of the hammam.

Characteristics of devices

Everyone who has ever used a similar device installed in a bathhouse at least once notes the ease of its operation. At the same time, no one needed to use special skills and knowledge. To select the most suitable temperature regime and obtain the optimal steam density, you just need to use the thermoregulation device installed on the body of the device. Having set the necessary parameters, you can be sure that a stable microclimate will reign in the steam room, the maintenance of which does not require any additional expenditure of human energy.

In modern hammams, as a rule, the temperature is maintained at 30-55 degrees, and the humidity approaches 100%. Thanks to the use of a steam generator that produces fairly light steam, a certain comfort is created in the room even for those people who cannot stand extreme heat.

Heat exchange devices with a power from 2 to 16 kW are excellent for Turkish baths. If a device with a maximum value cannot cope with a large volume of room, it is allowed to connect additional devices with similar characteristics to a single circuit. All heat exchangers are installed in a technical room, where the air is much drier than in a steam room. The presence of a certain amount of high-tech equipment in one room requires the arrangement of natural ventilation.

Steam and heat calculations

The most difficult part in choosing a steam generator is the calculations.
After all, hitting the target exactly means a wonderful hammam, quickly filling with heat and steam, economical use of resources and the comfort of our clients. The slightest mistake can cause not the most pleasant consequences: • Long warm-up and too modest amount of steam, which does not allow you to fully enjoy relaxation on comfortable loungers; • Too weak aroma of herbs and essential oils due to the cost of an additional aroma pump; • Overuse of resources and huge utility bills.

In order to provide the maximum level of comfort to our clients, the specialists of Hamam Stroy LLC take all complex calculations into their own hands, offering ready-made solutions and specific models of steam generators. Considering that our clients are successful people with a high level of employment, already at the development stage we save your time, and during installation and operation you can make sure of the rational use of resources.

Unit control mechanism

Using an electronic remote control, the temperature and steam intensity are adjusted. In addition, devices for monitoring the operation of the device are located on the body of the device itself. There is the possibility of automatic and manual adjustment. The presence of a display on the remote control of some models allows you to study information about using all the functions of the device. Using a timer, you can program the hammam. You just need to specify the necessary parameters and set the time to turn the steam generator on and off. By adjusting the temperature of heated, humid air, you can achieve the effects of relaxation, sweating and removal of toxins. The sensor installed in the steam room will transmit a signal about the existing temperature in the room directly to the control panel. When choosing a heat exchanger with a device for monitoring the operation of the device, you should carefully think through the options for the requests that it should solve.

Step by step steps when using a pressure cooker

It’s convenient to make a steam generator with your own hands from a pressure cooker for a small steam room. Much less manipulation will be required than with a gas cylinder.

  1. Holes are drilled for inserting the heating element at a height of 10 mm from the bottom of the pan.
  2. The heating element is secured with studs, bolts and nuts.
  3. Heat-resistant insulating gaskets are required at the attachment point. You can also make them yourself. A sheet of thick paper is laid on a clean horizontal surface and a layer of sealant is applied to it to occupy a significant area of ​​the sheet. Then the layer is leveled and covered with another sheet of paper and glass. To increase the pressure, something heavy is placed on top. After drying, the appropriate gaskets are cut out of the silicone layer with a tube of suitable diameter.
  4. After fixing the heating element, water is poured into the pan to check the tightness.
  5. Just below the heating element there is a curved copper tube for supplying water.
  6. Since the capacity of a homemade steam generator is very small, there is a danger of water quickly boiling away, which will damage the heating elements. It is necessary to ensure the flow of fluid automatically. One solution is to place a separate container next to the homemade steam generator connected to a water supply tube. Both devices must be at the same height. A float valve mounted on the bottom of an additional vessel opens when the liquid level drops and adds water to the steam generator.
  7. A hole is drilled in the lid of the pan, and a hose is attached using connecting fittings to allow steam to escape.

Installation features

Installation of a steam generator in a Turkish bath, as a rule, is carried out only in a well-ventilated, dry room. Equally important is the installation of a bathhouse with a plumbing system, the pressure in which must be maintained at 0.2-10 bar. It is important that the temperature of the heated water does not reach 65 degrees. In addition, a prerequisite is the supply of electricity with the required power.

