Antiseptic for baths and saunas antimicrobial effect Senezh Sauna 117 Colorless (2.5kg)

Antiseptic for baths and saunas with a special antimicrobial effect
on an acrylate basis


Antiseptic Senezh Sauna is designed to protect wood inside baths and saunas from mold, staining and wood-destroying fungi, algae and wood-boring insects under conditions of intense cyclic moistening and exposure to high temperatures. For the first time on the market, thanks to its additional antimicrobial effect, Senezh Sauna destroys bacteria that cause infectious diseases in humans (E.coli, B.subtilis, B.cereus, etc.), characteristic of public places.

Application area

Antiseptic Senezh Sauna is used for interior work to treat new and previously treated with antiseptic walls, ceilings, benches (except shelves), doors, partitions, cladding and other planed, sawn or chopped wooden surfaces in rest rooms, locker rooms, steam rooms, washing rooms. It is allowed to treat floors, railings, terraces with Senezh Sauna antiseptic, followed by coating with abrasion-resistant varnish.

Senezh Sauna

with a special antimicrobial effect
on an acrylate base


Antiseptic Senezh Sauna is designed to protect wood inside baths and saunas from mold, staining and wood-destroying fungi, algae and wood-boring insects under conditions of intense cyclic moistening and exposure to high temperatures. For the first time on the market, thanks to its additional antimicrobial effect, Senezh Sauna destroys bacteria that cause infectious diseases in humans (E.coli, B.subtilis, B.cereus, etc.), characteristic of public places.

Application area

Antiseptic Senezh Sauna is used for interior work to treat new and previously treated with antiseptic walls, ceilings, benches (except shelves), doors, partitions, cladding and other planed, sawn or chopped wooden surfaces in rest rooms, locker rooms, steam rooms, washing rooms. It is allowed to treat floors, railings, terraces with Senezh Sauna antiseptic, followed by coating with abrasion-resistant varnish.

Key Benefits

Mode of application

Antiseptic Senezh Sauna is applied along the fibers to wood cleaned of dirt, dust, old coatings with a brush, roller, sponge, airless spray in 2-3 (in steam rooms - in 1-2) layers with intermediate drying for 45-60 minutes at an air temperature not lower +5 0 C. Handle the ends especially carefully. Do not process frozen wood. Do not mix with other formulations. Does not require dilution. Stir before use. Drying time on air-dry wood is 1 hour (from dust). Operational readiness – 3-5 days after application.


Consumption for single-layer application for a planed surface is 70-90 g/m2 (11-14 m2/kg), for a sawn surface – 120-180 g/m2 (5-8 m2/kg). Consumption depends on the wood.

Product type

Ready-to-use water-borne protective composition on a heat-resistant acrylate base with the addition of heat-resistant biocides and special waxes.

Method of influence

Senezh Sauna antiseptic penetrates deeply into the wood and forms on its surface a transparent, breathable, dirt- and water-repellent, thermal and moisture-resistant polymer coating with enhanced bioprotective properties against agents of wood biodamage, as well as household pathogenic microorganisms that cause infectious diseases in humans.

Security measures

When applying Senezh Sauna antiseptic, avoid contact with open parts of the body or ingestion. In case of contact with eyes and mouth, rinse with water. Hazard class – IV (“low hazard”) according to GOST 12.1.007. Approved for use by Rospotrebnadzor of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, Ministry of Health of Ukraine. Fire and explosion safe. Dispose of as household waste.

Storage and transportation

Store and transport Senezh Sauna antiseptic in hermetically sealed manufacturer's containers separately from food products at a temperature not lower than 0 0 C. Do not freeze! Shelf life – 36 months from the date of manufacture.


Antiseptic Senezh Sauna is packaged in polymer buckets with a net weight of 0.9 kg, 2.5 kg, plastic barrels with a removable lid with a net weight of 60 kg.

Primary colors

The light intensity and protective properties of the mixture will depend on the number of layers. Experts recommend processing the ends especially carefully. The final color is formed after complete drying. Impregnation for wood "Senezh", the colors of which are quite varied, is presented for sale in the following shades: frost, colorless, pine, larch, marigold, Oregon, chestnut, cherry, walnut, mahogany, teak, oak, rowan, fern and lagoon.

