How to heat a sauna: procedure for the right result

How long does it take to heat the stove?

The time required to burn the required amount of fuel is the time required to fire the stove! Usually this is approximately 2-2.5 hours. It is not recommended to heat the stove for longer, because firstly, you risk damaging the stove; overheating may cause it to crack. Secondly, it doesn't make sense!

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Hog pipe

Actually, a hog is a castrated boar, but for some reason this is what they call an element of a chimney for a furnace.

A stove chimney is an angled brick chimney, higher than the ceiling but under the roof.

Hogs often lie in a horizontal plane, which is probably why they are called that.

When I was studying to become a stove maker, hogs were prohibited.

Subscribers wrote that both hogs and asbestos-cement pipes are now allowed, but I haven’t found confirmation of this, so I don’t use either one in my work.

I already wrote about the dangers of asbestos-cement pipes here, now it’s the hogs’ .

The history of stove hogs.

One of the subscribers wrote in the comments that the hog was invented because of the tax on chimneys.

Allegedly, having learned about the upcoming inspection, the peasants in one fell swoop rolled up the pipe above the hog, and when the official left, they quickly restored it and used the stove again.

This is an interesting and elegant theory, but in my opinion unconvincing.

You can partially disassemble the pipe without a hog.

I think they began to make hogs primarily for the convenience of repairing stoves.

In the old days, the possibility of such repairs was very important.

Hog on the chimney.

Despite the fact that many people, for some reason, believe that everything was done better before, I can say with confidence:

This does not apply to stoves; the stoves were built poorly.

I've seen a lot of these old stoves.

As a child, when I lived in the village, my grandfather was involved in stove repair.

This is where the hog came in handy; it was possible to completely disassemble the stove, but the pipe remained intact.

He was not a stove maker, but like any peasant he knew and was able to do a lot.

When I myself trained as a stove maker and began working in this specialty, I realized how bad those stoves that we reanimated every year were.

The very idea of ​​constructing a hog is logical and useful, but illiterate operation of stoves made this element very dangerous.

Use of chimney hog.

  1. Slowing down traction.
  2. Flame extinguishing function.
  3. Retention of condensate in the pipe.
  4. Simplifying furnace repair.

Reasons for bans on hogs for stoves.

A good idea was ruined by illiterate craftsmen.

With the help of hogs, they began to connect the stoves into one chimney, because of this their length increased greatly.

Long pipe bur.

It was easier for regulatory authorities to ban hogs altogether than to regulate their length.

In general, a lot of fires were caused by hogs, but I repeat, this was due to illiterate craftsmen who laid them and illiterate stokers who did not understand the need for inspection and cleaning of chimneys.

Why did hogs lead to fires?

In long horizontal sections, soot accumulated heavily, the ignition of which led to fires.

In addition to the burning soot, connecting the hog to the pipe was a danger.

With the help of a hog, the pipe became independent of the furnace, but dependent on the ceiling.

The slightest movement of the house ceiling or stove led to the disarmament of the brickwork at the junction of the hog and the pipe.

Here you can see that the hog comes off and the cracks are greased from time to time.

And then the usual scenario, soot gets into the spilled seam, ignites and a fire.

How to keep hogs safe.

The safest hog is the one that does not exist, but if you cannot do without it, it is important to fulfill a number of conditions.

  1. The hog should not touch anything flammable.
  2. The length of the horizontal section of the hog should not exceed 0.4 meters.
  3. Constant monitoring and inspection of the hog for damage and soot accumulation.

Remember: A hog in the attic is a source of increased fire hazard; by arranging such a structure, you are violating fire safety regulations and putting your life in danger.




Pellets are compressed wood waste (shavings, sawdust, etc.) in the form of granules. Their density is approximately 2 times higher than the density of ordinary wood. Only 1 kg of pellets can produce about 5 kW/h of heat, which is much higher than firewood.

Pellets help achieve the most efficient heating. The combustion process occurs as follows: first, the material itself burns with a significant release of heat, then the resulting gases burn out, which increases the efficiency of the furnace.

It can be concluded that pellets are a highly efficient fuel that has good density and heat release. However, such fuel requires a special furnace, which consists of two compartments - the first for solid fuel, the second for the resulting gases. The cost of such equipment is quite high.

How to properly stack firewood

Compared to a brick stove, an iron stove warms up much faster, however, it consumes more firewood and is less able to maintain a constant temperature. These features must be remembered when servicing a metal unit if you want to properly heat a bathhouse with an iron stove. After laying firewood, within 15-20 minutes it reaches the optimal level of operation, for which you need to perform the following steps:

  • After the flame has flared up, prepare the main filling. The contents of the firebox are leveled with a poker, and a second portion of firewood is laid on top. You cannot fill the firebox to capacity: there should be gaps between the logs for air circulation, and a gap of 20-25 cm should be left between the firewood and the ceiling of the firebox.

They leave empty space in the firebox Source

  • Make sure that the logs are not close to the door; their place is within the grate and away from the chimney. When the first batch of firewood burns out, add the next batch.

The combustion process lasts 3-6 hours, which depends on the design of the stove, the season, the characteristics of the firewood and the volume of the room. If they want to increase heat transfer, the firebox door is opened slightly after an hour and a half. The contents of the firebox are periodically stirred with a poker so that the wood burns more evenly.

Upon completion of the kindling, the temperature in the bath should rise to a comfortable 60°C. At this moment, you need to close the valves, pour water over the stones (to get rid of soot), and open the doors and windows. After express ventilation, the bathhouse is allowed to warm up for 1.5-2 hours, after which they begin bathing procedures, not forgetting to steam the brooms.

