"Oh my God! They hit each other!” How foreigners went to the Russian bathhouse

Exposure to high temperatures (during a stay in a bathhouse) has many positive and negative effects on the male body and men's health.

On the one hand: metabolism increases, waste and toxins are actively removed, blood circulation improves, on the other hand, the male genital organs overheat, which can impair their normal functioning.

How does a bath affect conception in men?

The process of conception is one of the most complex and intricate.

For successful fertilization of an egg, high-quality sperm with high sperm motility is necessary. The ideal temperature for the formation of male sperm is no more than 35 ° C, which is why the scrotum is placed “outside” in relation to other pelvic organs.

High temperature significantly slows down the activity of sperm, which results in their inability to reach the egg and fertilize it; they simply die in the fallopian tubes or vagina.

For this reason, men who want to become fathers are not recommended to go to the bathhouse during the period of planned conception. From another point of view, the bathhouse significantly increases male libido by stimulating blood circulation, which solves the problem with potency.

If the inability to conceive a baby is caused by this particular problem, then it can be completely solved by infrequent trips to the steam room (once a week). It is important not to overdo it, so as not to again cause overheating of the genitourinary organs and the body as a whole.


Despite its undeniable benefits, the bath also has contraindications. These include the following health problems:

  • chronic inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • hypertension;
  • hepatitis;
  • coronary heart disease;
  • ulcers;
  • diabetes;
  • skin diseases.

When visiting a steam room, you should always follow safety precautions. Beginners should not immediately stay in the bathhouse for a long time. It is strictly not recommended to visit it after drinking alcohol. And even slight dizziness or malaise is a good reason to leave the steam room.

General baths for men video:

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The effect of the bath on blood pressure

The advantages of the bath include its beneficial effect on the vascular system:

  • Helps get rid of stagnant blood (stimulates its outflow)
  • Significantly improves blood supply (makes the passive blood supply work)
  • Stimulates the heart muscle (increases contraction frequency)
  • Dilates blood vessels (with increased blood pressure)
  • Increases the elasticity of blood vessels (due to temperature changes from hot to cold)
  • Improves the process of thermoregulation (frees pores from stagnant sweat)
  • Facilitates the breathing process (saturates cells with oxygen)

But no matter how many positive aspects there are, there will always be negative ones. A long stay in a bathhouse leads to a significant increase in blood pressure, which is tolerable for hypotensive patients and contraindicated for hypertensive patients (causes a hypertensive crisis).

Therefore, if you have health problems, you need to approach bath procedures with caution and follow a few simple rules:

  • Do not stay in the steam room for more than 5 minutes (temperature no higher than 85°C)
  • Drink plenty of warm sweet liquid (tea, compote)
  • Replace jumping into a cold pool with a contrast shower
  • Do not drink alcoholic beverages

What's good about sex in a bathhouse?

There are many reasons to have sex in a bathhouse or sauna. And it's not just about natural nudity.

Your body becomes more sensitive

In the bath, pores are cleansed, the skin is freed from dead cells, and as a result, susceptibility to touch increases. In addition, blood flows to the genitals and other erogenous zones, which leads to rapid arousal.

Reduces stress levels

Constant stress leads to the accumulation of the hormone cortisol in the body, which reduces libido. But the heat of the bath, on the contrary, helps the body produce joy hormones - endorphins. After a couple of visits to the steam room, your head usually becomes light and empty. You are freed from grave doubts that prevent you from simply relaxing and enjoying yourself.

You don't have to think about cleanliness

You've already been in the shower. They whipped each other with a broom - if the date takes place in a Russian bathhouse. Or sweat it out in the Finnish sauna. And then we took a dip in the pool. Sweat and dirt are washed away: the issue of cleanliness and foreign odors goes away by itself.

Effect on potency

Mistakes in sexual life often occur due to hypothermia, wearing tight underwear and congestion in the pelvis.

If you have problems with potency, in particular, lack of erection or rapid ejaculation, you should resort to warming up in a bathhouse.

A nettle broom will come to the rescue, heated to a slightly hot state, with which you can dynamically pat your feet, back and lower back, which will significantly speed up blood circulation.

It is better if this process takes place under the guidance of a professional - a bath attendant who calculates the force of the blows.

Due to the described procedure, stagnant blood moves away from the pelvic organs, which helps to cleanse it. In addition, staying in the sauna after a tiring day at work helps to relax, relieve stress, relax muscles and set the mood for romance. This has a great effect on the occurrence of an erection.

Just don’t overuse bath procedures; 1-2 times a week is enough to maintain men’s health.

