Dousing bucket for a bath: manufacturing instructions

Safely cooling a steamed body in an artificial or natural body of water is a mandatory bath procedure. It helps to tone the skin, improve immunity, and improve mood.

If there are no available water sources for immersion nearby, then the best option would be a bucket waterfall for a bath. This is a small tank installed at a certain height, which, with a slight mechanical impact, tips over and pours out water.

Features of using a dousing bucket in a bathhouse

The list of bath pleasures is incredibly wide. A place of honor among them is occupied by the process of cooling a hot body in a cold body of water, a snowdrift or under an invigorating dousing bucket. All these procedures not only provide physical pleasure and intense sensations, but also provide invaluable benefits to the body: they accelerate blood circulation, tone the skin, and cleanse it of toxins. In a word, they strengthen and rejuvenate the body.

It’s good if there are objects with cold water for immersion in or near your bathhouse. Otherwise, we recommend that you make a dousing bucket and enjoy all the delights of the original Russian bathhouse.

The shower bucket for a bath is a modernized, improved version of a wooden bucket, movably mounted on the wall of the washing room. This is a kind of container of significant size that instantly throws cold water onto the head of a visitor who pulls a cord or chain. Due to its functional purpose and similarity of shape, such a device has acquired several more popular names. For example, a waterfall bucket for a bath or an upside-down bucket.

On a note! For the first time, the primitive form of such a bucket was invented by ancient Russian bathhouse attendants. At that time, birch bark or a solid log was used for manufacturing, from which the middle was hollowed out. Only over time, coopers began to create them, using smoothly planed dies and metal rims.

Simple, like everything ingenious

A dousing device for a bath, for all its simplicity and, to some experienced eyes, outright primitiveness, is an extremely effective bathing tool. If, while diving into an ice hole, a person plunges into it with his feet, then throwing a bucket of ice water over himself, instantaneous cooling occurs in the opposite direction. However, in most cases the sensations turn out to be close in intensity of passions and a fountain of emotions. A very sharp change in ambient temperature and a sharp cooling of the surface of the body is a very serious shock to the body. How's the classic doing? “Everything that doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.” This procedure, according to some ardent admirers, has the following positive qualities:

  1. Perfectly trains the cardiovascular system. For such a procedure, as for any branded product, they came up with a bright and catchy name - “gymnastics for blood vessels.”
  2. Increases the tone and turgor of the skin, making it strong and elastic. Of course, cold, as an active irritant, initiates increased blood microcirculation and supply of skin with nutrients and oxygen.
  3. Metabolism increases, pressure in the main vessels increases for a short time, and the pulse increases. Any physiological activity forces the body to shed ballast and activate hidden reserves.
  4. As a result, the overall resistance of the body at the immune level increases.
  5. Finally, this procedure is very invigorating, and in this process, it is unlikely to find serious competitors.

There are, however, some disadvantages. And the opponents of this action also have a full sleeve of trump cards, read, arguments:

  1. This is a state of shock for the body, and any shock, including temperature shock of different signs, is a difficult test for the heart and blood vessels. If everything is not in order in this regard, you should be careful.
  2. The human head, and especially the parietal part of the skull, is one of the most vulnerable locations of the body as a whole. Therefore, when dousing, you should not forget about this.
  3. A dousing bucket for a bath, if a large amount of water is incorrectly consumed, can provoke the manifestation of cervical radiculitis syndrome, caused by inflammatory processes in the root part of the nerve endings, due to a sharp temperature change or injuries of a purely mechanical nature, from an involuntary sudden movement of the head.

In any case, living is harmful, but moderation and balance in approaches to any bath procedures are a sign of high culture.

Briefly about the device

A bucket for dousing in a bathhouse is a wooden container assembled using metal, preferably stainless, hoops from individual elements - rivets, tightly fitted to each other or connected through a tongue-and-groove pattern, minimizing or completely eliminating the flow of water.

In general, the issue of drying out of solid wood structures is very acute. The container should always be filled with water. In modern conditions, this is solved by supplying tap water or water from a well pump into a bath bucket and equipping it with an automatic filling system, with a level cut-off using a float, as in a toilet cistern. Reliable and practical. The main condition is that there is always a positive temperature inside the bathhouse during the cold season, preventing the water from freezing both in the bucket and in the supply system.

If this is not possible, and sometimes there is simply no water supply system, then the pouring bucket for the bathhouse is filled manually as the water is consumed from it. And the problem of drying out is solved by pre-soaking. 3 - 4 hours before the procedure, the container is filled to the top with hot water so that the swollen wood fills the gaps and the leaks are eliminated.

