Wood-burning compact stove-fireplace “TMF Accordion Inox”

Payment Methods

Payment in cash or by bank card upon receipt (only for Novosibirsk and surrounding areas)

When delivering an order by courier service, as well as when receiving the goods yourself, you can pay for the order in cash or by credit card. We accept VISA and MasterCard cards. Payment is accepted in Russian rubles. The courier will give you all the necessary financial documents along with your order.

Payment by transfer to the company's bank card

Attention! Please note that when making a bank transfer, the bank may charge a fee for moving funds. Bank card number for payment:

Recipient's bank: Siberian Bank PJSC Sberbank, Novosibirsk Purpose of payment: for crediting to card No. 4276 4408 1566 9103 Naumik Svetlana Petrovna

Purchasing goods on credit or in installments.

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Payment by bank transfer for individuals

Payment using the details to the company’s account upon filling out a receipt in the bank or via online banking. After placing an order, you will receive an invoice for payment and a receipt with our details. The invoiced prices are final and include all taxes. This payment method can be used through any bank operating in Russia. Please note: Banks charge a fee for transferring funds. For information about the amount of the commission fee, check with the bank where you plan to pay the receipt. If you choose this payment method, please wait until you receive your invoice.

Cashless payments for legal entities

If the purchase is made from a legal entity, payment is made against an invoice issued by the online store manager.

Important! The invoice payment period is up to 3 days. It is possible to extend the invoice payment period. When shipping products to the regions, delivery times include the time of delivery of the goods to our warehouse (up to 2 business days) and the time of delivery to the transport company. Further delivery times depend on the terms of the TC.

By agreement with the manager placing the order, cash payment is possible for legal entities. The payment procedure and delivery terms do not change. The package of documents is the same as for non-cash payments.

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FREE for orders over RUR 5,000. Express delivery available in 4 hours

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Heating stove Termofor (TMF) Accordion Inox

1. Return of goods of proper quality.

1.1 The buyer has the right to refuse the ordered product or exchange it for a similar one at any time before receiving it, and after receiving the product - within seven days (Article 26.1 “Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights”), not counting the day of purchase. Return of a product of proper quality is possible if its presentation (including packaging), consumer properties, as well as a document confirming the fact and conditions of purchase of the specified Product are preserved.

1.2 The Buyer does not have the right to refuse a product of proper quality that has individually defined properties if the specified product can be used exclusively by the Buyer purchasing it.

1.3 If the Buyer refuses the goods in accordance with clause 1.1, the Seller, upon the written application of the Buyer, returns to him the cost of the returned goods, with the exception of the costs of delivery of the returned goods from the Buyer, except in cases where the Buyer, on its own, returns the goods to the Seller’s physical store, no later than 30 days from the date of receipt by the Seller of the Buyer’s written application.

1.4 If the original packaging of the product is damaged, but its presentation, as well as the presentation of the goods, is preserved, a return or exchange of goods of good quality after seven days from the date of transfer of the goods to the Buyer is possible by agreement of the Parties, but on the condition that the Buyer is charged 10 % of the cost of the product for violation of the original packaging.

1.5 When returning or refusing goods of good quality, delivered from another country on a pre-order directly for the Buyer, the Seller has the right to recover from the Buyer all documented costs for delivery of the goods.

2. Return of goods of inadequate quality.

2.1 The Buyer may return goods of inadequate quality to the manufacturer or Seller and demand in writing a refund of the amount paid within 15 days from the date of sale, provided that there is a Certificate of Conclusion from the service center that the identified defect is a manufacturing defect; as well as during the warranty period, if the service center has not repaired this product within 45 days, provided that this product is technically complex.

3. Refund.

3.1 Funds must be returned in the same way that was used by the Buyer when paying for the goods or as agreed by the Parties. The timing of the return of funds depends on the banks carrying out settlement transactions between the Seller and the Buyer.

4. Procedure in case of violation by the Seller of the assortment (re-grade) condition.

4.1 If a product is found in the order that does not correspond to the ordered assortment (re-grade), the Buyer has the right, when transferring the order, to refuse this product and demand replacement with a product in the assortment specified in the order, or, upon written request, demand a refund for the goods that were not actually delivered.

4.2 Goods transferred to the Buyer in violation of the assortment conditions must be returned to the Seller. If the Buyer accepts this product, the Seller has the right to demand that the Buyer pay for this product at the price established by the Seller for this product at the time of transfer of the product. If the actually transferred product is not in the Seller’s assortment presented on the Site at the time of transfer of the product, this product is paid for at the price agreed with the Seller.

4.3 Replacement of goods that do not correspond to the order in terms of assortment is carried out by placing a new order as agreed by the Parties.

4.4 If it is impossible to replace the goods, the Seller notifies the Buyer about this, and the funds actually paid for the goods not delivered are returned in the manner provided for in clause 4.5.

4.5 Money paid by the Buyer for goods not actually delivered must be returned within 10 days from the date of receipt of the Buyer’s written application for a refund. The refund of the amount paid for the goods is carried out in the same way as the payment was made or as agreed by the Parties.

