Options for adding a gazebo to a bathhouse: many diagrams and training videos

Project of a bathhouse with a gazebo, on the territory of which there is a barbecue area. Teplokrepost Photos

What to call a “gazebo attached to a bathhouse”? Let's be clear at the very beginning: we will call a gazebo a separate (!) standing light building with a roof and a fence, inside of which there are (at a minimum) seats for relaxation (table, barbecue, barbecue - optional).

It is acceptable that such a structure may be located in close proximity to the bathhouse and connected to it by a small passage. The roof can be made as a single unit with the roof of the bathhouse.

But if this same structure completely merges with the bathhouse, having supports on one or two of its walls, we advise you to read materials about the terrace or veranda or pool.

Of course, we cannot prohibit calling a terrace or veranda a “gazebo,” but when describing the various options, we must adhere to at least some terminological rigor. Please understand and choose what best suits your interests: gazebo, veranda, terrace.

Initially, gazebos were placed in gardens, representing a place of privacy for the owners. Then in the parks. Now a similar building on a summer cottage is a barbecue area, a place for receiving guests. Times change. Let's be modern.

How to attach a gazebo to a bathhouse: extension options

In addition to a residential building, there may be other buildings on the land plot.
A bathhouse and gazebo are provided for relaxation and free time. Moreover, these objects are often built at different times and in different places on the site. In this case, difficulties arise with the placement of these objects. After all, you need to find free space for them. In addition, with separate construction, more materials are consumed and more space is occupied. Therefore, combining a bathhouse and a gazebo seems to be the best option in terms of functionality and aesthetics. The buildings form a single group within the same concept. At the same time, there are many ways to attach a gazebo to a bathhouse with your own hands. To attach a gazebo to a bathhouse, you do not need to use the services of specialists and spend a lot of money.

Where to build a bathhouse - competent selection of location

Any construction on a personal plot must be coordinated with the relevant local and district authorities. When placing a building on a development plan, you should take into account the distances from the bathhouse to the rest of the buildings around, in accordance with sanitary standards and rules for the development of personal plots and planning of residential buildings. For example, SNiP establishes rules for the development of personal plots, the joint venture specifies distances from objects, and also contains an algorithm for designing and coordinating the placement of buildings on the development plan.

Here are some excerpts from them:

  • the distance from the bathhouse to the fence must be at least 3 m;
  • if there is a well on the site, the distance from it to the bathhouse should be at least 12 m to prevent contamination of the well water;
  • the distance from the bathhouse to the house should be at least 8 m.

For practical reasons, it is best to locate the bathhouse in the backyard on a hill to facilitate the removal of water from the washing room and steam room.

Distances between objects on personal plots: 1.2 - residential building, 3 - bathhouse, 4 - gazebo, 5 - toilet, 6 - well, 7 - tall tree, 8 - low tree, 9 - bushes, 10 - border of the green zone, 11 – road, 12 – fence

Extension – canopy

Since we are talking about creating an extension, it is assumed that a bathhouse already exists. And speaking about gazebos attached to a bathhouse with your own hands, you should understand that the projects are accessible to people who do not have construction skills.

To get a gazebo attached to a bathhouse, you can use various approaches. One of the simplest will be a canopy. This is a structure that consists of a roof and support pillars. To build such lightweight gazebos, you can use wood, metal or polycarbonate.

It should be noted that the creation of all-season structures with insulation is not always justified. After all, the gazebo will be attached to the bathhouse, which can be used all year round. Therefore, it is more advisable to arrange a light open gazebo for the summer period.

Since the canopy will be an extension, the load-bearing function will be performed by the wall of the bathhouse. If the canopy is not heavy, then it is enough to use metal corners. They will easily support the roof structure.

Thus, the inside of the roof will be attached to the wall of the bathhouse. Accordingly, it is necessary to make a foundation for the outer part of the roof. This role will be performed by two pillars. If the length of the gazebo exceeds 2.5 meters, then you will need to install four pillars at a distance of 2.5 meters from each other.

For the installation of load-bearing poles, the use of several materials is allowed. Their features should be considered in more detail:

In general, the option with asbestos pillars is not bad. You can decorate the supports using climbing plants or painting. At the same time, this method of adding a gazebo to a bathhouse will be the most inexpensive of all possible.


Like verandas, gazebos can be divided into open and closed.

The first type has a roof, but not walls, instead of which it has roof supports and a light fence around the perimeter, often symbolic.

The latter are more substantial, have glazing and can be used in bad weather and cold seasons, if it is possible to heat them - with portable or stationary heaters (a food stove is also a heater).

Project of a bathhouse with an open gazebo. Teplokrepost Photos

The foundation can also become a criterion of distinction: some of them do without it, their supports stand on the ground, some are still placed on at least some kind of foundation, often columnar or screw, but a massive brick building will require a more solid foundation.

Mobile and stationary - the first allow assembly and disassembly, installation in the desired location on the site, the second are built without the possibility of disassembling and moving.

in shape - rectangular and square, in the form of polyhedrons and round, and also in the form of a sector of a circle (fan).

The material for their construction also varies widely - from a welded metal structure to a brick structure with glazing, from a light awning to a concrete dome. All materials that are used in the construction of buildings are suitable.

Styles can also vary from modern to classical, and also have characteristic features of a particular national style - Chinese, for example.

Project of a brick bathhouse with a garage and a gazebo. Teplokrepost Photos

We will separately designate those created in order to be entwined with plants - these are either pergolas or ordinary gazebos with trellises to support climbing plants. Their difference is that the shade or partition is created with the help of vegetation, and not building materials.


