A charming bathhouse and a daring garage - this is the true dream of a Russian man!

Bathhouse with garage under one roof. Photo StroyDom

Combining outbuildings on one foundation (=under one roof) is a normal practice of modern construction on suburban areas. There are quite a lot of variations, which, on the one hand, provides a choice, but on the other, makes it difficult. Therefore, we decided to put together the arguments for and against different solutions when combining outbuildings.

Photo: house, garage, bathhouse, gazebo under one roof

See how other owners of suburban areas solved the problem and what projects professional designers offer. It is quite possible that you will find here a source of inspiration and the best way to realize your dreams.

Red brick bathhouse with a workshop, garage, boiler room, open and closed terrace. Teplokrepost Photos

House with sauna and garage. Teplokrepost Photos

A bathhouse with a garage, a basement and an attic with a utility unit. Photo StroyDom

*** As you can see, there is not a single advantage or disadvantage that would clearly emphasize or detract from the significance of your idea. Everything is always built on nuances, on the ability to balance between extremes, to smooth out corners. Whatever your dream, it is realizable in principle, you just need to make certain sacrifices - either in the direction of losing amenities or investing a lot of money. Consult with professionals and go for it!

Choosing the location of a bathhouse with a terrace and a stove on the site

Before starting construction of the complex, it is necessary to select its location. Traditionally, summer cottages are divided into residential and economic zones, garden and vegetable garden areas, as well as recreational space, decorated to the taste of the owners.

A bathhouse with a gazebo and barbecue is an object for relaxation and receiving guests, so it is recommended to place it away from the residential and business areas so as not to interfere with the normal flow of life of the owners. For example, the smell of meat cooking in a gazebo can disturb children, and noisy feasts can disrupt a night's rest. The best option is a bathhouse project with a gazebo under one roof, surrounded by a garden and located near the entrance to the site. If the main structure is already ready, you can later place a gazebo near the bathhouse, but at the design stage it will be more logical to combine everything.

A bathhouse made of a traditional log house, stylized in an antique style, is a decoration for the recreation area on the site. Source terema54.ru

Owners of spacious plots of land choose full-fledged kitchen complexes that allow them to prepare delicious meals, and turn a bathhouse with a gazebo and barbecue into a separate guest house

If the size of the plot is modest, it is advisable to pay attention to two-story buildings, where an attic is built above the bathhouse. Such options save a lot of space, while combining a recreation area and an outbuilding.

A corner bathhouse with a gazebo under one roof is a good solution for owners of miniature plots. The gazebo can be located closer to the entrance to the site, allowing guests to move freely without disturbing others.

Projects for corner baths with a gable roof are located diagonally from the entrance to the site. Source postroitbanju.ru

Roof structure

Wooden ones must have slots at the points where they connect to the timber. If the project involves installing a pitched roof, you can make the vertical posts on one side longer, thereby ensuring a slope of the roof. In any case, you need a pitched roof so that snow melts off well and water does not linger.

It can be covered with any roofing materials: bitumen shingles, metal sheets, slate, wood, metal tiles.

The project may also take into account joint construction under one roof or the implementation of two different coverings. For example, a change house is covered with tiles, and a gazebo is covered with wooden blocks.

Garage and bathhouse under one foundation and roof: projects and construction

For owners of undeveloped land, the issue of competent organization of the territory is relevant. The insufficient amount of land forces us to resort to non-standard engineering solutions, one of which is the design of a garage and a bathhouse under one foundation and roof. Such a room is beneficial not only from an economic, but also from a practical point of view.

Features and advantages of the combined project

At the design stage, it is worth considering that two rooms located under the same roof perform completely different functions. The steam room room is hot and humid, but the garage, on the contrary, should be dry and cool. It is for this reason that you should not make a common wall between them, or provide good hydro- and thermal insulation. If the building has the correct layout, then a garage with a bathhouse under one roof will have a number of advantages:

  • saving of personal territory;
  • the possibility of combining engineering communications into a single system;
  • reducing costs for building materials;
  • reduction of the construction period;
  • ease of use.

Plan of a garage and a bathhouse under one roof

The dimensions of the future building are determined based on the size of the building plot. The location of the building is influenced by the presence of other structures. Projects for a garage and a bathhouse under one foundation and roof must certainly provide for convenient access for a car. It can be located both from the side of the roadway and from the yard.

Plan of a garage, bathhouse and utility room under one roof

Additionally, under the same roof as the bathhouse, you can place a summer kitchen or gazebo, and if you want to spend your free time in a specially equipped area during the warm season, then the design of a bathhouse with a garage and a terrace will perfectly satisfy your requirements. The implementation of such a project will require considerable knowledge and skills, but this option will fit well into any household.

Selection of materials for construction

Before you begin to implement a project for a garage with a bathhouse under one roof, you need to choose a building material that is optimal for the walls. To make a choice in favor of one or another building material, you need to consider in more detail the advantages and disadvantages of each of them:

  1. Wood is an environmentally friendly material that is easy to install and does not require a permanent foundation. The disadvantages include the high flammability of wood, but using special impregnations, you can achieve the required fire safety class. Do not forget that wood needs care and treatment with special means.
  2. Brick is a high-strength material with a long service life. Brick does not burn and does not emit toxic substances, which makes a bathhouse with a garage under one roof made of such material absolutely safe and fire-resistant. Its main disadvantage is its high cost.
  3. Foam and aerated concrete blocks have good heat and sound insulation. Due to their light weight, they do not require a massive foundation. But do not forget about this nuance - walls made of such blocks require external and internal finishing.

Based on the selected materials, auxiliary work on the installation of heat, sound and waterproofing is determined. The shape and material of the roof are determined based on individual preferences.

Stages of construction work

Any project for a garage with a bathhouse must include a step-by-step plan for completing the work and the deadlines provided for their implementation. You can carry out the work yourself, or hire competent specialists for this. To implement each stage of construction, workers specializing in its implementation will be required.

