How to make signs for a wooden bathhouse: types, sizes and drawings

Having built a country house, many home craftsmen think about a bathhouse. And if previously the steam room was used for washing and washing, now, with the development of progress, such buildings are used for relaxation and healing. And relaxation should take place in a cozy environment, for which any bathhouse has an appropriate room.

Tea parties and long conversations are held in the relaxation bath room, so everyone strives to decorate this room in the right way. And in addition to the obligatory furniture, there are also decorations here that highlight the unique interior of the steam room. We will talk about which paintings are best suited for a bathhouse in this article.

Panels for couples often contain various inscriptions, most often humorous.

Wood carving for a bath: the best examples of work

Author: darkdreamer · Published 04/10/2018 · Updated 04/11/2018
You can decorate the interior in many ways, but when it comes to a bath room, there is no better option than wood carving. This technique has been widely used for many years, but it has no intention of losing its relevance. For a simple reason: the resulting works are incredibly attractive and fit organically into the overall style of the room. The best examples of wood carvings for a bathhouse with a lot of photos are in this material.

Materials for making panels for the bathhouse

First, keep in mind that the interior of the bathhouse cannot be decorated with products from:

  • Papers
    . High humidity in bath rooms will damage such a picture. Even decorations made of thick cardboard will suffer. In addition, this material is fire hazardous.
  • Glass
    . Glass products tend to fog up. Therefore, installing it in a bathhouse is completely inappropriate. Also, if there are temperature changes, it can crack. And this is unsafe.
  • Decorated fabric
    . A canvas painting will not withstand exposure to moisture and will deteriorate. The fabric also does not meet fire safety standards.

The most common material for making decorative elements for bath interiors is wood.
It combines optimally with the overall ambiance of the steam room. This material is also able to withstand frequent temperature changes and high humidity. You can make various bath decorations from wood: carved panels, plywood products, paintings with a burner. Even frames for products can be made from this practical and environmentally friendly material. Mosaic panels in the interior of baths are very popular. Mosaic tiles for bath rooms are made from heat- and moisture-resistant materials. With its help, you can easily translate any design solution into reality. It consists of small square multi-colored parts made of natural stone, ceramics or porcelain stoneware, assembled into a pattern on a mesh that is attached to the wall. This feature of the mosaic allows you to decorate even semicircular surfaces with it.

Which wood is best to work with?

Before you get down to business, of course, you need to decide on the type of wood species that is best to deal with. soft-type species . They are flexible and will allow you to reduce the risk of error to a minimum.

If you already have some experience in wood carving, then you can choose a harder wood : birch, beech, apple tree, ash, acacia, etc.

Thematic groups of images

Bath panels made using wood carving are distinguished by a fairly impressive variety of motifs. Ultimately, the choice of topic depends on the relevant experience of the person undertaking the process. By the way, if you decide to equip a hammam in your bathhouse, then ornamental oriental motifs will fit perfectly as decor. It all depends on your imagination - although you can choose a ready-made sketch.

How they do it

Having understood the variety of raw materials for making signs, it is worth moving on to a variety of technologies. So, plastic products are produced:

  • By the casting method, when the plastic mass, under the influence of elevated temperature and pressure, acquires the required size, shape, texture. You can cast either unpainted raw materials or pre-tinted ones with special color-setting pigments. This also includes obtaining finished products on 3D printers;
  • One of the simplest methods of industrial and home production is to stick a design or font formed by a polymer film onto a plastic base. In production conditions, the film is cut with a plotter, at home - by hand;
  • Mechanical processing of a plastic workpiece, consisting of machine milling, engraving or carving with hand tools.

Glass plates are produced by etching or mechanical processing, which, due to the high hardness of the glass sheet, is performed with superhard materials or abrasives. As a result, in combination with painting with high-strength compounds, you can obtain a specified design, inscription, textured background or design. About the same can be said about natural stone, however, with the adjustment that etching in this case is practically not used, and the inscriptions and texture are set by mechanical action on the surface with cutters, milling cutters and other carbide or diamond tools.

A word from Experienced! It should be noted that in the case of glass and stone, casting is practically not used due to the complexity and energy consumption of the technology.

Metal products are obtained using the following method:

  • Stampings, if steel or its stainless steel analogue, titanium and other metals other than cast iron are used. This also includes metal forging, cold and hot forging;
  • Casting, if the raw materials are non-ferrous metals and cast iron;
  • Mechanical processing, which is widely applicable in all variety of products and is milling and engraving;
  • Erosion and electrochemical processing. It consists of imparting the necessary texture to a metal surface under the influence of electrical discharges in a conductor or dielectric medium. It is used extremely rarely due to the complexity of the equipment used and is used mainly in the production of forming punches and matrices for subsequent stamping of plates in a mass series;
  • Chemical etching, which involves dissolving an unprotected area of ​​metal with chemically active substances;
  • Metal processing using innovative methods based on numerically controlled equipment; the executive body can be based on a plasma torch, a waterjet cutter, or a high-pulse laser. Like erosion, this is also quite an expensive pleasure and is justified in conditions of mass production of serial products;
  • Applying non-volumetric inscriptions using the coloring method is cheap and cheerful, but truly surprising visitors with an exclusive product is very difficult, although it is possible.

Wood is processed by high-speed machine or manual milling or hand carving, as well as thermal treatment, when a design, inscription, or texture is burned out with a hot nichrome thread or a low-pulse laser.



Process Features

Most often, special plates are prepared for wood carving. They are given the desired shape using an ordinary chisel . As a starting material, you can take an ordinary board and cut it in full accordance with your idea.

The drawing itself can be applied to wood with a simple pencil. You can take a ready-made sketch or drawing, or you can come up with your own. Or borrow someone else's idea, but with your own twist. Then you will end up with a completely original work that claims to be unique.

After the design is completed, it is necessary to thoroughly sand the plate, apply a stain that gives an interesting relief, and then completely varnish the surface. On average, one job will take you no more than 4-6 hours. Provided that you have certain skills in working with wood, of course.

Oak: the secret of drawing

A beautiful, powerful and, as a rule, old tree always attracts the eye and begs to be included in an album. The king of the forest is what the oak has been called since ancient times, and it deserves high-quality drawing. The main secret is to pay attention to the powerful trunk, as well as the lush crown, these are the main indicators of a good design.

  1. Determine the location on the sheet for the base, mark the bottom and top edges of the image.
  2. Connect the points with a vertical line - this segment will be a guide for symmetry.
  3. Draw a powerful trunk, with an extension for the roots at the bottom.
  4. Draw branches of different thicknesses. They will be partially covered by the crown, so the endings can be made airy and unnoticeable.
  5. Define the limits of the crown, add details for volume - clouds, small branches peeking through the mass of foliage.
  6. Give the drawing the desired shades with colored pencils - pay attention to the crown with green paints, to the trunk - black, gray, brown.
  7. The power of the tree is well emphasized by foreign objects - a bird on a branch, other plants nearby or in the background.

Large selection of sketches, drawings and finished works

These works will decorate even the most modest rest room in the bathhouse and bring the necessary amount of comfort to it. Try it!

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