Stage 1Project preparation. You can develop the project yourself, but it will be better if a professional does this work.
Stage 2Construction of the foundation.

In order for the extension to the bathhouse to stand for a long time, without tilting or collapsing, it needs a solid foundation. Such gazebos will not require a strip or monolithic foundation. Moreover, these options are very risky for the bathhouse itself. After all, you will have to connect two foundations - a new one for the gazebo and an old one for the bathhouse. This connection is a difficult task. Both foundations will need to be tied with reinforcement and shrinkage expected over several months. Therefore, the most appropriate option would be a columnar foundation. After all, a foundation is needed only for two supports. Foundation work is carried out as follows:

Thus, the supports of the gazebo extension will be firmly fixed in the ground. Floor For the floor, you can use all standard materials - boards, paving slabs, and so on. To get a full floor, you need to arrange an elevation. To do this, it is best to use the pile option. It is necessary to screw the piles into the ground at a distance of 50 cm from each other. Then, timber is laid on these piles, which becomes the basis for the future floor. But such a base will withstand boards, laying linoleum and other materials. If the gazebo attached to the bathhouse should have a floor made of paving slabs, then other work should be done. To do this, you need to dig a pit 30 cm deep over the entire internal area of ​​the gazebo. Sand 10–15 cm thick is poured onto its bottom. It is important to make durable formwork to a height of up to 30 cm above the soil level.

The bottom of the pit and the formwork must be filled with concrete mixture. It is recommended to purchase it ready-made. Then filling the pit will only take a couple of hours. If you mix it yourself, the working time will increase to several hours. But in this case, you will be able to save money; all the work will cost two to three times less than when ordering a ready-made mixture. Roofing It is advisable to use the same material for the roof that is on the roof of the bathhouse. but this is not always possible. After all, metal tiles should not be used for a light open-type extension. But soft roofing and similar materials will require significant time and financial costs. Therefore, their installation is impractical.

The optimal way to create a roof would be to install a polycarbonate roof. This material does not require the creation of lathing or a building system. At the same time, it withstands the influence of precipitation and sudden temperature changes. In addition, polycarbonate is durable and can withstand the pressure of significant masses of snow, as well as impact impacts.



The process of constructing a bathhouse from rounded timber consists of several stages. To make it easier to build a building, you should hire a team of workers.

Foundation and floor

For a bathhouse made of rounded timber, a strip foundation is suitable. Making the base:

  1. Use pegs and string to mark the location of the trenches.
  2. Using shovels, dig trenches 40 cm wide and up to 80 cm deep (depending on the freezing point of the soil).
  3. Put together the components of the formwork from boards and bars. Cover the internal surfaces with thick polyethylene film.
  4. Place wooden shields along the trenches and support them.
  5. Tie a reinforcing frame from wire.
  6. Place a 15 cm thick layer of sand at the bottom of the trenches.
  7. Place a reinforcing frame made of reinforcement inside the formwork.

All that remains is to fill the formwork with cement to a height of 50 cm above the ground and let the base harden. This will take at least 4 weeks.


Carrying out work:

  1. Coat the foundation with bitumen mastic.
  2. Place pieces of roofing felt on the surfaces.
  3. Secure the first strapping beam, which is recommended to be soaked in used machine oil.
  4. Lay the remaining crowns like walls from other types of crowns. The logs are laid out on top of each other through a cut-out cup, knocked together with choppers, through drilled holes.

Windows and doors

Window openings can be cut into finished walls after the frame is assembled. To prevent the ends from diverging in different directions, vertical recesses are cut into them, into which metal corners are hammered. It is better to design doorways in advance to save lumber.

Ceilings and roof

For a large bathhouse, it is better to equip a gable roof with an attic. Peculiarities:

  1. It is better to assemble the rafter sections on the ground and then lift them to the roof. They need to be fixed to ceiling beams or Mauerlat.
  2. The optimal step between the ceiling beams is 60 cm. This will make it easier to fix mineral wool slabs to insulate the ceiling.
  3. Individual rafter sections are assembled into a single structure using sheathing and counter-lattice.

After installing the main elements, the rafter system can be covered with roofing material.


It is recommended to lay communications before finishing work begins. You need to wait for the frame to shrink, install windows, doors, and secure the roofing material. After this, you can engage in communications.


Features of conducting electricity:

  1. Switches and sockets must be located inside the dressing room or any recreation area.
  2. Lamps must have a sealed housing to prevent moisture from getting inside.
  3. Wires must pass through corrugations to be protected from external factors.

The lighting should not be bright or too dim.


Features of sewerage arrangement:

  1. It is better to assemble sewerage from plastic pipes.
  2. The drain in a shower with a concrete floor should be installed at the lowest point of the room.
  3. The drain should be covered with a grate.

Water supply

Water can be supplied from a central fluid supply system, a well or a borehole. When laying a pipeline, you need to install 1-2 drain points to remove water from the system for the winter.

Wall treatment

To ensure that wood does not deteriorate under the influence of moisture, that mold and mildew do not form on it, it must be properly processed. Depressions, cracks, and chips can be repaired with wood putty. After this, you need to cover the surfaces with protective antiseptics.

For steam rooms and washing rooms, foam glass should be used for insulation. Mineral wool can be placed in the dressing room. For waterproofing, it is better to use foil film.

