5 tips for choosing a shower tray: material, depth, size, shape, siphon, installation method

In this article we will look at which tray is best to choose for a shower enclosure or niche, regardless of whether it will be used in an apartment or a house.

“Do not confuse shower corners with cabins; these are two completely different types of plumbing fixtures. The former come with only a tray, fencing and doors, while the latter are a completely finished unit with a roof, built-in faucet, mirror and many other options. Many people call corners cabins, but this is fundamentally wrong.”

Shower tray height

There are many myths about the height of shower trays. Apparently, they are invented by people who have never used either deep or shallow models. We will try to debunk the myths and provide more objective information.

Let's start with the fact that there are three types of pallets: low, medium and deep. For the former, the height of the side is up to 6 cm, for the latter up to 20 cm, for the third up to 70 cm (these are the maximum values).

If you plan to use a regular soft curtain instead of a door, then only the last two types will suit you. From the very first, water will constantly fall on the floor, and in large quantities.

When installing a door with a seal along the bottom, you no longer need to worry about the height, since the hermetically sealed connection will provide protection against water penetration.

Round looks amazing

Installing round shower cabins is a rather interesting solution for interior design. The advantages of such structures include the following features:

  • Thanks to their unusual shape, round models fit organically into the area of ​​small bathrooms.
  • The round shape guarantees various installation options: the cabin can be mounted against a wall or in the center of the bathroom.
  • Given the various color options, booths can make the interior unforgettable and interesting.

If we talk about sizes, the standard radius of round cabins usually varies between 900-1,200 mm.

Now let's talk about convenience:

— Practice shows that the most practical are medium-sized models with a depth of about 14-17 cm. It is easy to step over such a side, and it will hold back water if the connection at the door suddenly ceases to be airtight (and this is not so uncommon). Plus, you can get some water to soak your feet. It is easy to care for the middle pallet and, as a rule, there are no problems with installation in a niche.

— Low models look stylish and can significantly reduce the overall height, so older people with weakened bodies can use them without problems. They have no other advantages, but they do have several disadvantages. In particular, there is always a risk of the door leaking and water immediately getting onto the floor. You won't be able to get even a little water, nor will you be able to use a faucet to wash something (you'll have to go all the way into a niche or corner and close the door).

— Deep pallets, taking into account the height of the legs for installation, are quite high, so climbing into them is not very convenient. However, for a healthy person this drawback is still far-fetched, because stepping over a half-meter barrier is not at all difficult. But for people with a bad back, a bad leg, or simply weakened, this type of pallet is not suitable.

In terms of practicality, deep models have several also far-fetched advantages and several that are missed by many.

Possibility of washing - now almost no one washes by hand, almost everyone has automatic washing machines. If you need to wash several panties or socks without starting the machine, you can do this in a basin or even in the middle tray. But in a deep one it will be uncomfortable, just like in a bathtub due to the high side.

Bathing children – bathing a child is still much more convenient in the bathtub. If it doesn’t exist, then a shower with a deep tray will be much more convenient than one with a medium or low one.

Mini-bath – while taking a shower, sometimes there is a strong desire to plunge completely into hot water. None of the pallets provides such an opportunity, but by dialing it high you can still warm up quite well.

Which shower tray is better to choose based on the height of the side (to summarize):

  • if you don’t have a bathtub, then deep models are certainly the best option;
  • if there is a bathtub, models are medium in height;
  • when design comes before convenience and practicality, models with a side height of several centimeters.

Installation of a drain ladder

Whatever the design of the drain and pan, the best option would be to “rigidly” install the drain before pouring the pan/screed. Rigid installation is when the drain, tray or channel is securely fixed with a solution. Trays and channels usually have special fasteners included, but they do not fix the structure rigidly enough and the design position can easily be disturbed when pouring the screed.

Therefore, it is best to first install the drain on the kit (if available) or homemade fasteners, and then fill the entire space under the drain with cement mortar or tile adhesive. This will not only allow us to securely fasten the structure, but we will also have a clear idea of ​​the lowest point of the pallet.

As a last resort, rigid fasteners can be made before forming the finishing layer of the screed, if the pouring is carried out in two layers.

In this photo, the shower tray, in addition to the complete fasteners in the form of legs, is additionally secured with cement mortar. This was done while pouring the first rough layer of screed.

I want to say right away that drain designs without a flange are not even considered. If you need high-quality waterproofing of the shower, and in most cases it is necessary, then the presence of a flange in the design of the drain is a must!

