Do-it-yourself gas bath stove: a guide to the design and installation of a gas stove

The tradition of visiting the bathhouse has existed since ancient times. Many people build a bathhouse in a private house, in outbuildings, in the country or outside the city. In order for you to want to return to the bathhouse time after time, it needs to be properly equipped and all communications must be installed.

One of the most important systems is heating. If you make a stove for a gas bath with your own hands, you can effectively heat this room. The market offers a large selection of various gas equipment. But purchasing it may be too expensive.

Why spend so much money on heating a bathhouse that you don’t visit very often? This problem is solved in a simple way. There are many different designs for homemade stoves, according to which you can assemble a high-quality device yourself at home.

Criteria for choosing a gas furnace

The power of the furnace is the main criterion that you need to focus on. But there are other nuances that will help you choose the right and reliable device:

  • Dimensions of the stove - so that the stove does not “eat up” space, it should not be large. It is better to choose one in which the remote fuel channel is extended;
  • Gas consumption - the lower the gas consumption, the better the stove works (this data is indicated in the equipment passport);
  • Acceptable type of gas - some stoves operate only on natural network gas, while other models allow you to reconfigure the reducer;
  • The versatility of the models - some stoves can operate both with gas and with wood. This option is convenient only if gas has not yet been installed to the bathhouse, but is planned. In other cases, it is simply an overpayment of money;
  • If the sauna equipment is sold with a water tank, then you do not need to bother with the additional purchase of a tank. But, if there is no water tank, then you should think in advance about how the water will be heated.

Boiler thermal insulation

Boiler connection diagram.
Before installing the boiler, you need to make its own thermal insulation. This should be done to reduce heat loss and increase system efficiency. Using glue, wrap our boiler with insulating building material. You can also use foam for installation. You can also make thermal insulation using two containers of different sizes. In this option, we isolate the space between the containers we use. This insulation option increases the performance of the water heater and reduces energy costs.

By making a boiler with our own hands, we save a lot. The quality remains virtually unchanged.

Fire safety requirements

When installing any sauna stove, it is necessary to strictly comply with fire safety requirements, since the walls of the device heat up to fairly high temperatures during its operation. In order to ensure maximum safety and not have problems with regulatory organizations, it is recommended to install the stove in accordance with the provisions prescribed in SNiP 41-01-2003 (Chapter 6.6).

  • The first thing that needs to be done is to equip a reliable foundation for the main structure of the stove, which will be adjacent to the wall dividing the room. The foundation should be covered with heat-resistant material and then with metal sheet. Asbestos sheets were previously used as heat-resistant insulation. Today on sale you can find panels of pressed mineral wool, which is less dangerous from an environmental point of view, sheets of foam glass or EZHKAKH (heat-resistant structural mica plastic).
  • It is also necessary to provide a metal flooring in front of the combustion door, which will prevent the wooden floor from catching fire and simplify debris removal. The size of the pre-furnace sheet must be at least 400×800 mm.
  • If the partition between the steam room and the dressing room is wooden, then the opening through which the fuel channel will pass must be separated from the wood by brick or stone masonry. The distance between the stove and wooden walls should be 400÷450 mm.

In the version shown, the owner chose to fill the opening with bricks

  • Provided that an opening is installed along the end part of the wall through which the combustion channel will pass, a gasket made of heat-insulating material (mineral basalt wool or cement-fiber sheet) with a thickness of 40÷50 mm, the distance between the part of the wall built from combustible material and the outer wall oven can be reduced to 250 mm. If thicker thermal insulation material is installed, the safe distance can be 125 mm.
  • The distance between the ceiling of the bathhouse and the surface of the stove should not be less than 1200 mm.
  • The distance from the edge of the combustion door to the nearest door must be at least 1250 mm.
  • If you purchased a non-factory-made stove, or the device is independently made from sheet metal, then it is best to cover it with brick. Thus, it is possible to protect the structure of the bathhouse from fire, and people taking water procedures from burns. Factory products, as a rule, are made with double walls, between which thermal insulation material is laid or convection channels pass through.

Organization of the base under the stove

A do-it-yourself sauna stove made from a gas cylinder, as mentioned above, is quite compact and lightweight. Very often, users place a sheet of metal placed on asbestos cardboard under the stove as a heat-resistant base. Let's face it, this decision cannot be called very successful. There are several reasons for this:

  1. Asbestos is an unfavorable material from the point of view of environmental and sanitary safety, the use of which, in bathhouse conditions, is extremely limited.
  2. This design, especially on wooden floors, does not have sufficient load-bearing capacity.
  3. A sheet of metal can create some inconvenience for bathhouse users, especially if its plane is not aligned with the floor.

Design features and operating principle

Structurally, gas heating equipment for a bath consists of a housing with a built-in burner-nozzle. The device is equipped with shut-off and relief valves, a fuse, filters, and a compartment for mixing gas with air. Here are the control mechanisms that regulate the fuel supply mode. Using a burner, the air in the combustion chamber is heated, then the thermal energy is transferred to the generator housing with a tray for stones. The functionality of the equipment, the efficiency of the device and safety depend on the characteristics of the gas injector.

Gas in the workshop

Gas heating stove from a tin can

The high achievable temperature and the absence of chemically aggressive substances in combustion products make the gas flame very attractive for home craftsmen. You don’t need much here: a heating furnace for heating small metal parts is made from... an empty tin can, see fig. Just remember to leave a gap at the bottom for air access!

Small-sized muffle and melting furnaces on gas, incl. desktop ones are also available for sale. But a home-made worker or self-employed individual entrepreneur will have to be disappointed here: the fire department and gas service do not issue permits to individuals to operate them. And for legal entities - only those provided with appropriately equipped production space. So in unsuitable rooms you will have to make do with electric stoves.

How does a gas sauna stove work?

A gas stove for a steam room, regardless of the model, is similar to stoves that are heated with logs. The only difference is that gas is used for kindling, not wood, so instead of a window for wood, gas stoves have a special panel into which the gas burner is mounted.

The gas mixes with air and produces heat at the output, which can be adjusted by opening the door located at the bottom of the stove. A gas burner in a sauna stove can be installed together with a firebox for firewood; such models are considered universal and make it possible to use both gas and wood for kindling.

Installation of a chimney for a homemade stove

Smoke removal is a very important process when installing a wood stove in enclosed spaces. Carbon monoxide is quite dangerous to human life and health. In addition, the draft will depend on the quality of the chimney, and therefore the quality of heating and the rate of temperature increase.

