How much does it cost to build a sauna with your own hands: counting and comparing

At the beginning of the construction of a bathhouse, it is necessary to adequately assess your financial capabilities, on which the entire further course of work will depend. The desire to build a turnkey bathhouse at an affordable price is quite understandable. A preliminary calculation of upcoming costs will help predict the progress of all stages of construction and add confidence that the project will not be abandoned halfway. To understand how much money is needed to build a bathhouse, you must immediately take into account that the cost of the final object consists of many factors. For example: building area, number of floors, complexity of construction, additional options, type of foundation and construction technology.

Selection of construction technology

There are a large number of technologies for building baths. It is difficult to say exactly how much it costs to build a turnkey bathhouse according to any one of them. Initially, bathhouses in Russia were built using log technology. The most important advantage of such a bath is that it has improved air exchange qualities. That is, the ventilation is ideal and natural. In addition, wood is the best heat insulator, so a log bathhouse does not need additional insulation. But now there are other construction technologies that also have their advantages:

  • laminated veneer lumber. This technology is famous for its excellent thermal insulation and good protection against blowing and rotting;
  • profiled timber. This material is made from solid logs. Baths made from this material are light and aesthetically pleasing, but require enhanced protection of the wood from moisture;
  • frame baths. This is a simple, cheap and time-tested technology. The walls are light in weight, making it possible to construct a simple roof structure. Here you need the simplest and most inexpensive foundation. If built correctly, the bathhouse will last for decades.

Is the result always true?

The final calculation and actual costs may vary, so it is always necessary to leave a small amount of NZ.
When making an estimate, you need to be prepared for the fact that real costs will not always correspond to the final figure. Of course, if you don’t deviate from the plan and purchase material at a price no higher than planned, then you can meet it. Therefore, before construction, it is necessary to add 15-20% to the principal amount for unforeseen expenses.

In any case, the price of building a bathhouse with your own hands is significantly lower than turnkey construction. You can purchase a ready-made log house kit; it costs a little more than the material, but it will be easier to assemble it yourself. In addition, you will not have to overpay for the plan, since the log house for assembly has already been cut according to the standard plan.

You must immediately enlist the support of friends and relatives, since it is difficult to lay any material alone. It is convenient to lay even brick or gas blocks alone only on the lower rows.

The help of relatives and friends, plus a little patience and effort will help to significantly reduce the price of a bathhouse. You can build one with little money on hand.

Foundation type

How much it will cost to build a bathhouse in the end also depends on the choice of foundation type. Typically, foundations for wooden buildings are divided into the following types:

  • strip foundation;
  • slab foundation;
  • columnar foundation;
  • pile foundation;
  • pile-screw foundation.

The first type of foundation - strip - is the most common type of foundation. The concrete mixture in the formwork forms a ribbon under the load-bearing walls of the future building. This type of foundation is usually needed for medium-heavy buildings on stable soils.

The second type of foundation is slab. This is an excellent option for those who own areas with problematic soil, or if the total weight of the bathhouse structure will be super-massive.

The third type - columnar foundation - is one of the cheapest options. An easy-to-install support system that can use different types of building materials. As a rule, supports are placed in the corners and perimeter of the future bathhouse. The distance between them should not be more than 2.5 m.

The fourth type is a pile foundation. It involves the installation of steel, reinforced concrete or wooden piles no more than 8 m high. According to the construction technology, there are two types of piles: bored and driven. Most of the construction load is transferred to the most compacted layers of soil.

And the last type of bath foundation is a pile-screw foundation. The basis is all-metal hollow piles, which have a diameter of 8 to 15 cm. They have a pointed end and blades. This device ensures the necessary screwing into the soil and the strength of the base. Piles are required to be immersed to a depth of 1.6-3 m, but this figure can be changed depending on the characteristics of the land plot. The elements are located along the perimeter of the building at a distance of 2-2. 5 m from each other.

