How to purchase the most suitable stove for a Russian bath - what to look for when purchasing

In Russia, the Russian bathhouse is highly valued, since the “Russian bathhouse” is not just our tradition, it can be said to be our national phenomenon. A place where you can simultaneously improve your health, strengthen your spirit, and relax with family and friends. Of course, the bathhouse is one of the favorite places of summer residents, because the bathhouse allows you to wash off not only dirt, but also fatigue.

It’s good to have a bathhouse at your dacha, albeit small, but real! I put on my parka and felt as if I had been born again. But when the construction of a bathhouse moves into the practical plane, then the same summer residents have a question: “Which stove model to choose, and in general, what parameters to pay attention to when evaluating various proposals?” Indeed, there are enough criteria for evaluating a stove, and even a well-read summer resident can easily get confused in them.

In this article we will try not only to consider, but also to systematize the various criteria for choosing a sauna stove. The main goal is that uniquely magical effect from taking bath procedures that a steam room should provide.

But before we move on to the parameters for choosing a stove, let's decide what makes an ordinary Russian bathhouse, because... it is the furnace that will provide the necessary conditions for its creation.

Fig 1. That very favorite Russian bathhouse

How to choose the right one

For many centuries there has been a tradition of taking a steam bath in a Russian bath. It has not lost its popularity in our time. Many owners of houses and dachas build Russian baths. A properly chosen stove can be considered the heart of baths and saunas.

In order not to make a mistake and purchase the best stove, you need to take into account a large number of different factors:

  • material of manufacture,
  • power,
  • design and other features.

To make the right choice, you need to carefully understand the design features of sauna stoves, and also take into account the cost of a specific model.

There is often a temptation to buy a cheap stove from an unknown manufacturer, which at first glance made a good impression. This is a very risky purchase. In this case, it is easy to purchase low-quality equipment.

Stove with artistic cladding Source

When choosing, it is important not only to proceed from the quality of the purchased equipment, but also to be based on the reputation of the manufacturer. A high-quality, correctly chosen stove will allow you to enjoy a Russian bath for many years.

You must choose based on the following equipment features:

  1. The fuel on which it runs.
  2. Design features.
  3. Device power.
  4. How to handle the stove.
  5. Is there a tank for heating water?
  6. Presence of convection function.
  7. The device of the heater.

It is advisable to read the instructions included with the sale and read the reviews of those who bought this model.

Wood, gas or electricity can be used as fuel. The best stove for a sauna is the one that is selected in accordance with safety standards and that meets all the requirements for power, material, and weight.

Criterias of choice

For true steam room connoisseurs, not only the temperature inside the room matters, but also the properties of the steam. From this point of view, the right choice of a wood-burning stove for a bathhouse is half the success. There are a number of points that need to be taken into account:

  • features of the heating device;
  • thermal power;
  • material used;
  • operating principle;
  • contents of delivery.


Which wood-burning sauna stove should you choose, based on the features of the device? Various designs are possible:

  • with open or double heater;
  • conventional and with ventilation-convection casing;
  • with a central or offset chimney location.

When deciding which wood-burning stoves are the best for a sauna, you need to take into account the requirements for use. To ensure intensive heating of the room, a design with an additional casing is recommended, which also significantly reduces hard thermal radiation.


The thermal performance of a particular stove depends on the shape and volume of the firebox, the flow area of ​​the chimney and some other factors. The rated power of the heating device is usually indicated in the technical description or passport. When choosing the model you need, you should proceed from the ratio of 1 kW per 1 cubic meter. m of room volume.


The best wood-burning stoves for a Russian bath are made of structural or stainless steel, as well as heat-resistant cast iron. When choosing a specific model, you should pay attention to the thickness and grade of the material. Highly alloyed alloys have excellent strength characteristics, which are also resistant to corrosion. To protect steel and cast iron parts of furnaces from adverse environmental factors, paint and varnish coatings are applied to external surfaces, preferably powder compositions.

