How to insulate a frame bath? Materials and step-by-step technology of thermal insulation work

Frame baths are no less popular than baths made of timber or log baths, due to their comfortable microclimate, environmental friendliness, relative cheapness, and ease of construction.
A Russian bathhouse is characterized by the saturation of the air with water vapor, the temperature of which is 40–45° C. A summer frame bathhouse made of 55 cm thick boards will maintain the bathhouse temperature inside when it is warm outside. If the bathhouse is used only during the summer holidays, there is no need to reduce its useful volume by increasing the thickness of the walls and ceilings.

The energy efficiency of a frame bath for winter use is related to the properties of the heat-insulating elements. The load-bearing structures of walls, ceilings and roofs - frames made of wooden beams - themselves have a fairly low thermal conductivity. But the total area of ​​the frame is small in relation to the entire area of ​​the enclosing structures.

The frame rods (vertical, horizontal and inclined, longitudinal and transverse) only frame the insulation elements; the main heat-insulating load falls on its shoulders. Of course, the work of the insulating layer is impossible on its own:

  1. without rigid and sealed frame cladding;
  2. in the absence of finishing cladding and internal wall cladding;
  3. high-quality floors and ceilings;
  4. reliable roofing -

insulation is effective when it is dry, clean and retains its original geometric shape.

Construction on a finished foundation

The choice of insulation is possible when building a bathhouse using classical frame technology: a frame-panel bathhouse is created from multilayer panels, already thermally insulated. The insulation of a frame bath begins when the skeleton of the structure is assembled on a finished strip foundation, reinforced concrete slab or grillage:

  1. around the perimeter of the load-bearing walls, a frame made of wooden beams or spliced ​​boards is laid (on sheet waterproofing in 2-3 layers);
  2. the wall frames were assembled on a flat area, stopped for strapping and connected;
  3. the top trim was installed around the perimeter of the load-bearing frame;

  1. horizontal beams are laid on the foundation (the width of the grillage or reinforced concrete contour is calculated in advance);
  2. a frame of floor joists and lathing was installed;
  3. the attic floor beams were laid, the rafter system was assembled, the attic subfloor was lined and covered with a vapor barrier;
  4. All wooden structures are treated with antiseptic and fire retardant.

Further developments depend on the thickness of the walls of the frame bath, the selected thermal insulation material and the method of its installation.

Selection of material for insulation of a bath complex of a frame structure

Insulation of a bathhouse built using the technology of constructing frame buildings must be done correctly, otherwise the building will not be able to perform its functions. In order to properly insulate a frame bath with your own hands, you need to familiarize yourself with the properties of various types of insulation and study all the advantages and disadvantages of each type of building material.

There are several types of insulating building materials used when carrying out thermal insulation work in a bathhouse. The materials used when installing thermal insulation can be divided into two large groups:

  • synthetic;
  • natural.

Natural building materials suitable for insulating a bath complex built using frame technology include the following:

  • wood fiber insulation;
  • basalt insulation;
  • insulation made from flax fiber.

Artificial materials for installing thermal insulation include:

  • fiberglass;
  • expanded polystyrene.

To insulate baths, materials made in the form of mats and slabs are used. Materials in rolls can also be used, but the process of laying such building materials is more complex.

Using material in the form of slabs and mats, even a novice builder who does not have special skills in construction can insulate bathhouse premises. In order to carry out insulation work correctly, it is enough to study the technology well and strictly adhere to the sequence of installation work.

Typical wall, ceiling and roof pie

The insulation and frame require two conditions for effective and long-term operation:

  • protection from internal space - in the form of a vapor barrier;
  • communication with outside air is through the gap to the wind barrier.

The insulation in the cells of the frame laid along the floor joists is covered with vapor barrier material on top, the load-bearing frame is covered from the side of the frame bathhouse, the attic floor frame is covered from below, and the roof insulation is from the attic side.

The next layer after the vapor barrier (looking from the outside - inside) is a continuous covering (subfloor, internal cladding of walls, roofs, false ceiling). On walls and roof slopes, cladding with profile lumber can also become the final interior decoration.

