Decorating the inside of the bathhouse with your own hands (+200 Photos). Designs and Layout of beautiful interiors

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Design with your own hands

Tatiana Grigorieva


The Russian bathhouse has three main goals - to heal the body, relax the soul, and plunge into an atmosphere of friendly communication. Not every building will be able to meet the necessary criteria, but it’s worth talking about a comfortable and practical bathhouse interior. Of course, the room should be comfortable, functional and at the same time stylish.


The interior, made in the Russian style, is a classic.

Beautiful interior inside the bathhouse

In fact, everyone is provided with such familiar attributes as brooms, hats, buckets, gangs. Only by adhering to the integrity of the overall style and competently choosing the necessary accessories can you make your sauna unique and its interior special.

Design depends on the choice of material

Sauna cabins for one, two people

The booths are available pre-fabricated or assembled from individual panels. The product can be placed in the bathroom

It is important that there are a few centimeters between the ceiling and the top of the booth. The average height of the product is about 2 m

Even if the bathroom is small, there is room in it for a cubicle designed for one person. The key advantage of the finished structure is the proper placement of ventilation and stove.

Saunas have an important and often decisive advantage over a Russian bath - they are universal, it is easier to build them from scratch or install them in an already finished room. There is a wide choice of dimensions and materials of the product

More often natural wood is used, such as linden or aspen. The doors of the structure are often made of glass. Custom manufacturing is necessary if you want to implement an original design. Then the booth can complement the style created in the bathroom or become the highlight of the room

There is a wide choice of dimensions and materials of the product. More often natural wood is used, such as linden or aspen. The doors of the structure are often made of glass. Custom manufacturing is necessary if you want to implement an original design. Then the booth can complement the style created in the bathroom or become the highlight of the room.

It all depends on the amount of available space, the choice of sauna capacity and the financial capabilities of the homeowners.

Room interior

There is no more suitable place where you can simultaneously relax after a busy work week, imbue yourself with harmony, and cleanse your body than a sauna or bathhouse, which is closer in spirit to the Russian spirit.

For many, visiting it is a tradition that is supported by every generation, and is often instilled in families from early childhood, so it is not surprising that our compatriots want to have their own bathhouse in the backyard.

Great place to relax

The environment inside should give harmony and tranquility. This atmosphere is achieved by the combination of all parts of the interior. You should not think that the type of Russian baths is a standard steam room with a stove and the same type of shelves. A designer interior is always distinguished by original details and decor; only by implementing an individual project can you get a stylish room for couples and relaxation.

Stylish room in oriental style with your own hands

Quality, thoughtful finishing and accompanying accessories are three pillars of internal content that will never cause you any inconvenience. For information on how to equip the interior, I will tell you today. These ideas can be used both at home, for your own needs, and for business.

Thoughtful finishing is the key to success

How it all began

Initially, at the dawn of civilization, no one thought about design, and no one even knew the word. Human life was fleeting, and functionality was put at the forefront, while beauty and nobility remained unclaimed. The first Russian baths were heated using black heat, so whether the interior was decorated or not did not matter.

After the first two months of using the bathhouse for its intended purpose, the walls, ceiling and shelves of the room acquired a deep black color, which would certainly be the envy of modern manufacturers of paint and varnish products. The situation changed radically after the invention of the chimney. The bathhouse turned white, and for the first time users thought that beauty rules the world.

The most powerful word in the design of baths, as such, in the realities of the ancient world was said by the Romans, with their immortal public baths - thermal baths and an ineradicable craving for beauty. Monumental columns, an abundance of marble and sculptural compositions to this day set a largely unattainable standard for the design of a bath space. In modern realities, these traditions are to some extent supported in the East.

Turkish hammam baths are still distinguished by a reverent attitude to the design of the interior decoration. Well, what can we take from the Turks, if among the men there, the highest manifestation of fashion and style is considered to be the presence of pointed patent leather boots, always bright red. With us everything is a little simpler. Including in the bathhouse world.

What is a bathhouse

Let me give you a short excursion into history. The Russian bathhouse was originally a free-standing low building with only one room. Inside everything was poor and austere. In the dressing room there are only benches and hooks for clothes, bands, and brooms. The building was used only as a steam room, and then you could take a dip and cool down in a river, an ice hole or a snowdrift. How do you like this prospect?