Combining two buildings under one roof is the right, rational decision. Of course, turning such a project into reality will require considerable effort, but if you have sufficient financial support and competent specialists, it will not be difficult. Such a structure will be beneficial not only from a practical point of view, but will also decorate any yard.

Construction of a swimming pool as an extension to a home

Making a swimming pool or sauna in a house that is already in use will not be difficult if you take into account a number of features of these structures. The issue of space can be resolved by building an extension to the house. Since the pool is a complex hydraulic system, great attention should be paid to the correct installation of the structure and its subsequent maintenance. Combined projects of this type are popular, since the installation of shallow bathtubs does not require special permission.

Belaya Dacha outlet finn flare

The main task at the planning stage is to create high-quality waterproofing. Since a high load on the walls will be created inside the room, it is the waterproofing layer that must withstand the applied pressure for several decades. In this case, the house design should involve year-round use of a swimming pool or sauna, which requires a constant supply of clean water, as well as additional space for service equipment.

By arranging the premises in a separate extension, the risk of overloading the foundation of the house is reduced.

The ideal option for combined construction is the construction of a house with a garage and a swimming pool. Then you will get not only a spacious living space, but also utility rooms with comfortable warm passages.

You can also choose a house project with a ground floor and a combined garage, swimming pool and sauna. But then you will have to strengthen the foundation and maintain the required height of the basement.

When planning a house with a built-in pool, consider:

Equally important when building a house with an attached garage, swimming pool or sauna is maintaining the required microclimate for each room with a ventilation system and heating.

Video: timber house with a swimming pool

Adding a gazebo with barbecue to the bathhouse

Grill is different from barbecue. This is where we need to start. No one except you knows what kind of grill is meant - for some it will be portable, which can be placed anywhere, and for others it will be stationary, lined with bricks. For the third, the word “barbecue” didn’t catch on, and he calls the huge barbecue oven a barbecue...

In all of the above cases, the gazebos will be different. More precisely, not they themselves, but the place that you allocate for the grill.

Strip foundation. Photo StroyDom

At a minimum, it is enough to leave a small free area on which to place a portable barbecue; for the rest, a foundation may be needed.

A foundation is always needed when there is a large load on the ground. He redistributes it in the soil. The foundation is an intermediary between an object of large mass and a load-bearing layer of soil (that is, one that does not sag under weight).

From what has been said this follows:

  • you need to know what kind of soil you are placing your extension on;
  • it is necessary to calculate the weight of the future furnace.

It’s easy to calculate the weight of the stove if you order it from a specialist or buy a ready-made one. In both cases you will be told the mass and whether a foundation needs to be built for that mass.

If you do it yourself... Under the brick oven, dig a hole with an allowance of 10 cm and to a depth of half a meter.

The bottom is covered with a 5-centimeter layer of sand, on top of which you can put a concrete slab or a layer of concrete - with mandatory reinforcement. The height of the concrete layer is 20 cm. The remaining 25 cm is backfilled with a mixture of brick, stone and concrete. A brick is laid on top of the mortar - this is already a base above ground level.

ADVICE! Do not build an extension to the bathhouse in the form of a gazebo with a barbecue if there is a possibility of flooding in this area. And if groundwater is close, then it is very advisable to make drainage or drainage.

In essence, if a base adequate for its weight is made for the grill, then the rest of the structure can be anything - even an umbrella tent. The main thing is to ensure fire safety.

Therefore, those who are planning to make an extension to a bathhouse out of wood in the form of a gazebo with a barbecue with their own hands should think not only about treating the wood with antiseptics (because it is outdoors), but also so that it is not in danger of catching fire from a fire source present.

BY THE WAY! If you are making a large stove with a chimney, then you should not make the roof from flammable material. Well, a spark arrester/spark arrestor will help you. Don't forget about these little things.

As for the floor, it is advisable to make the floor ceramic, from tiles. At least this decision applies to the area in which food will be prepared. The rest is up to you.

This is where the specificity of the gazebo with barbecue ends. If you are going to equip a real summer kitchen, you should think about this problem: the kitchen needs water, and water in the gazebo in winter is not a good idea, given the frost. Therefore, you will have to drain it all - just like draining water from a bath system. This is the price to pay for convenience.


This video shows... civilization: how to assemble with your own hands a high-quality open gazebo with metal trusses, made by the Taiwanese. What convenient heater with a gas cylinder can be used to heat it. In general, the assembly of the designer, of course, but it’s nice to look at:

But for the author of this video, the idea from project to implementation was made strictly in accordance with his ideas about what he wanted. And not without alterations (and when can one do without them?) he still achieved what he wanted. This is a gazebo with a barbecue grill in the middle to heat the entire gazebo, closed, made of timber. There is a summer kitchen inside and a gas stove on a cylinder. The number of people inside is up to 8 people. Complete comfort for four. In our opinion, the project is excellent, and the improvement of problems with draft is useful to know that forced ventilation may be needed in the room.

Ideas for implementation can be borrowed from this video with photographs of projects already implemented by someone:

Useful information can also be found in this video - all stages of construction are described in detail, with technologies, tools, and materials.

*** We have another material dedicated to gazebos, terraces and verandas built under the same roof as a bathhouse. But it talks about projects that included these extensions from the very beginning.

Foundation for a gazebo-shed made of wood

If the location of the dacha is an area with sandy soil and low groundwater flow, supports in the form of piles or pillars are sufficient for the base of the cabin. They are placed in the corners of the future structure.

For a do-it-yourself pile foundation, it is very convenient to use an asbestos-cement pipe with a diameter of 15 cm. A sand cushion is poured into the prepared holes in the ground and compacted. Then a piece of pipe of the required size is inserted and reinforced with metal pins. Fill the support 1/3 of the length with concrete and lift it slightly so that the solution gets under the base of the pipe, then it will stand firmly.

