One of the most vital requirements for a roof at all times is fire safety.
The foundation is the basis of the building. It depends on it, in particular, how long the construction will last. Proper preparation
The most popular finishing material for a bathhouse is lining; it is made from aspen, alder, pine,
Firewood and coal remain the most accessible types of fuel in many regions, with the help of which
An important part in the construction and decoration of a bathhouse is the arrangement of the dressing room. Dressing room - a room connecting
Going to the bathhouse is a whole ritual! The bath ritual includes an extensive action, for which
Photo from the site Turkish steam room hamam - one of the most useful and popular
“It’s a shame you don’t like baths, you fool!” - Galina smiled playfully and ran away
The comfort of staying in a bath apartment depends not only on the design of the heater or ventilation, but also
The fact that the floor in the bathhouse should be moisture-resistant, not subject to rotting and warm