OGE problems 01-05 with practical content. Bath stovematerial for preparing for the Unified State Exam (GIA) in mathematics (grade 9)

Volume of the steam room of the bathhouse under construction

How many rubles will a wood-burning stove, suitable for the heated volume of the steam room, cost less than an electric one, taking into account installation?
The owner of a summer cottage is building a bathhouse with a steam room. The steam room has dimensions: length 3.9 m, width 2.1 m, height 2 m. To heat the steam room, you can use an electric or wood stove. Three possible options are given in the table.

Furnace numberTypeRoom volumeWeightPrice
1Wood-burning9-144219 100
2Wood-burning12-184920 500
3Electric10-171616 000

There are no additional costs required to install a wood stove. Installing an electric stove will require a special cable, which will cost 6,200 rubles. In addition, the owner calculated that in a year an electric furnace will consume 2,300 kilowatt-hours of electricity at 3.5 rubles. for 1 kilowatt-hour, and a wood-burning stove will consume 1.6 cubic meters per year. m of firewood, which will cost 1,700 rubles. for 1 cubic m.

Find the volume of the steam room of the bathhouse under construction (in cubic meters).

The volume of the paired compartment can be calculated using the formula:

, where
is width,
is length,
is height. We have:

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Choosing material for the bath

Having gone through the possible options, most bath lovers settle on wood. And for good reason, because:

  • wood is an affordable material for construction;
  • wood is a breathable material with a healing and relaxing effect, it’s not for nothing that our ancestors built exclusively wooden baths, and they knew a lot about them;
  • wooden buildings are easier to erect; you can do it yourself, with the help of family members and friends.

Having chosen a tree, now, before calculating the costs of building a bathhouse, you need to clarify whether it is a timber or a log.

Both options are good, both have advantages and disadvantages, but still there are more advantages on the timber side:

  • buildings made of timber give minimal shrinkage;
  • timber is cheaper, so building a bathhouse will not cost much;
  • buildings made of timber are not limited in size and shape, they have various configurations;
  • It is much easier to build a bathhouse from timber than a log one;
  • there is no need to purchase a finished log house; it is recommended to simply buy material in order to avoid possible deformation of individual elements of the finished log house during storage and construction.

On a note! The strongest timber is made from coniferous wood - cedar, pine, fir, spruce, therefore they are most suitable for building a bathhouse and are less susceptible to rotting and the influence of pests.

Less commonly used are deciduous trees - birch and aspen. When calculating timber for a bathhouse, the type of wood also matters.

However, it doesn’t matter what you prefer, any species has its own values, it is important to remember: the quality of the bathhouse depends on the quality of the wood, so it must be well prepared and meet all standards during construction.

Volume of the steam room of the bathhouse under construction

Find the total area of ​​the walls of the steam room of the bathhouse under construction (excluding the area of ​​the door). Give your answer in square meters.

The owner of a summer cottage is building a bathhouse with a steam room. The steam compartment has dimensions: length 3.5 m, width 2.2 m, height 2 m. There are no windows in the steam compartment; for access inside, a door 60 cm wide is planned, the height of the doorway is 1.8 m. To warm up the steam compartment, you can use electric or wood stove. The table shows the characteristics of three furnaces.

Frame bath

This is a good alternative to log and brick buildings. The main advantages of frame baths are simple construction without pitfalls and low cost of building materials.

To quickly build a frame bathhouse, you need to correctly calculate the amount of materials. This is done individually depending on the layout of the future building. Attention should be paid to the frame, as the most expensive component of construction. You will need timber, since wood is unrivaled, lining, steam and waterproofing materials.

What can you profit from? Replace the timber with a 50 x 100 mm board and save about 40% of the costs; cover the external walls not with natural lining, but with plastic or corrugated sheets. Plus the cost of work, of course, if you build a bathhouse yourself.

The only condition for replacement is that the board must be exclusively first grade.

If the attic of the bathhouse is not used, then the mineral insulation is covered with substandard and used materials, which will also give good savings. You can reduce the cost of drains by making a sand-cement pavement around the entire perimeter. It would be enough. The columnar base is not afraid of waterlogging, and water from the bathhouse will calmly go into the ground without destroying the structure.

