Wood carving - types, tools and photos of drawings for beginners

Author: darkdreamer · Published 04/10/2018 · Updated 04/11/2018

You can decorate the interior in different ways, but if we are talking about a bath room, then there is no better option than wood carving. This technique has been widely used for many years, but it has no intention of losing its relevance. For a simple reason: the resulting works are incredibly attractive and fit organically into the overall style of the room. The best examples of wood carvings for a bathhouse with a lot of photos are in this material.

Which wood is best to work with?

Before you get down to business, of course, you need to decide on the type of wood species that is best to deal with. soft-type species . They are flexible and will allow you to reduce the risk of error to a minimum.

If you already have some experience in wood carving, then you can choose a harder wood : birch, beech, apple tree, ash, acacia, etc.

Mistakes and how to avoid them

It takes a lot of time to master carving. And it goes not only to learning how to work with a tool, but also to coping with the consequences of failures and mistakes that are made due to inexperience.

Professionals advise paying attention to these “little things” that can ruin the final result:

  • Only well-dried wood should be used.
  • You should not hastily delve into the surface of the workpiece; all movements should be made smoothly and with minimal pressure on the tool.
  • It is necessary to take into account the specifics of different types of wood, having studied it additionally, with different types of wood and you need to work differently.
  • You can’t start working without a sketch; a beginner should give up improvising.
  • You can’t grab onto everything at once and try to complete complex tasks; you need to gradually move from the simplest tasks to more complex ones.

Thematic groups of images

Bath panels made using wood carving are distinguished by a fairly impressive variety of motifs. Ultimately, the choice of topic depends on the relevant experience of the person undertaking the process. By the way, if you decide to equip a hammam in your bathhouse, then ornamental oriental motifs will fit perfectly as decor. It all depends on your imagination - although you can choose a ready-made sketch.

  1. bath motifs;
  2. abstract patterns;
  3. geometric contours;
  4. inscriptions;
  5. flowers;
  6. alcoholic drinks, etc.

Process Features

Most often, special plates are prepared for wood carving. They are given the desired shape using an ordinary chisel . As a starting material, you can take an ordinary board and cut it in full accordance with your idea.

The drawing itself can be applied to wood with a simple pencil. You can take a ready-made sketch or drawing, or you can come up with your own. Or borrow someone else's idea, but with your own twist. Then you will end up with a completely original work that claims to be unique.

After the design is completed, it is necessary to thoroughly sand the plate, apply a stain that gives an interesting relief, and then completely varnish the surface. On average, one job will take you no more than 4-6 hours. Provided that you have certain skills in working with wood, of course.

Types of thread

There are many techniques for processing wood, with the help of which craftsmen create real works of art from it.

As such, a strict classification has not yet been created, but conditionally all techniques can be divided into several types.

Flat socket carving: a flat wooden surface acts as a background. The pattern is formed using notches of various shapes.

Flat grooved threads are:

  • Geometric has a pattern in the form of a bizarre combination of various geometric shapes.
  • Contour forms a pattern in the form of a rigidly drawn outline, as if pressed into the surface.

Flat-relief carving highlights a convex pattern on a background deepened with the help of a tool.

Flat relief carving can be:

  • Oval - the pattern on it is located in the shape of an oval, often filling the entire space of the canvas with small recesses.
  • With a selected background, a large ornament appears against the background of the space scraped out by the tool.

Relief carving: three-dimensional paintings, practically devoid of a flat background.

Relief carving can be:

  • The bas-relief has protruding figures of medium height (about half of their volume).
  • High relief - the background is deeply recessed, the figures are very voluminous and protrude greatly.
  • “Tatyanka” - a convex pattern fills the entire space of the product, the elements merge, turning into each other (usually the theme is botanical).

The slotted thread can have the appearance of flat-relief or relief. The pattern is made by completely removing wood fragments and leaving through voids between the elements of the pattern.

