What to call a sauna. Examples of names. Naming for saunas and baths

The bathhouse is an important part of Russian culture. We are talking about the very best pairs in Russia and the CIS. Go!

Baths are often mentioned in Russian fairy tales. Boris Kustodiev and Zinaida Serebryakova depicted nudes in steam rooms. The bathhouse is dedicated to the play of the same name by Vladimir Mayakovsky, the story by Mikhail Zoshchenko and the song “Bathhouse” by Vladimir Vysotsky. The furnace of the bathhouse is described in black style in Vasily Shukshin’s story “Alyosha Beskonvoyny”. Everyone saw dozens of times in “The Irony of Fate” how Soviet people washed themselves in public baths. The perception of the bathhouse as a pleasure in nature is reflected in “Peculiarities of the National Hunt” and “Peculiarities of the National Fishing”.

Record-breaking sauna #NotJustBath

Where is it located: Krasnodar region, Krasnaya Polyana, State Customs Committee Gazprom, Alpika slope.

In 2021, a sauna appeared in our country, which immediately entered the Russian Book of Records. It is located on the “Shelter of the Winds”, at an altitude of 2256 meters, and is the highest in Russia. And its name says: #NotJustBanya. From the panoramic windows (by the way, they never fog up) and the terraces of this bathhouse offer magical views of the mountains and the Black Sea, and if bad weather attacks Krasnaya Polyana, the steam room is above the clouds!

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Posted by Mountain Tourist Center (@gazprom_resort)Mar 1, 2018 at 8:46 PST

How to save money in Krasnaya Polyana

In addition to the bathhouse, there is a relaxation room with a kitchen (you can order food and drinks from the restaurant “Reach to Heaven”), a massage room, barrels of mineralized water for contrast ablutions and the necessary bath accessories. The bathhouse attendant conducts classical steam baths for women, men, children, and also with the use of aromatic oils. #NotJustBanya can accommodate from six to ten people.

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Publication from SOCHI LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE (@lifestyle.sochi) Apr 14, 2018 at 11:01 PDT

How to come up with a name for anything

So you are starting a new project, launching a service, writing a book or opening a website, but not a single name seems ideal to you. The author of the names of more than 50 trademarks, Sergei Malaykin, in the book “In One Word” (published by Mann, Ivanov and Ferber) tells how to create an imperishable brand like Coca-Cola, Facebook or Led Zeppelin.

You must come up with the name

Statistics prove that in business, naming is successfully done by entrepreneurs themselves. In the top 100 global brands for 2015, according to Interbrand, the authors of world-famous trade names were distributed as follows:

— one name was invented by a professor of philology (Xerox);

— one was suggested by professionals from the agency (BlackBerry);

— 98 were invented by entrepreneurs, as well as their friends or colleagues.

An excellent name can be created by an entrepreneur himself, such as engineer Ilya Segalovich, who proposed the word “Yandex”. You, too, are able to solve this problem if you arm your natural imagination with a proven system.

Article on the topic: How to build a sauna with your own hands at the dacha

The first thing you need to start with is an analysis of all competitors on the market . Next we need to understand what the mainstream is and how much we want to be different. Let's say we decide to stand out. Do informative names prevail? Great, we will have a figurative one. Lots of cuts? We won't have them. Is everyone inventing neologisms? Our name will be simple and clear. Do people use English around you? Let's call ourselves in Russian. In short, if you need maximum differentiation, go against the grain and work with the rarest category of names.

Write down my address. after the dog: vi-ai-si-i-ar-ou-uai-es-dot-ru. No, let's spell it better

Three rules for a perfect name

This reminds me of an old marketing joke.

Somewhere in the Wild West, two cowboy friends meet in a saloon. They pat each other on the shoulder: how are you, how are you?

“You know, I’m tired of grazing other people’s cattle.” Now I have my own ranch.

- Wow, well done, I respect you! And what did you call it?

- Nothing special - John's Ranch.

Here the second one admits:

“But I also recently bought a ranch.”

- Wow! And what did you call him?

- You see, I wanted the name to speak for itself. And I called it "Harry's Ranch, the Best Cowboy on the West Coast."