The benefits of visiting a bathhouse

Before visiting the steam room, you should definitely consult your doctor to find out whether there are any contraindications to this procedure. A bathhouse is useful for the following reasons:

  • removes toxins and waste from the body;
  • cleanses the skin;
  • eliminates skin defects;
  • accelerates recovery and metabolic processes;
  • improves blood flow;
  • relieves muscle tension and general fatigue;
  • eliminates blood stagnation;
  • improves thermoregulation and immunity.

How does a bath affect sperm count?

Although after thermal exposure, spermogram indicators do not drop to critical levels, their values ​​noticeably worsen. In particular, there is a decrease in the concentration of sperm in the sperm mass.

Since the scrotum is located outside the peritoneum, the temperature in it is 1-1.5 degrees lower than the generally accepted one. This is designed by nature for the normal production of active and viable sperm. Indeed, with a decrease in the motor activity of sperm, they simply do not have time to reach the egg.

Also, it is worth noting that going to the bathhouse does not disrupt hormonal levels in any way; they only affect the process of conception. Therefore, it is not recommended to visit the sauna in the interval 2-3 months before the expected fertilization.

If a man visited a bathhouse before undergoing a spermogram, the results of his analysis, which are determined using a microscope, will be as follows:

  • Semen volume may be less than 2 milliliters
  • The color of the sperm will not be white, but transparent
  • Seed liquefaction time may exceed 1 hour
  • Sperm pH will be below 7
  • There can be less than 20 million sperm per milliliter of semen
  • Possible sperm aggregation
  • The erythrocytes and leukocytes of the spermogram may not reach 1 million.

Based on the results of this analysis, the patient may be at risk for:

  1. group C is assigned to men who, according to the results of the analysis of spermatozoa moving slowly and not in a straight line, have 20% more than normal.
  2. group D is assigned if there are more than 15% of the total number of immotile sperm.

IMPORTANT! It has been scientifically proven that an increase in testicular temperature by 1 degree causes a decrease in sperm concentration by 14%. The previous level is restored only after 2-3 months, so when planning a child, doctors advise refraining from visiting baths for a couple of months.

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Is it possible to take a steam bath with prostatitis and prostate adenoma?

Recently, doctors have become less categorical about visiting the bathhouse for men suffering from prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate gland).

This disease occurs in most cases due to infection or fungus. Thermal effects using essential oils may well dull the pain and even destroy the causative agent of the disease.

A visit to the bathhouse can be one component of complex treatment for prostatitis. At elevated air temperatures and high humidity, blood microcirculation in the pelvic organs and urine formation improve, this normalizes the condition of the prostate gland.

When treating prostatitis using a steam room, it is worth remembering some rules:

  • Do not overuse the procedure (once every 1-2 weeks)
  • Change the broom from birch to lavender, mint or chamomile
  • Drink a warm decoction of thyme, currants or sage
  • Leave in steam for 2-3 minutes

With prostate adenoma (growth of connective tissue in the prostate gland), the situation is completely different and thermal procedures are strictly contraindicated in case of relapse of the disease or acute stage.

This disease is accompanied by painful urination, impaired urine flow and an increased urge to go to the toilet. If there is a tumor, heating of which can lead to its enlargement and proliferation into internal tissues.

During remission of the disease, going to the steam room is allowed, but in compliance with the recommendations of the attending physician regarding temperature and time of stay.

What problems can be fixed

The bath is beneficial for many pathologies that affect the male body. It is necessary to highlight the following diseases:

  • Pathologies of the cardiac and vascular system;
  • Inflammation of the prostate gland;
  • Impotence due to hypothermia;
  • Fast ejaculation;
  • Condition of the skin;
  • Metabolic processes in the body.

A variety of heart problems can be reduced by exposure to high temperatures and special remedies. Men suffering from hypertension should visit a sauna heated to 60 degrees. This temperature will help increase blood circulation without raising blood pressure. The pulse reaches a level that has a cardiac stimulating effect. If a person suffers from coronary heart disease, then visiting the bathhouse is prohibited for him. The myocardium may not withstand temperatures and rupture.

When visiting a bathhouse, blood vessels dilate. When the body cools, the walls narrow. This helps to train blood vessels and improve their elasticity. After visiting the steam room, a man should douse himself with cold water or wipe himself with snow. This procedure also has a hardening effect. With constant hardening in the bath, the patient is much less likely to experience inflammatory diseases and the risk of blood clots is reduced.

For some types of prostatitis, doctors recommend visiting a steam room and warming the lumbar region with special brooms. For the procedure to be beneficial, it is necessary to know the cause that caused inflammation of the prostate gland. The benefits of a bath only occur in cases of bacterial prostatitis. Under the influence of high temperatures, pathogenic microorganisms die. Temperature changes lead to the death of bacteria on the skin. Men suffering from bacterial pathologies should visit a sauna heated to 70 degrees.