The slotted thread is:

  • Openwork: has protruding parts combined with cut holes, widely used for decorating furniture sets in the Baroque and Rococo styles.
  • Overlay: made up of figures cut through and with protruding elements, processed only on the front side.

Sculptural carving - the depicted objects are separated from the background and represent a full-fledged sculpture.

House carving is the creation of elements used to decorate wooden buildings.

Large selection of sketches, drawings and finished works

These works will decorate even the most modest rest room in the bathhouse and bring the necessary amount of comfort to it. Try it!

Advantages and Benefits

Wooden signs are a good decoration for a bath room. They not only create a cheerful atmosphere and decorate the bathhouse, but also have practical benefits. Their original appearance can give the bath an original look. Below are the advantages and benefits :

  1. For example, they can indicate where the steam room and any other room is located. This function is especially relevant if the bathhouse has a large area or simply does not have a standard layout.
  2. They give the room a complete look and act as decor. It's no secret that beauty is in the little things. Signs for the bath and other small interior items not only create beauty and comfort in the bath, but also give it a complete look. In addition, they create a special atmosphere.
  3. I hide my shortcomings. Construction is a rather complex process that requires a lot of attention and precision. It is very difficult to build a house without a single defect or unevenness. In this sense, the bathhouse is no exception. Bath signs will help hide all present defects and shortcomings.

How to master wood carving skills

Do you want to master wood carving techniques for beginners? It makes sense to purchase special kits that include all the items necessary for work.

Wood carving tools

The kit includes a sketch of the future picture that you will cut out. When purchasing, you can choose the episode you want. Such suggestions will start an interesting and creative process.

As a rule, instructions with step-by-step guidance are included. You only need to carefully read the working conditions, and then strictly follow the prescribed rules. Mastering new technology turns into an exciting process.

Purchasing ready-made kits will provide the following benefits:

  • You don't have to purchase additional tools.
  • You will avoid having to select a pattern.
  • The kit includes material intended for applying the image.
  • A detailed guide will allow you to independently master this interesting technique.

Set of materials for wood carving

With the acquisition of your first experience, you acquire initial skills in working with wood. Gradually, an interest and desire to engage in creativity appears. Wonderful opportunities open up before you to stylishly decorate your own apartment or house.

Gradually, a passion for creativity can develop into a professional stage. You will be able to master a new specialty that will allow you to start your own business or open a personal workshop.

Proper preparation of instruments

If you decide to learn wood carving for beginners on your own, then you need to purchase a minimum set of tools. Such a collection usually includes:

1.A variety of knives to bring your ideas to life.

Special knives for wood carving

2. Special jigsaws or chisels necessary to complete the job.

Set of wood chisels

3. An electric drill will come in handy.

Drill for woodworking

4.Drills of different sizes.

Feather drills for woodworking

5. Special bars that greatly facilitate the work process.

Special bars for wood carving

A minimal set of tools will allow you to start mastering a new technology for performing work. Gradually, if you want to engage in serious manufacturing of large-sized items, a milling machine and drill will become a useful acquisition.

Wood Milling Machine

Such machines will allow you to engage in wood carving at a professional level. It is also necessary to stock up on spoon cutters that allow you to make objects of a certain shape.

Spoon cutters for wood

When purchasing wood carving tools for beginners, look for quality. You need items that are designed to last.

Selecting material for work

You need to prepare materials that will allow you to bring your desired sketches and compositions to life. You should know that tree species are divided into 2 types: soft species and hard species.

Soft materials include wood such as linden, juniper, aspen, pine or birch. This variety allows you to get a drawing practically without much effort. You will be able to hone the necessary movements on soft trees.

antique solid wood furniture

Antique solid pine table and benches to order. Table size made of aged wood 200 cm * 90 cm. Height 75 cm. Cost 19,000. Benches seat height 48 cm, width 40 cm, length 200 cm. Cost 9,000 RUR pcs. You can buy a set of furniture for 30,000 rubles. Wood processing allows this furniture to be used outdoors or indoors.