- Cool! And what do the guys say? Like?

- Yes, the guys like it. Only now the cattle are dying, they can’t stand the branding.

In my opinion, the number one requirement for a corporate name is brevity. A short name saves time and effort for everyone who pronounces it. The optimal length for a company name is one to four syllables. The shorter the better. As far as I could see, if a company name has more than four syllables, people reflexively begin to shorten it wherever possible. PricewaterhouseCoopers becomes PwC, British Petroleum shortens to BP, Commitment to Quality shortens to Fidelity, etc.

Requirement number two , in my opinion, could be the neutrality of the corporate name. It is unknown in what context this name will be used. Let’s imagine that the Rus Velikaya corporation was bought by Chinese investors, and the aforementioned Fidelity to Quality factory is in litigation with dissatisfied customers. Therefore, it is desirable that the name of the enterprise does not impose increased obligations and does not appear in the media space in a curious context.

Finally, requirement number three in modern conditions is internationality. If a company's website has an English version, and its product or services can at least theoretically be sold abroad, it is better to take care of how the name will be pronounced throughout the rest of the world.

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And the fourth requirement , which is more correctly called a wish, since it is difficult to fulfill. Company names are often spoken out loud and perceived by ear. The domain will be dictated over the phone, including to clients who are not experienced in English (traditional “and with a dot” and “es like a dollar”). The peculiarities of diction of employees should also be taken into account. Therefore, it is desirable that the name allows for a minimum of interpretation.

Let's imagine the sales department of a hypothetical company Viceroys (any similarities are random). Managers process incoming calls. A dozen people sitting in one room hear and repeat many times every day:

- So, write down my address. after the dog: vi-ai-si-i-ar-ou-uai-es-dot-ru. No, let’s spell it better: “vi”. like a tick; “ai” as in “and with a dot”; “si” as in Russian “es”; “i” like Russian “e”; "ar" like "r". No, not like the Russian “r”, but like the English R. What? Have you studied German? So, like the German R; “ou” is like the Russian “o”; "Way" like a game; "es" is like a dollar. Okay, now read what happened. So, let me send you the address by SMS.

The Pajero model was named after the Pampas cat Leopardus Pajerus, which lives in Argentina. However, in Spanish slang the word pajero means "masturbator"

From this point of view, names such as Bork, Zanzara, Trust, Instam, Rubin, Orbit, Taro, Letobank, Prego and other short names receive a huge advantage.

The most innocent words can mean something funny or obscene in another language - just remember the old story with the Mitsubishi Pajero in Spain. The Pajero model was named after the Pampas cat Leopardus Pajerus, which lives in Argentina. However, in Spanish slang the word pajero (pronounced "pajero") means "onanist." Therefore, in Spain, North America and some other countries with large Spanish-speaking populations, this model was renamed Mitsubishi Montero, which means “proud mountain warrior.”

Remember your name

Exactly a third of the names from the top 100 most valuable brands for 2014, according to Interbrand, are surnames. Toyota, Mercedes-Benz, Gillette, Boeing, Louis Vuitton, Honda, Kellog's, JP Morgan, Ford, Nestle, Wrigley, Gucci, Philips, Hermes, Siemens, Prada, Cartier are just a few examples. The abbreviations HP, KPMG, BBDO, IKEA, “MYTH” or “KARO” also hide the names of the founders or key partners.

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The reason for such popularity of anthroponyms is simple. A person’s name as a title reflexively evokes more trust: quality seems to be guaranteed by the personal reputation of the founder. This is why anthroponyms are so popular in areas where client trust is a key value: finance, laws, status, health and personal safety.

More than 40% of the names of automobile concerns are the names of founders (Buick, Ferrari, Peugeot), leading engineers who stood at the origins (Škoda), relatives (Mercedes, Cadillac) or notable historical figures (Pontiac, Lincoln).

How are things in Russia?