Impotence can occur in men due to severe hypothermia. To eliminate the problem, experts recommend visiting a bathhouse with special means. Before visiting the steam room, a man should rub his lumbar area well with natural linden honey. Honey will saturate the tissues with beneficial microelements and warm the pelvic organs. Under the influence of heat, trace elements quickly enter the affected area and have a positive effect on a man’s health. If the process is accompanied by taking natural herbal teas, then visiting the bathhouse will be more beneficial.

Many men complain about rapid ejaculation. Often the cause of this problem is prostate adenoma. To increase the duration of sexual intercourse, it is necessary to warm the pelvic organs with a broom made from stinging nettle.

Nettle contains a large amount of tannins. They help reduce inflammation and relieve blood pressure from the vessels of the genital organs. Under the influence of these substances, the filling of the cavernous bodies of the penis improves and the vascular blood supply increases. Sexual intercourse is prolonged and erection is restored.

The bath also benefits the condition of the skin. The pores of the epidermis open under the influence of steam. Sebum is removed from the pores and washed away. The skin becomes clean and tightened. If a man has dry skin, then before visiting the steam room it is necessary to lubricate the surface of the face and body with honey. It will nourish the epidermis with vitamins and moisture. If your skin is oily, then you can visit the bathhouse without additional funds. You can get rid of increased fat content using a decoction of oak broom. To do this, after steaming the broom, you need to take the resulting infusion and wipe the skin with it.

When exposed to heat, metabolic processes in a man's body intensify. This is due to increased flow of lymphatic fluid. It quickly removes waste products from the body through the sweat glands. If a man suffers from lymph stagnation, then he needs to visit a bathhouse with a temperature of no more than 80 degrees. Higher temperatures can be harmful.

The effect of baths on the heart

Steam significantly increases blood flow, dilates blood vessels, thereby increasing the pulse rate.

The temperature difference in the steam room and diving into cold water significantly strengthens the heart muscle, contributing to the overall strengthening and protection of the body. This serves as an excellent prevention against heart disease.

However, in the case of coronary heart disease, the bath ritual may well cause vasodilation, which can lead to a blood clot breaking off.

The steam room significantly increases the risk of stroke and myocardial infarction. Therefore, it is worth remembering that the bathhouse has a beneficial effect only on a healthy heart; you should not abuse it if you have serious cardiovascular diseases.

Possible harm of the bath to the body

Despite the obvious benefits of the bath, it can also negatively affect the body. This may be due to the abuse of visiting her, improper implementation of bath procedures, or the presence of certain health problems that have contraindications to high air humidity and overheating of the body. The main disadvantage of the bathhouse is that those who have benign and malignant tumors in the body are prohibited from steaming in it, since heating the body can affect the growth of cancer cells.

With caution and only after consultation with your doctor, you should go to the bathhouse and sauna for any problems with the hearts and blood vessels - hot air stimulates cardiac activity, puts a strain on the heart, which can be dangerous, for example, after a heart attack or with pronounced heart disease. -vascular dystonia. In this case, it is better to limit yourself to taking a warm bath.

In case of any discomfort or change in health for the worse, it is very important to immediately stop steaming in the bathhouse, wait for your body temperature to normalize in the dressing room, and only then go outside.

It is also harmful to take a steam bath for the following diseases:

  • tuberculosis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • chronic and acute bronchitis;
  • epilepsy;
  • severe forms of diabetes mellitus;
  • infectious skin diseases;
  • elevated body temperature;
  • blood diseases;
  • disorders of the kidneys and liver.

Women during pregnancy should also not take a steam bath - the high body temperature of the expectant mother will lead to heating of the fetus, which, in turn, can provoke a restructuring of physiological processes, metabolic disorders, the functioning of the central nervous system of the fetus, and even lead to miscarriage. It is not recommended for girls to overheat during lactation, so as not to cause possible problems with the breasts or problems associated with gynecology.

For infants and small children, a bath can be very harmful, since the developing body often reacts unpredictably to high temperatures. Children over 7 years of age can take a steam bath with caution, spending no more than 5 minutes in the steam room, and the air temperature should not be higher than 40 degrees. But all this is provided there are no health problems.

It is believed that abuse of the steam room can also negatively affect the health of men - overheating of the scrotum harms the reproductive function of the stronger half, reducing the ability to conceive.

When visiting a bathhouse, it is important to remember that even in the absence of contraindications, it can be harmful if you spend a lot of time in the steam room and get too carried away by sudden changes in temperature

The effect of the bath on men under 50 years of age

Until the age of 50, the male body is full of strength and health, and tolerates temperature changes well. Often at this age, chronic diseases such as radiculitis, osteochondrosis, osteoarthrosis and others do not yet appear. Therefore, the steam room beneficially promotes many processes:

  • Metabolism restoration
  • Removing waste and toxins
  • Improving the heat transfer process
  • Cleansing skin pores
  • Stress relief
  • Increased muscle tone
  • Getting rid of fatigue

You just need to approach hardening after the steam room gradually.