Technology for installing piles under the foundation

You can insert metal reinforcement or anchor bolts inside to connect to the beam if the project involves a heavier structure. Or make columnar brick columns at the corners of the building. For a dacha with heaving wet soil, you need a strip foundation; it is more reliable.

The easiest way is to install sand concrete blocks as a base. To do this, remove the turf to a depth of about 30 cm and fill it with 15 cm of sand and compact it. Place blocks on top in several rows on top of each other. This method is suitable only for good soils, without excess moisture, and for buildings on a hill. Then they will fully support the weight of a summer house made of timber.

Installation of piping on a columnar foundation

Garage and kitchen in one room

This idea comes to the owners of suburban real estate when the area of ​​the plot is limited. As for implementation, in order to avoid incorrect installation and additional costs of materials, it is recommended to contact specialized construction teams. When drawing up a project, you should decide on the purpose of the future extension, which can become:

  • garage;
  • barn;
  • summer kitchen.

The location of the garage under one roof with a summer kitchen is very convenient

When creating a project, the entire site is divided into:

  • a place for buildings equipped with all the amenities of civilization for a comfortable stay of residents (heating, water supply, sewerage);
  • free space allowing owners to enjoy the beauty of nature.

Property owners are often interested in the option of combining small buildings with a house for seasonal use, for example, during the warm season. The main advantages of such construction are:

  • rationality of territory distribution;
  • reduction of labor costs, reduction of project implementation time;
  • minimizing the cost of materials (the wall of the house serves as the basis for the new premises).

Thanks to combined construction, you can save money and site area

Aesthetically, several rooms under one roof do not always look attractive, so it is important to choose the best option, for example, a project for a summer kitchen and a garage. Combining a garage with a summer kitchen has its advantages

Combining a garage with a summer kitchen has its advantages

When choosing a place to build an extension, it is enough to study the requirements for each of the planned buildings and choose the most suitable option for each of them.

The summer kitchen can also be combined with a barn

A summer kitchen, which is simply necessary on the site, can be built with an open terrace, in demand by couples with children for joint recreation in the fresh air. Here you can create a small boiler room that will not take up much space and will combine all engineering communications, which is very convenient when performing their repair and maintenance. The only drawback of a summer kitchen and a garage under one roof is a violation of fire safety rules.

If the summer kitchen will be built together with a garage, then a number of factors must be taken into account:

  1. The frame of additional premises is erected depending on the parameters of the free site.
  2. The location for extensions is selected based on the rules of household zoning.
  3. Cultivated areas and recreation areas require proper distribution.
  4. The children's playground and the adults' recreation area are located as close to each other as possible, which will ensure maximum comfort and safety for the whole family to stay in nature.
  5. A summer kitchen is built closer to the garden or vegetable garden, so that it is convenient for the owners to harvest crops, process them, and engage in canning and preparing fruits for storage.

Summer kitchen: planning rules for a suburban area

The construction of a summer kitchen is carried out on the basis of:

  • size of the free area;
  • the number of people living in the house;
  • equipment for use in the kitchen.

The summer kitchen can be located under the same roof and with a bathhouse

For a family of 3-4 people, 12 m2 for a kitchen, built like a box or a semi-closed shed, will be enough. If the family is large and the dacha plot is quite spacious, then the best option would be to add a kitchen, veranda and dining room. A summer kitchen and garage under one roof is a multifunctional and easy-to-use space that requires competent design to reduce the risk of fire.

Combining a house and garage: design features

The combination of a house and a garage is widely used by modern architects. The implementation of such a project requires a large investment of funds, and you can use either ready-made development plans or order an individual option that meets the needs of future residents.

Such an association has a number of advantages:

Fuel and lubricant odors that are prevalent in garage units can be eliminated by using insulated doors. One-story buildings are in great demand during construction. The structure can be built with a covered passage between rooms; even the construction of several garage compartments is allowed.

When combining living space with a garage, several positive aspects arise:

Construction of a two-story house and a garage in one project

This type of housing takes second place in the ranking of the most popular projects on the market. The construction of a two-story building will cost more than a one-story analogue, but there will be a number of additional advantages:

You can also build a house with an attic or a full second floor. The first case involves a change in the roof slope, which leads to a decrease in ceiling height and, therefore, to the opportunity to save on construction and wall decoration.

Video: building a frame house with a garage

Where to get a project for construction

Of course, before you start building a garage, especially if you are also planning a utility block, you need to have a project with you. This greatly simplifies the construction process, and also makes it possible to easily and quickly calculate the amount of building materials that will be needed for construction.

And here the question arises: where to get projects for garages with a utility block? There may be several possible solutions.

In this case, you do not have to contact specialists, wait for them to start working on your project, and also pay a lot of money for their services. The garage and utility block are built according to fairly simple drawings.

The main thing is to clearly check the optimal dimensions and thickness of the walls. On the one hand, the room should be spacious enough to make it comfortable to stay and work. On the other hand, it should not take up too much space on the land plot. The effectiveness of thermal insulation depends on the thickness of the walls. That is, how quickly the room will freeze in winter.

Vapor barrier for a wooden house

If nothing comes to mind, you can look at the numerous photos of garages that are available here. Surely the options you see there will suit you or inspire you to create a project that suits you.

If you can afford to spend extra money on construction, you can turn to specialists. Yes, you will have to wait for some time and pay a considerable amount for their services. But the resulting project will be calculated down to the smallest detail.

The presence, location and size of windows, the thickness of the walls, the optimal area of ​​the premises - all this will be calculated with really high quality. This means that you will not have any problems during the operation of the garage.

original layout

Of course, before you start designing, seriously think about what kind of premises you need and how they should be located. For example, many people like a utility block with a bathhouse and a garage, where all the buildings are under one roof. On the one hand, it is convenient and saves space.

On the other hand, a bathhouse is always a source of increased danger, because in most cases it is heated with. Therefore, think seriously: do you want to locate the garage in close proximity to the bathhouse?