. Instead of real surnames-brands, buyers in Russia are surrounded by fictitious anthroponyms - “speaking surnames”. There are many of them in the field of small and medium-sized businesses:

“Myasnov”, “Vkusnoff”, “Avtovozoff”, “Gazelkin”, “Perfumeroff”, “Bradobreev”, “Kopeikin”, “Sytnov”, “Kuroedov”, “Perevozkin”, “Dolgostroev”, “Teploff”, “Myasoedoff” ", "Gruzovozoff"...

You yourself understand that no Perfumerovs, Vodovozovs or Sytnovs actually exist. But if they are not there, then there is no trust.

This is the funny thing. It is clear that these names are made up, they “speak” too persistently. And if bearers of the surnames Boeing, Gillette or Kellog existed in reality and, in the struggle for the trust of clients, wrote their real names above the entrance to the office, then these names, on the contrary, seem to declare: you yourself understand that there are no Perfumerovs, Vodovozovs and Sytnovs in reality doesn't actually exist. But if they are not there, then there is no trust. And since there is no trust, there is no point in such an anthroponym either. You also need to remember that “speaking” names cannot obtain registration with Rospatent: they too clearly indicate the profile of activity and product category.

...It is better to abandon any straightforwardness when using an anthroponym. Alternatively, when developing a name, you can take some key property of the product. Examples: Bochkarev beer, Myagkov vodka, Sukhoparov baths, Bystrov porridge. Middle names are also quite possible in the name: “Mekhanych”, “Ot Palych”, etc.

Such names give the brand a family-like, personal touch, but behind them there is hardly anything big and ambitious. First names and patronymics can also be trademarks. The Ozersky Souvenir factory produces the “Orekhovichi” and “Fruktovichi” series: “Apricots Petrovna” and “Prunes Mikhailovich” seem to be inviting you to drink tea with them in a cozy dacha near Moscow. Restaurants “Filimonova and Yankel” or Kauffman vodka prove that the connection of an anthroponym with a product is not at all necessary.

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Look to the West

Another popular move is to choose a foreign first or last name. This name attributes to a product or business the qualities of an entire nation. Behind German names there is a sense of die Ordnung, which is very good for manufacturers and sellers of equipment and things related to order in business. Russian brands Erich Krause, Kelleman, Rolf, Zigmund & Shtain (it would be correct to write “Siegmund & Schtein”) are an example of this.

English-language names and surnames hint at globality. Vivid examples are our labels Scarlett, Curtis & Partridge, Kristy, Tom Klaim, Henderson, Greenfield and many others.

Francophone names evoke thoughts of gallantry, sophistication and pleasure. They are common in gastronomy, fashion, perfumery and cosmetics (remember the domestic Jean-Jacques restaurants or Francois bakeries).

Repetitions of consonants create an elastic rhythmic pattern that is so catchy that the word itself asks to be spoken

Italian is associated with emotions, lightness and good taste. They are good for clothing and shoes, food, fine furniture, and expensive finishing materials. In these segments we see Paolo Conte, Carlo Pazolini, Rico Ponti, Machiavelli, Fabio Paolini, Laura Berti, Emilia Estra - a whole constellation of mimicking domestic brands.

Jewish names are suitable for finance, jewelry, medical institutions, legal services, crafts, educational projects: Yamburg school, Helmholtz clinic, medical, jewelry.

And finally, Asian anthroponyms are reliably associated with household appliances, as evidenced by the Russian brands Daichi, Akira and Kentatsu.

Refer to Biology

Images associated with flora and fauna create an emotional contact with the brand: it is easier to love something living than something abstract.

There are very few corporate zoonym names in the top 1000 according to RBC... But in the consumer market, zoonyms have plenty of freedom.

Puma, Reebok, Red Bull, White Horse, Famous Grouse, Jaguar, Lowenbrau, Flying Fish, Dove, Thunderbird, Barracuda, Beetle, Bronco, Blackhawk, Cobra, Mustang, Lark, Bison, Impala, Ram, Skylark, Viper, Wasp, White Eagle, Wild Cat, Spider, White Snake, Camel, Greyhound, Glow Fish, Marabou, Grasshopper, Gecko, Fox, Honey Bee, Stag, Rabbit, Dragon, Red Dog, Wild Goose, Piton, Gazelle, Peregrine Falcon ", "Swallow", "Kangaroo", "Platypus", "White Eagle", "Cranes", "Squirrel". you can continue endlessly.