A hole was cut in the upper compartment of the stove. Here I used a gas burner, which turned out to be more convenient. The most interesting thing is that chimney pipes, if bought at the markets, will cost a fairly large amount. I was lucky; I had several pieces with a diameter of 100 mm lying in the garage. If there is no way to find them for free, then it is better to try to purchase them at scrap metal collection points.

To make the hole for the pipe more even, I used the rest of the disc from the grinder, although, in fact, there is no need for perfect accuracy here.

Marking the hole for the future chimney

I don’t think it’s worth talking about welding the smoke exhaust pipe itself. Each room has individual dimensions and layout, which means that in the end you won’t be able to find a single repeating option. For greater heat transfer, the chimney can be made using several elbows, although the heat that the flame will emit in such a potbelly stove is sometimes even too much.

The chimney was led out at a slight slope towards the wall, and then to the street (under the garage ceiling)

What are the advantages of using gas sauna stoves?

Compared to their wood-burning “brothers,” gas sauna stoves have a number of significant advantages:

Almost all models have a thermostatic control system. This means that in the process of taking bath procedures there is no need to be distracted by maintaining the required temperature - adding firewood, changing the position of the blower window, etc. It is enough to set the required heating level in the steam room in advance - the automatic operation control system will take care of the rest.

The thermostatic control system for gas burners allows you to set the desired temperature - and no longer be distracted by this matter while taking bath procedures

  • Modern gas furnaces are extremely easy to use. They are equipped with all the necessary levels of control and security.
  • Wood-burning stoves have to be cleaned of accumulated ash literally after every kindling. There is no such problem in gas installations. Prevention is certainly necessary, but its frequency, as a rule, does not exceed twice a year. By the way, this also applies to a chimney for a bathhouse - there are incomparably more solid combustion products in wood smoke than when burning gas.
  • When using natural network gas, there are no issues with organizing the storage of fuel or its delivery to the bathhouse. Just open the tap and you can light the heater. If you use liquefied gas in cylinders, then this is a little more complicated. But for cylinders, you can also organize a compact gear cabinet once at the outer wall of the bathhouse, extend the hoses on an ongoing basis, and not experience any serious problems in the future.

If you plan to use bottled gas, you can mount a special cabinet near the wall of the bathhouse.

  • In terms of speed of heating a steam room, gas stoves are in no way inferior to wood or electric ones, but at the same time their operation will be much cheaper, thanks to the quite affordable cost of “blue fuel”.
  • Modern models of gas sauna stoves are distinguished by their enviable durability, and the manufacturer gives them a very good factory warranty.
  • Many models of gas stoves for baths are already given the appropriate appearance in advance, which does not require any modifications. However, there are also those that require obligatory brick lining or complete covering on all sides with a heater.
  • It is also important for traditionally cramped bath conditions that gas stoves are usually compact.

Prices for gas stoves

gas oven

There is only one significant disadvantage of such furnaces. As with any other gas equipment, they require approval of the installation by the relevant organization and the connection of the main line. This means that you will have to order the preparation of a project, and then have it approved by authorities, which is always accompanied by a loss of time, nerves, and additional material costs. But the advantages of gas stoves still outweigh this “minus”.

How to properly make a chimney?

To ensure maximum stability in the operation of a stove structure made from a cylinder, it is imperative to arrange high-quality draft.

To achieve this goal, the cut of the stove chimney pipe must be installed at a certain height. This is slightly higher than the edge of the mounted grate. When connecting a gas chimney to the side, it is necessary to ensure that the length of the strictly horizontal section is approximately 400 mm. At the very bottom of the vertically located part, it is worth organizing high-quality removal of accumulated moisture, as the drawings show.

  1. At the same time, it is recommended to use certain measures regarding the removal of incoming heat from the chimney part. There are two methods for carrying out this process:
  2. A horizontal section is being installed at a slight inclination of 35 degrees. Immediately after this, the channel turns upward and leads out. A completed or purchased heat exchanger of a special samovar category is installed on the chimney element; The pipe, which leaves the furnace at a special angle and then passes through the rooms, will be able to transfer warm air. Thanks to this, overall efficiency indicators become higher, while at the same time fuel consumption is seriously reduced.

A heating system based on water fuel will provide the opportunity to install about 2 or 3 radiators in a country house or garage and provide them with heat. Such a device is characterized by simplicity in the manufacturing process, that is, a special water jacket is made in the chimney section, which has two high-quality pipes.

The circulation process present in the water circuit, which is mounted on the body of the stove chimney from a cylinder, will have to be adjusted in a forced manner. A household circulation pump is ideal for this purpose.

Where can I use a gas oven?

The gas heating system is universal, it is used:

  • for heating baths and saunas;
  • as heating boilers when laying thermal communications in the room;
  • as part of boiler structures to provide apartments with hot water in the summer;
  • If we consider household gas stoves, they are very popular among housewives. Thanks to the open fire, dishes cooked on this design much faster.

Types and features of gas furnaces

Before you build a gas stove for a bath with your own hands, you need to understand the main design features of these structures and their types.

All gas structures have the following classification:

  • heating;
  • household;
  • heating.

If you are considering a stove for a bath or sauna, then you should choose a gas heating structure.

Heating stoves are used in autonomous heating systems and hot water supply of private buildings. It is worth considering that with high air humidity, these structures are practically useless, since they cannot maintain high temperatures.

Gas furnaces have different qualifications for:

  • the type of burner that is installed in the boiler;
  • coolant heating method;
  • material for the manufacture of the furnace frame;
  • the type of fuel that is planned to be used.

There are many types of gas furnaces; there is another type of qualification - according to the type of gas burner:

  • atmospheric;
  • supercharged.

The most affordable on the market are atmospheric burners. They are easy to install - no need to supply electricity or install special automation. In this case, injection is involved, under the influence of which air enters a zonal chamber or a special pipe installed by analogy with home-made structures.

It is worth understanding that this is why the efficiency of the furnace will depend on the supply of oxygen. If the air supply is weak, the efficiency of the furnace will greatly decrease - gas combustion will be sluggish.

The most complex and expensive design is inflatable burners, which are directly dependent on electricity. A design feature of this unit is a special fan that forces air into the combustion chamber. The operating efficiency of the structures is high; their use is universal, since they can be installed in combined-type furnaces. Atmospheric units can only be installed in gas furnaces.

The body material may vary:

  • stone;
  • brick;
  • metal.

Brick and stone ovens

These designs differ in the duration of warm-up. If you want to take a steam bath during the day, you will have to start heating the bathhouse at night or early in the morning. Of course, such a stove takes much longer to cool down, for example, a well-heated bathhouse retains heat for 2 days even in winter if it has a brick structure.