Interior of a Russian bathhouse

Modern baths are a structure consisting of several rooms, each with its own functionality. There are various layouts, some offering large-scale construction, sometimes even in the perspective of two floors.

Building with several rooms

But more often, more familiar, medium-sized one-story buildings with three rooms are built:

1Steam room.

2 Shower room (sometimes also a laundry room).

3 Dressing room or, as it is also called, rest room.

Recreation room or dressing room

Inside each of the rooms you can create your own, exclusive style, although it is important to maintain a harmonious combination in the interior of the entire bath.

Key Features

Plan the interior of the steam room, dressing room and relaxation room together - it’s more convenient, cheaper and easier to immediately calculate the consumption of materials. Refuse parts with sharp edges, avoid unnecessary corners and any other potentially traumatic parts.

Choose light-colored wall paneling because it will make a small, windowless room appear larger and lighter. Instead of decor, use bath accessories and accessories. Completely avoid metal, plastic, artificial materials, slippery surfaces, and bulky furniture.

Russian style

A mandatory rule of any harmonious structure is that outside and inside it is necessary to adhere to a single style. Baths in the Russian style are mainly built from wooden logs, and therefore even a modern building looks the same in appearance as our great-grandfathers - a structure made of untreated wood, measuring 4x6 meters, with a height of approximately 3.5 meters .

We maintain a single style

To be considered an original Russian style, pay attention to elements such as:

  • multi-tiered shelves;
  • a large wooden table with benches around;
  • working fireplace;
  • a huge tub of water, wooden ladles and buckets;
  • red brick stove-heater;
  • wooden floor boards, brooms from different types of wood, towels and sheets.

Spirit of Russian style

There may be many such small and not so small details, but they have one common feature - all the design elements of a Russian bathhouse are of natural origin, consisting of natural materials.

Exclusively natural materials

It is dangerous to use synthetic or plastic material; when heated, such shelves can release toxic substances, cause burns, and poisoning.

In the shower room and locker room, use materials such as wood, boards, natural textiles, and ceramics. All this will create a cozy atmosphere, and things made by hand will add warmth and soulfulness.

Unity of comfort and relaxation


Before you start using any bathhouse, you need to take care of a high-quality ventilation system. There are two types of similar systems that are relevant for wooden showers:

  1. Natural - two windows located at different heights. Through one, the flow of fresh air enters the room, through the other it is discharged outside.
  2. Forced - the design resembles a natural system, but a fan is installed at the exhaust vent, which speeds up the process of air circulation in the room.

The second ventilation option is suitable for large showers. The first is sufficient for small buildings.

Design materials

After the structure and insulation of the complex is ready, it is time for other types of finishing. Finishing work requires certain rules that have significant features when compared with finishing work in other buildings.

Design in Finnish

Impeccable interior content not only provides external convenience, but also has an impact on the health of visitors. Stylistics and practicality must be combined, and this depends on the materials used, which must meet the following characteristics:

  • durability;
  • fortress;
  • environmental cleanliness;
  • accumulation and retention of heat;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • compatible with high humidity.

Ecological cleanliness

The traditional material that fully meets the listed requirements for arrangement is, of course, wood. In addition, the aesthetics of wood are pleasant in texture, have a subtle, healthy aroma, and look organic and natural.

The interior, where natural materials predominate, is beautiful in itself. It emanates a pleasant warmth and serenity, which creates an atmosphere of peace. Pairs can be made using one or more species and types of wood materials.

Several types of wood can be used in the steam room

Of course, the interior of a modern bathhouse is often combined with other materials. Broken logs, lining or brickwork coexist perfectly with stone, brick or tile masonry. The combination of different textures distributes each of the bath rooms in a special way.

Combination of different textures

However, you should know that paint and varnish materials are not used for interior finishing work. When heated, such coatings become a source of toxic substances because they are not able to withstand significant temperature changes.

DIY sunbeds

The same aesthetic exercise with wood. First, sketch out the silhouettes of what will ultimately decorate the steam room. Again, it is necessary to take into account the extreme operating conditions of wood - high temperature and humidity.

Boards made of poplar and oak, aspen and linden are suitable. What motivates this:

  • do not exude resin when heated;
  • quickly releases the absorbed moisture;
  • pleasant smell;
  • do not heat up to the stage of burning the body;
  • aesthetic and velvety surface.

