Which stove is better for a sauna, brick or iron?

Features and Functions

The protective partition in the bathhouse near the stove is a universal item.
Modern manufacturers of such equipment offer many options for barrier screens. New products will suit any needs and different budgets. The partition plays an important role because it performs the following functions:

  • eliminates the possibility of burns;
  • used as additional room decor;
  • Using a protective partition, you can control the flow of heat not only into the steam room, but throughout the entire house.

The comfortable bathhouse includes a separate steam room, rest areas, and a dressing room.

Particular attention should be paid to what kind of partition in the bath will be between the steam room and the place to relax

Scheme of a wooden partition for a bath.

  1. Wooden partitions, which are mainly made from a single or double internal plank wall. To do this, they usually take thick boards 50 mm thick, since thin ones will quickly absorb moisture and warp. It is best to use a frame partition, which is initially built from a frame, and then one side is sheathed and insulation is placed in the middle. The entire structure is then sutured on the other side.
  2. Brick partition. This option is suitable if the firebox is installed not in the steam room, but in another room. At the same time, the partition cannot be made entirely of wood, so owners often make it of stone or brick.
  3. A combined partition is suitable if the firebox is not located inside the steam room. Since a brick wall in a wooden bathhouse looks out of place, many people do it in a combined style.

The brick part is located in the dangerous part, that is, near the firebox, and the rest can be made of wood. If we consider the appearance, it looks much better and more interesting than a solid brick partition. However, it looks original and attractive when the stone part around the perimeter is marked with wooden slats.

Basically, a brick partition for a bathhouse is made if it is made of brick, foam blocks or similar materials. As a rule, baths are half made of brick.

It should be noted that for brick buildings it is necessary to pay attention to the quality of cement: the strength and durability of the partition depends on this. In order to connect such a partition to the wall, it must be connected with reinforcement, the diameter of which must be 6 mm

The ends of the reinforcement must be laid in the seam of the brickwork - this will ensure a reliable connection.

A brick partition is usually made when installing the firebox not in the steam room, but in another room.

Nowadays, you can often find brick partitions in wooden baths. They are erected when it is necessary to install a stove that is heated from the dressing room. The wall must be built fireproof: it will be able to maintain the maximum temperature without damage to its owners. You can use decorative brick: it looks beautiful and fire safety is ensured.

The most common option for such a partition is laying bricks around the stove. For people who are going to build a brick partition on their own, you need to take into account that it is done after the bathhouse has shrunk the frame. True, you can try another option - leave a small opening between the partition and the ceiling.

Other design elements

Putting the stove back in place is not enough. It will function only if there is good draft, which will be provided by a properly constructed chimney. In addition, in a real bath there should be not only dry steam, but also a sufficient amount of hot water. To do this, the furnace is equipped with a tank for heating it.

Installation of a chimney (stove pipe) in a Russian bath

Its design depends entirely on what oven it is intended for. Thus, a massive brick unit needs a pipe with an increased flow area, while even a chimney with a diameter of 100 mm will provide draft in a small heating device. When calculating a chimney, experts recommend starting from the size of the blower opening, taking its cross-section equal to 1/2 the area of ​​the window for air supply.

The thickness of the chimney walls, as well as the cross-section of the internal channel, should not be less than half a brick. During the construction process, two types of mortar are used - clay for building up the pipe array indoors and cement or lime for working outside. Thanks to the latter, masonry joints will not collapse under the influence of moisture.

Although the installation of a chimney for a sauna stove is subject to more relaxed requirements than for heating appliances in residential buildings, it must rise above the roof level by at least 0.5 m.

The stove can be equipped with a metal or asbestos pipe. It is important to make its lower part heat-resistant, for which a thick-walled steel or cast iron section is installed at a distance of at least 1 m.

Installation of a hot water barrel (liquid heat exchanger)

The sauna stove can be equipped with an open or closed water heating tank. If the building is connected to a water supply system, then it is better to install a sealed container, be sure to equip it with a safety valve configured to operate when the pressure in the system exceeds 3-4 atm. Otherwise, you will have to fill the water heater manually, through the opening in its upper part.

Heating the water in the tank is carried out in two ways. The first is that the container is installed at the back of the firebox or above it. The second involves installing a water heater on a chimney. Passing through the internal channel, heated gases give off their heat, quickly heating the water to a high temperature.

The water heating tank will provide you with hot water

To make a boiler, use a steel sheet with a thickness of at least 3 mm, welding its joints with a continuous seam. The pipe that is installed inside must be thick, otherwise, due to high humidity and temperature, it will quickly become corroded.

If the building has running water (for example, if your frame bathhouse has a bathroom), then the tank can be replaced with a liquid heat exchanger. Its contour is welded from steel pipes with a diameter of up to 1 inch, installing the structure at the rear of the firebox. To prevent water from boiling, the heat exchanger is equipped with a bypass valve, from the outlet of which a pipeline is laid to the heater.

Video: how to lay out a brick stove with a built-in water heater

Which brick is suitable for processing a metal furnace?

Before covering your stove equipment with bricks, think about which material is better. Savings by using broken and small bricks can result in poor quality of masonry; the brick will crumble and eventually collapse.

What kind of bricks are sold in construction stores?

