Eastern hammam: features and construction options

Hammam and its features

The hammam is of ancient Roman origin and is derived from the thermal baths. The underground floor, which was built on stilts, was heated with a stove, and steam was supplied to the room through special holes in the wall from the next room where water was boiling. Hamam became widespread thanks to the Prophet Mohammed, who obliged all Muslims to visit it regularly, since the body of a true Muslim must be kept clean. In Russia, the first hammam appeared on the territory of Tsarskoye Selo and was built according to the design of the architect Ippolit Monighetti.

In Europe, Turkish baths became popular in the 19th century. Here they were called a panacea for many ailments and were used to treat cholera and bronchial asthma. The hammam was always built large and spacious, and marble, natural stone and mosaics were used for its luxurious decoration. A special feature of this structure was the dome-shaped vault. This architectural technique allowed droplets of moisture to accumulate only in the corner and not drip from above onto visitors.

Using lighting devices to illuminate the hammam Source 3d-sauna.ru

The hammam, familiar to Europe, in the Turkish bath is just one of the steam rooms, which is called the stream room. It is on this principle that steam rooms are built in country houses or even apartments.

The interior of the Turkish steam room is created on the principle of maximum comfort for the visitor. It is very important that the atmosphere here is conducive to rest and relaxation. The design is accordingly chosen to be oriental. The integral attributes of the hammam are mosaics, natural stone (most often light-colored marble) and ceramic tiles. Arches and domes predominate among the structural elements.

The basic principle of a Turkish bath is that the heating of each element in the room should be uniform. For this use:

  • electric heating;
  • special pipeline for water heating.

Installing a steam generator allows you to create soft steam. Previously, this task was accomplished by a large boiler, which was completely filled with water and heated. In classic hammams today, the required humidity is achieved by the evaporation of water droplets from surfaces heated to a certain temperature.

The loungers in the eastern bathhouse are made of marble. But, if you want to reduce the cost of construction, it can be replaced with mosaics. Moisture and thermal insulation panels made of polyurethane foam are laid under the ceramic tiles. The seats are heated thanks to water heating pipes installed in them. The loungers are made of brick, which is lined with marble tiles on top.

The walls and floors in the room are always warm. This can be achieved using pipes with heated water or electric heating. The optimal room height is considered to be 2.6 meters. Thanks to the combination of natural and forced ventilation, it is possible to achieve high-quality air exchange.

If you are going to build a hammam in a house or apartment, an air duct is connected to the hood, which ensures the removal of air from the building. Thanks to this, air, steam and odors from the hammam will not enter the living space.

Plastic fake

What is now found everywhere in small saunas, inexpensive hotels, fitness clubs and spas under the guise of hammam has very little to do with it. Expecting luxury, you may well find yourself in a plastic cabin, with single seats tightly arranged in a circle. Thick steam, temperature and white color - that’s all that it has in common with the famous eastern steam rooms.

Turkish soap massage suffered no less from mass distribution. Instead of the fabulous pleasure of working out each muscle with your fingers gently sliding in rich foam, unprofessional massage therapists can vaguely smear liquid soap over your mortal body and perform an ordinary massage.

In order not to end on such a sad note, we note that with due diligence, even in the outback you can find the right Turkish baths and saunas with a hammam. They will have sparkling marble, a dome with windows, bright oriental decorative elements in relaxation rooms, a tea ceremony, and an excellent soap massage specialist.

Pros and cons of hamam

The main advantage that a Turkish bath has is its gentle heat, which can slowly open the pores on the skin, saturating it with moisture. Being here allows you to improve blood circulation and cleanse the body of accumulated toxins and waste. It is recommended to visit it for:

  • treatment of insomnia;
  • restoration of strength and energy after a long illness or intense physical activity;
  • fight against colds;
  • improving the functioning of the circulatory, respiratory, digestive systems;
  • combating excess weight and improving metabolic processes in the body;
  • reducing pain.

Although the humidity in the hammam is usually at 100%, the heat here is easily perceived by the body.