Gaining initial experience

If you are just starting to master wood carving technology, then it makes sense to prepare a minimum set of tools. For this stage, it is recommended to choose soft grade wood.

Linden or birch will provide excellent opportunities. You also need wood carving for beginner sketching. Choose a simple composition that allows you to hone the necessary movements.

Simple sketches for wood carving

An excellent solution would be to purchase a special set consisting of a sketch, a tool and a wooden blank. In the set you will also find instructions that will allow you to start mastering an interesting process.

This technology is fun, so interest arises. Each product becomes more and more accurate. Gradually you will be able to move on to more complex projects.

Choice of material quality

You need to select wood in accordance with the pattern you want to get. Experienced craftsmen advise beginners to master wood carving on birch.

This material is characterized by extraordinary softness, therefore it makes it easy to create an ornament. The advantages of birch are:

  • Possibility of cutting in various directions.
  • Excellent pliability.
  • This material is easy to drill.
  • There is a possibility of simple cutting.

When you want to refresh the interior of a room and don’t have any special ideas, there is the opportunity to purchase or make a carved wood panel. Such a masterpiece will delight you for many years. He will help you bring almost any creative fantasy to life. The main thing is to be patient and have the necessary materials.

So, if you decide to make a panel out of wood, then you need to carefully consider the design, its size and how it will fit into the design. It all depends on the functional purpose of the room. Let's consider all the nuances.

Features of use in the interior

Furniture and interior items made using a similar technique are most often used in classical styles (Baroque, Empire, Victorian), adding pomp, celebration and special charm to the premises. Interiors in ethno styles (African, Japanese, Moroccan) require individual techniques and carving patterns that will ideally highlight national characteristics. Decorative wood processing is used to finish any elements:

  • railings - balustrades, carved elegant balusters and handrails made of relief wood will add individuality and noble luxury to the interior;

  • carved pilasters and columns - in ancient times acted as core parts of structures supporting upper structures. Today it is an impressive indoor decor;

  • wooden consoles - used for decorating walls and ceilings. Alternatively, they can be used in finishing furniture and doors;

  • wooden carved rosettes, with the help of which it is convenient and practical to join the platbands. In addition, such rosettes are used to decorate fireplaces, doors, and coffered ceilings;

  • carved wood trim is an excellent decorative element not only for window and door openings, but also for mirrors and wall panels. A striking example of use is picture frames, which are an indispensable element of the Victorian-style interior;

  • carved wooden baguettes are an intermediate part between the ceiling and the wall. Such baguettes look much richer and more noble than their polyurethane counterparts;

  • carved wooden cornices – give the interior stylistic and aesthetic completeness;
  • carved wooden friezes - used in decorating pieces of furniture and for patterned edging of ceilings and walls;

  • carved wooden corners will become the highlight of the room, adding exclusivity and charm to it.

More examples of souvenirs and crafts made of carved wood are presented in the following photos.

The art of wood carving is a wonderful way to create something special in your home. After all, this technique allows you not only to create stunning exclusive souvenir items, but also to use it in the decorative design of furniture in classic interiors.

Do-it-yourself carved wood panel: manufacturing stages

Carving a wood panel with your own hands is an interesting and creative process that almost everyone can do. The main thing that novice craftsmen need to learn is the correct choice of pattern. For the first work, it is better to prefer a simple pattern that will be easy to perform.

So, let's look at the main steps:

  • First, you should sketch the drawing on paper, and then copy it onto a flat wooden surface of the required size.
  • Using a special knife, we begin to cut out the details of the future craft.
  • Then we cover the finished product with stain and sand it with sandpaper.

So, with the help of simple manipulations, it is possible to get an original wooden panel that can be hung in any room. Of course, for beginners there are difficulties in cutting out parts, which is why you should give preference to simple and easy patterns. It is also recommended to use a knife with a single-sided sharpening.

It is very important to protect your fingers from possible paresis while working.

So, the wooden panel is ready - it’s time to hang it on the wall and enjoy the result of your creativity.