Construction of an extension to the bathhouse in the form of a gazebo

Adding a gazebo to the bathhouse allows you to significantly expand the recreation area. The bathhouse complex is a desirable attribute of any country house or cottage. Therefore, every owner strives to arrange a bathhouse comfortably for himself and his guests. In some cases, for example, in the absence of sufficient financial resources, the owner of the site has been improving it for a number of years. Adding a gazebo to a bathhouse is no exception.

Adding a well-appointed gazebo to the bathhouse with your own hands allows you to relax in comfort after taking bath procedures; in addition, such a gazebo allows you to arrange a wonderful family vacation on summer evenings. The optimal option, of course, is the simultaneous construction of a bathhouse complex and an adjacent gazebo, but this construction option is not always available.

Advantages of combination, types of extensions and their features

Adding a gazebo to a bathhouse allows the owner of a country house to receive a whole range of advantages, the main ones of which are the following:

If a bathhouse complex has already been erected on a plot of land, then a gazebo can easily be attached to it with your own hands.

There are several types of extensions to the bathhouse in the form of a gazebo, which have their own characteristics.

Depending on the type of gazebo, they can be divided into several types of extensions:

Each of these types of gazebos has a number of advantages and disadvantages.

Some tips

If you have a bathhouse, but, alas, gazebos..., then of course you can make an extension with your own hands. However, in this case I repeat, invite an architect. You won't regret it. Even if, with its help, you acquire a draft design that will depict an artistically designed view from several angles of the future gazebo (veranda) with reference to the actual dimensions. Then, if you wish, continue on your own.

Well, among other things, there are “terrace-gazebo” companies that can accommodate you with their proposals. Many offer turnkey construction. This is convenient because it allows you to get the entire range of work “from one responsible hand.”

Today, many architectural firms sell ready-made bathhouse designs “for every taste and budget.” Bright catalogs with 3-D drawings, photos with layouts and estimated specifications, calculated “down to the last nail.” Everything is there. However, before you make a decision, ask if they have practically implemented projects that you can inspect.

This is a useful matter, since it will allow you to find out from the developer how complete the project is (in terms of design solutions and estimates). I advise you to contact us for help here, where they will answer many of your questions, make the necessary preliminary calculations and recommend a good construction company. The guys have been working for more than one year and the reviews about them are quite decent.

I hope the article was useful for those who are relevant. By the way, be sure to watch the video below, a very interesting “bath tale”.

Grandfather Bannik (Bath Spirit)

Parable about the bathhouse: “In the village it was customary like this: on Saturday, women wash, on Sunday, men. However, the bathhouse attendant, Nikodim, became completely decrepit, and therefore the bathing day was made common.

The women then thought for a long time, and then quickly agreed. But the men, on the contrary, quickly agreed, and then thought for a long time..."

Subscribe to the blog. We try to be interesting for you (although it may not be entirely successful).

Success, health and light steam to your family!!!

Wisdom Quote: All passions are good when we control them, all are bad when we submit to them (Jean Jacques Rousseau).

Characteristics of various types of extensions to the bath complex

The open type of gazebo is constructed in the form of an attached terrace. This form of gazebo is distinguished by the absence of walls on the sides of the structure. The roof of the structure is mounted on support pillars. The disadvantage of this type of extension is its limited use, since such an extension can only be fully used during the warm period. The advantage in this case is the low cost of construction and operation.

Semi-open types of gazebos have zoning of the occupied area. Most often, such a structure has one part closed and the other open. The open part of the gazebo serves as a terrace. Setting up this type of gazebo requires a lot of time and building materials. In addition, it will be necessary to allocate a larger area for the facility. A semi-closed gazebo can be used even in the cold season.

Closed gazebos-pavilions are structures that are completely closed from the outside world. When designing such an object, installation plans are used that allow the maximum amount of light to penetrate into the interior space of the gazebo. For this purpose, large light-transmitting structures are used. A closed gazebo-pavilion, provided that a heating system is installed in it, can be used throughout the year.

Transformable gazebos are the most interesting and functional option among all types of structures. This structure is erected using sliding structures, which are made of aluminum profiles.

When arranging such a gazebo using structures made of warm aluminum and provided that a heating system is installed in the gazebo, the structure can be used at any time of the year.

The structures used in the construction of the gazebo allow you to modify not only the entire gazebo, but also its individual zones.

Issues that need to be addressed when preparing for construction

When installing an attached gazebo, you should perform the work in a certain sequence:

Construction work begins with choosing the location of the gazebo structure. Most often, work is carried out from the side of the bathhouse; in some cases, construction can be carried out from the side of the dressing room or washing room.

You should choose a place to place the gazebo that would allow you to have a good rest immediately after taking bath procedures. Most often, the gazebo is adjacent to the wall of the bath complex in which there is a door. Most often this is done from the front door, which eliminates the need to make a new doorway.

Before starting the construction process, you should choose a project for an extension to the bathhouse in the form of a gazebo; photos of such construction projects can be easily found on the pages of construction sites dedicated to the creation of bathhouse complexes.

Two walls of the structure are adjacent to the wall of the bathhouse on opposite sides of the door. This allows you to immediately get into the gazebo after leaving the bathhouse, which is very convenient, especially if the weather is rainy.

Once the location for construction work has been determined, the following parameters for the extension should be determined:

All materials required during construction work should be prepared in the required quantities. The selected project should be adjusted in accordance with the characteristics of the site for placing the extension and your wishes. When choosing and adjusting a project, you should immediately decide on the type of gazebo to be built. It is necessary to decide what type of extension will be built - permanent or collapsible.

