We swim and lose weight. 6 effective water aerobics exercises

Training in the pool is one of the most effective ways to combat excess weight. Engaging in water sports quickly and efficiently corrects your figure without having a negative impact on your health. The pool has a complex effect on the body, not only destroying fat deposits, but also improving the general condition.

What is water aerobics

Water aerobics is a complex physical activity that is great for people who are extremely overweight. Rhythmic exercises in water help to simultaneously target problem areas and strengthen the entire body. The sports direction is used for weight loss, as well as for special training of gymnasts and athletes before competitions. Benefits of water aerobics:

  • gentle load on joints and spine;
  • suitable for those with heart problems;
  • suitable for persons with varicose veins;
  • metabolic function increases;
  • blood circulation is normalized.

During active exercise in water and simple swimming in the sea, the body expends about 600 kcal, while ordinary physical exercise removes only 400 kcal.

What you will need for classes

Before going to the pool, you need to stock up on special paraphernalia. If you just plan to tighten your figure and reduce your waist, a comfortable swimming suit is quite enough. For recovery procedures, athletes will need additional tools:

  • aqua-cantels;
  • gymnastic sticks;
  • exercise machines for working out muscle mass;
  • boards and cuffs.

Experts believe that you should always have an aerobics belt with you. It will help to evenly distribute the load on the abdominal cavity and sides.

A set of exercises for weight loss

If water aerobics is prescribed, exercises for losing weight in the abdomen and sides should be started only after a preliminary warm-up has been carried out and the muscles have been sufficiently warmed up. When performing special exercises, you can use sports equipment for swimming pools. Special fins, plates on hands and other burdensome objects can be used. Each method usually has an individual plan and is suitable for men and adolescents.

Exercises for the abs

To work on your body correctly, you only need to follow tactics and a time period. Regardless of your experience in aquafitness, you only need to do two exercise options; swimming is allowed in between.

  1. We lie on our back until we feel balance. Next, we place our hands at the seams, palms down. We breathe deeply, as we exhale, we bring our legs bent at the knees to the chest, then lower them to the starting position. To increase the difficulty and increase the load, you can alternately pull your knee to the opposite shoulder. Each exercise is performed 10 times in two approaches.
  2. Gymnastics with fitball. We hold the handrails in the pool with both hands. We hold a sports ball between our feet. We perform leg lifts 20 times. Movements should be smooth and careful.

Between each workout, it is recommended to perform breathing exercises until inhalation and exhalation are uniform. As you inhale, we raise our arms up (we work with the shoulder joints), and as we exhale, we lower them down in front of us.

Waist exercises

To remove accumulated fat on the sides and waist, you need to follow a small set of exercises.

  1. We move to a sufficient depth in the pool, it is advisable to use a place where your feet will not reach the bottom. We press our legs to our chest and rotate our body. We perform 10 repetitions for each side.
  2. We plunge into the water up to our chests, holding our hands behind our heads. We stand on one leg, bend the other at the knee and bring it to the elbow. You should do 13-15 repetitions. It is better to perform the exercise sharply so that a load is created on the muscles and the gymnastics is effective.

Don't forget about breathing exercises during the break. At this time, you can slowly walk around the pool, moving your hands through the water towards your stomach. The resulting waves will hydromassage the skin.

Breathing must be correct, otherwise the body will lose a lot of oxygen, which will cause rapid fatigue.

Using dumbbells

The technique is called aquashaping; it is a special set of exercises in which the main emphasis is on sports equipment. You should study according to the algorithm. It is better to alternate with other activities.

  1. We take one dumbbell weighing 1 kg in each hand, walk in place, raising our knees as high as possible in front of us. Hands must be raised and lowered alternately. The duration of such gymnastics is 2 minutes.
  2. We find a section of the pool where the water is waist-deep, put our feet shoulder-width apart, stretch our arms sharply forward and return them back, perform this for two minutes.
  3. We remain in the same position, stretch one arm forward a little, tilting the body, leave the other arm with the dumbbell behind. We are trying to fight the water, dodging down. We change the position of the hands every 15 times. The task can be completed in two approaches.
  4. Feet together, hands with dumbbells in front of you. We make a jump, bending our knees, trying to reach our chest with them. Each time you need to simultaneously bring your arms in front of you so that the dumbbells touch. Do 10 reps.

Such exercises in water to lose weight in the stomach and sides will give the first results after just two weeks of regular exercise.

