Cast iron stove for a bath - features, advantages, useful tips when choosing
One of the serious problems of traditional sauna stoves is their large weight and size. Massive
The remaining gap is filled with jute
Partition in the bath between the steam room and the sink made of timber, brick, boards
From the first lines it is worth agreeing that partitions appear when the bathhouse is remodeled.
Shock absorbing tape
Do you need a damper tape for a self-leveling floor, what is it and how to attach it
Relatively recently, to compensate for thermal expansion when installing screeds, builders used various available materials.
Standard sizes of Penoplex. Types and characteristics. Comparison with analogues.
Penoplex Comfort Penoplex Comfort is used when performing construction work in country cottages, houses and
Waterproofing a bathhouse is a multi-stage process
How to waterproof a bath: types and principles of installation
High temperatures and humidity, which form the microclimate of the bathhouse, can negatively affect the durability of the bath itself.
Hammam lighting
Eastern hammam: features and construction options
Hamam and its features Hamam is of ancient Roman origin and is derived from baths. The underground, which
Heat-resistant LED strip
Rules for selecting and installing heat-resistant LED strips for saunas and baths
There is no natural light in baths and saunas. The use of conventional light bulbs is not always rational and
Do-it-yourself bathhouse made from boards in the country: examples in the photo
The topic of budget construction is very interesting and in demand, because you still want to do it well and
How to correctly lay a vapor barrier on the floor: types and characteristics of the material, which side to lay correctly, installation technology
One of the main criteria for a comfortable life in a home is the optimal temperature level, as well as
How to make a floor in a bathhouse with a drain: device options and instructions
The method of drainage from the bathhouse must be thought out before its construction, at the project development stage.
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