When installing a collapsible extension, it is recommended to use timber.

If a major extension is being built, it should be built from the same material from which the bathhouse was built.

Tile terrace

If you decide to make a platform not from wood, but from tiles, you can go in several ways. It all depends on how you imagine your terrace.

If you are satisfied with paving slabs as a covering, the technology can be greatly simplified. The process is very similar to installing a blind area around a house. The technology is similar, you can use the same techniques.

Simple option

The simplest, but very reliable and effective option is using profiled membranes and geotextiles. In this case, the soil is removed to the width of the future terrace, the depth is small - 20-25 cm is enough. If there is a roof on top, the site can be made level; if a roof is not provided, a slope of 3-5 cm is formed for every meter (from the foundation).

If precipitation in the region is heavy and subsoil water is close, it is better to lay a drainage pipe along the edge of the terrace. This is a special corrugated pipe with holes. A small recess is dug for it (about half the diameter), where it is placed. The end of the drainage pipe is led into a drainage well or into the sewer system.

One of the options for constructing a terrace (with a drainage pipe under the tiles)

To prevent plants from sprouting under the coating, they are treated with special chemicals. After processing, a profiled membrane is spread over the entire width. If you are laying drainage, the edge of the membrane should fit into the dug groove, reaching its opposite edge. A drainage pipe is placed on the membrane. Now all the moisture will roll down the film and get into it.

On the other hand, near the house, a membrane of 10-15 cm is placed on the wall. They fix it there. A layer of geotextile is rolled out on top. He is also lifted onto the wall. Both films can be secured with a clamping bar. The second edge of the geotextile ends above the drainage pipe (it is not fixed).

Now pour a layer of crushed stone of large and medium fractions. A curb stone is installed along the edge of the site (not above the drainage pipe, but closer to the house). The crushed stone is compacted well (preferably with a vibrating plate, but do not compact it over the pipe with a plate). A layer of sand is poured on top, leveled, spilled with water and compacted. You can already lay tiles on it.

What would such a terrace look like?

The thickness of the layers is 10-15 cm. The depth of the pit for the terrace is selected so that the tiles are laid at the required height. It is difficult to say exactly, since the tiles can be of different thicknesses. Based on the purchased coating, calculate the required depth of the pit around the house.

One “but”: the described method is suitable for the case when the foundation and base are insulated. If there is no insulation, half the sand is poured onto the crushed stone, slabs of extruded polystyrene foam are laid out, then sand is added, and then the tiles are laid on it. At the same time, the foundation of the house is also covered with expanded polystyrene slabs to the entire depth of the dug pit.

Construction of a gazebo adjacent to the bathhouse

The first stage of construction work is the construction of the foundation. The type of foundation is selected depending on the planned extension. The foundation allows you to protect the floor of the extension from the influence of rain and the accumulation of water.

The most common foundations are the following structures:

After installation and hardening of the foundation base, the process of installing the walls of the structure begins. Depending on the chosen project, installation can be made of wood, brick or stone. When constructing an open gazebo, it is necessary to erect pillars at the support points on which the roof of the structure will rest. Railings are mounted between the pillars to limit the space of the gazebo.

The final stage of construction is the installation of the roof structure and fastening of the roofing material.

The roof connection can be of two types:

If the main roof cannot be disassembled, then the attached roof should have a height lower than the main one. When adding a roof, the best option would be a pitched roof adjacent to the finished wall. The junction of the roof and the wall is covered with sheets of tin, which should bend along the corner of the junction and lie on top of the roofing material of the adjacent wall.

When dismantling the main roof, the connection consists in the fact that the rafters of the new roof are laid on the existing rafters and secured, after which the roofing material is laid.

After the construction of the extension to the bathhouse is completed, you can begin to improve the surrounding area. For this purpose, you can use climbing plants, plants planted in flowerpots and placed around the perimeter of the building. This method of landscaping allows you to create an excellent oasis in place of the gazebo, relieve fatigue and invigorate a person after a hard day.


Bathhouse combined with a gazebo: design options, materials, sizes, design

The owners who bought a summer cottage for relaxation away from the bustle of the city in the fresh air will definitely want to complement it with a building such as a bathhouse with a gazebo. This is a great option for a family holiday or with a noisy group of friends. It would be appropriate to install a barbecue or grill. Depending on the area, the structure is supplemented with a recreation room, a swimming pool, and the second floor is completed.

The owners can design, build and decorate the structure themselves or invite craftsmen to do this.

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Step-by-step instruction

You should start with an analysis of the territory of your summer cottage. A bathhouse with a gazebo should fit organically into the exterior: the location of the building too close to a residential building is unacceptable, but it is also not worth implementing the project on the outskirts of the site.

Photo of a bathhouse with a gazebo under a common roof

Preparatory work

At the preliminary stage, a study of the soil structure is carried out. Such a geological analysis will show how deep the foundation should be. For example, with a high degree of soil heaving, a shallow concrete foundation on a sand cushion of up to 70 cm is suitable. If the soil is rocky, sandy, without close groundwater, you can get by with even smaller ditches for the foundation (40-50 cm).

To guarantee reliable and long-term operation of the structure, the average winter temperatures of a particular region are taken into account.

Material selection

Even at the stage of designing a bathhouse with a gazebo, decide on the main building material from which you plan to build the structure. For lovers of environmentally friendly raw materials, rounded logs are suitable. In terms of heat capacity, wear resistance, and efficiency, they are not inferior to brick, foam block, etc. The choice is up to the owner.

