Ice font is an extreme sport accessible to everyone! Extreme methods of cooling in a bath

The tradition of visiting a bathhouse has existed for a long time and in our time it has not been forgotten. Those who have their own home often build a bathhouse or sauna on their property. A national feature of the Russian bath is immersion in cold water after the bath. This procedure invigorates the body. Most often, a nearby body of water is used for this purpose, so the bathhouse is built close to the water. If there is no body of water nearby, then it is better to equip a swimming pool in the yard. What is an outdoor swimming pool, how does it function and what are its features?


Canapes with shrimps on wheat toast with pesto sauce Canapes with Prosciutto and melon Canapes with Atlantic herring and Borodino toast Canapes with vegetables Canapes with smoked eel Canapes with grapes and Camembert cheese Canapes with Milano salami and gherkin Canapes with boiled pork and sweet pepper Canapes with veal tongue and creamy horseradish Canapes with Feta cheese and tomatoes Canapes with cheese balls and Jalapeno peppers Canapes with sun-dried tomatoes and Mozzarella cheese Canapes with cherry tomatoes stuffed Mini rolls with salmon and cream cheese Mini rolls with ham and garlic cream Valovan with cod liver Valovan with foie gras Valovan with red caviar Valovan with tuna mousse Valovan with Parma mousse and bechamel sauce Valovan with baked vegetables Valovan with blue cheese mousse Valovan with pike caviar Mini bruschetta with Pikin duck and spiced pear Mini bruschetta with smoked sockeye salmon and soft cheese Mini bruschettas with veal tongue and horseradish Wasabi Mini bruschetta Vitello Tonatto Mini bruschetta with tomato salsa Chocolate fountain Gruyère fondue Fruit canapes

Cold appetizers

Meat plate (boiled pork, veal tongue, Milano sausage, roast beef, watercress, mustard, horseradish) – 5 Cheese plate (Gruyère, Gouda, Camembert, Gorgonzola, Parmesan) Fish plate (salmon, buttermilk, sturgeon, eel, lemon , cress) Vegetable plate (sweet peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, herbs) Pickles (tomatoes, cucumbers, wild garlic, hot peppers) Salted milk mushrooms Veal tongue with creamy horseradish mousse Octopus carpaccio with spicy dressing Baked beetroot and Atlantic herring carpaccio Norwegian salmon tartar Pink tuna tartar Scallop tartar Tiger shrimp tartar Baked vegetable tartar Beef liver pate Norwegian salmon rolls with Cremette cheese Grilled eggplant rolls with soft cheese and nuts Giant black olives Stuffed with goat cheese Cherry Caprese tomatoes with pink tomatoes and Mozzarella cheese A palette of seasonal fruits

Hardening in a bath

People who regularly visit the bathhouse enjoy good health. The secret of the body's resistance to cold and various kinds of diseases lies in hardening when visiting a bathhouse.

It is necessary to harden gradually, following the rules. The body needs to adapt to temperature changes. Therefore, at first you need to stay in the steam room for no more than a few seconds and then cool off in the shower.

During one trip to the bathhouse, you can repeat the following steps up to 4-5 times in the specified order:

  • warm up in the steam room;
  • cool down in the shower;
  • relax.

The time of each stage is determined individually, depending on the characteristics of the body and the presence of chronic diseases. It is important to devote enough time to rest. It should take up about half of the total time spent in the bathhouse.

Proper cooling is recommended. This stage of hardening is carried out with the help of a cool shower, immersion in a font or ice hole, and wiping with snow. Beginners should cool down gradually. Do not suddenly plunge into icy water.


