Construction of blind area waterproofing: types and installation technology
The blind area is an almost invisible, but important part of any structure. It does not allow the soil
Installation of additional equipment
Accessories for interior doors: types and installation features
Extensions are vertical racks, as well as one horizontal strip, which serve to “enclose” the door
Choosing a putty for a wooden floor (for leveling, filling cracks)
Types of putty for wood There are several types of material available on the market, differing in the binder. From
How to make a vapor barrier in a bathhouse: features, materials and installation technologies with your own hands
To accumulate heat and maintain optimal temperature conditions in the steam room, modern insulation materials are used.
Strip foundation
Do-it-yourself strip foundation construction: from calculation to backfilling
Strip foundations are often used in low-rise construction - they are easy to make and versatile,
An important step when installing a pitched roof is fastening the rafters: rules, methods, instructions
For any roof shape, including a pitched roof, the basis of the roof structure is the truss
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Features of building a bathhouse from profiled timber
One of the materials used in construction is profiled timber. This raw material differs not only
Do-it-yourself wood antiseptic: components and nuances of preparing an effective impregnation
To protect the tree from various types of insects, as well as to increase resistance to fire, use
Legislation on the construction of a bathhouse on your own site
Each owner of his own plot eventually asks questions about its improvement. In addition to the cottage, country house
Large gaps between boards
10 options for how to seal cracks in a wooden floor for painting
Inexpensive methods to help remove gaps between boards Often, before making repairs, owners discover unwanted
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