During a beach holiday, it is allowed to perform exercises in the sea to lose weight in the abdomen and sides. You can involve other vacationers in this.

Anita Lutsenko's tactics

When turning to Anita Lutsenko’s method, every young girl and even older woman has a chance to find an ideal body. One aquafitness session is equal to two sessions in the gym, so in a month your body features will be clearly visible. You need to perform exercises at home for your tummy according to the following algorithm.

  1. We fill the bath with warm water, and its temperature should not exceed 33 degrees. Otherwise, the heart will be under serious strain.
  2. Do not use soap as there is a risk of slipping and injury.
  3. We immerse ourselves in the bathtub, sit comfortably: we hold on to the sides with our hands, our back rests against the back side. We slowly lift our legs out of the water one at a time, feeling how each thigh tenses.

It is better to perform all exercises one by one: a day in the pool, a day at home in the bathroom. To ensure that all exercises are not in vain, you should adhere to proper nutrition and maintain physical activity.

Pool workout: how to get in shape on your own

Do you love swimming, but lack technique and speed? Or have you not been to the pool for a long time and want to get back in shape? Try following our program - and the results will not keep you waiting.

Swimming is a sport that allows you to develop all muscle groups and has many benefits. This basic training program will allow you to regain your lost form, improve your technique and increase your swimming speed.

Everyone has heard about the benefits of swimming in a pool. In water, you can quickly and effectively pump all the muscles of the body with minimal risk of injury. And also - to develop breathing, develop endurance and get hardened.

Swimming is especially useful for those who want to always be in good shape and care about their back health.

But where to start if you haven't been to the pool in a while? Or if, already knowing how to swim, you decided to reach a new level and swim not only for pleasure, but also for the benefit of your technique? Here is a basic pool training program that you can master on your own.


A good workout has 4 parts:

1. Before you start working on technique and endurance, you need to warm up your muscles and perform cardio exercises to stimulate blood circulation.

2. Then you can move on to training to improve your swimming technique.

3. The next step is to perform exercises to develop endurance.

4. And lastly - a series of exercises with auxiliary accessories, on the back or breaststroke, to rest and relax the muscles.



The warm-up takes 10 minutes, the goal is to warm up the joints and muscles. Focus on your range of motion and swim:

  • 50 m freestyle
  • 25m backstroke
  • 25m breaststroke

Do several repetitions at your own pace.

Recovery – 1 minute.


Cardio exercises are performed to increase your heart rate and prepare your heart for subsequent activities.

Use 80% of your capabilities, don’t go all out, save your strength for the main part of the workout!

This exercise is perfect for a gentle heart workout:

  • 25 m freestyle (fast pace)
  • recovery 30 sec
  • 50m freestyle (fast pace)
  • recovery 30 sec
  • 25 m freestyle (fast pace)
  • recovery 30 sec

Repeat the exercise again and rest for 1 minute.


Practicing swimming techniques

Position on your back, arms extended above your head, swimming board in your hands, use your legs. You can also hold the board in front of your hips with your arms outstretched. The purpose of this exercise is to practice control of immersion of the pelvis and legs in water.

  • 2 x 50 m backstroke
  • rest 30 seconds between sets of 50 m
  • 1 minute recovery time.

Strengthening leg muscles

Work your legs as if you were swimming crawl, on your side, alternating left and right sides for each new segment of the distance. If necessary, use a swimming board: one hand on the board, the other extended along the body.

  • 2 x 50 m
  • rest 30 seconds between sets of 50 m

Repeat again if you feel strong enough, then rest for 1 minute.


Swim crawl, holding the bun between your legs. The load is placed on the abdominal and leg muscles, while the arms are very tense. Extend your arms as far as possible when entering and exiting the water.

  • 2 x 50 m crawl (with bob)
  • rest 30 seconds between sets of 50 m

Repeat again if you feel strong enough, then rest for 1 minute.


Swim crawl with fins; the resistance they create allows you to work your muscles deeply and helps you maintain your body position in the water by pushing harder.

What is the principle of correct movement in fins? The movement should be amplitude and come “from the hip”, and not “from the knee”. Fins allow you to travel longer distances, which increases your endurance and speed.

This is the last exercise. Give your 100%, try to surpass yourself!

  • 150 m crawl with fins
  • recovery – 2 minutes

Repeat again if you feel strong enough, then rest for 1 minute.


At this stage of the workout, try to relax your muscles and rest. This is the last exercise, take your time, breathe calmly and deeply, relax your muscles.