An unprepared person should never dive into an ice hole or snow - this can cause vasospasm. Inflammatory diseases are also possible: fever, ARVI, otitis media, rhinitis, sinusitis and others.

By approaching bath procedures wisely, you can strengthen, harden and protect the male body. Only men who have a number of diseases of the genitourinary system, heart and who are trying to conceive a baby should wait a while with the steam room.

"Oh my God! They hit each other!” How foreigners went to the Russian bathhouse

“I was shocked. I was afraid, but I realized that there was no choice,” “Omaygad! They hit each other!” It sounds like the beginning of a story about a mortal battle with a three-headed monster, or at least a wall-to-wall fight, but no - these are just the impressions of a foreigner... about a Russian bathhouse. However, if you believe the reviews of guests from abroad, only crazy people or superheroes can go to the Russian bathhouse.

Bath traditions exist in all countries of the world. In Japan it is an ofuro, in Finland it is a sauna, in Turkey it is a hammam. But it is the Russian bathhouse that seems the most terrible to foreigners.

Even those who have never been to a Russian steam room talk about it with a shudder: they say, the temperature in it is 100 degrees, and the people - oh, God! - hitting each other with brooms. One Chinese woman admitted that she had heard a lot about the benefits of the Russian steam room, but she never decided to try it herself.

At the same time, the guest has no doubt that these procedures are probably useful, but she refused to try them on herself. Her words are quoted by the author of one of the blogs on Yandex.Zen.

Another foreigner, a Frenchman who came to Siberia to study the Russian language, could not contain his amazement when he saw how Russian men, in thirty-degree frost, jump out of the steam room and dive into the snow. In his opinion, only superheroes are capable of this.

“Only crazy people dive into icy water after a bath,” foreigners are sure. And at least something for the Russians... Photo: Zamir Usmanov/Globallookpress

There is one more thing that frightens foreigners in a Russian bathhouse. Or rather, girls are usually afraid of him: for some reason there is a stereotype among them that women and men steam together. Therefore, many visiting ladies in horror refuse the offer to “go to the bathhouse.”

In fact, this is a misconception: bathhouses in Russia are almost always separate, but in “enlightened” and “tolerant” Europe, on the contrary, everyone goes to the sauna together, including children.

Interesting fact: soaring between men and women in Russia was officially prohibited back in 1743 by decree of the Senate.

Indescribable sensations: “Everyone stripped naked, and...”

Craig Ashton, already well-known to the readers of Constantinople, described his feelings from the Russian bathhouse most clearly . For the first time he experienced a real shock, but now he cannot imagine his life without a bathhouse.

I really love the Russian bathhouse. Although for the first time I was shocked. Everyone stripped naked, but that’s not customary here. I was afraid, but I realized that there was no choice. I took off my panties. It was like... one event from my life in England. Since then I really love the Russian bathhouse and even like to jump into cold water,

Ashton Constantinople.

Considering the fact that Craig Ashton has been living in cool St. Petersburg for many years, his love for the steam room is more than understandable, especially since he is married to a Russian.

Craig's compatriot , British stand-up comedian Steve Forman , who swapped the shores of Foggy Albion for golden-domed Moscow ten years ago, shares his feelings. He is sure: the bathhouse is “about sincerity and incredible emotions.”

When foreign friends come to visit me, I tell everyone: “Do you want to understand the Russian soul? Go to the bathhouse!”

– the Englishman shared with RusBase.

Forman is one of the few who grasped an important nuance, often inaccessible to foreigners: a bathhouse is not just a procedure, it is a whole philosophy, a whole process. “During the bath you can talk about life and have a drink. You come out joyful, invigorated, and feel life,” he enthuses.

The comedian added that in Europe there is no trace of such a number of baths, and even in London you can hardly find at least one sauna.

And the bathhouse is also a place where you can try real delicacies! Photo: Natalya Loginova/Globallookpress

But the famous American (and now Russian) journalist Tim Kirby treats the heat of the bath without much, pardon the pun, warmth. True, in a conversation with Constantinople, he recalled that 20 years ago it “was a lot of fun”:

When I worked in Kazakhstan, with other foreigners, we organized small holidays on weekends in the bathhouse. But now I’m almost 40, and my blood pressure is a little high,

Kirby complained.

He clarified that he liked the feeling after the bath more than the steaming itself, since he does not tolerate heat well. Therefore, although he has nothing against the bathhouse, he does not plan to build one in his yard.