The subfloor is covered with a finishing floor, and the same is done with the attic floor if it is destined to become an attic floor. In a concrete floor, the insulation becomes a layer between two screeds.

On a note. The walls of the bathhouse, which remains closed for a long time in the summer and is rarely heated, need to be insulated from steam from the outside as well. The external vapor barrier membrane stands in the way of air flows from the outside through the wall to the inside. This air movement is inevitable if it is warmer outside the building than inside.

Vapor barrier of the ceiling in residential buildings may be unnecessary (if the attic is heated and small particles do not leave the thickness of the insulation). The attic ceiling of the bathhouse needs a barrier to the steam path.

Wind protection is needed for the insulation of external walls. It is better to place it at some distance from the insulation - after the sheathing before the cladding. This will help moisture that has entered the porous material to leave it freely.

What to look for when choosing insulation

In order to choose a material for insulating a building such as a frame bath with your own hands, you should decide what properties the insulation should have.

All positive qualities can rarely be found in one material, so everyone determines for himself what is important to him and what can be skipped.

Basic parameters of common insulation materials

  1. Thermal conductivity.
  2. Resistant in wet environments.
  3. Preservation of shape and properties for a long time.
  4. Easy DIY installation.
  5. Acceptable price.
  6. Non-toxic.
  7. Protection against bacteria, fungus and mold.

Thus, knowing what properties the insulation should have, you can choose the material for your specific conditions.

You will find detailed information about floor insulation in frame buildings here.

How to insulate

Roll insulation, bulk, in the form of a plastic mixture (filler, binder and sealer) is laid on horizontal surfaces in a frame bath. It is convenient to insulate roof slopes with rolled material.

Any porous material can be used as insulation for a frame bath, as long as it is non-flammable, non-toxic and does not create a favorable environment for mold. Everything else is a matter of taste.

Insulation of a frame bath with mineral wool

In the cells of the frame (walls, ceilings, roofs) mineral wool is present in the form of slabs:

  • compact, ~ 0.6 * 1.2 m - for walls (it is difficult for flexible flat material of great length to maintain verticality);
  • 2 times wider and 4–8 m long - for floors and roofing (packed in rolls).

The main part of the volume of mineral wool is air, surrounded by hard, thin fibers of inorganic nature. The common thickness of products made of fibrous material is 5, 10, 15, less often 20 cm (suitable for frame beams of the appropriate thickness).

An additional element of slab insulation is possible - a covering made of dense thin sheet material. Gluing mineral wool to foil is one of the ways to impart rigidity to a product made of loose material, reduce the shedding of fiber fragments, and protect it from high temperatures.

Information. The presence of additional materials in the product, including foil, transfers mineral wool to another flammability group: from “NG” (non-flammable) to “G1” (slightly flammable). The maximum temperature for use of the product drops to the value of this parameter for the additional material.

The reflective properties of foil prevent the transfer of heat by radiation, but inside the wall - under the sheathing - this property is useless. The insulation will almost stop breathing under a thin metal sheet (“almost” - only because not the entire wall will be covered with foil).

Even if a material is glued onto the slab to insulate it specifically from steam - it does not allow the smallest particles of water to pass through, but is “breathable” - it is not enough for the vapor barrier of frame bath structures.

As part of a frame wall, heat-insulating boards are laid in an interrupted layer (the width of the beams), its factory coating will not become a full-fledged vapor barrier - over the entire area of ​​the wall. Therefore, it makes sense to buy mineral wool separately and vapor barrier separately.

Disadvantages of mineral wool. In order for the mass of fibers to maintain a given shape and be suitable for transportation and installation, it is supplemented with a binder:

  1. bitumen;
  2. synthetic resins;
  3. starch.

All additives are flammable. Bitumen is a carcinogen, synthetic resins contain formaldehyde and phenol, which cause serious diseases.

The proportion of binder in the finished product is small - from 2.5 to 10%.