When swimming breaststroke, make long strokes, breathe as you push, and lower yourself under the water with your arms extended in front of you.

  • 2 x 50m breaststroke
  • rest 30 seconds between sets of 50 m
  • 3 x 50 m backstroke

When swimming on your back, keep your body horizontal by moving your legs. The shoulders alternately appear above the surface of the water.

The training is over, bravo! Take a cool shower to increase blood circulation and speed up muscle recovery!

Repeat this program until you regain shape.

It is important to drink water before, during and after exercise to avoid cramping or pain. During training, use a flexible water flask - it's very convenient!


Despite its accessibility and safety, water aerobics has limitations:

  • elderly people and pregnant women should always exercise with an instructor;
  • for asthma and allergies;
  • for rheumatism;
  • for disorders of the vestibular apparatus;
  • with cystitis.

Consult your doctor to avoid complications.

That's all, my dear readers. If you liked the article, share it with your friends on social networks. And subscribing to updates will not allow you to miss interesting things. Goodbye!

Sincerely, Olga Sologub

Training is a very complex process that requires persistence and patience. I agree, lying on the couch with a plate of goodies and watching a TV series is much more pleasant than waving your legs and arms. But, dear friends, lying on the sofa with junk food is certain death, and systematic movements mean a long life. So, if you are making a choice in favor of training in the pool, sit back and continue reading the article.

Abdominal exercises


Simple, at first glance, exercises can create a real miracle not only with your figure, but also with your health in general.

Figure. Working out in the pool helps you lose weight:

  • hands;
  • legs;
  • belly;
  • hips;
  • buttocks

Skin covering. A set of exercises promotes:

  • getting rid of cellulite;
  • smoothing out small and deep wrinkles;
  • slowing down biological aging;
  • production of elastin and collagen fibers;
  • removing excess fluid from the body;
  • increasing the absorption capacity of the skin;
  • improving the protective properties of the skin;
  • normalization of the sebaceous glands;
  • replenishing water balance;
  • tightening sagging skin.

Organism. Training helps normalize work:

  • musculoskeletal system;
  • central nervous system;
  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • respiratory system;
  • digestive system;
  • genitourinary system;
  • immune system.

The persistent results of training in the pool are as follows:

  • amazing figure;
  • impeccable posture;
  • toned muscles of the neck, shoulders, arms, body, buttocks, hips, legs;
  • velvet leather;
  • a hardy organism that resists certain diseases.


Health treatments in the pool are prohibited:

  • for chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • with angina pectoris;
  • for tuberculosis;
  • for skin infections;
  • with open wounds;
  • with weeping diathesis;
  • for malignant formations;
  • with paralysis;
  • for epilepsy;
  • with a recent heart attack;
  • with a recent stroke;
  • with osteochondrosis;
  • during menstruation;
  • for ENT diseases (conjunctivitis, keratitis, blepharitis, otitis, etc.);
  • with cystitis;
  • with a tendency to seizures;
  • during a difficult pregnancy (mothers also take care of their figure).

Effective exercises in water

The exercises below provide a general strengthening effect and also allow you to work on special zones.

The following exercises in the pool are effective for the back and spine: exercise 1, 2, 3, 4 and 8. Others are also effective, but the first four and eight are the best exercises in water for the spine and back.

Good ab exercises in water are exercises 4, 5 and 8.

All exercises from this complex except 5, 7 and 8 will be good for the hips. Although, the eighth exercise will also partially play a role in the formation of beautiful hips.

To build chest muscles, the most effective exercise in water is the one at number 7.

Now take a closer look at the set of exercises and what muscle groups they are intended for.

Exercise 1

We strengthen the thigh muscles, stretch the spine, and unload the collar area. Starting position (hereinafter IP): on your stomach, arms on the board, extended forward. Hands lie freely. Don’t stomp the board, use your legs as if you were crawling: one goes up, the other goes down, then vice versa. Exhale into the water. Exhale the air not at once, but in several portions. To inhale, lift your face out of the water. The same without a board. I.P.: inhale, lie on your stomach on the water, lower your face into the water, stretch your arms forward, put your palms together. Exhale in portions, work your legs like a crawl.

IMPORTANT. Stretch your hands forward, stretch your spine. The legs work from the hips, do not bend them too much at the knees, the feet are relaxed.