It is worth noting that a sauna bucket in itself is not self-sufficient. For the system to work, it must be equipped with a tipper and a supporting frame. The supporting frame, as a rigid structure, is fixedly attached to the wall, at a height sufficient for a tall person to stand under it, on the other hand, to ensure the free movement of the bucket, preventing it from getting caught on the ceiling. As a rule, this distance is approximately 2150 - 2200 mm from the floor level. The rolling mechanism itself can be very diverse, from bearings to torsion bars. The only condition is clear movement in all spatial positions, the impossibility of failure and the availability of quick dismantling for scheduled maintenance of the tank. A shower bucket for a bath, as a rule, has a capacity of 10 to 30 liters, so the fastening and suspension system must be designed to exceed the safety margin by 4 times.

Design of a shower bucket for a bath

Regardless of what material was used to create the pouring mechanism, its design will always be the same. A bucket for pouring into a bath consists of the following components:

  1. Brackets for securing the vessel to the wall;
  2. Wooden or other container for water;
  3. Systems for monitoring the level of water supplied from the water supply;
  4. Rope, with which the bucket is tipped over if necessary.

In fact, the design is both ingenious and simple.
Even a novice master can create one. There are many design options, among which making a bucket from wood is considered the most problematic. The finished product will require special care, but at the same time it will look more aesthetically pleasing than all other options. Some inconveniences of a wooden bucket are associated with the need to fill it with water in advance. The bucket must swell, otherwise cold water will simply seep through the cracks. However, you cannot regularly leave the container filled. Over time, the wood will become covered with mucus, and the water will become cloudy and begin to stink. A solution to the problem can be a plastic insert mounted in a wooden vessel. It will help to avoid unwanted hassle of caring for the system, while leaving the appearance of the structure completely presentable.

How to use it correctly

The procedure of dousing with a waterfall bucket begins with psychological preparation for a sharp flow of cold water. After the person is emotionally ready, he should quickly enter the place of dousing and simply pull the rope sharply. The strength of the flow depends on the sharpness of the movement turning the bucket over. If you tug lightly, the cold water will pour out gradually, and with a strong tug, the entire volume of water pours out immediately, instantly cooling the hot body. It is the sharp temperature contrast that provides the healing effect. This procedure should be completed by wiping with a towel.

Requirements for installing a dousing bucket in a bathhouse

If the size of the dousing bucket can be chosen personally by the owner of the bathhouse (large and tall or small and wide), then its location must certainly meet special requirements.
In most cases, the upside-down bucket is installed in the washing room: water is supplied there and the drainage system is set up. Although the presence of running water is not at all a prerequisite for the functioning of the “Russian shower”. Water can be brought to the container using a flexible hose or simply poured manually while standing on a bench. Sometimes a dousing bucket is installed directly on the street near the bathhouse. This option allows you to collect and use healthy rainwater for good purposes. But it is worth remembering that drainage on the street is no less necessary than inside.

The most difficult stage of installing a bucket in a bathhouse is correctly determining the required height. For people of average height, the recommended height is 2 or 2.2 m. For tall owners, it is worth setting the mark at 2.6–2.8 m. In any case, a person should be placed under the dousing bucket with their arms extended to the top. Do not forget that the vessel will turn over. Therefore, it is worth adding the height of the bucket itself to the planned mark.

Calculation of the level for a person with average height will look something like this: 170 cm (height) + 40 cm (at arms length) + 40 cm (tank height) = 2.5 m.

Regardless of the choice of location for installing the bucket, the mount must be strong enough and durable. Keep in mind that the fasteners must be able to withstand at least 60 kg! In the traditional version, the container is secured to the wall using metal brackets (even better, stainless steel). To create a movable connection, special ears can be welded to the barrels of the container. And it’s even easier to install a stainless steel rod that passes right through the wooden boat.

Natural ventilation

Natural air exchange is carried out due to the difference in density and temperature of the air inside the building and outside. The traction force is affected by:

  • channel cross-section;
  • wind direction and strength;
  • presence of turns;
  • thermal insulation of the system.

This type of ventilation is based on channels that are in a vertical position. It is in great demand due to its financial accessibility and simplified design. The system eliminates the presence of complex elements and mechanisms, which determines its reliability. As for its maintenance, everything is quite simple, you just need to inspect it from time to time. Fresh street air warms up more actively. The flow in such a ventilation system is not regulated, which negatively affects the microclimate. Operates in silent mode.