Finding a suitable animal or plant and naming a product after it is an obvious move that probably occurred to someone else. Complex names in which a zoonym (or phytonym) is combined with another word, animating the composition, look more unconventional.

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Assonance gives rise to a feeling of “vowel plateau”, which is easily associated with stability, evenness, smoothness and predictability

NetCat, FireFox, Beeline, Fabricorn, Mandarina Duck, Smashed Lemon, Happy Hippo, Banana Republic - these are some examples of compound names where a living image is paired with a function word or epithet.

The name Beeline goes back to the Americanism to make a beeline - move quickly and the shortest way (fly like a bee). The name is also apt in that it indirectly refers to honeycombs. Beeline fits into our paradigm, because it is a combination of the words bee and line.

The plant or “animal” part of such a name gives a priceless thing - an image, and the other word informs, complements the image or contrasts with it. With a successful combination, the result is a brand name that is not occupied by anyone, which, thanks to its imagery, is well remembered and can be easily embodied in graphics. Like Hot Dog, it can name an entire product category and become a household name.

Listen to the language

Alliteration is the repetition of the same or similar sounding consonants in a word, phrase or work. Words or phrases with it are attractive.

Worldly rumor is a wave of the sea. From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.

Alliterations are found in brand names:

Best Buy, Brook Bond, Chuckee Cheese's, Dunkin'Donuts, Krispy Kreme, Kit Kat, PayPal, Rolls Royce, tic tac, Porky Pig.

Alliteration is effective and effective. We like to pronounce alliterated words and phrases. Perhaps the reason is repetition: by reproducing the same sounds, we do the usual work, which is a little easier than pronouncing a new sound every time. Or maybe it's all about the rhythm. The repetitions of consonants create an elastic rhythmic pattern that is so catchy that the word itself asks to be spoken. It's hard for us to ignore the rhythm. The first thing the fetus hears is the mother's heartbeat.

Examples from domestic branding:

Binbank, “Cream Caramel”, “House in the Village”, “Kroshka Potato”, “Norilsk Nickel”, Daria Dontsova.

Calculations say that every fifth sound in Russian names is “a” (which, you see, is not just common, but very common). However, in the words “Alabama”, “Zara”, “Bananas” or “Galatasaray” the vowel “a” makes up almost half of the entire sound set, exceeding the already rather large natural “norm”. This is assonance.

Here are examples of assonance in brand names:

Mercedes Benz, Excel, Fedex, Led Zeppelin, Infinity, Philips, Ford Motor, Johnson & Johnson, Starbucks, Harvard, Lada, Armata, Zoloto, Linii.

Assonance is no less effective than alliteration, but the effect of these “naming drugs” is different. Alliteration creates an elastic, pulsating rhythm in the name; you want to play it again and again. Assonance gives rise to a feeling of “vowel plateau”, with which stability, evenness, smoothness and predictability are easily associated.

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Coca-Cola is an amazing combination of alliteration and assonance. This short and simple-looking name repeats entire syllables. And in addition, they constitute another technique - anaphora .

Other striking examples of brands with anaphora:

Chupa Chups, Hula Hoop, “Dear Mila”, “Samych himself”.

Bath complex "Bani Alekseeva"

Location: Moscow region, Podolsk, General Smirnov street, building 1, building 1.

“Bani Alekseeva” is another record holder. In the same Russian Book of Records it is noted as the largest public bath complex in our country. The building is amazingly beautiful both outside and inside: the space is decorated with marble columns, gilding, mirrors, and wood carvings.

Bathhouse lovers appreciate this place for its good service, high-quality steaming services and washing in a soapy bath with an ice bath. After steaming (the temperature in the steam room reaches 84 degrees), you can plunge into the ice plunge pool. Women's Day - Tuesday; on other days the bathhouse is open for men.