Project - bathhouse, gazebo with barbecue

Layout features

The number, size and location of rooms inside the building may vary depending on the wishes of the homeowner. It is mandatory to equip a bathhouse with a gazebo:

  • steam room;
  • shower;
  • dressing room;
  • recreation area.

The configuration of the walls and roof of the building can be made in the shape of a circle, square, four-, hex- or even octahedron.

Covered passage between the bathhouse and the gazebo; the location of these multifunctional rooms along one straight line, at an angle or perpendicularly; extension for firewood; stone oven; the second floor is for relaxation - only the owner’s desire is enough to realize bold design ideas!

Laying communications

This question is best left to specialists. If the water supply system is installed incorrectly, there will be problems with water, and errors when laying the sewer system are fraught with flooding of the building, unpleasant odors, fungal infections of the walls, etc. Self-installation of electrical wiring is dangerous to life and is subject to fines for unauthorized connection or incorrect supply of electricity.

Variety of bathhouse designs with a gazebo

To save development time, you can use ready-made standard drawings and diagrams. But at the same time, it is worth taking into account the climatic features of the region, the type of soil, the depth of its freezing and choosing the right place.

Choosing a gazebo attached to a bathhouse gives the owners the following advantages:

Let's look at the most common projects.

Under the same roof

It involves the construction of a gazebo at the same time as a bathhouse. The foundation is chosen to be strip, on moving soils - pile, roof - pitched. This placement allows the load-bearing load to be evenly distributed. The extension often consists of a canopy, fenced on all sides with railings.

Wooden bathhouse with a veranda under a gable roof

A project under a common roof will be inexpensive. It's not that difficult to build it on your own. Another plus is that it makes snow removal easier in winter.

In addition to the dining area (table and chairs), the gazebo, measuring 2.6 x 2 m, will compactly accommodate a barbecue.

There are projects with more complex roof structures - hip, gable. When choosing the direction for a sloping roof, the wind rose is taken into account.

Most often they make a bathhouse with a gazebo under a common roof measuring 6*4 m.

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With barbecue or grill

Connecting a bathhouse with a gazebo and a barbecue means you get two recreation areas at once.

Other advantages of this solution include:

Installing a barbecue requires strict compliance with fire safety standards. Outdoor fixtures are equipped with a pipe to remove smoke, and a brick wall is built that will protect the barbecue installation from strong winds.

The barbecue is placed far from the entrance to the gazebo or bathhouse so that the smoke does not disturb vacationers. For the same reason, when fastening the chimney pipe, the direction of the wind is taken into account, so that gatherings around the fire do not displease the neighbors.

It is not recommended to install the building in low-lying areas, in depressions. The best choice is a plain or an elevated point on the estate. This way a beautiful view will open before your eyes.

When developing a construction plan, be sure to coordinate it with local architects and check for compliance with current SNiP standards.

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Gazebo in the form of an extension

With this layout, the bathhouse is built on a strip foundation, the gazebo acts as a canopy, and the beams of the gazebo rest on one of the walls of the bathhouse. In the photo above, the extension is built on a pile foundation as it runs across a small pond.

Terrace attached to a wooden bathhouse

The structures have different load-bearing loads, so each is placed on a separate foundation and with its own roof.

The extension can be adjacent to the bathhouse or connected to it by a covered passage. The second option will cost more and is more difficult to make. But even an inexperienced dacha owner can build a canopy next to the bathhouse.

This design will increase the recreation area and allow you to install a barbecue or barbecue. It is allowed to build in a brazier, equipping it with a chimney. Chimney material – brick, metal (optional). A large stove device that will be installed in a gazebo will require a separate foundation.

An interesting idea is to design an extension in the form of a summer kitchen, dividing the room into kitchen and dining areas. Furniture will include a table with chairs or benches, a cutting surface, and a sink. It is necessary to think through the supply of communications in advance.

For open extensions, the furniture material must be moisture resistant - rattan, plastic, metal. In closed ones there are no restrictions when decorating the interior.

Corner placement

There are projects where only the corner between the bathhouse and the wall of the house is left for arranging a recreation area, or when planning the premises on the street side, an unused corner is left. This space is suitable for a barbecue or grill.

The advantage of a corner location is the saving of building materials, time, and labor to create an original recreation area.

In such a gazebo, vacationers will also be protected from strong winds and drafts.

When decorating a room or interior design, it is recommended to follow a single style so that the structure looks like a coherent architectural composition.

Construction of the extension frame

Many owners prefer to place a stove or fireplace in a corner, placing wicker chairs and a small table around for tea drinking. The fire will be clearly visible from anywhere in the room and will heat a significant part of it.

At the drawing development stage, it is interesting to provide 2 exits or entrances to the bathhouse.

The triangular building is the highlight of the garden area. If there is enough space, it will be possible to add a swimming pool, a spacious dressing room, and a gazebo, which will serve as a summer kitchen.

With swimming pool

An excellent solution is to install a swimming pool next to the bathhouse.

Bathhouse with a small veranda and swimming pool

For the private sector, where the owners relax only in the summer, an artificial pond is left directly in the open air. Then it is better to combine a bathhouse with a gazebo, so that after the steam room you can relax in the fresh air.

You need to decide to build a pool at the bathhouse planning stage in order to timely place it inside the structure or think about the covering.

If it is decided to create a pool next to the bathhouse complex, then a suitable location is selected, the load is calculated, according to which the foundation is selected.