Brick structures need to be installed on a foundation, since they have a decent specific gravity and differ little from the classic version of sauna stoves. The only difference is that the door will provide access not to the firebox, but to the heater, which is located in the stove itself.

It is worth noting that a brick oven will be quite expensive, since a lot of material will be needed to install it.

As for metal gas furnaces, they are much more popular among ordinary people, their advantages:

  1. Easy to install.
  2. The ability to build it yourself, without the help of a professional mason.
  3. The design has a low specific gravity.
  4. It heats up quickly, thereby taking much less time to heat the room.
  5. Cost-effective, especially if you assemble the structure yourself.

Sauna stoves are divided into types according to the type of fuel:

  • exclusively on gas;
  • combined.

If everything is clear with the former, then the latter are worth considering in more detail, since they are heated with both gas and wood. This versatility has significant disadvantages:

  • bulkiness of the structure;
  • it is imperative to install a burner with inflatable air;
  • complexity of execution;
  • dependence on electricity;
  • Traditional wood stoves are much safer.

As for gas stoves, they can be equipped without having a gas pipeline nearby, since they function perfectly on propane, which is freely available and sold in metal cylinders.

In addition, propane compares favorably with natural gas; the thermal energy during its combustion is much more efficient. This gas is economical when heating a small bathhouse; you do not often have to refill the cylinders.

But there is also a significant drawback - the need to arrange a special room for installing gas cylinders, which must be located at a sufficient distance from the building, outside it. It is advisable to prepare a steel container dug into the ground.

Power calculation for a bath

The equipment described can produce different power during operation, and therefore, when choosing a suitable stove, this is the most important criterion.

The required power is determined based on parameters such as the total area of ​​the bathhouse (including the steam room, dressing room and other rooms, if any). The larger the heating area, the more power the stove should have

It is extremely important to make accurate measurements of all parameters of the bathhouse, including its height, width, and chimney diameter.

Power is calculated according to the following principle:

  1. Multiply the width, length and height of the bath. For example, if a bathhouse is 3x2 in size and 2.2 meters high, then its volume will be 13.2 cubic meters.
  2. Next, heat loss through a door, window, brickwork or other partitions is calculated. Every square meter of the listed surfaces absorbs heat. To make a calculation, taking this factor into account, you need to multiply the area of ​​the bathhouse by a factor of 1.2. If the steam room has a window whose size is 0.3 * 1.0 m = 0.3 square meters, and a door whose size is 1.8 * 0.8 m = 1.44 square meters, then the total heat loss will be (0.3 square meters + 1.44 square meters) * 1.2 = 2.088 cubic meters.
  3. The next step is to add the resulting total area of ​​the bath with the area of ​​heat loss. For example: 2 + 2.088 = 15.288 cubic meters.

Based on the data obtained, you can select a furnace of the required power, since manufacturers indicate in the technical data sheet of the equipment what area the furnace power is designed for. It is better to give preference to equipment whose power is in the range of 25 kW.

Installation Rules

A gas stove for a bathhouse can be installed with your own hands, but you must follow some rules for installing such a structure:

  • The indoor gas pipeline must be made of copper and steel.
  • If flexible connections are used for connection, they must be resistant to pressure and temperature.
  • Installation of flexible hoses must be carried out in accordance with current standards. If they are produced in other countries, you need to take a certificate for the product.
  • Flexible connections used for gas connections must be marked o and have a diameter of 10 mm . The sleeves should not have joints, that is, they should be solid.
  • The gas pipe must be protected from damage.
  • If a centralized gas supply is not provided for the bathhouse, a discharge of combustible products into the atmosphere must be installed.

Only if the above conditions are met can a gas stove for a bath be installed with your own hands.

Gas stove in the bathhouse

Foundation for a gas furnace

We build the foundation of a gas bath stove in the following sequence:

  • We dig a pit 70 cm deep, taking into account that the bottom of the pit should be slightly wider than the base.
  • We pour 15 cm thick sand into the bottom of the pit, fill it with water and wait until the water is absorbed.
  • After the water has been absorbed, pour pieces of brick and stone about 20 cm thick.
  • We fill it all with crushed stone.
  • We make formwork and create a reinforced frame.
  • Fill it with concrete and wait until it sets a little, then remove the formwork.
  • We cover the surface in several layers with tar.
  • We fill the place where the formwork was with a mixture of sand and fine gravel.
  • We install moisture insulation and the foundation is ready for the construction of a gas furnace.

Construction of a gas stove for a bath

The procedure for making a gas stove for a bath looks like this:

  1. Prepare a solution of sand and clay in a 1:1 ratio. Mix all this with water until a homogeneous mass without lumps is formed.
  2. Before laying, soak the brick in water for 10 minutes.
  3. We lay the first layer of brick on the bitumen that we previously placed on the foundation. After laying the first row of bricks on the mortar, let it rest for a couple of minutes.
  4. We lay the second and subsequent rows so that each brick lies on the joint between two bricks of the previous row. Make sure that the seams are no more than 5 mm thick.
  5. In the process of laying the third row, you can make a door for the blower. Use strips of steel or galvanized wire to secure the door.
  6. In the fourth row we create a hole for ash measuring one centimeter.
  7. In the sixth row we finish with the installation of the blower, and in the seventh we install the door for the firebox and grate.
  8. Eighth row - we make a partition for the chimney and continue laying bricks until the channels are placed in the 14th row.
  9. We install the water tank on the channels so that it is located on the front wall, and the side walls support it vertically.
  10. The fifteenth row is the basis for a separate wall, so we put it in half a brick. We also place the next three rows.
  11. We install the steam release door in the nineteenth row.
  12. Between the 20th and 21st rows we place strips of steel, then we install a hot water tank.
  13. The chimney is installed starting from the 23rd row. Remember that the pipe should rise half a meter above the roof, and the thickness of the pipe itself should be half a brick.

When the work with the furnace masonry is completed, we move on to plastering. We clean the walls of the oven from excess mortar and plaster with a mixture of sand, clay, gypsum and alabaster.

Using a gas stove in a bathhouse

  • We recommend burying the liquefied gas cylinder on the street near the bathhouse.
  • Be sure to install an automation system that will regulate the fuel supply and when to turn it off.
  • Once the stove is ready, allow it to dry for at least two weeks, and after the first lighting, do not immediately bring it to high temperatures.
  • Make sure that the fireproof base under the stove extends 100 mm beyond the boundaries of the stove.
  • The gas pipeline to the stove must be made of steel or copper.


Final stage of construction

The design of a gas stove for heating a bathhouse is completely built in 7-10 days. After a two-week period during which the solution dries, you can begin to test fire the stove, but you should not split it.