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Publication from Banya Alekseeva (@banialekseeva) 2 Oct 2021 at 10:58 PDT

“Tasty steam” sessions are held according to the schedule: depending on the time and day of the week, sweet clover, mint, wormwood, fir are used, as well as rather unusual aromas of garlic, horseradish and even beer. Massage services are available.

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Posted by Olesya Khlevnikova (@olesya_aleksandr_khlevnikovyi) Aug 7, 2021 at 12:53 PDT

Baths at the country hotel Artiland

Location: Moscow region, Balashikha, Novskoe highway, building 10.

Artiland is the best country hotel according to the Russian Hospitality Award 2021. A spacious bath complex for small and large companies has been built here.

In the “Healer's Bath”, steaming is carried out using medicinal herbs and plants. In the courtyard there are cold-water plunge pools and cedar barrels for contrasting bathing. You can also relax in a vat of herbal infusion and drink aromatic herbal tea.

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Posted by Country Club ARTILAND (@arti_land) Sep 27, 2021 at 12:51 PDT

In the “Karelian Bathhouse”, designed in the form of a Karelian hut, after a steam bath you can splash around in cedar barrels, but most importantly - lie in bed on the hay!

The “Family Bath” will appeal to both adults, who will appreciate the steam room, plunge pool and “Russian shower,” and children, for whom a steam room with a low temperature and a games room are open.

Before and after steaming, you can go fishing, cook a barbecue, play bowling, billiards and paintball, go horseback riding and spend time in a petting zoo on a farm or in a creative one.

Large companies are offered to rent separate sauna-cottages. In addition to several traditional steam rooms, Sibirskaya has a hammam and a relaxation room with a fireplace and an indoor swing. “Merchant” and “Boyarskaya” are ideal for bachelor and hen parties: the men’s area is decorated with cars, and the women’s area is decorated with mirrors in antique frames. In the cottage baths, guests will be offered a four-hand steam bath, honey rubbing, contrast dousing with homemade kvass and a variety of massages and wraps.

"All the baths in the world"

Location: Novosibirsk, Vatutina street, building 44.

In the Novosibirsk bathhouse complex with the ambitious name “All the Baths of the World” you will definitely find something to suit your taste.

What's missing here! A Mexican bathhouse with karaoke, an American sauna with a design in the spirit of glass skyscrapers, an Egyptian bathhouse in the style of ancient Egyptian pyramids, a Greek bathhouse with an antique atmosphere, a Japanese bathhouse with flowers, rose petals and scented candles, a Roman bathhouse in the style of ancient thermal baths.

And also more traditional steam rooms: a Russian sauna with a bath attendant and brooms, a Siberian wood-fired sauna with a contrast pool, a Finnish dry-air linden sauna with temperatures up to 120 degrees, and a Turkish hammam with more moderate temperatures. If one sauna is not enough for you, try Charcot's shower, chromotherapy or body wraps, go to underwater hydromassage or water aerobics, swim in a pearl bath.

How to come up with a name for a bathhouse

This is a process aimed at developing a company name, brand or trademark.
It would seem that there is nothing complicated here, because it is just some word that anyone can come up with, but not everything is so simple, because there are many pitfalls in this process. For example, you came up with the name “Wallpaper World”, but it turns out that this name is already used by someone, the domains are taken, and you can’t register a legal entity or a trademark for the same reasons: it is not unique, because widely used in the market.

The name (naming) must be unique at least in your IKGS class (international classification of goods and services, each type of activity or product has its own class, the name must be unique in a specific class and a specific region).

The simplest uniqueness check is the availability of a free domain 1 to 1 with your name; in our free name generator you can immediately select a domain selection and instantly check its availability with 1 click.

Another way to check uniqueness is to go to the official website of the database of legal entities in your country and enter your name in the search to see if there are similar names among already registered legal entities. persons

What types of names are there?

Types of naming for a company or brand, let's figure it out. The most popular types of name formation:

1. Descriptive - describes or indicates the scope of activity. We see such names everywhere. Often, they are found in a small abbreviation: “RosMetallSnab” or “SpetsBetonPostavka”. Such names describe well what the company does, this gives the target audience a direct answer. However, this type of name formation is very popular, which means it will be difficult to stand out among competitors and find a short and unique name.