Natural hoods have a number of significant drawbacks. First of all, it is worth noting its dependence on weather conditions. In summer, on hot days, when the air temperature outside is higher than outside, ventilation will not be able to fulfill its functions. In winter, serious heat loss is observed. Moreover, dust and insects have access to the room.

Bath bucket with plastic liner

You can make a doused bucket in the most primitive way, accessible even to people who have not previously had anything to do with wood.
To do this, it is not necessary to become familiar with the basics of cooperage and learn to use special tools. A couple of simple steps will help you quickly make a wooden container that costs a lot of money on the market:

  1. To begin, select an ordinary plastic bucket of the most successful color. For example, white or azure blue. Water in such a container will look very advantageous.
  2. Next, remove the handle and any other parts present from the bucket. You don't need them at all. Don’t rush to throw them away; perhaps they will come in handy in the future.
  3. Prepare 25–30 not too wide sanded wooden planks. Their exact quantity depends directly on the size of the plastic bucket.
  4. Using super-resistant glue, attach the strips to the outer walls of the plastic container, imitating a wooden bucket. Coat the joints with transparent silicone.
  5. Cover the “wooden” container with a suitable varnish and strengthen it even more firmly with metal rings.

The wooden dousing bucket with a plastic liner is ready. Externally it is difficult to distinguish it from natural, but internally it meets all the requirements.

What to look for when choosing?

  1. capacity;
  2. type of equipment - either a waterfall bucket or an upside-down bucket: the only difference is that the “waterfall” does not have to be turned over, the bottom will open and the water will pour out onto the person;
  3. the base of the frame is wood or metal (the first option is well suited to the wooden interior of a bathhouse, but metal is the most practical);
  4. cost depends on what the device is made of.

Below is a rating of dousing buckets of various categories.

Wooden sauna bucket

This method of creating a wooden bucket will be more to the taste of those who have previously dealt with the processing and use of wood.
For a high-quality pouring device, you will need a piece of iron strip for two rims (about 3-5 cm wide) and a board of the 1st grade 1 cm thick. As a result, we get a 10-liter bucket with a height of 40 cm. The manufacturing process is a little more complicated than the previous one method, but the result is correspondingly much better and more aesthetically pleasing:

  • Prepare a template for the bottom parts and rivets (side strips).
  • Cut the existing board into pieces that match the stave pattern. Treat them thoroughly with a plane and sherhebel.
  • Bring each detail to a state similar to the template. That is, carefully cut off the excess, giving the rivets a slightly trapezoidal shape.
  • Mark the outside of each stave. Cut the ends at an angle of 3 degrees so that when connecting the planks together, you get a circle.
  • Also, on each rivet, make a 4 mm indentation at a distance of 4 cm from the bottom edge. This recess is necessary to install the bottom of the container.
  • Do your first fitting. Gather all the parts into a pile, holding them with metal wire. Number all rivets. Determine the size of the bottom part.
  • Using the template, cut out the piece for the bottom. Cut off the top and bottom of the ends, forming a circle, so that the diameter is 1 cm less than the originally measured one.
  • Measure to excess and cut a piece of metal strip for the bottom rim. Use a hammer to give it the desired rounded shape. Make holes at both ends and rivet them (with wire in fives).
  • Make two tight clamps from pieces of metal strips.
  • Attach two opposite rivets to the rim, securing them with clamps. Next, insert all the other parts, trimming them as necessary. Thus, completely fill the entire clearing on one and the other half of the bucket.
  • Place the workpiece in its natural position and install the bottom piece.
  • Measure the top circumference of the bucket and make a second rim at a distance of 10 cm from the top.
  • Sharpen and file the product if protruding areas are visible anywhere.

Method No. 1

It is not recommended to use a new wooden bucket without first steaming it. To do this, about three days before using it, you need to pour boiling water into it, close it tightly and leave until the water cools completely. The boards will swell and the cracks will disappear.

After use, the bucket must be washed. To do this, place several large pieces of quicklime on its bottom, fill it with water and close it tightly. The steam generated inside will saturate all the boards and extract acids and tannin from them.

After about 3 hours, the lime water is poured out and clean water is poured in and the inner surface is thoroughly washed. Buckets treated with lime water almost never become moldy.