Another journalist, also an American, Charles Bausman , lived in Moscow with his parents for several years as a child. Apparently, then he was instilled with a love for the bathhouse - at least he speaks enthusiastically about it.

"I love. “I feel great,” he said with feeling, answering our question. Bausman explained that he loves everything extreme, and in a Russian bath it is just extremely hot - not everyone can stand it.

Unfortunately, the journalist noted, in the United States there is no tradition of going to the bathhouse. Now he lives in America and often misses a good steam with brooms.

Perhaps only in Russia can you see the opening ceremony of a bathhouse, and even with the participation of the city’s top officials. Photo: Zamir Usmanov/Globallookpress

By the way, the Russian bathhouse has been surprising visitors from other countries for many centuries. Back in the days of Ancient Rus', the Arab traveler Abu-Obeid-Abdallahala Bekri wrote that in Russia “they built a wooden house, all the cracks of which were caulked with green moss.”

A fireplace was made of stones in one of the corners, and a hole was opened in the ceiling for the smoke to escape. Inside there was always a container for water, which was poured over the hot fire to create steam.

Bekri watched in amazement as the Muscovites, “waving bundles of branches around their bodies, set the air in motion, drawing it towards themselves...” “And then the pores on their bodies open, and rivers of sweat flow from them, and there is joy on their faces and a smile,” is how the stranger described the soaring.

Meanwhile, even doctors recommend regular visits to the bathhouse. True, they strongly advise approaching bath procedures wisely.

Removes toxins, trains blood vessels – but there’s a catch

The famous Moscow doctor Denis Prokofiev, especially for the readers of Constantinople, gave recommendations on how not to harm your body in the steam room.

The main task of steaming in a bathhouse is to activate the skin as an organ for removing waste and toxins, the doctor explained: “If all this is done thoughtfully and correctly, then we remove all toxins, great, good.”

The second positive effect is that with the help of a bath we can train blood vessels. Both contraction and relaxation will lead to increased hemodynamics, and this is also a plus.

Denis Prokofiev clarified that the bathhouse is especially good for hypotensive people, that is, for people with low blood pressure.

In hypotensive people, blood does not flow into the brain in the required quantity, and the bath just triggers the mechanisms, improves oxygen and blood supply to various organs and systems,

- said the doctor.

Nevertheless, the bathhouse has quite a lot of restrictions, and for some people the steam room is generally contraindicated, the specialist emphasized:

There are a number of chronic diseases for which no type of bath, including Russian, is recommended. Firstly, these are people with cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, people who have had a heart attack. People after certain heart surgeries. The second group are people with kidney disease. Chronic renal failure, chronic pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis. They can also worsen against the background of a jump in temperature conditions.

There is another large group of people who, alas, should not steam, noted Dr. Prokofiev - these are people with skin diseases, such as chronic psoriasis or chronic eczema. According to the doctor, in a bathhouse a person actively sweats, and many different salts come out with sweat, which can irritate the skin. This means the rash may get worse.

The doctor advised everyone - both Russians and foreigners - to steam carefully, without much heroism: it should be the same step-by-step process as hardening. Under no circumstances should you expose your body to a sudden change in temperature: “If the blood vessels are weak, they simply may not be able to withstand it.”

This, the specialist emphasized, can lead either to cardiovascular disasters or to long-term consequences, which will then be very difficult to treat.

“Coming from the bathhouse - my face is red”: Mikhail Evdokimov really liked to take a steam bath Photo: Maxim Burlak/Globallookpress

And I would like to end with a verse from the famous hit song by Mikhail Evdokimov - he was a great connoisseur and connoisseur of the bathhouse:

What do you need Turkish, Finnish and Swedish bathhouses, Our Russian bathhouses, log to log, Kursk, Smolensk village bathhouses, Flood, my dear, give it a heat, well!

By the way, legend says that it was in the bathhouse that the comedian’s historical conversation with Vladimir Putin . After him, he decided to run for the post of governor of the Altai Territory. Well, how can you not believe in the miraculous power of the Russian steam room?

Foreigners say

“The mysterious Russian soul... She is the subject of admiration and curses,” wrote the poet Evgeny Dolmatovsky. Understanding Russian people, Russian lifestyle, Russian customs, Russian cuisine is not given to everyone. Guests from other countries never tire of being amazed at our realities - some cannot contain their admiration, while others are downright infuriated by us. The most vivid, controversial and unforgettable impressions of foreigners about Russia and its inhabitants are in the project “Foreigners Speak” on the pages of Constantinople.

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The effect of the bath on men aged 50 and older

After 50, males experience impaired blood flow, which causes a feeling of cold extremities.

