Buleryan stoves: reviews. "Buleryan" with a water circuit: user reviews

I have already presented a comparative review of various heating stoves, which, as practice shows, are in the most active demand among Russian consumers. However, individual designs of furnace devices require additional review. And dialogue with the consumer. This is the domestic Breneran stove - there is a special interest in it. You can read more about its structure here, and also watch the video. In this article I want to focus not so much on the advantages of the stove (they will tell you about them in advertising!), but on some of the nuances that real consumers themselves pay attention to.

Russian-made oven ↑

Breneran belongs to long-burning convection ovens

In fact, this stove can only conditionally be considered our own domestic development. Because it is an almost complete copy of the Canadian popular Buleryan stove. But nonetheless…

So, a few words about “Breneran”. And first, about ovens of this type - convection ovens.

The vast majority of modern metal stoves offered on the market have the same principle. Almost all of these devices are convection. Double-hull: inside there is a firebox, often with an afterburner chamber. Flue gases exit into a special smoke pipe at the rear. This makes combustion easier to control by limiting the air flow. The famous Russian stove is built on this principle.

Dacha all year round!

Hi all! Today my review is dedicated to the stove Breneran (Buleryan) AOT-06 type 00 stove with one burner.

We decided to buy a stove for the dacha so that we could come to the dacha all year round. I chose and chose, then settled on the Breneran (Buleryan) brand, since there were the least number of negative reviews.

We arrived at the stoves and fireplaces store, the stove looked very impressive, I liked it! We bought a stove (about 11 tr) + all the pipes (the same amount came out).

We edited it ourselves, YouTube and Google, as they say, help!!

The design of the stove is made in such a way that the pipes from below can absorb cold air, and heating it, ensure air circulation throughout the room. The stove heats the house quite quickly. The stove burns wood for a long time, that is, you only need to add firewood once every 6 hours (as the manufacturer claims, it’s certainly not enough for 8-10 hours). But compared to the “potbelly stove”, which needs to be refilled every 2 hours, this is simply paradise!

Now about the area for which the stove is designed. It is stated for a room volume of 100 m³.

At first, our stove was located in a room of about 41 m³, it warmed up the room very quickly, even in frosty weather of -25 degrees it was possible to walk around half-naked. But when the stove reached its maximum temperature, it was difficult to stay in the room.

At the moment, the stove is in a room of about 72 m³, of course it takes a little longer to warm up, but literally after a couple of hours the whole room warms up quite evenly, we run around barefoot and in T-shirts. The heater would definitely not be able to cope with such a volume.

Regarding the stove, I personally tried to cook something on the stove, but somehow it didn’t work out for me, it seemed a bit long to me, and I definitely won’t stand over the stove and wait! Although in the future I’ll try to cook something else in a cauldron, I might like it :) At the moment, water is heated on the stove, a bucket of water heats up quickly enough, and always finds use in everyday life!

And the savings have not been canceled; energy costs are reduced significantly.

No cons as such were found. Of course, there are nuances associated with the stove, let’s say you are going to some kind of buffet, but in the house with the stove there is still the smell of wood, so things may also smell a little like wood. But here it is important to differentiate between your social status, your leisure time, etc.

Pros : Good furnace efficiency; Quickly heats up the room; Adding firewood every 6 hours; Made of steel; Availability of a comforter; Saves energy costs.

Cons : Requires quite a lot of space to install.

Result : We are very pleased with the stove, we have never regretted the money spent. In operation for about 4 years. I recommend to buy!

For residents of private houses, there is an alternative to traditional types of heating - solid fuel stove equipment, used in places inaccessible for gas connections or as an addition to other types of devices to save energy. The recognized leader among the products of this class presented on the national market are the Breneran brand stoves, produced under a Canadian license in Russia, which evoke extremely positive reviews from their owners.

Advantages and disadvantages

Easy-to-use Breneran equipment is used for heating houses and baths, industrial premises and hangars. The reason for this popularity was its inherent qualities:

  • high efficiency and cost-effectiveness;
  • autonomy of Breneran operation, regardless of the presence of gas or oil products;
  • as reviews show, the stoves function equally well on any type of solid fuel;
  • uniform heat distribution throughout the entire volume of the room;
  • compactness and ease of maintenance of the furnace;
  • Efficiency can reach 80%, power regulation is provided.