Or would it be better to place them at some distance from each other?

Construction of a garage from concrete blocks: main stages

To build a house like this, which is presented above, you will need:

Construction stagesList of works performed
Determination of building dimensions and drawingHaving decided on the location of the building on the site, you need to draw a plan like the one you see in the photo.
It should indicate the dimensions along the axes of the walls, the location of the openings and their width, and indicate where the partition separating the rooms will go.

Such a drawing will help you correctly mark the building on the site, as well as most accurately calculate the required amount of materials.

Don't be mistaken with the size of the garage space. Naturally, they must take into account the dimensions of your car, and have a reserve area so that the car can drive in comfortably. For a small passenger car, an area of ​​22-24 m2 is quite enough.

Note! The height of the garage must be at least 2m, but keep in mind that there must be a distance of 20cm between the highest point of the car and the lowest point of the ceiling or equipment mounted on it.

Marking the axes of the building on the groundThis stage consists of:
  • site clearing;
  • removing the plant layer of soil;
  • driving pegs in corners and at the intersections of walls;
  • setting right angles, which is secured with three pegs;
  • pulling the marking cord that defines the contours of the foundation.
Foundation structureYou can see the structure and approximate dimensions of the foundation in the picture. If we break it down into stages, it will be:
  • Digging a trench;
  • Filling and compacting the bottom with sand;
  • Installation of formwork;
  • Covering the formwork with roofing felt or polyethylene;
  • Knitting a frame from reinforcing bars;
  • Preparation of concrete;
  • Pouring concrete into formwork.

After this, you will have to wait four weeks until the concrete gains strength. In the first week, it should be regularly moistened and covered, protecting it from rapid evaporation of moisture.

Wall masonryWhen the foundation can be loaded, masonry can begin. To do this, you can use any wall blocks that are on sale today: slag concrete, expanded clay concrete, polystyrene concrete, foam concrete (see), gas silicate, UDB, ceramic, as well as bricks of any format.
Each type of block has its own size range. But on average it is 200*200*400 mm. It is ideal for independent work.

Before laying the first row, it is necessary to waterproof the horizontal surface of the foundation. Usually this is roofing felt glued to bitumen mastic.

Installation of the roof frameWhen the walls are raised to the required height, the building needs to be roofed. Here it can be roofless, so there is no need to install a ceiling. The list of works in this case will include:
  • Tying the walls with mauerlat;
  • Installation of ridge girder and rafters;
  • Lathing stuffing;
  • Flooring roofing material.
Floor construction

If in a barn the floor can be wooden, then in a garage it should in any case be concrete (see). Since our foundation is strip, we will have to build it on the ground.
You can see the structure in the diagram below.

If there is an inspection hole in the garage, then it is concreted first, and then the floor.

Filling openingsOnce the subfloor is poured, you can begin filling the window and door openings.
  • Garage Doors;
  • Doors to utility rooms;
  • Window.

We have described the main stages of constructing a garage with a utility block. Now it’s time for finishing. Usually it is done from the inside first, and then from the outside. In any case, the order should be this way if wet processes are present in the interior decoration.

It is unlikely, of course, that you will try to improve the premises of the barn. But if the walls were built from cellular concrete blocks, it is better to plaster them, since the utility room will not be heated.

You can leave the floors in it as concrete, or build a boardwalk - it’s up to your discretion. In the garage, it is better to tile the base, or make a self-leveling floor.

But it is better to insulate the entire building from the outside, using a ventilated facade system. For this purpose, you can use the most inexpensive material: foam plastic as insulation, timber for installation of sheathing, vinyl siding, corrugated sheet or lining for decoration. Or you can simply cover the facade with OSB sheets and then paint it.

We have presented many interesting projects for garages combined with utility rooms for your choice. As you can see, they can be interesting not only structurally, but also from an aesthetic point of view.

All that remains is to understand what to do with all this splendor if you suddenly decide to sell your car? It turns out that you can raise chickens in the garage, and there is a lot of useful advice on this topic on the Internet. And what: this is a thought!

This page of the site presents a modest and calm project for a large garage with a utility room

. The dark facades somewhat conceal the large dimensions of the building, and light straw brick inserts complement the harmonious style. A solid facing brick finish is a good choice for rich suburban areas, especially if the main residential building is built in the same vein. The garage with a utility block has a simple gable roof with a roof made of metal or composite tiles. Wide gates measuring 5 by 2.3 meters make it possible for two cars to enter. The utility block measures 2.9 x 7.7 meters in plan - this is a full-fledged room that can be used to store garden equipment or be equipped into a large workshop or warehouse for building materials.

For the construction of a garage with a utility block, a single slab foundation with ribs along the perimeter was designed. A basement part is built under the walls, separated by waterproofing. Next comes the masonry of blocks, reinforced with reinforced concrete structures along the top. An interesting difference in this garage project is the need to cover a wide span with a roof. To solve this problem, a solution was chosen during the design process that involved the production of wooden roof trusses from ordinary boards, which are sold on any construction market. The detailing of the garage project is carried out at a level that allows construction work to be carried out even by unskilled workers - each element and unit is drawn in three-dimensional form, with the necessary explanations on the types of fastenings, the technological sequence of work and other construction nuances.

More and more car owners are thinking about building an additional room near the garage. Thanks to such a room, the car will always have a place. It happens that a lot of space in the garage is taken up by tools, car parts, or simply things that have no place in the house. A garage with a utility block is an excellent option that will allow you to preserve your car from various mechanical and natural influences. Agree that it is much more pleasant to leave your car in a covered, protected area than in an open and, in some cases, unreliable parking.

Alternatively, you can store the car in a garage with an additional building, however, before making this structure, you should be thoroughly familiar with the basic requirements for its construction. You also need to purchase materials in advance, decide on the type of utility unit, its location, size, and so on.