Senezh impregnations in the bath: application and reviews

Probably no one is particularly eager to treat a wooden house with chemicals. But the fact is that without such treatment, fungi and mold settle in the wood, which are also far from harmless. In addition, the appearance of the wood suffers greatly. From a beautiful aesthetic thing, the frame and decoration turns into something gray and ugly. That’s why wood is processed, and more than once. It is only important that the components used do not evaporate and do not harm health. The Russian company Senezh has proven itself quite well in the market for wood protection products. It produces a wide range of antiseptic impregnations with different properties and different areas of application.

Having analyzed a larger number of reviews, we can say that, subject to technology and consumption standards, complaints rarely arise. Based on these observations, one piece of advice: despite the natural desire to save money, use as much impregnation on each square meter as recommended or even more. You are protecting. And there is no such thing as excessive protection. All the troubles come from the desire to save money. And one more thing: carefully read the instructions for use. Almost every composition has them different. This will save you from many mistakes.

Senezh impregnations - protect wood from fungus, mold, woodworms, and preserve its attractiveness

Types of antiseptics

Manufacturers today offer several types, from which it will be possible to determine the best antiseptic for a bath.

  • Water soluble. Their purpose is to process wood that is not used in wet areas and does not come into contact with water. That is, it is not used for baths.
  • Oily. This is the most durable antiseptic that forms a protective film on the surfaces being treated. It, in turn, does not allow moisture to enter the wood body. The material contains several types of oils that have an unpleasant, pungent odor. It is for this reason that oil antiseptics are used for external treatment. For example, you can use them to treat the external surfaces of the walls of a wooden bathhouse or wooden pillars and foundations.
  • Organosoluble. It is also used for external use because the material contains an element such as copper pentachlorophenol naphthenate. This substance is practically considered poison.
  • Combined. This, as they say, is two in one. That is, this material has both antiseptic and fireproof properties.

Impregnations for interior work

To maintain an attractive appearance, wooden baths and saunas must be treated with protective impregnations. They not only maintain their visual appeal, but also prevent damage from fungi and insects.

It is only advisable to find impregnations that are not marketed for both interior and exterior use. It is clear that those elements that are sufficient indoors are clearly not enough to effectively protect the wood located outside. The intensity of the impact of various factors differs several times, if not tens of times.

If the composition protects well from the outside, then it contains a lot of chemicals, and the agents are clearly potent. So why oversaturate rooms with them, especially residential or humid ones, like baths. But these are thoughts, and whether you listen or not is up to you.

Antiseptic "Senezh Sauna"

This antiseptic is suitable for treating indoor wet areas, such as baths and saunas. You can process any wooden surfaces, with the exception of shelves in the steam room, washing room and rest room. It has the same effect on new and previously treated surfaces with antiseptics.

Almost all compositions can be applied with a brush or spray

The product penetrates the wood fibers to a great depth, forming protective barriers there. A thin, transparent, heat-resistant film is formed on the surface, which prevents water and dirt from penetrating into the wood. At the same time (as stated by the manufacturer) vapor permeability does not change.


Senezh sauna - for treating rooms inside the bathhouse

Processing and storage

Senezh antiseptic for saunas and baths is applied with a brush or roller without dilution. The surface is pre-cleaned of dust, dirt and other coatings. In the steam room, a coating of one or two layers is required; in other rooms, treatment is required in 2-3 layers.

Pay special attention to the ends of the planks, boards, beams. Allow 45-60 minutes between coats; complete drying time when applied to dry wood is 1 hour.

Consumption per layer - 60-100 g/m2 (10-15 m2/kg), average consumption when applying 2 layers - 150 g/m2 (7 m2/kg). Specific numbers depend on the porosity of the wood and the degree of its processing.

When applying, avoid contact with skin; if contact occurs, rinse with water. Please note that Senezh Sauna impregnation cannot be frozen. Storage temperature is above 0°C.