Steam room arrangement

The steam room is, of course, the most important of the rooms, and in Russian, the steam room is generally the main one. Most often it consists of burnt red brick, but you can use other materials, even ceramics. Increased temperature conditions and humidity in the room dictate specific rules in order to accurately select the material.

We decorate and arrange

For the steam room, only deciduous wood is suitable that can retain its qualities for many years (alder, linden, aspen). Floors are made both wooden and using tiles. If possible, preference should be given to tiles, since a wooden floor will slowly deteriorate.

We use tiles on the floor

Steam room design recommends a minimalist tone because the wood grain itself is a beautiful decoration. In the steam room you can use a window, which ideally breaks up the interior and is useful for ventilation.

Steam room with a window inside

There are natural boulders on the slab that accumulate and retain heat. Water pouring onto hot stones provokes the formation of wet steam, without which the whole essence of the steam room will be lost. The area of ​​the room and its height should be small in order to achieve heating quickly and evenly. A water container should be installed next to the stove.

Another attribute of the steam room are shelves. Install them in corners or near walls. If possible, shelves are placed in several tiers. It is generally accepted that it is easiest to withstand the hot steam at the bottom, and not everyone can stay on the upper tier. In the end, it is under the ceiling that the bulk of the hot air accumulates, and it is very difficult to breathe there, but this is the main benefit of the procedure.

Shelves are an attribute of every bath

If the dimensions are small, then you can make the shelves narrow and rounded. Strict sharp corners will take up useful space. The best material for preparing shelves for a bathtub is linden and larch, which is quite justified from the point of view of a practical approach - the boards of these types of wood are resistant to moisture and rot, so products made from them can be used for more than a dozen years.

The best material for shelves is linden

The most affordable type of wood is pine, which, alas, is not at all suitable for arranging shelving; it cannot be used in a steam room, since when heated it releases resin that can ignite and cause burns.

Waiting room

The room is not hot, but retains heat. Therefore, coniferous species will be a wonderful material for finishing here. Their noble aroma is not only glorious, but also incredibly useful. Phytoncides have a beneficial effect on the immune system, stimulate the body's resistance to various infections and overall improve mood. Let's look at the main types:

  • Pine is a very popular material for decorating a dressing room, because it has a number of advantages: economical, durable, environmentally friendly and quite strong. May change color slightly over time, acquiring a reddish tint. Scandinavian pine with smooth pinkish wood is becoming increasingly popular. Its annual rings have an authentic decorative pattern;
  • spruce – has a uniform structure, does not crack when drying, the color is slightly lighter than pine wood;
  • fir - the main collations actually coincide with spruce, while approximately no resin comes out of its wood.

Birch is an excellent option for a deciduous tree for a dressing room. In any case, when finishing, the main thing is to follow the basic rule - each room should be paneled with wood of the same species.

Shower room

The shower room is an innovation inherent in the modern bathhouse; it demonstrates how you can isolate yourself from prying eyes. It is preferable to tile a room, adding colorful elements to the design, such as mosaics and stained glass. There is a special requirement for the floor covering; it must have a rough texture. The range of equipment for washing is quite large. Installation of a shower, jacuzzi, swimming pool is allowed.

Installation of a shower stall

If you build according to the model of your ancestors, then huge tubs filled with water installed on top will look more harmonious. Naturally, the height of such a homegrown soul should exceed the height of an adult. To get a “shower”, you need to pull the string, after which you are guaranteed an invigorating waterfall.

Huge tubs filled with water

It’s good if the shower room is equipped with shelves and cabinets for storing clean towels, felt hats, sheets, brooms and other paraphernalia, without which a steam room is not a steam room.

The walls inside the shower can be painted or made of wood, but in this case the tile will be functional. Ceramics on the wall will prevent the appearance of fungus and mold, and in addition, it is easy to keep clean and disinfect.

Advantages of the washing compartment

In the spacious baths there is a separate room for washing. If the building is small and does not have central heating, then this functional area is combined with a steam room, and separation from it is carried out using a partition. Both location options have their pros and cons. A separate washing room allows you to:

  • Create a unique interior room.
  • Use strong and durable finishing materials (tiles).
  • Provide simultaneous washing for several people at once if it is equipped with a pair of shower stalls.
  • Simplify shower maintenance.

Among the disadvantages of this option, only the need to connect central heating to heat a separate room and water is noted. Washing rooms combined with a steam room are also not without advantages:
  • Space saving.
  • A practical interior if the stove with an elongated firebox is located in the middle.
  • Fuel savings, since technically only one room will have to be heated.