Steam inhalation cleanses the sweat glands, stimulating heat exchange. Hot steam has a positive effect on joints, muscles and the musculoskeletal system.

The steam room is recommended for those suffering from excess weight, as it successfully helps to get rid of it.

Coordination of movements improves due to temperature changes, chronic pain goes away, especially with radiculitis. After a bath, your mood improves, the process of falling asleep and the quality of sleep improves. Rules for visiting the bathhouse for older men:

  • Before going on a hike, avoid fatty, fried, heavy foods.
  • Do not enter the steam room alone
  • Do not use asphyxiating essential oils
  • Do not use broom pats (except by professional bath attendants)
  • Stay in the steam room for no more than 5 minutes at a temperature of 80 degrees
  • Do not drink beer or other alcoholic beverages

ATTENTION! If you experience tinnitus, spots in front of your eyes, dizziness, nausea, immediately ask for help and leave the steam room for fresh air!

What's the best way to have sex in a bathhouse?

To reduce the risks and get the most out of the process, listen to these recommendations.

Avoid alcohol

The life hacker has already talked about why alcohol is a bad companion for sex. Let us add that alcohol is also not a friend to bath procedures. Your blood vessels are already dilated thanks to the heat, and strong drinks will enhance the effect of The sauna and alcohol. Instead of great sex, you risk fainting, arrhythmia, dizziness and other troubles.

Use oils and herbal infusions

To heighten your senses and recharge your energy, spray aromatic oils such as lavender, citrus or geranium on the wooden shelves in your steam room. You can sprinkle a decoction of medicinal plants on the stones.

Prepare a birch broom

For a warming erotic massage in a Russian steam room, a fragrant birch broom is best suited. The oak or spruce version is good for men's health, but too harsh for delicate women's skin.

Don't have sex in a steam room

After foreplay in the steam room, cool off in the pool, then tease each other again in the steam room... And so on until passion covers you completely. You can merge in ecstasy in the dressing room, relaxation room or jacuzzi, but under no circumstances in the steam room. Sexual intercourse in hellish heat is too serious a test for the heart. And if you really want to have sex right on the bench in the steam room, cool the room at least halfway.

How to choose a broom for a bath

Professionals and experienced hobbyists know that different plants have different effects on well-being. But each brings benefits.

- Birch. One of the most popular options. It has an anti-inflammatory, disinfecting, antimicrobial effect. Useful for smokers and anyone who suffers from lung problems.

— Oak. Cleanses and soothes the skin, eliminates sweating.

- Linden. A good anti-cold remedy. Linden essential oils relax, improve sleep, and relieve migraines.

- Bird cherry. It has a slight wound-healing effect, and its soft branches and leaves give comfort and tenderness, which women appreciate.

- Juniper. Calms the nervous system, relaxes, helps with runny nose and cough.

- Fir. Removes excess fluid and also has a mild anti-inflammatory and sedative effect.

Where in Valdai you can relax and take a steam bath

Come to the country club "Hunter's Shelter"! With us you can stay in cozy houses surrounded by dense forest, enjoy pristine nature, silence and clean air. And the main thing is to receive incomparable benefits and pleasure by visiting a real Russian bathhouse. A wood-burning stove, aromatic herbal tea, pine and birch brooms, which we prepare for guests with love and skill - all this and much more is at your service at our base.

Call or write to us to reserve a house and choose the time for which we will heat the bathhouse.

What are the benefits of a bath for women?

As for women, the bathhouse is also useful here. Thanks to the steam room, inside which a specific temperature regime is created, a positive effect is created. Water is poured onto hot stones, resulting in steam. It is he who creates the desired temperature, which has a healing effect. Usually the indoor temperature rises to 60-80C, but the humidity level remains at 90%. While inside the sauna, a person feels that the pores are expanding, more sweat comes out, and waste and toxins are leaving the body.

Many women ask about the effects of the bath on the skin. Increased temperature can remove dead epidermal cells and also saturate the skin with oxygen.

Blood circulation also becomes much better as the blood vessels dilate. As a result, the cells of the female body are better nourished. To prevent sclerotic lesions of blood vessels, it is recommended to douse yourself with water, alternating cold and hot water. Bath procedures also promote rapid healing of wounds and restoration of the body as a whole.

If the broom was made of oak, then oils will be released from it. They are able to penetrate the skin through the pores. This helps cleanse the body. Such a device will help a person who suffers from high blood pressure. This is also an ideal option for women with oily skin types. Linden broom is distinguished by sedative properties; it is used in relation to people who have kidney disease, liver disease and problems with the bronchi.