But if the manufacturer violated the manufacturing technology and used low-quality raw materials, then the sanitary and hygienic safety of the mineral wool board will be lower than acceptable.

(And the norms may change any day, following new scientific discoveries).

In any case, it makes sense to be interested in the chemical composition of additives to mineral insulation. Less hazardous resins exist and the manufacturer may use them.

Information. The shelf life of mineral wool products is limited, so the manufacturer puts on the packaging, in addition to other information about the product, the date of its manufacture. Mineral wool boards should be removed from the waterproof bag immediately before installation.

Advantages of mineral wool:

  1. light weight;
  2. low thermal conductivity;
  3. not susceptible to rotting (unless organic dust accumulates in the body of the insulation - due to leaks in the sheathing);
  4. durability (half a century);
  5. vapor permeability (there are no closed pores in cotton wool).

Mineral wool is divided into 3 groups, depending on the nature of the raw material from which its fibers are made: stone wool, slag wool, glass wool.

Stone wool. The source of raw materials for stone wool is basalt volcanic rocks (its second name is basalt). Among the types of this group, basalt wool with super-thin fiber - BSTV - stands out.

BSTV slabs are free of binders - the fibers “hold” to each other due to their shape. Such insulation is not able to work without a frame, but it is environmentally friendly, can withstand the highest temperatures, and has the lowest thermal conductivity.

The properties of other types of stone wool vary, mainly depending on the thickness of the fibers. But any basalt insulation is characterized by high porosity, fire safety, and suitability for residential premises.

Slag wool is not suitable for insulating a bathhouse.

Residential buildings are not insulated with material made from metallurgical slag.

Slag fibers are hygroscopic, do not tolerate strong heat, and contain carcinogens (in a safe amount, if the manufacturer is conscientious).

Slag insulation is contraindicated for a frame bath: in the presence of moisture, the slag, due to its acidity, will destroy metal corners, nails, staples and other fasteners.

Glass wool The fibers from the glass mixture are long, dense and chemically inert. Among the strengths of glass wool there is no heat resistance (the fiber melts), but it is good at sound insulation.

Fiberglass insulation is slightly heavier than stone insulation, and manipulation of its mounting elements is especially demanding on personal protective equipment.

The characters in the following video share an idea on how to make protective clothing in a few minutes:

Organic insulation

Ecowool is a fiber made from cellulose, antiseptic and fire retardant. Manufacturers use various protective additives, some of them are more durable and safe, some are short-lived and odorous. The main disadvantage of ecowool as insulation is the reduction in volume during operation. With volume, the heat-protective properties also go away. Shrinkage of insulation in the wall frames of a frame bath is fraught with voids.

Ecowool fibers are hygroscopic, which also affects thermal conductivity. They choose ecowool because it is environmentally friendly, non-aggressive, and has good sound insulation.

The raw material mixture of sawdust is a good insulation material, healthy and inexpensive. Unlike cotton wool, sawdust is heat-intensive - a heated bath will not cool down longer, but warms up with high fuel consumption. Humidity is contraindicated for sawdust. Flaws in insulation from water and steam will cause rot.

The fire safety of sawdust is reduced by the enveloping cement, lime mixture, and clay, but this only reduces the risk of fire. Laying a mixture of sawdust and binder, or ready-made cement-sawdust blocks, is more troublesome than installing mineral wool or foam plastic slabs. Organic thermal insulation is rarely chosen as part of the structure of a frame bath.

Thermal insulation foam

Polystyrene foam does not allow steam or air to pass through. A bathhouse made from it will be stuffy, and few people raise questions about the fire hazard of foamed polymers.

The savings on the vapor barrier membrane are offset by the costs of the seal between the blocks of thermal insulating foam and the frame. The polystyrene foam does not mold, does not crumble, is very light, and is easy to install. But very few people risk using it as part of the walls of a wooden building, especially a frame bathhouse.

Backfill insulation: vermiculite, expanded clay

Horizontal structures are especially often insulated with bulk material.