In order for you to be able to do the job efficiently, we have tried to briefly describe the basic requirements for the construction of a structure of this type. Analyzing this information, you will most likely come to the conclusion that the work of making a garage with a utility block is not too difficult, so you can build this structure yourself.

Material for construction

It is generally accepted that if a bathhouse or barn is being built, it is most profitable to use wood.

Wood has a number of advantagesSource market.sakh.com

It has a number of advantages:

  1. Because this material breathes, it is less vulnerable to moisture and fungal infestation.
  2. Wooden rooms provide better air circulation.
  3. Wooden beams and boards have their own pleasant odor when exposed to hot temperatures typical of a sauna room, this odor intensifies even more.
  4. If you use coniferous trees for wooden building materials, their aroma will have an additional healing effect.

In the video you can see a utility block with a bathhouse:

Facade finishing materials: when functionality becomes stylish

Since the climate of Cheboksary cannot be blamed for its delicacy towards people, cars and buildings, when developing the garage project, our team chose warm and durable ceramic brick as the main material for the construction of the facility. And the more visually attractive clinker brick is used in cladding. In combination with inserts made of thermowood that is resistant to any natural disasters and decorative artificial stone, it looks elegant and quite respectable.

The pitched roof is covered with flexible tiles of a pleasant chocolate color. This material perfectly withstands wind loads, icing, snow drifts and direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation. And its exquisite shade is repeated in the color design of doors, roller shutters, decking boards that cover the floor on the terrace, and even drainpipes.

The result of the work of the creative team of our architectural bureau was a comfortable, functional, quite restrained in terms of design and at the same time very attractive symbiosis of a spacious garage and an original place for relaxing in the fresh air in any weather.

Architectural bureau of Alexey Sukhov | arch-buro.com

Layout of a garage with a canopy and a barbecue terrace:

Source of the article: https://arch-buro.com/proekt-garazha-i-barbekju.html

To choose or not

A house project with a garage and a terrace is one of the most popular types of architectural developments today. Increasingly, private developers prefer to build cottages with a full range of amenities, including a car unit and an outdoor recreation area in a single building. This is not only very convenient, but also quite aesthetically pleasing, since one large house with various architectural additions looks better than several buildings of different formats.

Well, only you can make the final decision - depending on which pros and cons of houses with a garage are more significant for you.

Bottom line

It is quite simple to build a utility block or shed near your garage; such work can be done not only by trained craftsmen, but also with your own hands. We advise you to be confident in your abilities and do this work yourself.

Every person who buys a car first of all asks himself the question: where is the best place to keep it? Open parking lots are not the best solution, and closed ones are not always possible to find. But what if you live not in a city, but in a small town where there are no parking lots at all? Of course, in this case the best solution would be. It would be even better to build a garage with a utility block.

If it is not possible to build a garage at your summer cottage, then you can use it for these purposes in just a few days.

Wooden garage with utility block

Construction of a garage with a bathhouse with your own hands

It is possible to carry out preparatory and installation work to combine a bathhouse and a garage independently, without the involvement of a professional team. In order for the erected buildings to last a long time and fulfill their purpose, it is necessary to consistently carry out the stages of work.


The strength of the entire building depends on the quality of the foundation laid. One of the most common options for a bath-garage complex is a reinforced strip foundation, which is created using concrete mortar. A monolithic foundation consists of a single strip of reinforced concrete, which is fixed along the entire perimeter of the base.

The foundation for a combined garage and bathhouse must have a concrete slab at its base, which will form the entire structure along with the formwork. The use of this construction method creates distributed pressure on the ground, which eliminates skewed corners of the building and the formation of cracks in the foundation.

In order for the foundation to fulfill its purpose for a long time and not sag, you will need to first calculate a number of parameters. In particular:

  • soil type and depth of groundwater flow;
  • load level;
  • quantity and type of building materials;
  • complexity of the work;
  • the need to use specialized construction equipment.


The key determining point when choosing the type of walls for a combined building is the presence of bathhouses. For this reason, there is a need to install an additional protective layer on the enclosing structures.

If the project involves a one-story building, then for the construction of walls it is worth choosing building materials with a gaseous structure (for example, gas or foam blocks). In the case when the bathhouse is attached to an existing building, it is allowed to use a log structure or build a room from laminated veneer lumber. Depending on the materials used for the construction of walls, the list of additional installation work to protect against moisture penetration and the negative effects of the atmosphere varies.

Roof arrangement

Regardless of whether the bathhouse is attached to the garage or built in the interior space, you will need to use a roof. For an extension, the type of roof is calculated taking into account the combination of old and new enclosing structures. For a new facility, the roofing arrangement is determined on the basis of a single design for the garage, bathhouse and other premises.


In most cases, the construction of a bathhouse-garage complex is carried out on a site where there is already a residential building with utilities. When installing waterproofing in the premises, it is necessary to connect to the sewerage system, water supply and electrical network. Connection to all objects is previously reflected and calculated in the project documentation.


A combined bathhouse with a garage needs to be sheathed with thermal insulation material on the outside. For this purpose, polystyrene foam is used, with which you can quickly get the job done at minimal cost. The sheathing process is performed as follows:

  1. Dust and dirt are removed from the surface of the walls and then treated with a primer. It is recommended to use a deep penetration primer and apply it in several layers.
  2. At the base of the walls, longitudinal support rails are fixed. The elements act as supports for the first row of foam.
  3. An adhesive solution is applied to the surface of the insulating material using a spatula with teeth, pressing the foam against the wall with slight pressure. Laying is done from bottom to top.

Building drawings

A house and a bathhouse located under one roof can be built in two ways:

  • the project was initially designed for the construction of a complex;
  • The bathhouse acts as an extension to an already rebuilt house.

The second option is more common: first they build a house - a country house or for permanent residence, and only after that thoughts about a bathhouse appear. You can use ready-made projects, or you can develop it yourself.