A flange is a border of several centimeters around the drain, specially designed for reliable connection with waterproofing.

To set the ladder to the desired level, four studs are used, screwed into suitable dowels. The studs support the structure by the flange, and the height of each stud is adjusted by tightening and unscrewing it using two locknuts.

The drain design in the photo above is made in such a way that the level of the flange will inevitably be lower than the finishing screed. Therefore, in the future it is necessary to form the screed only up to the flange, leaving a recess around the drain. An example in the photo below.

The recess around the drain is sealed with tile adhesive after applying the coating waterproofing (of course, after the latter has dried).

The drain itself is connected to the sewer with a 40 or 50 mm pipe. I prefer to use the 50th pipe, although I think that this is not essential and the 40th will also do its job perfectly. If the drain outlet is 40 mm, which is often the case, then when installing the 50th pipe, an adapter is used immediately behind the drain.

As with any sewer installation, it is best to avoid 90-degree angles and use two 45-degree angles. I do not recommend using corrugated sewer pipes - as practice has shown, they are quite unreliable.

Good to know: if the sewer riser is poorly ventilated, then there is a high probability that the drain water seal will often break. In general, “grunting” sounds will often be heard from the pan. Therefore, for such cases, it is better to choose a ladder with a high-quality combined shutter. For example, a “dry” shutter mechanism should not contain springs - this is an a priori unreliable technical solution.

Also, in the absence of ventilation of the riser (this occurs in old houses), an aerator (a valve that allows air into the sewer, but restrains odors) will help solve the problem. However, you should not rely entirely on the valve, because it will serve the entire riser (all apartments) with its work. If only we could agree with most of our neighbors to install the same ones for ourselves...

What shower tray material should you choose?

Manufacturers of trays for shower enclosures and cabins today offer a fairly wide selection of models, shapes, and colors. But one of the main parameters for choosing a pallet remains, of course, the material from which the product will be made. It must be said that there are quite a lot of material options for shower trays: they can be made of acrylic, quarry, cast iron, steel, ceramics, artificial marble and stone. Undoubtedly, each of them has both advantages and disadvantages, which we will try to consider in this article.

Acrylic pallets

In the modern plumbing market, acrylic shower trays are perhaps the most common option. Such products are lightweight, which makes them easy to transport and install. At the same time, the low weight of acrylic pallets does not mean that such a design is unreliable and short-lived - acrylic is 5 times stronger than, for example, ordinary glass. Caring for acrylic plumbing fixtures is very simple - due to the properties of the material, the surface of the tray will be protected from the accumulation of dirt or any deposits. She will also not be afraid to use even the strongest cleaning agents - acrylic is extremely resistant to any chemicals. The disadvantages of acrylic pallets are probably only the slight appearance of scratches on them. Although this cannot be called a serious drawback: the surface of an acrylic product is restored very simply and quickly, and the owner will be able to do this even without the help of a plumber. With all these advantages, shower trays are also affordable, which makes them the best option in terms of price and quality. Pros:

  • small in weight,
  • durable,
  • resistant to dirt, plaque, chemicals,
  • cosmetic defects can be easily corrected.


  • easily scratched.

Quaril pallets

At its core, quartz is the same acrylic with various additives and quartz.
It must be said that the uniqueness of this substance is that it was created specifically for the production of plumbing equipment by one of the largest companies in this field, Villeroy & Boch. Quaril not only has all the listed advantages of acrylic, but at the same time it also has its own properties. For example, due to the presence of quartz in its composition, it is definitely stronger than its analogue. And due to its greater thickness it is also more stable. Thanks to exclusive patented additives, Kvaril trays also have a high degree of sound insulation, which will relieve the owner from the unpleasant sound of water jets hitting the surface. Pallets made of quaril are at the same time very safe - their composition creates the effect of an anti-slip coating. The quality and reliability of quaril pallets will thus please any consumer. But the high cost of such products and their expensive repairs are unlikely to appeal to everyone. Pros:

  • lungs,
  • very strong and stable,
  • do not slip even without special coating,
  • absorb noise
  • resistant to dirt, plaque, and chemicals.


  • expensive, including maintenance.

Steel pallets

This type of pallet can be called a real long-liver in the plumbing market.
However, with the advent of acrylic analogues, steel pallets lost their popularity. Of course, this was mainly due to the fact that steel pallets are inferior to acrylic pallets in their basic characteristics. For example, they cool faster and create a very loud sound when water hits their surface. The second reason for the decline in interest in steel pallets was their very diversified design. Claims are often made about rapid chipping, cracking, and yellowing of the enamel with which they are coated. Although, it must be said that steel pallets are not without certain advantages. They weigh relatively little, are durable and wear-resistant, and are also very attractive due to their low cost, which is often the main factor in choosing such equipment. Pros:

  • durable,
  • relatively light,
  • cheap.