Unfortunately, the combined option has one significant drawback - the room becomes less convenient to use if a whole group of people are steaming at the same time.


The dressing room is the first room that a person sees when entering the bathhouse. This is the most spacious room that can surprise a visitor with its originality; there is often a window in the dressing room. Unlike the steam room and shower, the creation of designer lounges can be expanded, allowing guests to enjoy an extraordinary approach.

A room with everything you need

This interior space is necessary for relaxation in order to make a comfortable break between “steam sessions.” A table is often placed in the hall to make it convenient to drink herbal tea; remember that hot drinks are contraindicated in the bathhouse. There are extra sofas, armchairs or benches in the room.

Table for soulful tea parties

If there is high humidity in the waiting room, it is better to install wooden furniture. Woven sofas and armchairs will eventually “catch” mold and mildew.

The design and nuances of the relaxation room in the bathhouse depend on the preferences of the owners. This is a unique room with a multifunctional purpose. Modern baths often have an entrance vestibule, a kitchenette, a toilet, and a swimming pool.

An important element and constant component of the relaxation room in the bathhouse are dishes. It is worth paying attention to the original cups and plates with traditional folk notes in the ornament. To decorate the table in the bathhouse, a popular favorite is the colorful Russian samovar.

Swimming pool for baths

Accents for finishing the dressing room in the bathhouse are placed on soft wood, for example, pine or Nordic spruce. You can diversify wood elements with stone, brick, tile or plastic. Modernist notes in a style that is rarer in our area, such as oriental, English, will be complemented by appropriate furniture, mirrors, paintings, chandeliers, fabrics and other accessory subtleties.

Bath accessories

The living room in the bathhouse can be considered a guest bedroom if it has full beds and is equipped with bedding, slippers and robes.

Bathhouse layout

Bathhouse layout

Bathhouse layout

Bathhouse layout

Bathhouse layout

VIDEO: Interior decoration of baths and saunas

Interior decoration of baths and saunas. Ideas: sauna interior and sauna design

Decorating the inside of the bathhouse with your own hands (+200 Photos). Designs and Layout of beautiful interiors

Floor construction

Naturally, it must be made of wood. The board is tongue-and-groove or precisely adjusted during normal cutting of the sidewalls. But only for a well-cleaned base with a good concrete screed.

The boards are placed with a slight slope to drain moisture, and so that the floor of the steam room is approximately fifteen centimeters higher than in the bathhouse.

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The logs are installed at intervals of one meter, but only under boards of thickness that do not bend under a person at this distance. Fasten the boards with anti-corrosion screws.

Lathing - to do or not to do

Craftsmen prefer to install the sheathing and attach the interior trim to it. The popular base size is 50x50, less often they make 70x70. The pitch is not standard and varies depending on the size of the blocks being strengthened.

The sheathing is made of wood, less often of metal. Considering the operating conditions, the metal must be treated with moisture-resistant compounds. The lining or logs are secured with self-tapping screws and nails. They must be copper or brass. The installation of the base is done perpendicular to the sheathing.

Lathing walls in a steam room under clapboard Source


Lighting is recommended to be diffused. It does not strain the eyes and encourages relaxation. The best option: a competent combination of natural and artificial lighting. There are always windows in the rest room, so they are kept open during the day so that soft sunlight can easily enter the room. At night, spotlights scattered around the perimeter, a ceiling chandelier and a couple of sconces on the walls in the area of ​​accent zones are used. It is not recommended to choose heavy-duty or neon lamps. The former do not promote relaxation, while the latter provide cold, uncomfortable light.

Electricity and ventilation

A humid environment conducts current well, so the panel, distribution box and switch are mounted in the dressing room. Sockets are prohibited from being installed in the washing room. The safest place from short circuiting is the changing room.

In a wooden bathhouse, open wiring is used, which is pulled through the attic. When lighting the shower, install moisture-resistant electrical appliances. The models feature a ceramic socket, a heat-resistant lampshade and a wooden lampshade.

How to install wiringSource

Humidity will become a breeding ground for mold, which destroys the finish of the shower in the bathhouse and is dangerous to human health. To reduce the level in the room, ventilation is carried out. Natural air circulation provides pressure differential and ventilation. A forced system (fan, air conditioner) pumps in oxygen, and the filters are cleaned of contaminants.