Vermiculite is not toxic, but during mining it can be contaminated with a dangerous carcinogen - asbestos.

Expanded clay is fireproof, does not emit harmful substances, like insulation - it is light and heat-intensive.

It will take longer to warm up a bathhouse with expanded clay inside the walls than with fiber insulation, but the room will also cool down more slowly.

Since expanded clay is dominated by closed pores, its moisture absorption is insignificant. But wet expanded clay takes a long time to dry.

A layer of expanded clay is thicker and heavier than a layer of mineral wool with the same degree of thermal protection - the frame and foundation will need to be stronger.

Features of heat transfer of a frame bath

Frame buildings belong to inertia-free thermal systems, that is, to houses with low heat capacity. What is the meaning of this parameter? It reflects the ability of building components to accumulate thermal energy. Accumulated by the walls and foundation, heat is released into the room, ensuring, on the one hand, slow cooling of the space when the heating is turned off, and on the other hand, slow heating to the required temperature.

Frame sauna is economical and prefabricated

A house built on the principle of a frame filled with thermal insulation heats up quickly and cools down just as quickly. There are no strong (in the traditional sense) walls, and the insulation for a frame bathhouse does not transmit energy well, but it also accumulates it in itself poorly.

During operation of the heating system, the level of heat saving of such an object is very high and is usually close to the standard of a “passive house”. However, the need for constant heating brings serious inconvenience to permanent residence in buildings of this type. But no one lives in bathhouses!

Insulation during construction

Laying mineral wool into the cells of the load-bearing frame of the frame is possible from the outside; it is also possible to insulate the frame bath from the inside. In the first case, it is more convenient to leave a gap to the outer skin.

When filling the frame from the side of the room, the cotton wool will have to be pressed against the already created external fence. It is good if it is not continuous, and the tightness of the wall will be ensured by wind protection and finishing.

Important! For any method of laying mineral wool, personal protective equipment is required: a respirator, closed clothing with tight-fitting cuffs and collars, glasses, signets, a hat.

What is better to insulate a frame bath: semi-rigid slabs or soft ones? Soft flexible wool will cover the cell area more tightly, a semi-rigid slab will be warmer, because there are no areas compacted during installation - with increased thermal conductivity. The elasticity of the material is important so that the insulation fits into the cell without leaving any gaps.

It is more convenient and safer to insulate the attic floor with mineral wool from the attic side - fragments of mineral fiber will not fall into the eyes or onto the skin.

Not only small and sharp fragments of fibers are dangerous, but also the volatile components of the binders - formaldehyde, ammonia, phenol vapors.

This is an additional argument in favor of laying cotton wool outside the frame bath.

In a frame bath, the walls are insulated with sawdust from the inside, after installing the outer cladding (vertical arrangement of the boards is preferable).

Dry backfilling is carried out after impregnation of well-dried sawdust with a fire retardant and antiseptic.

More common is the laying of sawdust (slightly damp) mixed with cement, sand and tobacco, with lime, with clay and cement. The maximum permissible sawdust layer thickness is 30 cm.

The floor of the bathhouse is not insulated with sawdust. The cells of the attic floor frame are filled with a sawdust-containing mixture along the vapor barrier, without tamping, allowed to dry, covered with kraft paper and plank flooring.

The mixture is poured into the walls in layers of 20 cm, with a tamper, while simultaneously building up the inner lining and waterproofing material. Drying will take several weeks.

Expanded clay is poured into a wooden frame dry (it generates dust, a respirator will be required), and compacted as intensely as the rigidity of the structure allows. Settlement of expanded clay over time is inevitable, so the possibility of adding insulation should be provided - at the top of the walls, under window openings.

Video about the advantages of insulating the attic floor with expanded clay laid on glassine:

The installation of ecowool is mechanized; upon completion, it takes several days to dry the created layer. Dry installation is accompanied by intense dust formation.

Ecowool should not be placed next to stoves and chimneys. At a certain temperature, ecowool begins to smolder. Salvation - asbestos-cement slabs, fire-resistant mats based on basalt. (Wooden structures and other insulation materials require the same protection).