The process of erecting bath equipment is completed with plastering work. With the help of this finishing layer, the structure acquires a neat, finished look and additional fire protection. As a rule, alabaster is added to the solution for lining the furnace, consisting of clay, sand and water.

Before finishing, the remaining mortar is removed from the furnace walls and a putty mixture is applied. As a result, we ended up with a stove like this:

When constructing heating equipment, it is recommended to use SABK-8-50S automation. With such a device, the required temperature will always be maintained in the bathhouse. This device has four degrees of protection, which indicates its absolute safety. In the event of an emergency, this system automatically stops the operation of the furnace equipment.

Where to install the stove

You can’t just put a stove in the middle of the steam room; it’s important to take into account the location of the air ducts, correctly calculate the distances from the walls, and think about protecting the walls of the bathhouse from heat. If you look at the “Appendix to SNiP 41-01-2003”, you will find lines where it is clearly stated that if the walls of the bathhouse are not flammable, that is, they have a fire resistance limit of 60 minutes or more, then a metal stove is allowed to be installed at any distance, but it’s better when there is more than 380 mm of free space between the steel stove and the wall

If you look at the “Appendix to SNiP 41-01-2003”, you will find lines where it is clearly stated that if the walls of the bathhouse are not flammable, that is, they have a fire resistance limit of 60 minutes or more, then a metal stove is allowed to be installed at any distance, but it is better when there is more than 380 mm of free space between the steel stove and the wall.

It is quite difficult to find completely brick or concrete walls in a bathhouse without cladding; often the finishing is done with highly flammable wooden paneling.

It’s another matter if the wall material is wood. In this case, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • When purchasing a factory stove, ask for instructions for it and carry out the installation strictly according to the manufacturer’s diagrams. This rule is stated in SNiP 41-01-2010, namely in paragraph (Individual stove heating);
  • there should be more than half a meter from the hot walls of the unit to the walls not protected by screens;
  • the wall or partition through which the fuel channel is discharged must be made of non-combustible material from the floor itself to a mark of 25 centimeters above the combustion door;
  • the thickness of the non-combustible wall through which the fuel channel is routed must be 12.5 cm;
  • if the ceiling in the steam room is thermally insulated and protected with plaster over a metal mesh or similar, then the distance from the top of the metal stove to the ceiling should be more than 80 cm;
  • in cases where the ceiling is not protected by fireproof materials, the distance from it to the stove should be more than 1.2 m;
  • from the fire door to the opposite wall there should be more than 125 centimeters;
  • Leave 3 cm between the wall and the front wall of the stove with an external firebox.

Fireproof distances from the stove to the walls

When choosing the best location for your own furnace, take into account the location of such elements as external heat exchangers, wall-mounted heaters, hot water tanks, and pipelines for remote tanks. These elements must be freely accessible for repair and maintenance.

To end the baths

Among the household stoves that go on sale, gas bath stoves are perhaps the most popular product, so you need to add something about them. Namely: a gas sauna stove is definitely suitable for a sauna with absolutely dry steam; It’s difficult to steam in a bathhouse with such a Russian-style stove, with a birch broom and topped up with kvass.

The reason is the same too rapid combustion of gas. A gas burner, without blazing into the pipe in vain, is capable of “burning” the heater properly at the rate of 6 kg of river pebble per 1 cubic meter. m of steam room, and for vigorous Russian steam you need at least twice as much stone. Experienced manufacturers (Termofor, Tulikiivi, for example) find a compromise, firstly, offering to purchase a heater made of stones that combine high heat capacity with high thermal conductivity, for example. steatite and other rocks from the soap chlorite group. However, a considerable additional payment is required.

Secondly, this is already a domestic idea, the heater is made double: the main large heat-accumulating one is closed and the smaller one is open specifically for adding heat; The diagram of a gas stove with a double heater and its appearance are shown in Fig. The configuration of the convector (it is needed to speed up the heating of the bath), the size and location of the holes in it are precisely calculated.

Modern gas sauna stove with double heater

You can add heat to such a heater made of ordinary stone about once every half hour, and only with water. Restrictions are also imposed on the broom: only birch and only dried. Adding kvass and steaming with a freshly cut birch broom turns out to be a bit difficult even for a strong, non-drinking man, but it’s probably better not to experiment with an oak broom even for the heroes.

Sauna basket stove

The second possible option is to gasify the basket heater like “Vesuvius”, see fig. on right. However, the heating time of the bath will remain “wood-burning”, and the gas supply, so that the heat does not waste away into the pipe, will need to be smoothly and gradually increased from the minimum to about 0.7 nominal over 1-1.5 hours. And most importantly: basket sauna stoves are not available with an extended firebox, i.e. According to safety rules, gasification is not subject to gasification, because the firebox door with the burner base cannot be brought into the dressing room.

Brick gas ovens

Ovens of this design take a long time to warm up, but retain heat well. Therefore, you should start warming up early.

The appearance is not much different from the most ordinary wood stove. It will look great in a bathhouse decorated in a traditional style. The fire door serves to access the heater, which is located inside the structure. It is heated by flows of warm air that rise due to gas combustion.

Here, directly above the burner, there is a heater, which has special requirements. The heating stones are located in a trough made of metal, which has sides along the entire perimeter (this prevents the poured water from reaching the fire).

Metal gas furnaces

A do-it-yourself gas sauna stove made of metal is characterized by a relatively thin body wall thickness and a small number of stones in the heater. This model warms up quickly, but also cools down quickly. Models of this type are quite compact; they can be used to equip a bathhouse of almost any size.

This design is low cost. If you have a small set of tools, you can make it yourself in the shortest possible time. Here we will describe the manufacture of a gas stove that is powered by a gas cylinder. Many speak positively about this design, which has a very simple structure.

The principle of operation of a gas furnace

In a separate chamber, which is located in front of the burner, gas is mixed with oxygen. Air enters the firebox and ensures normal combustion. To ensure air supply and the possibility of cleaning the burner, a door is mounted at the bottom of the oven. Gas is supplied through a tube.

If bottled gas is used for the stove, this should be taken quite seriously. Such a cylinder should be placed outside the bathhouse. Some install cylinders in the ground, a few meters from the bathhouse. It should be borne in mind that the propane mixture is more efficient for the operation of the furnace.

Materials needed

Materials must be prepared in advance.

This will allow you not to be distracted while working:

Many people write that you can use any old gas cylinder to ensure the operation of the stove.

  • Any brake disc, most importantly, without cracks, will serve as a base for the heater.
  • Buy two gas pipes with a diameter of 50 mm (they will supply gas and air into the chamber) and one with a diameter of 100 mm (the chimney will be made from it).
  • Gas burner (preferably atmospheric type).
  • Connections for connections.