Exercise 2

Target. The same thing - we sculpt the hips and unload the spine. I.P.: Lie on your back, arms along your body. Lie down a little, fixing the position, raise your stomach (this will prevent your face from plunging into the water), lift one hand over the top and place it behind your head on the water. Then lift and place the second one, connect them. Work your legs as in the previous exercise.

IMPORTANT. Stretch forward with your arms and your whole body. You should feel tension in the muscles of your arms and back.

Exercise 3

Target. The same - hips, spine. I.P.: on your stomach, hands on the board, inhale, lower your face into the water. Leave one hand on the board, press the other to your body. Exhale in portions, work your legs like a crawl. To inhale, turn your head towards the hand pressed to your body. Important. Pull your hand forward on the board. When inhaling, do not lift your head too much; when exhaling, keep it relaxed. Take your time, do everything slowly.

Exercise 4

Training the deep muscles of the body that form posture and waist. I.P.: lie on your back, lie down to fix the position, lift your stomach. The arms are extended along the body, pressed to the hips. Use your legs as if you were crawling. At the same time, raise both arms up, place them behind your head, lower them into the water and, performing a stroke, return to the starting position. IMPORTANT. When you complete the stroke, do not rush to start the next one, slightly hold your hands at your hips. This will prevent your face from getting submerged in water. If you can't stand it getting into your nose, buy a synchronized swimming clip.

Exercise 5

Target. We train the muscles of the shoulder girdle and abdomen. I.P.: standing, push off from the bottom, place the noodles (or board) under your bent knees. It's like you're sitting in the water, like in a chair. Using your arms as if you were doing breaststroke, move forward.

IMPORTANT. Be sure to keep your back vertical by squeezing your shoulder blades and tightly tightening your abdominal muscles.

Exercise 6

Goal: tighten the inner thighs. I.P.: at a sufficient depth, where you cannot reach the bottom with your feet, “hang” at the wall of the pool, pressing your body against it. From this position, perform a downward breaststroke motion with your legs. Repeat 10-15 times.

COMPLEX OPTION: do it without support from the side, at depth, balancing with your hands. In this case, the abs and muscles that form beautiful posture are also strengthened. Important. When the exercise is performed correctly, you will jump out of the water with each pushing movement.

Exercise 7

Target. We tighten the back surface of the arms, model the bust and train the lateral muscles of the body. I.P.: standing in water up to my neck, holding dumbbells. Spread your arms to the sides, lower them down and raise them. From the same I.P.: Stretch your arms with dumbbells in front of you. Without bending your elbows, spread them apart and bring them together.

IMPORTANT. Work with your hands with maximum strength, overcoming the resistance of the water.

Exercise 8

Target. We strengthen the lateral abdominal muscles and deep core muscles, forming a flat stomach and beautiful posture. I.P.: standing at the bottom, take a noodle in each hand. Turn your feet outward as much as possible and place your feet on the noodles. Balancing with your arms, walk in place, raising and lowering your legs with your noodles. LIGHTWEIGHT OPTION. In deep water, where you can’t reach the bottom, standing vertically in the water, place a board under both feet and stand on it. Slowly, while maintaining balance and balancing with your hands, bend and straighten your knees.

IMPORTANT. Having your feet turned outward will help you stay on the noodles.

Well, now you have found out how you can diversify your time in the pool. As you can see, there are many exercises in water for the back and spine. And, of course, many good ab exercises in the pool will help you quickly get your tummy in order. And what is the effect on posture from these activities?

And one more piece of advice: In the pool, you can (and should) take personal training, and it would be good to have a coach with specialized experience, that is, a former swimmer. He will help you master these exercises or create a complex for you personally, taking into account, for example, those health problems that can be solved along the way. On the website you can read another article about the health benefits of water aerobics.

If this complex or the complex put together by a trainer “doesn’t work” for you, if swimming is still unbearably boring and water aerobics doesn’t suit you either, quit the pool. Find another form of fitness or just walk. Movement should be fun!

And finally, a video with exercises in the pool:

Always stay in shape!

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How to swim to lose belly fat

The majority of women who visit the pool are interested in how to swim to get rid of their belly fat. The ideal style for getting a thin waist and flat tummy is the crawl style. It affects the oblique muscles of the upper abs, forcing them to work and burn fat. The special water aerobics exercises described above will help increase the effect. They need to be done in the middle of the lesson to avoid fatigue.

To get an ideal body from the pool, it is correct to use the following training scheme, developed by qualified trainers. According to her, in three months the stomach will look flat and the waist will look chiseled. Rest between swims should be taken as you become tired.