A unifying collector could improve the situation ↑

Heating of the room occurs to a large extent due to the radiation of heat from the surface of the stove. So if the stove is located in an insulated room, and the neighboring ones are heated by supplying warm air through pipes, the heat loss will be quite noticeable. On this basis, experts advise that the first step is to put a special casing on the stove, create a connecting manifold, and only then separate the pipes from it. There are no such oven options in serial production; they are made to order, but this is also not a cheap pleasure.

Advantages and disadvantages

Please note that the device runs on wood. For this reason, when selecting different options for an available type of heating, you should take into account the price of such fuel in your region. As a rule, firewood within the city is expensive and using such a system will not be an economically beneficial solution for you. If you live in an area where firewood as fuel is inexpensive, then the Buleryan-Aqua long-burning wood boiler will be your salvation. When performing heating work, this system operates on convection and heat exchange, which occur due to the cyclic circulation of water vapor, which leads to good heating.


  1. Considering that the circulation of steam in this system is very dynamic, the room is heated not only quickly, but also evenly.

  2. The design features are such that, thanks to them, it is possible to heat both a one-story and a two-story house with equal efficiency.

  3. During the working process, the boiler will not heat up, which will ensure that there is no oxygen burnout in the room where it exists.
  4. There is a two-chamber combustion here. Products that are not completely burned enter the secondary chamber and burn to ashes. This will not only help improve fuel efficiency, but will also minimize the formation of combustion solids.
  5. The door is tightly closed, which eliminates the possibility of sparks forming during the combustion process and provides a guarantee against fires at the installation site.
  6. Simplicity of installation work. The main condition is that the distance to the nearest wall is at least half a meter.
  7. And the most important feature and advantage of the system is that it does not require external communications to operate.


The cost of purchasing fuel can be high.

  1. When using certain types of firewood, the chimney pipes may become clogged.
  2. To use this heating system effectively, you need to learn how to use the operating mode in which there will be slow combustion (smoldering) of the fuel.
  3. There is no guarantee that without a special antifreeze liquid, the heating system will not freeze in severe frost.
  4. Installing such a heating system is quite complex and expensive.

How to remove condensation ↑

There is another known problem that is associated with the operation of Breneran. Its smoke pipe, as you know, is located on the wall of the stove at the back. A tee is mounted here - a chimney pipe is connected to it. At the bottom there is a glass plug for condensate. This design does not have the required tightness. And this is a problem, because condensation inevitably and steadily enters the air, which is not good. Some craftsmen adapt their own solutions, making sealed containers to collect condensate, while others remove it from the room using pipe devices. In short, we have to innovate as best we can, because the market, alas, does not offer ready-made solutions.

Consumer reviews about the Buleryan Country stove (type 00)

“Buleryan Country” has good reviews. Most buyers loved this model for its versatility. You can easily load firewood and coal into it. At the same time, this stove has good performance and is capable of heating a room with a volume of up to 100 cubic meters. m. Additionally, it should be taken into account that the power of this model is 6 kW.

This “Buleryan” boiler also receives good reviews because its doors are very comfortable. Additionally, many were pleased with the compactness of the model. Its height is 700 mm, width - 480 mm, and depth - 685 mm. In this case, the total weight of the stove is 65 kg. The diameter of the chimney, in turn, is quite significant and amounts to as much as 120 mm. The oven body itself is made of durable steel. In addition to firewood and coal, sawdust, briquettes, and peat can be loaded into the chamber. Taking this into account, this Buleryan stove generally receives good reviews from customers.

"Aqua-Breneran" ↑

Breneran stoves are known in several standard sizes, depending on the volume of the premises. To connect the water circuit, a model called “Aqua-Breneran” is offered. The disadvantage of this model can be considered the presence of a so-called “cold core”, which further cools the flue gases, which leads to worse draft in the pipe, promoting even more intense condensation formation. “Aqua-Breneran” needs to be heated more intensively. Consequently, the duration of operation of the furnace on one load of fuel is shorter.