Reviews Senezh Sauna

The outside of the frame was covered with Senezh BIO, everything inside - his own SAUNA, shelves and benches - with teak oil. So far nothing is rotting (2 years have passed).

In the car wash, the logs were treated with BIO, the steam room was reclaimed - they didn’t cover it with anything. We have a linden tree there. BUT the ventilation was done correctly, at the end we heat the stove to dry it out. Five years already - no problems.


When applying this impregnation simultaneously with protection against fungi, mold, and insects, we obtain decorative coloring of wood. Contains filters that protect against ultraviolet radiation.

Positioned as a product for interior and exterior use. Based on operating experience, we can say that the inside of Aquadecor retains the decorative properties of wood for several years without changes. When applied externally, for a lasting effect, a coating with abrasion-resistant varnish is required. That’s why we placed this antiseptic in the “for internal work” section.

Senezh Aquadecor colors are provided conditionally. The final color depends on the color of the wood, as well as the number of layers


Processing and storage

Cover a clean, uncoated surface. Apply with a spray bottle, roller or brush. The composition applies easily and does not form streaks. For normal conditions it is necessary to cover with 1-2 layers (interior finishing). When operating in conditions of high humidity or in the sun, application of the composition 3 times is required. After applying the first layer, wait 45-60 minutes and proceed to the second application.

They work in dry, cloudy weather, at a temperature not lower than +5°C. The ends are treated especially carefully. The color intensity depends on the number of layers, and the final color will be visible only after complete drying (1 hour).

Wood protection at the preparatory stage

Protection against mold and blue stains

The preparatory stage can roughly include the period including timber harvesting, transportation and storage on site. Typically, wood is stored outdoors and by the time construction begins it is often affected by wood staining and mold fungi.

This problem is especially relevant in cases where strict requirements are imposed on the appearance of wood, for example in the case of constructing a wooden house from rounded logs. It is not difficult to imagine the disappointment that will befall an almost successful homeowner if a once flawless rounded log loses its appearance, being affected by mold and wood-staining fungi.

Here it is important to preserve the appearance of the wood for quite a long time from the moment of harvesting to the moment of erecting the house “under the roof”. As a rule, the protective agents for lumber existing on the domestic market are capable of protecting wood for a fairly short period of time, no more than 2-4 months

As a rule, the protective agents for timber existing on the domestic market are capable of protecting wood for a fairly short period of time, no more than 2-4 months.

At the same time, new generation drugs have long been developed and are being successfully used. Thanks to the balanced formulation of their constituent components, these compounds do not change the color of the wood and are able to protect lumber for a longer time.

Such products include, for example, the hard-to-clean antiseptic “SENEZH EUROTRANS”, which does not change the color of wood and is intended to protect it for a period of 4-8 months.

But even wood treated with this composition will require compliance with basic storage conditions. Lumber must be stacked on pads, and contact of the material with the ground must be prevented.

Wood bleaching

A wooden house before being treated with protective compounds. Darkened wood can still be bleached
The result of wood bleaching with SENEZH NEO. After bleaching, the wood was treated with a tinting antiseptic "SENEZH AQUADECOR"Wooden house after bleaching and treatment with protective agents "SENEZH"
If the wood is already affected by wood-staining fungi, but the process has literally not gone too deep into the wood, the painted wood can still be bleached.

Various compounds are used to bleach wood. Some remove lesions, some mask them. Chlorine-containing bleaches, due to their chemical composition, “burn out” the wood, destroying its structure, while simultaneously removing all resinous and tannin substances from the wood. This is the most common remedy.

Another class of bleaches is formed by the so-called gentle bleaches based on active oxygen. Products of this type do not destroy the structure of wood, and therefore do not impair its characteristics. The wood acquires a distinct light shade. During operation, no toxic gases are released, but, on the other hand, working with such bleaches is somewhat more difficult.

There are not many similar products yet, one of them is SENEZH NEO, produced by.

To prevent the damage from recurring, after bleaching the wood should be treated with an antiseptic.

Protection of wood ends from cracking and rotting

Separately, we should dwell on the problem of protecting the ends of timber from rotting and shrinkage cracking.