A brief phraseological dictionary (slang of a bathhouse attendant) of a domestic bathhouse lover

Nothing opens the gate of the human soul more than a warm bath company and cold vodka. In the process, sharp words and catchy aphorisms flash every now and then. Satire and humor flow like a fountain and overflow. Subtle everyday observations are interspersed with the homespun truth of life and frankly smack of high philosophy.

Sometimes you can hear absolutely amazing pearls of inexhaustible folk art. To complete the picture, the editors consider it their duty to provide a brief dictionary of bath aphorisms and expressions, which will allow any novice amateur to successfully join the society of seasoned bath wolves:

  • Ampoule. Alcohol containers are usually in the form of a 0.5 liter bottle. clear glass;
  • Bayan . High-capacity bottle of vodka. Usually, liter. It has nothing to do with the musical community and creative groups of rural cultural centers;
  • Boris Fedorovich, Borya . BF-6 glue was used by especially gifted and especially suffering people in the recent past to replace scarce alcohol. Based on moral and ethical considerations, the recipe and technology for the miraculous transformation are not given here. An immortal pearl from the times of Prohibition.
  • Mumbling . Cheap wine. It could be based on both grape and fruit material;
  • Buran. Beet moonshine. Due to the objective conditions of preparation, it was distinguished by a harsh taste, a deep characteristic bluish-gray tint and an odor inherent in poorly purified raw alcohol. As a result of the use, the user was expected to experience severe intoxication and an equally severe viscous hangover. Surely the name of the product is inspired by the grandiose Soviet space program “Buran-Energia”;
  • Bottle . Drinking a large amount of alcohol, usually moonshine, by workers of one unit or team. The event is timed to coincide with a farewell holiday or other significant event in professional life. A traditional phenomenon among miners. The expression corresponds to modern slang, but has long-standing traditions well polished by several generations of workers. A widespread phenomenon in bathhouse culture and subculture. Like the classic: “Bottle and bath - a wonderful day...”
  • Boyarina. Pharmacy alcohol tincture of red hawthorn. It has a deadly effect on people with a weak cardiovascular system. The signature drink of drunken pharmacists and pharmacists who work part-time as massage therapists in public baths;
  • Brooms. In contrast to the classic bath tool - various tinctures and herbal balms. The systematic use of brooms revealed in an alcoholic the makings of a creative nature or a withered intellectual. For a novice user, it is important to confidently distinguish between a birch broom and this one;
  • Perpetual motion machine . A mixture of vodka and coffee extract. Invented by shift workers as laborers at construction sites in the cold climate of the north of the country. In the coal regions of the country, it is the titular drink of mine builders. The first mentions date back to the first half of the 50s of the twentieth century;
  • Cornflower. Denatured alcohol. So nicknamed for its classic deep blue color. The expression is practically unknown in prosperous and wealthy regions. Popularity grew rapidly closer to the ever-hungry outskirts. Cornflower is the affectionate name for a person who has fallen asleep on a bath shelf;
  • Varyokha . Homemade vodka made from last year’s or substandard jam. Sometimes, from cheap candies, expired caramel. An obligatory attribute of the stash of a hospitable and zealous owner of a country bathhouse;
  • Wince . Drink a portion of alcohol quickly, in one gulp. Sometimes this short word was used instead of a toast when drinking quickly. As a rule, in production during working hours or in a bathhouse, for “warming up”;
  • Eat. Take your time to consume a certain amount of alcohol without a heavy snack, and in the vast majority of cases, without it at all. In conditions of bath abundance, this is a rather rare occurrence;
  • Burnt. Alcoholic drinks with a rich dark color and bitter taste. As a rule, balms. Sometimes the expression is used by professional drivers and some car enthusiasts as a short and clear synonym for fumes - the bitter fruit of intimate bathhouse gatherings;
  • Goose . Bottle with a capacity of 0.7 - 0.75 l. transparent glass. In the vast majority of cases - vodka;
  • Goose. Jar of wine with a capacity of 3 liters.
  • Zhachok . A small dose of alcohol as a morning hangover. It came from a mining environment by analogy with a manual lifting device. It has the amazing property of being guaranteed to lift the body, contrary to the basic laws of physiology and physics;
  • Hit the headlights. From driver's jargon - drink a large amount of alcohol in a short period of time and quickly get drunk. In some areas it is a mandatory Friday ritual;
  • Pull. Short-term or small-portion simultaneous consumption of alcohol by a group of people who know each other well;
  • Dust. Moonshine with a strong characteristic smell of fusel impurities. As a rule, the unrefined first shoulder strap is made from low-quality raw materials;
  • Pour over the tie . Acceptance of alcohol standards by intellectual workers and some representatives of the technical intelligentsia. In the concept of modern slang, the expression is inherent in the category of responsible office workers;