Under no circumstances use connections made from silumin. They are cheap, but when heated or a slight impact they immediately burst. You should buy ones made of copper or bronze.

Furnace installation

First, we cut the balloon using a grinder and a cutting wheel. The diameter of the cutting base must correspond to the radius of the brake disc so that it can be secured without problems. When fastening, it is best to use welding, after which you should clean up any metal stains using a grinder and a grinding wheel.

  • To supply air to the system, we prepare a pipe with a radius of 50 mm. We make about 10 holes in it with a diameter of about 5 mm.
  • We make a hole slightly larger than the diameter of the pipe in the bottom of the cylinder. We install the pipe so that the whole end extends 20 cm from the cylinder. We weld the joint.

Cutting out the door

  • This system is used to attach the gas supply pipe.
  • To connect to gas, install an adapter for gas installation. We treat the joint with sealant.
  • We secure the chimney at the top of the pipe.
  • A hole is cut for the door. The curtains are attached to the cut piece of metal and attached to the body.

When installing a stove, it is extremely important to protect the wall from overheating and fire. To do this, an expanded clay sheet is mounted between the stove and the wall. This insulation is done in two layers

Finally, a reflective stainless steel screen should be used. It is possible to equip the furnace with an indirect heating heat exchanger

This insulation is done in two layers. Finally, a reflective stainless steel screen should be used. It is possible to equip the furnace with an indirect heating heat exchanger.

Properly selected gas sauna stoves and high-quality installation work will ensure you a comfortable and safe stay.

Heating system

In those areas where there is no possibility of gasifying the site, a cylinder unit with liquefied propane is often used to heat the bathhouse. Vessels filled with liquid fuel are sold at specialized stations.

When purchasing gas tanks, you should remember safety precautions during installation. Under no circumstances should cylinders be installed in a sauna room. They must be located in a ventilated and easily accessible area of ​​the site, where there is also a fire extinguisher and a box filled with sand.

Criteria for choosing a sauna stove

To correctly select the most suitable gas device model, take into account the following factors:

The area of ​​the steam room - the power of the device directly depends on the size of the room (one kilowatt of power per cubic meter of air).

The quality of the thermal insulation of the steam room and the presence of windows that cause heat loss and, accordingly, require an increase in the power of the heating apparatus are taken into account.

  • The heat capacity of the stove is an important factor that allows you to better heat the room, as well as effectively dry the steam room using residual heat. Brick models have the greatest heat capacity; in the case of making the device from metal, the presence of a screen, the location and length of the pipe, and the type of heater are of great importance.
  • Fuel consumption - depends mainly on the power of the stove, average figures for a small steam room and a 10 kW device: 1.5–4 cubic meters / hour. When tasked with heating a fairly large room for several people, more powerful stoves with two and three burners are usually used, and gas consumption increases significantly. Increasing the heat capacity of the furnace helps reduce losses.

To increase safety and save space in the steam room, it is recommended to choose a model with an external fuel channel, which allows you to place part of the equipment behind the wall. This will also provide more convenient control of fuel supply and the necessary maintenance of the device.

Wood and gas stoves

Very often a combined version of the stove is installed, usually equipped with two fireboxes.

This makes it possible to use both the traditional heating method - by burning wood, pieces of peat and other solid fuels - and heating using a gas burner.

Often such a universal model is obtained by converting an existing sauna stove, usually brick - its design almost does not have to be changed, only a gas channel is supplied for additional heating and a burner is installed.

Reference! The combustion of wood, especially when using a brick stove, produces a softer heat, which is beneficial for health and creates a special comfortable atmosphere in the steam room. Therefore, when building a bathhouse, many do not want to give up this heating method, although using gas is much more profitable.

Installing a combined stove is very convenient when there is no gas main on the site and heating is provided by imported liquefied gas from cylinders. Then the ability to heat the bathhouse with wood will protect you in case of interruptions in the supply of fuel.

The design of a metal gas-wood stove is almost no different from a conventional monofuel stove. The difference lies in the ability to remove the block with the gas panel, which turns the gas firebox into a regular wood fireplace. An even easier-to-use option with the installation of an additional fuel receiver is common.

Choosing a combined design

As in the case of a monopropellant device, the following conditions are taken into account when choosing:

Steam room area - depending on the size of the room, the power of the stove is calculated for each type of fuel.

If the wooden or tiled walls of the steam room do not have thermal insulation on the surface, the furnace power is selected to be one and a half times greater in order to warm them up efficiently and create the correct microclimate.

  • Heat capacity - combination stoves are often built of brick, which increases their ability to retain heat, and therefore save on fuel. When choosing a metal model with two fireboxes, it is recommended to lay out the brick lining.
  • Fuel consumption - on average, wood stoves require about 4 kg of firewood per hour, if the steam room area does not exceed 20 sq.m. To reduce fuel consumption, increase the heat capacity of the furnace - this will increase the heating time, but will reduce heat loss.

Due to their versatility and multifunctionality, combination stoves do not lose popularity in bathhouses in suburban areas. When choosing this option, it is recommended to calculate in advance where the fuel for the stove will be stored (you will need space for both gas equipment and firewood).


The principle of operation of the device is what you should understand before making the device. You can consider it using the example of a burner for roofing work. How does the burner work?

  1. The device is connected to the reducers of oxygen and propane cylinders by a system of supply hoses.
  2. Reducers are placed on the cylinders to create working welding pressure.
  3. A diagram for gas and oxygen is assembled, the tightness of the connections is checked, the nodes are secured, after which the gas can be opened with valves.
  4. The gas pressure is set to the operating value and the valve opens.
  5. The fuel is supplied through hoses to the propane appliance.
  6. The injector carries out the mixing process to form a gas-air environment.
  7. A working flame with a temperature reading above 2000 degrees comes out of the device.

When performing any welding work, you must wear personal protective equipment: gloves and goggles, special shoes. You can work with propane cylinders only in a well-ventilated area, and at sub-zero temperatures, any actions with the burner are excluded.

What you should absolutely not do:

  • work near open fire;
  • keep the cylinder tilted;
  • place vessels under the sun;
  • carry out work without a gearbox;
  • Warm up the gearbox over an open fire.

If you can clearly smell the gas, work with the burner should be stopped by closing the valve on the cylinder. Homemade burners, depending on the purpose of use, can be different: burners with a VK-74 valve, devices converted from an acetylene gas cutter and mini gas burners. It is realistic, profitable, and useful to build every homemade device. Only initially you need to decide on the type of structure and its parameters. The gas burner is also used in private households and for commercial purposes. In plumbing, a metal workpiece is heated with a torch, which ultimately comes out quite hardened.