Principle of operation

To answer the question of which stove is best for a Russian bath, you need to understand the features of its functioning. The proposed rating considers only wood-burning models, but there are also gas and electric ones. In the first and second variants, heat generation occurs as a result of fuel combustion. In electric furnaces, heating is carried out through the use of heating elements. Wood stoves, in addition to heating the room, create a special microclimate, filling the atmosphere with the aroma of burning wood. This makes the process of receiving health procedures especially pleasant and brings it as close as possible to something that can only be obtained in a traditional Russian bathhouse.


Heating appliances are supplied to the consumer with a full set of elements. How to choose a wood-burning stove for a sauna, and which configuration is considered the best? It all depends on the financial capabilities of the consumer. The mentioned top of the best stoves for a Russian bath contains models with metal doors that can be replaced with heat-resistant glass. The relatively small surcharge is worth the opportunity to watch the flames dance in the firebox. When purchasing a heating device in a store, you can also order a filler for the heater.

additional characteristics

What are the best wood-burning stoves in a bathhouse? This is one of the most common questions asked to experts. To answer this, in addition to such key factors as thermal power and strength indicators, a number of additional characteristics should be taken into account:

  • efficiency;
  • fuel consumption;
  • firewood sizes.

The significance of these parameters should not be exaggerated, but also cannot be completely ignored. The low efficiency of the stove will not allow you to achieve the required temperature and humidity conditions, as a result, the very meaning of visiting the steam room is lost.

Types of furnaces

If we consider what materials the stoves are made of, then, in most cases, they can be as follows:

  • made of brick;
  • metal;

Each of them has its own important features. Sometimes they can be made of stone or both brick and metal parts.

The principle of operation of a metal furnace Source

Brick models

If the owner decides to use a stove made of brick, then he should know about its advantages and disadvantages.

Pros of a brick kiln:

  1. Brick can remain heated for a long time.
  2. Such a stove can heat a larger area compared to a metal one.
  3. This material guarantees a high level of fire safety.
  4. The use of a brick stove is traditional for creating a Russian bath.

Disadvantages of a brick kiln:

  1. Installation of this device is technically more difficult compared to a metal stove. The master who does this must have the appropriate professional skills.
  2. Big sizes. Such a structure will occupy a significant part of the steam room.
  3. The average weight of a brick kiln is 1200 kg. In order to install it, it is necessary to ensure the presence of a reliable foundation.
  4. Higher installation costs.
  5. Warming up occurs more slowly than when using a metal structure.

Brick stove for a bath Source
To get steam, you need to splash water on the heated stove from time to time. Usually steam is produced using hot stones, but it cannot be ruled out that water gets on the hot brick. In the latter case, you cannot avoid the specific smell; for some people it causes discomfort. A brick stove for a bath with a closed heater will make heating more uniform; they can be successfully used in large, spacious rooms.

Furnaces made of steel

Such ovens are the most common. High-quality devices are made of chrome steel.

They have advantages:

  1. Installation of such furnaces does not cause excessive difficulties.
  2. Compared to brick structures, their weight is relatively light, so there is no need to install a separate foundation.
  3. Such ovens are compact.
  4. They are easy to melt.
  5. When using such stoves, the room warms up faster.

Steel furnace Source
The disadvantages inherent in metal furnaces are the following:

  1. When using them, the room quickly cools down.
  2. Since metal has a low heat capacity, in order to maintain the temperature at the proper level, it is necessary to constantly heat the furnace.
  3. When using, the fire must be maintained constantly.
  4. The power of a metal stove is less than that of a brick stove. It may turn out that it is not enough to warm up the entire required area.
  5. Such devices do not provide a high level of fire safety.

Metal stoves for wood-fired saunas with high efficiency are easy to use, do not take up much space, and are suitable for small rooms with dimensions of 2 by 2, 3 by 2, 3 by 4 m.