5. Procedure in case of violation by the Seller of the terms of quantity or quality (external and mechanical damage).

5.1 When transferring the order, the Buyer is obliged to check the quantity and quality (external and mechanical damage) of the goods in the Order. If, when transferring the order, the Buyer discovers discrepancies in the quantity or quality of the goods in the Order, the Buyer is obliged, in the presence of a representative of the Seller or the carrier, to draw up a Report on the discrepancy in quantity or detection of defects in the Goods for external and mechanical damage.

5.2 If the Seller has transferred to the Buyer a smaller quantity of Goods than determined by the order (non-delivery), the Buyer, when transferring the order, has the right to accept the goods in the part corresponding to the order and demand to transfer the missing quantity of goods, or, if the missing goods have been paid for, refuse the order in part of the missing goods and demand in writing a refund for the missing goods.

5.3 The transfer of the missing goods is carried out by placing a new order as agreed by the parties - the Seller or the Buyer, subject to the Buyer providing a Statement of Discrepancy (Certificate of Non-Supplementation), drawn up in accordance with clause 5.1.

5.4 If it is impossible to transfer the missing goods, the Seller notifies the Buyer about this, and the money actually paid for the missing goods is returned in the manner provided for in clause 4.5.

5.5 If the Buyer violates clause 5.1 regarding the preparation of the Certificate, the Seller has the right to refuse to satisfy the Buyer’s claims regarding the quantity and quality of the transferred goods.

Delivery across Russia

One of the key areas of our work is working with regional buyers: we have excellent prices, even taking into account the cost of delivery. The average delivery time to the nearest regions is 1-3 days, to remote regions – 7-10 days.

Attention! At the terminals of transport companies there are restrictions on the weight and volume of goods sent. For more detailed information, contact the online store managers.

Free delivery to 10 cities of Siberia and the Urals

When ordering from 20,000 rub. We will deliver free of charge to the DPD terminal in the following cities:

Biysk, Barnaul, Ekaterinburg, Kemerovo, Krasnoyarsk, Novokuznetsk, Omsk, Rubtsovsk, Tomsk, Tyumen

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The optimal delivery services for large-sized cargo are Energy, PEK and GDT (Chinese). It is their points that are indicated on the map. We also ship by other services upon request: Business Lines, ZhelDorExpedition, Postal League. Cargo is dispatched from the Fornax central warehouse in Novosibirsk. We will deliver your order to the transport company terminal in Novosibirsk for FREE! After sending the goods, we will send you a tracking number via SMS.

  • All orders are insured
    . If the cargo is damaged due to the fault of the carrier, the recipient is compensated by the transport company for damages in the amount of the full cost of the damaged part of the goods.
  • We ship orders without damage
    . There is always a note about this in the invoice - “the goods were received without damage.” It happens that TC employees, in order to relieve themselves of responsibility for possible damage to the cargo during its transportation, write “the goods were accepted with damage.” We monitor this and offer to jointly open the packaging of the goods, check its integrity, record it with photographs and indicate in the delivery note that the goods were received without damage. So if suddenly damage occurs during transportation, you have every reason to file a claim.
  • Free storage for several days after the cargo arrives in your city
    . Check with the transport company for the period of free storage of cargo at the pick-up point. This period may vary for different TCs. For example, for TC Energia this period is 3 days, not counting the day of arrival. The average delivery time to the nearest regions is 1-3 days, to remote regions – 7-10 days.

Termofor Fire-battery 7

Advantages: Appearance, ease of kindling, compactness, light weight, large firebox


What I understood about this stove are rather its features: 1) It is very important to clean the chimney regularly (if you heat it constantly, then several times a season). For this, it is useful to exit through a tee and think about how you will climb onto the roof. If everything was fine before, but after some time the stove began to smoke, it’s time to clean the chimney2) The stove may leak condensation. It is better not to use mono pipes (only for the first meter) - they are collected by smoke and, in addition to being supercooled, condensation will also flow through the cracks from the outside. To avoid problems, the pipes are only a sandwich and the outlet is through a tee, it doesn’t matter whether the pipe comes out through the wall or into the ceiling. The sandwich inside is collected by condensation and there will be no leaks and there will be less cooling, and the tee will provide easy access for cleaning.3) It is better not to block the damper at all - regulate only by inflow4) When loading a new portion of firewood, you must first open the door a little and, after waiting for the draft to appear, open the door completely and load.5) And most importantly, never overheat the oven! To do this, monitor the intensity of combustion. Do not operate for a long time with the blower open or with the fine tuning set as open as possible, in order to warm up the room faster. In short, monitor the flame through the glass and change the inflow settings. If you overheat, the seams will burn out or come apart.