When installing such a device, you need to ensure that the steam line made of copper does not bend, otherwise water pockets may form with condensed liquid accumulating in them, blocking the exit of heated moist air. The shorter the length of the steam line, the less condensate will accumulate in it. It is also important to insulate the copper pipe.

Step by step steps when using a gas cylinder

  1. A heating element is inserted into the bottom of the selected container at a distance of about 10-15 mm from the bottom. When installing several heating elements, it is better to first cut in and secure one, and then drill the following holes to prevent them from being too close. If you have to weld a sleeve to install a heating element, the design of the unit must withstand high pressure. The heating elements are sealed using heat-resistant gaskets on both sides of the opening. It is necessary to provide for the possibility of free removal of the heating element when replacing it in case of failure.
  2. Squeegees are welded to the cut-off cover for connecting control devices (contact pressure gauge with arrows, safety valve). You can combine them together (safety group), then only one hole is used.
  3. At a distance of 10 cm from the bottom of the cylinder, a water supply pipe is inserted. The container with water from which it will be supplied to the steam generator is made of translucent plastic and connected to the device with a hose made of heat-resistant material. This way you can easily control the amount of incoming water.
  4. Another method can be used to determine the water level inside, but it will require more holes. The tap pipe is welded to the side. It must be placed below the required upper level by 1-1.5 cm. When filling with water, the tap opens and water flowing out of it is a signal for the end of filling. It is necessary to ensure that the tap is turned off before turning on the steam generator.
  5. The valve for steam release will be the standard cylinder valve. It connects to the steam line. To prevent steam from escaping in a narrow stream, you can install a 50 cm long steel pipe with numerous holes made on it for dispersion.
  6. A lock is installed on the upper edge of the cylinder, ensuring tightness using a rubber seal.
  7. The lid and the lower part are connected using L-shaped studs and nuts.

It is much simpler to make a hermetically sealed connection between two parts - weld them, but then the device will be beyond repair.

The designed device must be tested in action to identify and eliminate deficiencies.

How to correctly calculate the power of a hammam device

From a mathematical point of view, the power indicator of the device is determined by the following formula: steam room volume (m³) x K1 x K2 = required value (kW)

, Where:

  • K1=0.75 – ventilated room;
  • K1=0.52 – unventilated room;
  • K2=1 – acrylic steam room;
  • K2=1.25 – special thermally insulated panels and tiles (mosaic);
  • K2=1.5 – concrete walls and tiles (mosaic).

As a first approximation, we can assume that the required power will be approximately equal to the volume of the steam room.

If a high value is required, then, as a rule, several heat exchangers can be connected in parallel, for example, HELO HSX CD. Thus, the maximum total power will be 4x14=56 kW.

Based on this calculation, the owner of a Turkish bath can decide to install and connect several steam generators connected to one control panel. In this case, the devices can be placed on the floor or hung on the wall.

Choosing performance

Specialists in the construction of hammams in Moscow advise: to choose a steam generator for use in a Turkish bath, you need to take into account a number of important details:

  • volume and dimensions of the steam room;
  • intensity of use;
  • normal room temperature;
  • compliance of the steam generator design with the general style in the interior of the Turkish bath.

The volume and dimensions of the steam room are the most important criterion for choosing suitable equipment, since if the steam room is too large for the steam generator, then there will not be good steam in it. It is also not worth buying equipment that is too powerful, so experts advise buying steam generators for a hammam at the rate of 1 m3 of steam room - 1-1.5 kW of equipment.

We will advise you on choosing the highest quality steam generator for your hammam. We will also help you choose equipment that suits all parameters. The quality of your purchase is guaranteed, so with our help your hammam will become an ideal place for relaxation and wellness.

Measure the volume of the room. For one cubic meter of room you need one kilogram of steam per hour. Let’s say the volume of the room is 12 cubic meters, which means you need a steam generator with a capacity of 12 kg of steam per hour. Not all manufacturers indicate performance. For example, Tylo writes the recommended room volume for each model. For a room with a volume of 12 cubic meters, a Tylo 9 VA steam generator (8-20 m³) is suitable.