  • cool faster than acrylic ones,
  • have low noise insulation,
  • do not have wide design possibilities,
  • often covered with low-quality enamel.

Cast iron models

The main feature of this variety is its popularity. Cast iron shower trays have been known since Soviet times. In addition, most users try to give preference to this option, and there are several reasons for this:

  • High strength indicators. The material does not deform, even under high mechanical loads. This became possible thanks to the unique composition and technical properties that are given to the product at the production stage.
  • Long service life. With proper use, a cast iron pan can last over 20 years. In this case, neither the corrosion process nor frequent washing with chemicals will affect it.
  • Noise insulation. Almost every model made from this material has thick walls that reduce the noise level from water.

However, the product is not without its negative aspects, which in many ways become decisive in favor of considering other models:

  • The average weight of the structure is 55 kg. This is a great value, which will create inconvenience not only during transportation, but also during installation of the entire structure. This will be especially noticeable if a person decides to independently carry out installation operations.
  • High price. Despite the fact that most of the materials are produced exclusively by Russian manufacturers, the cost of such options is several times higher than for other versions. The exception is pallets made of artificial stone. Their cost is too high.
  • Uniformity. For this drawback, many users do not like cast iron structures. After all, it is difficult to give the material an unusual shape, so it is sold in standard geometric designs - square or rectangle, which is not suitable for some designs.
  • Long warm-up is the last drawback of this solution. This is due to thick walls that take a long time to warm up. Of course, a person can immediately start washing, but it will be uncomfortable for the feet to be in a cold place, which will only warm up towards the end of the water procedures.

Ceramic trays

In terms of success among consumers, ceramic trays seriously compete with acrylic ones.
They have an attractive appearance, are durable, and are easy to care for. However, at the same time, ceramic trays are heavy and lack resistance to damage. Unlike cast iron trays, they will not withstand anything heavy falling from a shelf in the shower. Ceramic trays are also not one of those interior items that can create warmth and comfort. Ceramics is a fairly cold material to the touch because it is difficult to heat up. This means that for comfortable use, such a tray will first have to be warmed up with hot water and only then go inside the shower stall. The significant shortcomings of ceramic products are compensated by their cost, which is reasonable for any budget, which makes them a very good option. Pros:

  • attractive design,
  • durability,
  • easy to care for,
  • inexpensive.


  • need to be heated before use,
  • heavy,
  • not particularly durable.

Fake diamond

Similar designs are often made of marble or granite. Considering that the cost of such materials is high, the end result is in the premium segment and not in the middle price category. Because of this price, such materials are rarely in demand. However, if a person has the means and wants to purchase a pallet made of artificial stone, most companies can offer both ready-made options and design a custom one.

Products made from this material differ:

  • Unusual textured surface. Thanks to professional processing, the stone looks beautiful and effective. Even the most expensive ceramic design cannot compare with the patterns that are obtained during production.
  • Long service life. The average service life is 25 years, which leaves behind even cast iron pallets.
  • High noise insulation. Splashes or flowing water will no longer cause discomfort, since no one will hear them. This is one of the main advantages of this design.

But this solution also has a downside:

  • High mass. If the average weight of cast iron is 60 kg, then the value here can reach up to 100 kg. A person will not be able to do the installation themselves. Therefore, you will have to call a team of workers, which will also entail additional costs. In addition, during installation it is required to use a structure with a reinforced base. Other options may not be suitable.
  • High price. Often, for the price of one pallet made of artificial stone, you can buy a couple of steel structures with good wall thickness. At the same time, there will still be money left to purchase a high-quality shower panel.
  • Poor thermal conductivity. As in the case of cast iron products, the stone has poor thermal conductivity, which can create some discomfort during use. This is especially felt when installing the structure on a concrete base, then even under high pressure of hot water, the heating rate will remain at a low level.


If you already have experience with plumbing equipment, then installing a shower will not be difficult for you. Our recommendations will come to the aid of beginning builders.

