To ensure that the barrel sauna remains intact after a year, we follow the technology
Russians' addiction to the bathhouse is one of the features of the national mentality. Many summer residents
Baths made of large debarked logs
Log baths: the embodiment of the best Russian tradition
A bathhouse made of large-diameter logs is a real decoration of a suburban area. DrevMaster company cuts
Bathhouse made of timber 150x150: how to choose the right material
Nowadays, building a bathhouse on your own is not particularly difficult. After all, the market is just
Interior door trims: beautiful framing of openings
SHARE ON SOCIAL NETWORKS FacebookTwitterOkGoogle+PinterestVk The door is the element that serves as a distinction between rooms. At
How to make a wooden floor on joists with your own hands: manufacturing nuances
Flooring is necessary when building a private new home, but also when
How to heat a sauna: procedure for the right result
How long does it take to heat the stove? The time required to burn the required amount of fuel is
build a sauna from rounded logs
Do-it-yourself bathhouse made of rounded logs - technical features and construction stages
The construction of bathhouses from logs is an ancient tradition of our country, which has not lost its relevance in
Scheme-project of a two-story wooden house
2-storey bathhouses made of logs or timber: projects, photos, drawings
Since ancient times, the bathhouse was just a bathhouse - they steamed, washed and occasionally rested in it. Today
Infrared sauna: benefits and harm, truth and fiction
Everyone knows the benefits bath procedures bring to the body. A body warmed by generous heat, along with
What were the baths of the 18th century like, how aristocrats were treated in steam rooms for cholera and consumption, and how emperors were steamed
Why was a chandelier-shower installed in the imperial baths, who ordered a crystal bath for the royal soap house, what
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