Fan in the showerSource


Despite the fact that reproducing a Turkish hammam is much more expensive for the average Russian than the same sauna, this type of national baths is still gaining popularity.

BY THE WAY! Calling this type of baths “Turkish” is not entirely legitimate, because it is widespread throughout the East - from Arabia to Central Asia, and the source for them was... Roman baths. But we are already used to it.

The problem is that for a Turkish bath you need a very specific room with a ceiling that has either the shape of a dome or a vault.

And if you do everything according to the rules, then you won’t be limited to one room. The layout of a classic hammam is similar to a palm, where there is a central room with an exit to several smaller ones. In the smaller ones they accept procedures, in the central one they communicate. In other words, the classic hammam is a public bath, not a personal one.

But today this issue can be easily resolved - an individual hammam requires the same room with a domed or vaulted ceiling so that the condensation flows down it onto the walls and does not drip on people - such a room can be one with a lounger and a traditional washbasin.

And the second prerequisite is a room for generating water vapor , where the bathhouse equipment is located.


Due to the fact that the humidity in a Turkish bath reaches a record 100%, the main requirement for the materials used in it will be water resistance.
stone and meet this requirement . Metals are only stainless, but they have no special use there. Wood should absolutely not be used as the main or finishing material for this type of bathhouse.

But most often tiles are used to decorate a Turkish bath. Of course, there are very expensive baths where massive pieces of stone are used as sun loungers, where the walls are literally decorated with stone panels. But a more common budget option is finishing with ordinary ceramic tiles. This can be small mosaic tiles, or larger ones - at the request of the owner.


The choice of tiles is not accidental. After all, it not only meets the requirements of water resistance, but is also the basis of the ornaments for which the oriental style is famous. In fact, both baths and mosques of the Muslim world were decorated with tiles.

So the owner of the hammam will only have to decide on the choice of the eastern country ornamental style he likes the most. It is not for nothing that we mentioned above that this bathhouse is widespread throughout the Muslim East - this significantly expands the possibilities of its decoration. Each country has its own unique style, its own peculiarity that can be emphasized.

Hammam, tiled. Photo StroySpaComplex

On the other hand, if there is no desire to somehow emphasize the Eastern origin, you can take abstractions and chaotic patterns , fortunately, tiles are produced in a variety of colors and patterns.

So, to exaggerate it completely, you can either choose ethno or abstraction.

Lining in the steam room

With the help of lining, very unusual and beautiful steam room designs are created. The combination of different directions of boards looks original: for example, they can be laid horizontally on the ceiling and seating areas, and vertically on the walls.

Often the general vertical background is diluted with horizontal boards with diagonal elements. The combination of linings of different sizes and configurations also allows you to create unique designs in steam rooms of baths.

Accessories and lighting

Bathroom accessories are also important. With their help, you can place bright accents and interestingly diversify the interior. At the same time, the design of the steam room itself is often very laconic. Since this room should be as convenient as possible for practical purposes, it should not be overloaded with details. However, you can choose interesting and useful wooden products: buckets, buckets, ladles, headrests and hangers. You may also need brooms, aromatic oils and a thermometer to monitor the temperature in the room.

The dressing room can be decorated as you wish. Paintings, a small rug, a miniature table, a clock and coat hooks can look organic there. All these small details will make even the simplest bathhouse interior stylish and unique.

The break room usually has windows, so you will need curtains or blinds. Wooden options made from bamboo are very popular. It is also worth choosing kitchen utensils of your choice; these can be ceramic or wooden utensils. The walls can be decorated with paintings, tapestries, animal skins or stuffed animals. Ottomans and cabinets made of genuine leather can also look good.

If you are setting up a shower room, you can purchase a stylish rug, a soap dish, drawers for storing cosmetics and a shower curtain. For a small shower, it is better to use a minimum number of accessories. If you have a spacious room, you can arrange decorative vases with dried flowers, hang catchy towel hooks, and decorate the walls or door with stained glass.

As for lighting, for a bathhouse they usually choose lamps built into the ceiling, which will be as inconspicuous as possible. Also, sometimes additional lamps are hung on the walls. Such lighting options are typical for a waiting room, steam room and shower room. Flashy chandeliers are practically not used; they may only be appropriate in a recreation room decorated in a modern style.

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