  • Shower trays are available with or without legs. If you are not sure that the floor in your bathroom is absolutely level, purchase a model with legs. Adjustable legs will help ensure that the tray is in a perfectly horizontal position.
  • Pay special attention to the installation of water and sewer pipes. Check the quality of connections and tighten if necessary. In the future, this may save you and your neighbors from the unpleasant consequences of burst pipes.
  • If the tray is mounted near a wall, be sure to treat the gap with a special bathroom sealant.
  • After installing the pan and connecting it to the sewer and water pipes, run the water and check the tightness of the entire system. Repair any leaks found.
  • If the design includes enclosing partitions, you can begin installing them. To begin, use a building level to mark the wall. Then secure the metal profiles in appropriate places.
  • Insert partitions into the profiles, usually made from tempered glass or fiberglass, and secure them.

The shower cabin is ready for use!

Watch the following video on how to install a shower tray.

Sizes and shapes

A wide variety of pallet shapes will allow any buyer to choose a model to suit their own taste. But still, often, when choosing, you have to rely not on your taste, but on the size of the bathroom and its other features (after all, these rooms in ordinary Russian apartments are quite modest in size).

Angular shapes

When choosing such samples, it is possible to immediately get double savings - to “win back” the extra meters in area and not to mount the walls of the shower stall separately. Angular shapes include:

  • Square samples - regardless of the material of production, they have typical dimensions of 70-100 centimeters with a 5-centimeter step. There are also the most spacious models with sizes ranging from 110-130 centimeters, however, they do not find much attention among buyers;
  • Rectangular samples are one of the really popular models because they are easy to make in different dimensional proportions. They are compact and ergonomic, convenient for showering;
  • Radial samples - they represent one fourth of a circle and are mounted in the corner of the bathroom. Their use is extremely advisable in rooms with very small areas, and at the same time, with their rounded part, they give the bathroom some aesthetics. Their sides can be either equal or different (as in a rectangle);
  • Pentagonal samples (pentagonal) - they have one 90-degree angle and can also be placed in small areas.

Complex shapes

These include the following models:

  • Semicircular - the flat part is tightly adjacent to the wall of the bathroom (they cannot be used in corner boxes);
  • Round - as a rule, they are installed in a rectangular or square base, but can also serve as a podium for a traditionally round booth;
  • Oval - ideal when the shower space is not limited in size;
  • Polygonal - extremely rare, mainly used in design projects;
  • Irregular (asymmetrical) - characterized by very complex bending lines. They are made mainly according to designer drawings, and can have arbitrary styles and color schemes (the version stylized as a heart is popular).

Corner options

Such designs are optimal for small bathrooms: thanks to the corner installation option, a lot of free space is freed up. Shower corners come in a variety of shapes and, in order to increase usable space, are often made with a spherical front wall. It is worth noting that not all models are equipped with rear panels, which also affects the overall dimensions.

Asymmetrical cabin

If we talk about parameters, the width of the wall can vary between 70-150 centimeters. The height of the booths usually does not exceed 2,400 mm.


Multifaceted hydromassage box

Typical option for installation in a corner. Visually, the shape looks complex, but it is easier to manufacture than options with a smooth contour.


“Quarter circle” - spaciousness with modest dimensions

It is quite natural that this form was initially intended for small bathrooms, but there are also larger models on the market designed for spacious rooms.


Doors and guards

Naturally, if you are equipping a shower stall, you will have to purchase fences or doors. However, there are some nuances here:

The use of special glass is due to the fact that elements made from plastic and other polymers are more likely to be scratched, burst for no apparent reason, and are difficult to clean. Despite their cheap cost, they quickly lose their presentable appearance;

The use of aluminum and stainless steel - these materials are best used for doors - this will increase both strength and service life. It should be noted that it is not worth using ordinary steel, because it is prone to rapid corrosion processes.

IMPORTANT! Another good thing about using glass doors and fences is that they are easier to maintain. Frosted glass is especially unpretentious in this regard - it leaves almost no streaks and washes well. It is necessary to apply a decorative pattern only on the outside, because the inside will become clogged with dirt.

Types of door designs for booths

Door designDescription
SwingA door with standard hinges is used similarly to any interior or entrance door. Of course, it is a familiar and therefore popular option, but it requires free space in the room, since it always opens to the outside.
ArticulatedRotary hinges are mounted at the ends, thanks to which the door opens along a trajectory identical to the previous version. Possible opening angles: 90°,135°,180°. Used on doors with an accordion in 2-3 folds, inward and outward. Safe, functional and very aesthetically pleasing.
SlidingA true classic of ergonomics. The movement of the panels is provided by roller mechanisms that slide along metal guides. A practical, reliable and time-tested option widely used in corner booths.
RotaryThe door opens and “slides” to the side. Designed for small spaces, and it would seem that this mechanism should be popular in our latitudes, but today the choice of such a design is rather the exception than the rule.
FoldingA popular door is the accordion door, which is also relevant for small spaces. A classic and logical attribute of rectangular cabins.