Workshop on the knee

In this section we make signs for the bathhouse with our own hands. If wooden signs carved for a bathhouse are a rather banal thing and their production is directly related to the hardness of the carver’s hand and certain carpentry skills, then you can make a copper tablet in a more pragmatic way. We don't need a cutter or unnecessary body movements. Citric acid will do all this for us.

This method comes from radio amateurs who have long used copper etching in the manufacture of printed circuit boards.

So, what do we need to make a wonderful copper plate:

  1. Copper plate, 0.8 - 1.2 mm thick.
  2. 60 grams of food grade citric acid, 10 grams of table salt, 200 ml. hydrogen peroxide from the nearest pharmacy.
  3. A glass or plastic container of sufficient capacity.
  4. Warm soap solution to neutralize the acidic environment on the plate after the etching process is completed.

What is good about this method:

  • Does not leave dirty spots or streaks on the surface of the sign;
  • It is characterized by a high degree of process progress, even at room temperature; to further accelerate the reaction, the mixture can be carefully heated in a water bath to 60 - 65 degrees Celsius;
  • During its course there are no extraneous unpleasant odors, and the solution remaining after the reaction can be disposed of in the city sewer;
  • The composition is safe for clothing and skin, although this circumstance does not eliminate the safety requirements when handling chemicals in domestic conditions;
  • Finally, this is the cheapest and most accessible method of chemical etching of copper at home.

We note the sequence of actions:

  1. We look for a suitable drawing or inscription and make a sketch on paper, according to the specific dimensions of the future sign.
  2. We degrease the copper plate with acetone, dry it and carefully coat both sides with a one-component polyurethane varnish.
  3. Using a thin metal rod, we scratch the varnish coating to the surface of the copper, transferring the outline of the future plate to the surface. It should be understood that the open areas will react and be etched in depth relative to the original plane of the plate. The areas protected by the varnish mask will remain in their original form. For ease of work, you can prepare several improvised scribers with different shapes of the working part: round, flat, trimmed, etc.
  4. We immerse the prepared workpiece in the solution and monitor the progress of the reaction by the release of bubbles. The time spent in the solution is determined by the degree of etching of the pattern and is determined individually based on the result obtained.
  5. At the end of the process, the plate is removed from the solution and thoroughly washed in a warm soapy solution, and then under running water. The varnish coating is removed mechanically.
  6. If it is necessary to obtain a more textured surface of the plate, it can be lightly sautéed over the gas burner of a kitchen oven, and then sanded with sandpaper with a grit of 240 units.

Advantages of carved wood panels

A carved wood panel is a great addition to any interior. You can purchase it ready-made or order it, or you can do it yourself.

Work done together brings people together, so psychologists recommend making panels together with children.

The process itself is very exciting and interesting, but for beginners it is labor-intensive. However, it is worth it, because wooden products will delight your eye for many years. This is the main advantage of this product.

Original carved panel on the wall

You can make a carved panel on the wall yourself using the necessary supplies, following just a few simple rules.

When choosing a picture, you should take into account the design of the room in which the picture will be located.

A ship can be considered a universal option. It is a symbol of success, prosperity and it will fit into almost any interior. However, you can bring any ideas to life, as long as they are within your capabilities, since it will be difficult for novice craftsmen to perform complex patterns.

So, the basic rules that you should rely on when making panels:

  • The board must be absolutely flat, without cracks and must be sanded.
  • When copying a drawing onto a tablet, it is advisable to very clearly outline the outline. This will make your work easier in the future.
  • In order to cut out the edges of the workpiece, it is more convenient to use a special powered machine. However, if you don’t have one, you can use a regular wood knife.

Beginners also need to remember that all wood carving tools are very sharp and the risk of injury is high. After the painting is ready, it can be sanded, stained or painted.

Instructions for making bath panels using a burner

Very often, the natural texture of wood becomes the basis for applying a design using a burner. If you do not have special artistic abilities, we recommend doing the work in this order:

  1. We transfer the desired pattern onto the block using carbon paper and a simple pencil.
  2. We use a burner to repeat the outline of the design.
  3. We cover the surface with colorless varnish in several layers.
  4. We fix the galvanized fastening part at the back.