Hammam decoration in brown tones Source sami-stroim.ru

The disadvantages of hammams are:

  • high energy intensity (high-quality heating of the room will require at least 3 hours);
  • huge load on floors and foundations due to the use of natural stone and massive structures;
  • the complexity of arranging a steam room;
  • the high cost of equipment and materials used to decorate the Turkish bath.

A little history

Hamams are the name given to public steam baths that originated in Turkey, from there spreading to other countries of the East, and then throughout the world.
The name comes from Arabic - “hot”. Just as the Romans at one time built luxurious baths on the site of ancient temples, so the Turks, after the conquest of Byzantium, began to build their own structures, dismantling the majestic ancient Roman buildings piece by piece.

Initially, the main function of Turkish baths was a ritual of purification before visiting the mosque. Later, like in European public baths, they began to practice the treatment of diseases.

According to Islam, every believer must observe the seven commandments of purity. Until recently, it was impossible to imagine the life of a righteous Muslim without baths.

Hammam design

Before you start building a hammam, it is important to plan everything correctly. The process of constructing a Turkish bath is lengthy and requires significant financial investments. Each step must be properly thought out and calculated:

  • First, measurements of the room are taken, taking into account its height and width.
  • A design project is being drawn up. This includes determining what the finishing will be like and where the beds and sun beds will be located.
  • It is planned to place lamps, ventilation holes, a steam generator, sewerage, etc.
  • The heating system for sunbeds, walls and other surfaces is calculated.

Shower in a Turkish bath Source thermall.com.ua
If you plan to make a hammam in a residential building, it is important to consider the option of covering the walls and constructing thermal insulation. To prevent moisture from having a detrimental effect on the walls, they are pre-treated with a special compound. Waterproofing in the hammam is done in such a way as not to cause damage to the building. Proper thermal insulation will keep the room warm without heating up neighboring rooms.

Turkish bath construction projects are carried out by specialists. But if you have certain knowledge and skills, you can do this yourself. It is important to take correct measurements and select finishing materials.

Drawing up a work plan begins with designing the ceiling. The future layout will depend on its size. Here it is important to correctly calculate the angle of inclination so that moisture can easily flow along the edges without forming drops directly on the surface of the ceiling. The extreme point of the ceiling structure must be at a height of at least 2.7 meters. At a level of 2.2 meters, the dome turns into a container where condensate will flow. Moreover, the angle of inclination itself should be minimal.

If the structure is not designed correctly, a significant area of ​​the room will be lost. The room can be rounded, flat, or have the appearance of a honeycomb. A step-down transformer is installed in the steam room for lighting fixtures.

Using mosaics to decorate surfaces in a Turkish bath Source bani.org.ua

In order for the steam room to fully function, it is necessary to make a technical room where the support systems and the steam generator will be located. Usually this is a small room or even a compartment combined with the main steam room. The ideal technical room area is 1.5 m².

Another point that is important to pay attention to is the ventilation outlet, where steam can cool and collect on the surface of the air duct. If a mistake is made when creating the channel, then all the moisture will begin to accumulate in the recesses, and can cause the formation of mold or the development of fungus.

Spacious hammam with columns Source helo.com.ua


One of the most important elements when creating a hammam is drawing up a project. Even if you need to build a small hammam yourself, you should understand that this particular building is a rather complex structure from an engineering point of view.

At a minimum, for this reason, the drawings should be drawn up in as much detail as possible. That is, they should reflect not only the layout of the rooms, but even such aspects as the operation of the heating system and steam supply mechanism, plumbing and electrical wiring.

Most often, a sauna or bath is made together with the hammam.

Of course, you can develop the drawings of a mini-hammam yourself, but the problem is that the technology for creating a building of such complexity practically cannot be followed by a person who does not understand this and does not have a specialized education.

For this reason, it would be better to order an individual hammam project from a construction company. The specialists of such an institution will be able to fully take into account all the specific aspects of each specific case and find the best solution to a particular problem that may arise at various stages of construction. Yes, the cost of such a project will not be cheap, but it will help avoid a lot of problems, wasted time and money.

Ventilation diagram

The hammam must always maintain a certain air temperature, which must circulate in the room. The ventilation system can be flow-through or forced. For this purpose, ventilation pipes can be installed. In this case, it is necessary to take into account:

  • room layout;
  • design features of the hammam.