How to make a gas burner, see below.

Advantages and disadvantages of bathhouse gasification

Before deciding to supply gas to the bathhouse, owners of suburban areas try to take into account all the features of this method

Cost of operation, environmental friendliness, difficulty of maintenance, efficiency are taken into account.

Advantages of using blue fuel

In addition to noticeable savings, the advantages of this method include the hygiene of the gas - there are no odors, soot, or soot during combustion. In addition, a gasified sauna heats up almost twice as fast.

Firewood is inferior to gas in many respects: it needs to be stored somewhere, monitored for timely delivery and condition. However, they are still the most popular firebox material. And even used in combined gas-wood stoves

A big plus is the automation of the process. Kindling requires minimal labor on the part of the owner. Combined with the cheapness of gas, this advantage makes gasification of a bathhouse especially attractive.

Disadvantages noticed by owners and professionals

According to the owners, the main drawback is the difficulty in obtaining permission: if there is the slightest inaccuracy, the commission prohibits the use of gas to heat the bath.

Professional gas workers note a high level of danger due to non-compliance with installation rules, lack of safety devices and vigilance of owners

Other disadvantages include:

  • the need to pay for the work of installation specialists;
  • high cost of equipment;
  • restrictions on the choice of sauna design.

Another subjective observation concerns the lack of odor. Many people appreciate the aroma that spreads throughout a heated room when wood burns. Gas equipment eliminates this possibility.

Gas stove revolution

This revolution is associated with the advent of gas infrared emitters, or infrared burners; both are designated by the abbreviation GII. There is a difference between them; which one - let's see below. For now, it is worth noting the fact: in terms of a set of parameters, including price, GII is ahead of conventional heating stoves, just like Porsche is ahead of the pre-war Emka. For example, a 1.5 kW GII heats an area of ​​up to 12 square meters. m, it weighs about 7 kg, and costs up to 5,000 rubles. Let us emphasize: this is not an analogue of an electric fireplace; we are talking about constant heating of residential premises. The price of a gigacalorie of heat turns out to be 1.5-2 times lower than from any other source. In addition, household gas stoves based on GII turn out to be significantly better than other heating devices in terms of sanitary and hygienic indicators.

Towards the principle of infrared heating from above

How is this achieved? Due to heat distribution similar to underfloor heating, see fig. The comfortable zone is where people are, and heat loss through the ceiling is sharply reduced, which is especially noticeable in one-story houses. Plus, the floor can be insulated from the inside; the flow of heat from above will prevent the dew point from entering the room. But, unlike a heated floor, complex construction work is not needed, there is no thin winding tube embedded in the floor that can become clogged or leak (how can you repair it without breaking the floor?) Unlike electric heating, it is not expensive electricity that heats, but gas, a unit of energy is several times cheaper. Another plus is that the flow of warm air from the heated infrared floor is uniform over the area of ​​the room; the inhabitants live as if on a warm island with an even climate.

GII device

GII burners are open type devices. In them, the gas-air mixture is blown through narrow channels in microdoses; air is sucked in naturally without pressurization. In ceramic GIIs (diagram in Fig. yb;t), nozzle channels are made in a ceramic (usually carbon) plate, which itself heats up to 900 degrees. Due to the high temperature in the microcombustion chambers, the efficiency of the device exceeds 90%, and 70-75% of the gas energy is converted into infrared radiation.

Diagram of a ceramic gas infrared burner

In catalytic GII burners, the combustible mixture passes through a catalyst mesh. The combustion catalyst itself is either platinum coating (eternal, but expensive), or nickel coating with additives (cheaper, but gradually burns out). Anyone who has used a wind-resistant gas lighter is familiar with catalytic combustion.

Ceramic GIIs are cheaper than catalytic ones, but their power is limited to 12-15 kW, because It is difficult to make the flow of the mixture through narrow nozzles very intense. The dimensions of ceramic GIIs cannot be very small; For effective radiation, a fairly large plate area is needed. Catalytic GIIs with power up to 30 kW and more weigh several kg; they can be made miniature, but are expensive.

Open GII in residential premises is of limited use, because emit carbon dioxide, although in small quantities. In practice, if there is supply and exhaust ventilation for 2 air changes per hour, open HII with a power of up to 12 kW can be used for temporary heating under constant supervision.

Gas infrared emitter device

GII emitters, or gas heating elements (diagram in Fig.) do not have this drawback, and therefore can be used for constant heating of residential premises. They require pressurization, therefore they are energy dependent, but, on the other hand, any modern gas hot water boiler is also energy dependent. And one and a half hundred years ago, pipelines for gas lighting were stretched like a web throughout the houses, and there were no widespread emergencies, although the gasification technology then was compared to the current cave technology. Also, gas heating elements require a gas flue, but the standard ones in new buildings are quite suitable: there is nothing at all in the exhaust gases (it’s hard to call them flue gases), and their temperature is up to 400 degrees.

Purpose and evolution

The first to go on sale were open ceramic GIIs for temporary heating of garages and outbuildings, pos. 1 in Fig. Probably, it was the need to create a comfort dome in a room with large heat losses, without burning exorbitant amounts of fuel, that prompted the creators of the first GII to develop them. GIIs for garages are successfully used to this day: sellers offer them in a wide range, and prices have dropped from 800 to 90-150 USD in 7 years; Certification and a separate permit for the operation of garage GII are not required. In everyday life, ceramic GIIs have also found application for replacing electric fireplaces, pos. 2, but this is just a mechanical transfer of a principle capable of much more.

Gas infrared heaters

GIIs, as powerful, relatively inexpensive, reliable and energy-independent heat sources, immediately attracted the attention of participants in field and expeditionary work, hunters, fishermen, tourists, yachtsmen and others who faced the problem of heating far from civilization. But these categories of users required a large specific power in relation to their weight and size, so they gave preference to catalytic GIIs.

The first samples (item 3) were similar to their non-catalytic counterparts. In the end, the “suburban” branch of the evolution of GII gave birth to a gas mini-oven (fig. on the right), which can be carried with you while moving on foot. However, there are few of them on sale: they are expensive, from 200 USD, and refueling requires expensive lighter gas.

Gas mini oven

The development of GII towards constant heating turned out to be much more productive. The high specific power of the GII, now per unit of radiating surface, made it possible to organize warm islands directly in the open air; for this it was only necessary to assemble the radiating panels under the reflective umbrella and place it on a stand, pos. 4.