  • Marriage. Diluting wine with water. It was and remains a popular remedy for quickly restoring water-salt balance, without the risk of getting drunk. The expression was not used in relation to beer;
  • Carbolic acid . Cognac. The expression stuck thanks to the color analogy with the specified product. In the terminology of modern slang it has practically fallen out of use.
  • Kir . Any alcohol, basically. The expression came from among labukh musicians. Hence the expression to drink, that is, to drink in moderation, but for a long time;
  • Boil . Beer. The expression is associated with active gas evolution and foaming. In the terminology of modern slang it has practically fallen out of use;
  • Money box . A liter jar of moonshine, sealed with a tin lid. An extremely popular phenomenon in the original village baths;
  • Korchaga . Bottle of non-standard capacity. The expression, as a category of modern slang, remained in use only in remote areas;
  • Lick . Drink just a little, casually or between visits to the steam room. Hence the expression to get drunk - to get very drunk unnoticed, in small doses;
  • Tinkering . Drink alcoholic beverages with a gradual decrease in the initial norm or strength. The expression is widely known far beyond the borders of the country, among Russian-speaking emigrants;
  • Malinka. A mixture of fruit wine and beer in equal volume ratio. Neither the term nor the product are widely used in purely male bathing companies;
  • Scoundrel . Bottle with a capacity of 100 g.
  • Mutsifal . Sugar mash or molasses mash. According to established stereotypes, it is an indispensable attribute of a black bath;
  • Roll. Drink a small portion, in addition to what was already consumed a little earlier;
  • Fire extinguisher . Bottle of wine with a capacity of 0.7 l. A ubiquitous and widespread epithet;
  • Panfurs. Alcohol lovers, narrowly specializing in alcoholic tinctures and herbal medicine. In the bath environment one can recognize by the manic passion for splashing various herbal infusions of high concentration on the stove stones;
  • Peter's mug . A strong alcoholic drink made from vodka and crushed dill seeds. The property of not generating fume emissions was erroneously attributed. It was popular with professional drivers. There were wide prescription deviations and variations, but this is a topic for a separate serious and detailed discussion;
  • Drink with a coach . Drink alcohol alone. Particularly romantic and impressionable people used a wide-format mirror as a partner in the process of taking high-grade liquid. A widespread phenomenon. We immediately recall Comrade Dzhabrail from “Prisoner of the Caucasus”. In the bathhouse environment, as a collective phenomenon, it is not inherent, largely due to the iron rule: “Don’t sweat alone”;
  • Splash under the gills . Drink a small amount of alcohol in order to increase the tone and general resistance of the body. The expression came from Azov and Black Sea fishermen and fish traders. In this simple way - by wetting the gills of stale fish with vodka, unscrupulous sellers restored the presentation of seafood;
  • Rejuvenate the glass, rejuvenate the glass . Restore the original fluid level. Top up while making a toast;
  • Half a kilo . Standard half-liter bottle of alcohol;
  • Portyasha, Pyotr Petrovich . Port wine;
  • Bubble . Any clear glass bottle. One of the most popular expressions of modern slang. In some cases, the expression becomes completely impersonal and generally means any bottle of alcohol;
  • Bug-eye . 70% ethyl alcohol solution, for external use. It was sold in the pharmacy chain as an over-the-counter drug. Of course, it is of high quality, compared to denatured alcohols, but quite expensive;
  • Unharness . Uncork the bottle, slowly and deliberately. Directly opposite to it in essence, the expression to cut off the bubble is to open it quickly and elegantly. The cut definitely came from the fertile environment of the prisoners;
  • Looseness . Cheap wine sold by the glass, both at permanent and temporary retail outlets. It is worth noting that outside the bathhouse environment, market loaders had an expression in use - to shop at retail ;
  • Boot. The volume of alcohol is close to half a glass. Hence the expression “shoemaker” - a person with poor health, who drinks on an equal basis with everyone else, who does not drink alcohol, but only at half the norm;
  • Tribunal. Drinking alcoholic beverages in a bath company in the amount of three;
  • Imp, chekushok Bottle with a capacity of 0.25 liters.
  • Grinding. The final dose of alcohol taken after the main dose, after a long period of time. Sometimes in the same context the expression polishing , meaning the use of a low-alcohol product after a stronger one, at the same rate of consumption. The person who gave life to these expressions was probably a great expert in materials science and metalworking;
  • Ink. Low quality wine, rich dark color. It was very unloved by people with developed hand tremors, since even a small spill of liquid on clothes was fraught with the appearance of difficult-to-remove stains. In the bathhouse, due to the absence of the risk of dirtying clothes, everything went with a bang.

It is obvious that within the framework of one article it is impossible to reflect all the subtleties of the real domestic bath tradition, but in the future we still plan to return to this fertile topic more than once.

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