A swimming pool after a sauna provides contrast cooling and is good for health. It is worth paying attention to the area around it. On hot days it would be a good idea to put a few sun loungers there.

The size, shape, and depth of the pool depend on the allocated area and the financial capabilities of the site owners.

When placing the pool indoors, it is recommended to make the gazebo warm. This can be achieved if the room is glazed with high quality. A system of sliding window structures is installed to make your stay comfortable all year round.

If according to the project the gazebo has to be combined with a swimming pool, then a transparent roof will look beautiful. This way the room will receive additional lighting and an excellent view of the sky. Material – tempered glass or monolithic polycarbonate.

A realistic layout option is to place a steam room with a shower on one side of the pool, and on the other, to arrange a summer kitchen with a barbecue, dining table and chairs.

Luxury complexes also have a Jacuzzi.

In two-story buildings, a gazebo with a swimming pool is installed below, and a steam room and washing room are installed on the second floor.

With garage

The garage is located closer to the fence. According to the layout, it is better to build it on the opposite side of the bathhouses.

Project of a complex made of rounded logs: gazebo + garage + bathhouse

But between the garage and the bathhouse it is convenient to place an open gazebo with a barbecue.

If the garage walls are brick, then make sure that the barbecue is adjacent to one of them - this will serve as protection from the wind.

It is convenient to make the roof in combined structures gable. If there is not much space for a gazebo, then a simple pitched roof is laid.

This project is good for a small dacha, where the owners come periodically to relax away from the bustle of the city.

Two-story (with attic)

Adding an attic floor to the premises is an opportunity to accommodate overnight guests, or to design one or more rooms for relaxation. On the second floor it is convenient to place:

The photo above shows an example of a bathhouse complex with an attic made from a fresh log house. On the ground floor there is a small open veranda.

It is important to understand that creating an additional recreation room will incur heating costs. The building will take longer to warm up.

By frame technology

The most popular material for assembly is timber or logs. The building is being built quickly. You can always order the construction of your favorite project from specialists.

An alternative is to do it yourself, having previously calculated the consumption of building materials.

In the version with wood, creating a building resembles assembling a construction set.

With a woodcutter

You can add a niche for firewood to the extension. This will simplify and speed up the heating of the sauna heater; you won’t have to go outside in cold or bad weather.

You can make a woodshed from available materials - boards, pieces of metal. If there is no space for a niche in the gazebo, then the woodshed is placed near one of the walls of the structure. The roof is sloping on top so that the firewood does not get wet when it rains.

With a closed gazebo

The gazebo turns into a full-fledged room in which you will be comfortable regardless of the weather or time of year. In order not to feel the temperature difference in winter, it is recommended to insulate the extension and install high-quality metal-plastic double-glazed windows.

To view the estate, the walls can be replaced with large panoramic floor-to-ceiling windows or small windows but a transparent roof can be made.

If such a gazebo was planned during the construction of the bathhouse, then it can be heated with the same stove as the bathhouse.

A designer approach to interior design will turn it into an original corner for relaxation.

Bathhouse combined with a gazebo, in the shape of a barrel

The unusual shape of the structure is gaining popularity among summer residents. Doesn't take up much space, compact.

It is unlikely that you will be able to make a barrel sauna with your own hands, but you can order it assembled.

In the photo above is a sample of a bathhouse with a panoramic window overlooking a pond, which can accommodate from 2 to 4 people at a time.

Here is a version of a bathhouse, complemented by a wooden barrel with cold water for a contrast shower.

In such baths, little space is allocated for gazebos. They are made open. There will be 1-2 built-in benches or chairs.

Sauna pool indoors or outdoors

To do this, you can use swimming pools made of polymer materials that are widely available today - their baths are light in weight, easily transported to the installation site, and have fairly high strength and durability.

Such baths are made from materials that do not emit harmful substances and do not oxidize when interacting with water and atmospheric oxygen.

But, if you want the pool to serve you for many years, it is better to give preference to a permanent structure made of monolithic reinforced concrete.

The design and construction of swimming pools located both indoors and outdoors is regulated by SanPiN “Swimming pools. Hygienic requirements for design, operation and water quality.”

In accordance with these rules, a swimming pool installed outdoors must be protected by wind and dust protection strips with greenery in the form of shrubs and trees. The width of such protective strips should not be less than 5 meters if local passages are located nearby.

Around the outdoor pool, walkways are made from materials that are resistant to disinfectants. Regular paving slabs may be a good choice. It is not afraid of water, has grooves to drain rainwater, and does not slip under bare feet.

But you can get by with less. To do this, it is enough to periodically add special reagents to the water designed to purify water from biological contaminants. Chlorine-based tablets are popular. Chlorine, as a strong oxidizing agent, quickly and effectively cleans water from bacteria and microorganisms, making it clear and safe.

If in a suburban area there is a centralized water supply with water disinfected at a water treatment station, then to maintain cleanliness in the pool, you can use periodic addition of fresh water into the pool bath with removal of old water into the sewer or filtration fields. We previously wrote how to make a sewer for a bathhouse.

To disinfect the bath after draining the pool water, you can use 1% clarified bleach, 0.5% chloramine, 5% chlordesine, 10% boric acid.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with How to make a frame from reinforcement for a foundation

Layout options

Below are various ways to place rooms in bath buildings made from different materials.

Here is an example of a frame wooden bathhouse with a small closed gazebo at the back.

