Making a log bathhouse into a bowl: general information. Advantages and disadvantages of the method
Log house in a bowl Hello, inquisitive amateur builders! Today there are several types of manual house cutting and
Photo sauna with heater
What types of baths exist and the differences between them
A lot has been said about the Russian bath, such fabulous descriptions are given that it even becomes strange:
We build cottage buildings from wooden pallets
Baths and saunas are beginning to gain particular popularity. After all, they can be used not only for
Camping sauna - how to organize, features, useful tips
The strongest argument that supporters of organized recreation use in disputes with “savage” tourists is
How to make a wooden frame pool with your own hands
We make a frame pool with our own hands from scrap materials and take advantage of the opportunity to swim during
How to insulate an attic with mineral wool from the inside with your own hands: installation technology
How to insulate an attic with mineral wool from the inside with your own hands: installation technology
To make the attic floor not only warm, but most importantly – problem-free, you need, first of all,
We select and build a foundation for a bathhouse made of foam blocks: depth, types. How not to collapse a building
A reliable and high-quality foundation is the basis of the entire building, on which all subsequent “life” depends
Do-it-yourself brick pool on the site
Construction of a brick swimming pool. Recommendations, useful tips
On a hot summer day, you just want to plunge into cool water and take your mind off
Chopped firewood
Which firewood is best for the stove, choose - oak, aspen, birch or pine
To fire a sauna stove and fireplace, you need to choose wood that has good heat transfer and emits
Dry or wet bath: features, visiting rules, indications and precautions
Different countries have their own bath traditions, which from time immemorial have been supported by the inhabitants of a certain area.
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