Useful tips for choosing

The selection of a specific shower tray model must be approached comprehensively, evaluating the available options according to a number of important criteria. If you have decided on the dimensions, shape and material of the product, you have to consider two more classifications of shower trays: according to visual appeal, originality and ease of use.

Selecting a model based on external indicators

Modern manufacturers offer shower trays with several image options:

  • repeating prints (floral elements, geometric patterns, etc.);
  • laser engraving (practised for applying inscriptions or phrases).

The relief makes the surface of the shower tray more aesthetically pleasing. In addition to aesthetic benefits, the embossed texture makes the surface of the pallet less slippery. There are quite a few variations of the relief: from traditional “sags” to decor stylized as sea stones.

Any relief surface also has a healing effect. This is due to the fact that when taking a shower, a person’s feet are massaged, which has a positive effect on the condition of the entire body.

The relief decorating the surface of the shower tray imitates the natural roughness of stone and has an anti-slip effect. A textured surface is safer than a perfectly smooth one

Shower trays without side skirts look original. A fashionable design significantly increases the final cost of renovation work for arranging a modern bathroom.

In this case, the traditional bowl is replaced by a tray, which is mounted flush with the floor. The design without sides requires special care, and the bathroom must be cleaned regularly.

Trays without sides are original designs that are perfect in cases where the installation of doors is not provided in the shower stall

Installation of such a structure requires additional work:

  • Raising the floor around the entire perimeter of the bathroom.
  • Arrangement of water drainage using shower drains masked with a decorative grille.

Today on the plumbing market you can find models of shower trays with effectively disguised water drainage. They are equipped with an aesthetic insert, slightly smaller in size than the area of ​​the product. Thanks to it, used water is discharged into the additional bottom of the structure.

If the decorative overlay has a composite structure, then water will drain through the cracks. The insert is often made of the same material as the shower tray.

Original models are available for sale, equipped with an aesthetic lining made of moisture-resistant wood. Over time, the wood requires treatment with a special impregnation

An original solution is a shower tray with built-in LEDs. Such spectacular designs are quickly gaining popularity in the plumbing market.

Floor lamps should not be regarded as full-fledged lighting. LEDs are a decorative element and provide an attractive overall appearance of the structure.

Comfort of use and safety of the pallet

For most consumers, the safety and ease of use of a shower tray are more important than the aesthetic appearance and decorative additions to the design. If you are of the same opinion, when choosing a design you need to take into account the surface features, the safety of the material and the heating rate of the product.

An important parameter of the pallet is the surface structure. Smooth pallets are dangerous because you can slip on them. The safest products have a relief pattern or a rough bottom surface. The best option is a sanitary product equipped with an innovative anti-slip coating.

When taking a shower, a special film or rubber mat should be placed in a tray with a smooth surface for safety purposes.

Based on the type of material, products made from acrylic, quarry and stone are considered the safest. When shower water falls on the surface of the shower tray, noise is created, the severity of which depends on the material of the product. More noise comes from steel and cast iron pallets. Products made of stone, quarry and acrylic are less noisy.

The heating rate depends on the material used in production. Shower trays made from popular acrylic can heat up faster. Steel structures also heat up quite quickly.

Cast iron, natural stone and ceramic products heat up more slowly, so shortly before taking a shower, use a stream of warm water to warm the bottom of the tray to a comfortable temperature.

Ease of use and care features

Acrylic shower trays are considered the easiest to clean. This material is durable and does not absorb dirt. However, if used incorrectly, acrylic can become covered with small cracks or scratches, which can be removed using paste or other available means.

Minor defects on the surface of an acrylic shower tray can be sanded using putty and fine-grained sandpaper

Ceramic trays are easy to clean and attractive in appearance, but they have the disadvantage of low strength. The ceramic structure can be damaged by a mechanical shock, for example, if a shower head falls on it. Modern cast iron structures are coated on top with a special enamel, which is characterized by relatively low strength. If the enamel becomes damaged, it must be completely renewed.

Steel shower trays do not require special care. Steel, unlike other materials, tolerates intensive cleaning using abrasives. Shower trays made of steel are slightly cooler than their acrylic counterparts.

The disadvantage of shower structures made of steel is that they can sag over time under the weight of a person. Steel products are coated with enamel, which can peel off due to careless use.