This is a project of a fairly large building, where only the recreation room occupies 20 square meters. m. There is a storage room inside the room, which can be entered from the veranda. The area of ​​the latter is 16.86 square meters. m.

Above is an example of a complex that consists of a sauna, a living room, a small kitchen and an open gazebo, where a table with chairs and a barbecue oven are compactly placed.

This is a project for a bathhouse complex in which the gazebo will be closely adjacent to one of the walls of the building. There is a spacious lounge room inside. There is a separate kitchen. Space has been allocated for an outdoor barbecue.

A modern version of the design, where the bathhouse is connected to an open gazebo by a transition in the form of a canopy. A compact barbecue is installed under the cover. The main material is rounded logs.

The dimensions of the structure are 6.6 * 4.9 m. It consists of the following rooms:

This is an excellent solution for a summer residence, inexpensive in comparison with two-story bathhouse complexes.

Project of a bathhouse made of solid wood with an attic floor. In addition to the steam room, shower and changing room, on the ground floor there is a bathroom and a relaxation room with a fireplace. There is a barbecue under the canopy. On the second floor, according to the plan, there is a billiard room.

This is an example of a drawing of a two-story bathhouse complex, which comes with an attached gazebo.


If you want to create a bathhouse with a gazebo at your dacha or in a private house, you can use a variety of solutions. One of the interesting options would be a guest room combined with a bathhouse. This is a great way to accommodate guests who come quite often.

A functional design option could include dividing the gazebo into two parts: one half will be a container for firewood, and the other half can be used to relax and chat with friends and family.

If the extension to the bathhouse is intended only for a relaxation area, then the barbecue and shish kebab area can be made separately, providing a simple canopy for it.

For those who dream of taking a steam bath in a Finnish-style wooden bathhouse, you need to initially think through its appearance and materials. A rustic building with a steam room and sauna can be simple on the outside, but multifunctional and stylish on the inside.

Everyone has their own concept of style and beauty, and only the owner can say exactly what he wants to see on his property. Russian style is characterized by the presence of special loungers, a large heavy table and benches. The wood must be roughly processed to maintain the style.

If you want to make the interior more modern, you can add a pool table or TV. The decor of the walls of a Russian bathhouse is decorated with the help of brooms and bundles of dry herbs.

To create a modern bathhouse you need to use metal elements and tiles. Country style involves rough finishing of materials. Scandinavian style involves a combination of strict lines and rough processing of details. The color scheme of such rooms is predominantly light.

If you want to create interesting and non-standard options for arranging a room, then the Japanese style will be the most suitable

In the design, it is important to use a bamboo screen, furaco, and a low podium on which pillows will be laid out. For such a bath you do not need to build a steam room, you need to install a barrel with pebbles and scented sawdust and heat it all to 60 degrees

The most popular is the yacht style. It combines metal, wood and textiles. Metal parts must be chrome plated. Fur is used for floor and wall coverings; it can also be laid as a blanket on a sofa. Lining is used to decorate the interior walls.

The furniture is made from durable materials that are not afraid of moisture.

Materials for construction, finishing

Wood remains the leader for baths. Eco-friendly raw materials have higher thermal insulation rates than foam concrete or brick and are considered a breathable material.

It is convenient to build from rounded logs, connecting the elements according to the tongue-and-groove principle. Timber is not inferior in quality and speed of assembly - in comparison with logs, it cracks less.

The most moisture-resistant species is larch. It is from this that it is recommended to lay out the first crown.

The inside walls can be sheathed with mini-beams or clapboards.

Before using any lumber, it is subjected to protective treatment.

Read more in the articles:

An alternative to wood is brick, foam block, gas silicate block. The construction of such a structure will be many times more expensive, but will also last longer. In addition, bricks and blocks are fireproof raw materials, and a stove or fireplace can be conveniently placed inside the room. But the structure will take longer to warm up than a wooden one.

A building made of foam blocks for year-round use requires careful insulation and requires mandatory exterior finishing.

Suitable for roof installation:

For reliable glazing of a room, it is best to use metal-plastic double-glazed windows. If the extension is used only in the summer, then it is allowed to take frames made of wood or aluminum.


In order to get exactly what you need when designing a bath, you need to keep the following in mind:

  • how many people should a washing complex with an open seating area be designed for?
  • whether it will be used only in summer or can also be used in winter;
  • what layout will be most suitable;
  • what material to build it from;
  • what is the acceptable construction cost?

If the bathhouse is to be used only in warm weather, you don’t have to think too much about insulating the dressing room

If the bathhouse is used year-round, the location of the entrance to it becomes especially important.

Proper planning allows you to reduce construction costs. So, if you make a comfortable outdoor barbecue area that can easily accommodate many people, a guest room may not be needed.

The area of ​​the bathhouse can be different - from small to impressive, for example, 6x4, 3 by 9 meters and so on. On a large plot there is room for a structure measuring 6 by 9 meters. It is suitable for a large family and a large company. Such a space can easily accommodate not only a steam room, a washing room, but also a kitchen, a bathroom, a recreation room, a billiard room, and so on. The bathhouse can be two-story. On the second floor it makes sense to make a spacious guest room. The terrace can be equipped with a stove that looks like a fireplace.

Such a health complex can be made, for example, from rounded logs. Layout variations are possible. For example, if you arrange a living room on the ground floor, separating it from the terrace with a glass wall, this room will always have a lot of light, and the terrace itself can look larger. When the weather changes, guests will be able to conveniently move from the open area to the living room and back.