Supplying water to a dousing bucket in a bathhouse

A factory-made drenching bucket is usually sold already equipped with a water level control system.
In most cases, the principle of its operation is identical to the system in the cistern. In fact, the system for supplying water to the dousing bucket is as simple as the design of the mechanism itself. The pipe is brought into the room at the height of the container. The crane cuts in at a level of one and a half meters from the floor. A rubber, plastic hose or stainless steel braided tube is connected to the pipe itself. A water level control system (if available) is connected to its second edge. In most cases, it is similar to the mechanisms installed in toilet flush tanks. This completes the simple process of supplying water and connecting the dousing bucket.

The technology for making a wooden bucket for a bath is presented in the video:

The pouring bucket for the bath is ready! You can ignore small cracks, as the wood will swell upon contact with water. All that remains is to supply water to the selected place in the bathhouse.


The peculiarity of the bucket is that it can be made from different materials. Regardless of this, the design will always be the same, which is an advantage, since you won’t have to search for a suitable model for a long time.

Each dousing device consists of 4 main parts:

  • The bucket itself, with a capacity of 10-20 liters, the choice depends on the number of users;
  • Fixing parts so that the structure can be easily installed in various rooms;
  • An automatic water control system will help you collect the required amount of liquid so that it does not overflow;
  • Rope or chain for quickly tipping the bucket.

There is nothing complicated in the device, which is an advantage, since you don’t have to use complex mechanisms. Many manufacturers make fixtures from wood, because it matches best with the interior of a classic bathhouse. The only drawback of the solution is difficult operation. Because before installation, a person will need to fill the container with water and let it sit for a while. This action is necessary because it promotes swelling of the wood.

It is also important to understand that the structure cannot be left empty for several days, because the container may dry out and water will begin to seep through the cracks formed. But there is also a downside - the liquid should not be constantly inside, as this will lead to it deteriorating, and the inside of the bucket will become covered with unpleasant mucus, and in some cases it will completely turn black

It is important to maintain a middle ground so that there are no unforeseen problems.

But if a person cannot constantly be at the dacha where the bathhouse is installed, it is enough to buy a bucket with a plastic insert; stainless steel is also suitable. The outer part will be made entirely of wood, but the inner part will have water-resistant material. Of course, compared to standard plastic buckets, this solution will be more expensive.

Rating of the best budget buckets

Russian fun with plastic insert (OPRZ-10)

A good budget version, which is intended for those who visit the bathhouse in a small company - 2-3 people. The design is highly durable and reliable. But the most important thing here is simplicity. You don’t need any special skills to install a dousing device yourself.

Everything is done quickly and does not take time. The plastic insert provides additional strength and also looks beautiful, as it has a pleasant white color. All main elements and spare parts are included in the kit. Therefore, you don’t have to constantly go to the store and look for the part you need.

The average cost is 1,830 rubles.

dousing bucket Russian fun with plastic insert (OPRZ-10)


  • Good quality;
  • Pleasant exterior treatment;
  • Convenient chain;
  • The interior is made of durable plastic;
  • Easy installation.


Sprinkler 16 l with valve with plastic insert

An inexpensive option that is distinguished by pleasant performance and reliability. There is nothing complicated in the design. Everything is done reliably and will last for many years. The package contains the necessary materials that will simplify installation and make use easy and convenient for everyone.

To achieve a beautiful appearance, durable wood was used that does not have knots. During production, it was completely sanded and then impregnated with protective compounds. This increases the service life of the product in high humidity conditions. In addition, a person will not need to constantly care for the tree, which is also an advantage.

The average cost is 2,950 rubles.

dousing bucket Dousing device 16 l with valve with plastic insert


  • Smooth surface;
  • Durable plastic insert;
  • Equipment;
  • High-quality assembly;
  • Long service life.


Pouring Device 16 l Linden (Olp-16)

A strong and durable design that will last for a long period and will not turn black from frequent use. The product not only has a useful function, but will complement the bath interior. As in previous designs, you will have to collect water yourself. However, this will not affect the convenience in any way.

The principle of operation of the mechanism is quite simple; you only need to pull the cord, after which all the cold water will pour out onto the person. After use, only positive impressions remain. Linden was used to make the outer part, and it underwent strict quality control, where all low-quality options were eliminated. Water volume – 16 liters.

The average cost is 1,800 rubles.

dousing bucket Dousing Device 16 l Linden (Olp-16)


  • Convenient fastening of the mechanism, anyone can handle it;
  • The cord is made of a durable chain that will not break from constant impact;
  • The bucket is made of selected linden;
  • The interior is protected from fungus and mold thanks to a plastic insert;
  • Volume 16 liters.


( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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