Planning and budgeting

It is important that the plan includes an estimate. This way you can avoid unnecessary expenses and provide the necessary amount for the material. A properly drawn up estimate should include the following items:

  1. Bathhouse design (price for drawing up an individual project or purchasing a ready-made standard one). Here it is more profitable to buy a ready-made, proven bathhouse project. It has already been built and it has been tested in practice. You should not draw up a project using computer programs, since all the little things will not be taken into account: landscape, material features, placement of communications on the site.
  2. Foundation installation. (Price of the material.) It is cheaper not to purchase ready-made concrete but to make it yourself. You can rent a concrete mixer at specialized rentals or buy your own. Its price starts from 15,000 rubles, and the savings will be from 30,000 rubles.
  3. Assembly of a log house (Price for materials: timber, logs, bricks, etc.). The most economical option is to build a frame bathhouse and decorate it with imitation timber; externally, the structure will be little distinguishable from a solid one made of wood, and the price will be 2-3 times lower.
  4. Floors (Price of wood for floors) It is more economical to make floors from spliced ​​boards.
  5. Installation of the furnace (Costs for the purchase of material or finished furnace + foundation for it). It’s cheaper to weld a stove with your own hands from old rims from a truck.
  6. Roofing (Price for material and rafter system). The most inexpensive roof is considered to be a pitched roof covered with roofing material or slate.
  7. Finishing. (price for vapor barrier, waterproofing, insulation + lining + material for exterior finishing).
  8. Fastening and connecting elements.
  9. Additional expenses.

Before building a bathhouse from timber, it is necessary to calculate the material.
Not everyone takes into account the “Additional costs” item, but it is very important. The final cost of the bath depends on it. It includes all additional elements in the baths and the costs of delivery and unloading of materials.

So, for a budget building with a 3x2 m project, fewer additional costs are needed than for the same one but with a swimming pool or with the installation of a font. Additional expenses should also include: technology and equipment for the bathhouse, a heated floor heating system, tools for work (hammers, saws, planes, grinders, etc.). If you rent equipment or use borrowed equipment, this item will be significantly reduced.

Design price

Designing a bathhouse is an important stage. Even if the bathhouse will not be registered, the project will help with installation. It is cheaper to buy a project that has already been designed individually for other buyers. Finding one is difficult, since not every buyer wants to share what they paid a lot of money for.

To create an individual project costs from 30,000 rubles. You can save money by contacting the government. employees or students of architectural universities. They will be happy to develop a project for a price starting from 5,000 rubles. You can save up to 80% of costs.

You can download a standard project on the Internet, then the costs will only be for traffic and ink in the printer. But not all standard projects have been verified, since most of them were compiled by non-professionals using special computer programs.

Choosing material

The easiest way to build a bathhouse with your own hands is from timber.
To build a bathhouse, purchase material for the roof box and foundation. It is more profitable to purchase bulk materials not in bags from construction stores, but through advertisements by machine.

The box is assembled from a material that is affordable. If a tree has been chosen, then before you buy it is necessary to go through several manufacturers. Various sawmills offer grades A, B, BC, and C. But there are no specific criteria by which wood is divided into grades, and you can find C quality, which at another sawmill will be sold at the price of B or BC. For a high-quality bath, it is better to use chamber-dried wood. And it’s easier to build with your own hands from profiled or laminated timber. It is easily assembled using tongue-and-groove locks and the bathhouse will turn out to be even and regular in shape.

Traditionally, hardwood is used to build a log bathhouse. But suitable aspen and linden are expensive. You can save money and assemble the walls from pine or aspen, but finish everything inside with linden or aspen lining. The price will be 50-60% lower.

Communication costs

To lay communications it is necessary to dig a trench under the drain and pipes.
Communication in bathhouses is not a cheap pleasure. The electrical system and water are carried out according to a pre-drawn up plan. You can make and calculate this yourself, but it is better to turn to professionals. You should not skimp on materials for electrical wiring, as this can be life-threatening.

With the drainage and sewerage system everything is much simpler. You can do it yourself, and maintenance must be carried out every six months. It will be necessary to dig trenches and a cesspool; for this it is better to hire a tractor. The price for services in different cities differs slightly, from 500 rubles per hour. It takes at least 2 hours to complete all planned work.