Currently, there is a decline in the popularity of the classic layout of private houses with separate buildings: bathhouse, garage, gazebo, summer kitchen. Modern designs of large houses and cottages are becoming increasingly widespread, under the roof of which rooms with different purposes are combined: rooms of the house, a garage and a bathhouse. Since there is now a huge selection on the building materials market - from brick to aerated concrete, it is not difficult to implement these projects.

Cottage projects with a built-in bathhouse and garage have many advantages.


  • the bathhouse and garage can be located in the ground floor (basement), living rooms - on the ground floor;
  • if the house is one-story, then, of course, all rooms will be located on one floor;
  • you can make a bathhouse and a house under the same roof, but with different entrances, connecting them inside with a passage, then you can get into the bathhouse extension without passing the entrance to the house;
  • if the construction is planned to be two-story, there are even more options - 2 floors will allow you to plan the layout of the rooms as you wish;
  • there are also many so-called “one-and-a-half-story” houses - with an attic, in which there can be a workshop, an office, a billiard room or a children’s room;
  • The size of the garage can also be different: for one or two cars, 6x8 m, 6x6 m, also the dimensions of the bathhouse can vary - 6x8, 6x9 m, it can be with or without a rest room, together with a bathroom or separately from it.

One of the main advantages of the combined facility is the convenience of the owners. I put the car in the garage and you’re already wearing slippers. The same applies to the bathhouse - no need to walk through the frost across the entire site and back. The hostess can put a mask on her face and, without fear of being seen by prying eyes, calmly walk around the house, then return to the bathhouse and finish the spa treatments.

A house, garage and bathhouse combined together save a huge amount of space on the territory of the dacha. On it you can create beds, greenhouses, a greenhouse, or such interesting design solutions as an alpine slide or rock garden. The most space is saved if the house is small but two-story. Then, for example, you can install a boiler for a bathhouse in the garage, and replace the rest room in the bathhouse with a kitchen in the house. You can place the grill on the terrace near the bathhouse. A sauna stove can become an additional source of heat for the entire house. In addition, it is much easier to install communications once than to connect them to each building separately.

The layout of the house in the letter “L” is also a very interesting option for a combined project. You can make the most of the entire area by using corner rooms and arranging them as conveniently as possible for the owners. The optimal area for a fairly comfortable placement of a house with a bathhouse (and a garage) is 10x12 m. You can “build” everything into it - an attic, a terrace, a summer kitchen with a canopy, a fireplace, and a barbecue. The layouts of houses 9 by 15 are also interesting; they are among the most popular among owners of country houses. If there is not much space on the site or the above options are not so budget-friendly, there are also 8x8 houses. This is an average size, which can be no less comfortable for a family if the layout is successful. The most budget option is a 6x8 house, but it requires very careful design so that it does not feel crowded.

Project implementation

A garage for a summer house or a private house with a canopy and utility unit can be built with your own hands in a few days. If you have a good project, calculation of materials, drawing, then everything will be much easier to implement. We begin the work by choosing a location for the building.

In a good way, this should have been done at the stage when the project was being developed, although the issue is not fundamental. Next, you need to clear and level the construction site and you can begin.

  1. We install the cast-offs, pull the ropes and determine the boundaries of the building.
  2. According to the drawing, we fill the foundation.
  3. We lay out the walls of the garage and outbuildings from foam concrete blocks.

Note! For such work, it is better to invite an experienced mason, although laying foam blocks is much easier than brick.

  1. We install 3 vertical supports for the canopy. To do this, we dig a 50x50 beam into the ground and concrete it.
  2. We place a transverse support beam between the vertical supports.
  3. We place 50x50 timber across the walls of the garage and outbuildings; this will be the basis for the roof.
  4. We cut the 50x50 beam on one side at an angle of 30 0, and on the other 60 0.
  5. We connect the cut timber with the transverse “house”, we get a triangular truss in the amount of 10 pieces.
  6. To run, take a 40 mm board and sew it across the trusses.
  7. We concrete the area around the buildings and inside.
  8. We assemble the roof from metal tiles and install drainage gutters.
  9. We install windows and doors in garages and outbuildings. If you know how, do it yourself; if not, invite specialists.
  10. We paint the canopy supports, doors and other elements with white paint.
  11. We install automatic garage doors for a summer house or private home.
  12. We cover the walls and ends of the roof with metal siding. We insert and screw the moldings and profile.

Review of projects of similar structures

Of course, the construction of a garage with a shed and an outbuilding could be discussed in more detail with all the nuances, but for this, perhaps, one publication will not be enough. We will have to write separately about the features of laying foam concrete blocks, separately about the roof, separately about the installation of garage doors, we will certainly do this, but within the framework of separate articles. Now we propose to briefly discuss several ready-made projects of such specific structures as garages with outbuildings for a summer house and a private house, with and without canopies.

The picture above shows a project for a carport with outbuildings. In this case, there is no garage, which greatly simplifies the design of the structure. The frame of the combined structure for the dacha is made of carved wooden beams, the roof is covered with metal tiles, and the walls and the end of the roof are finished with metal siding. A very convenient structure for use in the warm season.

And this is a more serious, high-quality garage under a solid roof with a spacious outbuilding. Closed buildings are arranged in the letter “L”, so that the canopy is protected on both sides from wind and slanting rain. The buildings are built from foam concrete blocks and decorated with decorative bricks, the foundation is lined with artificial stone. The gable roof is made of thick timber and covered with metal tiles.

In the following image you can see a design for a two-car garage with adjacent outbuildings. The building is suitable for both a summer cottage and a private home. There is a separate entrance to the side to the garage and a separate entrance to the utility block. The garage does not have an internal partition, but the gates are installed separately for each car, although you can install one large one.

Next we will look at the simplest wooden carport with outbuildings. This is a relatively cheap project that does not require expensive materials and finishing. It is built entirely from timber and boards. We don't think the roof design is very successful; the slope is not steep enough; otherwise, it's quite tolerable in a hurry.