2. Empirical – reflects the benefits of the brand, i.e. the name encodes your advantages or strengths; this could be “speed of delivery” or “environmental friendliness” of the product. For example: “BystroEd” or “EcoDrive”.

Article on the topic: Linden or alder for a bath, which is better

3. Fantasy – fictitious names, neologisms. This method is often used by global brands (eg Samsung, Nokia, adidas, etc.), the name itself does not mean anything semantically (or is incomprehensible to most customers), but it has the maximum chance of being unique and short. To create such a name in our name generator, you can use the input of different syllables, which will be calculated among themselves.

Criteria for a good name:

1. Memorability – the name should be well perceived by the target audience. Preference is given to short names, because the shorter, the easier it is to remember the name, however, longer names or those consisting of 2 or 3 words also have a chance of success if they are easy to read and understand. Longer names have a better chance of patent clearance.

2. Patent purity – the ability to register a naming as a trademark or legal entity. This step is inevitable, because the name must be patented to avoid problems among competitors.

3. Absence of negative emotions - when choosing a name, remember that it should not mean or hint at something negative or disparaging; the target audience may react sharply to such a name. If a title does not have a clear meaning, check its translation into different languages ​​to avoid negative connotations in different languages.

4. Conciseness – ease of readability, ease of perception. Avoid complex combinations of letters, preferably a harmonious presence of vowels and consonants. Try the “telephone test”, dictate the name over the phone to your friends or acquaintances, if they don’t ask again, “How, how?”, then everything is fine with the name.

Russian baths "Bannaya Zaimka"

Where is it: Krasnoyarsk, Bazayskaya street, house 321/29.

There are four baths in total at Bannaya Zaimka: “White”, “Mokhovaya”, “Seraya” and “Kedrovaya”, each with a capacity of four to 15 people.

In Siberia, they will do everything for you as traditionally as possible. The bathhouse is heated to a moderate temperature. Be sure to use birch firewood and brooms.

In each, in addition to the steam room, there is also a relaxation room, a wash room, a room and a font with cold water from the Bazaikhi River. The bath attendants from Bannaya Zaimka promise to make your health “truly Siberian.”

All visitors are offered a steaming menu. In it you will find classic soaring according to ancient traditions, circular soaring with simultaneous heating of the whole body, back and abdomen, emotionally bright contrasting soaring with “heating flame” and “cooling ice”. If you choose a royal steam bath, then you are guaranteed maximum warming of all parts of the body on a sauna shelf covered with hay.

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Posted by Inga (@designer_inga) Feb 7, 2021 at 7:07 PST

Would you like a massage and scrub? Order a soap and broom massage.

You can order a trial soaring for seven minutes.

What types of baths are there: types and descriptions

Good afternoon, dear visitors. In the article presented to you, we will tell you what types of baths there are, their main types and characteristics. This material will help you decide which type of bath to give preference to. The article will also contribute to gaining new knowledge in the so-called bath art.

A person who visits a bathhouse, in most cases, receives enormous benefits for his body. Thus, he increases his immunity, gets rid of toxins and gets the opportunity to lose weight.

To get the maximum effect, you need to understand which bath is suitable for a particular person. Only with the right choice should you expect to receive benefits for your own health.

Bath complex "Banya-Land"

Location: Krasnodar region, Krasnaya Polyana, Zapovednaya street, building 94.

The most interesting bath complex “Banya-Land” includes five spa complexes, each of which is decorated in different styles.

The Balthazar complex stands on stilts in the middle of a pond with colored carps. Its heart is a dry steam room, built of cherry and linden, and it is heated with wood from oak, alder and beech. Brooms are used from oak, birch and eucalyptus.

The Boyarskaya bathhouse looks like a fairytale house - and is made of clay with curious wooden details: a eucalyptus ceiling, a pear staircase, a cherry entrance door, and a huge wood-burning stove.

Here, after soaring, you can slide down the slide into the icy spring water.