Consider all materials from the point of view of possible replacement and then you will reduce the cost of construction without sacrificing the excellent performance characteristics of the bathhouse.

Volume of the steam room of the bathhouse under construction

Establish a correspondence between the volumes of the room and the numbers of the stoves for which this volume is the smallest for space heating. Fill out the table and transfer the sequence of three numbers into the answer form without spaces, commas or other additional characters.

Furnace number

The owner of a summer cottage is building a bathhouse with a steam room. The steam compartment has dimensions: length 3.5 m, width 2.2 m, height 2 m. There are no windows in the steam compartment; for access inside, a door 60 cm wide is planned, the height of the doorway is 1.8 m. To warm up the steam compartment, you can use electric or wood stove. The table shows the characteristics of three furnaces.

Furnace numberTypeRoom volumeWeightPrice
1Wood-burning8-124018 000
2Wood-burning10-164819 500
3Electric9-15,51515 000

There are no additional costs required to install a wood stove. Installing an electric stove will require a special cable, which will cost 6,500 rubles.

Find the volume of the steam room of the bathhouse under construction. Give your answer in cubic meters.

The volume of the paired compartment can be calculated using the formula:

, where
is width,
is length,
is height. We have:

Wood preparation and storage

The best season for harvesting timber yourself is winter. The wood must be aged, only after this can the production of logs or beams begin. To prevent cracking, the bark must be immediately removed from a freshly cut tree. Logs are stored according to the following rules:

  • in bundles or stacked;
  • at a distance of at least 20 cm from the ground;
  • the gaps between rows are left within 10 cm, and between logs - within 5 cm.

Article on the topic: Bloodbath where the expression comes from

Volume of the steam room of the bathhouse under construction

How many rubles will it cost to purchase a wood-burning stove suitable for the volume of a steam room, including delivery, if delivery of the stove to a summer cottage costs 1,200 rubles?

The owner of a summer cottage is building a bathhouse with a steam room. The steam compartment has dimensions: length 3.5 m, width 2.2 m, height 2 m. There are no windows in the steam compartment; for access inside, a door 60 cm wide is planned, the height of the doorway is 1.8 m. To warm up the steam compartment, you can use electric or wood stove. The table shows the characteristics of three furnaces.

Furnace numberTypeRoom volumeWeightPrice
1Wood-burning8-124018 000
2Wood-burning10-164819 500
3Electric9-15,51515 000

There are no additional costs required to install a wood stove. Installing an electric stove will require a special cable, which will cost 6,500 rubles.

Establish a correspondence between the volumes of the room and the numbers of the stoves for which this volume is the smallest for space heating. Fill out the table and transfer the sequence of three numbers into the answer form without spaces, commas or other additional characters.

Furnace number

The table shows that the smallest volume for the first furnace is 8, for the second - 10, and for the third - 9.


Calculate a bathhouse: and steam in it, steam, so as not to grow old

How good the frost is! Eh, hurry up and get on the sleigh!

You won't find our Russian bathhouse better in the world!

It has long been the custom that for Russian people, a bathhouse is a symbol of health and pleasure, an inexhaustible source of energy. But before you can enjoy the bathhouse, you will have to work hard - decide what to build it from, draw up a project, calculate the bathhouse so that the construction does not cost a pretty penny by purchasing unnecessary or superfluous materials.

Time will pass from desire to pleasure. And so that it does not drag on for years, in this article we will try to answer pressing questions that interest novice builders.

Fire safety standards

Since there is a heating element in the bathhouse, during construction it is necessary to strictly adhere to fire safety rules. Namely:

  1. All wooden parts are treated with fire retardants and only then they begin to assemble them. Where the steam room is located, resinous wood is not used, since when heated, the raw material will form resin on its surface. If it gets on the skin, it will cause a severe burn.
  2. The ceiling and chimney must be insulated using non-combustible materials.
  3. The floor covering, as well as the walls that are adjacent to the stove, must be covered with screens with increased protective heat-resistant properties. It is required to install a metal sheet in front of the firebox measuring 650 by 750 mm.
  4. Elements for generating heat in the stove should be located at a height of 1.2 meters from the floor.
  5. Mandatory installation of ventilation.
  6. Availability of a fire extinguisher.
  7. Wiring installation is carried out using the open method in closed boxes. Electrical appliances must be grounded, and wires must have self-extinguishing insulation.