Gas steam generator device.

  • device power;
  • fuel resource;
  • installation dimensions;
  • fame of the manufacturer;
  • presence of a device control panel;
  • the ability to program the operation of the steam generator;
  • availability of additional options.

When choosing a device, its power must correspond to the size of the steam room: the larger the area of ​​the room, the more powerful the device for steam generation should be. The fuel resource is of great importance when choosing and purchasing a device for steam generation. In the absence of a centralized gas supply, it is recommended to purchase electric models of the device.

If there is a gas main, the choice of a device operating on natural gas is more optimal, since the cost of operating such a device is much lower than an electric one.

When choosing a device, you should decide on the type of boiler that the device should be equipped with to generate steam. The type of boiler with which the steam generator is equipped determines whether the device needs to be connected to the central water supply system or not.

When choosing a device, you should also ask your sales consultant whether spare parts for the device are available for sale. Since if the device fails, there will be a need to repair it.

Installation of a steam generator in a hammam.

When purchasing a steam generator, special attention should be paid to the degree of safety of the device during its operation, since the device will operate in conditions of high humidity. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the presence of an automatic shutdown system in the device in case of failure or overload. It is desirable that the device be equipped with a protection system capable of working in conjunction with a fire system.

The steam generator control panel may not be included in the delivery package and, if necessary, must be purchased separately. Using the remote control allows you to remotely adjust the functioning of the steam generator. Using the remote control, adjustments can be made without leaving the steam room.

If you have an additional amount of financial resources, you should pay attention to steam generators that have additional functions, such as the ability to aromatize steam, the presence of dosing pumps and some others.

Popular brands

You can buy a steam generator for a Turkish bath in the online store. Today this device is gaining popularity, which means there is plenty to choose from. Among the well-known brands represented on the domestic market, TYLO, HARVIA, SAWO and HELO . They are most suitable for arranging Turkish baths, where heavy, damp steam is needed. All of these manufacturers produce products made of stainless steel.

A feature of Finnish devices is the presence in their design of devices that facilitate cleaning and descaling. Steam generators produced by the Swedish company TYLO are considered the most reliable and unpretentious devices to use. The heat exchanger for the HARVIA is of high quality, which today is considered the most important sign of a good attitude towards consumers.

Heating element or electrode?

Heating element steam generators are designed on the principle of an electric kettle. The heating elements heat the water and produce steam. The main disadvantage is scale deposits. When scale completely covers the heating elements, they will overheat and burn out. Scale is formed from minerals dissolved in water, so when working with a heating element steam generator, you must use purified, softened water.

Electrode steam generators create steam by passing current between electrodes through water. At the same time, the manufacturer, on the contrary, recommends using ordinary tap water. Excessively softened water does not conduct current well and the steam generator will not work.

Scale also forms in the electrode steam generator, but it will not break the unit. In the worst case, it will produce less steam. Even if scale completely clogs the steam generator, it will stop working, but after cleaning it will work again. The disadvantage of an electrode steam generator is that the electrodes dissolve over time and need to be changed.

Caring for the device

Poor water quality, containing large amounts of metal salts and iron oxide, has a negative impact on important parts of the steam generator. As a result of the constant use of unfiltered liquid, limescale deposits form inside the device, which over time causes the device to break down.

Before installing the steam generator in the bathhouse, it is necessary to check the water for hardness. It is also necessary to carry out special preparatory work related to the installation of a valve for automatically flushing the unit and draining liquid from it. Although the Turkish bath steam generator will rinse automatically, it should also be descaled. The instructions included with the device describe everything in detail.

The above actions will ensure the uninterrupted operation and longevity of the steam generator.

Water supply methods

Water is supplied to the steam generator tank using two methods:

  • self-filling of water by the user;
  • automatic supply from the water supply.

If you make a steam generator for a bath yourself, then automatic water supply is more difficult to implement. Another disadvantage of this scheme is that the content of impurities in tap water or its increased hardness quickly provokes the formation of scale, which will require frequent cleaning. When filling the reservoir manually, you can use distilled water.

You can also familiarize yourself with the reasons why water may leak from the steam generator.