The pipe through which air exchange will take place must be sealed. The ideal option would be a stainless steel pipe. In most cases, during the construction of a Turkish steam room, mixed ventilation is created. To do this, make several holes in the walls, which will be located opposite each other.

Construction of a dome in a hammam from plasterboard Source hamamtorg.ru

When designing multi-level ventilation, recesses are made at different levels. This design option will allow you to maintain a certain temperature level inside the room throughout the year.

Practical design tips

In Russian conditions, more accessible materials can be used. Patterns made of smalt look very beautiful. This is a small glass mosaic that is easily fixed with tile adhesive. The most accessible and inexpensive finishing material is ceramic tiles. You can create a beautiful interior interior from decorative marble-like or malachite-like tiles. To create compositions from smalt or tiles, you should use oriental motifs.

In the steam room of a Turkish bath, it is customary to use hidden lamps that provide dim and diffused light. Colored light-emitting diodes are used for this purpose.

Hammam dimensions

When determining the area of ​​the room, you must remember that the larger it is, the more powerful the generator you need to buy. If the bathhouse will be used by a family of 4-5 people, a room of 2.5 * 2.5 m will be optimal. A larger steam room is made if it is planned to install a massage table here. For one steam generator to be enough, the room size must be at least 3.5 m².

The optimal height of a massage table is 70 cm. If it is higher, it will be uncomfortable for a person of average height to do a massage.

Turkish steam room with massage table Source turistics.com

It is worth considering that the materials used for waterproofing and finishing the room take at least 3-4 cm. If you plan to reinforce the walls, then another 2.3 cm will be lost.

The following can be used in the hamam:

  • seating areas with a flat surface;
  • curved shelves;
  • structures for sitting or lying.

When determining the location where there will be holes for the steam to escape, make sure that it cannot burn your feet. The height at which the hole is located is 20-30 cm from the floor.

Features of the construction and decoration of the hamam premises Source teplodar.in.ua

What is unique about the oriental bathhouse?

Turkey, which is warm all year round, does not require a very hot bath, so the hammam is almost twice as cool as a traditional Russian or Finnish steam room (average temperature no more than 60°C). However, the humidity reaches one hundred percent, and the body warms up well on the hot stone shelves.

Hammam at home in a light design

Large home hammam

Steam is softer, but also healing. The bath gets rid of toxins and impurities, and foam peeling - one of the features of the hammam - ideally cleanses and rejuvenates the skin. The microclimate is such that people with problems of the heart, blood vessels, kidneys, liver, and stomach can easily visit the bathhouse. As a result, metabolism is normalized and nerves are calmed.

Hammam in a private house

Hammam in the interior of the house

The cooling process in the hammam is also not the same as others. Visitors are doused with cold water directly in the steam room. Public or commercial establishments entrust the watering procedure to specially trained people.

Hammam at home in blue design

Stone qurnas in the hamam

Requirements for the hamam premises

When planning to make a hammam at home, it is important to remember the following rules:

  • All surfaces in the steam room must be strong and finished with natural stone. Ceramic tiles can become a cheaper alternative to natural materials.
  • A hammam will require at least 4 rooms. In one of them there will be a steam room itself, in another there will be a technical room, in the third there will be a shower and in the fourth there will be a place for relaxation and preparation for water or health procedures.
  • The ceiling height cannot be less than 2.5 meters.
  • The ventilation system and sewerage are important components of any hammam.

If the construction of a hammam is planned on the territory of a private household, then the technical room must be moved outside the building no more than 15 meters. The rest room should not be adjacent to the steam room. To build a hammam, it is better to use bricks or blocks. If the room is made of wood, then it must be pre-treated with a special protective compound.

The hammam room is round in shape Source asc.cv.ua

Video: how to make a hammam with your own hands in the basement of a house

You need to choose finishing material based on personal preferences and financial capabilities. The floor, walls, benches and other parts are covered with the same material. All elements of the bathhouse must have a good waterproofing coating. This is necessary to maintain the building in excellent technical condition.