Many people paid attention to the cracked ends of wooden log buildings - the appearance is rather unaesthetic. Cracking of the ends occurs due to different rates of moisture evaporation through the side and end surfaces

To prevent cracking and rotting of wood, the ends of the logs should be treated with special compounds even at the stage of harvesting lumber. Such compositions reduce the rate of moisture evaporation through the end parts of the wood and prevent moisture from the ends leading to rotting.

Unfortunately, it is currently difficult to find a ready-to-use specialized product designed exclusively to protect the ends of timber from cracking and rotting, and yet such products exist.

One of such compositions is, for example, the protective preparation “SENEZH TOR” - an environmentally friendly product without solvents and odor. This preparation helps reduce the number and depth of shrinkage cracks, reduces linear deformations of timber during drying, protects the ends of timber from moisture and, unlike paraffin, does not require heating.

For processing the ends of logs and beams

When drying timber and logs, due to different rates of change in humidity, the ends often burst. The cracks are deep and wide. This can be avoided if you impregnate them with a special composition that evens out the moisture content of the wood.

Senezh TOR

Senezh TOR impregnation is used to protect the ends of hardwood and softwood logs from cracking during drying. The ends of freshly prepared materials are coated with it. When applied, it slightly changes the color of the wood. They turn milky white (for easy tracking of treated logs). Then, after final drying, the frame is sanded and this film is removed.

The product penetrates into the deep layers of wood, protecting against damage by fungi and insects. At the same time, it forms a layer on the surface that repels water and normalizes the evaporation of excess moisture.

SenezhTOZ is used for processing the ends of the log house

Properties Senezh TOR

Processing and storage

Apply to a wood surface free of dust and dirt with a roller, brush, or spray gun. 2-3 times coverage is required. The interval between applying layers is 1-2 hours. Operate at temperatures above +5°C. If necessary, you can add water, but not more than 10% of the total mass.

The consumption of Senezh TOP depends on the type of wood: the lower the density, the better it absorbs. On average, you will need from 250 to 350 g/m2.

Average consumption

If you use a brush, sprayer or roller, the average consumption will vary from 250 to 300 grams per square meter. In this case, a kilogram of the composition will be enough for 4 square meters. When autoclaving or soaking, the consumption will be reduced to 200-240 kilograms per cubic meter. The final consumption will depend on the operating conditions and service life of the surface being treated.

Fire retardants for roofing and interfloor slabs

Floors and roofing systems are one of the most problematic areas when ensuring fire safety of a bathhouse. Therefore, it is advisable not only to protect materials from fungus and water: it is very important to make them, if possible, non-flammable. For these purposes, Senezh has two compositions: Ognebio and Ognebio Prof.

Ognebio and Ognebio Prof

They differ in the degree of protective properties. For Senenezh Ognebio impregnation with the “Prof” additive it is higher. But the composition itself is pink, and the wood also takes on a rich pink color. Therefore, they only cover what is not visible. In open areas, where a constant color is needed, OGNEBIO is used.

Senezh OGNEBIO PROF has a pink color, OGNEBIO does not stain wood

The same compounds can be used to treat internal partitions, as well as, if necessary, lathing and finishing of premises.


First, about the general properties of both fire retardants:

Now about what distinguishes them. Ognebio Prof can also make wood a low-flammable material (increased consumption from 600 g/m2). It also colors the surface pink. This is done so that you can control the uniformity of application.

Fire retardant-antiseptic Ognebio does not change the color of wood. It can be used on damp wood, and also has low corrosiveness (does not corrode fasteners upon contact).

This is what the treated surface of Senezh Ognebio Prof looks like

Processing and storage

First, the surfaces are cleaned of dust, old paints and coatings (can be applied to previously treated ones). Apply the composition with a roller, brush, or spray. Can be soaked, dipped or autoclaved.

When applied manually, 2-3 applications are required with an interval of 20-40 minutes. When soaking, keep it in the composition until the consumption reaches the recommended values.

The compositions can be frozen. After thawing, their properties remain unchanged (stir before use).

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