Instructions for installing and connecting a steam generator for a sauna or hammam

Despite the apparent simplicity of this device, proper installation of the steam generator requires special skills and experience. Therefore, trust the installation of the device only to a specialist who will carry out correct installation in full accordance with the instructions. In addition, this process requires the installation of specific communications, the correct connection of which only a master can monitor.

What utility systems are necessary for the full operation of the steam generator:

  • Cold water supply. Considering the pollution of water in the modern world, do not forget about the coarse filter.
  • Sewer outlet for water.
  • Don't forget about electricity. It is necessary to connect a power cable, the power of which will correspond to the power consumption of the steam generator.
  • The steam pipeline itself is better if it is made of stainless steel.

The location of the steam generator is not important, the main thing is to maintain a distance within five meters from the room into which the steam is supplied. To make it more convenient for you to adjust the temperature and operating time, install the control panel right at the entrance to the room.

To more accurately determine the temperature, place the sensor at a height of a meter from the floor inside the sauna or bathhouse. The components through which steam is supplied are usually located at the bottom; you can install them under a bench or seats. STEAMTEC has a clear advantage over other manufacturers - their products are supplied fully equipped. You will not have to spend money on purchasing the necessary elements to ensure full operation of the device.

Sale of steam generators for baths, saunas, hammams, as well as other bath equipment from the German company Steamtec, which has established itself as a reliable and trusted seller, and has been successfully operating on the international market for more than 15 years. Steamtek offers devices whose power and other parameters fully meet the requirements of consumers.

Quality control at Stimtek deserves special attention, since all equipment is tested in different operating modes for 12 hours before being released for sale. The manufacturing materials for the equipment fully comply with all international standards of quality, safety and durability. Steamtec presents equipment that can be connected to an electric oven or used independently. High-tech devices that are equipped with the most modern functions, such as temperature sensor, timer, thermostat. The interface is simple and clear. With the help of a steam generator, we guarantee uniform heating of the room, as it contains special distribution nozzles. There is a built-in container for aromatic oils and medicinal herbs, which will turn any ordinary bath into a sauna. Steamtec produces steam generators with a remote control for the most convenient control.

Steamtec range of steam generators

Flow-through steam generators for baths, saunas, hammams of the most modern models from Steamtec. Prices are much lower than competitors, quality is at the highest level. On our website you will find several lines of Stimtek devices:

  • TOLO PS is a universal compact device with a power from 3 to 18 kW. There is a water tank of 10-15 liters. The simplest steam generators containing multi-level protection and a solenoid valve for water supply. A control panel is included. 1 year warranty.
  • TOLO KEY – new improved Steamtec steam generators have a power of 3-24 kW. There is a water tank with a capacity of 10 liters. The package includes a remote control unit. 2 year warranty.
  • TOLO ULTIMATE is a line of steam generators with a power of 3-24 kW, there is a water tank of 10 liters. And also an electric valve. The device has a wall-mounted touch control panel with an intuitive interface. 2 year warranty.

Order a Steamtec steam generator

You can buy and select a steam generator from the manufacturer Steamtec on the website. The online store presents exclusively original products of the German brand with a quality guarantee. The lowest prices for steam generators for baths, saunas and hammam. You can place an order directly on the website, or by phone. Our competent and professional managers will come to the rescue to select the ideal model. It is easy to pay for your purchase in any way convenient for you: cash on delivery, cash (only in Novosibirsk), plastic card or by bank transfer. Delivery is carried out in Novosibirsk, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnoyarsk, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Chelyabinsk, Omsk, Voronezh, Ufa, Volgograd, Samara, Perm, Rostov-on-Don and other cities of Russia.


Steam generators require constant descaling. This is best implemented in Hygromatik. Any of their steam generators can be disassembled and the scale removed. The method seems primitive, but nothing better has been invented. The only thing is that after cleaning you will need to change the set of replacement o-rings. In Tylo steam generators, cleaning is carried out only by pouring cleaning agents into the tank. An additional disadvantage is that you don’t know how much scale has accumulated, because the Tylo steam generator cannot be disassembled. In a heating element steam generator, the heating elements may burn out, but in an electrode steam generator, prepare to regularly replace the electrodes.

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