Construction of a hammam is a costly process in terms of time and finances. If you prepare for this task, then it is possible to achieve success - to build a high-quality building in which friends and relatives can relax with great pleasure.

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How to choose material?

The material that will be used for the construction or decoration of the hammam must be:

  • durable;
  • withstands high temperatures;
  • moisture resistant.

The ideal material is natural marble. This material is strong, durable, pleasant to the touch and has a status appearance. The only drawback of the stone is its high price. To reduce possible temperature changes, marble can be replaced with telcochloridote. The cost of this material is almost the same as that of marble, but its heat capacity is higher.

Features of the construction of a Turkish bath Source banyabest.ru

Instead of marble, you can use ceramic tiles or mosaics. Using smalt, you can create beautiful designs in oriental style. This material can be plates or small tiles. Their surface can be bright or colorless, smooth or rough. The advantage of smalt is that it can be laid even on a curved surface, while for tiles it must be perfectly flat. Other advantages of smalt include:

  • frost and heat resistance;
  • variety of shades;
  • zero water absorption.

The only drawback of this material is the installation time. Therefore, manufacturers began to make ready-made panels that made work easier. The most budget-friendly and easiest-to-install material is ceramic tiles.

Decorating a sun lounger in a Turkish bath Source ideaspa.ru

Correct use of a Turkish bath

Water procedures in the hammam are not at all tiring, since it is relatively cool. At the same time, the air humidity in the Turkish bath reaches 100%, which creates tropical conditions in the room that help a person relax with benefit for the body.

Optimal temperature

In the changing room of a Turkish bath, the temperature is usually close to 30°C, so it’s not hot, but it’s already quite warm. The main hall of the hammam is heated more intensely; there the air temperature can reach 70°C. But to make washing in this room comfortable, it is better to stay at the optimal temperature value - 35–40°C. In such conditions, you won’t have to endure the heat with difficulty and torment your body.

Ideal conditions have been created for relaxation

Features of use

You should visit the hammam by adhering to the following rules:

  • first, lying on a marble lounger, warm up the body until drops of sweat appear;
  • after preparing the body, begin the massage, lubricating the skin with oil and putting on woolen mittens on the hands, which clean off the keratinized epithelium well;
  • then the body is washed using a special soap containing olive and peach oil;
  • at the end of the procedure, take a cool shower, which will help the pores that have expanded from the heat to narrow again.

Stages of hammam construction

In terms of the number of layers required, the walls of a Turkish bath resemble a Napoleon cake.

After the room for the boor is ready, its further construction consists of the following stages:

  • insulation (with a mandatory layer of reflective foil);
  • waterproofing;
  • installation of a heating system;
  • screed and final waterproofing;
  • decorative finishing.


First of all, the room in which the hammam will be located should be insulated. This will allow you to save significant energy costs in the future. Today, there are various insulation technologies, some of which you can familiarize yourself with by reading the article “Warm House” on our website.


In terms of humidity, a hammam can easily be compared to a bathroom, and the amount of moisture settling on the ceiling and walls will be several times higher. Therefore, naturally, you cannot do without high-quality waterproofing. The technology for installing it is practically no different from similar work in a regular bathroom, so you can use this article as instructions.

Heating system

Both water and electric systems can be used as a heating system for the hammam. You can read more about their installation here.

Water heating can be “powered” from a central hot water supply system (if, of course, it is present in the house) or from a separate electric boiler, which can be located in a technical room along with a steam generator.

Hamam water heating system

For electric heating, it is most logical to use mats of the “warm floor” system. For safety reasons, it is better to move the system control panel to a technical room or rest room.

Please note that electric mats or heating pipes must be laid not only on the floor, but also on the walls and under the central pedestal of the hammam.

Decorative finishing

The classic hammam is finished with natural marble, and a solid stone slab is used for the bed. But since this option is quite expensive, ceramic tiles are often used in modern hammams. Such finishing will cost much less and will have virtually no effect on the quality of the steam room.

Mosaic with oriental pattern is an excellent option for decorating a hammam

Small mosaic tiles are suitable for finishing the hammam. It would probably be redundant to say that the pattern should be based on oriental motifs.