And here are also country houses represented by a carport for 2 cars and a utility block. These combined buildings can be erected from either logs or timber and used in the summer. The roof is pitched and can be made of metal tiles or corrugated sheets.

To summarize, we note that such combined buildings, including a shed, a garage and a utility block, are beneficial in all respects. Firstly, they are suitable for storing two cars at once. Well, secondly, you can neatly store a whole bunch of junk in them, and this junk will not interfere with driving the car into the garage at all, since all the junk will be stored not in the garage, but in the outbuilding. Good luck with the project!

When developing a plot of land, its owner has to take care not only of the main structure - the house, but also of providing convenient conditions for storing a car. If the garage is not built into the ground floor, or is not attached to the side wall of the house, then it will have to be built separately.

Depending on the climatic conditions of the area and the frequency of use of the car, you can make a good canopy for it, or provide a full-fledged garage. You can also, in order to save yard space, combine a garage with a shed. It is this option that will be discussed further. In addition, in this article you can watch a video on the topic: “Project of a garage with outbuildings.”

Of course, a garage with a utility room is not a house. Its construction is not so labor-intensive and responsible, therefore, even if hired specialists were involved in the construction of the house, the owner often prefers to build outbuildings with his own hands. There is nothing wrong with this, you just need to remember that even a simple gazebo requires skill.

And a barn with a garage is, although not too large, a permanent structure. Although it can be large if, for example, the family is rather large and has several cars.

In addition, you can try to ensure that the courtyard buildings are built and decorated on the outside in the same style as the house, as shown in the photo below.

Of course, such construction, and even finishing, can only be carried out according to the project. And yet, by carefully studying ready-made design or already implemented solutions, you can glean many interesting ideas for yourself. Our instructions will help you understand these nuances.

Parameters and configuration of buildings

If you decide to build a garage with a utility room, first of all, you need to think about where it is most convenient to place it. You will have to solve a difficult problem, because usually the barn is hidden somewhere in the backyard.

And the garage should be so close to the entrance to the site that when parking a car in it, you don’t have to cross the entire yard, risking running into the beds or flower bed. There is only one way out: when placing a garage-shed on the site, you will have to be guided solely by considerations of ease of entry for cars.

More likely, it will be in a very visible place - perhaps even more open to view from the street than the part of the yard on which the house is located. This means that from an aesthetic point of view, such a building should look no worse than the main building.

Outbuilding with canopy

Note! When the car is used by the owner every day, a carport can be provided instead of a garage. Since it will be adjacent to the barn, you don’t have to worry about where to put the cans, oils and replacement tires. It is enough to allocate a separate rack for this in the barn. Moreover, many car owners do not carry out repairs themselves, and they simply do not need all these workbenches with a bunch of tools and spare parts.

At the same time, the price you have to pay for convenient home parking will be minimal. In the same building with a utility block, you can also provide a shed and a garage - options that we see in the examples presented below.

Such a canopy, by the way, can serve another purpose. In every family there are some events when many people gather and it is difficult to accommodate them in the house. In such a situation, benches can be placed under the canopy, or tables can be set.

In principle, in private houses, sheds are provided in the yard for these purposes. But since events with a large influx of guests occur infrequently, the rest of the time the canopy will serve as shelter from the sun or precipitation for the car.


  • If it’s just a utility block with a canopy, then its dimensions can be the same as in the picture above. There are two separate rooms of 9 m2 each, and an adjacent area with a canopy measuring 21 m2. In one room you can store gardening tools, and in the other - spare parts, auto chemicals, oils and wheels for a car.
  • This project is the easiest to implement on your own, since this is a frame building. The most labor-intensive thing about it is that it will be common to both the premises and the canopy - and even then, it is buried to a maximum of 40 cm. Although for a frame building, a columnar foundation is also very convenient.
  • During the pouring process, reinforcing bars are embedded into it to fix the framing beams, or embedded parts in the form of steel forks or glasses to which the canopy support posts are attached.

The frame of the building is assembled using beams and boards of different sizes. The floors in the rooms are hemmed along the joists, the walls are assembled according to the pattern you see above.

The roof, which is common to both the premises and the canopy, has a traditional rafter system and is covered with absolutely any roofing material. This design option requires the least amount of construction time, especially when the foundation is not monolithic, but piled.

Major garage with shed

Using the same principle, you can build a full-fledged garage with a shed. In the project presented below we see a building with a total area of ​​42.8 m2. Of these, 14 m2 are again occupied by two separate utility rooms. 23.6 m2 is allocated directly for the garage, and the remaining 5.2 m2 is occupied by a small shed, which can be used both for storing equipment and for arranging a recreation area.

In this case, the garage does not have a basement or... That is, before you is the simplest design option for such a building. Even the floors in it can be earthen. But considering that the frame is still wooden, it requires a drier microclimate, and rodents can harm it, it is better to concrete the floor.

In general, you can build a utility block with a garage from any material: logs or timber, brick, concrete blocks. Accordingly, its finishing options can be very different.

The examples we presented confirm that such a structure can not only be erected from any material, but it can also be finished in such a way that it will become a harmonious accent in the landscape of your yard. In each case, of course, the construction will have its own nuances, so we will consider one specific option in a little more detail: a garage with utility rooms, built from concrete blocks.

Guest house with bathhouse and billiard room (133.3 m2)

A cute and spacious corner wooden cottage is a classic bachelor's retreat. Despite the apparent coziness and solidity of the building, the main emphasis in the house is on entertainment elements.

The house has a spacious terrace with a barbecue oven, a billiard room, a steam room with a swimming pool, an extensive wardrobe and only a little attention is paid directly to the living space. The owners of the house are offered accommodation in a studio apartment with an area of ​​just over 20 square meters, which will simultaneously combine a kitchen, bedroom, office and living room

There is also the possibility of creating an attic room on the second floor.