To make using the shower comfortable for all family members, the largest occupant should be able to bend freely while standing directly in the tray. At the same time, the movements of his arms and legs should be free and not constrained.

Connoisseurs of comfort can choose a comfortable shower tray with a seat. There are models with fixed or folding elements made of wood or plastic

If there are dogs, cats or other pets in the apartment, it is better to give preference to deep structures. Plumbing equipment plays an important role.

It is recommended to choose a tray for installation in the shower, equipped with a siphon. This is due to the fact that choosing a new siphon that fits a specific model is quite difficult.

Installation location

If you start making renovations from scratch, even before the stage of installing water and sewer pipes, then you can place the shower tray anywhere in the bathroom. In this case, the installation of sewerage and water supply systems will need to take into account the location of the plumbing.

This is interesting: Bathroom design ideas with a shower

If the pipes have already been installed, then the choice of location for the shower stall is limited, since it should be located as close as possible to the sewerage system and water pipes. However, the latter pose a much smaller problem, because it is quite possible to extend the water supply to the desired place on your own. Such experiments are not always possible with a sewer pipe, so you need to focus on it, including, be sure to take into account its slope when installing the shower tray. When choosing where to install a shower tray, its size also plays an important role.

What does the cost consist of?

The price of the device in question will depend on many parameters and a potential buyer needs to be prepared for a wide range of prices. The following factors will play a significant role in pricing:

  • Country of origin - Asian samples are much cheaper than others, and the reason for this is cheap labor, and this immediately affects the quality. The countries of Eastern and Southern Europe offer products in the mid-price segment. But (Germany, Italy, Spain, England) produce a product of the highest quality, distinguished by elegance and a high technical level;
  • Name) – naturally, the more famous the name, the more the company is responsible for its products in terms of quality. An experienced manufacturer always tries to improve production technology, applying all kinds of innovations and improving design. From here it is clear that pallets from a company with a global reputation will cost many times more than from a “no-name” brand;
  • Material of manufacture - budget options are made of steel, sometimes NOT even stainless. They will subsequently require additional protective coating. The most expensive items are made of wood, special glass or natural stone. The “golden mean” can be called ceramics or acrylic;
  • Shape – the cheapest are square shapes, because they are easiest to make by stamping. The most expensive ones are asymmetrical - they require almost manual work;
  • Dimensions – in this case it will be true that as the dimensions increase, the price also increases. And here you can add depth - the greater it is, the more expensive the product;
  • Place of purchase - the price of the product in a specialized store will obviously be higher, but the buyer is guaranteed quality there. But on the market everything will be much cheaper, but, accordingly, there will be no guarantees. However, it is always possible to use trusted online platforms for purchases.


  • https://vybratpravilno.ru/kakoy-poddon-dlya-dushevoy-luchshe-vyibrat.html
  • https://kit.by/articles/na-kakom-materiale-dushevogo-poddona-ostanovitsya/
  • https://yanashla.com/luchshie-dushevye-poddony/
  • https://vyborok.com/rejting-luchshih-dushevyh-poddonov/
  • https://sovet-ingenera.com/santeh/vanna/poddony-dlya-dushevyx-kabin.html
  • 1

Laying tiles

Whatever the shape of the shower, there will be a lot of trimming. How to make a high-quality cut of tiles or porcelain stoneware is described here.

One of the frequently asked questions: How to join the tiles to the drain

. I will not pretend to be true, but I will say what I think: the tiles should be 2-3 millimeters higher than the grating. The same applies to mosaics.

In fact, this question needs to be asked while pouring the pallet in order to lay the tiles without layers, on a fine comb.

You can control porcelain tiles with a level only across the slope. The plane of the slope can be controlled by a rule.

I would also like to recommend choosing the least slippery porcelain stoneware or mosaic tiles possible, although this is quite difficult...

Any cement-based grout for tiles is suitable, preferably hydrophobic. There is an opinion that epoxy grout is necessary in the shower. Of course, such grout is good, durable and can provide additional waterproofing. However, grouts on cement binders also perform well.

That's all. Later I plan to add higher quality photos, which are not yet available.

Additional functions

For those looking for more complex solutions, there are additional offerings.
Trays can contain special functional means, which makes showering more comfortable and enjoyable. For example, this could be a modern anti-slip system that provides additional support for the feet.

This anti-slip coating can be applied to enamel surfaces without wearing out even with intensive use and provides a high level of safety while swimming for many years.

Such anti-slip surfaces are color integrated with the color of the enamel.

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