  1. Silicate - it contains a slaked lime binder, so the material shows good wear resistance, can withstand different environmental conditions, and is often used to line the walls of buildings. But sand-lime brick is not suitable for a stove in a bathhouse; it simply will not withstand sudden changes and drops in temperature, plus high humidity damages the integrity of the material. Also, silicate components are heavier than the usual red brick.
  2. Fireclay stone is used to construct a heat shield. It is not afraid of temperature changes, the heat capacity is high, and so is the cost. Outwardly it looks unattractive, so it is additionally lined with porcelain stoneware.
  3. Experts suggest lining metal stoves in the bathhouse with the usual red brick. By the way, both hollow and solid material are suitable. One drawback is low thermal conductivity, but it looks presentable. A standard version of the stone and a thicker one are available for sale. To calculate the number of component units, the masonry area and the physical proportions of the heater are taken as a basis. The partition is constructed using even ¼ of a brick, the rest of the brick is laid using ½ of a brick. To make the oven strong and reliable, provide strengthening and bandaging procedures in the partition area.

Useful video

The first video will be useful for those who have never laid a brick themselves.

A video about how to get a Russian bathhouse by lining a metal stove with brick yourself and cheaply

In the following video, Teklar demonstrates the principle and procedure for lining its own furnace with an external firebox.

*** Well, now you are fully armed with the knowledge of how, why and what you can line an iron stove in a bathhouse with. We can only wish you success and easy steam!

How to make the best mortar for brickwork

Builders recommend using a traditional mortar made of clay and sand for laying the stove. For strength, M400 cement is also mixed; the total mass of the cement solution should be 20%.

You can find clay, like other materials, at a hardware store. Preparation of cement mortar for brickwork of the furnace consists of the following steps:

  1. Sift the sand thoroughly. The purer the sand, the stronger the solution.
  2. Add clay to the sand, maintaining a 1:1 ratio of ingredients.
  3. Add water in such a volume that you get a homogeneous thick consistency of the solution, without excess water.

A simple test will tell you whether a high-quality solution is ready. Place a small amount of solution on a trowel and place it in a vertical position. If the mixture slides off but does not drain, then the mixture is prepared correctly.

Another homemade recipe:

  1. Soak the clay in water for several days.
  2. Pass through a sieve.
  3. Add sand and cement. Such a solution will not crumble.

Water tank volume

Before making a stove, you need to decide on the displacement of the tank intended for heating water. There should be one liter of hot liquid per visitor to the steam room.

The best option would be an open container, since it will be convenient to fill and care for the inner surface. To prevent the water in the tank from freezing in winter, it should be completely removed.


Nothing gives such pleasant warmth, a comfortable atmosphere, and easy breathing as being in a sauna with a brick stove. In order for a self-built stove to turn out at the proper level, you must strictly follow all instructions. Even with little construction skills, you can make an excellent furnace for a bathhouse.

First of all, you need to decide which stove option is more suitable for a particular room.

Let's consider options for heating a brick stove for a bath:

  • In black. Such stoves have been especially popular in villages for many years. The peculiarity of this design is that there is no chimney, so there will be plenty of steam and aroma in the room. The disadvantage of this option is that you need to wait until the fuel burns out completely.
  • On gray. This option is more economical. The stove has a chimney, so the room warms up faster. Like the previous option, there is a drawback: you need to wait until the wood is completely burned.
  • On white. This option can be called the most worthy, since when used in the room there will be no traces of soot, and the room will remain warm for a long time. But it takes a lot of time to warm up such a stove, which is not always convenient for use.
  • With a stove. This option for a bath can be considered the most successful. The design consists of a tank, which is installed on a plate made of cast iron and bath stones. The tank is closed on 3 sides by a brick wall, due to which the water temperature remains high for a long time. More often, the tank is installed on top of the firebox, and stones are laid above the chimney, but sometimes both the tank and the stones can be placed in a different order.

The heater will not leave steam lovers indifferent. This design consists of a combustion chamber over which stones are placed.

Thanks to the thickness of the brick and massive stones, the room will remain warm for a long time. After the procedure is completed, the room is ventilated, water is poured onto the stones to remove soot. After cleaning, the room is ready for new procedures.

A sauna stove can vary in size, but most often you can find options with a base size of 890*1020 mm, which corresponds to a laying of 3.5*4 bricks, or with a size of 1020*1290 mm (laying 4*5 bricks). The standard height of the stove can be 168 or 210 cm, not taking into account the height of the chimney pipe.

The choice of oven type should be individual. When choosing, you should study various materials, watch photos and videos, study projects and then make the final choice.

Choosing a stove for a steam room: types of designs

To make the right choice, you need to have an idea about other features of sauna stoves. Today we can talk about classification according to the following criteria:

  • heating rate;
  • layout features;
  • method of heating the heater;
  • fuel used.

Depending on the temperature of the outer walls, all sauna stoves can be divided into “hot” and “cold”. In the former, the surface temperature reaches more than 100°C, which allows you to very quickly heat a large area. Such a stove is indispensable if the steam room is used occasionally, and constant heating is not provided in it. But the advantages of such structures also entail significant disadvantages. Firstly, touching hot walls can cause burns. Secondly, rapid heating is difficult to control, so the likelihood of accidental overheating of the air increases, and, as a result, getting heatstroke.

“Cold” stoves require longer heating, but the temperature of their walls, even with the most intense flame, does not rise above 50–60 degrees. It is impossible to accidentally burn yourself on it. In addition, the ability of “cold” stoves to accumulate heat allows you to maintain the desired air temperature for several hours. This makes it easier to operate structures intended for regular use. It is also important that heating extended over time allows you to set the optimal temperature and humidity in the room.