Protecting thermal insulation from moisture

Regardless of what material was chosen as a heat insulator for the walls of the bathhouse, in the process of filling the cells of its frame it will also be necessary to equip a reliable vapor barrier . Without cutting off the insulation from the humid bath atmosphere, its material will condense water from the cooling steam. And this is fraught with the most negative consequences.

Firstly, wet insulation will significantly increase its thermal conductivity, which will mean a rapid loss of heat from the premises into the environment. Secondly, the porous insulator will dry for quite a long time. This can lead to mold and rotting of the bathhouse frame.

Therefore, during the construction of walls, the heat-insulating material should be sheathed with high-quality vapor barrier, for which the following can be used :

  • aluminum foil, which can not only protect the insulation from moisture, but also reflect heat;
  • glassine, which is low cost and environmentally friendly;
  • polyethylene film.

You should not use the once popular roofing material in a bathhouse, since when heated it can emit an unpleasant odor, plus working with this material is not particularly easy.

When laying a vapor barrier, it is necessary to ensure that there are not even tiny gaps left . You can ensure tightness either using metallized tape or by overlapping adjacent panels.

Is it possible to insulate a finished

Wood will add warmth to the finished building: an additional layer of boards or replacing the existing cladding with a thicker one. What to do if the thickness of the insulation for a frame bath is insufficient?

The roof will have to be “insulated” from the inside. Remove the internal lining and vapor barrier, nail horizontal bars to the rafters, place an additional layer of wool in the cells formed by them, across the existing, vertically located slabs.

The new insulation is covered with a vapor barrier membrane and sewn up with boards and sheets of drywall.

Insulation of the walls of a finished frame bath is carried out from the outside - the useful volume of the premises will not be affected.

You will have to remove the cladding, sheathing and wind protection. What to do if you decide to supplement the frame bath cake with other insulation? The second layer of insulation, located outside, must be no less porous than the inner one. Otherwise, the imaginary plane with the dew point will shift towards the room.

It is believed that frame walls, the main part of which is fiber insulation, will not be damaged by condensation - it will not have time to form.

But, firstly, this opinion is not shared by everyone, and secondly, in addition to the cell filler, there is the body of the frame, metal connecting parts (corners, staples, screws, nails).

The wind protection is removed. The frame is built up or supplemented with sheathing, the rods of which are deliberately placed at intervals with the elements of the main frame.

Under the second layer of expanded clay or sawdust, you will have to increase the foundation and create an additional frame. If you decide to use expanded clay to enhance the insulation with mineral wool, you will have to find a way to place it inside.

A slab-shaped foundation will reduce the difficulty of creating a new frame inside the bathhouse to a minimum, but the internal area will be noticeably reduced.

What rules must be followed

The insulation of the bath occurs according to its own rules. And it depends primarily on how the building was erected.

For example, it is enough to insulate a bathhouse made of blocks or bricks from the inside. A bathhouse made of solid timber must be caulked well.

If the bathhouse is a frame extension, it also has its own characteristics. A frame bath is insulated according to its own rules.

However, in order for the insulation to fulfill its role one hundred percent, it is necessary to ensure waterproofing and vapor barrier of the internal layers of the frame wall.

A bathhouse made from SPI panels and analogues does not need additional insulation, since polystyrene foam is already applied inside the panels.

Three stages that you should pay attention to when forming frame walls:

Frame building wall

Waterproofing prevents moisture from getting inside the walls. If it is not made well, the material, especially if it is mineral wool, will absorb moisture and lose all its thermal properties.

In this case, the moisture inside will get on the wood, and after a while the timber will begin to rot, and mold and mildew will grow along the wall.

Material for waterproofing frame baths

Vapor barrier is the second important point; it removes excess moisture into the room, as a result of which drops of condensation that can form at the dew point do not harm the wall.

Principles of work

To insulate a bathhouse, you do not need to have any practical skills. It is enough to study the theory and perform the work as indicated in the instructions.