Considering the fact that the humidity level in the hammam will be extremely high, it is necessary to use only special moisture-proof lamps for lighting.

The level of protection of lamps, as well as sockets and switches must be at least IP 65.

LED lamps are perfect for lighting the hammam.

In addition to high humidity, there are also significant temperature changes in the hammam, so all electrical wiring must be made of a special heat-resistant cable.

The process of creating a hamam

If the Turkish bath project is ready, you can begin the process of its construction. To do this you will need the following tools:

  • level;
  • plumb line;
  • perforator;
  • hammer with rubber surface;
  • putty knife.

Construction work begins with choosing a suitable location. On average, construction will take several months. It is not necessary to build a special structure under the hammam, which will be located separately from the residential part of the house. Any building is suitable for this; it is important that all requirements are met.

For a Turkish bath you need to make at least 2 rooms. The steam room itself will be located in one, and the technical compartment in the other. The necessary communications (sewage, water supply, electricity, ventilation, heating) are carried out here. The area of ​​the room will depend on the wishes and needs of the owner. The technical compartment is necessary to accommodate the cleaning filter, steam generator and other devices that ensure high-quality operation of the steam room.

Foundation and walls

Such a structure will require the creation of a strip foundation. Do it as follows:

  • The surface of the site is leveled and a pit is made on it.
  • Based on the planned dimensions of the structure, pegs are driven in, along which wooden formwork is created.
  • The fittings are being installed.
  • Concrete is poured.

Decorating walls in a Turkish bath with marble Source teplodar.in.ua
It is important to leave the foundation for at least 30 days for proper drying. After this, the construction of walls begins:

  • Waterproofing material is laid on the base.
  • Several levels of the selected building material are laid out on top of the edge, starting from the top corner.
  • The seam between blocks is up to 5 mm.
  • The reinforcement mesh strengthens the base.

Decorating the walls in the hammam with blue and white mosaics Source sauna-psp.kiev.ua

Minimum amount of free space

Since the steam generator must be located in a separate room, it becomes necessary to allocate space for it. For this, 1 square meter is enough, but the technical room also requires isolation from the steam room.

A comfortable steam room for 1-2 people can be arranged on an area of ​​3 square meters.

Experts also recommend thinking about a relaxation room, but this is more likely just a wish, and not a prerequisite.

How to use the hammam?

Unlike the Russian bathhouse we are used to, the hammam is less hot. Thanks to this, water treatments here are more comfortable and do not tire you even after a long stay in the steam room. Since the humidity here is very high, it is easy to recreate tropical conditions in the hammam, which will make it possible to stay here with health benefits.

The air temperature in the locker room should be about 30 degrees. In the steam room this figure is much higher and can reach 70 degrees. To make your stay here comfortable and tireless, it is recommended to set the temperature at 37-40 degrees.

Illumination of a lounger in a hammam Source goodpools.ru

When visiting the hammam, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • It is important to warm up your body first. In this case, you just need to lie down and wait until droplets of sweat appear on the skin.
  • The appearance of sweat indicates that the body is ready for further procedures. Only then can you begin a massage session, during which a solution of soap and a mixture of oils is applied to the skin. Olive and peach oils are usually used. To better cleanse dead skin cells, massage is best done with special gloves made of natural wool.
  • Using warm water in the kurna, wash off the soap and oil mixture from the skin.
  • To close the pores, take a cool shower.

If you ignore these recommendations, you may harm your health.

Using red mosaic to decorate a hamam Source yuventa.com.ua

Optimal temperature indicators

The human body temperature in any environment is no more than 400. This is achieved by the fact that when the ambient temperature rises, a person sweats and releases excess heat with moisture into the surrounding air. This is the basis for the effect of any bath; they differ in the ratio of temperature and air humidity.

The best state of health at a certain combination of humidity and temperature is graphically expressed by homeothermal curves: below the first curve is the optimal combination of temperature up to 900 and humidity up to 80%. It is the combination of temperature of about 40% and almost one hundred percent humidity that gives hammams.

Homeothermal curves - theoretical dependences of relative humidity on temperature

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