As for the layout, there are options for placing the stove both in the steam room itself and in the dressing room. The first design is certainly cheaper and easier to install. However, it has several disadvantages. So, when opening the door to add fuel, smoke may come into the room. In addition, due to high humidity, it will not be possible to store firewood next to the stove, and each time it will not be very convenient to run to another room to get it. The safety of the structure will also suffer, since in a cramped steam room the risk of touching a hot door increases many times over. Therefore, it is better to install an external combustion part, which can be placed in an adjacent room, and leave only the heater in the steam room. Of course, this option has the right to life only if the bathhouse has sufficient area.

The stove design with an open heater is the most popular

If we talk about the method of heating a heater, today stoves in which the stones do not come into contact with the fire are especially popular. They are placed in a special enclosure welded to the casing of the heating device, or in metal baskets that are placed on the walls or chimney. In this case, the temperature of the stones reaches 400 degrees. The advantage of this method is the ability to heat the stove and regulate air humidity simultaneously with taking water procedures.

Batch ovens are designed in a completely different way. In them, the stones come into contact with combustion products, so they heat up to a very high temperature - 1000°C or more. But you can begin health measures only after the firewood has completely burned out and carbon monoxide has been removed from the interior of the stove. And in order to prevent the heater from cooling quickly, it is covered with a casing or a hinged door.

Often, sauna stoves are also equipped with a water tank. It is installed mainly on the back of the structure, passing the chimney through the container. Thanks to the lower heating and high temperature of the flue gases, it is possible to obtain water in quantities sufficient not only for rinsing, but also for full-fledged water procedures in a wooden font.

Knowing all the features of sauna stoves, it is not at all difficult to choose the right design, focusing on the features of a particular building, operational requirements and personal preferences of the owner.

Material selection

When purchasing material for the stove, you should carefully inspect it. The standard brick size is 125*250*65 mm. A slight deviation of 2 mm is allowed. When inspecting, you need to make sure that there are no cracks or chips; only minor grooves and thread-like cracks are allowed. When choosing a material, you should make sure that the material meets the specified parameters. Sometimes products from different manufacturers or even different batches of the same manufacturer may differ.

The stove must be perfectly level, so the bricks must be the same size, otherwise smoke will begin to leak through the cracks and over time the firebox may fall apart. It is not recommended to purchase a product with a film that resembles mica. This means that there was a defect in the manufacturing process.

When building a house, the seam between the bricks can be up to 10 mm; for stoves, such a thickness is simply unacceptable. Already with a thickness of more than 4 mm, with constant heating, the seam will begin to crumble, and smoke will begin to flow into the room.

In addition to the main material, you should prepare:

  • a container where you can soak the brick;
  • clay and sand for mortar;
  • container where the solution will be mixed;
  • sand sieve;
  • a chimney pipe, which you can purchase in a store or make yourself;
  • steel wire, which will be needed when installing the combustion chamber and the blower door;
  • trestles for working at height;
  • roofing felt, asbestos;
  • construction tape, rope, level, pencil.

Let us remind you once again that it is better to choose fireclay and fire-resistant red bricks, but heat-resistant alumina and clinker bricks for the furnace may be suitable. Fireclay bricks are used to lay out the fire core; other options are used to line external walls and decorative elements.

The color of a material can indicate its quality. It should be uniform. Uneven color means that the product was fired unevenly, so the strength of the brick will vary in different areas.

It is advisable to select one brick and break it to inspect it. There should be no foreign inclusions, and the color should be free of dark spots. If there is a dark color in the middle, such a brick should not be used to build a stove or other buildings.

To make a high-quality furnace lining, you should choose a material marked with the letter “M” with numbers that indicate the permissible load per 1 square meter. cm. The optimal choice would be a brick with a grade of at least M-150.

After everything is prepared, you can proceed directly to the work itself.

Preparatory work

Work begins with preparing the construction site. If the stove is installed in the wall between the steam room and the dressing room, then part of the wall is cut out. When placed in a corner, the walls are protected with mineral thermal insulation, after which they are lined with red brick. When choosing a location, you should definitely consider how the chimney will be installed - perhaps its installation will be hampered by floor beams or rafters.

How to correctly calculate and install the foundation

You should be aware that even a small metal stove is an impressive structure, not to mention brick structures weighing hundreds of kilograms. Therefore, the first thing to do is to build a strong, reliable foundation.

To build the foundation:

  1. At the site where the structure is installed, a pit is dug with a depth of 0.5–0.6 m and dimensions that are 20–25 cm larger than the dimensions of the furnace.
  2. The bottom of the pit is covered with sand (a layer of 10–15 cm), after which it is watered and thoroughly compacted.
  3. After this, a cushion of crushed stone or granite screenings up to 20 cm thick is laid.
  4. To construct a reinforced concrete slab along the perimeter of the pit, plank formwork is constructed, inside which an armored belt is mounted at a height of 7–10 cm from the bottom.

    It is best to equip the foundation of a steam room stove at the very first stages of building a bathhouse

  5. Concrete for the foundation is prepared by mixing 1 part of M-400 cement with 4 parts of crushed stone and 3 parts of sand. When using M-500 cement, the proportion of sand can be increased to 4 parts. There should be enough water so that the concrete laid in a slide does not spread and at the same time retains its plasticity. Immediately after preparation, the solution is poured into the formwork, being sure to compact it by vibration. The surface of the foundation is leveled according to the rule, after which it is covered with plastic film and left until the solution has completely set.

If you plan to install a metal stove with subsequent lining with red brick or stone, then the dimensions of the foundation must take into account the dimensions of the final structure.