SNiP standards for the location of the bathhouse on the territory

According to the standards approved by law, the building must meet the following requirements:

  1. The distance from the fence to the bathhouse should be one meter, counting from the border. Provided that the fence is metal or made of other non-combustible materials, this rule remains the same. If the fence is made of wood, then the sauna is built at a distance of three meters from the border of the site. This parameter is also present in the joint venture standards, since such an indentation can completely protect the neighbors’ area from the presence of wastewater.

But there is an exception. If sewerage is connected to the bathhouse, drainage is installed technically correctly, then the required distance can be reduced to one meter.

  1. The distance from the bathhouse to the road surface outside the fence is at least five meters.
  2. The distance to non-residential buildings for household needs and other purposes should be between 6-15 meters. The exact figure depends on the materials used in construction.
  3. The bathhouse should be located fifteen meters from the garden area, forest plantings and other areas where trees and bushes grow.
  4. The residential building must be at least eight meters away from the sauna.
  5. You must maintain a distance to natural water sources (lakes, rivers, streams, etc.) of at least five meters.
  6. If there are tall trees on the territory, their distance from the bathhouse should be at least four meters. If the height of the crops is average, then this distance will be from three meters. If we are talking about bushes, then from one meter.

It is worth noting that these are general rules, but it is often the case that additional restrictions may apply locally. In this regard, before planning construction, it is worth carefully studying additional information on a specific region.

Calculation of ceiling heights in the steam room

The hottest place in the steam room is the top shelf, where the hot steam rushes. With a difference of 50-70 degrees between the cold floor and the hot ceiling, the height of the steam room matters for clients: experienced ones climb higher, beginners get used to the bath microclimate gradually, being on the lower shelves.

You need to calculate the height of the ceilings in the steam room based on the way the procedures take place. We consider: the bottom grid is at least 10 cm, the stand is 30 cm, the bench is 80 cm from the floor, the shelves are 1.20 m from the floor. The height of the steam room is 2.40 m. How you can steam:

  • Option 1 – sitting on a shelf.
  • Option 2 - with the same dimensions, one person steams lying down on a bench, and another person steams on a shelf, being in different temperature conditions.
  • Option 3 – the client lies on a shelf, the bath attendant works with a broom, standing on a 30 cm stand.

The bathhouse attendant will no longer be able to stand on an 80 cm bench in order to whip a client - he is short, even if his height is not 1.80, but 1.50 m. That is, if you have the desire and health to be on the top shelf, and even take procedures with with a broom - the ceiling must be 30-40 cm higher.

Pie microclimate

This type of air mass separation occurs when heated air and steam are concentrated above the ceiling. The temperature inside the pie is +130-150 °C, at least. To get the cake, preheat the entire steam room. Good ovens for creating a pie microclimate are with metal fireboxes, lined with heat-intensive brick and metal-ceramic materials. Ovens with continuous steam generation are good.

It is necessary to calculate the height of the ceiling in a steam room with a pie microclimate so that the head of the visitor or steamer does not reach the ceiling by 85, at least 65 cm, otherwise being in a hot zone has a bad effect on well-being. From floor to ceiling 235-265 cm, optimal for people of average height or comparable to the height of a working steamer. The bathhouse attendant's head should not be located close to the steam cloud.

Conditioned microclimate

The optimal height of the bathhouse from floor to ceiling is 2.25-2.40 m. This space is enough for a free swing of a broom. At the top, at a distance of 1.20 from the ceiling, it is also convenient to carry out healing with a broom.

Useful video

But this video simply talks about the structure of a Russian steam room, but it tells it so kindly that we simply couldn’t resist bringing it to your attention

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