Let's consider a frame mobile bathhouse: a quick and relatively inexpensive solution

Have you decided to install an inexpensive sauna on your property? The best option for you would be a mobile sauna made of a frame. Have you decided to install an inexpensive sauna on your site? The best option for you would be a mobile sauna made from a frame. will come to your aid and provide construction services efficiently, quickly, inexpensively, and with a guarantee.

Practical, reliable and environmentally friendly. Mobile baths are ideal for personal plots, as well as areas not equipped with a stationary water supply. The technology comes from Canada, where harsh winters are common. Inside such a structure it is always warm, air constantly circulates, providing optimal humidity and comfort. It is based on a strong frame placed on a foundation and covered with wooden panels. All the materials we use are environmentally friendly, reliable and practical.

Such facilities are built quickly and do not require huge capital investments. The construction of frame baths is carried out by only a few workers, a minimum amount of special equipment is used, so the owners of a country house do not experience much inconvenience. There will not be a lot of garbage on the site, and there will be no problems with its disposal. Why can you trust us? • We have a reliable reputation. We have been building frame baths since 2000. During this time, we have proven our professionalism. • We work only with high-quality building materials to ensure a long service life of the bathhouse. • Our teams are staffed with workers with specialized education. • We offer reasonable prices that correspond to modern realities. • We provide guarantees for the work done. • We do not delay the completion date of the building.

Advantages of frame baths

• They do not shrink, so you can immediately begin interior and exterior finishing work. • They cost less than their timber counterparts. • They warm up perfectly even in the cold season. • The frame is manufactured at the factory, only its installation takes place on site, which ensures the speed of installation of the structure.

Our catalog contains a wide selection of ready-made projects with different numbers of rooms. The bathhouse consists of a washing room, a steam room and a relaxation room. It is possible to build a veranda where several people can comfortably sit. If you were unable to find an option that meets your requirements, we are ready to develop an individual project.

What it is

A frame bath is the most popular option, combining speed of construction, affordable cost and performance characteristics. Its design is quite simple: a frame made of wooden beams is assembled on a strip or pile foundation, after which the frame is covered with wood or sandwich panels. The space between the interior and exterior finishes is filled with material with thermal insulation characteristics. If the foundation is created in advance, then the frame bathhouse is assembled in a few days, after which it can be used immediately. When ready-made concrete blocks are used as the foundation, the construction time of such a bathhouse is reduced to a minimum.

The mobile sauna is a completely ready-made structure.
Such a bathhouse is brought to a summer cottage, installed and connected, after which the mobile bathhouse is immediately ready for use. Of course, this type of bathhouse is inferior in operational characteristics to a permanent structure, but has one undeniable advantage - it can be quickly transported to any other place. From the moment of ordering to using the bathhouse, only a few days pass. Note : both bath options are good because they have a low cost and minimal costs for installation, finishing and preparation for use. A mobile frame sauna combines these advantages. These advantages are also inherent in frame-panel baths.

Features of mini-baths for a summer residence

Such designs differ in several ways from the classic bathhouse. These characteristics should be studied before purchase so that surprises and difficulties do not arise during operation.

  • Small area . Even the largest of this type of baths occupy a small area, which makes it possible to choose a project for absolutely every site.
  • The ability to fit into the overall aesthetics . Taking into account the design of the country house and the site, you can choose baths with appropriate stylistic solutions.
  • Combined steam room and wash room . To save space, these rooms have to be combined. Often in mini-baths there are no washing facilities at all.
  • Saving fuel material . Since the area of ​​the room is small, preparing a sauna does not require a lot of firewood or electricity.
  • Small capacity . Even the largest buildings of this type cannot accommodate more than four people. This is important to consider before starting operation.

Attention! Mini-baths require more care than classic options. They are more susceptible to rot and pests. This is why it is so important to pay attention to excellent vapor barrier.

Advantages and disadvantages

Frame mobile baths have both undeniable advantages over capital buildings, which have their own pros and cons, and some disadvantages.


  1. Lightweight foundation.

    The mobile frame sauna is a lightweight structure, so installation is possible on a lightweight foundation.