The efficiency and cost-effectiveness of heating with GII “umbrellas” turned out to be so high that the question arose about using them for permanent heating of housing. At this time, the heated floors were wide open; their sanitary and hygienic properties were not in doubt, but the issue of complexity of installation in existing buildings and maintainability became acute. You already know the solution: GII burners were replaced with gas heating elements, and the umbrellas were removed from the stands and hung directly from the ceiling. Here, a large reflector is not really needed, and ceiling GII emitters are often made in the form of flat panels; in multi-storey buildings on floors below the topmost, the overall efficiency does not noticeably deteriorate from this.


There are two types of burner:

  1. Pressurized burners. The design has a fan with the help of which air is pumped. The design itself is efficient in operation, but energy-consuming.
  2. Atmospheric burners. This is a device with a simple design. Air supply is carried out using special tubes. The efficiency of atmospheric burners depends on the strength of the air flow supplied to the combustion chamber.

Based on the material, there are two more types of furnaces:

  1. Brick structures. This material heats up slowly, but retains heat for a long time. The disadvantages of brick kilns are their large mass and high price. Advantages: durability, reliability.
  2. Metal constructions. They warm up and cool down quickly. They are cheaper than brick stoves, but less durable and reliable. Rust may appear on metal surfaces, which over time will lead to the destruction of the walls.


Burners can be of different types. Let's look at the main ones.


Such devices are quite cheap. The reason is obvious - their production is not too difficult technologically. The operation of atmospheric burners is also simple. Air is sucked directly from the surrounding space. The formation of a gas-air mixture does not require additional effort.


This option uses a fan that actively pumps air. Stabilization of air pressure (pressure) allows you to compensate for almost all negative external factors

What is important is that “fire separation”, which often occurs with atmospheric burners with a significant increase in pressure, is also excluded

The following evidence supports such devices:

  • stable operation under any conditions;
  • efficiency of 95% or more;
  • a fairly high level of safety (determined by the design);
  • almost complete combustion of fuel;
  • wide range of achieved powers;
  • excellent level of automation;
  • Possibility of use in furnaces and boilers of a wide variety of structural types.

It is worth noting that forced-air burners are much more expensive than their atmospheric counterparts. Even the most affordable models of this kind cost at least 4.5 times more. However, the main technical advantages fully justify such a fee. When the burner is operating with supercharging, noise of varying volumes may occur. Special protective covers will help to cope with this problem.

Such models are approximately twice as efficient as traditional flare designs. Some people even take tourist-type ceramic burners (for cylinders) and convert them into a boiler or stove. But you can do this only with complete confidence in your actions.

Wiring requirements for an electric furnace in a bathhouse

Consider the following points:

  • For a single-phase network, use a three-core cable, for a three-phase network, use a five-core cable.
  • A prerequisite for wires is the presence of a grounding wire.
  • Attach the wires to the wall using conventional cable ducts.
  • The cable between the control panel and the oven must be in special rubber insulation. Sometimes this cable is supplied with the oven.
  • Reinforced insulation wires are expensive, so it is recommended to reduce their length. To do this, install a metal mounting box near the stove (no closer than 1 m), on the wall. Between the box and the remote control, covertly lay ordinary wires in vinyl insulation, and from the box to the oven - wires with reinforced insulation. Pull the heat-resistant wires through a metal hose or pipe, which you ground.
  • Under high temperature conditions, strands of copper and aluminum wires oxidize, so all wires in the building must be copper.

Chimney installation

The chimney is an important component for removing combustion products. They come in three types:

They come in three types:

  1. Ceramic. A ceramic chimney has the longest shelf life. Maximum resistance to high temperatures.
  2. Brick. Due to its rough surface, a brick chimney quickly accumulates soot and slows down air draft.
  3. Steel. A steel chimney is most suitable for a bathhouse due to its affordable price. Also, due to the rapid heating of the metal, a tank is installed and then used for procedures. A stainless steel chimney is the most current. This material is not afraid of water, high temperatures, is not susceptible to corrosion, is lightweight, durable and cheap.

Build process:

  • Before installation, you need to mark the location for making the hole.
  • A galvanized steel casing is installed on the pipe, after which rings are put on and fixed to the ceiling. The lower pipe is secured with self-tapping screws. The clamps securely fix the chimney.
  • The second part is installed on the roof. The holes between the roof and the chimney are filled with expanded clay, clay or asbestos.

Selection principles

When choosing, you need to consider a number of factors:

Oven dimensions. Its dimensions should not interfere with free movement around the bath premises

It is recommended to choose a design with an external combustion chamber. Fuel consumption. If there is no warm water in the bathhouse, you need to choose a model with a water tank. If you want to buy a universal model, it is recommended to pay attention to units powered by gas or solid fuel. A special mechanism is installed inside the structure, which divides the combustion chamber into two parts for different types of fuel.

The volume of the water tank depends on its location. If it is built-in, the capacity will be small. If it is external, the volume will be greater.

Selection of oven

Advantages and disadvantages


  1. Small size. The design does not have a large combustion chamber as in stoves that run on solid fuel.
  2. Furnace equipment allows you to set different temperature conditions. Thanks to this, you can set the optimal temperature and maintain it for a long time.
  3. If you don’t need to heat the sauna, you can simply heat the water in a mounted or built-in tank.
  4. Fast heating.
  5. You can connect gas cylinders if it is impossible to connect a pipe with a central gas supply.
  6. Fuel efficiency.
  7. Universal models can use 2–3 types of fuel.


  1. The risk of explosion is higher than that of equipment operating on other types of fuel.
  2. It is necessary to constantly change gas cylinders or connect the stove to the central gas supply system.

If there are no problems with the gas supply, there are fewer disadvantages.

Popular models and prices

Popular models:

  1. Furnace "P-20GT". Power - 20 kW. Suitable for heating steam rooms with a volume of up to 22 m3. There are fastenings for installing a water tank.
  2. KUTKIN Standard G-2.0. Model for heating rooms up to 16 m3.
  3. Termofor Taimyr INOX. Suitable for heating steam rooms with a volume of up to 18 m3. The design has two heaters - internal and external.
  4. Termofor Urengoy Carbon. Made from high strength steel. Suitable for heating rooms up to 12 m3.
  5. Heat-Malyutkagaz. Equipment power - 16 kW. Designed for heating steam rooms with a volume of up to 12 m3.

The average price of gas stoves is 16,000 rubles.

Types of furnaces

Preparatory work

Selecting a gas cylinder

For work, it is better to use a propane tank. It is most suitable for this design due to its dimensions. You can buy a cylinder at any scrap metal collection point, the main thing is that it is intact, without holes or large dents.