Rules for preparing the solution

For laying a brick heater, you can use both factory mixtures and a simple clay-sand mortar. River sand and fatty clay are best suited for its preparation - it is more plastic, and during the drying process it forms a strong seam. To determine the amount of both components, an experiment is carried out. To do this, small parts of clay and sand are mixed in different proportions, after which balls with a diameter of about 5 cm are rolled out of the solution. Lumps of clay, dried for several minutes, are squeezed between two wooden planks, observing the beginning of cracking of their surface. The optimal composition is considered to be one in which the ball began to collapse only after it was compressed to 2/3 of its original size. If this happens earlier, then the amount of clay in the solution must be increased.

Not only ease of use, but also the strength of the entire structure depends on the quality of the clay mortar.

To obtain a high-quality solution, the clay is cleaned of impurities and thoroughly kneaded. After this, it is soaked in cold water for 24 hours.

Another way to determine the quality of the masonry mixture is to lower a wooden spatula into a bucket of mortar. The mixture should not drain immediately after removing the tool from the container - this indicates an increased sand content. If there is a lot of clay, the composition will spread unevenly over the surface of the blade, forming lumps. The optimal composition forms a layer 1.5–2 mm thick.

Cutting blanks

To build a metal furnace, a steel sheet with a thickness of at least 4 mm is used. To cut it with a grinder, you will need a lot of time and effort, in addition, you will have to spend more than one abrasive disc. If possible, it is better to cut the metal in advance using a gas cutter or plasma cutter. Even if you or someone you know does not have such equipment, do not despair. Now, any nearby enterprise or car service center will have everything you need, including a specialist who can help you.

It is best to use a special tool for cutting workpieces.

The best cast iron stoves for saunas

Domestic manufacturers offer a wide selection of reliable and cheap devices. After reading the list of the best units, you will find out which cast iron stove is best for a bathhouse.

"Hephaestus." Hephaestus stoves are rightfully considered the best on the market. Among their main advantages: high power, thick walls and safe operation. The design of the furnaces is monolithic, i.e. there are no fasteners or welding seams. The risk of damage to such a stove is reduced to zero. Convection fins located on both sides of the side walls provide rapid heating and high heat transfer. The efficiency of Hephaestus is the highest among its competitors: 90%. Hephaestus allows you to save on firewood and reduces soot levels. The cost of stoves starts from 25,000 rubles. "Vesuvius". Thanks to its one-piece design, it is highly durable and not prone to wear or damage due to temperature changes. Buyers note the good design of the stove, the presence of many modifications. The tank is located around the chimney. The walls of the firebox are thin, so the sauna quickly heats up to the required temperature. The oven capacity is up to 160 stones. The efficiency of Vesuvius is 70%. The assembly has a convenient compartment for ash, which helps in cleaning the stove. The average price for Vesuvius is 20,000 rubles. "ATB". Sauna stoves with a cast iron firebox "ATB" are prefabricated units - the design can be modified and faulty parts can be easily replaced. Some find this a drawback - cast iron is less durable compared to solid counterparts. Despite this, the ATB has thick walls and a convenient water tank with a capacity of 60 liters. The efficiency of the stove is 60%. "ATB" has a limitation on heating volume; the unit is not suitable for baths with an area of ​​more than 20 cubic meters. "Magnum". These ovens have a high degree of safety

Thanks to the stone cladding, there is no chance of getting burned if used carelessly. The cast iron sauna stove “Magnum” is a conscious choice of buyers. AITO-AK

This stove is produced in Finland. They are not inferior in quality to domestic analogues and are highly valued by summer residents. The main advantage of the stove: clean steam. The stones are heated to a high temperature of 500 degrees and do not leave soot. Consumers note extremely fast heating and heat retention for up to 11-13 hours. "TORNADO". "Cast iron" produced. If desired, the buyer can independently do the stone or brick cladding. Prices are significantly lower than competitors. It is relatively light in weight and very large in size. Which means the walls are thinner than their analogues. It is known from the manufacturer that heat-resistant cast iron is used in smelting.

Pros and cons of metal heaters

You can weld a steel heating unit for a bath yourself. A container for stones is placed above the firebox of this design. This option will be cheaper than a brick stove. Cast iron cannot be used to make metal heaters, as water will cause cracks to form on it.

Among the advantages of a steel heating structure, it should be noted:

  • fast warm-up;
  • light weight;
  • compact sizes.

When choosing a metal heater, you need to remember its disadvantages:

  • uneven heating of the room;
  • fire hazard;
  • rapid cooling in case of fire cessation.

Furnace lining with bricks

The craftsmen say that the stove must be covered with half a brick. This is the optimal solution. You can do it in brick, but it will take longer to warm up. The masonry is done in such a way that the bricks must be tied. Each top one should lie on the two bottom ones, overlapping their vertical joint in the middle of its length. The same order is followed when bandaging the corners.

If you have doubts about the foundation, you can ensure the strength of the masonry with reinforcement mesh. Just cut the pieces to the desired size in advance. It is laid on the surface of each new row, but so that it does not protrude beyond the boundaries of the masonry.

The oven is lined in rows. First, each brick is laid out dry. In this process, adjustments are made (trimming, trimming) so that the vertical gaps are within 5-10 mm and ensure the evenness of the outer row, the verticality of the corners and the symmetry of the smoke and ventilation ducts.

Each brick is numbered and a sequential diagram of the future masonry is formed. After numbering and fitting, the ceramic bricks are soaked in ordinary water. This is done until the release of air bubbles stops. After which they begin laying.

Fireclay brick, immerse in water for a moment. The task here is not to moisten, but to wash away dust from the surface. It must be laid quickly, since fireclay quickly absorbs the moisture of the solution. During work, a plumb line and a building level are used.

Installation of a smoke exhaust system

First of all, before you start building a chimney, you should decide on its type, which can be external or internal.