Week/Distance, meters 1 day Day 2 Day 3
1 200 200 200
2 300 300 300
3 400 400 400
4 400 400 400
5 400 500 500
6 500 500 500
7 500 500 500
8 500 500 500
9 600 500 500
10 600 500 500
11 700 500 500
12 700 500 500

The best exercises for training in the pool

In their desire to lose weight, people are ready to make many sacrifices. We can torture ourselves with hard workouts in the gym, go on a diet, and give up our favorite (and often healthy) foods. But there is a great alternative to all this torment - classes in the pool. In the water you can do a set of exercises for the abdomen, legs, arms, and pump up your abs well.

And at the same time the load on the back is minimal! This is especially important for people suffering from spinal problems, for whom regular exercise is contraindicated. And exercises for losing weight in the pool are recognized as one of the most effective!


  • Don't jump out of the pond after class.
  • Wait for breathing to resume.
  • Do a couple of light stretching elements.
  • Float on your back.

This concludes the “weight loss” exercises.

By working out 2-3 times a week, you will quickly begin to notice admiring glances on yourself, since slimness is guaranteed. And if you also visit the sauna, believe me, you will see how the jaws of those around you drop in surprise! Surprises? How could it be otherwise? After all, it’s not every day you see how a shy fat woman or a fat man turns into a sex bomb.

An anecdote on the topic: An overweight woman says to her friend: “I go to the pool for a swim.” They say you can lose weight from this. - Chatter, look what a whale looks like.

Tired of counting the folds on your stomach? Tired of propping up your double chin with your hands? Tired of mocking looks? Don’t want to sit in two seats at once in public transport? What are you waiting for? Hit the pool immediately and do some rigorous, fat-burning workouts!

Good luck and amazing results to you! Bye!

Wisdom Quote: Moderation is the best feast (Gabriil Derzhavin).

Ab exercises in the pool

In order to begin to decrease in volume, we need to evenly work out all parts of the body and muscle groups.
You can start with the abdomen, since the muscles of this part of our body are the most resilient, and they need to be trained more often than others. In water you can do almost any set of abdominal exercises that we do on land. For example, pump up muscles by bending your legs. To do this, lie on your back and relax, after 5 seconds, fold into a corner and, holding your head above the water, begin to pull your legs up to your chin one by one.

This exercise can be performed at uneven speeds: alternate between fast and slow leg movements. This technique allows you to work your abdominal muscles more effectively and burn fat in the abdominal area faster.

This workout can be slightly modified if desired: try pulling both legs synchronously and at the same time making small movements of the body towards them.

Also, for a beautiful waist, regular twisting of the body around its axis is effective. To do this, swim to depth and take a vertical position. Spread your arms wide, keep your upper body motionless and begin to perform rhythmic rotations of your hips from left to right, spinning around your axis. In this case, the hips and legs should be one. This complex not only trains the lateral muscles of the torso well, but also helps to reduce the volume of the thigh.

Average level

Breath control and endurance

Distance – 900 meters, freestyle training:

  • warm-up 2 x 100 meters with one break in the middle;
  • 4 x 25 fast crawl with 30 seconds rest between segments;
  • 4 x 50 with three strokes on each stroke and a 15-second rest after every 50 meters;
  • 4 x 25 fast with holding your breath during the segment and a 30-second rest after;
  • 4 x 50 with three strokes on each stroke and a 15-second rest after each half hundred;
  • cool down 100 meters.

All styles

Distance – 900 meters, plan:

  • warm-up with crawl 2 x 100 with rest at your discretion;
  • 4 x 25 on the back with breaks of 15 seconds;
  • 4 x 25 breaststroke with breaks;
  • 4 x 25 butterfly with breaks;
  • 2 100 in turn - 25 in each style with a break of 30 seconds after a hundred;
  • cool down with freestyle 200 meters.

Krol + complex

Distance – 1000 meters, plan:

  • warm-up 200 without a break;
  • 4 x 50 freestyle with alternating speeds every 25 meters and resting for 15 seconds;
  • 4 x 100 alternately - 25 meters in each style with a break of 30 seconds after a hundred;
  • cool down 200 meters.

Krol + complex No. 2

Distance – 1000 meters, plan:

  • warm-up with freestyle 100 meters without a break;
  • 4 x 50 alternately butterfly and crawl every 25 meters and a 30-second break after every 50 meters;
  • 4 x 50 – back and crawl;
  • 4 x 50 – breaststroke and crawl;
  • 4 x 50 freestyle with alternating speeds every 25 and rest;
  • 100 meter freestyle cool down.