  2. Low cost . Even for a small cost, the owner of a mobile bathhouse can get a high-quality structure, the cost of which does not exceed 5,000 rubles per square meter.
  3. Environmental Safety . Frame mobile baths are made from natural materials that are completely safe for human health.
  4. Short construction time . Together with insulation and finishing, the construction of a frame mobile bathhouse will take less than two weeks. While the construction and insulation of a brick or timber bathhouse will take at least 1.5 months. Other differences between timber and frame baths are presented in a separate article.
  5. Heat retention . In terms of thermal insulation, a frame bathhouse is in no way inferior to its analogues made of timber or logs, which are also often compared.
  6. Seismic resistance . Thanks to this advantage, the construction of a mobile bathhouse is possible even in earthquake-prone areas. This design can withstand vibrations of up to 9 points.
  7. Construction at any time of the year . A mobile frame bathhouse can be built on the site not only in the warm season, when other structures are being erected, but also in winter. The air temperature during the construction of a frame bath can drop to -15ºС.
  8. Microclimate . High-quality material of a mobile frame bath ensures “breathing”, or rather, hygroscopicity of the walls. Proper ventilation is important.


  • Shrinkage of the bath . The shrinkage process takes place over two years. In this case, the structure can shrink by 10 cm or even more. This much shrinkage can cause the finish to warp. In order to avoid the consequences of shrinkage, chamber drying materials are used when constructing a frame bath .
  • Choice of insulation
    . The fact is that inexpensive thermal insulation material is not suitable for a mobile frame bathhouse. Polystyrene foam is immediately excluded due to its easy flammability. It is also not recommended to use cheap mineral wool, since the bathhouse will not perform its functions efficiently. Which insulation is best to use, see here.
  • Decoration Materials . Despite the fact that the frame bath itself will cost several times less than the same structure made of brick or timber, the price will increase significantly with finishing and insulation. High-quality decorative panels and plaster can cost the owner of a bathhouse a pretty penny.

Place for installing a mini-bath

Before purchasing and installing a bathhouse, a project must be drawn up that takes into account the location of the future structure.

  1. Be sure to place the bathhouse where there are no bodies of water and there is a low probability of flooding. Otherwise, the structure will constantly suffer from exposure to water, which will lead to rotting and destruction of the bathhouse.
  2. The ideal location for the bathhouse is the south side. It will heat up faster and cool down slower.
  3. It is not recommended to place the building next to fruit trees or near the road. In the first case, you will constantly feel increased moisture; in the second, dust and dirt will constantly clog into the ventilation.
  4. You should not place a mini-sauna closely with other wooden buildings to ensure good fire safety.

Expert opinion

Lovkachev Boris Petrovich

Bath master who knows everything about steaming

Attention! It is equally important when designing to carefully consider the ventilation of a mini-bath. This is necessary not only for the safety of visitors, but also to prevent rot and mold.

Do-it-yourself construction, difficulties

Of course, building a bathhouse yourself is interesting and quite profitable. A frame bathhouse is not a complex project and is unlikely to develop into a long-term construction project. But beginners in construction may encounter a lot of problems when building a frame bathhouse, which may discourage them from deciding to build a bathhouse with their own hands. Let us note the main difficulties that you may encounter during the construction of a bathhouse:

  • Choice of wood . Inexpensive wood is not suitable for a bathhouse. In order for the bathhouse to perform its functions for many years, you need to choose durable wood that has been processed and dried. Low-quality wood is susceptible to insect damage and rot.
  • Good ventilation . A good level of humidity should be maintained in the bathhouse, but insulation should not be used where it interacts with steam or moisture.
  • Subtleties with films . When working with insulation, various membrane materials, vapor barriers, and waterproofing are used. These materials are film, the slightest tears, cuts, joints that are not properly sealed can lead to the insulation getting wet.
  • Nuances of wall insulation. The preferred option is insulation technology from the inside.
  • Choosing insulation for the bathhouse ceiling.

IMPORTANT : if the insulation gets wet, the bathhouse will fill with an unpleasant odor during steaming. A wet insulation stops working . The steam room can only be insulated with neutral or natural materials, which are analyzed in detail here.

If the difficulties of building a frame bathhouse seem insurmountable, then you should turn to professionals and order a ready-made mobile frame bathhouse.

Photo from the website ]Modultron[/anchor]

Construction stages

When building a frame bathhouse on a site with your own hands, there are several main stages:

  • Design . It all depends on imagination and financial capabilities. But only after the project has been developed can we proceed to the next stage.
  • Construction of the foundation . A columnar or pile foundation of 3x4 meters is suitable for a mini-bath. But this foundation is only suitable for a light roof (the insulation of which is not always necessary) and walls. For heavier structures, a block, pile or strip foundation will be required.
  • Laying and insulation of floors . The floor is created in layers: subfloor boards, then roofing felt on which insulation is laid, and then finished floor boards. See about floor insulation in a bathhouse.
  • Construction of walls . Walls can be erected directly on the foundation. The bottom trim, made of strong timber, is well fastened with nails to the corner posts. The same beam can also be used for the top trim. The walls themselves (read about insulation here) are knocked down on the ground, after which they simply rise.
  • Construction of the rafter system . The floor beams are placed on edge and fastened together. The beams are fixed on top with a ridge beam, and the sheathing is laid directly from the ridge. Soft tiles can be used as roofing.
  • Finishing . No matter how simple the design of the bathhouse, finishing can give it a chic and expensive look. The best type of finishing for a frame bath is considered to be lining.
  • Insulation and insulation . The simplest option would be plastic film under the interior trim. If we talk about the steam room, then here you need to use glassine, aluminum foil or vapor barrier film.

Photo ]ModulStroy (Togliatti, Samara)[/anchor]

Construction of a mobile bathhouse

Many people do not know which bathhouse is better: a frame bathhouse or a timber bathhouse. In order to understand this issue, you need to know some manufacturing technologies for this or that design. Let's consider the technology for constructing a frame structure:

Frame mobile sauna

A frame mobile bathhouse is the beginning of construction, this is the binding of the lower crown, for which 100x150 timber is used, pre-treated with an antiseptic solution. The beams are installed strictly according to the level and connected with anchors. Important! The piping is the base of the structure, which will play the role of a foundation, so you need to maintain not only the horizontal, but also check the diagonals. Any wood except birch is suitable for the walls of a frame bath, so it is better not to use it, as it is susceptible to rapid rotting. Larch or pine is used for exterior wall decoration.

Diagram of a mobile sauna made of timber

But the interior decoration can be different, from pine to linden, it all depends on the client’s preferences. It is worth noting that all the material used for the construction of the frame structure of the mobile bathhouse. Must be well dried. You also need to remember that paint releases harmful components at high temperatures, so it is better not to use paint for interior wall decoration.

As soon as the walls are made, work begins on arranging the ceiling, for which the same materials are used that were used for the walls. After this, you can begin laying the floor, which can be of three types:

  • wood - holds heat well, in addition, it is very pleasant to the touch, natural material, the main thing is to properly arrange the drainage of water;

    Diagram of the floor arrangement in a mobile bathhouse

  • concrete is undesirable in a mobile bathhouse, since it is cold and will significantly increase not only the weight of the structure, but also its price. In this case, the concrete floor will have to be finished with ceramic tiles;
  • the floor is made of sheet material, such as OSB or plywood, but this material will have to be additionally treated with special water-repellent compounds. In this case, the plywood should be 18 mm thick, and the OSB should be 24 mm thick.

For a mobile bathhouse, a wooden floor is still preferable. Planed boards look good, they have different shades of color and an aesthetic appearance. As soon as the complete installation of the frame with ceiling and floor is completed, partitions are installed. It is better to make partitions from linden boards; it will give the microclimate of the bathhouse a unique aroma, while also having a healing effect on the body.

Internal layout and arrangement of a wooden mobile bathhouse

Next, you need to provide the necessary communications to the bathhouse: light and water. It is better to invite specialists for this work.

Do not forget that if you make a mistake when doing the wiring yourself, it can cost you dearly; a short circuit can cause a fire.

It is better to entrust the plumbing and sewer system to an experienced plumber who specializes in such work. After completion of all installation work, the necessary structures are installed:

  • stove;
  • the chimney is removed;
  • shelves in the steam room;
  • benches in the washing room;
  • a dressing room is installed, if provided for by the project;
  • The recreation area is being improved.

The sauna is ready, you can try it out right away.

Mobile made of timber

Mobile made of timber - built as quickly as the first option, the difference is in the stages of construction and the specifics of the work.

A transportable timber bathhouse is built in the following stages:

  • Preparing the construction site, for this you need to carry out earthwork to level the soil. Since a mini-sauna made of timber will have a fairly large specific weight, approximately 5 tons, it is worthwhile to equip a minimal foundation for the sauna. Suitable tape, shallow, columnar, or pile-screw;
  • Preparing formwork and framing, pouring concrete, or installing screw piles, it all depends on the wishes of the client. If the terrain on the site is uneven, then the best option would be to install a pile foundation;
  • The log house is delivered to the construction site ready for assembly, and as soon as the foundation hardens, you can begin. The first rows of the log house are treated with an antiseptic. This will allow the structure to last much longer;

    Design and layout of a mobile bathhouse

  • Once the walls are assembled, they are left to shrink;
  • After shrinkage, the floor and ceiling are assembled;
  • Next, the rafter roof is assembled;
  • Then partitions are placed;
  • Fire-resistant material is laid under the stove, and the final cladding of the walls is carried out;
  • A stove is installed, a pipe is brought out, which can be iron, but for safety it is better to make a pipe from brickwork;
  • Shelves are attached in the steam room, light and water are supplied.