There is a significant difference between a heater stove and its analogues: natural stones found in nature are used to accumulate thermal energy in it. The first section of the chimney is laid through an area with stones. Sometimes the pipe is placed inside a tank of water.

The chimney is assembled using ceramic blocks or sandwich pipes and must be insulated. Its lower part up to the ceiling is made of steel. A gate is installed where the pipe passes through the ceiling.

Sandwich pipes have two walls, between which there is thermal insulation. They are installed between the ceiling and the umbrella located on the roof.

To insulate a chimney made of bricks, basalt mats are used, which are wrapped around the pipes and secured with wire. It is mandatory to install a fungus (umbrella) at the extreme point of the smoke exhaust system. This element protects the pipe from precipitation.

Similarities and differences

When deciding which stove is better, the first thing you need to do is determine its functional tasks, because it will depend on them what is more suitable for the homeowner in each specific case.

All designs operating on solid fuel have a number of identical parameters:

  1. Both metal and brick products will have an open flame inside the firebox.
  2. At the moment when the structure body heats up, the room is filled with warm air and a comfortable temperature is created in the rooms.
  3. Products of fuel combustion are discharged through the chimney pipe.
  4. The chimney pipe must have the correct draft, otherwise the stove will not work properly.
  5. The combustion process is possible only if oxygen is supplied.

A metal and brick oven has a number of differences that are worth paying attention to. First of all, the difference lies in the material used to make the heater body.

In the first case, it can be cast iron or steel, and in the second - exclusively brick.

Nice cast iron stove

Many people wonder why iron stoves heat a room faster than brick stoves. The answer to this is quite simple and lies in the thickness of the housing walls: the smaller it is, the faster the structure warms up. Steel or metal can be very hot, while brick is an inert material and due to its greater thickness it does not heat up as much.

However, metal stoves have a significant advantage - their fireboxes have a clear system for regulating the fuel combustion process, which makes it possible not to overuse the material, and accordingly, the cost of maintaining the house during the heating season is reduced.

Good to know: How to prepare fireclay clay for laying a stove, how to mix the solution

A brick heating device has a significant mass, so it can only be erected after the foundation has been poured. Metal structures do not require this, which simplifies the installation process, and to save space, such a stove can even be hung on the wall.

Iron stove, or the simplest and most affordable option

A ready-made iron stove is one of the simplest solutions for those who are solving the issue of heating in a bathhouse.
There are quite a few models, the price tag is acceptable (especially when compared with the cost of brick structures). You can easily buy metal heaters at the market or in a store and install it on the same day. So, the advantages of ready-made iron stoves include...

  • Affordable price tag;
  • Small sizes;
  • Possibility to buy at any time, including without pre-order;
  • Quick and simple installation (installed without a foundation, a chimney is placed on top);
  • Speedy heating of the steam room (approximately 40 minutes);
  • Possibility to heat the steam room up to 160 degrees (for those who like it hot).

But you should understand that despite all the “advantages”, such a stove will not produce the so-called “Russian steam”.
In other words, the iron model creates a microclimate typical of a Finnish sauna with dry air. It is not very comfortable to be in such a bath-sauna, as the skin begins to “burn”. The structure may become red-hot when overheated. And this creates additional danger in operation. However, the metal cools quickly, which leads to the need to periodically add fuel. In addition, hot metal emits hard infrared radiation, to combat which you will have to build a protective screen.

Comparison of cast iron stoves with brick and steel

Depending on the size and power, the cast iron structure is capable of heating rooms up to 100-150 square meters. To ensure that the quality of heating remains high and the house does not cool down in cold weather, you need to take care of proper design of the system, correctly calculate the power of the model and choose a place for installation.

Aesthetic multifunctional stove made of cast iron

The cast iron stove heats up quickly and begins to give off heat. The heating rate is lower than what a steel model can provide, but the difference is insignificant. But compared to brick, cast iron heats up much faster

This is important in the off-season, when the heating system does not operate constantly, but only during periods of cold weather.

Cast iron cools slower than steel, but much faster than brick. Metal does not accumulate heat well, so for proper heating operation it is advisable to line it with brick, natural or artificial stone. In this case, the structure will last longer, since it will warm up evenly and not cool down so quickly.

Metal stoves are mobile. If necessary, they can be easily dismantled and installed in another place. Cast iron is heavier than steel, so transporting it may pose some difficulties. If the model is large, you will need to use assistants. Brick ovens stand on a foundation. Theoretically, they can be disassembled and reassembled, but in practice this is fraught with many difficulties.

Dimensions of cast iron models

Temperature changes are not good for any materials, but cast iron can withstand them better than others. In steel stoves, the seams often burst and the brick crumbles. If people do not live in the house permanently, then it is better to install a cast iron structure, because... brick may fail ahead of time. This occurs due to a decrease in the binding properties of the masonry mortar.

It is believed that cast iron lasts longer than steel. But this doesn't always happen. The service life of any metal stove depends on many factors: thickness, quality of material, strength of seams and joints, frequency and operating conditions. Most often, cast iron actually turns out to be more durable, since it is resistant to corrosion, does not require painting the body, etc. However, there are also very “tenacious” steel models.

As for aesthetics, cast iron retains its original appearance longer than other materials. If brick requires plastering or other cladding, and steel becomes unsightly after a few years due to rust, then this is less common for cast iron. Outwardly, it may not change for many years. Another plus is that stove doors rarely come loose, as happens with almost all brick structures.