Thermal insulation of walls


  1. Thermal insulation must be carried out at the construction stage, when the supports are erected.
  2. Mineral wool slabs are located in the central part of the frame walls, covered on both sides with layers of vapor barrier.
  3. At the last stage, the surfaces are sheathed with OSB boards and undergo decorative finishing.

The best option for thermal insulation of walls in a bathhouse is the use of two layers of insulation

It is important that one is in the form of slabs, the other - a roll.

Insulation of walls near the stove

Insulation features:

  1. Surfaces around the oven must be protected from high temperatures.
  2. You can lay a stainless steel sheet on the floor.
  3. The oven should be located at a distance of 1 meter from the opposite surface.
  4. The protective layer can be installed over decorative trim or over thermal insulation.

Asbestos boards can be used to protect surrounding surfaces, but many bath attendants believe that this material is harmful to the body. It is better to choose an analogue - basalt fabric. A reflective sheet of metal can be attached on top of it, which will screen thermal energy.

Thermal insulation of ceiling and floor

Floor insulation process:

  1. Fill the soil with a screed.
  2. Roll out a roll of roofing material on top, cut it across the entire area of ​​the screed.
  3. Lay out thermal insulation plates.
  4. Spread a layer of waterproofing on top.

All that remains is to pour the last layer of screed and wait for it to dry completely before performing the next work.

Ceiling insulation:

  1. Use a construction stapler to secure the vapor barrier layer to the ceiling.
  2. Lay insulation.
  3. Secure the final layer of vapor barrier.

All that remains is to fill the decorative lining for the ceiling in the bathhouse.

Protecting insulation from moisture ingress

For protection you can use:

  • foil;
  • special film made of fabric.

The most important thing is that there is ventilation inside the wall. Without it, condensation will accumulate, which will lead to the destruction of thermal insulation and the formation of mold on the wood.

Methods for attaching the board

Any fence structure made from unedged raw materials has 2 cladding options: horizontal and vertical.

Sometimes craftsmen combine these two types with each other, creating original hedges.

We will consider in more detail the generally accepted methods of fixation.


Considered the cheapest option. The boards are mounted horizontally directly to the posts using self-tapping screws. In solid structures, wood is installed using the ladder or checkerboard method.


No less simple method of fastening. Horizontal logs are mounted on metal or wooden supports. On top of them, the boards are fixed with self-tapping screws in a vertical position.

This fence is made through or blind. In the first case, the lumber is not fastened closely, but leaving a certain step between each element. In the second, the boards are mounted close to each other.

In addition to self-tapping screws, nails are often used for fastening.


A universal material of organic origin, it has found its application in many areas. However, in a bathhouse its use is limited to installation only in rooms that do not experience maximum temperature loads. Polystyrene foam or expanded polystyrene is good for insulating the walls of a bathhouse outside, ceilings and walls in a locker room or rest room. It can be used for attic floors or on the roof of a bathhouse.

The advantages include:

  • Extremely resistant to damp environments. Polystyrene foam absorbs no more than 0.2% moisture per day.
  • Durability. Foam plastic feels great for up to 20 years of use in severe conditions of temperature changes and more than 50 years in normal conditions.
  • Low weight and easy installation.
  • Does not support combustion. When exposed to an open flame, this product begins to melt.
  • Immunity to microorganisms and mold.
  • Low cost.


  • The main drawback that makes it impossible to use it inside a bathhouse is the release of toxic phenol vapors during melting. Polystyrene foam loses chemical stability already at a temperature of 95 degrees.
  • It is not recommended to use foam plastic indoors, since the high thermal insulation capacity of foam plastic will lead to a shift of the dew point inside the wall and the formation of condensation, which will inevitably lead to the rapid destruction of the insulating layer.

What not to do: common mistakes

When constructing the walls of a frame house, many novice builders make mistakes that seem simple at first glance, which in the end can lead to fatal consequences.

