Correct installation of socket boxes: how to secure them, how to power them and connect them? Installation instructions for concrete, plasterboard and brick
This information may be useful to anyone who has ever encountered or will encounter the installation of socket boxes. Let's describe
Bath traditions or why linden is so good for a bath
Features Linden has technical characteristics comparable to aspen. It belongs to hardwood
What equipment is needed for an infrared sauna - types of heaters
Infrared emitter for sauna Hello, dear readers! Today we’ll talk about “fashionable and useful things”...
How to cover a roof with ondulin: a master class on creating a high-quality roof
When you need to cover the roof of a gazebo, workshop, or house with not the strongest walls, preference
Original design of a barrel-shaped bathhouse
Do-it-yourself sauna barrel from boards - how to make it on a site from boards and logs
Advantages and disadvantages of a barrel bath Before you start looking for a solution to the question of how to make
Which wire to use for baths and saunas: do-it-yourself wiring diagram
Installation of electrical wiring in saunas and baths is one of the most important stages in the construction of this irreplaceable
Dome bath
The dome bath is the ancestor of the steam rooms! Features of the construction of a spherical health resort!
The unusual and in some ways even unconventional form of the bathhouse building evokes light steam among admirers
How to properly fasten rafters: fastening to the mauerlat, ceiling, wall
The strength of a roof is the total strength and quality of all its constituent elements: rafters, beams,
If you want to lose weight, run to the bathhouse and sweat! The best ways to quickly lose weight in a steam room
I warmly greet you, dear friends! This article is largely addressed to the fair half of humanity,
Aerated concrete or foam block: comparing competing building materials
Beton-House com Website about concrete: construction, characteristics, design. We combine the experience of professionals and private craftsmen
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