Variety of cast iron models

Homemade stoves for a wooden steam room: advantages and disadvantages

Almost all existing designs of homemade sauna stoves are not inferior to factory units in terms of appearance, efficiency and performance. In addition, they are easy to maintain and durable.

A modern sauna stove does not take up much space and is highly practical

As for the possibility of saving space in the steam room, a home-made structure can be fit into an existing room more rationally. Although the choice of stove type depends mainly on the specifics of use (for example, if the bathhouse is two-story, then the stove can serve as a source of water heating) and the arrangement of the bathhouse premises, several general requirements can be identified:

  1. Sufficient thermal power and the ability to adjust it.
  2. Operational safety.
  3. The presence of additional elements for redirecting convection currents.
  4. Possibility of adjusting temperature and humidity.

A brick heater is not only a tribute to tradition, but also a truly warm, soulful atmosphere

All modern units for equipping steam rooms can be divided into two types according to the material of manufacture:

  • brick stoves;
  • metal heating devices.

To understand their performance characteristics in more detail, let’s take a closer look at each option.

Brick stoves for frame baths

Burnt brick has long been considered the best material for building sauna stoves. Even today, despite the availability of simpler and cheaper options, many people prefer a brick building. And not so much for its solid and presentable appearance, but for the ability to create an indescribable atmosphere of home warmth and comfort. No less important are other advantages of brick heat generators:

  1. High heat storage capacity. The stove heats up quickly and even after the fuel has completely burned out, it retains heat for 6–8 hours.
  2. Possibility to heat rooms of any size. Sauna stoves can have dimensions sufficient to heat structures with several rooms, including a steam room, a locker room and a room for gatherings with friends.
  3. If the operating rules are followed, a brick stove is safer than any other open-flame heating device.

Often the firebox of a brick stove is taken out to the dressing room, leaving only the heater in the steam room

Such a stove is not without its drawbacks, which you have to pay for the unique atmosphere and comfort. And, I must say, they are no less significant than the advantages:

  1. Difficult to install. To build such a furnace, bricklaying skills are required.
  2. Higher cost. Most often, this factor is due to the need to buy refractory materials and furnace castings.
  3. It takes a long time to heat up, so you need to melt it in advance.
  4. Big sizes.

As you can see, brick is far from a clear choice for building a sauna stove. However, if you want to create not just a steam room, but a full-fledged place for rest and relaxation, then this design is optimal. In addition, it is quite possible to build it with your own hands, if you use the procedures and drawings of existing furnaces.

Metal sauna stoves

Some lovers of steam baths consider a metal stove in a bathhouse unacceptable for use. Nevertheless, it is necessary to seriously consider this option, since it has a lot of undeniable advantages:

  1. The metal stove is compact and can be installed anywhere.
  2. Installation takes a minimum amount of time. If you know how to use a welding machine, such a furnace can be built in a few hours.
  3. Low cost. To make a stove it is not necessary to buy sheet metal. You can use various metal containers, pipe scraps, car rims and other scrap metal.
  4. Instant heat dissipation. A steel stove begins to radiate heat immediately after lighting, and will warm up the room in a matter of minutes.

If we talk about the disadvantages of iron sauna stoves, there are few of them. The faster it warms up, the faster it cools down. The temperature in the room will begin to drop immediately after the wood burns out. Of course, a massive heater can alleviate the situation somewhat, but even with it, metal stoves cannot compete with brick stoves in terms of heat transfer. Another disadvantage is the danger of getting burned on hot walls, although this can be easily eliminated by installing a protective screen.

You can make a good stove-stove yourself from sheet metal

The best option, capable of combining all the advantages of metal and brick sauna stoves, are combined ones (made of steel and lined with red brick). At the same time, the requirements for the tightness of masonry joints are reduced, and there is no need to construct a massive foundation.

Reflective trims

You can assemble this version of protective casing yourself. To do this, you will need a non-flammable thermal insulation material, which will be discussed in more detail below, as well as a sheet of stainless steel.

Stainless steel can be replaced with a cheaper option - galvanization, however, when heated, it can release harmful substances, so we strongly do not recommend using it. When starting work, secure the insulation to the wall, and then cover it with a metal sheet.

To ensure that such thermal insulation for a sauna stove is as productive as possible, polish the metal surface. This will allow IR rays to be better reflected back into the steam room, and the reflected rays will be better perceived by humans.

You can use the following materials as thermal insulation:

  • Basalt wool is absolutely safe for baths. It retains heat well, in addition, it is highly hygroscopic and does not burn at all;
  • Basalt cardboard is a good option for a bathhouse. It consists of thin sheets of basalt fiber that retain heat well and do not burn;
  • Asbestos cardboard is a strong and durable heat insulator, which is also suitable for a bathhouse;
  • Minerite for baths is also an excellent material. Non-combustible plates are specially manufactured for shielding hot surfaces in baths and saunas;

Before covering the wall near the stove in the bathhouse, familiarize yourself with the correct technology for its construction

The most important thing is the installation order and compliance with the gaps

The ideal design has the following structure:

  1. Wall;
  2. The ventilation gap is 2-3 cm;
  3. Insulation 1-2 cm;
  4. Stainless steel sheet.

Metal finishes along with thermal insulation are widely popular. First, thermal insulation sheathing is attached to the wooden walls, and then the partition is completed with a sheet of metal. Between them you can place an additional layer of insulation made of basalt wool, basalt cardboard, asbestos board, mineralite, and so on.

Modern features and useful features for sauna stoves.

It helps a lot, especially in a large steam room that is too large, for example, with high ceilings - a paragrip. This is a curtain on the ceiling that seems to capture steam from the place where it first rises to the ceiling and brings it to the canopy. This allows you to save heat and steam saturation during the park and more.