Endurance, breathing rhythm, turning technique

Option 1

Distance – 1200 with added turns, plan:

  • warm-up crawl 300 meters without rest;
  • 4 x 50 freestyle with alternating breathing - inhaling on the 4th stroke in the first 25 meters and on the 2nd stroke in the next 25 meters with a rest of 15 seconds;
  • 200 freestyle followed by 10 turns after every second stroke;
  • 4 x 50 in any style at your discretion with a break;
  • 300m freestyle cool down.

Option 2

Distance – 1200 with added turns, plan:

  • warm-up crawl 200 without rest;
  • 200 freestyle followed by 4 turns after every fourth stroke;
  • 4 x 100 freestyle, inhaling on the fourth stroke and resting 15 seconds after the segment;
  • 4 turns after every fourth stroke;
  • 4 x 50 in any style at your discretion with a short break;
  • cool down 200 meters freestyle.

A set of exercises for the buttocks

Even regular swimming is good for the muscles of the buttocks. But if you want to speed up and significantly improve results, additionally perform a special set of exercises.

The most effective techniques to help you quickly lose weight and reduce fat deposits in the legs are the following:

  1. Underwater running in a vertical position.
  2. Exercise “bicycle”, which is performed lying on your back.
  3. Extending your legs to the side and in front of you. Can be performed in 2 ways: keep your legs straight or bend your knees.
  4. Overlapping or bringing the bent leg back. Helps to stretch the muscles of the front thigh well.
  5. Sharp contraction and extension of straight legs.

Training your arms in the water

Swimming is perhaps the best way for women to get rid of arm fat.
After all, not many representatives of the fair sex can do such effective exercises as push-ups on land. If your goal is only a slight and gradual improvement in the definition of your arms, then a regular 20-30 minute swim in the pool in different styles will be enough for you. But if you need to get rid of a significant amount of fat deposits, then you need to do a special set of underwater exercises for your arms.

In order to pump up your shoulder girdle, lie on your back, keep your legs straight and motionless, spread your arms as wide as possible and begin to forcefully rake the water with them in order to swim. In this technique, it is important not to use your legs, since the load on your arms should be maximum!

You can also try doing push-ups. If you had problems with this exercise on land, then doing push-ups in water is much easier, and you can do it with ease.

Complex exercises with additional equipment

To make the most of your workouts, try using dumbbells when exercising in the pool.

One of the best exercises for the muscles of the arms and back is lifting dumbbells over your head. To do this, you don’t need to go deep, it’s enough that the water is chest deep. By doing this dumbbell press up, you train your arm muscles well and strengthen your shoulder joints. But at the same time, your spine experiences much less stress than on land.

To pump up your arms and legs at the same time, it is recommended to use additional weights. They are soft “bracelets” with Velcro, inside of which there is metal. Such weights are attached to the biceps and on the legs above the knees. Each of them weighs from 1 to 2 kilograms. And thus, even by swimming in the simplest style, you simultaneously work your biceps, triceps and leg muscles well.

In order to effectively perform abdominal exercises in the pool, special sticks are used to help stay on the surface of the water. For example, there are sets of exercises in which they are used as a pillow-support for the head. This allows you to pump the lateral muscles of the torso and even do hyperextension.

Tips and tricks

Many professionals use the pool in their training program, but most often as an addition to their main workouts. There are two options for using this technique - swimming is considered as a cardio exercise or used between workouts as a recovery tool.

The second case is possible if the athlete trains actively and hard outside the pool, does not come to swim intensely or do some exercises, but swim moderately and stay in the water. A small load will help remove lactic acid from the body, which will speed up the process of muscular adaptation.

This athlete competes in a variety of disciplines, but believes that the pool can help develop skills useful in a variety of sports. Having lost his arm as a child, he decided to actively engage in sports, including swimming, and actively uses it both to lose fat and to train strength and keep his body in shape.

In one of his interviews, Oleg Khanukaev admitted that although he is no longer as active in fitness as in his competitive years, he tries to keep in shape. Training in the pool and swimming help him with this, to which he devotes a lot of time and advises him to follow his example.

The famous athlete and winner of many bikini fitness titles advises not to focus on one type of cardio when losing weight. It's best to vary the process to shock your muscles over and over again, and the pool is perfect for this purpose.

Tags: pool, belly, exercise

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