Some designs of bathhouses with attics provide an external staircase to the second floor from the terrace. This way you can win additional space in the house itself. Although many may consider such a design decision controversial.

Sometimes it is easier to attach a bathhouse to an existing house, including one with a garage. In this case, a 5x6 meter extension with a terrace will be sufficient. The functionality of the housing will expand, and in the heat it will be possible to spend time pleasantly in the fresh air in a place protected from the sun.

You can adopt the project of a corner bathhouse with a terrace. With this approach to planning, it can take up little space on the site, while remaining roomy inside. Such a project will be especially interesting when the bathhouse is placed very close to a residential building. There are also projects for corner terraces that make sense to apply in this case.

If you approach the matter thoroughly, you can aim for a real bath cottage. In addition to the bathhouse, it can serve as a variety of recreational functions. Here you can find guest rooms, an area for children to play, dance and barbecue. In summer, such a complex makes it possible to live in the fresh air most of the time.

When developing a bathhouse project, you need to take into account a number of nuances related to the location and arrangement of the terrace. A place for it must be allocated taking into account the direction of the wind. The bathhouse building should obscure the site, and at the same time the fireplace, so that vacationers definitely do not have to breathe in smoke.

If the purpose of the terrace is to shelter people from the hot sun, you should not build it on the south side. This will only be good if the owners like to sunbathe.

Of course, one cannot ignore the surrounding landscape. It would be strange to have a terrace overlooking an outdoor toilet or a fence. It is much more pleasant to see a forest, river or lake from this site. From a planning point of view, the terrace can be located frontally, that is, along the facade of the main building, on the side, as well as at an angle and along the entire perimeter of the bathhouse.

For a small company, an area of ​​7-8 square meters will be sufficient. But if the territory allows, it is better to make it at least 9-10 squares. In this case, among other things, a couple of sun loungers or armchairs can easily be placed here. And the person preparing the barbecue will have enough space to turn around. At the same time, the heat of the stove will not disturb others.

There are a lot of standard designs for bathhouses with terraces. When creating variants of these objects, architectural bureaus take into account the requirements for the use of certain building materials and installation methods. Although no one will prohibit you from carrying out an individual project.

Typical building sizes

Standard bath structure with an attic and a small porch measuring 6*6 m. The foundation under the attached canopy is columnar. The cladding material of the main building is block house.

This is an example of a typical log bathhouse with a small veranda - 6*4 m. A company of 3-4 people can accommodate here. A larger number of vacationers is allowed, but it will be a bit crowded inside.

The standard choice for summer residents is a 4*4 m bathhouse. With a terrace of 8 square meters. m can comfortably accommodate a family of 4 people. If you expand the extension to 15 sq. m, then the number of vacationers will be increased to 10 people.

Additional measures to increase the strength and stability of the structure

In addition to everything that was discussed in the step-by-step instructions for construction, there is one more extremely important aspect that it is advisable to take into account during the work process. This knowledge will allow you to avoid mistakes and have a positive impact on the service life of the structure.

This applies to vertical supports, the distance between which is usually about 2-4 m. With such a distance between the holding elements, the structure cannot be reliable. Therefore, it is recommended to take additional measures to increase its rigidity and strength.

To do this, you can use 50x100 mm boards. But before you start fastening, you need to prepare them as follows: pass them through a thicknesser, sand them with sandpaper, and then coat them with varnish, which has a high level of resistance to precipitation and other external factors.

You can reliably connect the supports of the gazebo and the boards together using special bolts for wood, preferably galvanized. It is advisable to recess the heads and seal the holes with putty. This will give the structure a cohesive appearance and make it more attractive.

Plan for building a two-story bathhouse with a terrace

In some cases, these measures are not enough, and after carrying out all the previously proposed measures, the structure remains insufficiently stable. Then, as a solution to the problem, you can also try installing inclined corner supports. In the future, they can become an excellent basis for securing a decorative fence for the gazebo.

Design styles

Let's look at the most popular design solutions for decoration and interior decoration.

Characteristic features of the style:

A bathhouse and a chalet-style extension are always built under one common roof.


The modern direction of style gives owners freedom in choosing shapes and decoration ideas. Art Nouveau is about unusual shapes, interesting angles and lines. Although it is believed that a gazebo in the Art Nouveau style should be round in shape, an interesting design for a corner placement will also fit into the style.

It is recommended to pay attention to lighting. There should be as many windows as possible. Even better if they are panoramic and overlook the garden. The gazebo is made summer or closed. There are no restrictions in the choice of colors.

The name of the direction is translated from English as attic style. This is a rough finish without unnecessary frills, straight lines, contrasting colors.

A characteristic feature of a loft is maximum free space. Doors are installed only when absolutely necessary. In other cases, they are replaced with partitions.

When choosing furniture, preference is given to metal and wood. The form should be simple. It is better to leave the wood unpainted and cover it with varnish. There should be many light sources. When daylight is not enough, it is compensated with artificial lamps and lamps.


The bathhouse, complemented by a gazebo, is built in a half-timbered style using frame technology. A popular material for construction is laminated veneer lumber. It does not deform, is resistant to moisture and temperature changes.

The building can also be made from logs. The gaps in the frame are filled:

This combination of raw materials makes the building unusual in appearance.

High tech

A modern design direction characterized by various innovations. The latest sanitary ware is used for the bath. The building is equipped with a smart home remote control.

In high-tech there are no restrictions in the choice of materials for finishing and interior design. Windows are left open without curtains for a better view. The shape of the structure is always made non-standard, at oblique, right angles.

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