To draw a bright, contrasting line, you need to press the tool harder. Draw secondary lines with moderate pressure. Make essays with light movements.

Carved panel for a bathhouse: options for blanks

You can make a carved panel for a bathhouse with your own hands, following the instructions described above. Since many rooms of this type are made of wood, a carved painting will fit into it best.

If desired, you can choose a marine style or any other to your taste. You can depict celestial bodies, silhouettes, fairy-tale characters and much more.

First, you can look at the images in the photo. However, it is worth remembering that for carving you need to use only solid wood, since it is not afraid of either high temperatures or changes in humidity.

What are they made from?

Modern technologies make it possible to use a wide variety of materials for the production and manufacture of such bath interior items.


Plastic is increasingly becoming part of the everyday life of modern people. This is partly good, but in the case of a bathhouse, not so much. Plastic and polymer masses under conditions of elevated ambient temperatures can be deformed, and in some cases, release volatile substances into the space, which can pose a certain threat to the health of those present. At the same time, such products are inexpensive, accessible, and can have a wide variety of colors, shapes and textures.

Although, frankly speaking, plastic frankly makes the perception of the classic decoration of a traditional bathhouse somewhat atypical and primitive. Therefore, it is better to leave it for decorating the entrance doors of office and industrial buildings. Somewhat indirectly in the line of plastics is the so-called plexiglass or acrylate. This is a transparent material that visually resembles glass, but is more resistant to destruction.


Glass signs look much more presentable compared to plastic ones. They are not as easy to scratch as acrylate ones, they do not acquire a yellowish tint when exposed to ultraviolet radiation, and do not deform when heated, but they are destroyed by direct mechanical impact. We admit that glass elements are perceived quite alienly in a Russian bathhouse with its overwhelming wooden interior. In the line of baths in the world, only the eastern bathhouse - the hammam - organically allows glass into its interior space, because even the hammam doors, in the vast majority of cases, are glass.

Natural and artificial stone

Such products look expensive, solid and are not affected by high temperature and humidity. The last circumstance is very important in the conditions of an oriental bath, where humidity often approaches 100%. Among the disadvantages of such products, it is worth noting, first of all, the high cost of raw materials and the complexity of processing, which implies the manufacture of such products almost exclusively in specialized and properly equipped enterprises.


Iron is prone to corrosion in high humidity conditions and requires either a protective chemical coating or painting. Metal signs for the bathhouse, which will be located outside, are good. They can be quite massive and decorated with forged elements, which will give them additional charm, color and ambiance. Inside, you can use elements made of stainless steel, bronze, copper, brass, titanium and aluminum.

If stainless steel and aluminum can bring some elements of government into the interior, just remember the office doors of Soviet clinics, research institutes and executive committees, then copper and bronze products look much better. Undoubtedly, they are expensive, especially when the body of the product is solid and made by casting with inherent decorative elements.

Attention! Copper, bronze, and all other metal signs should be used with caution in areas with high temperatures. The high thermal conductivity and heat capacity of metals can cause burns if there is direct contact between the body and such an object.


Wooden sauna signs are a classic of the genre. To what does it owe such a flattering assessment:

  • Wooden blanks are available and inexpensive. From different types of wood, you can perfectly combine elements and obtain products with different appearance, texture and properties. Let’s say an oak sign would be appropriate in a relaxation room, a linden sign in a steam room, a larch sign in the entrance, an alder sign in the washing room, and so on;
  • Wood goes well with the interior of the bathhouse;
  • Wood lends itself perfectly to processing even with hand tools from the arsenal of a home craftsman. It is beautifully decorated in such ways as toning, passivation and others;
  • Some types of wood are quite durable even in difficult conditions of the bath atmosphere;
  • Products made from such raw materials are resistant to mechanical damage, and operational defects can be easily eliminated with minor cosmetic repairs.
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