A comment:

I was looking for a stove with an outlet through the wall. It turned out to be the cheapest. Just 3 meters of pipe and the draft is like a beast, the stove is humming with the vent slightly open! In this mode, I only light at the beginning to get the first batch of coals and warm up the chimney. Then I close the vent and use only the fine-tuning knob - I open it as much as possible when I have loaded the firebox full and let the fresh wood burn for 5-10 minutes, then I close it halfway if I need it warmer, or I close it almost completely if the house is already warmed up and I need long-term burning. The stove does not smoke - a little smoke enters the room only when I load a new portion of firewood and it begins to burn strongly when the door is open. My gate is always open to the maximum. A 180 cubic meter house (6x7, two floors) fully warms up in 5 hours if it is -10 outside. Regarding the burner, it does not fit completely; if the room is dark, I can see the fire through a gap of less than 1 mm, but it never smokes. The handle doesn't get hot at all. I can always open the door with my bare hand. As for the glass, it smokes a little, but the fire is visible. How beautiful it is! All the same, I would give 10 points out of 5 for the design. And also, I took the OB7 because the small dimensions were important to me. If there is room, then take OB9, because Any length of firewood will fit there and in smoldering mode the power will be greater. And the difference in price is small.

How to correctly accept cargo from a transport company

We cooperate only with reliable transport companies that perform their work as responsibly, quickly and accurately as possible, so that our customers are satisfied with everything. However, in the work of any transport company, as elsewhere, the human factor is not excluded, because no one can be immune from mistakes by cargo carrier personnel. To protect you, we have compiled recommendations on how to accept cargo.

The main thing is to remember: the transport company considers its obligations to the recipient fulfilled if the consignee signs that there are no claims in the shipping documents. Therefore, if there is the slightest suspicion about the integrity of the goods, do not sign documents and draw up reports of transportation violations in the presence of a TC employee

. The violation report must be certified with the blue seal of the Labor Code and one copy must be given to you.

If a TC employee refuses to sign the document, DO NOT ACCEPT THE CARGO under any circumstances! Be sure to take a photo or video of the cargo at the TC warehouse, try to find out the details of the employee who refused to sign or accept the act, demand that the reason for the refusal be voiced, and urgently contact us on the same day. Send copies of the records and the violation report to our email. You can count on the help of our specialists and we are ready to provide you with all additional documents that will be necessary to solve the problems that have arisen.

STEP 1. Check the number of places on the invoice

. If the number of places does not match, open the cargo and accept the goods by item, and also compulsorily draw up a report on the discrepancy in places in the presence of TC employees.

Step 2. Check the weight and volume of the goods according to the invoice

. If possible (when receiving at the terminal), request that the cargo be re-weighed and measured in your presence. If there is a discrepancy in weight or volume, the procedure is the same as for other violations - be sure to open the cargo in the presence of a TC representative and receive the goods by item according to the invoice and packing lists, draw up a report on the discrepancy in weight or volume.

Step 3. Check the packaging for integrity and presence of original packaging

. The packaging must not have through holes, damage or dents, traces of jumping or double tape. Our company does not engage in additional packaging of cargo; goods can only be packed in original packaging! In case of any violations, take a photograph of the goods or make a video recording of the opening of the cargo package in the presence of TC employees, and draw up a report in which you describe the violations found. Subsequently, the photographs and videos you take will become the most objective and irrefutable arguments of the recorded violation.

STEP 4. Inspect the cargo for damage

. If there is even the slightest suspicion about the integrity of the packaging, voice them to an employee of the transport company and unpack the goods in front of him to check the integrity of the cargo. Do not sign documents until you are sure that the cargo has arrived to you intact. If damage to the cargo is discovered after signing the consignment note, it will be impossible to make a claim against the transport company.

Features Termofor Accordion

The Accordion stove, unlike the original device, is not equipped with bellows and in this place it is complemented by a door with a transparent glass-ceramic insert, thus creating the impression that it is actually a large musical device that lies on a barrel and emits a beautiful melody from the heat, bright flame.

Such a heating device, in addition to its unique design and similarity to the instrument, also has all the necessary advantages, namely the ability to perform fast, uniform, efficient heating of rooms. At the same time, the Accordion fireplace stove, reviews of which are extremely positive, has a very good power of 6 kW, with fairly miniature overall dimensions (it is suitable for installation even in small and medium-sized rooms, with an area of ​​15 square meters or more.

If we talk about how much it can heat in total, it’s about 100 cubic meters, and this is a very good, worthy indicator for such an original baby.

Separately, we recommend that you familiarize yourself in detail with the design features of a solid fuel fireplace for the home, which once again confirm that good power and versatility can be combined with a unique, interesting, carefully thought-out design and decoration:

Photo Design features Detailed description

Racks The distinctive design features of a modern fireplace include the presence of a special support. It is presented in the form of a support post, which is characterized by good stability. The optimal height of the stand allows the firebox to look original, slender, and the viewing angle is the most advantageous from any angle in the room.

Sidewalls The original sidewalls are also one of the design features of this heating unit. The side inserts have two distinctive original features. First of all, they have a decorative function. Secondly, they are responsible for convection, the exit and entry of air masses into the furnace.

Screen Despite the fact that the overall dimensions of the fireplace insert are quite small, it is distinguished by a very spacious, deep and capacious combustion chamber. You can stack logs in it, the length of which reaches about 400 millimeters. This ensures longer burning and the presence of an impressive, bright, large, voluminous flame in the fireplace hearth.
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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