Customers' opinions

“I don’t go to the dacha very often, and therefore I didn’t pay for connecting to the gas pipeline, I decided to buy a Breneran wood stove, which I don’t regret. Inexpensive and powerful enough for a small area (I have about 60 m2). They delivered it and installed it quickly, although we had to tinker a little with the chimney. After turning on the stove for the first time, as was written in the reviews, an unpleasant smell appeared in the room, but later there were no such problems. Now, when I arrive in a cold house before the weekend, I fire it up and it takes less than an hour to warm up. Then I switch it to gasification mode and add firewood twice a day.”

Vladimir, Yaroslavl.

“It’s illogical to live in an eco-friendly wooden house and heat it with gas. My husband and I, after reading reviews about the Aqua Breneran stove, bought the AOT-16 model, for which we ordered a casing. It turned out quite stylish and original. Easily connected to water heating pipes, the fuel supply lasts for 6–7 hours. I’m happy that you can throw almost anything into the oven; my husband even used broken furniture. The main thing is that the wood is dry, otherwise condensation will flow straight down the chimney. I had to put in a jar. I consider it a disadvantage that Breneran’s design does not immediately provide a container for collecting moisture.”

Lyudmila, Smolensk.

“I like to steam, I built a sauna and installed a heater. According to reviews, it most closely matched my wishes, and the prices for Breneran sauna stoves turned out to be quite affordable. Compact dimensions made it possible to install it in a corner. For my 6.5 m2 area, one full bookmark is enough to steam without haste. The temperature rises to 100 ºС quite quickly - in a little more than an hour. I've been using it for almost 2 years. There were no problems the whole time."

Oleg Mikhailov, Belgorod.

“I set up a workshop in the shed, I got a lot of orders, so last summer I decided to install a stove so that it would be comfortable to work in the winter. I bought a compact Breneran for 9,000 rubles. I had to cover it with iron sheets on all sides, since I work with wood and am afraid of fire. At first, a lot of soot accumulated in the chimney; we had to clean the chimney almost every week. When I started throwing in dry wood, it got much better. I tried burning sawdust. They burn well, but they are used up too quickly.”

Alexander Belinsky, Saratov.

“I made the chimney for Breneran according to the instructions for the stove, fortunately, it details both the diameters of the pipes and the desired dimensions. I ran it in in the fall and it functioned without any problems. When installing it yourself, it is better to make the chimney a little higher: at a certain wind direction, the draft in the stove disappears and smoke appears. When it gets warmer, you'll have to lengthen it. In addition, black condensate with an unpleasant odor sometimes flows through the pipe; according to experts, this is due to insufficient thermal insulation of the pipes. But all the wooden waste from my production went into business. In general, I don’t know how to do it for the house, but for the utility room I need to bake a stove.”

Igor, Moscow.

“I purchased Breneran with a water circuit in 2013. In the third season of use, problems began, namely, it began to leak from the inside. At first one outlet had to be opened because there was a leak inside the firebox, then on the other side there was the same problem. It is not clear how the pipes could burn out if there is water in them. But has the metal become thinner in the same places on different pipes? the service life is very short.”

Alexander, St. Petersburg.

The lineup

The manufacturer offers equipment in several directions, differing in design features, but using the general principle of additional convection, which, according to reviews from owners, allows saving up to 50% of firewood:

1. Gas generator furnaces are the basic version of Breneran products. They are available both simple and with a hob, which additionally provides the ability to cook food.

2. Bath equipment can be used both in sauna mode and to create wet steam. It is distinguished by the presence of a compartment in which special stones weighing from 100 to 160 kg are placed, and the technical characteristics of Breneran sauna stoves provide for use in a steam room with a volume of 15 to 25 m3. Models are available both in a regular metal case and in a grille or cladding.

3. For water heating, Aqua or Aquaten stoves are offered, which provide heating due to the circulation of heated coolant. The Breneran is connected to the pipes containing it, the water is heated between the double walls of the furnace and fed into the radiators.

4. Fireplaces operate on solid dry fuel, have a stylish design and can be installed in cottages or apartments.

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