Preparing the steam room for bath procedures

To start heating the bathhouse, you need to clean it thoroughly. We don't mean to say that everyone leaves a mess behind.

In a bathhouse, as in an auxiliary and non-residential premises, many things are left for storage, so putting things in order means removing from the room everything unnecessary and not related to bath procedures.

Check the floors of the room for wood chips left over from the firewood after the last visit to the steam room. The wood chips themselves are not harmful, but they can cause injury.

Please ensure that there are no soap residues on the floor. When water hits a soapy area, it turns it into a skating rink.

Useful tips

If all of the above is observed, the valve is opened to the limit, and the blower is closed. The firebox door is not opened, but all the doors in the bathhouse and windows are opened.

They collect water in a ladle and then pour it onto the stones. This action helps remove soot formed during the burning of wood. Cold water is poured over the shelves, benches and floor of the room. There is no need to worry that this will cool the bathhouse.


What temperature should be in the steam room

After the firewood of the last stack has burned out and the surface has become grayish, when the coals move, the flames are red in color, without blue flashes (carbon dioxide has not yet completely escaped, if blue tongues appear), which means you can close the half-door and firebox, open the valves.

By this time, the stones should already be well heated and the water should boil (the temperature in the steam room should rise to +50-+60°C).

The next step is to ventilate the bathhouse. Open everything that can be opened, rinse the entire steam compartment and stones with boiling water. After ventilation, everything is closed, leaving only a window in the steam compartment. This allows you to heat the bath evenly in an hour and a half. Then close the window after this time. The steam room is ready and you can steam to your heart's content.

all about biofuel and solid fuel boilers

- pieces of wood that are intended to be burned in stoves, fireplaces, furnaces or fires to produce heat, heat and light.

mainly prepared and supplied in sawn and chipped form. The moisture content should be as low as possible. The length of the logs is mainly 25 and 33 cm. Such firewood is sold in bulk storage meters or packaged and sold by weight.

Various firewood is used for heating purposes. The priority characteristics by which certain firewood is selected for fireplaces and stoves are their calorific value, burning time and comfort during use (flame pattern, smell). For heating purposes, it is desirable that the heat release occurs more slowly, but over a longer period of time. All hardwood firewood is best suited for heating purposes.

To fire stoves and fireplaces, they mainly use wood from such species as oak, ash, birch, hazel, yew, and hawthorn.

Features of burning firewood of different types of wood:

– firewood from beech, birch, ash, hazel is difficult to melt, but they can burn damp because they have little moisture, and firewood from all these tree species, except beech, splits easily;

How to properly heat a stove in a bathhouse: summing up

There are a large number of raw materials for kindling; each material has its own characteristics and brewing secrets. You can buy ready-made wood in a store, or prepare the bars yourself by collecting them in the forest. But preparing kindling material is not all; you need to properly heat the steam room. This is one of the most difficult stages of preparing for a bath.

Any fan of the Russian steam room needs to learn how to light a stove. After a few tries, you will gain experience and understand how to do it.

Do not forget. After adding firewood, check how things are going in the stove, whether the bars are burning evenly. If necessary, the draft in the chimney can be reduced by closing the damper. Throw in an additional portion of firewood and add water to the boiler.

After carrying out the paired activities, let the stove cool and only then can you clean out the ash from it and put the rest of the attributes in order.

We hope our tips on how to properly flood a sauna will help you get maximum pleasure and benefit from steam treatments.

What types of wood are most often used?

You need to understand that different types of wood material are characterized by their density and heat output. These indicators directly affect how much fuel is needed to achieve the required temperature level. We will consider trees that grow in Russia. The hornbeam produces the most heat, the poplar the least. As a result, you will need very little of the first type, and an impressive amount of the second.

Obviously, hornbeam does not grow everywhere, so sometimes you will have to replace it with what you can find in your area. In this case, you need to take into account the fact that not the first tree you come across will do. The most common species are alder and birch. They burn excellently, and what is important, when heated, they release aromatic essential oils. Pine wood is also ubiquitous, but its problem is that when it burns, it releases resin, which will clog the chimney.

The choice of wood is important, but you still need to figure out how to properly heat a sauna with wood. We will also dwell on this topic in detail further.

The best options to consider as fuel are:

Once you have decided on a specific type of fuel, all that remains is to learn how to prepare it correctly. Of course, this option is more relevant for those who prefer not to buy ready-made logs.

Preparatory stage

If you have doubts about whether the bathhouse has been cleaned, you need to play it safe. It is mandatory to clean the premises after winter, before the start of the new season.

A scoop and poker will help with the work. Taking them in hand, they carefully remove the old coals and rake out the ash from the stove. Many gardeners then use it as fertilizer by sprinkling it on their garden beds.

The chimney is cleaned of carbon deposits. Periodically it is worth checking its permeability; to do this, light a match and bring it to the exhaust hole. If the chimney is clean, the flame is drawn in by the air flow. But there may be no traction. This means that the channel is dirty or foreign objects have entered it. It is cleaned with brushes of a suitable size.

Firewood or coal?

At first glance, coal appears to be an attractive fuel. However, coal burns differently than wood. Having caught fire, the briquette gives off the first portion of heat with lightning speed, and then smolders for a long time. This pace is suitable for heating a house, but not for bathing procedures.

Compared to coal and gas, wood is almost ideal. They are not explosive, give a uniform, long-lasting combustion, and are relatively inexpensive. Firewood can be replaced with other solid fuel, but not coal, but wood products - for example, fuel pallets.

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