Stove-fireplace for a bath Source

Cast iron structures

They are more popular compared to brick stoves, but inferior to steel ones. They have important advantages:

  1. They have a high heat capacity, thanks to which they are able to retain heat for a considerable time.
  2. These stoves have good heat dissipation, which allows them to warm up the room well. This quality is enhanced if a sauna stove with a closed heater is used.
  3. Cast iron stoves are highly durable. Their service life is 40 years or more.
  4. Kindling firewood does not require any special knowledge or skills.
  5. They are able to provide a high level of fire safety when used.

The disadvantages of cast iron stoves include the following:

  1. Heavy weight. To use them, you need to build a special foundation.
  2. Relatively high cost.
  3. Cast iron is not strong enough to withstand mechanical stress. A crack may appear on the stove due to careless transportation or due to an accidental impact.

Cast iron stoves can be used in medium-sized rooms with preliminary preparation of the base. Such designs may have a hot water tank.

Stove with water tank Source

See also: Catalog of house projects with a sauna and stove

What it is

An electric furnace is a heating electrical appliance that uses special elements - heating elements - to generate thermal energy. This is an acronym for Thermoelectric Heater, or Tubular Electric Heater. It is the heart of the stove; when connected to the power supply, the heating element heats up and releases heat to the room and adjacent components of the stove (heater, water tank).

Depending on the power of the oven, 4-12 heating elements can be installed (in some models there are even more).

The design of an electric oven is simple. It consists of only three main elements:

  • metal case (usually two-layer for thermal insulation and avoiding burns);
  • heating elements - heating elements;
  • heater.

In addition, the design of the furnace may include a tank for heating water, as well as a steam generator. This is an element that replaces the traditional procedure of splashing water on stones.

For small stoves with a small heater (or without one at all), the presence of a steam generator allows you to provide full functionality with a minimum of capabilities.

Heating occurs by convection - the upper part of the electric furnace body is usually open. Hot air rises and warms the stones. In addition, it passes through the gaps between them and heats the room.

Using an electric oven is a very simple and practical way to heat a sauna. To obtain the desired air temperature and heat the heater and water tank, you only need to turn on the heating some time before taking bath procedures. At the same time, you can adjust the required heating mode, or change it if necessary.

What should the power be?

If the power is too high, it will lead to too much heating of the air and not enough heating of the stones. Using an insufficiently efficient stove will lead to the need to heat the steam room for a long time.

Before purchasing, you need to calculate the required power for the bath. For this purpose, you can use the following technique.

  • The initial value for calculation is the volume of the steam room.

To obtain it, you need to measure the length, width and height of the room. For example, if a room is 3 m long, 2 m wide and 2.2 m high, then to calculate the volume, you need to multiply these three numbers. It is equal to 3 * 2 * 2.2 = 13.2 cubic meters. m.

When choosing, the power should be sufficient to warm the room Source

  • You need to take into account how much heat will escape through the windows and doors.

To do this, you need to calculate their area and multiply by 1.2.

For example, if the height of the door is 2 m, the width is 0.9 m, then the area will be: 2 * 0.9 = 1.8 square meters. m.

If the window is 0.5 m wide and 0.8 m high, then its area will be 0.5 * 0.8 = 0.4 sq. m.

The correction value for the volume of the room will be (1.8 + 0.4) * 1.2 = 2.2 * 1.2 = 2.64 cubic meters. m.

This figure must be added to the previously calculated volume of the room. Summing these figures, we get 13.2 + 2.64 = 15.84 cubic meters. m.

The required power is calculated based on the volume of the room and heat loss Source

  • It is necessary to take into account the amendment determined by the material used for the construction of the bathhouse.

If it is made of logs, and there is no thermal insulation, then a coefficient of 1.6 is used. When using insulation inside it, you can take 0.6. In the example under consideration, the bathhouse does not have thermal insulation. Therefore, you need to use a coefficient of 1.6. The result will be 15.84 * 1.6 = 25.34 cubic meters. m. Thus, it is enough to purchase a stove that can provide 26 kW.

When purchasing, you need to take into account that usually the minimum and maximum power levels differ by 10 times.