You can connect the bathhouse to the general sewerage system, but a separate septic tank is installed on the site. This way you will have to service it less often.

It is not necessary to install a heating system into the bathhouse. But if the bathhouse is large and is intended as a company holiday. Then you need to hang a separate boiler and install a pipe system. The cheapest option is considered to be a solid fuel boiler, which will significantly reduce the figures on your electricity or gas bills.

Finishing materials and insulation

It is more profitable to decorate the outside of the bathhouse with siding; it will last a long time and is not afraid of any external influences.
You shouldn’t skimp on insulation, vapor barriers and waterproofing for baths. The heating costs and heating time of the bath depend on the quality of these materials. High-quality finishing will serve the owners for a long time and they will have to invest less in repairs.

It is better to take linden or aspen lining for interior decoration. You can use abacus or oak, but they are more expensive. Here it is also important to pay attention to grade. The lining should not have darkened or rotten areas, wormholes or dark knots. Since the bath is associated with the use of water, the higher quality the material, the longer it will last.

It is important what antiseptics the elements will be treated with. The most inexpensive option is Senezh sauna, but you can take special compounds from Tikkuril or other major manufacturers. You should not treat elements with waste machine oil; the “old-fashioned methods” are unacceptable for a bathhouse.

Swimming pool in a bathhouse - to be or not to be?

A swimming pool in a bathhouse is considered an element of luxury and is expensive.
A swimming pool in a bathhouse on a garden plot does not need to be planned in advance. The most inexpensive option is to install a small frame next to the bathhouse, at a price of 10,000 rubles. In a bathhouse that is used all year round, the pool is planned in advance, since space is needed for it.

The price of materials for pool installation ranges from 10,000 to 55,000 rubles/m². Depends on the type and complexity of the design. This does not take into account finishing, so simple ceramic tiles will cost from 250 rubles/m². The pleasure is not cheap. It’s easier to buy a ready-made wooden font, which costs from 25,000 rubles, depending on the volume. If you make a font with your own hands, the price will be generally insignificant.

In addition to all of the above, the pool needs to be maintained and this takes a lot of effort and time. And hiring specialists is expensive.

From all that has been said, we can conclude: there will be a swimming pool in the baths if the owners are ready for large expenses.


In the question of how much it costs to build a good bathhouse, its interior decoration plays an important role. It is this that directly affects ease of use and aesthetic pleasure.

A standard Russian bathhouse has several main rooms: a steam room, a shower room and a vestibule. If desired, some equip a bathroom, a rest room and various utility rooms. The decoration of each room may have its own characteristics.

But the most optimal option for interior decoration of a bathhouse is considered to be lining made of hardwood. This material is available to everyone, it can last for many years. If you need a higher quality coating, you can use porcelain stoneware or ceramic tiles.


The bathhouse must have many accessories and additional parts, so when calculating the cost of construction, you need to take into account the internal components.

One of the main elements of each bath is a stove or heater, which produces steam. This design must meet high fire safety requirements, so its choice must be approached responsibly. Nowadays, metal stoves are becoming increasingly popular because they do not require the construction of a foundation.

The modern market offers a lot of additional accessories for heaters:

  • the chimney is the most important component of a sauna stove, since without it combustion products will not escape;
  • a firewood rack is, as a rule, a metal device that is necessary for storing logs;
  • protective screen - a device with the help of which the air near the heating device is activated, thanks to which the bathhouse heats up faster;
  • stove stones differ in heat capacity, resistance to temperature changes and strength characteristics.

The equipment for other rooms in the bathhouse is also required: steam room and shower. For the latter, a certain set of accessories will be required, thanks to which a person will be able to take water procedures. It includes: a tank with hot water, a basin for rinsing, a wooden font.

As for the steam room, it requires components that can withstand high temperatures without emitting harmful substances. So, the accessories should be as follows: oak brooms, a steamer, a wooden ladle and headrests, ventilation grilles, bath caps.

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