Often, when installing a vapor barrier or water barrier, the use of adhesive tape for gluing membrane joints is ignored

Incorrectly installed vapor barrier membrane. The film for removing moisture from the insulation has a porous structure, and moisture can penetrate through the membrane only in one direction. So, if the film is installed on the wrong side, the liquid, instead of coming out, will accumulate between the membranes, wet the insulation and lead to damage to the structure.

The absence of a project with a plan and dimensions will lead to unnecessary wastage of time traveling for missing building materials and to errors when assembling the house. For example, this design will significantly complicate the installation of insulation between the racks

Ignoring the use of moisture-proof films leads to wetting of the insulation and rotting of the supporting structures of the frame structure.

Violating the sequence of layers of the pie does not give the desired effect and leads to approximately the same consequences

The absence of a waterproofing layer between the bottom trim and the concrete base will lead to rapid wetting and rotting of the structure, since concrete quickly releases all the saturated moisture, so it is better to be on the safe side. Two layers of roofing material are often used as a waterproofing material.

Too large a step between the frame posts may result in insufficient stability of the base

Wrong choice of lumber. If you purchase timber with a humidity level just a couple of percent higher than permissible, this will lead to deformation of the frame and destruction of the structure.

Low-density insulation, sewn into vertical walls, shrinks over time and forms cavities in the walls

Using the wrong hardware. A common mistake is to fasten the supporting frame with self-tapping screws intended for interior decoration of a house. The hardened steel from which they are made is a rather brittle material that cannot withstand heavy loads. The supporting structure is secured only with nails.

These self-tapping screws can be used to temporarily secure the frame elements together for further, better fastening.

If you did not provide for ventilation during the planning and construction of the house, its absence, in addition to the poor health of the residents, will lead to a high level of humidity in the room and fogging of the windows.

Frame buildings require a detailed design and strict adherence to technology. Deviation from accepted standards during construction can lead to a lot of inconvenience, both during work and during operation of the building. The wall pie of a frame house is a complex structure, in which the correct selection of materials and a clear sequence of their installation in compliance with all rules are important. Happy construction!


By thermally insulating frame-type spa areas according to one of the described schemes, you can get a relatively inexpensive, but very effective version of a steam room with easy achievement of high temperatures and intense steam generation. The main attention requires careful consideration of the issues of vapor barrier and prevention of condensation of atmospheric moisture inside the sandwich walls. The inhibition of the development of undesirable microflora depends on this, ensuring the sterility of procedures and extending the service life of the wooden frame of the bathhouse.


Laying technology

First, the bars are attached to the wall. Later you will need to insert a heat insulator into this sheathing, the thickness of which will be equal to the thickness of the bars. The bars should be as thick as the thermal insulation is expected to be. The vapor barrier is most often aluminum foil. Then the sheathing under the “lining” is installed.

It is best to attach the “lining” itself horizontally, since the condensate formed on the vapor barrier will be able to flow down without obstacles, because the sheathing will be attached vertically.

It is important to measure the actual width of the insulation. The bars need to be filled at a distance of 1 cm less than the width of the insulation

Then the latter will fit tightly, preventing the cold from penetrating.

If the distance is maintained correctly, the insulation holds tightly. To be sure, you can attach it with stainless screws and washers. The tightness of the heat insulator is extremely important. After all, if moisture forms under it, it may lose its properties. All joints must be taped with aluminum tape.

Foil is rightfully considered the best vapor barrier

Its advantage is that it can retain moisture and also reflect heat into the room, which is especially important for a bathhouse. By choosing foil, you can save time on heating the bath

It will become easier to maintain the temperature. And this will reduce the load on the oven.

The vapor barrier strips should overlap by 5 cm, no less. The joints need to be taped with foil tape. The vapor barrier is attached to the bars with staples. The joints are also taped with tape to prevent moisture from getting on the thermal insulation.

When the “pie” is assembled, another sheathing of planks is placed on the protruding bars. It is intended for installation of fastening materials. It is also used for installing the interior decoration of the walls of the bathhouse.

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