When using, the heating strength can be adjusted according to your taste. The heat level depends on the amount of fuel or electricity supplied. This is convenient if gas or electricity are used; it is enough to set the parameters to the desired value.

Electric sauna stove Source

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in baths, heating, water supply and sewerage

In wood stoves this can be done in the following ways:

  • You can limit the volume of combustion air supplied. This method is convenient to use to regulate the intensity of firewood combustion.
  • You can also open the door or window slightly to reduce the degree of heating.

Other features of sauna stoves

When choosing how many kilograms of stones are required, you need to proceed from the cubic capacity of the room. It is believed that there should be 6-8 kg per cubic meter of volume. The temperature should not fall below 100 degrees. It is better if it is equal to 250 degrees. Only under this condition will the steam be transparent.

The power of the selected stove should be such that at an outside temperature of -10 degrees, warming up the bath is achieved in no longer than 2 hours. In summer, no more than 40 minutes should be enough for this.

The heater can be closed or open. The compartment for stones in the first case is located above the combustion chamber, in a closed chamber. In the second option, the stones are placed in an open container.

Sauna stoves with a closed heater for a Russian bath gain temperature more slowly, but are able to maintain it longer. Such designs retain heat longer. However, this will require more fuel and time to warm up.

Open heater Source

With an open heater, the room will warm up faster, but it will cool down faster than with a closed option.

A stove for a Russian bath with a closed heater, having suitable power, will make bathing procedures more comfortable.

Best models

Manufacturers produce a large number of models of stoves for Russian baths. When purchasing, it is best to focus on the best samples. The following are the best stoves for saunas, wood-burning, and a rating of the most popular varieties.

Harvia M3

This stove has a vertically elongated heater and ensures uniform heating of the room. It can hold 30 kg of stones, which must be purchased separately. This is one of the best stoves for a wood-burning sauna.

The oven can stay hot for a long time. The device does not lose its appearance from use. Heat-resistant paint is used here, which does not fade when heated. The door is made of heat-resistant glass, allowing you to observe the flame.

Sauna stove Harvia M3 Source

Oven characteristics:

  • Designed for wall installation.
  • The furnace power is 16.5 kW.
  • Can heat a room with a volume of 6-13 cubic meters. m.
  • An open type heater is used.

There is no provision for a water circuit here. The efficiency of the device is 67%.

TMF Geyser 2014

When using a stove, the bath can be heated to 100 degrees for one hour. There are more than ten options for this model. A combined heater is used here. The body is made of steel. The door in various modifications can be made of steel or heat-resistant glass.

Geyser Furnace Source

TOP 2 best inexpensive sauna stoves

TMF Osa Inox YES anthracite NV

The smallest wood stove in the brand's lineup .
The manufacturer provides a three-year official guarantee on the integrity of the metal and welds of the firebox. Installed in steam rooms up to nine cubic meters. meters. The heater is a closed type, you can load up to 25 kg of stones into it.

There are two ventilated compartments, which additionally warm the steam room by passing air through a uniformly heated mass of stones.

The reduced dimensions do not affect the quality of work, but significantly save the total amount of fuel used. The maximum permissible volume of the steam room warms up in less than an hour.

There is a modification with a short fuel channel, which is well suited for a Russian bath, where the steam room and washing room are combined.

Main characteristics:

  1. Power type: firewood.
  2. Heated volume - 9 m3.
  3. Body/firebox material: steel/steel.
  4. Weight - 40 kg.


compactness, ease of installation;

there is an option with a short fuel channel;

affordable price and long service life.


not detected.

Karina Optima 3

In conclusion of the rating, it is worth mentioning this compact and inexpensive option for an electric sauna stove .
It has low power, so the stove cannot be installed in rooms whose volume exceeds four cubic meters. Small dimensions and a weight of eight kg simplify installation and allow the device to be moved or transported if necessary.

The heater here is closed, but with a large number of ventilation holes so that the heat is distributed quickly and evenly.