Arugula salad with shrimp, Parmesan cheese, olive oil and balsamic cream Salad with Norwegian salmon and mixed lettuce leaves and citrus dressing Niçoise salad with pink tuna with olive oil dressing Warm Saint-Jax salad with creamy sauce and truffle aroma Salad with Kamchatka crab with lime and olive oil dressing Olivier salad with tiger shrimps and homemade Provencal sauce Salad with squid and mix of lettuce leaves with homemade Provencal sauce Caesar salad with tiger shrimp Caesar salad with sous vide chicken Salad with tandoori chicken Salad with roast beef and mustard-honey dressing Warm salad with Peking duck, grapes and pine nuts Warm salad with lamb Warm salad with beef tenderloin Warm salad with chicken liver in creamy sauce Meat salad with homemade Provencal sauce Salad with quinoa and avocado with olive oil dressing Greek “Classic” with olive oil “Prosciutto” salad with cantaloupe melon

Heated hot tub - design choice

The idea of ​​combining business with pleasure and building an outdoor swimming pool with water heated from a fire source is not new. Such designs have been known since antiquity. For example, Japanese Furako (Ofuro).

In addition to the healing effect, an outdoor font decorates a suburban area.

Fonts are placed next to the house or bathhouse.

On the open terrace.

The font bowl is made of plastic: polyethylene, polypropylene, with a fiberglass liner, or wood, which is considered less hygienic.

A wood stove is placed nearby.

Or mounted inside the font.

The internal oven, unlike the external one, takes away the useful volume from the font. Such a stove is more difficult to light and clean.

People prefer free-standing hot tubs with an external stove.

But such bathtubs from the manufacturer, if you buy them, cost a pretty penny. The solution is to roll up your sleeves and make a hot tub yourself, as Pit7pit did.

The user’s font is not a cheap “toy,” but at the end of the article, along with the estimate, we will tell you how to reduce the costs of its construction.

It all started with “wants”.

Pit7pitFORUMHOUSE user

I want to make an outdoor winter plunge pool for myself and my wife. I took as a basis an old cast iron bathtub “Made in the USSR” weighing 100 kg. I brought her to the station. I barely unloaded it. I figured out how and what. The next idea is to weld a frame from metal pipes. Place a bathtub into this podium, 4x5 m. Make a barbecue type stove underneath it. Bring the chimney through the podium, not forgetting about fire safety, and cover the structure with a board. Next: I pour water into the bath and light a fire in the stove. I'll add herbs to the water for flavor. I plunge into the heated water and feel blissful in nature, in the fresh air. Well, in the summer, I use the plunge pool as a mini-pool, and sunbathe on the plank flooring. What do you think of the idea?

The user was puzzled by the following questions:

  • Will a cast iron bathtub withstand temperature changes?
  • Will the metal burst in the cold?
  • How to weld a stove to cast iron without cracks, so that the flames and smoke go only into the chimney?
  • How to calculate the size of a "potbelly stove"?

Without waiting for answers, because... an outdoor hot tub is a rarity, Pit7pit built it himself, picking up some “bruises and bumps” in the process.

Hot appetizers

Crispy Camembert cheese with raspberry gel Tiger prawns in bacon Shrimp and squid in tempura Baked eggplant with tomatoes, mozzarella cheese and pesto sauce Baked midi with Gorgonzola cheese cream Julienne with chicken fillet sous vide Julienne with veal tongue Julienne with forest mushrooms and truffle aroma Tiger shrimp chilli Squid chilli Baked sweet peppers with vegetable sauté Stuffed champignons with soft cheese

The benefits of contrast procedures

  • Cheerfulness
  • Skin rejuvenation due to the production of collagen and elastin
  • Stress relief due to the formation of happiness hormones - endorphins
  • Improved metabolism
  • Acceleration of blood circulation and lymph outflow
  • Hardening the body, which leads to improved immunity
  • Strengthening the cardiovascular system
  • Stabilization of the nervous system
  • Reducing muscle pain after exercise
  • Stimulates hair follicles, which stops hair loss

Before visiting cold rooms, rubbing with snow and ice, it is necessary to warm up the body well. It is important to understand that preparing the body for radical procedures is a gradual process. Hardening is the same training, so there will not be an immediate effect, but it will certainly appear over time.