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Posted by Natalia Vavilova (@natalia.vvv) 4 Feb 2021 at 7:17 PST

The Shamantabhadra bathhouse is named after the Tibetan goddess and is heated in black. Temperatures can reach 100 degrees and humidity can reach 40 percent; Bathhouse attendants liberally use essential resins and medicinal herbs, which literally cleanse not only the body, but also its aura.

Another black steam room using herbs such as wormwood, sweet clover, mint, chamomile and yarrow is the Hagakure bathhouse, made in the Japanese style.

Wraps are actively used here.

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Posted by Galya Soldatenkova (@galya_soldatenkova) Jun 11, 2017 at 2:31 PDT

And the basis is crystal therapy, which stimulates the vital forces of the body.

The spa complexes also have Roman baths and Turkish hammams, hot tubs on chains, Japanese o-furo barrels, spring water baths, relaxation areas and massage rooms.

Bath complex "Black Stones"

Location: Karelia, Sortavala, Kirkkolahti village.

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The Black Stones holiday home has several log Russian bathhouses for groups of six to 25 people. The air in the steam rooms warms up to 110 degrees, the brooms are made of birch and oak, and a mandatory attribute is special bath caps. The staff will teach you how to properly prepare for steaming, tell you what not to do (for example, washing with soap, getting your hair wet, overeating and drinking alcohol), and how to alternate between hot and cold treatments. Food and drinks can be ordered from the restaurant, and there is also a grill next to the bathhouse.

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Posted by Julia Myagkaya (@julia_soft) Oct 24, 2021 at 9:24 PDT

But the main thing is that all the baths are located right on the shore of the cleanest Karelian lake Yanisjärvi: in the summer you can dive straight into the cool water, and in the winter there is an ice-hole next to each steam room.

If you come with the whole family, in “Black Stones” children will be interested in visiting the zoo - the only one in Karelia. It is inhabited by deer, roe deer, guanacos, wild boars, llamas, alpacas, ponies, yaks, goats, sheep, as well as ostriches, courses, geese, ducks and guinea fowl. Some of the animals are listed in the Red Book.


The first obvious difference between a bathhouse and a sauna is the temperature regime. Finnish saunas are characterized by heat, which sometimes reaches 120 degrees

. An untrained person is unlikely to cope with such a high load on the first run. The increased temperature is compensated by low humidity levels, which range from 5 to 20%.

The Russian bath offers the opposite conditions

– the temperature in the steam room is lower, but the humidity reaches 70%. The temperature does not rise above 90 degrees. Most steamers limit themselves to 60 at 50% humidity.

The “heart” of the Russian steam room is rightfully considered to be the stove. Due to the fact that massive stones are concentrated in the middle of the backfill, the room retains heat for a long time. In addition to supplying dry steam, the furnace also performs a second important task - it heats the water, which is located inside the structure itself.

Saunas cannot boast of large stone-filled stoves. The functions of the stove in modern saunas are performed by electric fireplaces equipped with an open backfill of stones. Electric fireplaces quickly heat the air and maintain the temperature. In return, technological devices take away the aromas of smoke and hot wood.

Saunas in Estonia

Spa in Estonia: a guide to the country's resorts

It is impossible not to mention the sauna culture in Estonia. In this Baltic country you will find any bath complexes that you can think of: in nature and in cities, in traditional huts and on observation decks of skyscrapers. By the way, you can warm up in a sauna on the way to Estonia: the giant ferry Princess Anastasia, which runs between St. Petersburg, Tallinn and a number of other Scandinavian capitals, is equipped with an aqua center, where, among other entertainments, there is a Finnish sauna.

Interior decoration

The Finnish sauna has a standard layout, which consists of several zones: a locker room, a “sweat room”, a wash room (swimming pool, massage table). Russian baths are simpler: the building is divided into two zones: a locker room and a steam room.

Finns do not use brooms when visiting the sauna. In a steam room with a low level of humidity, brooms dry out instantly and can only scratch the skin.

Dried twigs are replaced with “compositions” of aromatic oils. In Russian baths, the steam room is aromatized using a diluted mug of kvass, which is splashed onto the stones.

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