You can load up to 20 kg of stones into it. The case is made of steel and withstands high temperatures well. The stove is equipped with a special bracket for mounting on the wall.

Main characteristics:

  1. Power type: mains.
  2. Heated volume - 4 m3.
  3. Furnace power - 3 kW.
  4. Case material: steel.
  5. Weight - 8 kg.


small, light;

fast heat transfer;

not afraid of power surges.


Sometimes the power may not be enough to produce thick steam.

Video description

This video shows 7 important rules for choosing sauna stoves:

Hephaestus PB-04

This model is made of cast iron. To operate the stove, it must be mounted inside a brick insert. The combustion channel of this model is elongated, which allows it to be moved into a separate room adjacent to the firebox. An important feature of the stove is the wall thickness of 1-6 cm, eliminating the possibility of burnout. The parts of the device are made of cast iron with a high chromium content.

The device is equipped with: an afterburning system and a flame arrester, which promote more complete and prolonged combustion of fuel.

The features of this oven are as follows:

  1. Wall mounting is used.
  2. The furnace power is 8 kW.
  3. Designed to heat a room with a volume of 15 cubic meters. m.
  4. An open type heater is used, which can hold 180 kg of stones.
  5. The cast iron from which the stove is made heats up quickly and releases heat slowly. The efficiency of the device is 87%. The door is decorated with gilding and ornaments. The weight of the fully assembled structure is 700 kg.

Video description

This video talks about what the best stove for a Russian bath should be.

Varvara Terma Kamenka

The oven is able to heat the room to the desired temperature in 1-1.5 hours. It has a remote combustion portal that allows you to heat two adjacent rooms at the same time.

The structure is made of black coated steel. The stove is designed for floor installation.

This model has the following features:

  1. The heating power reaches 14 kW.
  2. The door to the firebox can be glass or metal.
  3. Designed for heating rooms with a volume of 12-24 cubic meters. m.
  4. The design of the firebox allows for removal.

The presence of a water circuit is not provided. The heater is designed for 240-250 kg of stones.

Heating element in an electric oven

Using an electric heater is safe and very convenient to use. In just one hour, such a unit can heat the air to a temperature of 90 degrees Celsius.

The main principle of heating is warming up the stones, which must be placed in a special container. The heating element, which is located inside the stove, is reliably protected from water, it distributes heat very gently and does not steal oxygen at all.

A high-quality electric heater is in a special casing that does not heat up. In some models, instead of heating elements, there are tape heaters, which are of higher quality and burn even less oxygen than heating elements. There are combined options, but their cost is much higher than that of a conventional electric heater.

Care Tips

A stove for a Russian bath will last longer if you take care of it. The following tips may help with this:

  • After each use, combustion products must be removed.
  • It is necessary to monitor the condition of the chimney. It needs to be cleaned at least twice a year.
  • If you insulate the bath well, this will help avoid losing a significant part of the heat.

When the room is warming up, you should not open the door again. This can lead to uneven heating of the bath.

Wood stove Source

Bath stones

The number of stones placed in the device depends on the size of the electric bath. The stones need to be laid tightly, but it is important to leave space for air movement.

For stoves, you can only use special stones that are not afraid of heat. Under no circumstances should they emit harmful substances or crack during heating.

The structure of the stones should be uneven; smooth stones should not be used. It is important to replace them promptly and remove cracked or chipped stones. It is necessary to carry out a refurbishment once every few months; jadeite, diabase, soapstone, and so on are ideal as bath stones.

Briefly about the main thing

Choosing the right stove for a sauna is not difficult if you know the power to heat the room. Power calculations are made based on parameters such as the amount of heat loss, thermal insulation coefficient, volume and area of ​​the steam room.

Rating of the most popular and high-quality models of sauna stoves:

  • Harvia M3.
  • TMF Geyser 2014.
  • Hephaestus PB-04.
  • Varvara Terma Kamenka.
  • Harvia Legend 240 Duo.

The stoves are sold with a water container, have a beautiful finish, and can be used for aromatherapy.

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