Grilled meat and poultry

Pork pulp in a proprietary marinade Pork chop in a dry marinade Pork ribs with smoke Beef tenderloin with Provençal herbs Ribeye Prime steak T-bone steak Rack of lamb Lamb with rosemary Farm chicken with baked garlic Turkey fillet in mustard marinade Burger sausages Large meat mix: pork meat cat , ribs, beef tenderloin, lamb gigot, chicken, sausages, turkey fillet.

Grilled fish and seafood

Grilled seabass Grilled dorado Grilled sturgeon steak Salmon steak Smoky rainbow trout Grilled mackerel Pad Thai flounder Grilled king prawns Squid fillet Octopus sous vide Scallop Large mix of seafood: salmon fillet, dorado fillet, flounder fillet, sea ​​bass fillet, squid, shrimp, mussels, octopus, scallop

Portioned hot dishes of meat and poultry

Pork tenderloin medallions in bacon with truffle sauce Crispy Milanese marbled beef chop Filet mignon with red wine sauce Beef stroganoff with spelt, wild mushrooms and truffle sauce Stewed veal cheeks with celery cream Corn chicken in Bage sauce Turkey fricassee in mustard-cream sauce Duck breast magres with caramelized pear and spicy sauce Duck leg confit with orange sauce Peking duck (from 2.5 kg) Stuffed pig (from 6 kg) Stewed leg of lamb on the bone with Provençal herbs (from 2 kg) Lamb on a spit ( from 35 kg) Baked pork ham on the bone, stuffed with vegetables and spices (from 8 kg) Roast beef marinated in aromatic herbs and red wine (from 1 kg)

Features of the font

A font is a huge wooden barrel with cold water, where people plunge after a hot steam room. However, dousing with cold water after a bath has been popular since time immemorial, even before the advent of the Russian tradition of baths with a font. After the bath they dived into an ice hole or doused themselves with ice water. Ancient doctors noticed that this procedure has a truly healing effect. It was even believed that the procedure could cleanse not only physical, but also spiritual ailments.

Beneficial effects on humans

The most pleasant and useful hot tubs are made of oak or cedar wood.

Oak wood has a number of healing properties. It has anti-inflammatory and regenerating effects. Sometimes healing herbal mixtures are added to an oak barrel of water.

By the way, there is a hot tub option. Essentially, it's just a bath, but outside. The feeling of such a swim is very pleasant, especially when it’s frosty outside.

Cedar barrels are also very popular. Cedar wood contains many beneficial essential oils that have a beneficial effect on human skin.

The very essence of the procedure is the contrast between the heat of the steam room and the cold of the font. Under such extreme conditions, the body activates its defenses. Therefore, this is a wonderful prevention of colds. Experienced steamers note that plunging into cold water after a bath improves overall well-being , adds physical strength, and restores mental clarity after prolonged mental stress.

The procedure is useful for people who, due to their occupation, move little. This temperature contrast makes the skin smooth and elastic. The work of the heart is normalized, blood vessels are strengthened.

Contraindications for use

But there are also some contraindications. Beginner steamers should not plunge into cold water after a hot bath. If a person has never gone to a steam room (or visited, but rarely), then a sharp temperature change will be very unusual for his body and instead of benefit, it can only cause harm to the body. In addition, this procedure is contraindicated for elderly people, pregnant women, and young children.

There is an opinion that dousing yourself with ice water after a hot bath can help you lose weight. This point of view is wrong. Those who want to lose weight should not cool down suddenly after a bath. On the contrary, they should sweat more, and immersion in cold water causes the skin pores to close.

It is important to remember that each person’s body is unique and inimitable. For some, plunging into a cold plunge pool gives them joy and great well-being. But for others, this procedure is akin to torture, and if their well-being changes, it is not for the better. Here you need to be guided by the principle of well-being. If the procedure is pleasant for you, then it’s yours, and if it’s unpleasant, you shouldn’t torment yourself.

By the way, visiting the bathhouse too often is also harmful, even for experienced steamers. Twice a week is quite enough.

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