At this point, the construction of the mobile bathhouse can be considered complete. In a short time you have become the owner of a place of relaxation and relaxation.

What is the service?

Many companies in the construction market provide such a service as a turnkey frame mobile bathhouse. The customer contacts such a company and it undertakes all stages of construction, from the design to the installation of a bathhouse on the site. In this case, the customer is only required to pay for the company’s services and wait for the construction of the bathhouse on his site, after which he can use the bathhouse for his own pleasure.


A short video with a customer review allows you to get an idea of ​​the service.

Advantages of buying ready-made

  • The finished bathhouse is created in production, so the customer does not have to monitor workers on site, remove garbage or give them a lunch break.
  • A ready-made structure will be delivered to the site, which will be ready for use .
  • The customer saves his most important resource - time . After all, building a bathhouse yourself can take months, but a frame bathhouse ordered turnkey will be delivered within a week.
  • When ordering a finished bathhouse, you can choose any, even quite complex, project , which is not limited by anything other than the customer’s imagination.

Manufacturers' offers on the market

Among the offers on the market there are several main types:

  • A bathhouse made of foam blocks is an inexpensive option that guarantees the customer durability and reliability of the structure. A separate article is devoted to the insulation of bathhouse walls made of different types of blocks.
  • A mobile sauna is a simple structure, more like a tent. This design is compact and easily fits in the car. It is in great demand among travelers, lovers of long fishing or hiking.
  • A sauna on wheels is a classic sauna built on a platform with wheels. Baths of this type are often purchased to provide couple services.
  • Barrel sauna - has a barrel shape and, once installed on the site, can no longer be transported (but it can also be mobile). It looks very impressive and gives complete comfort.

Advantages of ordering a ready-made mobile sauna

If you do not have the opportunity to build a mobile sauna yourself, then you can turn to specialists by choosing a suitable company. Usually such companies have ready-made designs for mobile baths, but you can express your wishes and they will make it for you individually. Also, in most cases, from such companies you can purchase ready-to-install mobile baths.

When ordering a ready-made mobile sauna you receive:

  1. Bathhouse project for free.
  2. The company will deliver and install a sauna on your site.
  3. There is no need to carry out earthworks to prepare the construction site.
  4. Guarantee for work performed.
  5. The work will be carried out in the shortest possible time.
  6. When installing a ready-made bathhouse, there is no need to leave the timber to shrink.

You can order a bathhouse by phone or online, and the manager will give detailed advice on purchasing and installing a mobile bathhouse.

How not to be deceived when ordering and purchasing

When purchasing a frame bath, you should pay attention to the following:

  • Frame material - it must be well dried and made of wood with a low thermal conductivity threshold.
  • Shelf material - shelves in the steam room should be made of deciduous trees - aspen or linden. See other options here.
  • Stove - the heat-resistant steel from which the stove is made must contain at least 13% chromium. Read more about metal stoves.
  • Windows - the windows in the bathhouse are double glazed. Find out more about windows.
  • Electrics - the entire electrical part of the bath must be in a high-temperature and moisture-proof version.
  • Manufacturer - professionals in their field must have a proven reputation. This applies not only to the bathhouse manufacturer, but also to the seller.

Frame baths have many positive reviews. This design is simple, but at the same time durable. And in general, a bathhouse is a great place for a great time, good rest and personal wellness, which can be achieved with the right choice of stones for the stove.

Questions and answers

Does it make sense to overpay when buying a mini-bath for an attractive appearance?

If it is necessary to fit the building into the overall landscape, then, of course, it is worth buying baths with a corresponding appearance. Otherwise, such an overpayment will be unnecessary.

Where is the best place to place a mini-sauna on the site?

It is best to place it where it is easy to connect communications. This will save money and simplify the project. But you should definitely pay attention to other points described in the article.

What material is best to order a mini-bath in the shape of a barrel?

Cedar will be the best option in terms of price and comfort.

Which of the recommended insulation materials is best to choose for lining a bathhouse?

It all depends on your budget and design. The quantity and quality of insulation is also directly affected by the climatic conditions of the mini-bath.

What type of boards is best to take for building or purchasing a mini-sauna?

The most durable will be rounded logs or profiled timber. They are treated with special compounds and made from high-quality wood.

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