No. 9. Project of a garage with a bathhouse and a veranda

This project is somewhat reminiscent of the previous one, but the layout of the premises is somewhat different. On a total area of ​​92.6 m2, the author of the project proposes to place:

  • garage for two cars;
  • a small utility room that can be used, incl. for storing firewood;
  • a dressing room, which is located at a sufficient distance from the garage, so it will be possible to store clothes here even for quite a long time - it will not smell of gasoline fumes and other substances that are constantly present in the garage;
  • steam room, shower and toilet;
  • relaxation room with access to the veranda;
  • a spacious veranda, where a large dining table can easily fit, at which a large company can gather. On a weekend or holiday, you and your guests will be delighted with the opportunity, without leaving the boundaries of your home territory, to take a steam bath and eat delicious food in the fresh air.

When choosing a project, do not forget to take into account the configuration of the site, as well as the requirements for the location of the garage on the territory. There must be at least 3 m from it to the walls of the house, so that in the event of a fire, special equipment can pass. From the garage to the border of the site there should be at least 1 m, to the windows of the neighboring house - 6 m. Of course, it is most convenient to design all the buildings on the site at once, but we hope that even if you have all the main buildings, you will be able to find a suitable project among those presented above .

Tags: sauna, garage, House projects

BBQ garage layout: everything people and cars need

When creating the garage project, we immediately planned to provide space for two cars. Therefore, on the street side, two separate entrances were provided, closed with convenient and reliable roller shutters. Through one entrance you can drive into a full-fledged indoor garage, through the second - into a semi-open parking area. On top it is protected from precipitation by a roof, one of the walls is missing, and in its place a load-bearing column is installed, in the second there is a door cut through to enter the garage from the parking lot.

Next to the open car area there is a separate entrance to a utility room connected to the garage: here you can store tools and equipment for servicing the car and caring for the area, as well as some attributes of recreation and leisure.

On the opposite side from the entrance there is a spacious terrace. Here, under a rather high pitched roof, we designed a small kitchen corner with cupboards and a sink, a brick oven-grill and a dining table for 6-8 people. In our vision, this table should be made of a rough wooden board and complemented with light wicker armchairs made of wicker - these materials will optimally fit into the interior of a kind of refectory in the lap of nature, which is the terrace of our garage-barbecue.

There is an inconspicuous door next to the terrace. This is a separate entrance to a small bathroom.

Bathhouse with garage: features of a functional structure


A sauna-garage is a structure that harmoniously combines two objects - a steam room and covered parking for a car. At first glance, it seems that this structure is something unimaginable. Just think: a steam room where peace reigns, and a garage where chaos reigns.

But, having thought about it, it becomes clear that such a construction project is a salvation for owners of tiny suburban plots, as well as for owners of personal plots, whose incomes can hardly be called high. In any case, the structure is worth discussing.


A steam room and a garage under one roof is a design that has a number of undeniable advantages. She indulges in such positive moments:

  • attractiveness - the object looks extremely harmonious;
  • comfort – the design is unusually cozy;
  • ergonomics - the structure is unusually convenient;
  • accessibility - the construction of a combined steam room with a garage will cost much less than the construction of each building separately;
  • efficiency - the object significantly saves space on the site, since instead of two objects one is being built;
  • an abundance of interesting projects - objects can be huge and tiny, simple and complex;
  • practicality - all communications of the two buildings are combined into a single network, which is extremely convenient;
  • frugality - in a bathhouse in a garage, one heating system is enough, which significantly saves money;
  • functionality - the building, as a rule, has one passage - from the garage to the washing room, which is very convenient, since after performing gardening or repair work you can go wash your hands or swim;
  • rationality - simple arrangement of water supply in the garage;
  • feasibility - simultaneous heating of both the bathhouse and the garage is guaranteed;
  • versatility - if desired, an area for storing solid fuel for the stove can be set up in the garage, which is very convenient because, for example, in bad weather you don’t need to run out of a warm room into the street;
  • versatility - the bathhouse-garage can easily be equipped with an attic, which turns the structure into a real guest house.

Impressive! I am sure that this object will be appreciated by the stronger sex. But how? Two “holy” places for men under one roof? Are you joking? I think that a bathhouse with a garage is the daring dream of every Russian man!


This object, of course, also has negative aspects. They are:

  • difficulties when choosing a waterproofing material;
  • difficulties in choosing thermal insulation raw materials;
  • sophistication when choosing building materials;
  • difficulty when choosing facing materials.

What's the catch? The problem is that the steam room is a wet structure, and the garage is dry. As a result, condensation can form, which will certainly contribute to the “birth” of dampness, mold, mustiness, stench, etc. But high-quality building materials and proper layout are the key to the comfort and attractiveness of a bathhouse-garage. And in general, comrades who remained in the CIS, when the Russian people were frightened by some insignificant difficulties?

Rules of stylish design: modern materials for exterior decoration

The external walls of the building are finished with light decorative plaster - an elegant, durable, breathable, resistant to external influences and low-maintenance material. To decorate the interior wall surfaces of the barbecue garage, we used natural thermowood adapted to domestic climatic conditions, and for the floor in the barbecue area we chose a light-colored decking board made from solid natural wood.

To decorate the façade of the garage and the columns of the terrace, decorative concrete stone of a brownish-gray color with a stylish “torn” surface was used. The same material organically fit into the lining of the fireplace and walls of our makeshift kitchen.

The tiled gable roof is equipped with a snow retention system that prevents the sudden fall of snow masses from the roof. This is important for the owners, because since the garage with the terrace is insulated with high-quality and effective heat-insulating material, you can have picnics here at any time of the year.

All approaches to the building are lined with durable paving slabs. The same tiles are also used to decorate a parking space under a canopy - they can easily withstand the weight of an average car.

The original design of a garage with a terrace not only looks attractive, it is also comfortable, functional and cozy - exactly what the right place for relaxation and leisure in the lap of nature should be.

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