It doesn’t matter when the cylinder was produced or when it was tested. Do not pay attention to the uniformity of the paint coating the walls of the container; it will still burn out immediately during the first tests of the stove. The main thing is that rust does not eat through the walls; it is better if they remove the tap before you and release the gas from the cylinder.

Gas cylinder

Expert opinion

Pavel Kruglov

Stove maker with 25 years of experience

You should not purchase a new vessel; it is better to use these funds to purchase sheet metal and other materials. Ask your neighbors and friends if they have an unnecessary cylinder collecting dust, which they will gladly give you as a gift or sell it for a small fee.

Materials and their quantity

It is difficult to indicate the exact quantity of materials. Much depends on the size of the water container or the size of the compartment for stones. Here is a list of the necessary materials, and how many you will need is up to you:

  • gas cylinder;
  • sheet of metal, 2-3 mm thick;
  • if after construction there are pieces of reinforcement or rods left over, you can use them to make a grate and handles for doors;
  • for the legs you can use a corner or a profile pipe. If the farm has a piece of large diameter pipe, you can cut a piece 60-70 mm wide, cut it in half and weld it to the cylinder;
  • pipe, cross-section 120 mm, length 400 mm for the chimney outlet;
  • rod or reinforcement for making a mesh in which we place stones;
  • bricks for the foundation of the bathhouse stove.

Do not use mica stones or granite. In the first option, carbon monoxide will be released when heated, and granite will quickly collapse when exposed to high temperatures. It is better to lay the heater with diabase.


You will need:

  • welding machine with hand and eye protection;
  • workbench with a vice;
  • clothing with long sleeves made of thick material;
  • electrodes for welding structural steels. An inexpensive option is ANO-21 or MP-3, with a diameter of 3-4 mm;
  • Bulgarian;
  • cutting and cleaning discs;
  • metalworking tools;
  • sandpaper, metal brush.

What types of gas devices are there?

There are several types of gas stoves, they are classified according to the following principle:

  • What type of burner is used;
  • What material is the body made of?
  • What device is installed to heat water?
  • Power parameters.

Depending on these criteria, there are many models of gas furnaces, which complicates the task of choosing. Therefore, before purchasing equipment, you should study all the important nuances.

Stone and brick stoves

A sauna stove with a gas burner, which is made of brick or stone, is an analogue of a Russian stove with a firebox for logs. The layout of a bathhouse with gas stoves will not be affected in any way due to the material in which the body of the device is made. Stone or brick structures fit into any interior.

The only drawback of this material is the duration of heating. Stone conducts heat better than brick, so it will heat up faster. In models made of brick and stone, behind the firebox door there is a heater, which is heated by radiation of energy from the burned fuel.

The heater is located above the gas burner. A gas sauna stove with a closed heater does not require additional ventilated operation, unlike an open heater. In many models, the heater is open, so if this issue is fundamental, it is worth taking this nuance into account.

Metal stoves

Metal stoves are cheaper than brick and stone stoves, and they are easier to install. The compact design of the metal device allows it to be installed even in small bathhouses. Other benefits include:

  • Fast heating, as the metal structure is very thin;
  • The ability to select a furnace of the required power, so you can save on energy resources.

The presence of a metal structure presupposes the presence of mandatory thermal insulation. It is necessary to make thermal insulation of the equipment body from the floor covering (for example, with a brick layer), thermal insulation from the walls and chimney. If this is not done, there is a high chance of a fire.

If the bathhouse is planned to be heated from time to time, and not constantly, then it is better to choose a metal structure; its minimum weight is 45 kg, while a brick or stone structure weighs from 750 kg.

Making a sauna stove with your own hands: instructions

Necessary materials:

  • gas burner, atmospheric;
  • a gas cylinder that has already been used;
  • metal door for the combustion chamber;
  • used brake disc from a large car - for a heater;
  • gas pipe with a cross section of 50 mm - for supplying gas;
  • pipe 100 mm - for the chimney.


  1. Using a grinder, cut the gas cylinder according to the drawing.
  2. Drill 2 holes with a crown for gas and air supply.
  3. Form round parts for partitions that will divide the cylinder into working areas.
  4. Weld the structure by inserting the blanks into the places where the firebox, vent and heater will be located.

Important! If the water container is located on top, then it is worth welding a pipe to remove smoke.

You need to make a blower from a pipe with a cross-section of 50 mm. To do this, make several holes with a cross-section of 5 mm, weld a piece of pipe to the main cylinder - in the place where the blower will be located.

Then, in the same order, install the gas supply pipe, which should be located opposite the firebox where the burner will be located.

At this stage, the manufacture of the gas stove can be considered complete; all that remains is to install the internal equipment.

About gas fireplaces

Gas stove-fireplace

The remarkable properties of natural gas gave rise to attempts to make a gas fireplace stove. However, they cannot be considered successful: the blue light is beautiful in its own way, but it is still not a living flame. Manufacturers, being clever with burners, sometimes create something similar to it, supposedly in a modern style, see the figure on the right. However, the psychological and aesthetic significance of the fireplace traces its ancestry to a well-fed primitive tribe in a cave around a fire after a successful hunt, and without chaotically dancing tongues of fire, a fireplace is not a fireplace. It's like putting a mast with mainsail and jib on a Predator with a 400-horsepower Merccruiser. It will float, since it floats on the water, but there will be no romance of sailing.


Gas ovens are not without their drawbacks. The equipment itself and its installation are by no means cheap. Natural gas, although the most inexpensive fuel, its cost in our country is systematically increasing.

Gas-fired stoves are quite difficult to install and connect. In the event of even the smallest mistake, you can encounter huge problems in using such devices (they either will not do what they are intended for, or will begin to pose a danger to the life and health of residents).


A gas stove used to heat a country house or cottage is an effective heating system. Due to the characteristics of the fuel material used and the nuances of operation, they have gained wide popularity. Their undoubted advantages include the following:

  • durability, reliability (in fact, there is nothing to break in such a heating device, the warranty period for their operation is 12 years, but in fact a gas stove will last much longer);
  • environmental safety (appliances using gas for heating will not harm humans and the environment, unlike boilers running on solid fuel, they do not emit toxins during operation and can be used at any time of the day or year);
  • Efficiency at a high level;
  • ergonomics (gas consumption is 133 g/h; in areas with mains gas, this value is even lower);
  • space saving (unlike firewood, gas does not need a separate storage room, it does not need to be delivered, you can fill the cylinder at any gas station);
  • ease of operation (stoves are connected to the main pipeline or to a regular gas cylinder and provide comfortable living conditions).
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