Another very useful feature is the supply of fresh air to the canopy. This can be done in different ways. You can make a window right next to and at the level of the canopy - where the lucky one will lie, from the side of the head... But this option is for professionals.

It’s easier and more reliable to supply air directly from the street using any pipe, flexible or rigid. place the input next to the place where your head will lie and cover with a towel. Under this towel, during parks, a person will have a kind of “oxygen mask”, and between parks, this towel will “plug” excess air leaks. Very useful advice in everyday life and indispensable for a high-quality and long-lasting parka...

This may sound crazy to some... but try to get up after such a parka... when the muscles are saturated with oxygen, your head is clear, but... you can’t get up... After all, with a regular parka, oxygen starvation and respiratory fatigue from hot air occurs much earlier than relaxing all the muscles.

How to finish the stove depending on its type

External decoration will help to give the sauna stove individuality. It can be done in various ways - from simple jointing of brickwork to cladding with marble or granite slabs. It all depends on the taste and financial capabilities of the owner.

Photo gallery: examples of finishing stone and iron stoves of different sizes

The stove, lined with glossy slabs, looks like a fireplace

Finishing with natural stone can be very unusual

The firebox in the form of a fireplace portal looks unusual

Granite is ideal for lining a sauna stove

Flat stone can be used to decorate not only the stove itself, but also the adjacent wall

A wooden fence, although not a full-fledged finish, can protect against burns

A large structure can be built from facing bricks and simply unstitched seams

Stones for the heater

As mentioned above, stones with high heat capacity and at the same time low thermal conductivity are suitable for a heater.

Types of stones used for heaters

The use of metamorphic rocks - slate, marble, dolomite or limestone - is contraindicated: they are characterized not only by an incorrect ratio of heat capacity to thermal conductivity, but also by the presence of organic impurities, which, when heated, are released in the form of gases harmful to health. Rocks of volcanic origin with high density are best suited for a heater: soapstone, gabbro, diabase and, of course, basalt. They are characterized by the following signs:

  • heavy weight;
  • dark color;
  • the fracture is smooth or fine-grained.

It is important to choose the right shape of the stones. In order for the share of convection heating to drop to 1/3, their surface area per unit volume must be minimal. This requirement is satisfied by the shape of a ball with as smooth a surface as possible. Accordingly, you need to look for stones that are as round as possible. The largest can have a diameter from 100 to 150 mm (about the size of a fist or a little more), the smallest - from 20 mm.

The method of laying stones depends on the type of heater. If it is flow-through, as in the furnaces described above, then the size of the fraction in the layers should decrease in the direction from bottom to top, that is, at the bottom - the largest stones, at the top - the smallest. When laying a solid heater, the opposite principle is used: here it is important to ensure the fastest possible transfer of heat from the heated slab to the stones, so the smallest of them (they lie in a denser layer) are laid down.

What criteria should be used to compare different stove designs?

The most important parameters of a heat generator for a bath are:

  1. The quality of the steam produced.
  2. The presence of a combustion tunnel and its dimensions.
  3. Convector heat exchange.
  4. Power for a specific steam room.

Let's look at each in more detail.

Quality of steam produced

Steam in the steam room should be supplied at a temperature no higher than 90 degrees.

It’s not for nothing that when we go to the bathhouse, our loved ones wish us “light steam.” Light steam is considered the best and healthiest. This is steam with a minimum amount of moisture. With this, blood pressure does not change and high temperatures are easily tolerated.

The structure of “light steam” is finely dispersed, which can only be obtained by heating the stones to +350 +500 °C. But you cannot heat the stones to such a temperature, otherwise the temperature in the steam room will be above 110 °C, and steaming with a soaked broom can simply get you burned.

To generate “light steam”, ovens are equipped with special steam generators. Many people confuse it with steam generators, which produce heavy steam from boiling water. The steam generator is located in the structure on the side of the firebox. The temperature in the steam generator rises faster than in the heater, and the first water supply is carried out there.

Presence of a combustion tunnel

The combustion tunnel is placed only in high-quality furnace designs. Its presence is due to several reasons:

  1. During combustion, most of the oxygen is processed. And the steam room where the stove is located, as a rule, is not large. It is better if oxygen is taken from another part of the bath.
  2. The combustion channel makes it possible not to bring excess dirt, for example from firewood, into the steam room.
  3. Placed in the combustion tunnel of a heat-resistant glass door, it allows vacationers to relax and unwind while watching a live flame. In cheaper designs, the door is solid.

Convector heat exchange

Stove of the Russian manufacturer Ermak with convector.

The presence of a convector in the oven creates constant movement of air masses. By constantly mixing, the air throughout the steam room warms up evenly. With a convector, there will never be a situation where your feet cool down in the bath and your head overheats.

A steam room with a convector warms up faster, so you can heat a room with a volume of 25 m³ in 40 minutes.

A correctly chosen sauna stove always has a convector in its design. The convector looks like the gap between a hot flame and a heater.

Power for a specific steam room

Choosing the right furnace wattage is just as important as the furnace itself. To make the correct calculation, it is enough to know the basics of heat engineering and mathematics. But not every busy person is able to make calculations correctly. Responsible manufacturers have taken care of their customers and provide ready-made tables for each line of models. All you have to do is choose the right one.

We have already discussed how to correctly calculate the power of the stove and the volume of the steam room in the article about wood-burning stoves for saunas.

Calculations, diagrams, drawings

Some craftsmen prefer to build a sauna stove “by eye,” arguing for the simplicity and undemanding nature of the structure. But the thermal regime and quality of the steam depend on how correctly it is designed (if desired, you can always install a steam generator in the bathhouse). For example, with excess power, the air in the steam room will heat up very quickly, but the stones will remain cold for a long time. If the performance of the heating device is not enough, then it will constantly overheat, which will quickly disable it.

The parameters of a sauna stove are calculated based on the actual cubic capacity of the room. To determine the volume of a steam room, three quantities are multiplied - its length, height and width. After this, adjustments are made related to the characteristics of a particular structure. So, for bathhouses with a bare frame, the obtained value must be increased by 1.5 times, and for each uninsulated square meter of surface (windows, doors, etc.) 1.2 m3 is added to the volume of the room. For example, the actual volume of an unclad building measuring 2x2x3 m with a window (1x1 m9 and a glass door (1x2 m) is taken equal to V= 2x2x3x1.5+1.2+2.4=21.6 m3.

Experienced stove makers calculate the power of the stove based on the fact that for each cubic meter of the actual volume of the steam room, 1 kW of energy will be required. So, in our case, a 20 kW heating device is suitable. To calculate the size of its firebox, the resulting power is multiplied by 2. For example, in the example discussed above, a firebox with a volume of 40 liters will be required. As for the linear dimensions, the height of the combustion chamber should be no more than 2/3, and the depth should be no less than 2.5 of its width.

Photo gallery: projects of wood-burning sauna stoves

The order of a small sauna stove will help to correctly calculate the material

Metal heater stoves can have a different location of the water heating tank

The drawing of a stove for a steel bath needs to be made as detailed as possible

Arranging a stove with an open heater will greatly simplify the masonry process

A vertical sauna stove fits perfectly into a small room

For a bath you can use pipes of any diameter

The size of the steam room stove depends on the area of ​​the bathhouse

The chimney can also be placed on the side

A few words about the features of cast iron models

Scheme of the structure and operation of "Buleryan"

Easy to install. The brick oven is installed on the foundation. It has to be taken into account in the house design, otherwise difficulties in organizing heating cannot be avoided. Cast iron models are not so heavy that they require a strong base. The stove is mounted next to the chimney, and the floor is protected with a metal sheet or other non-combustible material.

Ready for use immediately after installation. Models are sold ready to use. Additional cladding is desirable, but not at all required. Unlike cast iron structures, brick structures are not immediately put into operation after construction, because they need finishing.

There is temperature control. This function is not provided in all designs, but expensive models from well-known manufacturers are equipped with fuel combustion control systems. If a gas generator stove is chosen for a home, then the owner will not have to wake up at night to add wood to the firebox.

Cast iron model with decor

Attention! Care must be taken when operating cast iron stoves. In the event of a sudden temperature change, the housing may burst. This is possible if the hot surface is doused with cold water.

This is possible if the hot surface is doused with cold water.

Long-burning stove-fireplace

How to heat a stove with wood

Before heating the stove, it is necessary to close the heater channel and open the direct flue damper. This will significantly increase traction. Then firewood is placed in the firebox and afterburning is done using paper or rags soaked in kerosene or barbecue liquid.

It is best to burn the stove with hardwood wood

After the firewood has ignited, it is necessary to open the valve of the channel that connects the firebox to the heater and close the direct gas duct. At this time, the stones should be covered with a lid.

The stove is heated until the temperature in the steam room rises above 60°C. After the firewood has completely burned out with a poker, be sure to check whether there is any unburnt wood in the corners of the firebox. If such pieces of logs are found, then you need to throw them away, otherwise they will smoke. The heat must be checked for the presence of blue flames. If they are, then you still can’t take a steam bath, because you might get burned.

Burning coals are thrown away in the same way as unburnt wood. After this, water is poured onto the heater, which will remove soot from its surface, and the walls and shelves of the bathhouse are washed from soot.

Themselves with a mustache

My wife and I built a dacha back in the 80s. There is no need to explain how things were with building materials then. Therefore, the structure of the house is frame: beams, covered on the outside with clapboard, and on the inside - with whatever God sent. The dacha was built in stages. First, they built a small (3x4 m) main building, then a veranda, and on the opposite side they built a so-called rose garden, i.e. glazed extension without a floor.

The most common materials available at that time were used as insulation inside the walls: scraps of padding polyester, foam rubber, and even old tights.


Heating was carried out using a classic potbelly stove. The stove was reliable, cast iron, double-walled (filled with granite chips) and had a special welded stainless steel head.


Installing a steel stove is the simplest. To do this, you don’t even have to ask the movers to deliver it to the place. Steel models weigh little and therefore can be installed without outside help. As is the case with cast iron installations, steel ones require a chimney device and protection made of non-combustible material.

The choice of stove depends on the requirements of the home owners. steel options are chosen by lovers of summer holidays in the country. The equipment can be installed independently, it does not require maintenance and, if necessary, heats the room very quickly.

Cast iron stoves can be used year-round, are durable, and appeal to weekend getaways year-round.

A stone stove is an ideal option for people who permanently live outside the city or come to their dacha with enviable regularity.

Additionally: how to line an iron stove in a bathhouse with stone

Here we see two options:

  • or you line it with brick, and then put decorative tiles made of natural stone on top - this will simultaneously increase the heat capacity of the casing, increase the heating time, and also change the design of your stove;
  • or you should purchase one of the ready-made stone casings for stoves, which are cut in workshops to fit any model, as well as from any available stone. The most popular are casings made of soapstone (soapstone is softer, magnesite is better in this regard) and coils. However, you can find interesting options from other rocks.
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